#doise chan
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That’s right! Live on the official DTV channel, you’ll be greeted to the most totally original hosts (and rivals) of the hour you’ve ever seen! They’ll be both answering questions you viewers can send right now while dealing with (and try to brutally murder) each other’s antics, so you can expect things to get quite wacky around here!
Doisey is an adorable little fella of the bunch that was newly hired for his ecstatic and charming personality! He tries his best to help with production, being the best cheerleader we have! (Though it’s the only one we have). To tell you the truth, we have no idea on where he came from. One day he just appeared out of nowhere just standing in front of DTV HQ’s doors. Though he does coincidentally look like The Doise, so we kept him for good measure.
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Pizzamancer is The Doise’s assistant and servant, being an ancient medieval wizard able to perform the dark arts of magic. He’s mostly grumpy most of the time being regulated to work for a lowly bootlegger—I mean, delightful boss, due to his magic being used to do simple niche tasks, and not the things he truly desires to accomplish. Fun Fact: he’s the great ancestor to Pizzaface, as you can tell by his looks!
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And now, meet Doisette! The Doise’s sassy and gothic girlfriend, being completely polar opposites! She looks like she can pack a punch—and she can, being able to fight for herself whenever she’s in trouble. You’ll have to be patient with her though, as she’s pretty rude whenever she’s around other people. But, just look at her smile! Isn’t she cute when she does that?
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Now let’s move on to the…
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An exclusive program only on DTV Channel, this Japanese magical girl anime stars two feminine gal pals who often battle each other in dangerous scenarios. Who would win in this grueling conflict: the ghostly yet deadly and powerful Peddita, or the dramatic yet skillful and cunning stuntwoman Doise-Chan? Find out soon!
When they’re not on the screen, they actually do act like this in real life, except they’re friendly rivals instead. They’re also free to answer questions just like their USA counterparts!
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How could we forget the bestest pals of Peddito & Doise? Coming from the abysmal White Void, they’re all so curious on how things work around here—so welcome them around, dear viewers! They’ve got all their own unique personalities, interests, and talents that are just a hoot! (The others are not here because Cement’s busily eating cheese somewhere else, Nick is in timeout corner, and Jerome is refreshing up the place).
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…why don’t you ask him yourself and find out?
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The Doise’s delicate origins, now differentiated as a separate clone from the one in charge! Sporting an entirely new look patterned by several different colorful hues, and a big dopey wide grin, it’s great to kick back into the good ol’ days once in a while! Rules:
No NSFW or sexual questions. No bullying, trolling, and harassing the one behind this blog. Please be respectful around here.
C’mon! Pick up the remote, and watch the Peddito and Doise show!
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chaotichyperfixations · 2 months
Doodles for @the-peddito-and-the-doise-show plus a reynold, dont mind him hes a silly guy!! My fire grandpa 🧡💛🩶
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In case you want to draw the Doise colorless, here’s a design that’ll separate him from The Noise—see here:
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u deadass?
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u deadass? (but fr this time)
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Hmmm… could be a possibility.
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Look! The Doise drew his own cast! Isn’t that adorable?
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The bestest of… oh, nevermind.
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Additional message below:
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(This time, Doise Chan did a selfie so that everybody got included in the picture!) … It’s a long way since I created this good ol’ blog, hasn’t it? I originally intended it to be just centered ONLY around Doise (as you longtime viewers might know already)—but instead, a whole family was formed instead in the end of it all. At this point, I AM a broken record player, because it seems like I just keep repeating my words over and over again. But, again (like the other times), thank you all for the support that helped this blog grow of what it is today. Thank you. In the meantime, since the place’s a lot more crowded—why not even make it MORE crowded? (See image below).
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He’s just starting out his first steps of life as it is, so you won’t be able to ask him any questions immediately—but yes, he is a clone of the ORIGINAL form of The Doise, what with the multiple eye straining colors and all! Technically, he’s the oldest of the bunch, but most of the time he acts like a young and gullible sibling… so that’s what the rest of the cast treats him like, either intentionally or unintentionally not knowing. Have a gif of him showing off his flashy gloves! (See gif below).
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Once again, see ya later!
Bizzahead: “Hey, hey! Any of you wojak gooners out there? Well, it doesn’t matter anyways! The king of Sigma Ohio rizz is now here, so—”
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Bizzahead: “Wait a minute… something’s not Skibidi Toilet rizz here…”
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Bizzahead: “—Eh! They’ll come back in a few hours to come pick us rizzlers up! After all, my alpha male boyboss jokes are very entertaining!”
