#dom feeders
bothsinfulandsweet · 2 years
master pushed me tonight
my feeders keep making me eat and glut myself😭 i though today was going to be ok since i finally wokeup without a tummyache and actually a bit hungry. most of the day ate a lot but was fine and then my master decided i nedded to push myself until i felt sick and miserable🥵💦💕
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i feel so big and fat and disgusting💕🐽
there's a whole big frozen pizza with extra cheese, large order of cheese bacon fries, 20oz soda and 10 pizzahut mini cinammon rolls in that gut😳🫣 (not even counting breakfast and lunch)
please make fun of my gluttony and my apperance🥺
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testedthewaters · 21 days
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I may have binged until I struggled to sit up and fit in my shirt today, but I guess thats what two pasta bowls, a loaf and a half of buttered garlic bread, and about 3 or 4 sodas will do to you, but it was worth it. Now I've surely got this worked out of my system and I can buckle down and get back in shape. Definitely wont crumble at the slightest provocation or teasing from a dominant feeder, no way.
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overstuffd · 5 days
No baby, of course you can't eat a whole cake.
Just have as much as you want now, and we can save the rest for later.
Here I poured you a glass of milk to wash it down with too.
I cut you a couple slices - well you always get a second one anyway, I thought I'd save you time.
Gone already? Let me grab another piece - no, I insist. You deserve to indulge yourself a little.
How much have you had? Why are you worrying about a silly thing like that. Here, this is just a small piece, I'm sure you have room.
Come on cutie, don't act shy - I know you want to ask for more. Here, I won't even cut a piece, just break off a little morsel and feed it to you.
See? That was easy to gulp down wasn't it? I bet you can eat another little piece like that.
And another.
And another.
Come on now, be a good pet and finish the last piece, you're so close now. It would be a shame to leave such a little bit left over. There you go, slump back gorgeous and feel your gut spread. You did so good for me.
I knew you could do it. That's why I got another cake for tomorrow - just in case there weren't any leftovers.
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tortie-moo · 9 months
Jiggly cow
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adiproseprose · 10 months
Don't get me wrong, being crushed by your feedee is great, but have you ever made a larder so weak that if they ever try to stand up without your help, they just *plop* back down to wherever their sitting like the blobs they are? Too heavy to get up without building momentum, watching their bellies swing and right when it grazes the floor, the slightest push to their wobbly chest sends them crashing backwards, cellulite dimpled ass spreading out beneath them? Pinning them to the bed with nothing but your grip around their swollen wrist and the weight of their belly pressing against the muscles in their back?
Pretty soon gravity will take over the job of keeping them pinned to one spot anyways.
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valgodd · 10 months
You lie in our bed and watch me struggle to button my pants.
”Damn” I mutter under my breath, trying to force the button into the loop.
”Whats wrong babe” you say innocently.
”They just wont close” I say exasperated.
You quietly enjoy the show for a while beforing rising to your feet.
”Here, let me help you darling…”
”Absolutely not” I push you away.
”Dont be silly love. You obviously need a little help with those”
I sigh. 
”Okay. Fine” 
You come up behind me. Your hands linger for a while on my protrouding belly.
”Poor baby” you whisper in my ear, your lips touching my earlobe. ”Did you gain s little weight?” I grunt in response. ”Mhm… Okay love… I need you to suck it in. Can you do that for me babe? Okay…here we go…”
”Godness me” I huff, looking at my swollen reflection in the mirror as you try to do my pants. ”well i think my love for your cooking is starting to show”
After a few attempts, the button gets in the loop. You squeeze my muffin top that is spilling over the waistband.
”There you go. Can you sit down im them?”
I carefully sit down on the edge of the bed, the button creaking.
”Its digging in a bit but its-”
With a snap the button pops off and lands on the floor. My belly oozes out.
”Oh shoot. I-I think I could stand to loose a couple of pounds”
You sit down beside me, one arm over my shoulder, the other one rubbing my belly in comforting circles.
