#does anyone want to babysit the two gremlins for a day so angeal can have some peace and quiet
rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
SOLDIER Vlogging Shenanigans pt. 8
[The video starts off filming a hallway. The person filming is walking at a rapid pace. Angered breaths are heard from behind the camera]
[The person filming stops in front of a door and wrenches it open. Inside the office are Genesis and Sephiroth leaning over a massive Jenga tower. They freeze like two deers caught in the headlights]
"WHAT are you two doing!?" Angeal snaps, moving the camera back and forth between the two SOLDIERs
[The camera zooms in on Sephiroth, who visibly tries to act natural as he stands up straight]
"It's not what it looks like."
[The camera whirs back in a blur to Genesis, who's taken to hiding his face behind his copy of LOVELESS]
"Genesis!" Angeal hisses. 
[Genesis let's the book drop and pouts. The camera briefly points to Sephiroth, who's now pretending to study the pattern on the carpet]
"We were bored!" Genesis argues.
"What did I say about you two and Jenga!?"
[Sephiroth and Genesis both groan, exchanging withering looks before answering]
"We're not allowed to play Jenga anymore," they answer in unison. 
[They sigh again. Genesis shifts uncomfortably in place, avoiding the camera. Sephiroth lets his shoulders drop, possibly in shame]
"Because we're violent and immature children who can't play Jenga without blowing up the SOLDIER floor," They both recite Angeal's words Verbatim.
"And I banned Jenga because??" Angeal presses, still not satisfied.
[The camera pans from Genesis to Sephiroth, both men looking visibly uncomfortable as they stare at the Jenga tower]
"Because last time we punched each other through a hole eight floors down and landed right in the middle of a board meeting and the president was so shocked he choked on his cigar and almost died," they recite. 
"Good," Angeal huffs. "Now put it away!"
[The camera whirs around as Angeal heads for the door, throwing it open. He viscously points the camera back once more. Sephiroth has hung his head. Genesis's lips are a cartoonishly pointed frown. Angeal slams the door shut behind him and flips the camera back to himself]
"Honestly, those two," he grumbles, walking down the hallway, "I leave them alone for five minutes and they—"
[Angeal halts in place as the sound of blocks toppling reaches his enhanced ears. His face twists into a mortified dread]
"Oh no."
[Genesis's muffled screeches fill the quiet hall ("SEPHIROTH!") followed by the unmistakable sound of a desk being thrown into the wall, multiple sword clangers, and an explosion. The camera shakes as Angeal swoops down, ducking]
[He ends the video before the younger viewers can see him swearing like a sailor]
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