disconnxctedd · 5 years
Honest.  G.D.  (E.D.)
word count: 2844
I’ve been hanging out with the twins for a couple of months now but we still haven’t reached that stage, in which you are comfortable doing literally everything together. We know almost everything about each other, yet we still haven’t had a sleepover or seen each other sleeping. I’ve always behaved more goofily with Ethan than I do with Gray and I don’t really have an explanation why. Don’t get me wrong, I get on amazingly with both of them, it’s just that things are just a tad bit more awkward with Grayson when it’s only the two of us. It may have to do something with me maybe developing something more for him but I try to push that thought aside.
We basically became best friends the first three minutes we hung out together and I think I found my friend soulmates forever. And I really really don’t want to screw that up.
Soo, as one can expect we are bound to stay at each other’s house at one point and that’s exactly what is happening this Saturday. There are two weird things about it, though, that I just can’t not mention. Firstly, it’s the first time I am going to sleep in the same building as Gray and secondly, yes, I said only Gray because unfortunately Ethan is not coming. I moved two hours away from LA a month ago, since the new academic year started and the guys haven’t visited me still. I have been going on and on about it ever since I came here and when finally it turned out so that they can actually come, Ethan had to fly to San Diego for a really huge directing job offer that he received literally two days ago and could not say no to. He called me the other night and I could see how excited he was but at the same time you could read the word GUILT sprawled across his forehead. Two days later I am still trying to convince him it’s fine but I am not sure I am really succeeding in doing so, to be honest. 
Anyway, Gray is going to arrive in about 13 hours as it’s currently Friday evening and he is supposed to be here at around 10 in the morning on Saturday. I’ve been cleaning my room for the past hour and a half, I went grocery shopping earlier today and also bought an extra pillow because I didn’t really have one, since I haven’t had anyone over yet. I am so excited that I am spending my whole weekend with one of my best friends and I am finally not going to be alone for the first time in a month, you can’t even imagine.
I put the hoover behind the closet door and grab my phone so it’s near me while I am making dinner, in case someone calls. As if he read my thoughts, Grayson’s face lights up my screen and I pick up.
“Hey, goofball. How are you doing?”
“Hey! I just finished cleaning the place so you don’t think I am an extremely disgusting person and I am about to make something for dinner. You excited about tomorrow?”
“Heck yes I am! I get to spend a whole weekend with my best friend for the first time in a month, how do you imagine me not being excited?” he smiles such a warm smile and I can’t help but feel my stomach flutter. Stupid butterflies. “Plus, I know how disgusting you are already, so no need to beat yourself over cleaning the place.” he laughs and sticks his tongue at me.
“Oh, shut it if you want to not sleep on the doormat.”
“Okay, okay. The serious part now. Want me to stop by your place tomorrow morning and get you something?”
“Hmm, not really, I don’t think I need anything. Just your stupid ass.” I smile and he smiles back.
“I am gonna text you when I depart from home so you know around what time I’ll be there.”
“Can’t wait for it to be tomorrow morning already.”
“Goodnight, goofball. Love you.
“Love you, too. Drive safely tomorrow.”
“Will do. See you in a few hours.” Grayson smiles at me one last time and hangs up.
I finish chopping some veggies, pop them in the oven and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower while dinner is getting ready. When I am done in the shower, I wrap my hair in a towel and not bothering to put on clothes I walk to my laptop in my robe and slippers, then put on some random YouTube video and go put some food on a plate. I walk back to the bed and plop down to eat in front of the laptop.
I wake up, dressed in my robe, some video still playing, the lights still on. I should have fallen asleep at some point. I sit up and put my feet on the floor and immediately feel pain rising on the bottom of my feet. The dish I ate dinner from must’ve slipped on the floor at some point while I was sleeping and now there’s shattered glass covering the whole floor. I groan, standing up carefully, walk to the bathroom and toss the towel I had on my head in the dirty laundry hamper. I check my feet and there are no wounds or cuts from the glass, gladly. I get the hoover out again from the closet and get rid of all the glass pieces that are shattered around the bed, wipe the floor with a cloth afterwards, put everything in its place and get dressed in my pyjamas before going back to bed. Properly this time. I check my phone for any notifications prior to putting it on my nighstand to get it charged while I sleep and see that I have a text from E.
