#doesnt change the fact that yeah he IS a shithead and his opinions ARE wrong
cringefail-clown · 2 months
The fact that no one has asked about kankri is surprising
So kankri for bingo
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black-tiger-of-evil · 7 years
did u even read their tweets lmao, holly LITERALLY SAID that what he said was wrong. however; that doesnt make him a shitty person. the people replying to them have no valid points whatsoever and there's no reason to try and defend them for being wrong
sigh this is going nowhere, best to just utterly shut you down and dismiss you instead of acknowledging your viewpoint.
… not so cute ain’t it.
i did read holly’s tweet and it’s [the 2nd one] not as annoying as some of the other big name youtuber’s pulling their white-knight act. however i personally think it is in very poor taste to try and tack on ‘but he ain’t a nazi tho’. that person who replied to the tweets never said he was, all they mentioned was that even if pdp thought he was ‘joking’ (still banking on that kill all white people sign, see if everyone’s all peachy about that kind of ‘joke’) nazis and nazis supporters would take it as a sign of support and acceptance. seems like a valid concern for me.
 there’s already a massive spike in hate crimes in us today and the last thing we need is for that to continue. the last thing we need is for the genocide of jewish people to be treated like some trivial joke. bc hey i don’t care if anyone thought it was ‘funny’ (not even someone who is into ‘offensive’ humor would’ve found it funny, it was just a horrible statement end of story, there was no punchline no irony… nothing y’all) , still treated an entire group of people as less than human bc you wanted to trivialize their lives and let them know their suffering and lives meant nothing to you.  and it seems like she’s aware of that… after people started talking to her about why pdp pissed them off. keep in mind her first tweet in the photos is spent coddling pdp and pulling the ‘nice guy’ bullshit. like i said before a simple ‘his joke was in very poor taste’ would’ve been enough to start with. 
what makes someone a shitty person is how they treat others, what they do to others, what they think of others. im not clear if we’re talking about ross here or mister ‘kill all jews’ himself, so i’ll start with ross i guess. also i’d like to make sure you’re aware that being a shitty person is a temporary state, you don’t have to be one if you don’t want to. hell even i act like a shitty person sometimes but it’s not permanent.  
what makes ross a shitty person here is how he treats the person trying to discuss with him. again he opens up with the ‘nice guy’ bullshit. like i said before, everyone is ‘nice’. this is also a bad sign because of bias. he’s already putting himself on pdp’s “side”. he seems to think that just bc HE thought pdp’s “apology” was acceptable everyone else should. he also tries to push blame on the person who was replying to him for not being satisfied (nice people ‘except’ apologies too). how’d you feel if i called you a shithole and grade-f scum for disagreeing with what i said, despite not knowing you or what you stand for? especially since you took a calmish tone towards me.. you wouldn’t feel too chipper i bet. you also wouldn’t take kindly to it i just forced a ‘bully’ and ‘not nice’ label on you for disagreeing with me. 
so there’s that and how he bemoans that ‘this is going nowhere’. as if this was some petty game he wanted to win instead of a discussion with a human being who was upset and offered him good counterpoints. a ‘well i can see how you’d think that way but i respectfully do not agree’ would’ve sufficed here. this person already does not give a damn how “NICE” pdp was, nor do they care if ross thinks it was genuine. but like i said before, it does not matter if he does think it was genuine and bringing it up as the be all end all is not a valid point. if the bully on the playground shoves your ass down in the mud and the teacher makes him apologize to you… do you care if the teacher thinks he meant it or not? hell no you don’t, she’s not the one the bully is apologizing to. of course not everyone was going to be happy with some youtube video and expecting everyone. and i do mean 100% of everyone who watched it, to be satisfied is ludicrous. you do not make yourself or your friend look good when in the midst of “defending” them you spend the whole time trying to decide how everyone else should feel, and pushing the blame on the person your friend hurt. so yeah he acted like a shithead to that person and pulled the ‘ol shutdown once he couldn’t get the other person to go ‘oh im soooo sorrry ross i seeee the liiiight now i was being a mean buullllly.’
pdp is a shitty person bc he consistently acts like one. he’s said shit like this before and never got any consequences for his actions so he figured he might as well keep saying it despite the fact it wasn’t humorous in any sense of the word. he wasn’t doing it to be funny, he was doing it bc he could. well now he faced consequences this one time and now he backpedals to all hell claiming it was a joke and he didn’t mean it. too bad so sad get a filter. how he treats his friends isn’t a valid point accounting for how ‘nice’ he is, bc it’s the bare minimum to treat your friends nicely if you want to keep them. how he treats people he doesn’t know or have personal care for is a better indicator. consensus also says it’s pretty poorly since he just sees people like you and i as screenames and subscriber counts and youtube views. otherwise he would’ve accepted the criticism he’s been getting for years about his shitty taste in humor (you do not see mark or jack saying stuff like ‘kill all jews’ in their content no matter how explicit they get) instead of just ignoring it. he can say terrible stuff like that on his own time, not when he provides entertainment and a service to people under a company like disney. if everytime someone tells you ‘don’t say that it’s not nice’ or ‘don’t push kids it’s mean’ you pick up your ball and go home you’re an asshole, sorry buddy it’s the way it is. 
“the people replying to them have no valid points whatsoever and there’s no reason to try and defend them for being wrong”
well im sorry you feel that way, but that’s your opinion. if you don’t think their concerns or points or valid i sure hope nothing similar ever happens to you. that you get hurt or stepped on by someone and everyone else becomes more concerned with coddling your aggressor instead of making sure they apologize for what they did (and making sure they don’t do it again either once their backs are turned). 
the validity of the repliers is it’s own beast and i know i can’t change your mind, but the main thing to take away is that gee.. they were human beings upset and hurt by what pdp did. they were hurt and upset that these people were more concerned about white-knighting for pdp than addressing their concerns bc it’s indirectly saying that “bc you didn’t agree with me you don’t matter now” or “pdp’s reputation matters more than making sure he pays consequences for his actions”. what i wanted to come across in that post is not “defending” (again with the picking sides thing…). all i want is the white-knighting bullshit to stop. no more ‘but he was a nice guy’. no more ‘you guys are bullying him so you must all be wrong!’. no more ‘i don’t think your points are valid so you’re not worthy of defense’. just no more.
let pdp take responsibility for what he did. he can’t do that if he starts thinking everyone who reacts negatively to him is some monster who can’t take a (poor not really a ) joke. he can’t do that if he thinks that just bc he does the bare minimum he can get out of any consequences. he can’t do that if he continues thinking that people are trivial and don’t matter just bc he doesn’t know them personally. 
hope that clears it up for you. hope that you also refrain from assuming that just bc i don’t agree with you that means i just reacted without reading or thinking. what, did you think i would look again and ~~~~seee the light~~~ and start agreeing with you? it doesn’t work like that. if you were worried about how i might’ve misunderstood something or lost some context, then that’s fair, but a simple: i’m worried you misunderstood or lost some context in the tweets. would’ve been fine.
my annoyance stems from repeated exposure to this story bc pdp and his friends won’t let it go. 
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