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Bizzahead: “So, what are you doing later?” Pisace: “This is single handedly one of my only lines in this entire arc!” Bizzahead: “…Dank!”
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To make up for the sad backstory in the previous post, here’s:
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fun fact: doise-chan is the hatsune miku of dtv
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I would like to give everyone their favorite ice cream, and im just gonna guess that doisey likes ice cream with blue acquarium gravel so.. yeah!
What would yall do if you found out you had a doppelganger?
PM: “I would DESTROY them if they tried to replace me. No one has enough equal magic levels to foolishly challenge. After all, I’ve had millennials of experience! I tell you, millennials!”
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DT: “…Eh, I already have a doppelgänger. Or at least she just looks like a girlier version of me. I hang out with sometimes when we’re either taking breaks from running our businesses, or when our boyfriends are fighting again.”
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Doisey chitters and chatters of what he thinks having a doppelgänger would be like. Though, nobody still understands what he’s saying or talking about.
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DC: “Ohoho~! I already have a doppelgänger, darling~! Her name’s Noise-Chan, and what can I say other than the fact that having to mooch off a beautiful celebrity’s popularity just to profit is just sad! It couldn’t be me! It couldn’t be me.”
(You can tell that she’s obviously like a sister to the real Doise).
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(Peddita’s spending some alone time right now, so that’s why she’s not here).
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stuff i drew
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did you guys know that it’s canon
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There was a disturbing lack of Doise Chan here, so:
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Wait, does that mean Doisette have a Sugary self? Also to Doise-chan and Peddita, what do you think of this conundrum?
DT: “What the hell do you mean ‘sugary’ self? I just came back with Doise-Chan and Peddita, and this is what you ask me? No, I’m not going to be your fuckin’ sugar—…”
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Peddita just floats there in midair, both shocked and confused by the whole thing.
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... Also. Uhh. Not tryna break the happy atmosphere but... Doise, my bbg, you prolly gotta say your goodbyes now....
“Yeahhh… I’ve been meaning to talk to you guys about that.” The Doise ashamedly said, putting his hands behind his back. “About(-a) what?” Peddito, Pizzamancer, Eigilante, and most importantly Doisette all said in unison. “So, uhh… I may have gone to the afterlife, and I may have possibly struck a deal with a literal god that allowed me to come back… and I may have to come back there again because I’ve already done my part…?” Peeperman: “Y-YOU DID ALL THAT?!” Eigilante: “This is The Doise we’re talking about, peeps. After all, he’s always been a broadway actor, so he’s always going to get in some dramatic situations and whatnot.” “I’m not believing this, I’m not fucking believing this—please tell me you’re joking. Please. Don’t go.” Doisette begged in disbelief. Doisey whimpered, as he couldn’t imagine life without his own father to guide him through the tough parts especially. Doise Chan lowered her head with a saddened expression, as she also couldn’t imagine life without her big little brother. Peddita Chan wanted to thank The Doise for introducing her a friend that was like a father to her. Pizzamancer tried to remain stoic and calm, but he too had been given a purpose to serve someone, that very someone who had treated him like he was his friend. Though he didn’t admit it out loud. Even though all of the recolored “ocs” were made to be blatant copies of their original versions, they too felt miserable about the thought of their friend leaving again when they just got here. Peddito… well, Peddito was glad that The Doise was going. He’d been trying to kill him all of this time. Still though… there was a shard of sorrow somewhere in him that missed the years of friendship he had with him. But he didn’t know that yet. Right as The Doise was right about to part ways with his newfound group of friends, both new and old, a mysterious yet familiar figure appeared behind him.
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Once The Doise noticed, he was immediately taken back—and so was the rest of the gang who was not expecting this at all. “YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOAAAAAAAAGGGGGGG!” He had screamed.
“Now, now, calm down, calm down! I am deeply sorry for interrupting your hour of grieving, but I believe I have to speak with him right about now. Come with me.”
The spiritual being then gently led The Doise away from the gang, who was still confused of the whole thing. Meister Stiff: “Uhhh… do you know that guy, Mr. Pizza Magician?” “First of all, I am a professional master of the dark arts for your information, you FOOL! But second of all… no, I have no clue who that guy was.” Gusto: “This-a day keeps-a getting weirder and weirder… I can-a barely remember everyone’s name!” Cement agreed with that statement, still having no clue of who was each person was.
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“So, you may have known that your time is up, and since now you can finally rest, right?”
