#don’t be made at me for using other tagss
btskitten7 · 2 years
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Silent Grace| chapter two: secrets & property
✎ship: Min Yoongi x Fem Reader
✎au/genre: Mafia!au
✎rating: Mature 18+
✎wc: 3.8k
✎chapter warnings: g!un mention & usage.(no one gets hurt!) Theft!
✎summary: Yoongi gets Namjoon and Seokjin to buy some property to make his 'job' look legit. Meanwhile, you have an odd encounter at work that rubs you the wrong way.
✎tagss: @shadowyjellyfishfest @scuzmunkie @baechugff @manuosorioh @sheylamc @prajusstuff
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Chapter two: Secrets & property.
“You found some places already? It’s only been a week.” Yoongi asked, leaning back in his chair, and looking through the papers Namjoon brought him.
“Yes. It wasn’t as hard as we thought. On the first day, we went to get some licensing done and established a true company under the Min name. Most people were excited to give us their property while others needed some…talking to,” Namjoon explained, taking a sip of his iced americano.
“I see. I’m impressed. These homes are beautiful. Where’s Seokjin?”
“He’s currently looking for a few more homes in Japan. He flies in tonight.” Yoongi nodded.
“Well at least now, I won’t be lying to my love.” Yoongi sighed.
“Hyung, I’ve been thinking about that.”
Yoongi hummed without truly giving Namjoon his full attention.
“Why don’t you let yn run the real estate stuff? It’ll keep her occupied and she’ll be all about traveling. It will keep her distracted. She’ll be at the hospital a little less… I’m positive she’ll leave. Real estate is probably more fun and she’ll be paid a lot more than what she’s making now. Even enjoy herself more. She won’t run into our…friends for lack of a better term.”
Yoongi lifted his eyes from the paperwork and towards Namjoon. Amused. He didn’t even think of that. Could that possibly work?
“And if we wanted to go with her to handle business, it’s a good cover-up. She’ll never be dragged into our stuff because she’s doing her stuff,” Namjoon continued.
The wheels in Yoongi’s head were spinning. This was a great idea. If you were busy doing something while still in his presence, he could keep you safe and occupied. You’d be with him but you wouldn’t be out and about with him since you’ll both be in different areas doing different things.
It made sense to him.
“I think I like where this is going. I’ll talk to yn, tonight.”
The hospital had been in an uproar all morning. You’d hardly have time to sit down to chart your patients let alone have a coffee break.
“Yn we need you in three!” You heard over the radio that was attached to your hip. Quickly getting up, you headed to three where a bunch of men in black was surrounding a young man, who was nicely dressed. He was watching another young man, who was also nicely dressed but covered in blood.
“Park! You gotta hold on man. You’re better than this!” The man said frantically. You felt horrible but this was something you saw all the time. Sad to say but you were used to this type of thing.
“Sir, I need you to leave, we have to be able to work on him.” Your aid ordered, trying to get the man’s attention, but each time she would get close, the big men surrounding them would block her from getting closer.
“See? They won’t move! We can’t do anything!”
“How do you expect us to help if you’re in our way? Please we are losing valuable time,” you started, then the man turned to you. “We can help him but you have to give me some space.”
The man looked at you then back at the guy who you presumed was ‘Park’.
“How about we start with names? What’s your name? What’s your friend's name?” you said softly.
“My name…is Taehyung. His name is Jimin, but I call him Park,” he whispered. “You’re sure you can help him? Just you. I won’t let anyone else touch him” he asked sternly.
“Uh..I’m positive but as I said, we’re wasting so much time and really a doctor should be doing this, there’s only so much I can do”
That wasn’t going to do. Taehyung had no intention of letting anyone else touch his brother. If he was being honest, he didn’t even trust you. But since you were the one the others chose to come to, his life was in your hands.
“No, just you. If he dies..then his blood is on you”
You were completely shocked. How was that even logical? You just walked into the situation, you don’t even know what happened or who these people are. But with the chills you got from the look on Taehyung’s face, you just decided not to say much of anything else.
Taheyung turned away from you and waved the guys off to let you reach Jimin. You turned to your aides and told them everything you needed to save this guy’s life. You tried to keep calm, but your aides were scared out of their minds. You were too but you couldn’t show it.
It took a while since you weren’t a doctor and they weren’t letting doctors in, but you managed to get him stable with your skill set. Taehyung watched you along with all the others very closely. It was like he dared you to make one mistake, and it would have cost you your life.
So many thoughts were running through your mind. The first thing you asked yourself was, ‘What type of job needs this many people around them? How important is this guy?’
Taking a quick scan around the room, all eyes were on you. These were big men looking like at any moment, they’d take you out without thinking twice about it. You noticed a few of them had guns tucked onto their waistbands. Your heart rate was through the roof, and you swore that you were going to pass out. You’d stabilized many patients before; it was nothing you couldn’t do, but you always had a team and a doctor around to ensure the safety of the person that’s receiving the help. And you’d never been in this situation, under this much pressure. With so many eyes watching you, waiting for you to make a mistake. Your hands shook as you did your best to remember everything you’d always done. But the more the men watched on, the more everything you knew flew out the window. The pressure was suffocating as you worked, it was becoming hard for you to breathe. Too afraid to leave but too afraid to carry on. You were stuck but no matter the case, you had to do what you could, with what you had. Working without a doctor was crazy, but you needed to protect yourself too.
After a few hours, or what felt like a few hours, you finally got the man to a point where he’d be okay. Luckily, the gunshot wasn’t lethal but it was enough to send his body into shock. “Okay, I have him stabilized. You need to let a doctor come in and check how–”
“He doesn’t need a doctor. We’ll take it from here. Thank you.”