‘I am so sorry again that I am not able to be there with you this weekend. I hope Gray isn’t that big of an asshole the next two days. I am gonna send a lot of pics from the set. Love you, sis.’
Ugh, I miss him. That’s exactly with what I reply and go to sleep afterwards. 
I wake up by my phone going off next to my head. It’s 10:02AM and I see Grayson’s photo filling up my screen.
“Good morning! A chocolate donut or apple pie?”
“What are you talking about?” My voice it still groggy from sleeping.
“Which one?”
“Ummm, apple pie, I think? Where are you?”
“Literally five minutes away from you. I saw this small cafe slash bakery thing on the side of the road and thought I’ll grab some coffee and breakfast for both of us.” 
“Have I told you how great you are?”
“No need, goof. I already know. Now get up and get dressed cuz I’ll be there in five.”
“See you, asshole.” I blow a kiss at the screen and hang up. 
For fuck’s sake, I most definitely turned off my alarm and now I don’t have freaking time to get ready. I hop out of bed and run to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and trying to somehow tame my hair with the hairbrush I go to the dresser and take out some sweatpants and a t-shirt, throw them on and the second my head goes through the hole of the tee I hear the doorbell.
I practically run to the door, swing it open and I see my best friend, a satchel hanging on his shoulder, holding a tray with two coffee cups on it and a paper bag with something smelling heavenly from the inside. I step aside to let him in, he kicks off his shoes, puts everything down on the kitchen table and turns to me to tackle me in the biggest bear hug you’ve ever seen.
“I missed you.” my words are muffled from my face practically beared in his chest.
“I missed you, too.” Gray finally releases me from the hug and steps back to take a look at me. “How have you been coping with living alone?” he smirks after asking and walks to the table and grabs his cup of steaming coffee, taking a long sip.
“I most definitely needed some actual physical interaction with people, not only seeing them on screens, you know?”
“You need to go out more.”
“I do go out.”
“When? Right after you hang up on me or E at midnight or 1AM, tired as hell and kind of regretting it because you have to wake up early the next day for that 8AM class?” 
How come this guy knows me so well for only a few months???
“Oh shut it, you love speaking with me.”
“You know I do. Now what’s on the to-do list?”
“Can I first get to know what is inside that bag and then we can actually get down with the to-do list?”
Grayson shakes his head playfully and lets me be the child I am. Basically, I keep jumping around him like a small kid because I am that excited he is here. The awkwardness that I am alone with him, that I mentioned earlier? You can kind of feel it but it is burried under a few other emotions and we both pretend it isn’t there. Maybe an hour or so later we leave the “apartment” - it actually being one big space - a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room all at once, with a bathroom and a really small closet on the side - and walk around the city centre so he gets to see the place. We decide to grab lunch on the go and find a chill place in the park to eat it there and that’s exactly what we do. We find a bench that you can’t really see at first so no one will actually bother us and start snacking on the food while continuing to talk about everything. At one point, I am telling him about all the school work that I have due in a couple of weeks and how I am already stressing about it when Grayson reaches and pulls a strand of hair behind my year. I normally wouldn’t take that as a special gesture or anything but it’s currently just the two of us, alone in the park, his eyes glowing with some gold in them in the sunlight and my mouth just shuts and doesn’t open again. We stare at each other for a few seconds and then I fake-cough and turn around in search for my drink so I keep myself busy. In the meantime Gray suggests we leave to go back to the apartment so we get there on time to settle in and make dinner and we do just that. As we are about to exit the park, I turn around and start walking backwards in front of him, excitedly talking about the autumn break and what I have planned for us when I come back to LA. He watches me intently and before I know it I feel myself falling backwards. Right before I hit the ground I feel his arms around my waist, literally holding me a few inches above it and then pulling me back up.
“Sometimes I can’t believe how clumsy you can be.” Grayson laughs and steps back after I’ve regained balance.
“Nothing ever happened, I don’t know what you are talking about.” I stick my tongue out at him. Damn we seem to do this a lot.
An hour and something later we are already at my place, we both change into comfier clothes and I start making dinner. Grayson helps me with chopping things or simply handing them to me and when the pan is in the oven we decide to set up his bed so it’s ready for the night. We all know that if we don’t do it now out lazy asses are going to regret it later.
