#don't get too schnockered buddy because you are getting SO LAID I'm sure xD
the-iron-orchid · 3 years
🍻 - “ who are you, really ?” from Jinana to Asra
(drunken confessions meme)
S/he knows the question isn't really fair; even outpacing him by two to one, Jinana holds hir liquor far better than Asra does. But after all those years of being faced with an enigmatic front and mixed signals, it's so hard to resist cornering him sometimes, finally having him at a disadvantage.
Asra's eyes go wide, then he blinks slowly a few times, putting hir in mind of a baffled owlet. "I..." He pauses, sliding slowly down until his head is resting on his arms on the table, still looking up at hir. "I'm the one who'll do anything... to see you happy," he says. The words are somewhat slurred, but certain. "I'm the one who'll spit in Death's eye for you." He closes his eyes, a smile curving his lips.
"Who am I...? Yours."
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