#don't blame me if the formatting gets fucky
aurorasulphur · 2 years
Fic Recs: Batfam Longfic
Longfic here meaning over 50,000 words, for the series as a whole or for the individual fic being recced. In alphabetical order by author.
Cor et Cerebrum by audreycritter (series)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/549964
Ratings/Warnings: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Central Character or Relationship: Bruce Wayne and HEALING
Word count: 561,520 (series), 86,122 (first fic)
Author summary: Bruce Wayne deals with a serious illness, one that threatens the most crucial part of himself. He and the family try to cope with their own fears and expectations about it and then the aftermath. This is written partly as character study, partly as family drama. Originally posted to tumblr.
My pitch: Bruce has a brain tumor. Dealing with it is a family affair.
Tag teaser: No one knows how to deal with shit, Family Drama, sibling relationships, It Gets Better, tim saves the day again and again, No Character Death, Recovery Story
My comments: This was recced to me by a friend (*waves at DAZebras*) when I said I wanted more longfic Good Dad Bruce recs. It’s an excellent series, though you should be aware going in that it heavily features an OC. Series is ongoing but doesn’t feel incomplete.
Emotional Motion Sickness by Batbirdies (series)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1529249
Ratings/Warnings: Teen, General, Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Central Character or Relationship: First two fics: Bruce Wayne. Third: Jason Todd
Word count: 348,451 (series), 23,132 (first fic)
Author summary: A series beginning with Bruce Wayne finally deciding to go to therapy, and the ripple effect afterwards. Most will be hurt/comfort in some fashion with a lot of Bat Dad, a lot of sibling relationships and a lot of Jason Todd because he’s my fav.
This is something of an attempt to consolidate both Bruce’s original characterization pre-crisis, and his more current one, to explain why he is as he is now, and to get him back to where he once was. A good dad who struggled with his own shortcomings and cared about his kids.
My pitch: Bruce goes to therapy!!! And it helps!!!!!!!!
Tag teaser: Bruce Wayne is Working on Becoming a Better Parent
My comments: Fics one and two are a separate arc (in my opinion) from the third fic. I actually read the third one first and it didn’t cause any issues. Series is not marked as complete but feels complete.
Minimum Height Requirement by Drag0nst0rm
Link: http://ao3.org/works/12694770
Ratings/Warnings: Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Central Character or Relationship: Bruce & his kids.
Some background ships are Dick/Babs and Steph/Tim.
Word count: 66,463
Author summary: Somewhere in the multiverse, there's a universe where letting his children dress up in capes and follow him into vigilantism seems like a good idea.
Bruce is determined that it isn't going to be this one . . . Despite his children's repeated attempts to convince him otherwise.
(Or: "When you're eighteen, you can do what you want. Until then, no capes.")
My pitch: Good Dad Bruce tries really really hard to keep his kids from becoming capes. Success is… mixed, to say the least.
My comments: While not actually in the “Bruce kidnaps multiversal variants of his kids in order to give them a better life” genre, it spiritually feels like it, because of the type of AU. (This is high praise.)
Robins and Other Flightless Birds by Ionaperidot
Link: http://ao3.org/works/15607170
Ratings/Warnings: Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply
Central Character or Relationship: Bruce & his kids.
Background Selina/Bruce and Tim/Kon,
Word count: 84,920
Author summary: It begins with another Bruce, looking around his cave and asking, “So where are the kids?”
Bruce has never thought about having a family before. But once the idea occurs to him, it's hard to think about anything else.
My pitch: The prototypical entry in the “Bruce kidnaps multiversal variants of his kids in order to give them a better life” genre.
Tag teaser: Dick Grayson is a Talon, catatonic jason, tim drake was joker junior, bruce wayne's messiah complex, in which bruce runs around the multiverse collecting orphans
My comments: I am a sucker for anything in this genre and this fic has kind of become the bar to meet! Bruce does fuck up a bunch but he is TRYING so much more than he ever did in any of the kids’ home universes.
Crooked Arrows Flown True by Ionaperidot
Link: http://ao3.org/works/18996949
Ratings/Warnings: Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply
Central Character or Relationship: Oliver & Roy
Ambient background Selina/Bruce, Tim/Kon, and Oliver/Dinah
Word count: 96,798
Author summary: “Oliver? Have you ever thought about being a dad?”
As Bruce cares for six children collected from across the multiverse and waits for the birth of a seventh, Oliver takes in an abandoned Roy Harper.