You turned towards the door. There was another guy, and man was he sharp looking in all black. A half-unbuttoned shirt displaying his chest freely tucked neatly into slacks that rested just above his boots, under a long peacoat. He looked like money and everyone around him seemed scared.
“But Sir, he could have internal damage. He needs to get checked out. I’m just a nurse, I don’t know if–”
“You don’t know if he’ll survive? I thought you did all you could?” He said, stepping closer to you. You had to admit, it frightened you, you took a step back but were stopped by one of the guards. The man didn’t stop until he was practically in your personal bubble.
“I–I–I did do a–all I could. I just think–”
“Then you have nothing to worry about…Yn.” He smirked as his fingers flicked your badge. “As I said, we’ll take it from here. Thank you for saving my friend, you’ll be greatly rewarded. You may go.”
AND just like that, his attention was no longer on you. It was on Jimin and Taheyung.
You reluctantly walked to the door, completely taken aback by what just had taken place. Maybe you were taking too long to leave.
“Is there something else? Or did you want your reward right now? I’m not much of an exhibitionist but I’ll make an exception for you,” the man said, his eyes traveling your whole body shamelessly which sent a cold chill down your spine. “I’m pretty sure my men would love the show”
You didn’t dignify that with a response, leaving immediately after that.
You thought about that encounter the whole day, even when you got into the car with Seokjin. Yoongi had texted you at lunch informing you that Seokjin would be joining you on your ride home from work. He was coming home from Japan today. You forgot all about that when your confused eyes met with Seokjin’s happy ones.
“Did Yoongi tell you I would be joining you?” Seokjin asked as you climbed into the car, sitting comfortably next to him.
“Yeah, he told me. It just slipped my mind with all the work we had today” you chuckled nervously. Seokjin hummed, he decided not to probe you for more information than what you were willing to tell.
All throughout the ride, you hardly mumbled a word. Something that was unusual for you. Seokjin has always known you to be a chatterbox, so for you to be completely silent is odd. To be frank, it was making Seokjin uncomfortable. He couldn’t stand it anymore.
“You okay?” Seokjin asked, opening your door.
Thanking him, you got out of the car with your belongings before responding, “Yeah, I just had a weird encounter today…but I’ll be okay. I’m pretty sure it’s nothing.”
You kept it short. The first person you tell should be your boyfriend, who’s super excited to see you. Your eyes met Yoongi’s loving ones as soon as you walked through the door. You tried throwing on a smile but instantly he knew something happened, frowning he asked, “What’s the matter?”
“Um. Something weird happened. I just don’t know how to take it really.”
Yoongi raised one eyebrow, tilting his head. “What happened?” he couldn’t help it but his voice became protective with a hint of worry, ready to off anyone that made you even a tad bit uncomfortable.
“Well there was this guy that came in, he had so many people with him. They wouldn’t let any doctors near him. They left it all up to me and a couple of aides to take care of him. Which was extremely nerve-wracking but I did the best I could and stabilized him. I suggested that they allow a doctor to see him since they could do more than I could. But the man said that he didn’t need one and they would take it from there. The people surrounding him were all dressed in the same black outfits, but three of the guys were dressed extremely well, also in all black. I have never seen anything like it. He wasn’t a celebrity, but you could have sworn they were the way they had so many guards around them. There was one guy that told me I’d be rewarded for my work and–” you hesitated a bit. Just from the little you told Yoongi, you saw the anger grow on his face while worry grew on Namjoon and Seokjin’s faces. You knew that if you told him the man’s little joke, it would send Yoongi through the roof.
“And what?” Yoongi asked. “What else happened?”
“H–he made a little joke that was suggesting something th–that would never happen. I left–I didn’t even respond to him or anything.” You were talking so fast that your words ran together, but Yoongi put two and two together. Real fast.
Yoongi was fuming but he couldn’t let you see that.
“Did he touch you?”
“Not me, but he flicked my badge a little–”
“Seems like I have to go to work with you, doesn’t it?” Yoongi said. He wasn’t thinking about the deeper situation, all he could think about was fucking up the prick that thought it was funny to mess with his girlfriend, missing the clear details. “What does this guy look like?”
“Honestly baby, all I can remember is what the guy I was stabilizing looked like. He had blonde hair, he had lots of earrings…” you trailed off, “that’s all I can remember though. It was a lot of pressure, I was too nervous to actually look around and examine every one.” You said defeated.
Yoongi shook his head softly as he pulled you into a tight hug. His hands rubbed your back, calming your nerves as best he could. You felt so safe in his arms, the craziness of tonight just melted away. It was like tonight never happened.
Namjoon interjected. “Yn, how about you head upstairs and relax a bit? We’ll send Yoongi up to you in a minute,” Namjoon said, patting your back in a reassuring way. Seokjin nodded. Deep down, Seokjin was worried about this encounter. Anyone would assume this could just be a celebrity, but being in this type of lifestyle, they can’t just assume. Not in this line of ‘business’.
Yoongi couldn’t react in any way. If it was just random, it wouldn’t matter. But he has to be careful just in case it was a celebrity or even worse.
Yoongi didn’t have too many enemies, but that didn’t mean they weren’t around. Seokjin knew that there were people around that really would do anything to hurt Yoongi. It’s part of the reason why he suggested he shouldn’t tell too many people about you. If it became known to too many people how much you meant to Yoongi, they would use it against him. Seokjin also knew that Yoongi would give up anything to ensure your safety. An easy ticket to getting anything you want out of a man that has everything you want.
Yoongi watched you walk up the stairs before he began to talk.
“I want to go to the hospital and see who lost their rabbit ass mind,” he mutters lowly. He didn’t want you to hear him. Namjoon shook his head.