“Yeah, I guess…” said The Doise. He didn’t know where was this leading.
“Well, I’ve got good news and bad news for you!”
“…What’s the bad news?”
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“I have to take back the power that I’ve given you before you came back here, y’know.”
“…Aw man—” The Doise had started saying, before immediately being struck by a wave of lightning stemming from the paranormal essence’s hand. “YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOAAAAAAAAGGGGGGG!” He had screamed… again.
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“Sorry about that, but it was necessary nonetheless.”
The Doise took a while being back to an average Joe, as he eventually refocused. ”So, uh… what’s the good news then?”
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“You have shown incredible bravery, one that you were determined to protect your friends from a being who ‘thought’ he had the upper hand at any costs given. And you were ready to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, while still honoring the memories made with your own friends. For that reason, you’ve been given another chance at life again. I trust that you’ll resting here a lot more peacefully than that rather dark void back there!”
It took Doise a good moment there, before celebrating cheerfully. “Yippieee!” Then, the rest of the gang (who had been secretly listening to the whole conversation), rushed over to celebrate along with The Doise, cheering as well that he was able to stay with them. Especially Doisette (who didn’t care if it affected her tough image) kissed him many times on the cheek for how incredibly lucky she was to have him.
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“Oh, and also, I’ve got two familiar friends with me as well—guess you can say that they’re back from their travels! Say hi to them, would you?”
Golden Pizzaboy waved over both Nick and Jerome, who were waiting patiently for them to be called in. “Wassup?” Nick said, trying to be edgy and cool (but horribly failing at it). Jerome himself just gave a supportive thumbs up. Peeperman: “H-Hey, I’ve been won-wondering of where you gu-guys have been!” Eigilante: “Where did you two even go in the first place, anyways?” Nick: “Uhh… South Dakota?”
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The battle rages on.
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And, for peddito and gusto- im so proud of you two. Like, really :)
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“Oh, he-heya fellas! H-how’s it going…?” “DOISE!” Doisette exclaimed, immediately running to her loved soulmate (who looked like he had taken quite a beating), proceeding to hug him tightly—something that she never really did for others. Doisey came up as well, adorably nuzzling with Doise. “WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!” “Well, obviously here, you fool.” ”Don’t start.” Eigilante: “JEEZ LOUISE! CAN YOU TWO STOP FIGHTIN’ FOR ONCE?! THAT’S MY JOB!” Peeperman: “I-I don’t think I’ll like any fight-fighting here…” “What the heck is this place again?” Doise Chan asked, looking off to the distance, then wishing she hadn’t, as she stood petrified for a moment. “That is one of the Pillar Johns, serving to keep dimensions from collapsing—just like what we are trying to stop in the first place.” Meister Stiff: “Wait, wasn’t there somebody else? You know, the one that was copying… y’know?” “Beats me! But I’m glad to see you guys again—”
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————————————————————— At first, nobody said anything. They all stood there in shock, trying to comprehend what had happened before their eyes. One minute, The Doise was all well—the next minute, he was just… gone. Doisette especially took it the hardest, as she was wide-eyed in horror, staring of who was in front of her. Fake Peddito: “Emit siht ylppa t’ndid ti tey—emit eht fo LLA snoitautis gniregnadne-efil otni teg elpoep ,dlrow siht nI !ynnuf s’ti ,wonk uoy!” Fake Peddito: ”Ynnuf ,ynnuf ,ynnuF !ynnuf os lla TSUJ s’ti!” “Wh-why…?” There was no way to tell whose voice it came from. From what it could be, it could’ve been from everyone who just connected with him the most. Fake Peddito: “Yhw uoy llet yllaicepse ll’I !yhw uoy llet ll’I!”
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Fake Peddito: “OtiddeP LAER yllaer eht eb ll’I !otiddeP LAER eht eb yllanif ll’I neht dna ,ti ni UOY htiw espalloc ecalp siht ekam ll’I !lla retfa gnihton rof diap gnireffus fo sraey esohT !t’nac tsuj I !ti no drah OS dekrow ev’I ecnis yllaicepse ,nalp YM pu gnissem elpoep uoy tel t’nac!” Then, mushy puddles that resembled those of Fake Peddito appeared below its feet, before assembling themselves into clones of it.
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Everyone now faced the army of clones before them—now ready to fight for him. Anger swelled in each and every one of them, now that they dealt with their grief. The two sides now charged into one another, as violent clashes followed pursuit.
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For him.
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