#dominick irving
esotheria-sims · 7 days
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Gabriel all but crash-landed in the Wagamese front yard. Tom and Roland, who were drawn out by the unusual noise, were shocked to find him at their door at that hour, and even more shocked at the awful news he brought. Without a moment's hesitation, the men of the Smithy mobilized and moved out to look for Annika.
Meanwhile, Marcus had flown over to the Gladwyns' to get Phillip. The red-haired boy was mortified when he heard what had happened, instantly jumping on Marcus' broom to join him in the search. Riding shotgun on the shaky ride had nearly cost him his head last time, but his fear of flying paled in comparison to the fear he felt for Annika's safety.
Soon, half of Wyvern's Bay was out on the streets, searching every corner of the city and surrounding area for the lost girl, calling out her name.
Hidden away in a cave deep in the wild woods, Annika couldn't hear them.
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equinoxts2 · 1 year
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I swear my nice sims are much better at wrecking potential friendships than the grouchy sims. These pics were taken during one trip to the Heart of the Village, during which four sims, all with at least eight points in Nice/Grouchy, wound up with negative relationships with each other. The problem? Trying to initiate “admire” socials towards random strangers, which are invariably rejected.
Anyone else ever had to deal with this? I’m considering modding away “admire” autonomy for non-friends or something...
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ladygagataiwan · 9 months
R.I.P. 東尼班奈特 Tony Bennett 享壽 96 歲
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傳奇金嗓 東尼班奈特 Tony Bennett 的公關週五上午正式向美聯社 (Associated Press) 證實了他的離開,Tony Bennett 在家鄉紐約過世,沒有表示具體的死亡原因,能確定的是他一直與阿茲海默症爭鬥。
沒有人比 Tony Bennett 比他自己本人對於 Tony 職業生涯,持續時間的弧度感到驚訝!
Tony Bennett 在 2006 年 80 歲生日時接受採訪說道:「我無法告訴你我對於這一切感到多麼幸運,我從來沒真正想過我的演藝事業會做這麼久,而且這比我想像的要多得多,所以我很興奮!」
2021 年 8 月在紐約無線電城音樂廳 (Radio City Music Hall) 舉辦了 2 場成功的音樂會《One Last Time: An Evening with Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga》,在爵士二重唱搭檔「女神卡卡 Lady Gaga」的陪伴之下,結束了自己最後的演藝生涯。
他和 Lady Gaga 於 2021 年秋季發行了他們的第二張合作專輯《Love For Sale》(爵愛經典),這張合作專輯在美國告示牌 Billboard 200 排行榜上取得第8名好成績(10月16日)
當他的人生劃下了句點,他的演藝生涯可以說是任何流行音樂歌手中最偉大,法蘭克辛納屈(Frank Sinatra)曾被譽為「業界內最好的歌手」。但 Tony Bennett 毋庸置疑擁有真正巨星般的成績,擁有 60 多張錄音室專輯和全球賣超過 5,000 萬張的唱片,在他的歌手生涯中每個十年都會出現在排行榜上。
他贏得了 19 座葛萊美獎 (GRAMMYs),包括 2001 年終身成就獎和 2 項黃金時段艾美獎 (EMMYs),並且是甘迺迪中心榮譽獎 (Kennedy Center Honoree) 與國家藝術基金會爵士大師獎 (National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master) 獲獎者。
Tony Bennett 擁有多項金氏世界紀錄 (Guinness World Records):
第一項是憑藉著 2014 年與 Lady Gaga 合作的專輯《Cheek to Cheek》(爵對經典) 成為擁有美國告示牌冠軍專輯的最年長者記錄 (88 歲又 68 天),有趣的是,他打樂自己的紀錄,他在 2011 年憑藉與 Lady Gaga、Michael Bublé 和 Mariah Carey 等當代藝術家合作的專輯《Duets II》創下的 85 歲又 66 天紀錄。
第二項 2021年與 Lady Gaga 合作的專輯《Love For Sale》(爵愛經典) 成為發行專輯最年長者記錄 (95歲又60天)
第三項 2006 年專輯《Duets: An American Classic》成為最長時間間格登上英國專輯榜 (超過39年)
第四項 2006 年專輯《Duets: An American Classic》成為登上英國專輯榜 TOP 20 最年長者 (80歲)第五項 2018 年成為 原版唱片發行與同一藝術家重新錄製同單曲之間時間最長紀錄,在 1949 年他以藝名 Joe Bari 首次發行了歌曲〈Fascination Rhythm〉,並在 68 年又 342 天後與歌手 Diana Krall 發行了新版本唱片。金氏世界紀錄也發官方新聞表示,Tony Bennett 永遠是「金氏世界紀錄的傳奇人物」。
Tony Bennett 還被公認為一位畫家,受聯合國與 Kentucky Derby 委託創作的作品《中央公園 Central Park》懸掛在華盛頓特區的史密森尼美國藝術博物館 (Smithsonian American Art Museum)。聯合國難民事務高級專員於 2007 年授予他人道主義獎 (Humanitarian Award),同年他入選國際民權星光大道 (International Civil Rights Walk of Fame)。
然而,這些榮譽只是他生命故事的一小部分。作為一名引領潮流的藝術家、教育家以及在某些方面的文化保存者,Tony Bennett 對流行音樂的影響和重要性怎麼強調都不為過。他既是《偉大的美國歌曲集》(Great American Songbook) 之下誕生的巨星,也是位代言人。他尊敬歌曲集中的作曲家們,並承諾為這部作品延續其中精神,從音樂廳到 MTV Unplugged 以及三張二重奏專輯 (Duets albums),為這位燕尾服大師贏得了全新的追隨者。
美紐約皇后區「法蘭克辛納屈藝術學院」(Frank Sinatra School of the Arts) 的聯合創辦人 Tony Bennett 在與 Lady Gaga 一起巡演宣傳專輯《Cheek to Cheek 》時說道:
「我想向年輕人傳授柯爾波特 (Cole Porter)、喬治蓋希文 (George Gershwin)、歐文柏林 (Irving Berlin) 等,他們創作的所有偉大音樂,這是很棒的音樂,而且永遠不會過時,這些歌曲永遠不會退流行。這些音樂非常的精明,每個人、尤其是年輕人們都需要嘗試了解與欣賞。」
Tony Bennett 在多年來與他合作過的年輕藝術家中找到了許多忠誠的追隨者們,曾與他一起巡演或者合作的有:k.d. lang,、Aretha Franklin、Paul McCartney、Elton John、Billy Joel、Sting、Elvis Costello、Michael Bublé、Carrie Underwood、Mariah Carey、Diana Krall 等眾多歌手。
歌手 Sting 在談到 2006 年與 Tony Bennett 一起為收錄在專輯《Duets: An American Classic》中的歌曲《The Boulevard of Broken Hearts》錄製時說道:
「很高興能親眼見證這位大師工作的樣子,我認為 Tony Bennett 的樂句非常難以預測,而且非常有特色,當你與他唱和聲時,你必須不斷嘗試並再次猜測他的下一步。希望當我快到那個年齡的時候,也想成為這樣的人。」
與此同時,Lady Gaga 表示,Tony Bennett 對她的友誼和指導:「是我今天仍繼續唱歌的原因。」
在 Tony 生涯最後一場表演《One Last Time》演出時,Lady Gaga 告訴當時的觀眾們:「Tony Bennett 是我的朋友,他是我的音樂夥伴,他是世界上最偉大的歌手。」
Anthony Dominick "Tony" Benedetto 出生於紐約皇后區,他很早就知道自己想做什麼,而且絕對不是經營父親的雜貨店。他在 2006 年說道:「我只想持續唱歌和畫畫,這是我唯一非常熱衷的兩件事,即使是現在,這些就是我所做的一切。」
Tony Bennett 是納金高 (Nat King Cole) 和平克勞斯貝 (Bing Crosby) 的粉絲,他就讀於曼哈頓工業藝術高中,靠著在餐桌旁為顧客唱歌賺錢。在第二次世界大戰 (World War II) 期間,他在美國陸軍服役期間於軍樂隊中表演,還參加了「突出之戰役 Battle of the Bulge」並協助解放了一個集中營,之後他根據《退伍軍人法案》回到了家鄉,並在美國劇院聯隊學校學習美聲唱法。
Tony Bennett 回憶道:「我有最好的老師,而且我接受過很好的訓練。所以我知道如何管理自己,這是必須通過自律來實現的,我保養並保持著自己的聲音。我從不厭倦工作,我喜歡唱歌,喜歡娛樂人們,讓他們感到快樂,讓他們在 90 分鐘���右的時間裡忘記自己的疑難雜症,這是一個很棒的職業。」
1946 年,Tony Bennett 在皇后區與長號手泰瑞格倫 (Tyree Glenn) 一起進行了他的第一場夜總會演出。三年後,當鮑伯霍伯 Bob Hope 和珀爾貝利 Pearl Bailey 在格林威治時聽到他的演出,因此他得到了喘息的機會。Bob Hope 幫助這位初出茅廬的歌手達成了一份唱片合約,並給予了他縮寫的藝名。
Tony Bennett 與哥倫比亞唱片公司 (Columbia Records) 簽約,在製作人米奇米切爾 Mickey Mitchel 的指導下,他推出了在 50 年代的熱門歌曲,包括《Because of You》、《Rags to Riches》和翻唱漢克威廉斯 (Hank Williams) 的《Cold, Cold Heart》,這些歌曲於 1956 年登上排行榜第一名。
後者促使 Hank Williams 打電話給 Tony Bennett,開玩笑地感謝他「毀了我的歌曲」。Tony Bennett 的標誌性歌曲〈I Left My Heart in San Francisco〉於 1962 年進入排行榜前 20 名(舊金山費爾蒙特酒店為他樹立了一座雕像以紀念該市與歌曲之間的聯繫)。
但單曲和排行榜排名從來都不是一個大問題,Tony Bennett 說:「我盡量不去刻意追隨製作熱門歌曲,立即會被遺忘的熱門製作。我的標準是,這首歌會持續傳承下去嗎?它是否具有美國歌曲集的品質,使歌曲成為標竿?歌詞和音樂是否搭配得悅耳?我就是這樣錄製唱片的,我不想要熱門唱片,我想要一本熱門歌曲目錄輯,在我的一生中都不會顯得過時。」
「作曲家艾靈頓公爵 (Duke Ellington) 有句老話:問題不在於你做了什麼,而在於『做事的方式』。如果你聽到辛納屈 (Sinatra)、納金高 (Nat King Cole) 或者艾拉費茲傑拉 (Ella Fitzgerald) 唱標準曲,歌曲就會脫穎而出。它們是歌曲的最終版本,但不一定只有一種詮釋方式。」
1951 年至 1964 年間,Tony Bennett 有 20 首單曲躋身前 20 名,當時披頭四樂隊 (The Beatles) 和英國歌手進軍美國使他和他的同齡人在排行榜上排名開始靠後。儘管如此,隨著歲月的流逝,Tony Bennett 仍然很受歡迎,甚至成為了傳奇標誌性人物,無論品味和潮流如何對待他,他都會繼續錄製唱片和巡演,儘管他在 1979 年因吸食古柯鹼過量而險些喪命,這導致他的兒子丹尼班奈特 (Danny Bennett) 接任,成為他的新經紀人,並讓他的父親重回正軌。
1986 年的《The Art of Excellence》是 Tony Bennett 14 年來第一張登上 Billboard 排行榜的專輯,1994 年他與 Costello 和 Lang 一起在 MTV原音重現 (MTV Unplugged) 系列節目中登場,才讓他在另類搖滾市場上意外地搶占了先機。
多虧了這些新聽眾,專輯獲得了白金銷量,並贏得了 2 項葛萊美獎,包括令人垂涎的「年度專輯獎」,也帶來了各種機會,包括二重唱項目。
更多榮譽也隨之而來,好萊塢星光大道 (Hollywood and Vine) 上的星星、ASCAP 頒發的終身成就獎、入選長島音樂名人堂 (The Long Island Music Hall of Fame)。他曾為 11 位美國總統演出,並於 2017 年獲得美國國會圖書館蓋希文流行音樂獎 (Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Music)。
在與女神卡卡 Lady Gaga 首張合作專輯《Cheek to Cheek》(爵對經典) 登上美國告示牌專輯榜 Billboard 200 排行榜冠軍之後,他後來的專輯包括 2015 年與鋼琴家 Bill Charlap 合作的《The Silver Lining: The Songs of Jerome Kern》,以及 2018 年與 Diana Krall 合作的 George Gershwin 合輯《Love is Here to Stay》。
Tony Bennett 也扶養了與第一任妻子 Patricia Beech 的兒子 Danny 和 Daegal,以及與第二任妻子 Sandra Grant 的女兒 Joanna 和Antonia。
Tony Bennett 與第三任妻子 Susan Benedetto 白頭偕老,他們共同創立了非營利組織探索藝術 (Exploring the Arts)。2021 年初 Susan Benedetto 告訴美國退休人員協會雜誌:
新聞來源 LINE TODAY Taiwan X Mr.生活扉頁:
#東尼班奈特 #TonyBennett #RIP
#女神卡卡 #LadyGaga #Jazz
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niamh-sims · 2 years
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The Lloderion Family (Race- Altmer)
Enelon is a quiet, bookish type of fellow, preferring his cat, Luna, parchment and his plants to the company of other Sims.  Working as the Royal Steward, however, sees him needing to venture out occasionally to collect taxes.  Enelon tends to be unlucky in life, so tries to stay at home as much as possible... for the safety of other Sims as much as his own!