“We’ll go and check for you. I don’t think it’ll be smart for you to go,” Namjoon said.
“What’s not smart is someone messing with what belongs to me. That’s not smart,” Yoongi bit back.
“YOONGI!“ Seokjin snaps sternly, “use your fucking head.”
Yoongi snapped his head towards Seokjin but he didn’t back down.
“You don’t want everyone to know about her right? If you go in there making all this ruckus, the wrong person is going to find out. You need to keep your cool and let us figure this out.”
Yoongi sighed in defeat. Seokjin is right. He couldn’t lose his cool.
“We’ll look into it and let you know what we find. Just go and comfort yn,” Namjoon said, patting Yoongi’s back as he followed Seokjin out the door, closing it behind him.
The guys walked through the hospital with a purpose. Sending chills down the spines of every person they passed. Everyone knew not to question their motives. They just knew to stay out of the way.
Namjoon noticed earlier on that Seokjin was irritated after the conversation with Yoongi. Ever since Yoongi got with you, Seokjin has been on edge. A long time ago, when he did have a relationship with his father, he remembered the one very rule that he taught him.
‘Never make yourself an easy target.’
Seokjin never listened to his father but that stuck with him. Seokjin saw how lonely his mother was, how lonely Yoongi’s mother is, and knew he didn’t want the same for you. Even though right now, Yoongi has a bit more time than his father, when the time comes that he’s the one calling the shots, he knows you’re going to feel alone. You aren’t the type to be bought either, so showering you with gifts isn’t going to replace time spent with you. Seokjin’s mother didn’t care. As long as she got what she wanted, and had the house taken care of, she could care less what her husband did. Yoongi’s mother didn’t start off like that.
After Seokjin moved in with the Min family, Yoongi’s mother took him in like he was her own. It was never awkward for him and it didn’t take him much to fit right in. Yoongi’s mother opened up a lot to Seokjin since he was the oldest and Yoongi’s father told him to watch over the house while he was gone, which was very often.
She told him so many stories.
Some of them were fun and interesting. They took Yoongi on so many adventures when he was younger and before his mother knew about the work his father got himself into. Most of them were about the lonely nights and hard times of being a “single parent”.
Maybe he was thinking too far into this, maybe he’s jumping the gun, but he saw how you felt about Yoongi and how Yoongi felt about you.
Seokjin didn’t want to drag you down into this lifestyle.
“Are you alright? You seemed kind of heated back there,” Namjoon asked, following Seokjin throughout the hospital. Seokjin sighed and turned his head to Namjoon slightly before continuing on.
“I’m alright. I just need Yoongi to get his shit together. He cannot keep losing his shit like this, especially if he’s trying to live two separate lives for the sake of yn.”
Namjoon hummed in agreement as they made their way to the security room. Upon entry, the guard immediately stood up and gave his full attention to Seokjin and Namjoon.
“Good e-evening sir, what can I do for you?” he stuttered. This guard was fresh to the Min family, he didn’t know how they operated just yet and he was fairly young. His name was Jungkook. Yoongi stumbled upon him one night trying to break into his car. To this day it’s something the guys tease him about. It was your first anniversary with Yoongi.
“Did you really have to get yn so much? There aren't that many days in the year, she won’t be able to wear half of this stuff!” Seokjin joked, sitting back in his seat completely stuffed and satisfied with his meal. Yoongi promised them a good meal if they accompanied him shopping for you anniversary…even though he always treats them to good meals no matter the occasion.
“I like to spoil her. Also, I got things that I want to see her in. Is that so wrong?” Yoongi chuckled, taking the receipt from the waitress and signing his name before returning it to her. Namjoon chuckled along with him and sat up fixing his coat. It’s our anniversary, I have to go above and beyond.
“You do know you are gonna have to keep this up every year right?”
“Thank God I’m wealthy huh?” Yoongi smirked, taking his last shot of the evening.
While they were wrapping up their dinner, Jungkook watched their every move. He noticed them a few hours ago when they had walked out of the store with tons of bags. He saw the three men walk around with a few guards around them holding the bags, piling them into the car. It was a stupid idea but would they miss a few things? He didn’t think so..
Jungkook’s mother was having a birthday coming soon and he wanted to get her a gift worth giving like his brother did every year. His mother never made him feel bad for the gifts he did give her, but he always felt it was a competition between him and his brother. All the designer bags and clothes, tea sets, makeup, even things he knew his mother didn’t even like, his brother got her because it was expensive. It held value and over time it’ll be worth a lot. Jungkook wanted to give his mother something like that.
Jungkook didn’t have the money for that. He worked at a cafe and sometimes he would sing for parties, but nothing was enough to get something worthy for the woman who birthed him. That would end today.
Jungkook wasn’t a thief, that wasn’t his character and he wasn’t raised to be one. He came from a loving family who taught him values, but ever since his brother made something for himself, he felt everything was a competition even though his parents didn’t make it that way. But he was sneaky. He was easily overlooked. Today all that was going to change, he was going to get his mother a great gift and end this pettiness once and for all. He has been looking for someone all day to make his move on but he had a preference. He didn’t want to take anything from someone who was in the same boat as him. He wanted someone that had money, that wouldn’t miss something if it went missing. Someone that wouldn’t even notice if it was gone. That’s when he saw Yoongi and his plan was coming together.
Jungkook wasn’t poor and he wasn’t struggling to live. His family was middle class but they still didn’t shop crazily. They were comfortable. He saw Yoongi walk in and out of the stores, directing the staff to what he wanted and paying for it with no questions. Jungkook had never seen anything like it. But that deemed Yoongi as his target. He followed their every move which stopped at a restaurant.
