#does this count as josuyasu ??
diamondsheep · 1 year
✍ the jojo with the pompadour and his Bro™? (i forgot their name skjfjdnds)
Hiii Reya 💛💙 !!
Thank you for the requesting THE MORIOH BROS 💜💙 !!
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POV you insulted Josuke's Hair
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phantom-clock · 3 months
do you have any jjba fic recs? :]
oh, i have been waiting for this question. I have so many recs.
·Starting off with: STARDUST CRUSADERS (mainly Jotakak, sorry lmao)
"You'll see what you want to see" by CassTheCringe on AO3 - I love love love this one! It's essentially just a really in character interaction between the team, very short and fun. I have to add though, there is quite a bit of foreshadowing for their inevitable fates which is gut wrenching. 4k words.
"He's bad news but i'm no better" by on AO3 - This. this right here. This is somehow PEAK jotakak despite being a gen fic, not intended to be slash. It's insane. This is an AU fic in which kakyoin arrives at the prison to kill jotaro before he has a chance to meet joseph and avdol. After various events, they proceed to leave to egypt together, kakyoin still sporting his fleshbud, and jotaro STILL convinced his stand is an evil spirit. It's great. 80.6k words. Jotakak? arguably? technically platonic?
"In the wrath of dawn" a collection by minamimaru on AO3 - Not sure how to describe this one, but it's a three parter in which kakyoin deals with having been conditioned to fear sunlight by Dio when he lived within his mansion. Interesting idea, good execution. Total word count of 9.3k. Jotakak.
"stand by me" a collection by SourisWriter on AO3 - This one is fluff! It handles stand sentience, which is a concept i adore. In the words of the author: "Stand By Me is series exploring how Star Platinum's and Hierophant Green's unique actions intersect with the steadily evolving relationship between Jotaro and Kakyoin." Total word count of 12k. Jotakak.
"Creep" by Rigmaroler on AO3 - A fun and short oneshot partially told from the perspective of jotaro and kakyoin's classmates after they return from Cairo. Just them being inexplicably odd. 3k words. Jotakak.
"Facets" by Cosmic_dandelion on AO3 - Probably one of my favorite explorations of jotaro and kakyoin's relationship. A 5+1 fic in which jotaro tries to learn more about kakyoin after the yellow temperance fight. I also really like this author's take on kakyoin! 20k words. Jotakak. Background Avpol.
"It'll have to do" by CassTheCringe on AO3 - Kakyoin's scarf rips and he's bitchy about it. While still being in character. It's impressive on the writer's part. Jotaro mends it during the night. this CAN be read as either slash or gen, but i'll be tagging the ship anyway. 4k words. Jotakak.
·Now: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE (there are definitely not as many fics here as i'd like there to be, especially not about the main gang, but i haven't been able to find much yet. might add to this later.)
"Walk with me/Try again" by CasstheCringe on AO3 - Warning for heavy themes. Read the tags. This one is genuinely incredible, this is a genuine hard recommend from me, it is so good. The summary, in the author's own words: "Part 4 AU where Kakyoin is alive but at a cost. As he figures out how to pay that cost, he tries to help wrangle the Morioh kids while also trying not to strangle Jotaro (it'd be nice if they could also learn how to communicate again too, but Kakyoin attempts to be realistic)." Jotaro and Kakyoin are NOT on good term in this one. 218k words. Pre jotakak.
"Caught somewhere in time" by ilikedolphins (nuinsli) on AO3 - Time loop fic centered around Jotaro. It's interesting. 14.5k words.
"Homebound" by Crowned_Ladybug on AO3 - This is very much found family, in which okuyas believes he has no family, until he finds out he does. Also, trans Okuyasu which is neat. Mainly just a character study, but i like it a lot. 3k words. Josuyasu. background jotakak. (in the author's own words, they refuse to write part 4 without kakyoin lmao)
"The Best-laid Plans" by deuil on AO3 - An insanely fun oneshot in which josuke really wants to see what jotaro's hiding under his hat. 4k words.
"Call it selfishness, call it fate" by BlueWonder on AO3 - Starting off incredibly strong with what may be genuinely my favorite fic for all of part 5. Warnings for heavy angst! read the tags! This is a time loop fic, my favorite trope, in which GER gives Giorno a second, third, fourth... chance to save his friends. It's great. Hard recommend. 24k words.