My pitch: Roy deserves good parents too!!!! (Oliver gets punched in the face. Also addresses the weirdness of DC Comics geography!)
Tag teaser:
My comments: Technically a sequel to Robins and Other Flightless Birds, but with a focus on Oliver and Roy, which is why it gets its own entry here.
Year of Fallen Angels by maychorian
Link: http://ao3.org/works/18407444
Ratings/Warnings: Teen And Up Audiences, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Central Character or Relationship: Tim Drake
Word count: 137,130
Author summary: Tim Drake has been captured by criminals and tortured for nearly a day. He couldn't escape on his own, so Batman and Red Hood had to rescue him. And they discover an injury far greater than they expected, one that will take Tim months and possibly years to recover from, if it ever happens at all.
My pitch: Tim Drake is broken. His family proves they’ll be there to help him put himself together again.
Tag teaser: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Tim Drake, Aftermath of Torture, Major Character Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Possibly permanent injury, discussion of non-con in one chapter, make that two chapters
My comments: HEED THE WARNINGS. There were definitely scenes I only skimmed because they were hella violent and involved bone descriptions. However, the Hurt/Comfort balance is exactly how I like it, and everyone’s characterization feels grounded.
Through the Walls by maychorian
Link: http://ao3.org/works/20199193
Ratings/Warnings: Mature, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Central Character or Relationship: Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Word count: 113,754
Author summary: The one where twelve-year-old Jason and nine-year-old Tim are kidnapped by a serial killer and later escape, and Dick wants to adopt Jason, and Jason has already adopted Tim.
And also Tim has already adopted Jason even harder than Jason has adopted him, and he will fight anyone who comes near. And Bruce wants to adopt them all but keeps getting stymied.
This will be dark in places. Please mind the tags. Specific trigger warnings will be in the chapters.
My pitch: Baby Jason and Baby Tim are maybe friends. When Jason gets abducted by a serial child molester/murderer, Tim’s noble attempts at distraction merely result in his abduction as well. Luckily, eventually, Batman gets them out.
Tag teaser: Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Dick Grayson is a Good Brother, Starvation, Non-Consensual Touching, Pedophilia, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Sensory Deprivation, Isolation, Protectiveness, Platonic Cuddling, Child Neglect, Jack and Janet Drake's A+ Parenting, Canon-Typical Violence, Recovery, Rape Recovery, Touch-Starved, Minor Dick Grayson/Koriand'r
My comments: HEED THE WARNINGS. The subject matter is dark, and while there is nothing I would consider gratuitous, there are scenes of intense violence. The whole story revolves around some especially heinous rape/torture, so that aspect, while not actively described in detail, is still very very present. Excellent hurt/comfort balance. Caveat that I am not a fan of the characterization of Kori here, but she’s a relatively minor character and it’s not a huge issue.
Unnamed Shadows by Musers
Link: http://ao3.org/works/38852910
Ratings/Warnings: General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Central Character or Relationship: Jason Todd
Word count: 50,874
Author summary: Jason was a lot of things. He was an outlaw, a former Robin, a victim, a hero, a problem, but more importantly, he was a dumbass.
Capital D, capital U, capital M… you get the point.
Sometimes, he could forget how much of a dumbass he was. Sometimes, he got lucky and passed the luck off as skill and forward thinking. Other times, he was forced to face the cold hard truth that his brain had been jostled one too many times in his youth. Like now.—Jason's working a case that deals with the worse of humanity. No leads, no one willing to speak, and a push to do things Bruce's way is making it hard to make any progress. Luckily, someone took mercy on him and left a file in his apartment with detailed information. Unfortunately, the person who left the file comes back weeks later to bleed on his floor.
If the blood loss doesn't kill Tim Drake, Jason's going to.
My pitch: The Batfam are like, really bad at communicating with each other. But they’re trying, and sometimes, that’s what actually matters.
Tag teaser: Angst with a Happy Ending, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Jason Todd Tries, Jason Todd-centric, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Hurt Tim Drake, Dick Grayson Tries, Everyone Needs A Hug, Light Angst, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Needs Love, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent
My comments: I rec this with some caveats: the writing is a touch uneven—English may not be the writer’s first language because some of the word choices are puzzling. There are a steady number of odd grammatical/spelling tics. But the characterization is solid and the ending is good.