Jungkook didn’t waste any time, he circle the car. Studying it. Stopping at the trunk, he looked closely to see if there was an easy way to pop the trunk. looking through the bags which to his surprise were full of women’s clothing. He saw dresses, blouses, and some skirts. He even came across some lingerie, but there was no way in hell he was giving his mother lingerie. No matter how expensive it was. Jungkook decided not to grab any of the clothes. They were clearly for a younger woman and he knew his mother wouldn’t wear it. Almost giving up, Jungkook noticed jewelry bags and felt relief. Jewelry is ageless and his mother would love that.
He looked through the bags and found the most beautiful pieces of jewelry he had ever seen. A fourteen-karat, white gold, tennis bracelet and a matching necklace set with interlocking links with full-cut diamonds connecting them.
“This is perfect!” he whisper-yelled to himself. He slipped from the car and quietly closed the trunk he had popped open. Jungkook was proud of himself, he thought he had it all figured it out until…
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Jungkook froze. He couldn’t turn around, he couldn’t even run. The deep voice completely shocked him but the object pressing against the back of his head paralyzed him.
“Can’t you hear? I asked you a question.” The man’s voice was gravelly and low. That sent chills down Jungkook’s spine. Out of the corner of Jungkook’s eye, he saw it was the man he had been following and his friends.
‘Fuck’ he thought to himself.
Namjoon walked up and snatched the jewelry set from his hands, lifting it up to which Yoongi turned his head to look.
“Oh? You were trying to steal from me?” Yoongi chuckled while retrieving the jewelry. His eyes never left Jungkook’s. Jungkook still didn’t utter a word.
“You don’t know how to talk?” Yoongi asked, nudging the gun again to the back of Jungkook’s head.
“I-I-I’m sorry. I-it’s my mother’s birthday a-and I just really wanted her to have a good gift,” Jungkook’s words were jumbled as he was clearly terrified.
“How pathetic, can’t afford a gift for your own mother?” Seokjin snapped. Namjoon scoffed. Yoongi remained quiet as they bagged on the kid. Jungkook just kept his head down and accepted the words. He didn’t fight back nor did he even attempt to just walk away. Yoongi noticed this. His mother meant everything to him and he would steal for his mother’s happiness too. So Yoongi did the unthinkable.
“Here, take it,” he said, holding out the box. Jungkook’s eyes lit up but he quickly refused. “I can’t pay you for it.” Jungkook rushed out again but Yoongi shook his head, choosing not to listen any further.
“Does it look like I need anything from you?” he started, “take it. Give it to your mother. Make her happy.”
Jungkook hesitated a bit but he took the box from Yoongi and bowed to him, thanking him. “Thank you so much hyung, my mother will appreciate this. Thank you so much.”
Yoongi hummed as he waved him off. “Just tell her it’s from you, we never met.”
Seokjin and Namjoon watched as the kid nodded and ran off, thanking him again.
“Are you crazy? He stole from you”
“What has gotten into you?”
Yoongi yawned and shrugged. “We steal from people all the time. It’s no different.”
Yoongi climbed into the car with a nagging Namjoon and Seokjin climbing in with him.
“We need you to show us the footage from today. We need to check something” Namjoon said, taking the seat Jungkook was sitting in to look through the cameras.
“Can you get us some coffee?” Seokjin asked, looking over Namjoon’s shoulder. Jungkook nodded and quickly made two cups of coffee.
“Are you checking about what happened to Noona?” Jungkook asked, setting the cups down looking at his new hyungs.
Namjoon continued to look through the cameras and Seokjin nodded. “Yes. She told us something that happened today, we just need to see who it was. Did you see it?” Seokjin asked.
Jungkook nodded, “May I?” he asked Namjoon. Namjoon nodded and allowed Jungkook to pull up the footage.
“Here it is.”
There the three men saw everything yn had told them. Jungkook was oblivious but Namjoon’s eyes widened once he realized who these men were.
“Is…is that?” he asked looking at Seokjin. Seokjin sighed nodding.
“It is indeed…”
150 notes · View notes
whatgaviiformes · 2 years
Fic: The Christmas Exchange
aka - a very TSOF Christmas
Summary: Virgil and Gordon exchange Christmas gifts Characters: Virgil Tracy, Gordon Tracy Words: ~2K Genre: Family Universe: Adventures of Chicken Dad
a/n it’s the hours leading up to the eve of Christmas eve - a little further along for some of you, and I wanted to take a moment to wish the Thunderfam a very Merry Christmas! For those who participated in the TAGSS, I can’t wait to feast my eyes on your gifts to each other. To everyone who supported me this year or read my stories, thank you. I bring you a closing to the year on my blog with a scene from one of the AUs - I know not everyone’s thing, but it’s the story they wanted me to share. Fishtank, because it’s me. You may want to read Tracy Seaside Orchard and Farm before this scene. 
***** “This is weird right? Just a little bit?”
“It doesn’t have to be.” From the other side of the holo-screen, Virgil frowned across from him, his brows pinched in concentration at the large box in front of him. “Your wrapping is abysmal. I don’t even know where to start.”  
Virgil kept his tone light, the dig wrapped in a warm smile instead of judgment as he looked up at Gordon fondly.
Gordon hated to admit it, but there was a part of him still nervous. It was… nice, being like this and able to casually call up his long lost brother to talk about nothing, and everything, despite the distance and despite the hours. But their journey was far from one that picked up just like old times. He could be comfortable with Virgil and he knew he was safe with Virgil, but their boundaries weren’t ones that could be learned overnight, especially the long distance ones.   