"Passione speedrun any percent (world record)" by nihilego on AO3 - I know you've already read this, but it's so good i wanted to leave this here for anyone who stumbles upon this list lmao. Essentially, a retelling of golden wind except giorno is the only one in the bucci gang with a stand. It's great. 17.8k words. Fugio. Bruabba.
"To love someone is firstly to confess: I am prepared to be devastated by you." a collection by heartstone on AO3 - In which Giorno is taken in by his savior as a child. 10.8k words.
"Riempire il vuoto" by ThisLittleViolet on AO3 - Probably my favorite Dhampir Giorno fic on ao3. Narancia is hit by an enemy stand that can starve someone to death in hours, the catch? this stand can be passed on to someone else if the one affected consents to it. Giorno is hesitant to take it. I think you can see where this goes. (also, interesting tidbit, the story occurs from Fugo's POV, which is fun). 13k words.
"Baby i'm a star" by DairyFarmer on AO3 - Okay. Gonna get this out of the way first. This does has a little bit of giomis. Which i'm personally not a fan of. But the rest of the fic is so good that i'll let it slide. This one is told from Bruno's point of view. Basically, giorno used GER to go back to where it all began and change things himself. Meanwhile, Bruno, as an outsider, is just ??? at the new boss that seems to favor so much for no apparent reason. 9.4k words. Giomis. (regrettably)
"Unbiased opinion/a boss who cares" by Melon_noodle_boi on AO3 - a fun fic in which, during an inspection on a passione team, giorno gets mistaken as a new recruit. He takes advantage of this to get n honest reading on how they work. It's fun. Great use of OCs . 19k words. Maybe giomis, not really, can be read as platonic thankfully.
"Blood is thicker" by JustAnotherFool on AO3 - Your basic dhampir Giorno reveal fic, still really good though. 9.5k words.
"Boys will be bugs" by sunflowergiorno on AO3 - "5 times Giorno Giovanna talks about bugs with the other members of Bucci's gang, and the ways he teaches his teammates to appreciate them--and is appreciated himself." This is a relationship study, and i really enjoyed it! 10k words.
"Weep, and you weep alone" by bagelistyping on AO3 - In which Giorno gets affected by a stand that causes time to stretch out and feel impossibly slow when the affected party is alone. Whump. 4.4k words.
"In the blood" by RainHarmonia on AO3 - Giorno thought he was just sick, turns out he's a dhampir. 3.8k words.
"Where is my mind?" by Balimaria on AO3 - Giorno is affected by a stand that brings out the deppest, most animalistic parts in people. Which kind of sucks when your dad was a vampire. 6.6k words.
"Cards of fate" by RedThistle on AO3 - alright, i'm going to need you to trust me on this one. It's a JJBA x MCU crossover. It's a fun and simple 5+1 fic in which various mcu characters meet jjba characters and are just ??? about stands. It's great. Trust me. 6.9k words. Subtle josuyasu.
"Jojo's Bizarre engagement" by Mikomikono on AO3 - Your typical fake relationship fic, but make it caejose! The writing is fun, and the author definitely has the characters down. I still haven't finished this one, but it's great so far! 125k words. Caejose. Obviously.
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jjbablogdirectory · 4 years
Blog Overhaul
So this blog has been around for quite some time and I’ve received a couple of suggestions on how to improve its functionality. You guys may remember the ask about an “incorrect quotes” section, and some friends have asked if their Jojo sideblogs have a place here, to which my immediate answer was “No,” however...
Things have changed.
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I’m going to be going through this whole blog, fixing the links and resorting pages to better account for the kinds of blogs there are. Before compiling my current list of blogs, I never thought there would be so many dedicated to shipping, genderbends, ocs, seemingly random groupings of characters, characters but through different parts, and the current system just wasn’t built to make searching through to find these blogs managable.
If you want to find a new josuyasu blog to follow, you should NOT have to go to the bottom of the part 4 list and that’s just that.
During this time, I will not be adding new blogs... to the blog. They will still go into the Google Sheet I’ve been using to organize blogs to add, though. A link will be posted in a short time to that sheet so that you can still view new blogs and see if yours is on there. It will be the most reliable list while I’m stitching together the other ones/fixing our mobile links. If you are on mobile, i suggest downloading the free Google Sheets app for easier navigation.
Please also submit your favorite (ACTIVE and Jojo themed) incorrect quotes, character aesthetic, confessional, and other miscellaneous Jojo blogs. This will be the one time I’m going to allow people to submit blogs that aren’t theirs.
