#don‘t ask me how she doesn‘t get brought to the afterlife. Maybe the night nurse isn‘t bothered about it anymore. Maybe an oficial position
harpygon · 1 month
dbd oc? dbd oc… dbd oc:
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This is Margaret. I made her up bc no matter how much I like the little file card door thing, over time that must be overflowing and someone needs to bring order/organise another way of storing files. Also someone to take numbers and rough descriptions of cases while the main part of the agency is out and about is helpful.
Anyway, Margaret was child to a lower upper class family. She always really looked up to her father and wanted to work in the same firm as him. She took a typewriting class in school so that she could be a secretary between finishing school and marrying, but her father thought it would reflect badly on the family if their daughter „had to work“ and so he forbade her from doing so. She also loves rollerskating and is rather fashionable (possible bc she was quite rich). She died when she was 17 in 1968. (atm I think her undone business is wanting to live out her dream? might change with time tho)
As to how she ends up at the agency…. she comes in with another ghost (to support them). The detectives are out, but the ghost with the case is also in real big trouble (not sure what trouble yet), so they decide to just wait there and the night nurse literally couldn‘t give a shit. Now this would be some way into the future when there‘s more stuff/file cards whatever- but Margaret just starts organising things out of boredom (they have to wait like literal days). The detectives come back. Edwin would be really upset about the change in their organisational system I believe. But he doesn‘t have time to do much about it, bc they have to solve the other Ghost‘s case and by the time they‘re back he‘s kinda fine? Charles or Crystal talked to him about it? Whatever they realise they‘ve been struggling with organisation and (after reprimanding her for literally going through all their files without permission) offer her a position :)
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