Where's My Goddamn Dinosaur? by njw (series)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1007550
Ratings/Warnings: Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Central Character or Relationship: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Word count: 264,107 (series), 82,700 (first fic)
Author summary: Tim closes his eyes, calculating. Based on the energy involved for a one week reset, he’s looking at a minimum displacement of about five years for the copy. His eyes sting as he fully grasps that if this works, one Tim will get to reunite with his friends and family, hold them and speak to them again, and work together to unleash all the contingencies and strategies he’s come up with to kick those invading alien assholes the fuck out, and the other Tim, the copy… won’t. He’ll wake up somewhen, isolated and traumatized, without friends, family, or any allies at all.
Well, shit. Whatever, at least Other Tim will know it worked. And he’s never minded the idea of sacrificing himself to save others. He confirms the calibration of the device, and pushes the big red button. Of fucking course there’s a big red button, supervillains are so predictable.
His last thought as the lights explode in his head and he tastes color is I hope computers are a thing whenever Other Tim lands. I’d hate to be put on trial for witchcraft. Fuck it, if I overshoot I’m gonna ride a goddamn dinosaur. Hell. Yes.
My pitch: Multiversal batfam shenanigans with Tim at the center? Tim is LOVED and APPRECIATED by his fellow bats?? YES PLEASE!
Tag teaser: BAMF Tim, Time Travel, Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Timeline Shenanigans, Slow Burn, Bad Matchmaking, Trolling, Bat Brothers, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gentle Sex, Inappropriate Humor
My comments: The first three fics in the series are the actual main content, the rest is bonus features. Not really a “Bruce kidnaps multiversal variants of his kids in order to give them a better life” fic, since Tim flung HIMSELF back in time, but has a lot of the same vibes. My enjoyment varies depending on how much I’m in the mood for Tim/Jason fic, so do be aware of that going in. Not marked as complete, but feels complete enough.
Batnesia by Qui
Link: http://ao3.org/works/22871983
Ratings/Warnings: Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Central Character or Relationship: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Word count: 69,205
Author summary: In which Bruce forgets a few key facts, and Clark has to go along with it.
Or, the Bruce-Has-Amnesia Fic we've all been wishing for.
My pitch: Bruce has forgotten his boyfriend, his youngest son’s name, and something else that’s very very important.
Tag teaser: Amnesia, Batfamily (DCU), Damian Wayne is Robin, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Absurd, Poor Clark, Identity Porn
My comments: This is the most reassuringly predictable and hilarious amnesia fic. Is there some identity porn? Yes. Is anyone really put in a dubcon situation as a result? Nope! Perfect balance.
Crash World by rotasha (series)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2638498
Ratings/Warnings: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Central Character or Relationship: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent.
Bruce & his kids, Clark & Kon.
Word count: 244,331 (series) 60,111 (first fic)
Author summary: A version of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent from an alternate universe where there are no superheroes find themselves in the mainstream DC universe. This universe’s Bruce and Clark quickly discover two things about their alternate universe counterparts. First, they’re in a relationship. And second, in their universe, Jason is still alive.
Tag teaser: Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Clark Kent Tries to Be a Good Parent, Mutual Pining, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Idiots in Love, Bisexual Bruce Wayne, Bisexual Clark Kent, Bisexual Tim Drake, Bisexual Kon-El | Conner Kent, POV Multiple
My comments: I don’t have a pitch that’s better than the summary itself!!! Everyone’s characterization is consistent and believeable, with clear differences and similarities between the doppelgangers. My ONE caveat is that what No Powers!Clark did to his Conner is a MASSIVE dick move, and I don’t think anyone calls him out on it ENOUGH. However, I recognize that it was necessary in order to make the worlds align a little better and can accept it in fiction that way. Series is complete.
Lost Time Without You by rotasha
Link: http://ao3.org/works/33665278
Ratings/Warnings: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Central Character or Relationship: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Word count: 68,792
Author summary: In a universe where your soulmate’s injuries show up on your skin, Bruce is convinced he doesn’t have a soulmate, and Clark is seriously concerned for his soulmate’s well-being.
Tag teaser: Soulmates, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Single Parent Bruce Wayne, Identity Porn, POV Alternating
My comments: I don’t have a pitch that’s better than the summary itself!!! The balance of in-universe knowledge vs. the reader knowing what the rel tag says is PERFECTION. Excellent pining and light angst and the REVEAL is beautifully timed.
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