#domestic!patpran my beloved
bevioletskies · 2 years
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pat & pran + every kiss scene ever | episode nine
“Washing the dishes?”
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7nessasaryevils · 16 days
I'm back with things that made me clutch my chest, snap my neck, scream into the void etc etc... from ep 6 of Wandee Goodday.
Settle in my loves, we're in for one heck of a ride!
- starting us off strong with Yak waking up Dee, pouting about them not being able to see each other for a week because of the training camp, THE HEAD RUFFLE AND FOREHEAD KISS.... HELP ME IM GOING TO KILL THEM
- we're also back to the elephant pants and I cannot describe my happiness at seeing Yak wearing something that makes him comfortable while being with Dee
- that whole fucking montage... look at these domestic "we're just fuck buddies" assholes. Gentlemen, you wouldn't know "fuck buddies" if they were sucking your dick....
- I had to physically stop myself from smacking my head into a wall at Yak's "I see you (Dee) more than I see her (Taem)" .... insert Scar's imsurroundedbyidiots.gif
- I love the way Dee thinks that Yoryak has no weakness? He genuinely seems surprised that Yak needs to go get trained 🥹🥹 also how worried he is when Yak explains his first loss...
- here's me toasting you Khun Yak for that sex joke 🤣👍🏽
-Patpran would be so proud... BET ERA MY BELOVED (if they fist bump I'll scream... oh phooey they didn't)
- them texting each other about their day... gwenchana gwenchana 😭😭😭
- I guess Oishi GreenTea is not sponsoring them 😅🤣
- Yak and Yei... just that scene...
- dee on the couch... quite obviously missing Yak... you dumbass ♥️🥺
- that change in perspective... Golf... I see you and your masterful brain 👀👀👀
- Dee making a mess on the mirror on purpose (I'm not crying I'm NOT)
- sweetheart... you're in love with Yoryak... 🥹🥺♥️
- Cher? My darling? Give Yei a really good blowjob when he comes back because your hubby is fucking SMART (also yak and yei sleeping on a bed together... adorable sibling behaviour)
- me when Yak walks outside: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh wandee is gonna show up he's gonna show up he lost the bet he's gon- OHHHHH YAK CLOSED HIS EYES AND WHEN HE OPENS THEM DEE WILL BE THERE!!!!
- me when i turned out to be right:
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- "the atmosphere here is nice." "It got even better with you here." SOMEBODY SEDATE ME!
- hey pot? I believe the kettle is calling you black.
- give me a kiss... look at these two idi-
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- you know when you have to put your phone down because you cannot believe the audacity? Yeah... that's me when Yak points right to his lips. Sir. You dumbass.
- my knees just gave out
- nobody hold me back im about my plant my foot into Ter's face
- oh no. Oh no no no no. This is one time I do NOT WANT a whole "oh there's only one bed"!!!!
- side note: is this what happened with Billy and Babe when they went to Japan? 🤔🤔 thank you Kao 🤣♥️
- forget my foot. I'm dropping a fucking ANVIL on this asshole's face- where does Ter get off making decisions for Dee???
- DONT KISS HIM BACK OFF STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER YAK HELP!!! (edit: two mins later I was even more pissed off because Ter knows that Dee has a boyfriend, "fake" as it is, and he still tried to kiss Dee! This dickhead!!!)
- well done P'Golf!! HPV knowledge my beloved ♥️♥️
- Dee no!!! Don't think about that horse-faced dick doctor (if I had a quarter every time I said that, I'd have two quarters only... but weird for it to happen twice - fuck you Dr. Charlatan!!!)
- YAK! Come get your man!!
- I'm all for you two seeing each other again but NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET THATS HOW WE DIE!!! MOVE YOU DUMB GAYS! (Edit: Kay but now think of the fact that Dee is terrified of crossing the street and how easily he does it when it's Yak he's walking to...this is okay I'm okay I'm so okay)
- love and the city... p'golf you fucking genius
- kisses in the stairwell... gods they really want me to choke don't they?
- second time I had to put my phone down... Yoryak... I'm this close to drop-kicking you across the country
- my body is yours... and so is your heart you idiot get to that realization faster!!! Pat would be so disappointed!
- Kao coming in with those truths... my utmost respect for you sir 🫡🫡
- oh shit...
- hats off to Cher and Yei being adorable and happy in their sex lives which includes phone sex!!! We approve!!!
- the side by side!!!! Interesting to think of it as a couple making love vs. a couple fucking but it's actually two couples in love... awww
- Kao. Sir. I'm erecting temples in your honour. Making merit. Fasting. Praying for you to find someone who loves you the way you want to be loved. I'm doing it all for you because you fucking deserve it.