”Dont be so hard on yourself babe. You let go a bit recently, but you can get back into shape in no time. Hey how about some breakfast? I… could make your favourite. The golden pancakes with jam and whipping cream”
I hold back a moan at your suggestion.
”Mm that would be…lovely”
You give my belly a little squeeze.
”Okay love. Just stay here in bed and I’ll soon be back, okay?”
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currently into dom feedees gently guiding a nervous feeder on how to feed and get them off.
“I’d like more, please. You can be a little mean about it, I like that.”
“Oh fuck, yeah press right there….” grabbing your hand and pressing it into their bloated belly.
“You’re going such a good job - I’m already feeling full but I know I can take more.”
reaching a hand down and feeling how turned on you are, shit eating grin on their face, smug and delighted.
“It’s okay, you can go further, I’m not gonna break.”
idk idk I’m just like. very into being guided by someone who knows what they want and wants to teach me how to please them. I think it’s kinda hot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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testedthewaters · 3 months
Obviously a feedism relationship based on trust, clear goals, and mutual boundaries is the ideal golden scenario. Buuuut, why can't I stop thinking about a feeder forcing and tricking me to gain as much as she likes because she knows I'm easy to manipulate and winds up making me so fat I get scared? Do I need help?
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mortiskiller · 5 months
Content warning: Contains violent language, physical harm, non-consensual feedism and other acts. This is just a story, don't be weird.
A commission for @collegefatty10
He was on the way back to the car after grabbing a pizza. It was routine at this point in his life. Eating all day without regard to his ever-increasing weight had led to some interesting eating habits. A breakfast sandwich in the morning had become three sandwiches with hash browns and two doughnuts. Lunch steadily grew into a multi-hour affair with trips to multiple drive-thru visits, door dash orders, desk drawers filled with snacks, and not to mention a new habit of pre-gaming before dinner. Driving to get his pizza led to stopping for fries, or nuggets, or a combo meal, or all of that, before he picked up his next greasy calorie bomb. This routine made his day predictable, pigs are simple after all. The same places and employees watched him fatten from the low 300s to his heaving 430 pounds. Day after day, pound after pound he kept ordering more. As his waddle slowed, his gut hung lower and lower, his face getting red and sweaty from the 20-foot walk from the car to the pizzeria, he was an easy target.
I had seen him months before on a lunch break. My eyes shot open as saw a hanging lard pile of a man puff his way into McDonald’s. It was a passing horny thought that I would see him again, maybe add it to my mental bank of images and memories to jerk off to later. Yet, he kept coming to the same places again, and again, and again till it was too much to resist. I mapped out his route, timed him as ordered, and ate his feasts. Noted how he favored his right leg as he waddled, his arms struggling to carry the ever-increasing amount of food he ordered. As I watched him, I couldn't help but notice the way his right leg bore the brunt of his weight, the limp a constant reminder of his indulgent lifestyle. I wondered how long he had been living like this, how many times he had ordered a pizza and not once thought about the consequences. I knew he would be easy to take. Easy to keep docile, dumb, and growing.
I waited till the moon was just a sliver in the night sky outside his favorite pizzeria. Checking my watch, as it ticked over to 8:40 pm, his sedan pulled into the parking lot, the front driver’s side sitting low as my soon-to-be pet pig drove. I watched from my hiding spot as he struggled to haul his massive frame out of the driver's seat, grunting and wheezing with the effort. The scent of greasy pizza wafted through the air as he waddled towards the entrance, his heavy footfalls reverberating on the pavement.
Once he was safely inside i made my move, slipping silently into the shadows and following him at a distance. Inside, he placed his usual order - a large meat lover's pizza with extra cheese and a side of garlic knots. His eyes gleamed with anticipation as he paid for his meal, oblivious to the predator lurking in the darkness behind him.
As he turned to leave, I struck swiftly and silently, wrapping a thick cloth bag over his head. He struggled weakly for a moment before I pushed him back to the car. With ease, I kicked his right knee from the back and watched as he tumbled into the truck. His muffled moans of confusion and fear barely registering over the hum of the engine. He was mine now, another victim added to my collection.
