I think you need to consider that not only *did* Boromir obviously care about the little hobbits, as shown by the scenes he has with them, but also the book context of "We cannot stay here! It will be the death of the hobbits!" on the Pass Of Caradhas is him literally saving Frodo's life who had fallen asleep in the cold. He is described to have a weird dream about being in his cozy home where Bilbo is telling him that his journal entry for this day is boring because it's only "Snowstorms on the 12th of January!" and he doesn't need to come back if that's all he's writing and Frodo replies that he just wanted to get some rest and sleep until he jerked awake my Boromir fishing him out of the snow -who tells Gandalf that the hobbits will die in the cold if they do not get out of there. This feels like Frodo was already on the brink of freezing to death and only survived because of Boromir's watchful eyes who realizes that if one of the little hobbits has already had a brief brush with death, it will hit another one of them sooner or later.
Frodo's dream sequence reminds me of this trope where a severely injured character is unconscious and wakes up in a perfect sunny place where they get told/realize themselves that they cannot stay there because it's a metaphor for heaven (aka dying).
Kinda wish they had added this to the movie, it would've been an oddly haunting scene.
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he is literally so funny, his faces and then the occasional weird things he says make me laugh every time
Half of the fun watching lotr is looking at the faces Orlando Bloom is making in the background
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i love that the first time that legolas is introduced he’s referred to as “a strange Elf”
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if you needed any more reminders of how sam is literally a golden retriever, in the book when frodo is talking to gildor, sam literally curls up at his feet and falls asleep
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it’s the beginning of my reread of fellowship, and i have come to the conclusion, as someone from the south, that hobbits are the middle earth equivalents of southern people. they love food, they’re typically like very nice but also passive aggressive and kind of judgy, and they have a habit of getting in other people’s business and gossiping. they are literally my grandmother
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i am about to reread lord of the rings while i’m at the beach (among other books, im so excited) and annotate it, i’m contemplating putting some of my observations on here so i’ll remember my thoughts a bit better (and because boromir content!)
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Few things are as infinite as the yearning for the sea…
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I adore the fact that based on Hobbit culture and beauty standards that Sam was objectively far and away the hottest member of that little gaggle of four. Just 3 lads and a supermodel out here getting into shenanigans
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The North Wind may have heard the horn of the son of Denethor. O Boromir! From the high walls westward I looked afar, But you came not from the empty lands where no men are.
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Elliott / Mr Darcy because it fits so good
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ever since i saw that post about men from gondor (boromir, faramir, aragorn) all having curtain bangs i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it
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Obsessed with elliott stardew. he’s like a French aristocrat who is also a beach bum. he looks like young Fabio and talks like a dove chocolate wrapper. He’s polishing his cuff links while shooing a crab out of his pocket. he’s writing a whole entire novel with a duck-feather quill. He’s brushing his hair 100 strokes before bed. He’s staring out at the sea at least 5 hours a day. his Oxford shoes are full of sand. he has 16g in his bank account. he’s not unemployed bc yearning is a full-time job.
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thinking about sam gamgee and how he was just a little guy, a gardener and an average citizen, who saw his friend and the world in need and didn't even hesitate to march into hell for them. I'm going to mordor alone sam yes sir and I'm going with you. he said don't you abandon him samwise gamgee and i don't plan to. it's your sam don't you know your sam. it's only a passing thing this shadow. there's some good in this world mr frodo and it's worth fighting for. tell me about samwise the brave frodo wouldn't have gotten very far without sam. dont leave me here alone don't go where i cant follow you. I can't carry it for you but i can carry you.
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i have said this a million times but the casting for them was so perfect. they look like actual brothers and i love them so much
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My favourite sons of Gondor 🤍
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i have always thought that boromir would have some type of hound dog. like imagine he blows the horn of gondor and also he has a beagle and it howls, it seems so fitting for him
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how many headaches do you think I've given myself in my life crying over boromir son of denethor II
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Finished fellowship of the ring yesterday, I just want to say I would absolutely 100% feel comfortable around any of those men, they would not scare me at all like most men. I choose them over a bear
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