“Are you sure you are a 100% fine with sleeping on the ground?” I ask for the 9th time in the past half an hour and Grayson is starting to get annoyed with me already.
“If you ask me one more time I am gonna go sleep in the Bronco. At least she doesn’t annoy me.”
“I just want you to be comfortable, that’s all.”
“I will be, now stop making it such a big deal.”
We set up a few blankets on top of each other and then I grab some clean sheets from the closet and his “bed” is ready for the night. I already puffed out the pillow I bought yesterday and covered it with a pillow case so we just threw it on the blankets.
We ate dinner and decided to put on a movie since both of us weren’t really that sleepy. At first Grayson let me choose what we were watching but because I was texting with Ethan the first few minutes of the film, he got mad at me and changed it. The boy was just telling me how his day went, sheesh. Turns out we were watching a horror one now and I know he knows how much I hate them, he just wants to get back at me. The movie wasn’t that bad for most parts. I say most because at some point I was biting on my nails so hard that Grayson caught my hand in his and held it for the rest of the movie. Towards the end of it I was already yawning and rubbing my eyes, so we both brushed our teeth and hopped under the covers.
“Are you-”
“If you are about to ask what I think you will, you better shut it or I am for real gonna go sleep in the Bronco.”
“I am sorry.” I say from my bed, smiling to myself since Grayson can’t really see me from the floor.
“I am sorry I made you watch that movie. Goodnight, goof.”
“Don’t worry about it. Goodnight.”
But it’s not a good night at all. I keep tossing and turning, not being able to fall asleep and even if I start drifting off to sleep I jump after a few seconds because a nasty image from the movie keeps popping up in my mind. I should have never agreed to watch it, I don’t even know why I listen to Grayson sometimes. At some point I must have started to drift off to sleep again when I feel the the matress shifting under Grayson’s weight and him climbing into bed next to me. I open my eyes and look up confused at him.
“What are you doing?”
“You clearly can not fall asleep, you have been laying here hugging your feet, hidden under the covers, glued to the wall for the past twenty minutes and you are as cold as a dead man. Come here.”
“I’ll be fine, go back to sleep.” but it’s as if he doesn’t hear me at all. His hands wrap around my waist and pull me so close to him, his chest is glued to my back. His legs lock with mine, he nuzzles his head into my neck and his fingers intertwine with mine, while still holding me. I feel so small and so protected and his body is warming up mine that I don’t want to move from this position ever.
After a few seconds he kisses the top of my head, which makes me untagle from him, just enough to turn around in his hands so that I am now facing him again. I look up and he opens his eyes slowly and looks into mine.
“I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve you but I can’t be thankful enough for you always being here for me.”
“Wanna hear something honest from me, too?”
I nod and the corners of his lips curve upwards a bit.
“Ethan didn’t have to leave before Saturday evening so he could’ve come with me and spend the day with us but I made him ask if he could go early and so he did.”
“Wait, what? Why??”
“So I can finally catch you alone and convince myself to show you how I really feel, I guess. When I say I love you, I am not lying.”
I am so dumbfounded, it’s my turn to hide my face in the crook of his neck. After a few seconds I pull back to look at him and he is already waiting to examine my face.
“Say something.”
“Is ‘I love you’ going to be enough?” I reply and as soon as the last word rolls off my tongue his lips press against mine and my stomach does not have butterflies in it anymore. There is a whole zoo inside of it and it is throwing a party in there.
I guess I really, really don’t want to move now.
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dolantwinnnsss · 7 years
An Awkward Party (Dolan twins) Part 3
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Spin the bottle had just started and you were sitting in a circle with Jess on your right and Ethan on your left. Grayson was sitting on Jess’ right. You don’t even know how Jess managed to convince you to play. Now it was Ethan’s turn and the bottle was spinning. Nobody landed on you so far and you have never kissed anyone before so you were getting nervous. What if Ethan lands on you? 
“Woooooo!!” everyone exclaims as the bottle lands on Jess. You smile because Grayson looks a little annoyed. Jess would never cheat on Gray, she loves him too much. You were there since they started going out so you know she’s committed.