I paused for a moment, considering my next move. He was a strange yet fascinating addition to my collection, and I relished the thought of having him under my control. I could see him squirming in the back, his heavy breathing and muffled cries a stark contrast to his usual confident demeanor.
I parked the car in a secluded spot, away from any prying eyes. The moon now a hazy glow, bathing everything in a sickly light. I approached the car, opened the rear door, and lifted my newest prize out of the vehicle.
He was heavier than he looked, his bulk making it difficult for me to handle him. But I had experience, and I was patient. I carried him to a nearby abandoned warehouse, the cold metal of the hinges echoing as I pushed open the door.
Once inside, I placed him on a table, still wearing the cloth bag over his head.
"Hey, buddy," I cooed to the pig, my voice low and sinister. "You know, you're not going to like what's going to happen to you. I've got some pretty wicked plans for you. I'm going to fatten you up, relentlessly, until there's barely anything left of your dignity or self-esteem. You see, we're going to use you, and we're going to pleasure you in ways you can't even imagine."
The pig let out a soft grunt, the sounds muffled by the cloth bag still securing his head. I chuckle, a dark and twisted sound that reverberates through the cold, empty warehouse. Taking a step closer, my shoes scraped against the rough concrete floor.
"I've been collecting things like you for years," I whispered, running his hands over his captive's plump body. "I've come across so many of your kind, just like you, loving your comfort and your food. And I've had my way with them all. Oh, I've had so much fun, and you're next on my list."
As I approach the pig, who is still covered in the bag, he lets out a soft whimper and shakes his head, trying to free himself. His body wobbles with each attempt as he struggles against his bonds. Belly aching with his last meal the movement causes an unintended blech from beneath the bag. Swiftly, I remove the bag from the pig's head, revealing a face red, sweating, and fearful. The pig's eyes are wide and terrified as he stares up at me, taking in his new surroundings - cold concrete walls bare of any decoration, a king-sized bed next to a small bathroom, and a large full-body mirror.
"Look at you," I say with a hint of disgust mixed with fascination, "just look at what you've become."
"You know what you are now?" I ask quietly, “You are my plaything, a toy, a fat weak blubbery toy!” my digs deep into his belly hang, bringing a painful whine from the pig’s mouth.
"You are mine, completely and entirely," I continue, my voice growing menacing, "and I'm going to do whatever I want with you at my command." The pig tries to struggle again, but his movements are weak and pathetic. "Oh, but first things first," I say, walking over to the bed where I had left a set of handcuffs.
I restrained the pig on the bed, at once reluctant and terrified to yield to such volition.
"You'll get used to it, trust me," I say, my fingers tracing curious paths over his bulging form. "Maybe then you'll even enjoy it."
With the pig cuffed to the headboard and footboard, I began to study him, taking in every last curve and fold of his form. He looked so helpless and vulnerable like a lost child in desperate need of a firm hand to guide him.
Noticing the glaze that had settled over his eyes, I thought, 'Now we're getting somewhere.'
Methodically, I began to examine him as if he were an exotic creature, taking note of each flaw that had been revealed by my rough handling.
He would be my plaything, my plump and innocent pig. And I would use him, treat him, and abuse him in ways that would break him completely. I would fatten him up and weaken him until his body could no longer bear the weight of his own flesh. I would use every inch of this vulnerable creature, making him my own personal toy.
As I stood over him, watching him squirm pathetically on the bed, my mind raced with all the ways in which I could degrade him. My hands moved over his flesh, feeling him shake beneath my touch. I could feel the warmth of his skin, the softness of his fur, the weight of the fat that filled his body. It was all so delicious, so intoxicating, that I found myself growing hard at the thought of what I could do with him.
My fingers brushing feather-light against his skin, teasing him with every passing second. It was then that I decided upon the next part of his degradation. With a smirk playing on my lips, I retrieved a bucket from the floor, its contents sloshing against the sides with every move I made. It was filled to the brim with a half-gallon of lard-filled slop, designed to both fuel his growing hunger and make him feel even more vulnerable in his restraints.