Enelon Lloderion*
Male adult, age 32, knowledge / fortune, Cancer, turn ons- brown hair, logical, turn off- athletic, LTW- max out 5 skills, orientation- gay.
Traits: Genius, bookworm, shy, hydrophonic, unlucky.
Luna- Female cat, Virgo.
* Enelon is a version of @esotheria-sims Dominick Irving, who I just had to have in my game.  He is originally made by Trapping.
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ibestofthewestblog · 4 years
Team Profile:
Sierra Canyon Trailblazers
CIF-Southern Section 
Coach: Andre Chevalier
Last season: 32-3 (CIF Open Division State Champions)
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Cassius Stanley after Sierra Canyon dismantled University School (Florida) in the Les Schwab Invitational Final, a team that included Duke’s Vernon Carey and FSU commit Scottie Barnes
The Skinny:
The ESPN High School Showcase released their roster of games they will be spotlighting this season, as ESPN will be the home of games between top ranked teams across the country.  Upon release of the schedule, one can clearly see that the showcase favors one program over others: the Sierra Canyon Trailblazers.  The school in Chatsworth, California show up a whopping fifteen times on the showcase, which in itself is clearly a record since the series has been developed.  This is due in part of the Trailblazer’s history to accumulate superteams even in the wake of graduation.  In 2017-2018 it was the trio of Cassius Stanley, KJ Martin, & Scotty Pippen, Jr and this season calls for the ridiculous combination of Ziaire Williams, BJ Boston, Shy Odom, Bronny James Jr., & Zaire Wade.  Ziaire Williams & BJ Boston are atop of the ESPN 100 rankings for top ranked seniors as they are supported by the already stacked cast at Sierra Canyon.  They return TCU bound Terren Frank, super sophomore Amari Bailey, & big man from China, Harold Yu.  On paper, the Blazers look like the a top-ten team in the nation but this season they will be tested as they play a national schedule, competing against top competition with little rest in between tournaments and showcases.
ESPN High School Showcase Games:
11/21 vs. Montgomery (California) ESPN3
11/22 vs. St. Augustine (California) ESPN3
11/23 vs. Cathedral Catholic (California) ESPN3
12/7 at Millenium (Arizona) ESPN3
12/14 vs. St. Vincent St. Mary (Ohio) ESPN3
1/03 vs. No. 4 The Patrick School (New Jersey) ESPN2
1/04 at No. 20 Minehaha Academy (Minnesota) ESPN3
1/11 vs. No. 18 Rancho Christian ESPN3
1/18 vs. Dominican (Wisconsin) ESPN3
1/20 vs. No. 12 Paul VI (Virginia) ESPNU
1/28 at Campbell Hall (California) ESPN3
1/31 at Brentwood School (California) ESPN3
2/04 at Paraclete (California) ESPN3
2/07 vs. Gil St. Bernard’s (New Jersey) ESPN3
2/08 No. 9 Long Island Lutheran (New York) ESPN3
Potential Line-up:
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Big bodied Harold Yu will make big strides this season
BJ Boston - high-flying all American opted to transfer from Norcross (Georgia) in search of spotlight and hardware.  Played for Nike EYBL AOT (Athletes of Tomorrow) alongside multitalented point guard Sharife Cooper (McEachern HS, Georgia).  Committed to Kentucky.  Working on tool-box as far as outside game goes, will have a Cassius Stanley like impact.
Ziaire Williams - perhaps the most polished of the group as he showcases the true ability to score from all three levels.  Transferred Notre Dame HS (Sherman Oaks, California).  Played for Nike EYBL Oakland Soldiers and stole the show last spring as he showed all high majors on why he should be considered on the list.  Early to tell, but looks to be the alpha dog for Sierra Canyon early in the season and down the stretch.
Amari Bailey - sophomore originally from Chicago plays hard on every possession, very fluid and hard-working athlete that skies from nowhere on possessions to rebound, block shots, and dunk it on unsuspecting defenders.  Crafty ball-handler that has a variety of moves down the lane.  Can knock down the open jumper.  Add this with the fact that he is only a sophomore and you have a truly scary player over the years.  Played for Nike EYBL Mac Irvin 15U (Chicago, Illinois) last spring.
Terren Frank - Terren is a name that not all are familiar with, for he plays more of a six man role, but is capable of anything on the court.  He is a stretch four, as he can knock down shots from anywhere on the floor as well as has handy moves inside the post.  He has faced injuries in the past two years, but when he was on the floor he was effective as ever.  Overall team player that will do anything to win.  Was a part of the Nike EYBL Finalists Team Why Not.
Harold Yu - big and imposing center originally from China, Yu transferred last season in hopes of getting Division 1 exposure.  He got way more than he bargained for, as he picked up an offer from Cal in his first week playing, got an CIF Open Division State ring, amongst other accolades.  The 7’2” big man is a physical specimen, has a nice touch for a big man, and looks to continue to develop and learn the game as a junior.
How Will They Be Tested:
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St. Augustine’s Chibuzo Agbo was a mere freshman when they took down Sierra Canyon in the 2017 CIF Open Division Playoffs
The Trailblazers waste no time at all and begin the season on ESPN, as their games during the San Diego Tip-Off Challenge will be shown on television 11/22-11/24.  There, they will meet Montgomery, St. Augustine & Cathedral Catholic, all San Diego teams.  St. Augustine is an interesting match-up, as the two teams matched up last year in a blowout for Sierra Canyon.  However, interestingly enough, the last time Sierra Canyon lost in the CIF Open Division State Playoffs was to St. Augustine, when they had Marvin Bagley and Cody Riley.  St. Augustine is a tough team led by Coach Mike Haupt, who has a reputation for putting together tough teams and getting the most out of his players.  St. Augustine is led by Texas Tech commit Chibuzo Agbo and Luke Haupt, whom played for Team Why Not.  On another side note, Cathedral Catholic defeated Sierra Canyon in the year before that in the 2016 CIF State Open Division Playoffs, that year they were led by Brandon McCoy (Wisconsin Herd).  San Diego teams have proved difficult for the Trailblazer, so they will be tested right off the bat.
On 12/14 on what is a truly engaging match-up, the Sierra Canyon Trailblazers will meet LeBron James’ alma mater, St. Vincent St. Mary’s (OH) in the Hoophall Classic.  In the 2002-2003 season, LeBron James led the Irish to a national title where his own games were nationally televised on ESPN.  In a truly coming of age tale, Bronny James Jr. will play against his father’s school on ESPN.  
On 12/18, they will travel to Las Vegas for the Tarkanian Classic, where they will play more out-of-state talent.
12/26, they will see a homecoming trip where they will in the Damien Classic in a field that includes Rancho Christian, whom they will surely be seeing a few times in the season.
1/03 they will play The Patrick School (New Jersey), alma mater of NBA superstar Kyrie Irving.  St. Patrick is headed by top 2021 player Jonathan Kuminga, who is being recruited by virtually every school in the school.  This game will be on big-time television on ESPN2.
