#don't even get me STARTED on how Aaron probably rethought some of his habits and quirks when starting to take care of Miles and Rio
I think one of the biggest differences between my vision of Miles G and the general fandom is how I see him interacting with other people. Because, honestly, I don't think he would be... rude. At all. I mean, I'm not taking away from his Brooklyn slang or his experience in the criminal streets. I don't mean he doesn't have triggers that would make him loose himself and be rightfully pissed off because of it. Just like 1610 or any other traumatized person would do.
It just doesn't mean in my mind that he would swear a lot or behave aggressively.
Given the environment in which he grew up for most of his life, none of this would have led to an unreasonable outburst of anger or disrespect.
Look, in ATSV, we have already seen how Rio (remember, his main and only parent) is quite sensitive and serious about the vocabulary her son uses. Take the same moment with "whatever," her reaction was quite strong, primarily because such vocabulary in response to an important speech was hardly something she would want to instill in her child. And, realizing that Miles G will clearly receive even more advice and instruction from her in his later years than his 1610 counterpart, I don't think the strong guidance on his own behavior in social circles would have disappeared quickly even in the worst of worlds. That's why I hc him being more polite that 1610 from time to time — Rio's lessons seems quite strong and unbeatable.
And also about Aaron - as much as people like to hold him up as an example of a "bad influence" on his nephew, he is NOT a bad person. Seriously, the worst thing he did to Miles in the first movie was probably that "hey" trick. Yes, his work as the Prowler wasn't nice or morally right, but we were made to understand that he never meant Miles any harm.
(Did you see the deleted scene from ITSV where Aaron almost literally tells Jeffernos that he doesn't want Miles to end up "like him"?) He would be just about the last person on the list of people who would teach a child to smoke or swear violently, let's be honest.
(I'm not American and I'm not from Brooklyn, so I wouldn't mind if someone corrected me on that part).
However, as a person who knows the belligerent and disturbing atmosphere in my city, it seems to me that you should be cautious rather than angry here. Except for the Prowler, of course: Miles has a little more freedom here and a literal need to be fast and scary, so he deserves a little Spanish swearing in the face of a conventional Octavius.
But if you take, for example, a normal civilian going out and shopping, I don't think that in a world full of crime, Miles G will be looking for a fight. In such cases, you always have to look and know what to say, and who it is better not to approach at all, because the person, for example, may have a gun. Of course, if someone openly insults or threatens him, he can defend himself easily, but in other cases, you need to be even more polite and quiet than usual. His goal is to buy the damn milk and leave, so if he has to say "excuse me, please" to some man at the checkout, nothing terrible will happen. If you ask me, this kind of communication with silent strangers is probably the first thing that comes to mind, but it depends on your perspective.
And the last thing is that he is a child - no 15-year-old teenager with a desire to help his family and psychological isolation will drink alcohol or be angry with all the people in the world. Thank you.
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