Ethan blushes and Jess laughs. “You sure you’re ok with this bro?” asks Ethan sincerely. 
“Yeah, it’s cool. I know you guys aren’t like that,” says Grayson. You don’t believe him and feel kind of bad. 
Ethan and Jess lean in right in front of you and quickly kiss. It was more like a peck. Both of them jokingly cringe and wipe their lips probably sensing that Grayson was a bit uncomfortable. Grayson chuckles. 
Now it’s your turn. This time you knew you were going to have to kiss someone. The question is who? You spin the bottle and close your eyes until you hear people go “woooo.” When you open your eyes you see that the bottle is pointing at Grayson. Jess has her eyebrows raised in surprise. You too raise your eyebrows and widen your eyes at Jess. She laughs and nods, so you assume it’s ok. 
The room feels 10 degrees hotter. You smile awkwardly and lean across Jess as Grayson does the same. There’s a quick peck and people clap. You look back at Ethan and give him a smile. You’re surprised to see that he looks kind of disappointed. It could just be the lighting or something. All of a sudden Jess grabs Grayson’s face and kisses him. This lasts a bit longer which makes everyone go wild, shouting comments like, “damn girl!” and “Yeah Grayson!” You laugh at them and blush, realizing that Jess is indirectly kissing you. 
People start breaking the circle to go get drinks. Grayson and Jess break apart hesitantly when they hear an ILoveMakonnen song. They get up to dance so you get up too and go to the kitchen to get water. 
“Hey,” says Ethan behind you as you’re drinking. You swallow, turn, and smile. “Hey,” you say back.
“Wanna go out on the porch with me?” he asks with an eyebrow raised. You nod.
When you get outside you sit down on the porch swing with Ethan on your left. “So I wanted to say that seeing you and Grayson kiss….” he pauses and you get nervous, knowing where this is going, “I don’t know it made me realize I kind of wanna kiss you.” You don’t know what to think right now. He could just being saying this because he’s drunk. You hadn’t seen him drink anything but you weren’t with him all night. You nod slowly and as you were about to tell him that he’s drunk he kisses you. He gently grabs your cheek and leans in, putting his lips on yours. You inhale and freeze but he continues. 
A few seconds later he realizes you’re not kissing back so he stops. “What’s wrong?” he asks with a worried look. You stare at him and try to find the right words but you can’t so you just keep staring. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he looks embarrassed, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I…I’ll just go,” he says quickly and points to the door. He walks inside shaking his head. You immediately regret not saying something, anything. It was just too fast. All of it.
*smack* You face-palm. “So stupid,” you whisper to yourself, “he’s so cute and you ruined it.” You shake your head.
A few minutes later Jess comes outside holding hands with Grayson and gives him a quick kiss and a goodbye. She sees you and calls you over.
“You ready to go?” she asks, “something wrong?” 
“I’ll tell you later,” you say, “Bye Grayson. Say bye to Ethan for me,” you wave goodbye to him and walk down the lawn to the car with Jess following. You replay the moment over and over in your head. It’s okay, you convince yourself, you could talk to him and explain on Monday. It will be okay.
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noprinceneededddd · 7 years
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May 30 HUGE ANNOUCEMENT #dolantwinstuesday #fanfic #dolantwinsfanfic #WattPad #ethandolanfanfic #dolantwins #grethan #ethandolan #graysondolan #thedolantwins #4ou #eteeweetee #graciedolan #dolan #dolans #4outour #graysondolanimagine #ethandolanimagine #dolantwinsedit #ethandolanedit #graysondolanedit
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Flirting • E.D
You just moved to LA since you got accepted in UCLA. Marie, Grayson’s girlfriend, was chosen to show you around and help you accommodate and get used to your new life around here.
Marie‘s help was being precious, and you guys quickly became friends. You got to know her friends at her house, yesterday. That way, you met Grayson who was so kind, just like Marie.
Ethan arrived when you were about to leave Marie’s house so you did not had time to talk to him that much.
0 notes
disconnxctedd · 5 years
I have you. G.D. (E.D.)
word count: 4000
I have been dancing for the past few years now and ever since I moved to LA I’ve been going to the new dance club I joined and I am actually really enjoying it. The girls are so extremely nice and talented and we seem to work really well together. I usually go two times a week but sometimes if the girls call we’d arrange a third class just because we love it so much. And you don’t even know what the best part of the whole story is... At least once a week I get to lead the class and choreograph many of the pieces.