1/04 will pit them against Minehaha (Minnesota) which has the talented tandem of Jalen Suggs and Chet Holmgren.  Jalen Suggs is ranked as the sixth best prospect in the class of 2020 according to ESPN and is ranked within the ESPN 300 as a dual-threat quarterback as well.  Chet Holmgren is a versatile 7-footer that can dribble like a guard and take it down the middle and jam it on a defender.  Both played on the Underamour Association for Team Sizzle. 
Who Will Stop Them in State?
California has traditionally been amongst the tougher states to claim a state title, as one has to place well in their city championships to claim a good seed in State, not only win their region, but play the Socal/Norcal winner in the State Title game.  More often than not, the Southern California teams claim the title, as there are generally more talented teams in the SoCal area.  Teams that will give Sierra Canyon trouble down the road as State comes include:
Mater Dei (Santa Ana, California) - every season you hear about the Monarchs, as they are led by veteran coach Mary McKnight, whom is no stranger to winning himself.  His accolades include one national title, eleven State titles, sixteen SoCal regional championships, and 23 CIF-Southern Section titles.  This season, Mater Dei hosts a slew of talented, headlined by Devin Askew (Kentucky commit) & big man Wilhelm Breidenbach.  Askew is a silky smooth guard with deft balling handling skills, a perfect shot, as well a bulldog demeanor on the court.  Breidenback is a blue collar post who has shown range and ability to rebound and matches Askew’s fire on the court.  The two were a tandem on the Nike EYBL Team Why Not team that made it to the finals.
Rancho Christian (Temecula, California) - the Eagles are led by number one prospect in the country, Evan Mobley, who will join his brother at USC next season.  Evan Mobley is truly a video game character, while at 7-feet he can handle the ball, shoot, cut, just like a guard.  Now, his confidence and skills are at a peak and he is dunking on opponents at will.  This season he looks to win Gatorade Player of the Year as well as cap off his senior season with a State title.  Played for the Adidas Gauntlet Compton Magic, arguably the best program currently in AAU hoops.  Alongside Mobley, the Eagles costar Gonzaga commit Dominick Harris who is pound for pound one of the best players in California.  Harris is listed at 6’4” but can sky for dunks in addition to his overall ability to simple score anywhere on the court.  Look for Rancho Christian to duke it out several times with Sierra Canyon this season.  In fact, they have a date with the Trailblazers on 1/11 as a part of the ESPN High School showcase.
Why They Won’t Make It?
Although Sierra Canyon is not only returning CIF Open Division champs, but in fact back to back Open Division Champs (first time since the introduction of Open Division), they will face stiff competition not only in-state but out of state as well.  With everybody in the country knowing who the Trailblazers are, they will be on their tip-toes to try to put a dent to their name.  This team will be tested physically, emotionally, spiritually as they will play the best individual and team talent with little to no rest.  Although they will mature on the road and as the season progresses, the true question is how well can you mesh a team together for the short-term goal.  
Sierra Canyon has a history of melting teams together as for the 2017-2018 season Bagley skitched on for a ride and Cassius joined for the 2018-2019 season on the route to two State titles.  However, as history shows, there is never a dominant team in California that competes and dominates at the highest level for more than a year or two.  It even took Chino Hills several tries and it didn’t come together until Lonzo’s senior season with Lamelo skipping a grade to enroll earlier along with the other Division 1 talent surrounding them.  Also, the Trailblazers may suffer from too much depth, often times a team with too many all-star players can crash and burn due to little chemistry on the court.  In fact, there are rumors surfacing that with the surplus of talent on this team, they will go with a rolling line-up throughout the entirety of the season, experimenting with line-ups and rotations.  However, questions still stand for the Blazers this season.  Can Sierra Canyon deliver upon the pressures they put on themselves?  Is this the new formula for high school basketball, putting together an on the run team filled with five-star transfers?  Only time will tell.
Enjoy The Show:
Before the season began, Sierra Canyon has already put on a show for the country to follow.  With the blockbuster transfers coming in an alarming rate, the arrival of Bronny James, their own midnight madness, and all of the social media hype surrounding them.  But they are shown to be human, as they lost a fall season league game to Dreamcity Christian, a prep team led by five-star MarJon Beauchamp.  But that says something in itself that their fall season consists of opponents from prep schools, as they played Hillcrest Prep (Arizona) as well.  Right as Sierra Canyon puts together rosters nobody has seen before, with the trio of Bagley, Cody Riley, & Remy Martin, they reload to the tune of Stanley, Martin, and Pippen.  Now they have mixed the theme of five-star talents and sons of NBA players once again as the hoist together talents from all across the country in Boston and Odom.  Add in the cameras, light, and action in the form of the ESPN coverage and you have one of the most highly speculated high school basketball seasons in recently memory, perhaps ever.  Now we will have to see, as whether they deliver on their hype and mania in the form of a State championships, and perhaps number one national spot.  Stay tuned. 
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universitybookstore · 6 years
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Index of Frightful Friday Posts 101–200
Young Goodman Brown | Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Devil and Daniel Webster | Washington Irving
The Cigarette Case | Oliver Onions
The Readjustment | Mary Austin
No. 5 Branch Line: The Engineer | Amelia Edwards
The Easter Egg | Saki
The Lottery | Shirley Jackson
The Secret of Kralitz | Henry Knutter
Mother of Toads | Clark Ashton Smith
Old Garfield’s Heart | Robert E. Howard
The Outsider | H.P. Lovecraft
The Ghosts | Lord Dunsany
The Man-Eating Tree | Phil Robinson
The Reckoning | Lafcadio Hearn
Wild Swimming | Elodie Harper
Neighbourhood Watch | Greg Egan
The Bus-Conductor | E.F. Benson
The Nightmare Room | Arthur Conan Doyle
The Devil of the Marsh | H.B. Marriott-Watson
Weeds | Stephen King
Djinn and Bitters | Harold Lawlor
A Night of Horror | Dick Donovan (aka James Edward Preston Muddock)
Leiningen Versus the Ants | Carl Stephenson
The Vampire of Croglin Grange | Augustus Hare
Lost Hearts | M.R. James
Round the Fire | Catherine Crowe
The Music of Erich Zann | H.P. Lovecraft
Sir Dominick’s Bargain | J. Sheridan Le Fanu
Pigeons from Hell | Robert E. Howard
The Medici Boots | Pearl Norton Swet
The Toll-House | W.W. Jacobs
Pride & Prometheus | John Kessel
The Shadowy Third | Ellen Glasgow
Was It a Dream? | Guy de Maupassant
The Open Door | Margaret Oliphant
Three Skeleton Key | George G. Toudouze
Man-Size in Marble | Edith Nesbit
Silent Snow, Secret Snow | Conrad Aiken
A Sound of Thunder | Ray Bradbury
The Gateway of the Monster | William Hope Hodgson
Ofodile | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Repossession | Lionel Shriver
Light and Space | Ned Beauman
Stairs | Penelope Lively
Dark Christmas | Jeanette Winterson
How Fear Departed the Long Gallery | E.F. Benson
Thurnley Abbey | Perceval Landon
To Be Read at Dusk | Charles Dickens
The Tractate Middoth | M.R. James
The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth | Rhoda Broughton
Lost in a Pyramid, or the Mummy’s Curse | Louisa May Alcott
The Sumach | Ulrich Dabney
The Pavilion | Edith Nesbit
The Flowering of the Strange Orchid | H.G. Wells
At the Dip of the Road | Mary Louisa Molesworth
At Chrighton Abbey | Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Banshees and Warnings | Lady Gregory
At the End of the Corridor | Evangeline Walton
The Tree’s Wife | Mary Elizabeth Counselman
Pickman’s Model | H.P. Lovecraft
The Dead Man | Fritz Leiber
The Canal | Everil Worrell
The Return of the Sorcerer | Clark Ashton Smith
The Child That Went with the Fairies | J. Sheridan Le Fanu
The Piano Next Door | Elia W. Peattie
The Miniature | J.Y. Akerman
The American’s Tale | Arthur Conan Doyle
The Death’s Head | Friedrich Laun
The Spectre-Barber | Johann Karl August Musäus
The Family Portraits | Johann August Apel
The Storm | Sarah Elizabeth Utterson
The Invisible Girl | Mary Shelley
The Botathen Ghost | R.S. Hawker
The Whisperers | Algernon Blackwood
The Curse of Vasartas | Eva Henry
The Lost Door | Dorothy Quick
Canon Alberic’s Scrapbook | M.R. James
The Mysterious Mummy | Sax Rohmer
Dagon | H.P. Lovecraft
Strange Event in the Life of Schalken the Painter | J. Sheridan Le Fanu
The Poor Ghost | Christina Rossetti
The Night Wire | H.F. Arnold
Old Aeson | Arthur Quiller-Couch
The Feather Pillow | Horacio Quiroga
Fingers of a Hand | H.D. Everett
The Tale of Satampra Zeiros | Clark Ashton Smith
The Story of Baelbrow | Kate & Hesketh Prichard
The Jelly-Fish | David H. Keller
The Ebony Frame | Edith Nesbit
The Man of Science | Jerome K. Jerome
The Open Window | Saki
The Hall Bedroom | Mary Wilkins Freeman
No. 252 Rue M. le Prince | Ralph Adams Cram
The Weird Violin | Anonymous
The Ghost’s Summons | Ada Buisson
The Doll’s Ghost | F. Marion Crawford
The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
The Tapestried Chamber | Sir Walter Scott
The Gorgon’s Head | Edith Bacon
The Empty House | Algernon Blackwood
For the first one hundred stories, please visit: Index of Frightful Friday Posts 1–100
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blackkudos · 7 years
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Eric Lynn Wright (September 7, 1964 – March 26, 1995), better known by his stage name Eazy-E, was an American rapper who performed solo and in the hip hop group N.W.A. Wright is affectionately called "The Godfather of Gangsta Rap". He was born to Richard and Kathie Wright in Compton, California. After dropping out of high school in the tenth grade, he supported himself primarily by selling drugs before founding Ruthless Records and becoming a rapper. Arabian Prince, Eazy-E, Dr. Dre and Ice Cube formed N.W.A. After DJ Yella and MC Ren joined the group, N.W.A released their debut single Panic Zone. In 1988, they released their most controversial album, Straight Outta Compton. The group released two more albums and then disbanded after Eazy released Dr. Dre from his contract.
Eazy's main influences included 1970s funk groups, contemporary rappers, and comedians. When reviewing Eazy's albums, many critics noted his unique overall style, with Steve Huey of the All Music Guide remarking: "While his technical skills as a rapper were never the greatest, his distinctive delivery... over-the-top lyrics, and undeniable charisma made him a star."