Or, re-learn, as it were. They had both changed over their years distanced from each other, which was the phrase he used intentionally because “estranged” now felt too strong and too final when they’d since reconciled, and when his brother was dating one of his best friends.
They talked to each other many times over the holo-vid since Virgil had returned to active duty with the rest of his brothers. It wasn’t uncommon for them to call each other up like this. What felt different about it and what Gordon knew was the cause of this conversation feeling as strange as it did was all because of the weight of the small box that fit into the palm of his hand.
The exchange of gifts felt so heavy this year, their first Christmas together after everything went down. And despite the significance of it all, they were both decked out in a hue of blue atop their Christmas attire, on opposite sides of a digital connection made stronger by the involvement of Thunderbird Five.
Virgil had wanted to do this in person.
Gordon had too, but not on the Island. Not yet.
“Gordon? Relax.” Virgil encouraged. “I just meant I won’t bite. There’s no reason to feel nervous. Besides, it’s Christmas!”
“I’m sorry still.” He unclenched his jaw.
“I’m not. You weren’t ready.” With the gift Gordon sent him propped on his leg, Virgil peeked around the top of the bow Gordon had tied up like his shoelaces. “Never apologize for that. Of course I want to see you, but I offered so you knew you were welcome here. I wanted you to know I didn’t need to be the reason you stayed away, but I understand that there are other reasons you are choosing to.”
“I still want to try. Someday.” Gordon meant that, truly.
“Take your time. There’s no rush. Besides,” he said, playing with one the dangling ribbons on his box by twirling it with his finger and releasing it with a springing bounce, “I don’t think any of us loathe the opportunity to visit the farm. Not when you send us home with enough of your homesteading to stock the pantry.”
They could’ve done that instead – waited until the next time Virgil visited Gordon at the farm and do their exchanges then. But Virgil had just left again two weekends prior and wouldn’t be back again until New Year’s. That’s when IR was finally able to coordinate time off for the whole family to visit between the short notice of Gordon finalizing his Christmas plan, their rotations already in place, and the busier time of year for International Rescue. December was snowstorm season for half the world, cyclone season for the other half, and human stupidity didn’t have a season. Plus, while Scott and John were attending the last few meetings of the year at Tracy Industries, Virgil and Alan were left on call to cover rescues, and though their corporate-minded brothers planned to be done as soon as possible, it was the hours leading up to Christmas New York time and very much already the 25th Island Time.
It was either this or after Christmas, and neither one of them had wanted to wait for New Years. Gordon had his boxes of “TSOF care packages” for each of his family members ready for their visit – an assortment of his personal teas, a combo of their wines, meads, and brews, a stack of honey and honey sticks, and assorted fresh spices and seasonings, with a little bit of customization in each create. This year while thrifting with Scraps, he’d found a Christmas ornament of a chicken walking out from an overturned grow pot, and it looked so much like Ginger who’d taken such a quick liking to Virgil that there were no questions about it. His brother had to own that for his Christmas tree.
As a gift, it certainly commemorated their time on the farm, but it wasn’t the gift.
It wasn’t the one that had him nervously clenching his fist on his knee.
He didn’t know what Virgil’s reasoning was (maybe he would understand once they opened their boxes), but for his purposes, Gordon knew the gift Virgil had on his lap was the one that would be better heard when no one was watching and when the possibilities of Christmas miracles were at their highest – Christmas Eve for Gordon, Christmas Day for Virgil – and the memories of the Christmases of years past close to the heart. Years of running down the stairs to be first to see the tree with presents beneath it, the winters in Kansas and wearing their pajamas inside out to bed as part of their superstition to make it snow for the holiday, and all of them tucked on the couch listening to Virgil’s piano after ripping through wrapping paper.
“So, this gift?” He lifted his palm up so Virgil could see it, making a show to examine outside. Virgil always was super attentive to presentation, and the compostable paper around the outside was folded precisely and perfectly with the tiniest of bows tacked onto the top. “It’s rather compact. Are you sure this one is meant for me?”
Gordon held it between his thumb and forefinger, squinting at the rounded corners of the small box.
“What do you -? Oh.” When it was apparent Virgil had been a little slow on what he was suggesting, Gordon wiggled his ring finger, and he took an immense amount of pleasure at the flush that ran up his brother’s cheeks, even through the hologram.  Virgil rolled his eyes at him. “Yes, that’s your gift.”
“Just making sure,” he cackled. “Could’ve been really embarrassing for you.”
“I would really like for you to open your gift now, please.”
"You got it." Banter was among the few languages he spoke fluently, and there was a nuance to knowing when it was time to stop.  He nudged his finger under one of the folded sides but stopped short of ripping it open the way he’d done as a child. “Together?”
"No, you first." Virgil shrugged. “It wouldn’t feel right. We’ve always done the youngest first.”
Gordon smiled. When he was younger he hadn’t thought twice about it. He just knew what it was like to wait for Alan who would take a long time because he wanted to keep opening the toy packaging any time he received something to play with. His older brothers had to wait through each of their siblings in age order.
“I think our parents did that because of our patience. Or lack thereof.”
Virgil grinned. “And they were right to do so. Your attention span was terrible.”
Gordon stuck the tiny green bow on the top of his head and felt it fall briefly before catching on the strands of his hair.  “’Kay, I’m going in.”
Once he’d made a mess of Virgil’s perfect wrapping, the box inside could still have easily been mistaken for the kind that would hold jewelry inside, but inside was a simple computer plug-in, the size of his thumb and with ribbon matching the bow in his hair tied around one end.
He lifted it out. “I don’t—”
“Plug it in,” Virgil encouraged him eagerly. “It’s about what it holds.”
“A gig is worth a thousand words, huh?” He leaned over to stick the drive into his computer.
