#domincal letters
the-turin-project · 1 year
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more detailed images better displaying the details of the piece. the images are gathered from both the library’s own conservation laboratory and my own photos and scans of the piece in question. using Lightroom, black and white filters were applied to the laboratory’s high quality .nef files in order to draw out the details of the text and inscriptions for ease of virtual inspection. 
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angstyclowns · 5 years
Alpha!Tamaki Amajiki X Omega! reader
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Guess who was voted most likely to be an omega in grade school?
Your lucky alpha! 
So when he presented (Late might I add), it shocked everyone.
His shy and timid nature screamed omega, but his bold rosewood scent practically belted out alpha as it lured even their omegan teacher to serenity.
It only got worse as he grew up- Omegas and betas alike all flocking to him, crowding him and scaring the poor thing senseless, even when he was accepted into U.A.
Okay, though but hear me out.
He was a super shy alpha, like he once cried in class during his first year at U.A. because he had to do a presentation 
Given he ended up not having to present and still got a hundred.
Dadzawa’s got his back
Once he met you, he was shell shocked.
Not only were you an omega, no no no, that would make his life way to easy.
But you were just as- if not more- shy than him!
His alpha practically yipped in joy when he first saw you- given you were cowering into Mirio’s shoulder as he comforted you, but pshh.
Also given, it took a hot second before his alpha was already readying himself to fight Mirio for you.
Not in front of you though, you were already looking ready to cry. 
So he cornered Mirio in the halls, his alpha scent exploding as to try and assert domincance- even if it quickly diminished the moment Mirio began to laugh.
He explained you were his cousin who recently transferred to U.A. because you were having trouble with your quirk (Which was a lot like his, only anything you touch permiates instead of you yourself)
Tamaki was ecstatic he would be able to get to know you, Mirio giving him his blessing (Even if he didn’t need it)
But it was a journey.
It started with him slowly joining you and Mirio during training, just sitting on the sidelines doing homework.
Then he started joining you two for lunch.
Until eventually, it seemed wherever you and Mirio went, he was right there.
And though you wanted to hide and quiver everytime you saw him, as time went on, you slowly started relying on him. 
You knew Mirio wouldn’t be there forever, so having another alpha- especially one as strong as Tamaki was- brought you peace of mind. 
Eventually so, you could be yourself around him. 
And your omega took notice right away. Everytime you were near him, she wanted nothing more than to be claimed and mated by him. 
Which made more recent encounters kind of awkward, but you somehow pushed through. 
Until a hand-written note appeared on your desk.
A courting letter. 
Your omega straight up died right then and there when it wasn’t Tamaki’s scent radiating off of it.
As you picked it up, the scent- unlike anything you’ve ever smelt- made you want to hurl.
But it didn’t matter, as you didn’t even get to turn it over before arms were wrapped around your waist, a head nuzzling into your abdomen as purple hair tickled your arm.
“Please don’t. I can’t imagine living without you.” 
His voice was so soft and broken, your omega ressurected herself only to die once more at the whimpers that left Tamaki.
Ripping up the letter in your hand, sending a silent apology to the alpha who sent it to you, you lightly pulled Tamaki off of you as you crouched.
He was confused until you wrapped your arms around his neck, nuzzling into his scent gland with a happy purr.
“I can’t image lving without you either, alpha.”
Later, Tamaki had brought out a handmade blanket he made for you, his scent wafting off of it in waves as you happily wrapped it around yourself.
It was perfect.
Until the alpha that tried to court you earlier came up screaming at you.
Tamaki’s alpha side came out as he showed him just why he was in the top 3.
Please send me requests, I need something to do ‘.-/\-
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gyrlversion · 5 years
May must consider a customs union if MPs vote for it, minister says
Theresa May is braced for mass resignations from her Cabinet whichever way she goes on Brexit, as her Justice Secretary today warned he would quit if the PM opts for No Deal. 
David Gauke, a leading Remainer minister, said a customs union with the EU was not his preferred option but was better than No Deal, saying he would resign if Number 10 sought a cliff-edge Brexit. 
But the PM faces resignations from Brexiteers such as Andrea Leadsom or Michael Gove if she gives into the Remain wing and chooses a soft Brexit. 
Tonight Downing Street fired back at Mr Gauke, saying its Brexit plans ‘do not include membership of the customs union’.  
MPs are voting on their preferred alternatives to Brexit tomorrow night before Mrs May is expected to have one final go at passing her deal on Tuesday or Wednesday. 
Mrs May must resolve Britain’s Brexit position in one direction or the other before an emergency EU summit on April 10 that will lock in either a No Deal or long delay. 
After the PM’s deal was crushed three times by MPs, the Commons may back an alternative plan of a permanent UK-EU customs union tomorrow.  
However, Brexiteer Cabinet ministers including Michael Gove and Penny Mordaunt signed a letter on Friday warning the PM against a soft Brexit.   