Early life and Ruthless Records investment
Eric Wright was born to Richard and Kathie Wright on September 7, 1964, in Compton, California, a Los Angeles suburb notorious for gang activity and crime. His father was a postal worker and his mother was a grade school administrator. Wright dropped out of high school in the tenth grade, but later received a high-school general equivalency diploma (GED).
Wright supported himself primarily by selling drugs, introduced to the occupation by his cousin. Wright's friend Jerry Heller admits that he witnessed Wright selling marijuana, but says that he never saw him sell cocaine. As Heller noted in his book Ruthless: A Memoir, Wright's "dope dealer" label was part of his "self-forged armor". Wright was also labeled as a "thug". Heller explains: "The hood where he grew up was a dangerous place. He was a small guy. 'Thug' was a role that was widely understood on the street; it gave you a certain level of protection in the sense that people hesitated to fuck with you. Likewise, 'dope dealer' was a role that accorded you certain privileges and respect."
In 1986, at the age of 22, Wright had allegedly earned as much as US$250,000 from dealing drugs. However, after his cousin was shot and killed, he decided that he could make a better living in the Los Angeles hip hop scene, which was growing rapidly in popularity. He started recording songs during the mid-1980s in his parents' garage.
The original idea for Ruthless Records came when Wright asked Heller to go into business with him. Wright suggested a half-ownership company, but it was later decided that Wright would get eighty percent of the company's income, and Heller would only get twenty percent. According to Heller, he told Wright, "Every dollar comes into Ruthless, I take twenty cents. That's industry standard for a manager of my caliber. I take twenty, you take eighty percent. I am responsible for my expenses, and you're responsible for yours. You own the company. I work for you." Along with Heller, Wright invested much of his money into Ruthless Records. Heller claims that he invested the first $250,000, and would eventually put up to $1,000,000 into the company.
Musical career
N.W.A and Eazy-Duz-It (1986–91)
N.W.A's original lineup consisted of Arabian Prince, Dr. Dre, Eazy-E, and Ice Cube. DJ Yella and MC Ren joined later. The compilation album N.W.A. and the Posse was released on November 6, 1987, and would go on to be certified Gold in the United States. The album featured material previously released as singles on the Macola Records label, which was responsible for distributing the releases by N.W.A and other artists like the Fila Fresh Crew, a West Coast rap group originally based in Dallas, Texas.
Eazy-E's debut album, Eazy-Duz-It, was released on September 16, 1988, and featured twelve tracks. It was labeled as West Coast hip hop, Gangsta rap, and Golden age hip hop. It has sold over 2.5 million copies in the United States and reached number forty-one on the Billboard 200. The album was produced by Dr. Dre and DJ Yella and largely written by MC Ren, Ice Cube, and The D.O.C.. Both Glen Boyd from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and MTV's Jon Wiederhorn claimed that Eazy-Duz-It "paved the way" for N.W.A's most controversial album, Straight Outta Compton. Wright's only solo in the album was a remix of the song "8 Ball", which originally appeared on N.W.A. and the Posse. The album featured Wright's writing and performing; he performed on seven songs and helped write four songs.
After the release of Straight Outta Compton, Ice Cube left because of internal disputes, and the group continued as a four-piece ensemble. N.W.A released 100 Miles and Runnin' and Niggaz4Life in 1991. A diss war started between N.W.A and Ice Cube when "100 Miles and Runnin'" and "Real Niggaz" were released. Ice Cube responded with "No Vaseline" on Death Certificate. Wright performed on seven of the eighteen songs on Niggaz4Life. In March 1991 Wright accepted an invitation to a lunch benefiting the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle, hosted by then-U.S. President George H. W. Bush. A spokesman for the rapper said that Eazy-E supported Bush because of his performance in the Persian Gulf War.
End of N.W.A and feud with Dr. Dre (1991–94)
N.W.A began to split up after Jerry Heller became the band's manager. Dr. Dre recalls: "The split came when Jerry Heller got involved. He played the divide and conquer game. Instead of taking care of everybody, he picked one nigga to take care of and that was Eazy. And Eazy was like, 'I'm taken care of, so fuck it'." Dre sent Suge Knight to look into Eazy's financial situation because he was beginning to grow suspicious of Eazy and Heller. Dre asked Eazy to release him from the Ruthless Records contract, but Eazy refused. The impasse led to what reportedly transpired between Knight and Eazy at the recording studio where Niggaz4life was recorded. After he refused to release Dre, Knight declared to Eazy that he had kidnapped Heller and was holding him prisoner in a van. The rumor did not convince Eazy to release Dre from his contract, and Knight threatened Eazy's family: Knight gave Eazy a piece of paper that contained Eazy's mother's address, telling him, "I know where your mama stays." Eazy finally signed Dre's release, officially ending N.W.A.
The feud with Dr. Dre continued after a track on Dre's The Chronic, "Dre Day", contained lyrics that insulted Eazy-E. Eazy responded with the EP, It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa, featuring the tracks "Real Muthaphuckkin G's" and "It's On". The album, which was released on October 25, 1993, contains pictures of Dre wearing "lacy outfits and makeup" when he was a member of the Electro-hop World Class Wreckin' Cru.
Personal life
Wright had a son, Eric Darnell Wright, in 1984. He also had a daughter named Erin who has legally changed her name to Ebie. (Ebie is currently crowd-funding a film called Ruthless Scandal: No More Lies to investigate her father's death.) Wright also knew that he had at least five other children by five separate women during his lifetime.
Wright met Tomica Woods at a Los Angeles nightclub in 1991, and they married in 1995, twelve days before his death. They had a son named Dominick and a daughter named Daijah (born six months after Wright's death). After Wright's death, Ruthless Records was taken over by his wife.
Legal issues
After Dr. Dre left Ruthless Records, executives Mike Klein and Jerry Heller sought assistance from the Jewish Defense League (JDL). Klein, a former Ruthless Records director of business affairs, said this provided Ruthless Records with leverage to enter into negotiations with Death Row Records over Dr. Dre's departure. While Knight had sought an outright release from Ruthless Records for Dr. Dre, the JDL and Ruthless Records management negotiated a release in which the record label would continue to receive money and publishing rights from future Dr. Dre projects with Death Row Records, founded by Dr. Dre with Suge Knight. The FBI launched a money-laundering investigation under the assumption that the JDL was extorting money from Ruthless Records to fight their causes. This led to JDL spokesperson Irv Rubin issuing a press release stating "There was nothing but a close, tight relationship" between Eazy-E and the organization.
Illness and death
On February 24, 1995, Wright was admitted to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles with what he believed to be asthma due to a recurring cough and wincing that occurred beginning in July 1994. Instead, he was diagnosed with AIDS. He announced his illness in a public statement on March 16, 1995. It is believed Wright contracted the disease and its infection from a sexual partner. During the week of March 20, having already made amends with Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre, he drafted a final message to his fans. On March 26, 1995, at approximately 6:35 p.m. PST, Eazy-E died from complications of AIDS, one month after his diagnosis. He was 30 years old, despite the fact that most reports at the time said he was 31 due to the falsification of his date of birth by one year. He was buried on April 7, 1995 at Rose Hills Memorial Park in Whittier, California. Over 3,000 people attended his funeral, including Jerry Heller and DJ Yella. He was buried in a gold casket, and instead of wearing a suit and tie, Eazy-E was dressed in a flannel shirt, a Compton hat and jeans. On January 30, 1996, ten months after Eazy-E's death, his final album, Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton was released.
According to his son Lil Eazy-E, Eazy-E was worth an estimated USD$50 million at the time of his death.
Musical influences and style
Allmusic cites Eazy-E's influences as Ice-T, Redd Foxx, King Tee, Bootsy Collins, Run-D.M.C., Richard Pryor, The Egyptian Lover, Schoolly D, Too $hort, Prince, The Sugarhill Gang, and George Clinton. In the documentary The Life and Timez of Eric Wright, Eazy-E mentions collaborating with many of his influences.
When reviewing Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton, Stephen Thomas Erlewine noted "... Eazy-E sounds revitalized, but the music simply isn't imaginative. Instead of pushing forward and creating a distinctive style, it treads over familiar gangsta territory, complete with bottomless bass, whining synthesizers, and meaningless boasts." When reviewing Eazy-Duz-It, Jason Birchmeier of Allmusic said, "In terms of production, Dr. Dre and Yella meld together P-Funk, Def Jam-style hip-hop, and the leftover electro sounds of mid-'80s Los Angeles, creating a dense, funky, and thoroughly unique style of their own." Birchmeier described Eazy's style as "dense, unique, and funky", and said that it sounded "absolutely revolutionary in 1988".
Several members of N.W.A wrote lyrics for Eazy-Duz-It: Ice Cube, The D.O.C., and MC Ren. The EP 5150: Home 4 tha Sick features a song written by Naughty By Nature. The track "Merry Muthaphuckkin' Xmas" features Menajahtwa, Buckwheat, and Atban Klann as guest vocalists, and "Neighborhood Sniper" features Kokane as a guest vocalist. It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa features several guest vocalists, including Gangsta Dresta, B.G. Knocc Out. Kokane, Cold 187um, Rhythum D, and Dirty Red. Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton featured several guest vocalists, including B.G. Knocc Out, Gangsta Dresta, Sylk-E. Fyne, Dirty Red, Menajahtwa, Roger Troutman, and ex-N.W.A members MC Ren and DJ Yella.
Eazy-E has been called the godfather of gangsta rap. MTV's Reid Shaheem said that Eazy was a "rap-pioneer", and he is sometimes cited by critics as a legend. Steve Huey of AllMusic said that he was "one of the most controversial figures in gangsta rap". Since his 1995 death, many book and video biographies have been produced, including 2002's The Day Eazy-E Died and Dead and Gone.
When Eazy was diagnosed with AIDS, many magazines like Jet, Vibe, Billboard, The Crisis, and Newsweek covered the story and released information on the topic. All of his studio albums and EPs charted on the Billboard 200, and many of his singles—"Eazy-Duz-It", "We Want Eazy", "Real Muthaphuckkin G's", and "Just tah Let U Know"—also charted in the U.S.
In 2012 a Eazy-E documentary was released by Ruthless Propaganda, called Ruthless Memories. The documentary featured interviews from Jerry Heller, MC Ren and B.G. Knocc Out.