- the pink on Dee's face... sweetheart you're so in love with him 🥺🥺
- GROUP DATE!!!! And our resident idiot gays are in matching pants.... lord gimme strength
- feeding each oth- breathe Nessie breathe. The idiots know not how they hurt you.
- Yak recognizing that something's going on between Yei and Cher is such a lovely thing. Now if only he could realize stuff about himself and Dee!
- third time I put down my phone... but to cry because Yak remembers Dee's fear and holds his hand I'm fucking fine don't touch me
- oh no... Yei you got yourself mixed up with loan sharks! honey no!
- yak comparing the pics of him, Cher, Yei and Dee to the family picture... this epsiode really said we're going to stomp on your heart Nessie...
- they're still holding hands... fuck
- I'm begging whatever deity is listening to me: please don't let there be a scene where Dee tells the public about yak's secret place
- one more word and I'll kiss you... on the lips. (Okay but the fact that he says this and still thinks he might be in love with Taem makes me feel like this 👇🏽
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- Yei you utter romantic sap 🥹🥹🥹🥹🫡
- the story of how Yei and Cher met... fucking fuck 😭😭😭
- and then ending it off with Dee knowing that no matter what his feelings, the fact that Yak is the only person who makes him feel at ease... FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK
this epsiode came for my whole existence and the next one... the next one is gonna have me on the floor THANKS!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Ep 8
The mint green shorts! The two faculty jackets side-by-side! The domesticity!
The way they haven't changed who they are for the other person. Pran still scolds Pat. Pat still teases Pran. But they're doing it knowing they're accepted for who they are.
Oh, I never saw Pran's name and the smiley face written on the bottle before!
Whether it's fighting or flirting, nothing gets done between these two faculties 😄 Pat and Pran being told off every two minutes by Toto.
Yes! Fierce Ink. No wonder Pat, Ink, and Pran are all friends, they all have the same fierce protective streak...
How did we ever think we weren't going to be getting InkPa endgame?! It's so obvious now.
We got another 'ja' end particle and this time I think it's only mildly teasing! On the rooftop after Pat says 'Copy Paste' he says thank you - "khawp jai ja" (the 'ja' being “used with very close friends/family and by the queer community”).
Oh there's so much in that rooftop dinner scene. The need to be public and to be secret in equal parts and the hurt they want to avoid but end up not being able to...
The way Pat can only lie to his friends because they think he's dating an architecture girl.
Proud to be a Noles Hater te-shirt my beloved.
Narcissist Wai. smh. The fact that Pa being Pat's sister is Pat messing with Wai's life 😂
Again...Wai listened to Pran talk about all the hardships he would face because of the rivalries if he tried to date Pat's sister...and yet had no element of empathy for Pat and Pran when he discovered they were dating.
Pran's line, "It's a kind of relationship that I always avoid" basically sums up the first 5 eps of the series, how Pran did his best to avoid getting close to Pat even though he was in love...but because we know that they did eventually get together, it just shows the strength of their feelings for each other because really, logically, they shouldn't even try because of how difficult it is...but they do anyway 💙💖
"When did I teach you to lie?" Ming's double standards are showing.
I don't think i could dislike Ming any more than I do. How very dare him to make Pat feel this way.
And then Pat's in all white, stripped of colour, of happiness... The 'temporary' alluding to how it will pass, the 'select' alluding to the sides they're on and the need to choose [spoiler: they choose each other], and the brand being Korean adding to the theme of sides and rivalry set up by the Noles t-shirt earlier on (even the Tampa Bay shirt in the beginning)... And finally, Pat lays the 'Friend' shirt across his chest, back to colour, back to happiness. 😍
I just love how dorky these two are. Pran imitates an elevator and escalator to make Pat laugh. Pat gets Pran a case for his headphones with a double 'P' design but won't say what it means. They virtual-hug across the divide and get each other to give each other big smiles. All through this scene I kept thinking Pat would tell Pran he loves him...but it shines through in their actions, in the care and support they give, and in the way they look at each other.
Ooof that xylophone scene is majestic. The way Aof took a risk with it but it's so powerful.
Pran thinking back to the ways that Pat has helped him or been there for him...and Pat thinking back to the gift of the t-shirt from Pran and how he threw that back in his face. Both realising that their anger is mis-placed -> it's the circumstances of their life that they're mad at, not each other, not really.
And Pran doing what he does best - hiding a compliment as he scolds Pat. "Put your shirt on, you're making everyone drool" = "You're so hot".
