#don alessio au
ladyanaconda · 3 months
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She's the only light he has left.
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phinae-simblr · 1 year
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C'est au tour d'Alessio et Patricia, les plus jeunes petits-enfants de Don (et de sa femme Rose), d'investir le quartier. "Après le décès prématuré de leurs parents , Libby et Jimmy (Jimmy Phoenix, originellement étudiant à la fac, dans la boîte à familles), dans un accident de voiture, Alessio et sa jeune soeur se sont retrouvés, trop tôt, livrés à eux-mêmes. Grâce au soutien du clan, ils ont pu terminer leurs études et toucher leur héritage pour acheter une maison. Pourront-ils à présent cicatriser la blessure et construire une nouvelle vie à Charlette-la-Forêt ?"
(oui même dans les sims on peut mourir d'un accident de voiture)
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melis-writes · 2 years
Hmm what if Michael and Victoria actually first met as teenagers but didn’t remember? 👀
Omg in that case it would have to be a somewhat vague/short and there’s a 4 year age gap with Victoria and Michael, so hmm… 🤔 Actually for the sake of this prompt, let’s give it a nice AU twist and pretend there’s only a 1 year difference!! ❤ Victoria at 14 and Michael at 15 and for the sake of setting the scene, 1937 at Lorenzo’s wedding (since he’s the eldest, hehe)! 🙏🏻
Being a guest at the weddings of your cousins and family friends throughout the past few years was one thing, but the air of excitement and utter lavishness provided at your eldest brother’s wedding—a first in your family, was a completely different story.
Your family had completely redone their courtyard to decorate it to wedding splendour, leaving room for the bride and groom to be officiated, the flower girls to toss petals of roses down the aisle behind the bride, an ample amount of space for hundreds of guests to dance and dine comfortably, and the best hired Italian band that could be found in New York.
Just as your brother Lorenzo loved the finer things in life, he intended on showering his new bride in nothing but luxury, including many fine gifts of glistening jewels and diamonds worth tens of millions of dollars, and the sight of him doing that alone after the couple’s first dance met it’d now be a suitable time to meet the rest of the guests.
Besides your own family members, you didn’t recognize anyone else personally.
Of course you had heard all of the names of the prominent crime families and could probably spot out all of the Dons just from the fabric of their suits and the aging wrinkles over their face alone, but there was simply far too many guests and hundreds of hands to shake at once.
You were standing next to your father at the time his eyes lit up to spot a specific guest making his way over to the two of you with a boy not much older than you on his left, and a younger girl on his right.
“Don Corleone,” Giuseppe hugged his old friend, patting him on the back. “I’m honoured you’ve come today, grazie.”
“Of course. I would not miss the day of your son’s wedding for the world.” Vito smiled warmly, “congratulations to the new couple. I want to personally wish them a lifetime of happiness after the ceremony dinner.”
“Greatly appreciated.” Your father chuckled before he looked down at the Don’s daughter and son by his side. “And these two younglings are growing up faster by the day, hmm? I almost didn’t recognize them.”
“Their mother says the same thing and she sees them all the time.” Vito put one hand over Connie’s shoulder and the other on Michael’s before he gave you a greeting smile. “I’m not sure if everyone has met or even had the chance to with his crowd.”
“Now’s a better time than ever.” Your father squints his eyes, glancing around the crowds but simply unable to spot out Matteo, Leonardo and Alessio in specific from so many people gathered in one spot at a time.
“Ah, but this is my daughter, Victoria.” Your father gestured down to you. “Matteo is my youngest so she’s the only older sister.”
Vito beamed down at you and rubbed Connie and Michael’s shoulders, making it more than obvious his own daughter was ten times more shy than you could have ever been. “This is my youngest and only daughter as well, Constanzia, and—” Vito glances down at Michael, “my youngest son, Michael.”
From the loud sounds of chatter and music blaring from the band, you neither heard either of Connie or Michael’s names nor did they hear yours, providing only introductions by seeing each others faces.
Neither of you spoke a word to one another, but all equally had shy and curious glances with each other; especially towards you and Michael.
You wanted to speak out and say ‘hello’ but shyness pulled you back, especially considering Michael seemed the exact opposite but was rather curious about you.
Still, had you seen Michael more often or even again just to properly introduce yourself at any calmer setting, learn his name and vice versa, he would become unforgettable to you.
Instead, Michael rarely cared for weddings and celebrations, still in the midst of his high school studies such as yourself and the two of you never saw one another again—let alone any of Vito’s children.
Naturally as time passed with both of you growing into young adults, memory also took its course. Neither you nor Michael could remember this meeting, and perhaps the mention of it by your father or Vito may put nostalgia and yearning in your heart for what could have been.
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ladyanaconda · 3 months
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Father and Daughter
Family portrait from the Don Alessio AU. It hangs on his living room, flanked by many photos of Giulia in different stages of her life. 