In the 2015 film Straight Outta Compton, Eazy-E is played by Jason Mitchell, and the film is dedicated in his honor.
Studio albums
Eazy-Duz-It (1988)
Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton (1996)
Extended Plays
5150: Home 4 tha Sick (1992)
It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa (1993)
Impact of a Legend (2002)
With N.W.A
N.W.A. and the Posse (1987)
Straight Outta Compton (1988)
100 Miles and Runnin' (1990)
Niggaz4Life (1991)
7 notes · View notes
July 2002[edit source]
Unknown date - Catmando, 7, British Cat and Politician and joint Leader of the Monster Raving Looney Party
2 – Earle Brown, 75, American composer.
2 – Ray Brown, 75, American bassist.
3 – Michel Henry, 80, French philosopher.
4 – Kenneth Ross MacKenzie, 90, American physicist.
4 – Sir Jake Saunders, 84, British banker.
4 – Winnifred Van Tongerloo, 98, oldest living survivor of the Titanic.
4 – Benjamin O. Davis Jr., 89, African-American General.
5 – Ted Williams, 83, American baseball player (Boston Red Sox) and member of the MLB Hall of Fame.
5 – Katy Jurado, 68, Mexican actress.
6 – Dhirubhai Ambani, 69, Indian businessman.
6 – John Frankenheimer, 74, American film director.
6 – Kenneth Koch, 77, American poet and playwright.
6 – Stuart Shorter, 33, British homeless activist.
7 – Decherd Turner, 79, American librarian and book collector.
8 – Sir Robert Bellinger, 92, former Lord Mayor of London.
8 – Ward Kimball, 88, Disney animator.
8 – Patrick Rodger, 81, British Anglican prelate, former Bishop of Oxford.
9 – Laurence Janifer, 69, science fiction writer.
9 – William Robinson, 85, Canadian Anglican prelate, Bishop of Ottawa.
9 – Ron Scarlett, 91, New Zealand paleozoologist.
9 – Dave Sorenson, 54, former NBA and Ohio State University basketball player.
9 – Rod Steiger, 77, American actor, kidney failure.
10 – John Wallach, 59, journalist and philanthropist.
11 – Roy Orrock, 81, British World War II pilot.
12 – Edward Lee Howard, 51, American CIA agent who defected to the Soviet Union.
12 – Mani Krishnaswami, 72, Indian vocalist.
13 – Yousuf Karsh, 93, celebrity portrait photographer as "Karsh of Ottawa".
13 – Eric Price, 83, English cricketer.
14 – Joaquín Balaguer, 95, former President of the Dominican Republic.
15 – Gavin Muir, 50. British actor and musician.
15 – Camillus Perera, 64, Sri Lankan cricket umpire.
16 – Alan Charles Clark, 82, British Roman Catholic prelate.
16 – John Cocke, 77, American computer scientist, key figure in the development of RISC architecture.
16 – Cletus Madsen, 96, American Roman Catholic priest.
16 – Jack Olsen, 77, American "True crime" writer.
17 – Charles I. Krause, 90, American labor leader.
18 – Metin Toker, 78, Turkish journalist and one time politician
19 – Dave Carter, 49, American singer-songwriter.
19 – Alexander Ginzburg, 65, leading Soviet dissident.
19 – Alan Lomax, 87, American documenter of blues and folk songs.
21 – John Cunningham, 84, British World War II fighter pilot.
21 – Antti Koivumäki, 25, Finnish poet and keyboardist (Aavikko)
22 – Joyce Cooper, 93, British Olympic swimmer.
22 – Marion Montgomery, 67, American jazz singer.
22 – Giuseppe Corradi, 70, Italian footballer.
22 – Prince Ahmed bin Salman, member of the Saudi Arabian royal family.
22 – Chuck Traynor, 64, American pornographer.
23 – Bill Bell, 70, New Zealand cricketer.
23 – Alberto Castillo, 87, Argentine tango singer and actor.
23 – Leo McKern, 82, Australian actor.
23 – William Pierce, American neo-Nazi, author of The Turner Diaries.
23 – Chaim Potok, 73, American author.
24 – Maurice Denham, 92, British actor.
24 – Mike Clark, 61, former NFL kicker.
25 – Abdur Rahman Badawi, Egyptian existentialist philosopher.
27 – Krishan Kant, 75, Indian politician, Vice-President (1997–2002).
29 – Peter Bayliss, 80, British actor.
30 – Fred Jordan, 80, British folk singer.
31 – Pauline Chan Bo-Lin, 29, Hong Kong actress, suicide.
31 – Sir Maldwyn Thomas, 84, Welsh businessman and politician.
August 2002[edit source]
1 – Theo Bruce, 79, Australian long jumper.
1 – Jack Tighe, 88, American baseball coach.
3 – Kathleen Hughes-Hallett, 84, Canadian Olympic fencer.
3 – Peter Miles, 64, American actor.
3 – Carmen Silvera, 80, UK television and theatre actress (Dad's Army, 'Allo 'Allo!).
5 – Josh Ryan Evans, 20, American actor ("Timmy" on Passions).
5 – Chick Hearn, 85, television and radio announcer for the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team since 1960.
5 – Franco Lucentini, 82, Italian writer (The Sunday Woman).
5 – Darrell Porter, 50, American baseball player.
6 – Jim Crawford, 54, Scottish motor racing driver.
6 – Edsger Dijkstra, 72, computer scientist.
7 – Dominick Browne, 4th Baron Oranmore and Browne, 100, British aristocrat.
9 – George Alfred Barnard, 86, British statistician.
10 – Doris Wishman, 90, American film director, producer and screenwriter.
12 – Sir John Rennie, 85, British diplomat.
12 – Enos Slaughter, 86, American baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals) and member of the MLB Hall of Fame.
12 – Dame Marjorie Williamson, 89, British university administrator.
14 – Peter R. Hunt, 77, British film editor.
14 – Larry Rivers, 78, American painter.
14 – Dave Williams, 30, singer of Drowning Pool.
15 – Jesse Brown, 58, United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
15 – George Agbazika Innih, 63, Nigerian army general and politician.
15 – Haim Yosef Zadok, 88, Israeli jurist and politician.
16 – Abu Nidal, 65, terrorist.
16 – Ola Belle Reed, 85, American singer.
16 – Johnny Roseboro, 69, American baseball player.
18 – Dame Elizabeth Chesterton, 86, British architect and town planner.
18 – Edward Crew, 84, British air marshal.
18 – David Keynes Hill, 87, British biophysicist.
19 – Sunday Silence, 16, thoroughbred race horse, winner of the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes.
20 – Augustine Geve, Solomon Islands Cabinet Minister, assassinated.
22 – Allan George Bromley, 55, computer scientist, historian of computing.
22 – Bruce Duncan Guimaraens, 66, Portuguese wine maker.
23 – Emily Genauer, 91, American art critic.
23 – Hoyt Wilhelm, 80, American baseball player who played for nine different teams and a member of the MLB Hall of Fame.
24 – Wayne Simmons, 32, American Football player.
25 – Per Anger, 88, Swedish diplomat.
25 – Dorothy Hewett, 79, Australian poet, playwright and novelist.
27 – Edwin Sill Fussell, 80, American scholar of English literature.
27 – George Mitchell, 85, Scottish musician (The Black and White Minstrel Show).
27 – John S. Wilson, 89, American music critic.
29 – Elizabeth Forbes, 85, New Zealand athlete.
29 – Paul Tripp, 91, American musician and TV host.
30 – Thomas J. Anderson, 91, American publisher and politician.
30 – Maia Berzina, 91, Russian geographer, cartographer and ethnologer.
30 – Roy Wright, 73, Austrian rules football player.
31 – Lionel Hampton, 94, American jazz musician.
31 – Martin Kamen, 89, American scientist.
31 – George Porter, Baron Porter of Luddenham, 81, British Nobel Prize winner in chemistry.
September 2002[edit source]
1 – Peter Ramsden, 68, British rugby league player.
2 – Sir Robert Wilson, 75, British astronomer.
3 – Kenneth Hare, 83, Canadian scientist.
3 – Ted Ross, 68, American actor.
3 – Len Wilkinson, 85, British cricketer.
4 – Frankie Albert, 82, American National Football League star.
4 – Jerome Biffle, 74, American Olympic long jumper.
5 – Robert W. Brooks, 49, American mathematician.
5 – William Cooper, 92, English novelist.
5 – Cliff Gorman, 65, American actor.
5 – David Todd Wilkinson, 67, American cosmologist.
7 - Eugenio Coșeriu, 81, linguist specialized in Romance languages
7 – Uziel Gal, 78, designer of the Uzi submachine gun.
7 – Don Smith, 73, Canadian ice hockey player.
8 – Marco Siffredi, 23, French snowboarder (last seen on this date).
9 – Geoffrey Dummer, 92, British engineer.
11 – Johnny Unitas, 69, American football player (Baltimore Colts) and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
12 – Kim Hunter, 79, American stage, television and Oscar-winning film actress (played "Stella Kowalski" in the original Broadway and film versions of A Streetcar Named Desire).
13 – Charles Herbert Lowe, 82, American biologist.
13 – George Stanley, 95, Canadian historian and public servant.
14 – Paul Williams, 87, American saxophonist.
15 – Robert William Pope, 86, British Anglican prelate, Dean of Gibraltar.
16 – Archibald Hall, 78, British criminal.
16 – Nguyễn Văn Thuận, 74, Vietnamese Roman Catholic prelate.
17 – Denys Fisher, 84, British inventor of the Spirograph.
18 – Bob Hayes, 59, American football player Dallas Cowboys and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
19 – Sergei Bodrov Jr., 30, Russian movie star, Kolka-Karmadon rock ice slide.
19 – James Macdonald, 83, Scottish-born Australian ornithologist.
20 – Necdet Kent, 91, Turkish diplomat and humanitarian.
20 – Bob Wallace, 53, American computer scientist.
21 – Henry Pybus Bell-Irving, 89, Canadian Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia.
21 – Angelo Buono, Jr., 67, the "Hillside Strangler".
21 – Robert L. Forward, 70, physicist and science fiction author.
22 – Joseph Nathan Kane, 103, American historian and author.
22 – Jan de Hartog, 88, novelist and playwright.
22 – Anthony Milner, 77, British musician.