Not only that, but life in LA has been great for a few other reasons as well. I came here a year and a couple of months ago because of the dance classes. One night after practice me and the girls went to get some drinks and that’s where I met Grayson Bailey Dolan, who I’ve been with for almost a year now. Actually, two months in and I moved to his and his brother Ethan’ place and I know you are going to say that things are moving quite quickly but everything really seems to work out between us. I love these guys so much with all my heart and I’ve known them for only a year now. Crazy I know.
Grayson and I basically behave the same, he is my male version and I am his female one. That’s how good we work. 
Ethan, on the other hand, is a whole another situation. He is like the big brother I never had and even though we are quite different, we both are stupid goofballs and became the bestest of friends the first ten minutes we got to have a conversation with each other. I always preferred hanging out with guys anyway.
So, you can only imagine what living with two of your best friends, one of them being your absolute soulmate, and working your dream job with so much spare time in an amazing city, is like. Oustanding. That’s what it is.
I woke up really early today because we have a competition with the girls soon and we have been practising 5 times a week, sometimes even throughout the whole day with almost no breaks. You can say I’ve been dancing my ass off and it has been showing. I've lost a few pounds and I haven’t seen the guys properly and hung out with them for almost two weeks now. When I left the house in the morning they were both sleeping, even Grayson wasn’t up for his morning workout, that’s how early it was.. I rub the sleep out of my eyes as we are waiting for the waiter to bring our lunch and God bless we decided to get a lunch break because otherwise I most definitely would have passed out. I am drained. I know I am but I can’t do anything about it until the competition is over. I know hard work pays off and I am thankful for the guys for being so understanding and that they are helping me so much after work. Gray usually makes dinner for the three of us and Ethan has been driving and picking me up from the studio for a couple of days now because my car is getting fixed right now. Great timing, I know, but at least I am supposed to pick it up later today.
We finish lunch and get back to the studio for two more hours of practicing. After the two hours are up, I say bye to the girls and am putting on my hoodie as I am hopping hurriedly down the stairs of the building because it seems like a storm is coming soon and I really am not in the mood to walk in the rain, without an umbrella, to pick up my car. Again, great timing, LA, I love you.
I bump into a few people because I am keeping my hooded head down as much as possible, since the storm has seemingly already started by the looks of it. Awful wind is blowing and the temperature dropped with a few degrees, the past ten minutes that I have been walking. After a few more I reach the shop and am met by tired smiles, I grab my keys from one of the guys in the office and hop in the Audi. I’ve really missed driving this baby. I start the engine and check my phone, answer the only text I have (Grayson asking when I am coming home for dinner) before backing out of the garage. All I have is 18% left because I used it too much in class today but they should be enough for the GPS to take me home. Yes, I still use it almost everywhere I go because, well, it’s fucking ginormous LA and let’s be real a few months are most definitely not enough to learn my way around.
I am already on the highway when the pouring rain starts. Just after a minute or two I can’t really see anything and the streets are covered in at least a few inches of water. I slowed down a bit and kept driving but after a few I just couldn’t keep going on - the rain was just too heavy. I kind of sprained my ankle today and it should be fine with some rest tonight but it just hurt too much to keep it on the accelerator. I am tired and scared of this weather and I really don’t know what to do. As much as I don’t want to admit it - I need help. I am a mess, this weather is a mess and I just pull over and put on my hazard lights. Thunders keep thumping and lightnings lighting up the already dark sky and I honestly, really am scared. I am calling Grayson. I grab my phone and the stupid thing is already on 5% and I am about to cry. Gray doesn’t pick up because his dumb ass is probably making me dinner that I don’t deserve so I try Ethan. E picks up on the first ring because the bastard was probably on his phone as always..