Their soft 'sorry's 😭
"But I care about you more" 😭😭
Pat is so happy. He just radiates so much love for Pran 😭😭😭
THE MUSIC! building and leading up to Wai. ajdalkgja;ldfgja!!!
When I first watched this end, I felt cheated. I wanted more happy PatPran times after their reconciliation and before their relationship got revealed and brought more angst. They had just turned a corner in their relationship - Pran making himself more comfortable with the levels of 'publicity' Pat wanted to make, and Pat understanding that love can also be private and still be just as important (the seeds of ep 12). But I guess knowing what I know now about how they still have happy PatPran times in ep 9, I accept this pacing. It almost seems fitting because Pran had just decided he didn't care as much if people found out...and so people did...and Pat and Pran's love and understanding of each other helped them through the fallout.
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firstkanaphans · 2 years
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 edition
Thanks for tagging me @gunsatthaphan! This was a lot of fun ✨
Rules: Answer the questions and @ some people. Include the tag "g2ky BL mutuals 2022" when you post.
What BL surprised you most this year?
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Choco Milk Shake: I know I’ve said this before, but I truly thought this was going to be a comedy. I hardly ever watch Korean BLs as they air because the super short episodes drive me nuts, but I made an exception because I thought this was just going to be a mindless show about cat and dog hijinks. Boy, was I wrong. I’m way too emotionally invested. I’ve cried more than once. It’s improved my relationship with my dog. This is a very existential show and I’m just praying it has a happy ending.
What BLs were you most disappointed in this year?
Love in the Air: While I enjoyed Love in the Air (have you seen my blog?), the PrapaiSky half didn’t quite live up to my expectations. Maybe it’s just because I had super high expectations going in, but Sky’s characterization in the second half bothered me. His snarky demeanor completely vanished as soon as he got together with Prapai and I’m not a fan of characters undergoing vast personality changes once they get into a relationship. Ironically, the snark was back in the special episode, so I think MAME actually noticed this and corrected it herself. (There’s a first time for everything!)
I DNF’d Cupid’s Last Wish and Enchanté, both of which I expected to like. (And also Semantic Error, which I’ve tried to watch three separate times because everyone loves it so much. Please don’t revoke my BL Fangirl card.)
What was your favorite BL of the year?
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Is Not Me considered a 2022 series? Because if so, it’s definitely Not Me. It had one of the best casts GMMTV has ever assembled, a strong plot, a kickass soundtrack, and OffGun finally learned how to kiss 🙌🏼. Otherwise, I’m going to have to go with Cutie Pie. Top tier chemistry and a plot that kept me entertained all the way through. What more can you ask for?
(The Eclipse gets an honorable mention for giving me my favorite acting duo of the year: First and Khao, my beloveds.)
Who are your favorite BL couples (not just in 2022)?
I limited myself to 2022 couples because otherwise I’d be here until 2023 trying to figure it out
PatPran (Bad Buddy)
AkkAyan (The Eclipse)
PluemKevin (Ghost Host Ghost House)
LianKuea (Cutie Pie)
PayuRain (Love in the Air)
If you had to suggest a BL for someone, what would it be?
Bad Buddy is always my go-to recommendation for non-BL watchers because I don’t have to explain myself afterwards. No problematic tropes and an overall solid show.
For people who are familiar with BL, I’ll try to list some I don’t hear talked about as often: 
HIStory2: Right or Wrong - For the BL watcher who likes domesticity (and doesn’t mind teacher/student relationships)
Ghost Host Ghost House - For the BL watcher who likes realistic depictions of relationships and the softest boys you ever did meet (Also, ghosts. There are definitely ghosts)
Utsukushii Kare (My Beautiful Man): For the BL watcher who’s playing Taylor Swift’s “Mastermind” on repeat
What was your favorite non-BL this year?
My favorite lakorn was P.S. I Hate You (So. Many. Beautiful. Women). My favorite piece of Western media was Heartstopper.
I'll tag @aprilblossomgirl, @gillianthecat, @buckystilinski, @seekingidlewild, @first-kanaphan, and @thebirkenstocksocialist. But only if y’all want to! Forgive me if you've already been tagged. Everyone else, feel free to participate as well. I love reading people's answers 💛
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actually-yikes · 2 years
tagged by @talaypuens, @dribs-and-drabbles and @miscellar my beloveds ❤
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers (but like rival rather then enemy, you know... patpran style) or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death (no) // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance (no trace of adult life just give me stupid high school crushes, or even better chaotic university life) // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
since this tag game is literally from weeks ago i’m gonna assume everyone’s basically done it already, sorry for being an absolute mess and late for everything ✌ 
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should i rewatch episode 7 just to make a list of Pran’s Cutest Moments?
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