23 – Vernon Corea, 75, Sri Lankan-born British radio broadcaster.
24 – Mike Webster, 50, American football player (Pittsburgh Steelers) and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame).
24 – George Wilson, 86, British cricketer.
25 – Arnold Ross, 96, American mathematician.
26 – Thomas S. Smith, 84, American politician, member of the New Jersey General Assembly.
27 – David Granger, 99, American bobsledder.
27 – Bill Pearson, 80, New Zealand writer.
30 – Robert Battersby, 77, British soldier and politician.
30 – Arthur Hazlerigg, 2nd Baron Hazlerigg, 92, British cricketer and soldier.
30 – Meinhard Michael Moser, 78, Swiss mycologist.
30 – Ewart Oakeshott, 86, British illustrator.
30 – Sir Jock Taylor, 78, British diplomat.
October 2002[edit source]
1 – Walter Annenberg, 94, American publisher and philanthropist.
1 – Ted Serong, 86, Australian soldier.
2 – Norman O. Brown, 89, American classicist.
2 – Heinz von Foerster, 90, Austrian-born American physicist and philosopher, one of the founders of constructivism.
2 – Alexander Sinclair, 91, Canadian ice hockey player.
3 – John Erritt, 71, British civil servant.
3 – Bruce Paltrow, 58, American television and film producer.
4 – Alphonse Chapanis, a founder of ergonomics.
4 – Barbara Fawkes, 87, British nurse.
4 – Ahmad Mahmoud, 70, Iranian novelist.
5 – Sir Reginald Hibbert, 80, British diplomat.
5 – Morag Hood, 59, Scottish actress.
6 – Chuck Rayner, 82, Canadian ice hockey player.
6 – Claus von Amsberg, 76, Dutch diplomat; husband of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.
8 – Phyllis Calvert, 87, British actress.
9 – Jim Martin, 78, American football player.
9 – Aileen Wuornos, 46, convicted of killing six men, lethal injection.
10 – Joe Wood, 86, American baseball player.
11 – William J. Field, 93, British politician.
12 – Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick, 89. British general.
12 – Audrey Mestre, 28, French world record-setting free diver.
12 – Nozomi Momoi, 24, Japanese AV idol, murdered.
12 – Sidney W. Pink, 86, American movie director and producer.
13 – Stephen Ambrose, 66, historian and author of "Band of Brothers".
13 – Keene Curtis, 79, American actor.
13 – Jim Higgins, 71, British politician.
14 – S. William Green, 72, American politician.
15 – Jack Lee, 89, British film director.
15 – Ze'ev, 79, Israeli caricaturist and illustrator.
16 – William Macmillan, 75, Scottish minister, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
17 – Derek Bell, 66, member of The Chieftains, harpist.
17 – Henri Renaud, 67, French jazz pianist and record company executive.
18 – Sir Cecil Blacker, 86, British army general.
18 – Roman Tam, 52, Hong Kong canto-pop singer.
19 – Manuel Alvarez Bravo, 100, Mexican photographer.
20 – Barbara Berjer, 82, American actress.
20 – Elisabeth Furse, 92, German-born British war-time agent.
20 – Mel Harder, 93, American baseball player.
21 – Beatrice Serota, Baroness Serota, 83, British politician.
22 – Richard Helms, 89, American former CIA director.
23 – David Henry Lewis, 85, New Zealand sailor and adventurer.
24 – Winton M. Blount, 81, last United States Postmaster General to have served in a Presidential Cabinet.
24 – Adolph Green, 87, American lyricist and playwright.
24 – Harry Hay, 90, American gay rights activist and Mattachine Society founder.
25 – Richard Harris, 72, Irish actor.
25 – René Thom, 79, French mathematician.
25 – Paul Wellstone, 58, United States Senator (D-MN).
28 – Margaret Booth, 104, Academy Award-winning film editor.
28 – Erling Persson, 85, Swedish businessman, founder of H&M.
28 – Sir Patrick Russell, 76, British jurist.
29 – Chang-Lin Tien, educator, 7th Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley.
29 – Richard Jenkin, 77, Cornish nationalist politician.
29 – Glenn McQueen, 41, Canadian film animator.
30 – Jam Master Jay, 37, DJ of Run DMC, murdered.
30 – Sir William Mitchell, 77, British physicist.
31 – Yuri Ahronovitch, 70, Russian conductor.
31 – Sir Napier Crookenden, 87, British Army general.
31 – Baroness Hylton-Foster, 94, British peer.
November 2002[edit source]
1 – Edward Brooke, 85, Canadian Olympic fencer.
1 – Sir Charles Wilson, 93, British political scientist.
2 – Brian Behan, 75, Irish writer, younger brother of Brendan Behan.
2 – Robert Haslam, Baron Haslam, 79, British industrialist and life peer.
2 – Lo Lieh, 63, Hong King actor.
2 – Dame Felicity Peake, 89, British Director of the Women's Royal Air Force.
2 – Tonio Selwart, 106, Bavarian actor and Broadway performer.
2 – Charles Sheffield, 67, science fiction author and physicist.
3 – Lonnie Donegan, 71, British skiffle musician.
3 – Sir John Habakkuk, 87, British economic historian.
3 – Jonathan Harris, 87, American actor, TV's "Dr. Smith" on Lost in Space.
3 – William Packard, 69, American poet and author.
3 – Sir Rex Roe, 77, British air force officer.
4 – Antonio Margheriti, 72, Italian filmmaker, heart attack.
5 – Billy Guy, 66, American singer.
5 – Mushtaq Qadri, 35, Pakistani religious poet.
6 – Brian James, 61, English cricketer.
6 – Sid Sackson, 82, board game designer.
7 – Rudolf Augstein, 79, founder and chief editorialist of the German newsweekly Der Spiegel.
8 – Dorothy Mackie Low, 86, British novelist.
9 – Dick Johnson, 85, American test pilot.
9 – Merlin Santana, 26, actor.
9 – William Schutz, 76, American psychologist.
10 – Steve Durbano, 50, ice hockey player, lung cancer.
11 – Sir Michael Clapham, 90, British industrialist.
11 – David Steel, 92, Scottish minister.
13 – Kaloji Narayana Rao, 88, Indian poet and political activist.
13 – Irv Rubin, 57, Canadian chairman of the Jewish Defence League.
14 – Eddie Bracken, 87, actor.
14 – Mir Qazi, 38, Pakistani convicted criminal, executed by lethal injection in Virginia.
15 – Myra Hindley, 60, the Moors murderess.
15 – John Joseph Stewart,79, New Zealand rugby coach.
16 – Rupert E. Billingham, 81, British biologist.
16 – Sir George Gardiner, 67, British politician.
17 – Abba Eban, 88, Israeli foreign affair minister.
18 – James Coburn, 74, Oscar-winning actor, heart attack.
18 – Pasquale Vivolo, 74, Italian footballer.
19 – Prince Alexandre de Merode, 68, International Olympic Committee member, lung cancer.
19 – George Fullerton, 79, South African cricketer.
20 – George Guest, 78, British organist and choirmaster.
20 – Ben Webb, 45, Canadian journalist.
20 – Zhang Shuguang, 82, Chinese politician
21 – Prince Takamado, 47, Japanese prince
21 – Hadda Brooks, 86, American jazz singer, pianist and composer.
21 – Arturo Guzman Decena founder of Los Zetas
21 – J. Roger Pichette, 81, Canadian politician.
22 – Joan Barclay, 88, American actress.
22 – Christine Marion Fraser, 64, Scottish novelist.
23 – Roberto Matta, 91 Chilean artist.
24 – Philip B. Meggs, 60, American graphic designer.
24 – John Rawls, 81, political theorist.
25 – Gordon Davidson, 87, Australian politician.
25 – David Drummond, 8th Earl of Perth, 95, British politician and aristocrat.
26 – Verne Winchell, 87, founder of Winchell's Donuts (nicknamed "The Donut King").
27 – Stanley Black, 89, British musician.
27 – Ronald Gerard Connors, 87, American Roman Catholic bishop in the Dominican Republic.
28 – Billy Pearson, 82, American jockey.
29 – David Weiss, 93, American novelist.
30 – Tim Woods, 68, professional wrestler who wrestled as Mr. Wrestling, heart attack.
December 2002[edit source]
1 – Dave McNally, 60, American baseball player.
1 – José Chávez Morado, 93, Mexican artist.
1 – Michael Oliver, 65, British classical music broadcaster and writer.
2 – Jim Mitchell, 56, Irish politician.
2 – Vjenceslav Richter, 85, Croatian architect.
2 – Derek Robinson, 61, British nuclear physicist.
2 – Fay Gillis Wells, 94, American pioneer aviator.
3 – Glenn Quinn, 32, Irish actor (Roseanne, Angel).
5 – Roone Arledge, 71, American television producer and executive (Monday Night Football and Nightline).
5 – Ne Win, 91, Burmese dictator.
6 – Father Philip Berrigan, 79, American priest and political activist.
6 – Charles Rosen, 85, pioneer in artificial intelligence.
7 – Barbara Howard, 76, Canadian artist.
7 – Paddy Tunney, 81, Irish traditional artist.
8 – Bobby Joe Hill, 59, American basketball player.
8 – Charles Rosen, 85, American computer scientist.
9 – Stan Rice, 60, painter, educator, poet, husband of author Anne Rice, cancer.
9 – To Huu, 82, Vietnamese poet and politician.
10 – Desmond Keith Carter, 35, convicted murderer, executed by lethal injection in North Carolina.
10 – Earl Henry, 85, American baseball player.
10 – Andres Küng, 57, Swedish journalist, writer, entrepreneur and politician of Estonian origin.
10 – Steve Llewellyn, 78, Welsh rugby league player.
10 – Ian MacNaughton, 76, director of most episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
11 – Kay Rose, 80, American Oscar-winning sound editor.
12 – Dee Brown, 94, author (Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee).
12 – Edward Harrison, 92, English cricketer and squash player.
12 – Jay Wesley Neill, 37. convicted murderer, executed by lethal injection in Oklahoma.
13 – Ronald Butt, 82, British journalist.
13 – Zal Yanofsky, 57, Canadian member of The Lovin' Spoonful music group.
14 – Jack Bradley, 86, English footballer.
15 – Arthur Jeph Parker, 79, American set decorator.
15 – Dick Stuart, 70, American baseball player.