“Hey, where are you? Dinner is almost ready.“
“Listen, have you seen the weather outside?“
“Yes, are you driving right now? I don’t want you driving in this awful rain! Where the hell are you??“
“E, shut up. I pulled over on the highway, my battery is on 4% and my phone is about to die in the next few minutes and I am scared as shit. Plus, to top it all off I did something to my ankle at practice today, I can’t drive because it hurts like shit and honestly I don’t want to cause -“
“Wait, shut up, you are telling me you are in the middle of the road, you can’t drive, your phone is about to die and ... omg don’t cry, please, we are coming to get you, okay??”
“E, I am fucking scared, how are you gonna find me, I don’t even know where I am..“
WHY?” - I hear Gray’s voice from downstairs - “Listen, just hold on we are coming, okay??? Hang up, don’t use your phone, Imma call you in two so I find out where you are.”
“Thank you.“
“Just hold on, we’ll be there asap.“ and he hangs up.
Honestly, what am I going to do without these two. I am starting to panic, the rain doesn’t seem to be stopping or even slowing down, my foot starts to hurt even more, I am cold because I turned off the car and I don’t know how they are going to find me because I DON’T KNOW WHERE I AM.....
I wipe a couple of tears off my face just as my phone goess off. I see Grayson’s face on my screen and there’s warmth spreading inside of me again for a split second before I see that my battery has went down to 3% now. I pick up and I see Gray’s face, his gaze changing from me to the road and I knew he was driving before I even picked up the phone.
“Baby, are you alright?? I’m coming, please don’t panic, I am so sorry I didn’t pick up at first, I am such an asshole, I -“
“Grayson, shut the fuck up.“ - Ethan interrupts him and what seems like snatches the phone out of his hand.
“Sissy, listen.” - E calls me that since day one and it’s cheesy but I love it and honestly I needed to hear it right now.
“I told you to shut up and stop screaming, you are not making things any better. And keep your damn eyes on the road for fuck’s sake!“ E turns to me then and his face softens a bit “I am sorry”.
I try to swallow the lump that’s been forming in my throat.
“Listen, my phone is about to die any second. I don’t know where the fuck I am. Ethan, I am going to share my location in our chat with Gray and as soon as I do screenshot the map because if my phone dies before that I don’t know-“
“Okay, I got it, go!“ I go back to the chat and my finger hovers over the location button.
“GO!!” Ethan better take the screenshot or else I am going to die here. 1%. “I got it!! You can stop it now.“
“ETHAN GIVE ME THE PHONE” Grayson shouts and in a second I see his face fill up my screen again. “Babe, I am coming. I love you, please hold on, I love you!“
“I love you Gray, please hu-” I am already sobbing as I am saying that and my phone cuts me off midsentence by dying. I hit the steering wheel a couple of times and then fold my hands over it and start crying even harder. They are not going to find me soon. I know it. I will just fucking die out here and I am scared. I am so damn scared..
Grayson’s POV
“GRAYSON STOP FUCKING SHOUTING!! I AM CONCERNED, TOO, OKAY??? I have the screenshot, I already airdropped it to my phone before you snatched yours out of my hand WHILE DRIVING!! I know you are concerned and believe me, I understand, she’s my little sister, I love her, too, but let me do my thing and focus on finding her, deal?“
He is right. “Yeah, just hurry up, please?! I am sorry, I just hate the thought of her sitting alone there in the rain..”
”I know, bro. OKAY, I HAVE IT!! Take the next exit and then get on the A3 highway, we should see the Audi in a few miles. I hope she has her hazards on.”
“She will, she’s not dumb.“ I accelerate after I swerve and get on the A3.
“Let’s not get us killed before we reach her, huh?”
“I’m just trying to get there faster, shut up.”
“You should have let ME drive, you are in no condition to be doing that now.“
“Ethan, don’t even get me started, the car’s mine and that’s my girl THAT’S WAITING TO BE RESCUED AND I AM STILL NOT THERE!!!“
“Can you please stop shouting for the millionth time, I told you- THERE! GRAYSON, RIGHT IN FRONT!!“
I press on the brakes and already have my hazards on as I am pulling up behind the camouflage green Audi.
“Get in the driver’s seat, I’ll drive the Audi. We might need to go to the hospital first, so just follow me, okay?”