To clarify for a moment, because I know we’ll have questions: For Sideblogs to be added, they must be STRICTLY Jojos. We’ve been lenient with OCs as long as they’re mainly Jojo ocs, we accept them even if they interact with the occasional character from other fandoms. A sideblog that posts Jojos AND BNHA or an artblog that happens to have a lot of Jojo fanart does not count.
We hope to have your patience while we’re changing things around!
-Mod Jotaro
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jjbaconsumedmysoul · 5 years
Get to know me!
xxraTagged by : @lasquadrahoe, @abri-chan, and @jojo-reads (wtf i just realised i wast following you i hecking fixed that im so sorry aaa)
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Fave color: Black and Gold.... and Blue and gold and green and gold...
Relationship statues: Gay– i mean taken
Top 3 ships: does self ship count?  Josuyasu, Bruabba... bitch everyone in part 5 is gay af can i ship them all together??? Like the entirety of La Squadra is big poly
Last song: Apparently... DiU OST- The Hand (jojo ost gets me motivated to do homework
Last film: Kimi no Na Wa... for the fourth time
prepare to be TAGGED 
@headoverjojo @jjba-headcanon-shenanigans @geekqueenkenzie @nebula-3124 @xxraburixx @lessernova @saturnisaturnip @sorabaker @zoeyp03 @saltail
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chevaleresq-blog · 5 years
Shipping  meme!
What  is  your  OTP  for  your  character?  well, i like avpol, but it’s not really my otp. the rpc veterans know that long years ago on argenteuse, the endgame otp was pol x @impuritae‘s oc alonsia. other than that i keep my options open.
What  are  you  willing  to  write  when  it  comes  to  shipping?  just about anything! i can’t publicly write smut yet, but i don’t think i’d do it anyway once i’m eighteen unless it’s with one of my close friends. i honestly don’t think i’d write toxic ships w/ pol though, as it’s pretty out of character. only soft shit in this house.
How  large  does  the  age  gap  have  to  be  to  make  it  uncomfortable?  depends on the verse -- for sdc pol, i’d say the other muse has to be around 20 - 29. anything past that makes it slightly uncomfortable. diu or vento pol is more like 28 - 40.
Are  you  selective  when  shipping?  yeah. if i don’t see chemistry it’s kinda hard.
How  far  do  steamy  moments  have  to  go  before  they're  considered  NSFW?  i guess around the time where the clothes start coming off? pants or underwear is generally That Time, imho.
Who  are  the  other  characters  you  ship  your  character  with?  :shrugging: like i said, avpol and my aforementioned otp. not too many characters in his respective parts whomst he could be shipped with, unless you count like, post - sdc kakpol or jotapol.
Does  one  have  to  ask  to  ship  with  you?  well ... yeah? how else would you do it?
How  often  do  you  like  to  ship?  when the opportunity comes about. since i’m a rather standoffish rper, in the sense that i’m not constantly writing because i try not to make it a chore, if me and another writer have chemistry with each other and chemistry between our muses, it’s a good time to just chat about ships.
Are  you  ship  obsessed  or  ship  more-or-less?  ship  more-or-less. i like it but i’m not constantly seeking it out unlike some rpers i’ve seen.
Are  you  multi-ship?  yeah! each ship in their respective verses because i ain’t about cheating plots and neither is pol.
What  are  your  favorite  ships  in  your  current  fandom? uhhhh avpol, sometimes jotakak, josuyasu, i like bruabba on occasion but i’m very selective with the content i happen to consume, fugio, giotrish, fugotrish ... i haven’t read parts 6 - 8 yet so as for the rest i can’t say.
Finally,  how  does  one  ship  with  you?  if you’re feelin’ that type of way, hit me up. i promise i’m not as scary or standoffish as you might think i am, and even if i’m not feeling what you’re feeling i promise i’ll let you down gently. becoming my friend is also a good way to get to ship with me
tagged by: @fukenzena
tagging: @impuritae, @rerophant, @platinvmstardvst, @allicere + @decepteur, @tatteredxclaws, @creamflesh
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vivrcard · 7 years
tagged by oliver @dswilson woopie!! Name: anna 
Nickname: i have a lot but off the top of my head?? bannaba, annan, indie 
Birthday: november 5th 
Gender: female 
Sexuality: bi 
Height: 5'8″ 
Time zone: eastern standard 
Average hours of sleep I get each night: 6-11. honestly it depends on the circumstances/time of year 
RL OTP: i really dont like shipping people irl 
Other OTPS: zolu is Real Good and so is caejose, frobin, josuyasu, and gappyasuho 
The last thing I Google’d was: arbys menu 
My most used phrase/s: you do you, woopie, wrow, eat the 
First word that comes to mind: hua 
What I last said to a family member: you have stars on your ceiling i have stars on my ceiling too 
One place that makes me happy and why: this one ice cream shop near my house!! they have all kinds of flavors of soft serve and it's kind of at the edge of the city. it's just relaxing for me to be there and it's kind of symbolic of the new life my dad made for my siblings and i once he got divorced because it was one of the first restaurants we went to when we got our first new house :'^) 
How many blankets I sleep under: 3-4 
Favourite beverage: lemonade 
The last movie I watched in the cinemas was: I FORGOT WHAT IT WAS CALLED.. it was about a girl in the army with a dog though 
Three things I can’t live without: my fambly, friends, and uhhhhh idk knowing ppl care about me? idk if that counts but i always Worry 
Something I plan on learning: getting better at drawing and coding!! 