“More than that surely. A gig can hold a lot of pictures. That’s not what’s on there, though. I ...uh, saw how you were at the bonfire. When I started playing on your banjo. And I realized” – the light flutter of piano keys began playing from the speakers of his computer – “just how much you missed my music. I figured I’d give you the real thing.”
“Virgil, this is…”  His heart swelled hearing the concerto bend under Virgil’s fingers.
“There should be some of your favorites in there too, for you to play along with.”
He understood now why Virgil had wanted this to be just between them. His siblings had the gift of Virgil’s piano anytime they desired. Gordon had been without the timbre of those chords for so long that his expression faltered as he processed his memories and the meaning behind the gesture. He had been taken with Virgil’s playing at the end of season bonfire, enamored by the sounds of his brother’s fingers teasing the taut strings on his banjo.
His talent was magic, and having it so easily at hand… He glanced at the number of tracks that had been saved. “Woah, that’s a lot of music.”
“I had a lot of time to make up for.”
“Virgil, thank you, this is… really beyond special.” He glanced back to the holo-screen and away from the computer monitor, leaving the second song running low in the background. “I’m going to take my time with this.”
“You’re welcome.” Virgil still had his head propped on his hands, leaning into the box that held his Christmas gift, a pleased smile plastered between ears. “My turn?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
It felt a little silly to Gordon, being on the other side when his gift was being opened, suddenly feeling nervous and unsure about it. He hoped it said what it needed to. That it was good enough to give Virgil.
“—my lord, there’s a lot of tape on this thing.”
Virgil had given him a gift that held something he was skilled at. Gordon’s was similarly homemade, but he was in no way at Virgil’s level of ability when it came to this kind of -
“-ordon? Are you listening?”
“Huh, yeah, of course.”
“There’s that attention span of yours. Typical.” Virgil shook his head, as he ripped through the wrapping from the back and pulled out the box inside to allow him to lift the lid. “Oh, there’s a canvas in here.” He gently pulled it from its paper padding, running his fingers along the edge, and did a double take when he saw a peek of paint along the back and sides before the rest of it was unfurled. “You got me a painting? Oh, my God, you painted?”
Virgil tore the paper away.
“Yeah,” Gordon beamed. “Scraps and I made a beverage donation to a local paint and sip. They liked our wine so much that we started getting invites. I know it’s not anything unique.”
“Oh, it absolutely is. It’s yours. A Gordon Tracy original.” Virgil didn’t look up, his eyes still scanning the details within the artwork. Gordon hoped it was without his discerning eye towards technique.
“Not quite. It was still designed by someone else.” He’d been following an artist’s instructions at the paint night, and there were plenty more just like it.  Scraps was planning to gift hers to Jules. Though, the artist who designed the paint night had been inspired by their local homesteads, and the farm roof and chicken coop were both distinctly Tracy.  “A painting for a painting, it felt right.  I hope you like it.”
The loss of the artwork that he’d destroyed years ago weighed heavily on him and was what inspired him to take that first step to the artists’ shop. There was never a doubt when he walked in that what he walked out with would be Virgil’s. It didn’t erase what he’d done, but it was a firm reminder that he’d never stopped appreciating his brother’s hobbies. And this was the gift that carried all the memories of their time on the farm.
They’d both given each other a little bit of home.
“I love it. Thank you, Gordon.”
With Virgil’s music playing in the background, they continued talking about their plans for the holiday, and Virgil laughed when Gordon told him he and Jules would be art twins once the farm celebrated their exchange. In the morning, Scraps and Jules were planning to go over to the Sheridan’s for Christmas brunch, while he and Everett worked on the morning chores before starting on dinner for an evening among the estate residents.
He wouldn’t be alone for Christmas, and he could tell Virgil was relieved to hear it.
“You should get some rest,” Virgil nudged when he yawned for the third time in a manner of minutes while speaking. He promised to call him again tomorrow and wished him a Merry Christmas just in case. It was an IR thing. Gordon nodded, yawned again through an “FAB”.
As they closed the call and he made his way to the comfort of his bed where Skipper was already curled up alongside his pillows, he dozed to the gentle lulling of his brother’s piano, his heart feeling lighter with the excitement to share in the holiday season with those he loved, not just the next day, but the days onward with his family of friends, his animal companions, and his family by blood and by heart in the days to come.
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illogicalpunkwrites · 4 years
Drive Me Crazy
Hi everyone! So this is a part 2 to The Cave (click the link to read!) that someone asked about (for some reason it won’t let me tag you but I’ll message you!). Thank you so much for reading!
Pairings: Leonard McCoy X Kirk!Reader
Rating: T
Words: 2.1K
Warnings: Angst, injury, comfort, confessions, cursing
Tagss; @theweepingvulcan91 @bloodangelballerina
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You could tell that Len was tense as you and Jim sat on biobeds. You clutched at your side that was still bleeding, spreading pain throughout your entire body. You’d gotten hit by a rival tribe arrow trying to take over a peaceful settlement between the main tribe on the planet and Starfleet studying the flora for medicinal properties. Jim suffered from a sprained ankle that got twisted in a trap set, something he know you’d never let him live down.
It all happened so fast and you didn’t have any time to think, just act. Even with an arrow impaled in you, you had to grab the explosive they made so it wouldn’t kill anymore of the villagers or other Starfleet members. You grabbed the device and threw it just in time so it hit the enemy. It made them retreat and it also made you pass out.
You hissed and Len pressed down on your wound before he quickly hit you with a hypospray, the whispering sound being one that you had been used to for quite some time. He quickly got to work as Christine ran vitals on Jim. 
