#don’t get me wrong I think they’re drippy but he always sticks out just not as much as Azi
certifiablyinsanez · 5 months
It’s so cute when people think Crowley is suave and sexy and cool. Like, only under the threat of destruction by Satan himself can make this demon say ‘fuck’ apparently. He has a corny ass voicemail. Don’t give him access to a crystal ball and a fez if you don’t want him to start acting goofy. 20% of his personality is being a Plant Mom. The other 80% is being a Wine Aunt. She cosplays Mary Poppins just cuz. She manages to stay “up to style” and is very bad at it somehow. 90% of his existence can be summarized as “Silly Simp”.
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inkuisitivskins · 7 years
Greed Lust and Envy
Give Me a Character
How I feel about this character - 
I LOVE HIM SM in both 03 and Brotherhood!! I just really like his personality a lot since it’s mostly the same in both series, but I’m glad he sticks around longer and gets a revival in Ling in the mangahood. I just always really enjoy villains that turn “good”, but not wholly good I guess? Like Greed in every iteration is a smartass who is in it for himself most of the time but still. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don’t really ship him with anyone while he’s original!Greed, but when he’s Greedling I think him and Lan Fan would have a really funny dynamic hahaha. Just having Ling (bc i obviously ship him and Lan Fan) slip in and out of control over Greed while having Greed endlessly flirt and joke with Lan Fan is good lol
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Idk like??? With most characters I’m at least a bit of a multishipper but there’s not a ton I go off of that’s not canon (cept livmiles mainly) and since he’s not really shipped with anyone in either iteration (at least when he’s Greed when Greedling). I like his friendship and camaraderie with the Devil’s Nest and then with Ed when Greedling. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t really think there’s any necessarily UNPOPULAR opinions I have on him given that i think very highly of him and he’s already one of if not the most popular homunculus hah
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Kinda wished he hadn’t died so early in 03. If you don’t mind spoilers– think of how early Lust died in Brotherhood. That’s about as long as Greed lived. I really enjoyed him making fun of Envy and just dogging him all the time x’D
How I feel about this character
I like her in Brotherhood because, given the slight style change, she’s rounder-in-the-face and prettier in it, but she was literally my second favorite homunculus after Envy (which I’ll talk more about) in 03. Just like how I always like Greed’s change of heart, if you’re hesitant about watching 03, watch it if you like the concept of homunculi finding their humanity. I love love loved her in 03 and I love how she became kind of somewhat of an anti-hero? She was still “good” but still kinda sketch you know? Especially in her interactions with Scar. Which I’ll talk more about :^)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
No one besides Scar when in 03. If you’ve seen it you’ll understand :’)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
She… doesn’t really get along with anyone besides Gluttony in ANY series x’D I don’t even really care for Gluttony tbh but I like how in a lot of fan opinions, she’s kind of the big sister and even sort of a semi-mother figure to her sibings, especially Gluttony who can’t do shit for himself haha. And tbh it’s always so sad in Brotherhood when he’s like freaking out asking where she is after she’s killed asdfghj
My unpopular opinion about this character
…. 03 Lust is top-tier Lust. I don’t have anything against her in Brotherhood tho so don’t take that the wrong way :’)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
*whispers* More Lust x Scar JK I wished she lived a little longer in Brotherhood too, especially since I saw 03 first, it was kind of a shock to me to see her die so quickly in the series. She still had a really good death in both series tho
How I feel about this character
I will never know why, but Envy was my all-time favorite character in 03– I really don’t understand it xD I don’t usually have villains as favorites but he was just such a good villain, and his story and ESPECIALLY his reasoning behind what he does is so much more developed in 03 rather than Brotherhood. BUT THEN IN BROTHERHOOD HIS TRUE FORM IS LITERALLY SO COOL I CAN’T DESCRIBE IT but you also learn to hate him more in Brotherhood because I feel like he’s more mentally unstable due to the whole Ishvalan conflict than in 03 so asddfgh
All the people I ship romantically with this character
No one, sorry uwu especially not him and Ed omg no pls
My non-romantic OTP for this character
eh, I really don’t even platonically ship him with anyone? I guess,,, if I had to answer the one thing that comes to mind is how he’s sort of a mentor to Wrath in 03. But it kinda broke my heart because I also can’t help but like 03!Wrath even though a lot of people don’t, so it hurt to see him turn so bad aaaaaa
My unpopular opinion about this character
I like him in 03 and he was my favorite xDDD that’s unpopular enough I think. His character arc and backstory were just really interesting in it, and while being revealed during the weird and out-of-place ending of 03, I still thought it was a nice addition. Also if anyone’s wondering, I do hc him as genderless (it’s not much of a hc since it’s canon in Brotherhood) but I use male pronouns for him because of me seeing it first and being used to 03 canon– I can explain further if anyone hasn’t seen 03 but is interested. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I know i keep talking about 03 but it would’ve been cool to see him use his true form in that series, especially given that he has the ability to turn into an actual fantasy dragon in it. I think given how dark 03 is, the morbid nature and origins of his true Brotherhood form would have fit perfectly (though it wouldn’t have really been considered a TRUE form, you know?) Also in Brotherhood, one of the very, very few things I despise about the anime is how they made his true form out of that shitty anime cgi -_- it looks so bad and out of place and he looks like a big lumpy gummy thing. If they had stuck to the manga design (where not only the heads of Xerxes were present, but other gross-looking drippy body parts as well) and animated it like the rest, I would’ve enjoyed it more, and that’s still given that that true form reveal scene is one of my favorites in the series xD
I’m sorry for talking about 03 so much in this even though it’s not considered series canon. It was only because one of my biggest praises for 03 is how they handled the homunculi, so I feel my opinions on these 3 (given that they’re my universal favorites, minus MangaHood!Pride and 03!Wrath) are also heavily weighted with their 03 selves, especially Lust and Envy, whereas I like Greed more overall in Brotherhood due to his extended role as Greedling. I hope that was okay :’) Thank you for the ask Megan
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