A piece of advice for all my followers: it's worm time 
You all have to listen to this song: https://youtu.be/ZG72J2ylUGE idk if when you click on it it leads to the song ~inside~ the playlist but if it does honestly feel free to check out the rest of the playlist bc ive been adding onto it for a couple years and it's what i listen to while drawing huaaa 
My blog/s: this one, @fe4o536 (art blog), @todaysgiorno (kind of a silly blog hfggghg) i tag uhhh whoever wants to do this
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lesbian-ashe · 7 years
tagged by @sharkmama
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better
Relationship Status: I'm single and gorgeous someone please date me
Lipstick or Chapstick: Lipstick is pretty!
Last song you listened to: BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN
Last movie you watched: I don't watch much movies I can't even remember the last time I watched one let alone what it was
Top 3 characters: Maxie, Rosalyn, and Waka are my three most favorite characters of all time
Top 3 ships: *sweats* right now I really love Hardenshipping, Alphafemaleshipping, and...... Avpol. or Josuyasu
Books you are currently reading: Iiiii don't actually read a whole lot so I'm not currently reading anything. does manga count. JoJo's Jaunty Journey
Top 5 musicals: I don't think I've ever seen a musical in my life. maybe on some 3rd grade field trip
ppl im tagging to do this: @thehunterpersian @augmented-destruction. anyone idk
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kageyasame · 7 years
i was tagged by @transpannacottafugo!! i tag @toddhoward @revolutionary-gallifreyan @nedsseveredhead
rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. then tag some friends.
you choose: free! iwatobi swim club, mob psycho 100, jjba (i was gonna say big hero six but like... does it even have a fandom...) (IM SORRY FOR CRINGE FANDOM FOR FREE! BUT IM NOT SORRY i love my boys)
the first character you loved:
free!: Makoto. because hes the first of the boys on screen lmao
mp100: MOB
jjba: i checked my livewatch. it was either jona or dio
the character you never expected to love so much:
free!: NAGISA. MY FAVE (thanx eternal summer)
mp100: either tome or tsubomi
jjba: jotaro..?????maybe??? i dont Know my dude. (or weather report)
the character you relate to most:
free!:   n a g i s a   h a z u k i   (THANX ETERNAL SUMMER)
mp100: mob (and lowkey tome tbh)
jjba: this... is hard............i honestly don’t know maybe josuke?
the character you’d slap:
free!: why would i want to slap anyone from this pure ass show smh... maybe??? rin??? to get his shit together but not a slap just a strong pat
mp100: honestly reigen id slap reigen id slap reigen in the face in the stomach and in the ass. i dont say like,,,, mogmami or touchy ro or whatevs bc like. i dont want to slap them. it’s stronger’an that. wayyyyy stronger (murder vibes) (i wont slap ritsu bc he got his shit together and hes fine now, mostly)
jjba: jotaro kujo come get your ass here rn immediatly im slapping ur dumb fuck mug (again, no one worse, bc it’s stronger) (i’m counting dio in the worse people)
a character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
free!: ????????? no. i love them
mp100: ...? no one? not really.
jjba: hard to choose... joseph???? no i still love him. dio??? i still love him just in a more villainous way... idk man
a character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
free!: again, nagisa... my beautiful son... grades are a fuck... come with me... swim...
mp100: hard to choose kjadkjasdksa maybe?? Ritsu??? yes ritsu probs
jjba: i honestly DONT KNOW EITHER i choose my favs blatantly at the first time i see em... maybe speedwagon, yeah, speedwagon,
3 OTPs:
mp100: terumob, tsutome
jjba: josuyasu, caejose :V
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