“Bones, what’s wrong?’ Jim asked and you thought Len’s forehead was going to pop out of his head. It reminded you of when the two of you refused to get along.
“Nothing.” He got to work suturing you up, making you lay down. It had barely pierced your large intestine but your blood rushing with the adrenaline made you bleed out faster back on the planet. 
“Len, I’m fine.”
“The hell you are.” 
Christine and Jim looked at each other as she put away her tricorder and turned off the machine behind him.
“Just rest for a few days, Captain. Keep your ankle elevated and you’ll be fine.” She replied and he nodded. 
“Bones, we had everything under-”
“Don’t you are say you had everything under control, Jim! She could’ve died! She went after a live explosive!”  Leonard snapped. 
“I knew what I was-”
“She did what she had to do to protect the village! I was out for the count and she stepped up!” Jim replied.
“She should’ve-”
“Hey! I’m right here so talk to me!” You snapped. “I did what I had to do, McCoy! If I hadn’t then the entire team would be dead! I did what I was supposed to do, I did my goddamn job. Now it’s yours to patch me up.” That reminded him of an argument you two had not too long ago. With a grumble under his breath he quickly finished you up.
“You’ll be fine soon. Take it easy if that’s somewhere in your job description.” He walked out of the room to care for other patients on the other side and you and Jim looked at each other. 
“Alright, we’ve been in scraps like this before but he’s never acted like this.”
“I know. I think it’s been a stressful day for everybody.” Christine sighed and went ahead trying to sterilize some equipment. 
“That’s for sure. Good work down there but next time we need to be more careful.” You laughed but winced and grabbed at your side.
“Sure, we’ve been saying that since we were kids. Go get some rest.” He walked out of medbay as you put your regulation uniform back on to get back to your room.
“He was upset, y’know.” Christine said, making you spin around. “You scared him when they told him you were unresponsive. He thought you had died, Commander. After he found out what you did and that you had a pulse, that’s when he got angry.”
“He’s always angry.”
“Not with you anymore. I know he enjoys the time you spend together after the cave incident.” You looked down at your boots pensively. Your job was dangerous, what you did was dangerous, but it ultimately ended the fight and saved everyone that you were trying to protect. But maybe you had been too harsh on Leonard. However, it wasn’t helping that he was talking to Jim about you rather than talking to you directly. It made you feel like a child again, like Jim was supposed to be your keeper. “Just take some time to heal. Maybe while you’re doing that you can talk to Dr. McCoy.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
You sighed down at your PADD as you wrote the report for the previous day. After being stitched up, you pretty much all but passed out on your bunk. When you came back to reality, you knew that talking to Leonard had to be on your agenda but You couldn’t bring yourself to him. It was weird though. You usually talked every day but it had been over 24 hours at this point. 
Taking one last sip of your liquor, you put on some flats and slipped out of your room. His room wasn’t too far away, but you also knew that he stayed in his office when he was stressed so he might not be there. You gave a soft knock on the door and you had wished you put on some pants instead of shorts with your baggy academy crewneck. 
He opened the door but he didn’t look excited to see you like every other time you would visit. 
“Hey, can I come in?” He moved out of the way for you and closed the door. “Can we talk?”
“Are you going to apologize?” You sighed and he took a sip of his bourbon. “Then there’s nothing to talk about.”
“Leonard, what do you want me to do?” You sat down in one of his chairs as he walked to the opposite side of the room.
“I just told you.”
“If I hadn’t done what I did then everyone would be hurt or dead! I’m sorry that I snapped at you. I shouldn’t have done that. But I’m not going to apologize for doing what I was trained to do.”
“To kill yourself? That’s what they trained you to do?” You felt your blood boiling over and you wish he would just understand. 
“To maximize the probability of my team living is what I was trained to do, Len!” You flinched when his glass harshly hit his desk as he spun to face you.
“Do you have any regard for yourself whatsoever? Do you ever think about your own well-being? I’ve said it  before and I’ll say it again, you get injured more than anyone on this damn ship! Do you even care about what happens to you?”
“Of course I do but one life is not as important as twenty others!” His brows furrowed at you. 
“My life isn’t as important as-”
“WELL IT’S IMPORTANT TO ME!” He yelled and your eyes widened. He breathed out slowly and sat down at the foot of his bed. “It’s important to me. When they told me you were unresponsive, bleeding out...I didn’t know what to do with myself. I kept thinking about all the things that we hadn’t done yet, all the things I hadn’t told you, never gotten the chance to tell you. All the things you would have never known.” You were quiet, sheepish even. You searched around for the right words to say but you thought they might never come. He had his face buried in his hands, no doubt embarrassed by his outburst.
“My job is dangerous, Len. It’s hard knowing every time that I leave this ship it could by my last time seeing everybody. But I do it because I want to keep everyone else safe.”
“That doesn’t always have to come at the cost of you.” He replied and you nodded. 
“It often does. It kills me every time someone on my team gets hurt or dies. I always think about what I could’ve done or...” You shook your head and sat down next to him. “The worst times are when I’m away from the ship and...something happens when I’m not here but you are.” He lifted his head from his hands to look at you but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. “If something were to happen to you and I wasn’t there I don’t know what I would do. It fucking kills me thinking about that. I know that I need to be more careful and I’m sorry for scaring you. I’m just tired of being scared, of feeling guilt. But now I know I’m just making everyone else feel scared.” 
“I forget how many people you’ve lost on this mission.”
“And I forget how often you have too.” You were both silent but the room didn’t have the same energy. Tense? Yes. Anger? Not anymore. 
“I just...I can’t imagine not seeing you every day. You’re always on my mind and you drive me crazy. You’ve driven me crazy since the day you stepped aboard with your stubbornness and quick one liners.”