As I drew closer, the pig let out a small whine, his eyes widening in fear and anticipation. He knew what was coming. I brought the bucket towards his mouth, and with a practiced hand, I tilted it so that the contents would flow easily. A funnel was inserted into his mouth, and with a cruel smirk, I watched as the slop began to pour down his throat, filling him to the brim.
End of Part 1.
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tortie-moo · 3 months
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valgodd · 11 months
You’ve been such a good boy, letting me fatten you up like this. You’re so adorable when you open your mouth so obediently, allowing me to feed you spoonfuls of pudding and cream. You’ve been gobbeling up everything I put in front of you, like a really good boy. Just like you should. And you’ve gotten nice and fat as a result. Mhm, you like it when I squeeze your belly roll like this? Mhm. You like being reminded of how much I fattened you? I really put my mark on you, didnt I tubby…. God those buttons are holding on for their dear life, arent they! And you were so slim when we first met… When people see you now, they will see how well I’ve fed you. How I made you mine by fattening you up, slowly but steadily. They will see that you belong to me now.
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overstuffd · 13 days
It's about always encouraging you to have that extra treat.
Stopping at every bakery that catches your eye to get you a little something sweet.
Bringing you a comforting coffee in the morning, and maybe another as a pick me up in the afternoon.
Fixing you a hefty plate of cheese, crackers and grapes when you finish work to keep your strength up.
Pouring that second glass of wine at dinner, and topping it up for you.
Cutting you an extra- large slice of cake afterwards, then encouraging you to finish mine.
Making sure you're always taken care of, you're always spoiled and you're always full.
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Self Centered
Make her self obsessed. Buy her a new mirror, a new camera, a new light. Make her look at herself more. She needs to be self absorbed. She’s perfect. You made her this way. You love how she is. Make her believe it, too.
Get her more makeup, more piercings, more tattoos, more nails, more clothes, more hair, more fat, more implants, more of her.
Get her whatever she wants to look prettier for you.
Get her more. Make her more.
Grow her.
Use her together. Watch her together. Her body is for your pleasure together. Just review her constantly. Look at her constantly. Show her how much you love it.
Bend the world around her. Make the world revolve around her. Put her at the center. Let her take her time. Let her set the pace. Let her be whatever she wants. Let her take hours.
Why don’t we just spend a few hours looking at you while I tell you how much I love how you look? Let me review your body with you and tell just how much I love it all.
Let’s do this every night? It’s like a game. You stand in front of the mirror. I stand behind you. I inspect each and every part of you. I tell you what I like about them. I love them all. You love them all. We love them all. You can be our event this evening.
I’ll lift, and pull, and tug, and squeeze, and slap, and bite, and kiss, and mark all these parts I love. Everything that makes you you. Your body.
Let’s put your pictures up. Let’s put you on the tv. Let’s get you painted and drawn and sculpted. I need it to be clear. You’re art. You’re my muse.
You’re mine.
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bothsinfulandsweet · 8 months
hard to believe these jeans are new
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valgodd · 11 months
Pull up that shirt for me, tubby, I want to see how much you have grown for me. Oh, dear…No nothing, you’re just… bigger than I expected.  Weren’t those jeans loose on you when we first met? God they are so snug now. You’re really spilling out of them. When was the last time you exercised love? Looking at you…. I’d say it must have been a couple of months ago. At least. You really let yourself go huh. Maybe someone got a tad too comfortable in our relationship. You’ve been lying on your back, munching on the pastries I baked for you, slowly outgrowing your clothes. Those trousers are really digging into your sides now. You must be so uncomfortable. Why dont you let me unbutton them for you, my chubby darling… There you go. Much better. Oh what is that? A stretchmark? Gosh it looks brand new. My godness, perhaps I’ve been overfeeding you dear. Mmm…. Maybe I shouldnt put quite so much butter and cream in your food…. Or bake so much for you… but i just can’t resist feeding you, seeing your face light up as you savour my heavy, rich food. I wanna keep my special someone happy, content and well fed. And dependent on me.
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