#dollerium answers
dolleriumfluffle 3 months
We had a thought after reading your post on trauma that overlaps with endo experiences, our trauma came from child abuse, bullying and overly extensive masking. What formed our system first was grief, but we consider ourselves partially traumagenic nonetheless
I definitely understand this! we personally feel that had we never been programmed, never had any of that childhood trauma, we would still be plural, due to paragenic and spiritual experiences.
that's a big part of being mixed origin for us - yes, we have traumagenic origins involved, but everything else plays an equal part. we would be plural even without the trauma.
it's okay to consider yourself partially traumagenic, no matter what that looks like for you! mixed origin, traumaendo, and etc experiences are a valid and important part of the plural community. you're important and deserve to be heard
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dolleriumfluffle 4 months
I feel bad for you.
Hope you learn to listen to science.
Endos dont exist.
glad to know we live in your head rent free 馃┓
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dolleriumfluffle 5 months
two things
your blog>>>>>>
that anti-endo I was talking to in the reblogs of one of your posts??? pro endo now, shi admits to having been misinformed and has apologized for being harsh
also thank you!?!?!? looks at you like this
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just a silly system. who makes silly posts and reblogs stuff about hir silly interests
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dolleriumfluffle 4 months
oh hey friend! uh I just wanna make sure I don't mess up your experience on Tumblr so I wanna ask bc I just reread your DNI
what's Jirai (because everyone seems to have a different definition) and why is it a problem to you (so I can learn more and grow)
I ask because from what I have learned I'm in the yami kawaii subculture which is at least a distant cousin to Jirai Kei, and I do, for mental health comfort reasons, identify with the "yandere" trope
please be honest, we do NOT want to make you uncomfortable or bother you in any way
I am going to copy paste the explanation we gave to a friend a while ago about this! and before anyone jumps into our inbox to send us hate about this we are a japanese person, raised in japan for 10+ years, are fluent in the language. go learn the language and read an article or two about the current state of homeless girls in kabukicho and then come back to us, I will delete any anons about this
"The idea of "jirai kei" began in 2018, as apart of a japanese makeup challenge translated as "how to dress like a jirai girl", essentially "how to dress like a psycho." It took inspiration from the fashion and makeup trends popular with the toyoko kids. The toyoko kids are groups of homeless children and teenagers in japan, generally aged 9 - 15, who have often run away from abusive homes and are known to do things like self harm + overdose publically and prostitute themselves for money. "Jirai" itself is a slur translating to landmine, that refers to a mentally ill girl who could blow up at any time, and many toyoko kids use it to glorify their behaviors.
The west eventually latched onto the styles portrayed in the makeup challenge as "jirai kei" based on the title, claiming it to be a new style of jfash. For one, this simply isn't true - the most popular style with jirai girls in japan is called 銈兗銉兗, aka girly or girly kei, and has been around since the 90s with relations to lolita fashion. For another, the wide majority of people who identify as "jirai kei" are incredibly disrespectful to the origins of what they're claiming. They are using a slur that does not apply to them nor affect them because they are not japanese, and glorify the behaviors of the girls they're emulating by encouraging self harm, violence, drug abuse, and heavy amounts of bullying. Many popular western "jirai kei" influencers have even titled their outfits as dressing up like a prostitute for fun.
It is a massive appropriation of a real issue in Japan, that affects real homeless girls who have nowhere else to go and rarely receive help. It's come to a point where people make fun of actual toyoko kids in the streets and call them "jirai girls" as a slur, due to associating their fashion with crazy westerners. It's disgusting to me, and I do not support any westerner who chooses to identify with that word."
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dolleriumfluffle 4 months
Hey. You don鈥檛 have to post this, I just want you to know:
I鈥檓 sorry for getting so pissy with you the other day about the ToSD. I didn鈥檛 recognize it as a vent post, and the past month or so has been filled with people dismissing that theory as entirely bullshit for the crimes of one man. I鈥檝e been frustrated, as a system who does for the theory and who finds solace in it, and I got seriously triggered at the idea that anyone who supports the ToSD is an anti-endo spouting some abuser鈥檚 rhetoric.
You didn鈥檛 deserve any of that frustration, especially when you were venting about anti-endos being the way they are, and I didn鈥檛 really get that at the time. You weren鈥檛 saying the shit I saw, and I鈥檓 sorry I went off like that. You deserved better.
I hope you鈥檙e having a fine day.
- Circular
hey, don't worry about it! it was a post we made on the fly, just saying whatever was in our head at the time, so I understand how it got misconstrued. it's totally okay to identify with the ToSD as an explanation for your system; I know it's something that's brought solace and better treatment for a lot of people.
honestly, a couple hours later we'd totally forgotten about that interaction - I promise there's no hard feelings!
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dolleriumfluffle 5 months
being an anti-endo for my personal shit and seeing people instantly get aggressive towards you when you aren't being the aggressive one sure is embarrassing. i'm so sorry not on behalf of them and their small brains but you having to just still sit thru their bs
LOL don't worry, as mentioned before we are living our best life. we complain sometimes because that's what social media is for, and people get mad and take our complaining in bad faith, but that's fine. we can always put down our phone and go wow! none of this matters in real life. I am confident in both my diagnosis and my mixed origin status, and have a family and a job and other things that matter instead.
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dolleriumfluffle 5 months
You are waste, Plastic has more use then you, you filthy, degenerate, scumbag, nobody loves you, nobody will ever love you, Your ex was right you are un-loveable.
help. note to followers, this is some anti-endo throwaway blog going around harassing people. save yourself the trouble and block
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dolleriumfluffle 5 months
Mmm. 16, 40, and 71.
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16 is bonita, who would of course get fakeclaimed for being a character with barely any screen time who isn't anything like source
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40 is helia, who would definitely get fakeclaimed for her typing and speech style being too "weird" or "exaggerated" etc etc
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71 is miku, who of course gets us fakeclaimed for Being Miku, as well as for using neopronouns and not liking it when people reference her source while talking to her
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dolleriumfluffle 6 months
If you want to add us on simply plural ours is noxsyn
sounds great, we just sent a request!!
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