“Pot calling kettle black.” You sniffed and he chuffed. 
“But you’re courageous, funny, thoughtful. I’ve never met a person as caring as you. Even though that often comes out as suicide missions. I...darlin’ I can’t let anything happen to you.” He cupped your cheek and forced you to look at him. “You mean...you are...I’m not good at this shit. I haven’t done it in a while.” You smiled softly and leaned into his hand. 
“I promise I’ll be more careful.”
“That’s all I’m asking.” He replied.
“You’re not too bad yourself, y’know? Yeah you’re stubborn and sarcastic but you care. You’re an amazing doctor, strong-willed, funny, have excellent taste in liquor. I know it’s pathetic but I hated that we didn’t talk at all yesterday. I missed seeing your handsome face.” He laughed and got a smug grin. 
“Handsome, huh?” You rolled your eyes. “Lemme try this again and I hope this is what you’re trying to say too. I like you, a lot. Honestly I liked you even when I hated you. I want to be with you so you can drive me crazy all the time.”
You swore your breathing stopped but your heart kept beating rapidly. You felt like you might implode or pop your sutures. You couldn’t respond with words, so you did the next best thing.
You threw yourself at him, sutures be damned. You arms wrapped around his neck as you pressed your lips against his, His lips were a little chapped and still had the taste of the bourbon he was drinking but he was soon kissing you back with the same intensity. His fingers threaded through your hair as his other hand went to your lower back, sliding a little underneath you crewneck to caress the skin there. Even though you initiated it, you were tense but you soon melted against him.  
“I shoulda said it sooner, before I thought you were dead.” You rested against him, your head against his chest to feel his heartbeat. 
“I...Len I’m so sorry. I just want to do my best.”
“And as long as you do your best to stay alive, that’s all I need.” He replied, his fingers digging into the small of your back. You couldn’t fight back the tears in your eyes anymore and a few dripped down. 
“I love you, Leonard McCoy.” 
Now it was his turn for his breathing to stop. His grip tightened on you and his eyes closed. He’d been wanting to hear that for so long. 
“I feel like I have for a long time, even when I was supposed to hate you. I mean, you’re Jim’s best friend.” He chuckled against you.
“A forbidden fruit?” Somewhere he thought that Christine’s head was probably exploding.
“In a sense.” You smiled. “But I can’t...I can’t do this anymore. I can’t pretend that I don’t feel this way. When I woke up today in medbay all I could think about was you, our nights together, the cave. I promise I’ll be better, I’ll do better to take care of myself. Even if you can’t say it back, I’ll do better because I know what I’ve caused you to feel. What I’ve caused others to feel.”
“I love you too, darlin’. Have for a while.” You smiled and looked up at him, making him lean down and give you another kiss.  He wiped away the tears silently rolling down your cheeks. “I’ll always be there to patch you up, to do my job. But just make it less of a habit.” You nodded and rested your forehead against his. 
“Is it alright if I stay the night?”
“Your sutures-”
“Leonard McCoy! I’m a lady! I simply want to spend time with you and fall asleep in your incredibly comfortable bed.” You gasped mockingly, making him chuckle. “I just need to be with you right now.” He maneuvered you both so you were comfortably on the bed and under the covers, Your head was still on his warm chest and you looked out at the small window he had at the stars. You remembered how in the cave you told him you didn’t see yourself settling down. Well perhaps it was written in the stars that it would actually happen with the man you once detested. 
“So, when are we going to tell Jim?”
(Part 3 of Jim finding out and the ensuing chaos?)
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dt75artblog · 7 years
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when your gf looses her legs so you gotta carry her like a good boyfriend
if theres one type of au that always gets me its monster aus 
monster aus are like crack cocaine to me so i just had to do one for TotA bc i hadn’t seen one yet
in this au idk i guess everyone just wakes up one day and is like ??????what?????? why do i have fur
its lorelei’s fault lorelei is a dick
luke and asch are both werewolves
the party makes sure to stay out of major cities when the moon is full so everyone has become a lot better at camping
natalia discovers smores and it is LIFE CHANGING
when he’s not transformed he still has ears and a tail which tear thinks are SUPER CUTE she loves it
tear is a siren b/c singinggggg
The other party members take turns carrying her since she can’t walk anymore
she can’t really fight either, so she mostly just takes care of people that fall during battle
she loves going to grand chokemah bc there’s so much water peony probably even has a place for her to stay when the rest of the party go to the inn
jade is part basilisk
he spends about a week wandering around with his eyes closed bc the rest of the party keep accidentally looking at his eyes over his glasses and they ran out of stone bottles
good thing those are cheap
eventually they figure out that his glasses negate the effects of being a basilisk but its useful during battles
except when the monsters don’t have eyes
anise is part dragon 
because there is nothing she likes more than treasure and DESTRUCTION
they put her in charge of the party’s funds
the only problem is she is extremely resistant to let those finds go
she probably also has a lot of anger problems now since the dragon blood makes her >:(
tear and natalia are always there to lend a listening ear
guy is a golem
like made of metal and stone and floating parts
it’s kinda hard for him to talk since he doesnt really have a functioning tongue anymore
most of his conversations involve a lot of hand movements and metal sounds
he can however talk to other golems like the ones in the sephiroth so it’s a lot easier for the group to get through those dungeons
natalia is a centaur
because of archery (im referencing a greek myth here)
at first she’s really REALLY upset bc how can you princess when you are mostly horse
but she eventually warms up to it because it gives her a HUGE boost in battle not to mention her tail looks VERY CUTE when braided
she is usually the one carrying tear when not in battle
she gives the others rides too they love it especially anise
if you think of more head canons put them in the tagss
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