This is a complete opposite to Crimson's family portrait, in which he's at the center and his wife and Moxxie are sidepieces. Here, while Alessio is the central focus, Giulia sits on his lap sharing the focus as well. Also, his hand is on her shoulder rather than her head, symbolizing genuine love for his daughter rather than being in control. Not to mention Giulia is actually smiling.
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ladyanaconda · 7 months
Would Don Alessio see Moxxie as a stand-in for the son he lost?
Well, he and Moxxie are rarely in contact nowadays, if at all, but Alessio did care greatly for Moxxie when he was a child. In fact, he was more of a father to him than Crimson.
But no one will ever replace Pietro.
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ladyanaconda · 3 months
Does Don Alessio always have Giulia bring an escort with her wherever she goes?
Yes. Whenever she goes out, she's always accompanied by some of his men.
Giulia also has a personal hellhound bodyguard, Sumatra, who also acts as her best friend and confidant.
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ladyanaconda · 7 months
Don Alessio au I definitely would love to see more of that. How this timeline affects everyone around, what is Alessio and Giulia’s relationship like, what is Alessio like as a mob boss (and if possible to explore Noda and Bianco because Bianco has been mentioned a few times before. Just really curious 🧐)
How this timeline affects everyone around?
Well, the main cast (including Striker and Jake) are mostly unaffected by this turn of events. However, the Exes and Oohs events didn't occur because Crimson died six years earlier. Everyone involved in Crimson's Mafia was the most affected, especially Alessio, the main victim in all of this.
Jawns—borrowed from Noody_Noodles—had a bit of trouble in accepting Alessio's leadership at first because, well, he was in love with Crimson. But he did come around eventually.
GaGarret and Cecilia—characters borrowed from Wumbo Mumbo—were devastated by how things took a turn for the worse for Alessio. GaGarret, in particular, decided to work with his uncle, if only to keep an eye on him and hopefully keep him from becoming like Crimson.
Giulia's personality is, for the most part, similar to the original one. However, there's some key differences, the most notable one being that she does carry her shawl around; with Alessio in a position of power, the Yakuza didn't dare start a war with the Commission over a dolkril. Still, Alessio won't take any chances.
what is Alessio and Giulia’s relationship like
If you think Alessio is overprotective in the Helluva Dad AU, wait until you see him in this AU, where he takes it to a whole new level. Being the only member thing he has of Bianca, Giulia means the world to Alessio. She's the only light left in his life, the one thing that keeps him from completely crossing over to the 'dark side.'
Unlike her Helluva Dad AU counterpart, Giulia is aware of what her father does for a living. But Alessio still doesn't want her to get involved in the business. Regardless, Giulia is still 100% a daddy's girl, even if she does feel suffocated by her father's overprotectiveness; she doesn't know how her mother, brother, and grandmother died, and so doesn't understand that their deaths have made Alessio terrified of losing her too, which is why he's hellbent on keeping her safe.
Alessio gladly makes time to spend with his daughter, and doesn't let his work get in the way of it. While she did have a nanny for when Alessio has too much work or must leave for business, he usually takes care of her himself. In fact, everyone knows not to bother him on Giulia's birthday.
what is Alessio like as a mob boss
I'd say he's a combination between Vito and Michael Corleone. He's cunning, ruthless, and a nice strategist, but there's still certain lines he won't cross even for the same of business. Just as the Commision—the ruling committee consisting of the Dons of the Five main families—imagined, Alessio was a far more effective Don than Crimson ever was.
However, if you cross him... he makes Crimson look like a saint in that regard.
Man, I'm actually considering exploring more of this AU now!
Regarding Noda and Bianco, I haven't figured out their place in this AU just yet because I'd have to discuss it with Noodles first.
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ladyanaconda · 7 months
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Don Alessio Carouso
This is from an AU I thought of while chatting on Discord. 
The circumstances of his rise to power are tragic. Having served Crimson faithfully for almost two decades, the Imp repaid him by killing his beloved wife Bianca because he thought she'd made Alessio weak. Of course, Alessio killed Crimson on the spot when he found him over the body of his wife. As if that wasn't enough, a few months later his mother and children were involved in a car accident caused by a rival mob. Giulia, who was five months old at the time, was the only survivor.  
Since Crimson had no heir, as Moxxie had deserted, Alessio took over the organization. Under his leadership, the Carouso Family recovered and went into a golden age—not sure if it's possible in real life, but here he changed the Knolastname name to completely cut ties with Crimson. Unlike his 'predecessor', Alessio was patient and didn't lose his temper over the smallest things. He's a severe but just leader.
The loss of his wife, mother and older son changed him. Alessio became more ruthless, cold and seemingly emotionally detached. However, there's a softer side to him that only his daughter ever sees—he's a loving, devoted father. Giulia's the only light left in his life, and as such Alessio is quite overprotective, even more than in the Helluva Dad AU.
