#don’t come at me Fundywastaken shippers
Thoughts on Fundy and Dream’s upcoming wedding.
I think they’re a cute couple. I love Fundy’s commitment to the bit, the other half of the relationship could never. The coding in the date video was amazing and I can’t wait to see what Fundy comes up with for the wedding!
But let’s just be real here, Fundy. Deserves. Better.
1) Dream will never love Fundy the way he loves George. It really seems like George was taken - no pun intended - so Dream went to the next available pretty boy with a cute accent.
2) As mentioned already, Dream’s non-commitment to the bit - he forgets he’s engaged to Fundy every day. And whenever they’re around each other - other then the date video - neither of them act like an engaged couple or even like their in a relationship. They don’t even have any scenes alone and barely talk, the only stream I remember them talking or acknowledging that they are engaged was the Dreamon stream, and admittedly that was a great stream. But imagine the tension scenes if they had played up to it during the war!
3) The only reason Dream said yes to Fundy’s proposal was because Sapnap was engaged and George was married. See my evidence:
Fundy. Deserves. Better.
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