“Just make sure she’s alright first.” Ethan looks me seriously in the eyes and I grab my phone from the dashboard and head outside in the pouring rain. I reach the driver’s door and my baby looks up at me startled. I motion for her to move over to the passenger seat and I get in. I quickly remove my t-shirt, throw it on the backseat and I turn to her. She still has tears streaming down her face, her eyes are red and puffy and as soon as I turn to her she wraps her hands around my neck and starts sobbing harder into my chest. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!“
“Shush, I am here, don’t worry. I love you.” She looks up after I say the last thing and presses her lips against mine. Hers are chapped from all the crying and her biting into them, because I know she always does it when she is scared or anxious. I pull back and wipe her cheeks with my thumbs. “Tell me you are okay.“
“I am, I am just scared.”
“I am here, okay? Everything’s fine.” I kiss her again.
“Where’s Ethan?”
“He’s gonna drive the Porsche. You’ll see him when we get to the hospital.”
“Babe, I don’t need a hospital, I really want to get home right now. Please?”
“I am not asking. We are going.”
“Grayson, please, I’m fine.” 
“I am not letting you go home with a chance of a fucked up foot when your competition is literally next week. You didn’t work your ass off and I did not get to not see you for the past week and something for nothing.”
She just looks at me silently for a few seconds and then kisses me again.
“I don’t know what I will do without you. Tha-”
“You never need to thank me. I love you. I’ll fucking burn the world if I have to for you. Understood?”
“I love you. Now drive, Ethan’s probably already wondering what’s happening and I want to get home sooner than later. Give me your phone.” She takes it and I am sure she’s calling Ethan. I put the car into first gear and put on my blinker before joining the lane. Not only am I thankful because I found my soulmate, I am also thankful Ethan found a best friend that’s not me and they are the same person. I can’t thank God enough.
“Are you okay?????” I can hear Ethan’s concern in his voice.
“I am, Grayson made me go to the hospital, so that’s where we are going, just wanted you to know.”
“I already know.” E smiles a knowing smile. “Do you think he was going to bring you home in this state, without getting sure you were a 100% fine? And even if he did have such intentions, I wouldn’t let him and we all know that.” he laughs and then Grayson follows shortly.
“I just love you guys. Tha-”
“Don’t you dare thank me or Grayson.” Ethan’s glance falls on me for a second before going back on the road.
I groan.
“I’ll see you at the hospital, alright? Drive safely!”
“Alright, love you, sissy.” and he hangs up before I can say anything else.
I look at Gray and a huge smile starts to spread on his still worried face.
”What are you smiling about, I thought you were worried about me?” I laugh.
“I am just happy that the two most important people in my life are really a family and it shows. I just love it.” He turns to me for a second and then back to the road. His hand reaches over and squeezes my thigh before finding mine and intertwining fingers with my own.
Almost 20 minutes later we manage to reach the closest hospital and Grayson turns off the engine. He gets out of the car, not bothering to put on his already soaked t-shirt and jogs to the other side of the car, opens up the door to the passenger door and before I know I am in his arms and he is closing the door with his leg. He locks the car, already walking towards the entrance and I see Ethan driving in the parking lot before the doors of the emergency block the view. Grayson's douche bag car can be seen everywhere, I swear. I still like it, though, not gonna lie. Gray puts me down to sit on one of the chairs in the waiting room and goes in to talk to someone that can see my foot. While he is inside, E comes along and squats in front of me.
"I know I am prolly gonna annoy you by asking for the thousandth time but tell me you are okay, please.."
"I am fine, E." I smile and he smiles back. Then the doors open and I see Grayson coming through them and I try to stand up, limping on one leg. Ethan has one of his hands around my waist, helping me walk but as soon as Grayson reaches us he shakes his head and he throws me over his shoulder and then brings me inside the cabinet. He sits me on the bed and steps back to let the doctor examine my ankle. As soon as he says that I just overburdened it and it should be fine after a day of resting, I hear both boys letting out a heavy sigh. I guess I wasn't the only one concerned about me taking part in that competition next week. I thank the doctor and Grayson goes to the secretary to sign a few documents. Ethan picks me up and starts walking out. He lingers in front of the door waiting for Grayson to open it so he doesn't hurt me accidentally. Gray turns around seconds later and when he finds out that I am not on the bed and, in fact, in Ethan's arms, he huffs and his brother sticks his tongue out at him. They can be such kids sometimes. Grayson opens the door and as soon as we are out in the hall he starts arguing with Ethan that he should be the one bringing me to the car.