The showdown comes as Tory deputy chairman James Cleverly admitted the party was engaged in ‘sensible and pragmatic planning’ for a snap general election, after the PM warned MPs darkly on Friday, when her deal was voted down for a third time: ‘I fear we are reaching the limits of this process in this house.’ 
She has repeatedly sworn she will not negotiate for a Brexit which contradicts her 2017 election manifesto. 
But with an opinion poll last night putting Labour up five points on 41 per cent and the Conservatives down seven to 36 per cent, the government chief whip Julian Smith said he was opposing plans for a snap poll with ‘every sinew in his body’. 
Ex-Prime Minister Sir John Major warned Mrs May against calling an election to end the impasse and said the country may need a time-limited ‘national government’ including both Tory and Labour politicians.  
Mr Gauke said Mrs May (pictured today at church in Maidenhead) must consider tearing up the Tory party manifesto to get an orderly Brexit through Parliament if necessary
Amid the impasse – less than two weeks before Britain faces crashing out with No Deal – Mr Gauke told the BBC’s Andrew Marr ‘we would have to consider very closely what parliament decides to do’. 
He said: ‘I would rather leave the customs union but we also have to recognise that my party does not have the votes to get the manifesto commitment through the Commons.
‘Sometimes you have to accept your second or third choice.’ 
Mr Gauke explicitly blamed Tory rebels, telling Marr Britain was in this situation because ‘too many colleagues’ were not backing the deal. 
Mr Gauke’s (pictured today on Marr) warning comes ahead of a second round of ‘indicative votes’ tomorrow night on alternatives to Mrs May’s Brexit deal. A customs union was a leading contender in the first round last week – but was still defeated by a majority
Amid claims he would resign if Mrs May ignored Parliament and switched to No Deal, Mr Gauke added: ‘I just don’t think the British people would thank us if we left without a deal and we said we were just following the referendum result.’ 
Mr Gauke’s intervention comes amid claims Mrs May faces mass resignations from her Cabinet whichever course she takes. 
Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd, Chancellor Philip Hammond, Justice Secretary David Gauke and Business Secretary Greg Clark are all urging Mrs May to accept a customs union – with the implicit threat that they will resign if she does not.
But Cabinet Brexiteers, orchestrated by Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom, are implacably opposed and are likely to quit if Mrs May starts to negotiate membership of a customs union with the EU. 
The pressure has been ramped up by the letter sent by 170 Brexit-supporting Conservatives demanding the UK leaves the EU on April 12 ‘with or without a deal’. 
There are reports the letter was signed by Cabinet Ministers including Andrea Laadsom, Sajid Javid, Jeremy Hunt and Michael Gove. 
There are just days to resolve the impasse with No Deal currently due on April 12. 
A long extension to Brexit could be agreed by the EU at an emergency summit on April 10 –  but it will only happen if Britain agrees to hold EU elections and has a clear plan. 
Jeremy Corbyn would be poised on the threshold of Downing Street if Theresa May (pictured today at church in Maidenhead) called a General Election, a Mail on Sunday poll found
Although Mr Corbyn would be 19 seats short of a majority, it would leave him in pole position to enter No 10 if he could strike an deal with the Scottish Nationalists
As Tories acknowledged they were preparing for the possibility of a general election, a poll gave Labour a five point lead. 
If repeated at an election, Labour would be on course to win 307 seats, while the Conservatives would claim just 264.
Although Mr Corbyn would be 19 seats short of a majority, it would leave him in pole position to enter No 10 if he could strike an deal with the Scottish Nationalists.
When the 11-strong Independent Group of Labour and Tory MPs is included in the poll choices, Labour is still ahead, on 35 per cent, with the Tories on 32 per cent and the new group – now called Change UK – on nine per cent.
But one Labour MP told MailOnline that talk of an election was ‘going down like a bucket of cold sick’ on both sides of the house.
The MP said only a handful of Labour MPs close to the leader welcomed a general election.
Former Brexit Secretaries Boris Johnson, left, and Dominic Raab, right, are contenders for the Premiership when Theresa May stands down
Jeremy Corbyn would be poised on the threshold of Downing Street if Theresa May called a General Election, an exclusive Mail on Sunday poll has found
Tory leadership hopefuls are also jockeying ever more publicly to replace Mrs May, who announced her intention last week to step down once this phase of Brexit is complete.
Boris Johnson, sporting a tidier haircut and significant weight loss, called on the PM to quit this week after she lost another meaningful vote and his fellow former Brexit Secretary Dominc Raab today hit back at ‘smears’ claiming he had bullied officials.
Liz Truss, chief secretary to the Treasury, set out her stall for the top job with an interview in which she called for Tories to use the ‘vast majority’ of a £27bn Brexit war chest to ‘slash taxes’.
A Mail on Sunday poll shows Boris enjoys a clear lead among the electorate in the race to succeed Mrs May as Tory leader, with more than twice the level of support of his closest rival, Home Secretary Sajid Javid. 
Environment Secretary Michael Gove is the next most popular, followed by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Dominic Raab, and Liz Truss.