Let me know if you'd like me to explore this AU more
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phinae-simblr · 1 year
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Bienvenue à Charlette-la-Forêt, quartier annexe de Charlette-Plage, que j'avais créé en 2011 et retrouvé en 2020 après l'avoir longtemps laissé de côté.
Les sims qui y vivent sont les descendants de Don Lothario et/ou Sandra Gothik et Dina Caliente, sims bien connus venus de Montsimpa (Pleasantview en anglais), ainsi que les descendants de Don et Rose, sa seule épouse légitime.
Ici et là, chez les nouvelles générations, on peut retrouver le nez, le menton ou les yeux hérités de ces trois "illustres" aïeux. (une 5ème génération est née et grandit actuellement).
Je ne joue qu'aux Sims 2, les opus suivants n'ayant pas réussi à me passionner bien longtemps !
Ci-dessous les portraits de tous les sims, par génération.
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Génération 0 :
(Sonia Gothik)
Génération 1 :
Sandra Gothik, Don Lothario, Dina Caliente, Rose (ancienne étudiante pnj de l'Université La Tour)
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Génération 2 : (de gauche à droite)
Yelinda (fille de Don et Sandra) Jamie (fils de Don et Dina) Scarlett et Libby* (filles de Don et Rose) * brune ayant choisi d'être blonde à l'âge adulte
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Génération 3 : (de haut en bas)
1ère ligne : Nicolas et Clélie, enfants de Yelinda et son mari Yannick.
2è ligne : Adriano et Natania (jumeaux), enfants de Jamie et Brenda. Jonathan, fils de Jamie et Bibba. Puis Jemima, fille de Jamie et Ninon.
3è ligne : Sicily, fille de Scarlett et son mari Micha. Alessio et Patricia, enfants de Libby et Jimmy Phoenix
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Génération 4 (de haut en bas)
Florent et Chandra, enfants de Nicolas et son épouse Maria
leurs cousins : Johnny, les jumelles Sonia et Cassandra, enfants de Clélie et Guillaume Newson
Virginie et Marylène, filles de Natania et son mari Rodolphe
leurs cousins : Hugo et Ingrid, enfants de Adriano et son épouse Kiki
Thalia, fille de Sicily et son mari Terence
non photographiés : * Emrys, fils de Jemima et cousin de Virginie, Marylène, Hugo et Ingrid. * Gabriel, fils d'Alessio (cousin de Sicily). Ils ont quitté le quartier, je n'ai plus joué avec eux.
Les enfants de la 5è génération seront mariés entre eux pour éviter la surpopulation du quartier. Ils auront donc au moins un aïeul en commun, 5 générations plus tôt.
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phinae-simblr · 1 year
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Alessio fait irrésistiblement penser à son grand-père Don, c'est lui tout craché à part les yeux bleus. Il n'est pas ravi d'habiter avec sa soeur, avec laquelle il ne s'entend pas très bien, et puis, comme Don dans sa jeunesse, c'est un flambeur. Il s'est trouvé un boulot au Mc Do et voudrait surtout profiter de la vie, faire des rencontres, connaître du monde etc. Sociable et séduisant (tout comme... qui vous savez), il se fait des ami(es) en deux coups de cuillère à pot.
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Je lui ai présenté une fille rousse (toujours obsédée par les roux, moi, ces temps-ci), mais ça n'a pas été le coup de foudre.
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En plus elle a été très méchante avec Marylène, qui fait partie du clan (fille de sa cousine Natania, je ne sais pas si on dit petite-cousine ou quoi, et puis à force je m'y perds un peu avec tous ces liens de famille), alors Alessio a vite vu rouge. Pas touche à sa famille, même éloignée.
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Il a aussi retrouvé son autre cousine Jemima avec laquelle il entretient une vraie amitié et qui lui a aussitôt parlé de son nouveau chéri. Alessio va bien sûr lui donner des conseils, il s'y connaît en la matière.
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phinae-simblr · 4 years
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Après quelques “jeux” dans le jacuzzi, Libby, enceinte, a profité de sa grossesse pour réaliser un autre de ses rêves : être au taquet en bricolage, son loisir favori. Ses parents ont été les premiers à connaître la nouvelle au sujet du futur bébé. Pendant ce temps, Jimmy, qui travaille provisoirement dans l’éducation, a ramené à la maison un collègue qui n’est autre que Yannick, son beau-frère, autrement dit Monsieur le Ministre de l’Education, mazette ! (c’est drôle, les trois gendres de Don sont dans l’éducation... pas fait exprès...)
Enfin, entre deux averses estivales (il pleut beaucoup sur ce terrain, pas comme chez nous IRL), Libby a donné naissance à un petit garçon, Alessio. Comme elle, (qui est une fausse blonde) il est brun aux yeux bleus. Pas de surprise.
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