"Can you just open the fucking doors and not be a dick about it?" Ethan asks and I start giggling. He walks to the car and plops me down on the passenger seat after Grayson opens the door. He then kisses me on the forehead and jogs back to the Porsche.
"Careful with my baby, you dickhead!" Gray shouts at his brother.
"She is my sister, shut up!!" Ethan shouts back.
"I was talking about the car. Drive carefully and I'll meet you at the house!" Grayson replies and then climbs in the driver's seat and starts the car.
"I thought I was your baby..?" I say, holding back my laughter.
"You are, babe, what are you talking about? Grayson looks at me confused.
"You said 'Careful with my baby' and you were talking about the Porsche and I am sitting here with my hurt leg. I am kind of offended." I start laughing now. Grayson just looks at me kind of guiltily and shakes his head.
"You know what I love the most in this world. Who actually. Shut it now." he smiles as he drives out of the parking lot.
After a few we are back to the house, the blue beast already parked in front and Ethan nowhere to be seen, probably trying to dry off inside. Grayson brings me to the house in his arms again and by the time we reach the bathroom we both are already soaking wet and I don’t even know why we are going to shower anymore. Grayson lets me shower first, saying he will heat up the surely already cold dinner while waiting for me to be ready and asks about nine hundred times if I’ll be fine by myself. I finally manage to send him off, I strip down and wrap myself in my robe but as I try to stand up from the bed I wobble and eventually flop down on my bum, my ankle thumping with pain from me putting pressure on it. I huff and try to stand up and as I do I hear Ethan walking down the hallway and before I know it he is picking me up. He is still laughing at me when I flip him off and he exits the bathroom after he left me sitting on the edge of the bath. I take a quick shower and hop to the bed on one leg, which, let me tell you, hurts like hell. I get myself dressed while sitting down on the bed and I don’t know which one of the twins left a pile of fresh clothes for me there but I am so thankful you can’t even imagine. I text Grayson if he can come and pick me up and I swear not even 10 seconds have passed and I can already hear his legs thumping up the stairs coming to get me. He gives me a piggy back ride to the kitchen and sets me down on one of the chairs around the kitchen island, right opposite of Ethan. Dinner is already served and looks so good, I don’t know why E keeps saying Grayson can’t cook. The boy is a low-key chef.
“You didn’t have to make dinner yet again, I was gonna come back on time today.“
“Babe, you’ve been working your ass of, the least I can do is make dinner.“
”Can this competition already be over, so you start cooking again and I won't be afraid that I'll get a food poisoning because of Grayson?” Ethan turns to me with a pouty face.
“Oh come on, E, give the man a break, he is trying.” I say and I caress Gray’s cheek. “Me and Ethan thank you, babe.”
“Yeah, it doesn’t seem like it.”
“Next time, just leave him starving.”
Ethan makes a pouty face for the second time in a single minute and I start laughing again. After we finish, I just sit there and watch the guys wash and dry off the dishes before Grayson picks me up again and brings me upstairs with Ethan following behind and I ask Gray to stop in front of the door.
“Hey, E?”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Because I have you. Both. Thank you.”
“We both told you, no need for thank yous.” Ethan smiles at me and turns to enter his room. “Good night love birds.”
“Good night, E.” Me and Grayson say in unison and he enters the room with me in his arms still. He lays me on the bed and covers me with the duvet before turning the lights off and going in the bathroom to take a shower. After a few short minutes of me staring through the window in the dark, I hear him turn the water off and come back into the bedroom. He tiptoes around the room, putting on underwear and then slips under the covers next to me.
“I am not asleep, I can’t fall asleep without you.” as soon as he hears that, his arm wraps around me and his head snuggles my neck. I don’t need duvets right now, all I need is Grayson’s arms around me and his body heat.
“I am here now.” his sleepy voice whispers in my ear.
“I have you and there’s no better thought to fall asleep with.”
Grayson makes me turn to him with his finger gently pushing my face to the side and kisses me for a few seconds.
“I love you.”
“More than you can even imagine.”
And just like that the nightmare that was today never happened as long as I am falling asleep in his arms.
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