But Conservative chairman Brandon Lewis has told friends that if Mrs May survives the coming weeks, then Downing Street hopes to delay the final stages of the contest until the gathering in Manchester – in the hope it will deprive Mr Johnson of an immediate ‘Brexit bounce’ if Britain has left the EU.
Allies of Mrs May believe that a long contest would offer the best chance for the leadership to skip a generation, allowing a ‘dark horse’ candidate such as Tom Tugendhat, James Cleverly or Mark Harper to surge through the ranks.
The shadow foreign Secretary accused Theresa May of being ‘out of control’, warning the ‘time may come’ when Labour makes a second attempt to force a general election. 
Emily Thornberry said the Prime Minister was ‘not listening’ to Parliament after reports she is planning to bring her vote back to the Commons yet again, despite its third rout on Friday.
Ms Thorberry said: ‘Even with just days to go she is just saying ‘It is my deal or no deal’. That is not meaningful, that is not democracy.
‘That is Theresa May stamping her feet and saying ‘I want this, no one else is allowed to do anything.
‘No wonder she is in trouble. She is out of control. She is not listening to anyone. No one knows what it is that she is going to do next.
‘I think her judgment has been undermined.’
Labour called and lost a motion of no confidence in the Government in January but could make a second attempt in days. Losing would start a two-week countdown to a General Election unless an alternative government could be formed.
But Labour and Opposition MPs can only win a vote if some Conservative MPs switch sides and vote against their own party. Some Brexiteer Tories have hinted they could do so to block the deal, while Remain Tories have warned they might to avoid No Deal.
Ex-PM Sir John Major said this morning the situation should be taken over by a national government to resolve the crisis. 
He told Andrew Marr: ‘We may be driven to a national government.’
Sir John added that ‘whomsoever is Prime Minister’ would invite figures in from other parties to form a ‘time-limited unity Government’. 
Outlining how to approach the Brexit issues, Sir John told BBC1’s The Andrew Marr Show: ‘If we have a general election in the autumn, which I think is possible not certain, and we don’t get a government with a clear majority then I think it would be in the national interest to have a cross-party government so that we can take decisions without the chaos that we’re seeing in Parliament at the moment where every possible alternative is rejected.’
Asked for his advice to Mrs May about whether or not she should call an election this week, Sir John replied: ‘Don’t. I mean don’t for a whole range of reasons.
‘The Prime Minister is blocked in on every side, I utterly can empathise with her frustration but I think a general election will solve nothing at this moment.’
He advocated a ‘national leader not a factional leader’.  
Ex-Prime Minister Sir John Major (pictured today on the Marr show) warned Mrs May against calling an election to end the impasse and said the country may need a time-limited ‘national government’ including both Tory and Labour politicians
The post May must consider a customs union if MPs vote for it, minister says appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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the-turin-project · 1 year
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examining the instructions, particularly the details for determining the golden numbers and the Dominical letters, I have produced an approximate translation. while the translation is certainly not refined, it captures the essence of the knowledge needed to utilise the relevant information.
The shorter circle, whose title is "THE CIRCLE WHEREIN [are] THE GOLDEN NUMBERS", contains the golden numbers in the form of Roman numerals so arranged, as for the various Epacts of the centuries, and in the below cells is presented the letter of martyrology. These positions are to find, after the Epact is found, the golden numbers. However, the method to know these golden numbers is concise: The numbers of the year, of which you inquire, add a single unit, divide the resulting sum by 19, and what is left is the golden number of the same year. If there is nothing remaining, the golden number is 19. For example, 1746. Add 1. Divide the resulting sum by 19, and the remaining is 18, which is the golden number of the year 1746. So, the golden number will be in the cell below the position found by the Epact. And the purpose of the letter of martyrology, provided that the word corresponds with the INDEX by the hundredth.
For the Domincal Letters. To find the Domincal letter of each year is the same proportion, and in this manner the golden number. The number of which you inquire, add 9. Divide the resulting sum by 28, and for the remainder consult the first column of the table, whose title is "THE TABLE OF DOMINCAL LETTERS", which stands to the lower left side. And so, I say, the number will be shown exactly by the region of the year in question. However, if there is nothing remaining, it will be found from the area by the last number 28. For example, 1746. Add 9. Divide the resulting sum by 28, and the remaining is 19, the number in this case provided by the table, the letter of the year 1746, which will be the letter B. It must be observed, from the seven columns of the letters are arranged for the differing ages, which stands the hundredth.
of particular note, the bottom-most portion of the instructions appears to provide vital information for the broader use of the perpetual calendar as it contains details regarding information such as leap years. I have not yet translated this portion of the text but it is my next task.
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the-turin-project · 1 year
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the first look at this intriguing piece! originally purchased from Bernett Books in Boston, MA. observe the green arsenic within the smaller of the moving circles. inscriptions are all in Latin. transported to its current home the old-fashioned way (i.e., person and car). 
Michigan State University Libraries, Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections.
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