17 – John Aubrey Davis, Sr., 90, American civil rights activist.
17 – Hank Luisetti, 86, basketball star and innovator.
18 – Lucy Grealy, 39, Irish-born American poet and memoirist.
18 – Ramon John Hnatyshyn, 68, former Governor-General of Canada, pancreatitis.
18 – Sir Bert Millichip, 88, British football administrator.
18 – Wayne Owens, 65, U.S. Congressman (D-UT), heart attack.
19 – Guy Bordelon, 80, American Korean War flying ace.
19 – Stephen Fleck, 90, American psychiatrist.
19 – Jim Flower, 79, British admiral.
19 – Arthur Rowley, 76, English footballer, holder of the record for most career league goals scored.
19 – Lewis B. Smedes, 81, American theologian.
20 – Joanne Campbell, 38, British actress who starred in the comedy series, Me and My Girl (1980s).
20 – James Richard Ham, 91, American Roman Catholic prelate.
22 – Desmond Hoyte, 73, President of Guyana from 1985 to 1992.
22 – Joe Morgan, 57, New Zealand rugby union player.
22 – Joe Strummer, 50, former singer for The Clash.
22 – Kenneth Tobey, 85, prolific character actor (appeared in about 100 films including: Twelve O'Clock High, Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, The Thing from Another World and Airplane!).
23 – Jimmy Osborne, 94, Australian soccer player.
24 – James Ferman, 72, American film censor.
24 – Tita Merello, 98, Argentinian actress and singer.
24 – V.K. Ramasamy, 76, Indian actor.
24 – Jake Thackray, 64, English singer-songwriter, heart failure.
25 – Gabriel Almond, 91, American political scientist.
25 – William T. Orr, 85, television executive (brought Maverick, F-Troop and 77 Sunset Strip to TV).
25 – Davina Whitehouse, 90, British-born New Zealand actress.
26 – Herb Ritts, 50, celebrity photographer.
26 – Armand Zildjian, 81, cymbals manufacturer.
27 – George Roy Hill, 81, film director (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Sting).
28 – Meri Wilson, 53, American singer.
29 – Don Clarke, 69, New Zealand rugby player.
29 – Sir Paul Hawkins, 90, British politician.
30 – Mary Wesley, 90, novelist, author of The Camomile Lawn.
31 – Billy Morris, 84, Welsh footballer.
31 – Kevin MacMichael, 51, Canadian guitarist and singer-songwriter (Cutting Crew).
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fordlibrarymuseum · 7 years
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President Ford presented the Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award, to 22 outstanding Americans on January 10, 1977.
The diverse group of recipients represented many fields. Those honored at the White House were labor leader I. W. Abel, physicist John Bardeen (represented by his son William Bardeen), biologist Norman Borlaug, General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, Navy Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, historian Bruce Catton, baseball player Joe DiMaggio (represented by his brother Dominick DiMaggio), writers and historians Ariel Durant and Will Durant, conductor Arthur Fiedler, Judge Henry J. Friendly, former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson, poet Archibald MacLeish (represented by his nephew Roderick MacLeish), writer James A. Michener, Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller, artist Norman Rockwell (represented by his son Jarvis Rockwell), philanthropist Catherine Filene Shouse, broadcaster and traveler Lowell Thomas, and scientist James D. Watson. The three honorees unable to be represented at the event were composer Irving Berlin, artist Georgia O’Keefe, and sculptor Alexander Calder (awarded posthumously).
“It is a particular privilege for me because honoring extraordinary Americans on behalf of their fellow citizens is one of a President's most enjoyable duties,” President Ford said at the ceremony. “Our country and all mankind will always need people like you whose energy, whose imagination, reveal our country's greatest potential.”
Image: President and Mrs. Ford with Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in the Grand Hall at the White House, 1/10/1977 (White House photograph B2741-08)
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thewebofslime · 5 years
NEWSLETTERS JOIN LOG IN JOIN EXCLUSIVE CONTENT MY ACCOUNT LOG OUT CHEAT SHEET POLITICS ENTERTAINMENT WORLD NEWS HALF FULL CULTURE U.S. NEWS TECH SCIENCE SCOUTED TRAVEL ‘VERY FORTHCOMING’ Trump Team Wants You to See the Iran Nuke Documents Obama’s Kept From View Unclassified documents have been kept in ultra-secure facilities usually used for top secret materials. They could come out in January. Tim Mak 12.05.16 1:00 AM ET DOMINICK REUTER/Getty The private files outlining hidden agreements in the Iran nuclear deal may be released in one of President Donald Trump’s first actions in office. Senior officials who will be part of the Trump administration are already discussing what so-far-unseen information about the Iran agreement they will be able to make public after January, according to an individual who has participated in those conversations. Releasing Iran nuclear deal documents would be cheered on by hawkish lawmakers who have opposed the agreement, and bolstered by cabinet appointees who have long called for transparency about it. Michael Flynn, who has been tapped for national security adviser, and Mike Pompeo, who has been picked for CIA director, have both long been bullish on providing transparency on internal information regarding Iran. “My guess is that they will be very forthcoming,” a grinning Sen. Bob Corker, the chairman of the foreign relations committee who has been named a potential candidate for Trump’s secretary of state, told The Daily Beast. “They’ll be more than desirous in ensuring that’s the case.” The release of these documents echo President Obama’s early decision to release the legal justification approving the CIA’s interrogation program during President George W. Bush’s tenure, in the sense that the incoming administration wants to release potentially embarrassing documents in hopes of turning the page on the last administration’s actions. In the case of the Iran nuclear deal, there are many unclassified documents that have been held by the Obama administration in tightly-controlled security environments that effectively make it impossible for the public to see them. ”The American people know the Iran deal is bad. I can tell you it’s even worse than most people think. The Obama Administration has long known its position is indefensible, so they’ve chosen to hide unclassified documents from the public,” said Rep. Peter Roskam, an Illinois Republican and an Iran deal critic. “If this information is not classified, it should be made available to the public.” To keep them out of public view, these documents have been held throughout the U.S. Capitol complex in Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facilities, or SCIFs, which are built to shield top secret information. State Department protocol requires these documents can only be viewed by lawmakers and Congressional staff with a certain level of security clearance—even though they are unclassified. The Trump administration could soon release three sets of Iran-related documents which have been stored in this manner. Because they are not classified, they would not need to go through a rigorous and lengthy declassification process. One group is 17 unclassified documents related to the Iran nuclear agreement, including a projection of how Iran’s nuclear research and development could progress over time, and letters between various foreign ministers and Secretary of State John Kerry. The second group includes documents signed by senior State Department official Brett McGurk, outlining the terms of a much-criticized prisoner swap in which four Americans were released in prison in exchange for the transfer of $1.7 billion in cash to Iran—a deal that Trump himself lambasted frequently during the presidential campaign. And the third group includes documents outlining the “secret” exemptions to the nuclear deal that Iran was allowed. These exemptions were approved by a joint commission created by the deal to oversee its implementation. All three sets of documents are unclassified, a senior Republican Senate aide said. Emails reviewed by The Daily Beast showed that despite this fact, a confidential clearance was required to see the McGurk documents and a secret classification was required to view the joint commission documents in the Congressional SCIFs. “The Obama administration didn’t want wide readership and wanted to create hurdles for Congressional staff to see it,” said a senior GOP Congressional aide. “I hope when President Trump comes to office, he makes the Obama administration the most transparent in history. Because they have not been transparent.” The Trump transition team did not respond to a request for comment. But a State Department official outlined the Obama administration’s rationale for not publicizing the “sensitive information” in these documents. Some of the file could have an effect on ongoing litigation, while others include closely-guarded information from the IAEA, the official said, adding, “we have transmitted relevant documents to Congress in a fashion that both protects sensitive information while giving all members the ability to review them… Disclosure of this information beyond members of Congress and staff could adversely affect the diplomatic relations of the United States.” But the possibility of these documents being released to the public has united longtime critics of both Trump and the Iran nuclear agreement. Hidden but unclassified Iranian nuclear deal documents “ought to be released,” Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez told The Daily Beast Thursday. Added Republican Sen. John McCain later, “Everything should be made public. I support that effort. Everything should be made clear to the American people.” READ THIS LIST Trump Diehards Create a Yelp for MAGA-Friendly Restaurants WILL SOMMER Ethiopian Airlines Crash: Is New Boeing Jet Unsafe? CLIVE IRVING New R. Kelly Tape Surfaces Showing Alleged Sex Abuse VICTORIA BEKIEMPIS Meghan Markle’s ‘Difficult’ Problem: Another Aide Quits TOM SYKES, TIM TEEMAN Roseanne Barr: #MeToo Women are Hos, Trump a ‘Deep Thinker’ TOM SYKES ANTIFA FREE Trump Diehards Create Their Own Yelp for MAGA-Friendly Restaurants Will your pizza place protect you from antifa? These Trump fans want to know. Will Sommer 03.09.19 9:41 PM ET Everywhere they look, Donald Trump’s supporters feel like they’re under attack. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant; Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was chased out of another. Right-wing media outlets are filled with stories of liberals pulling off “Make America Great Again” hats. Trump supporters have even come up with a term for this phenomenon that has them feeling under siege: “MAGAphobia.” Now, in a move reminiscent of the “Green Book” guide that listed safe establishments for African-American motorists in the South, hyper-vigilant Trump supporters are trying to build their own guide to MAGA-friendly businesses. SPOILED DINNER DSA: We’re Coming After More Trump Officials Kelly Weill Trump supporters who want to grab dinner but are terrified of getting punched by an antifascist “antifa” activist can pull up the app, “63red Safe,” and find a list of Trump-friendly businesses—or at least ones that don’t discriminate against conservatives. “I'm trying to position it as an everyday 'where can I go eat safely' app,” Scott Wallace, the app’s founder, told The Daily Beast. 63red Safe works like a conservative Yelp. Instead of reviewing the lighting and ambience, though, the site’s users rate restaurants and other businesses on a series of four questions, including whether the restaurant’s owners make political social-media posts and whether they allow customers to carry weapons. RELATED IN POLITICS Trump Falsely Claims Beto O’Rourke Counter Rally Was Tiny The Case for Primarying Donald Trump From the Right Trump Defends Fox's Honor After Democrats Spurn Debate There “Does this business serve persons of every political belief?” the app’s questions read. “Will this business protect its customers if they are attacked for political reasons?” Wallace, who compares the app to a political “fire inspector,” is confident that the app will grow more popular as 2020 approaches. That’s when, he claims, more Trump supporters will be targeted by what he calls “socialist goon squads,” and businesses will become more interested in protecting their customers over their politics. “I believe that, between now and 2020, we’re going to see the rise of the socialist goon squad,” Wallace said. “I think antifa was nothing compared between now and what’s coming in 2020. And I’m deeply concerned.” Wallace says 63red Safe is less about finding pro-Trump businesses, and more about letting conservatives know if they’re in a business that opposes their politics. “If they’re not political, they’re safe,” Wallace said. 63red Safe has garnered 5,000 reviews since launching earlier this month—a solid start, but hardly enough to cover every hungry Trump supporter’s restaurant needs. The app is part of a larger network of apps that have launched under the “63red” name, including a chat app and a news aggregator that Wallace says has roughly 100,000 monthly users. It’s not entirely explained how 63red Safe’s reviewers get their information. Some businesses have earned reviewers’ ire and the “not safe” tag for obvious reasons. Lexington, Va.’s Red Hen restaurant, for example, is listed as “unsafe” on the app after asking Sanders to leave last year. But other ratings on the app are less obvious. A number of Oklahoma City pizzerias have been rated, but it’s not clear why one pizza place is rated as “not safe” and another as “safe.” Aside from the “safe” or “not safe” rulings, the app doesn’t offer any explanation for why one business is safe and another not. Wallace is aware that 63red’s apps face long odds of success. Alternative social media networks for Trump supporters and conservatives have struggled with extremist content or a shortage of users. “Donald Date,” a pro-Trump dating site, launched last year and immediately leaked its members’ data. “We’re committed. This is not yet another a Trump dating site,” Wallace said. “This is not yet another social network.” Viral news stories aside, it’s not clear whether Trump supporters are really so targeted in public that they need an app to tell them where they’ll be safe. Hate crimes have gone up in Trump’s presidency, but the majority of those attacks were related to race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, not politics. Wallace, who claims his apps will help conservatives organize ahead of the 2020 election, compares 63red Safe to a fire extinguisher. You don’t always need it, but when you do, you really need it. “When it counts it can become very important to know beforehand,” Wallace said. READ THIS LIST Ethiopian Airlines Crash: Is New Boeing Jet Unsafe? CLIVE IRVING New R. Kelly Tape Surfaces Showing Alleged Sex Abuse VICTORIA BEKIEMPIS Meghan Markle’s ‘Difficult’ Problem: Another Aide Quits TOM SYKES, TIM TEEMAN Roseanne Barr: #MeToo Women are Hos, Trump a ‘Deep Thinker’ TOM SYKES Bret Baier: Democrats Have ‘Fox Derangement Syndrome’ WILL SOMMER POLITICS ENTERTAINMENT WORLD NEWS HALF FULL CULTURE U.S. NEWS TECH SCIENCE SCOUTED TRAVEL ABOUT CONTACT TIPS JOBS HELP PRIVACY CODE OF ETHICS & STANDARDS TERMS & CONDITIONS COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARK SITEMAP © 2019 The Daily Beast Company LLC Advertise With Us
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esotheria-sims · 23 days
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It was a rainy afternoon when Dominick Irving dropped by the Blackbirds' for his promised study session with Gabriel. Gabriel wasn't expecting him today (he knew how Dominick felt about being exposed to water), so he was all the more grateful for his presence.
As the two neighbors shot the breeze before their session, Old Al entered the room, freezing mid-step without a discernible reason. Gabriel watched with the corner of his eye as the vagabond wobbled his shaggy gray head, frantic eyes darting back and forth between Gabriel and Dominick as if they were jailers denying him his freedom. Finally, he charged forward, running in manic panic past the two men and out of the house, hands covering his head as if he was expecting a beating. Whatever had gotten into the old bum?
Dominick was clearly uncomfortable, gaze to the floor and awkwardly picking at the palm of his mechanical arm. Gabriel made a mental note never to call him over while Old Al was lurking about.
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equinoxts2 · 1 year
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While I type up the story posts from the first household of new KS, have this... interesting Story Progression reset moment! Dom doesn’t look too happy about suddenly warping into squiggly lines when all he wanted to do was wave his daughters off on the Anachronism Express.
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groovynerdtree-blog · 7 years
Irving Dominick, "Marla," 1982
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ibestofthewestblog · 4 years
Interview with Rancho Christian’s Dominick Harris
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         With Evan Mobley out of the first two games of the Capitol City Classic with a foot injury, somebody had to step up for the nationally ranked Rancho Christian Eagles out of Temecula, CA.  Look no further than Gonzaga commit, Dominick Harris.  Harris has a few different gears he likes to employ and uses them accordingly to the situation at hand.  He can utilize his speed to blow past defenders for a dunk or he can break you down and then pass to an open teammate at the perimeter.  Last night, he finished with 17 points, 8 assists, 6 rebounds and 4 steals in an all-out effort for the Eagles and they cruised past Sherwood (OR) 101-68.  Harris transferred from Pacifica Christian (CA) to Rancho Christian (CA) last year, where they enjoyed immense success in a loaded CIF-Southern Section, defeating eventual CIF-State Open Division champs Sierra Canyon in the process.  He played his AAU basketball with Adidas Gauntlet Dream Vision alongside national talents Maker Makur and Kyree Walker, as they proved to be a devastating trio in the summer.  I was able to catch up with Dominick Harris for an interview postgame at the Capitol City Classic at Williamette University (Salem, OR).  
Albert: First and foremost, welcome to the Northwest.  What are your thoughts on the scene over here, as you've gotten quite the welcome these past two days?
Dominick: I like it, I’m going to be up here in college in like six months or so.  It's nice out here, a lot of greenery and the weather is cold - I don’t really like the cold weather but I’m going to get used to it - I’ll usually just be going to the gym.
Albert: So having played for teams like Rancho Christian and Dream Vision what role does basketball play in your life?
Dominick: Basketball, I do it everyday.  I work out everyday with my dad and my brother.  So basketball is literally my life, I’m either playing basketball, at home playing Fortnite, or doing my homework.  
Albert: Tell me about your recruitment with Gonzaga and what led you to make the decision to go there?
Dominick: It was a simple decision for me.  At the beginning of my sophomore year, I committed, they loved me and showed love to me,.  I felt like that program wanted me so I felt it would've been a good fit.  It’s going to be a good fit, they’re going to let me play my game.
Albert: As you’ve probably noticed, Gonzaga is beating all the Pac-12 schools.  What do you think that says about their program?
Dominick: We’ve beat a lot of Pac-12 schools, we are a very dominant program.  They’re starting to call us American’s team, we’re number two in the nation.  We play high pace, we play high tempo, we get out and run in transition.
Albert: How do you see yourself fitting into Mark Few’s system next season in Spokane?
Dominick: I feel like it’s going to be pretty simple.  That’s one of the reasons why I committed - they play my style of game.  They get out and run and they put up a lot of transition three’s.  I believe that last year we put up the most transition three’s in school history.  I feel like it should be an easy transition.  
Albert: Can you break down your game?  One of my comparisons for you is Kyrie Irving, do you see any similarities between your two games?
Dominick: I feel like we’re very crafty going into transition.  When we want to be, we both can put the ball in the basket.  But I really like Damian Lillard, that’s one of my favorite players.  We can both from deep, we can get it off the dribble, making our teammates better.  Kyrie, LIllard, those are two good comparisons.
Albert: What are some things you and Julian Strather talk about regarding what you two will do next year at Gonzaga?
Dominick: We talk everyday.  Jilian, that’s like my brother.  We have a group chat, we talk everyday.  We plan on just coming in and making an immediate impact.  We feel like we play off each other well and we fit into the offense at Gonzaga.  We hope to bring a national championship at our first year there.
Albert: Have you been to Gonzaga to attend a game, if so, what do you think about th erapid, intense environment over there?
Dominick: It’s crazy.  I’ve been out there for two games and it’s been crazy.  The fans, that’s what attracts me the most.  We only have basketball, we don’t have football.  So the fans - they’re crazy, they’re rowdy and that’s what attracted me.  The first time I went there, I didn’t know if they really knew me or not but they started chanting my name and telling me they wanted me to come there and stuff.  The fans are crazy and I love playing in front of a great crowd.
Albert: Thank you for your time, before I leave - one last question: what do you have to say to all the Gonzaga fans out there?
Dominick: I’m just ready to step foot on the court and I hope to bring a national championship my first year.
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spikelarock · 7 years
Blood Orange - Better Than Me (Official Video) - Blood Orange - Better Than Me (Official Video) from ‘Freetown Sound’ - the new album. Get the digital album: http://bit.ly/2hO9A67 Get the CD/LP on Domino: http://bit.ly/2ixEKCF Stream Freetown Sound: http://bit.ly/2hOd2h6 Director Devonte Hynes Exec Producer Nick Harwood Exec Producer Cassidy Ellis, Hello Cancans Productions Producer Cassidy Ellis, Hello Cancans Productions Production Manager Michael Dudek, Hello Cancans Productions Production Coordinator Jason Meyer Director of Photography Garrett Hardy Davis 1st AD Otis Fung Steadicam Operator Yousheng Tang Choreographer Juri Onuki Gaffer R. Masseo Davis BB Electric Pat O'Callaghan Swing Seth Dean Key Grip Benjamin Logan BB Grip Matthew Keyser Wardrobe Stylist Emily Schubert Stylist Assistant Dominick Barcelona Stylist Assistant Michaela Pearle Tailor Helena Meisenhart Hair Corey Tuttle, Honey Artists Makeup Jenny Kanavaros, Honey Artists Carly Glam Sunny Brook, The Wall Group VTR Drew Cerria POST Assistant Editor Riho Mineta Post Metropolis Post Grade Samuel Gursky @ Irving Harvey VFX Coyote Post DANCERS Ashley R.T. Yergens Eloise Deluca Madison Krekel Bryndon Cook Nana Tsuda Leslie Andrea Williams Amanda Castro Jerome AB Charles Gowin Mickey Mahar Ciara Clements Lindsey Jones George Hirsh Special thanks to Kodak http://vevo.ly/y5fRp1 - http://youtu.be/WUhFU-czesk
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esotheria-sims · 4 months
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That night…
(WARNING: Suggestive imagery under the cut!)
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