#don't mind me just blatantly copy-pasting what sam did
yanabortniks · 2 years
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full name: Yana Mikhailovna Bortnik
nickname: Yana is already a nickname technically. She was named after her grandma Dayana, but her extended family on her dad's side calls her by a variety of Russian diminutives such as Yanka, Yanusya, Yaya, etc. Yana doesn't expect her friends to use any of them, but Dev's allowed to use "Yaya" ♡
faceclaim: Fivel Stewart
age: 22
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: unlabeled
hometown: Marquette, Michigan
birthday: December 23, 1999
zodiac: Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Pisces rising
traits: responsible, patient, ambitious, extreeeemely independent, resourceful, loyal, organized, self-disciplined, cautious, methodical, suspicious, sensitive, know-it-all, often expects the worst, nosey, cheap, rarely satisfied
major: Psychology
more info.
Yana’s parents are both semi-functioning alcoholics and her relationship with them is very… strained. She goes to weird and sometimes extreme lengths to appease them in a way that seems sincerely useless because they either don’t care or don’t notice. And some people who don’t understand the situation might often feel that Yana is making it seem worse in her head via her projections and insecurities, but on the flipside Yana’s like okay but you don’t get it actually!
Last year her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and is doing fine now, but between thinking about grad school and her future and just her constant, CONSTANT worries about her parents’ health due to their substance abuse issues, she fully spiraled out. Went MIA. No one heard from her for a couple weeks. (Romy intervened ♡)
She’s currently waiting to hear back from PhD programs to become a clinical psychologist and will go literally anywhere that takes her and gives her good money. What motivates Yana is not perfection but success, and it does have the habit of driving her up the wall sometimes but that is just the kind of sacrifice she has to make in order to fulfill a goal. 
Personality-wise, Yana is very much an extroverted introvert. She looooves being with her friends and she can spread herself out pretty thin sometimes, but she also needs to recharge on her own. She’s also very sincere and tries to push people toward vulnerability (tried to make the whole friend group watch the Brene Brown vulnerability TedTalk) and talk their issues out and always wants to take temp readings on how everyone’s doing.  (Real picture of her: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4a/1a/4c/4a1a4cf5baeb1172e6e29b6fff5fe714.jpg).
Again, she’s often Doing The Most, which can be helpful but also very aggravating for those around her sometimes, about stuff like, spending literal hours in a Saver’s and making you suffer under those fluorescents and writing long handwritten letters to communicate her feelings. But she is also often hands-off irt other people’s drama. Like, you come to her for deets that could maybe clear up a situation and sometimes she’s like…. “I don’t think it’s my place to say anything, you should talk to that person about it” and suddenly you’re wringing her neck. Xoxo.
UMMM other than that, she’s a loyal friend who wants to establish a FT schedule, keeps all her bad grades stuffed in a binder that she keeps in her room, has a lifelong obsession with Cher, will sometimes sincerely fall to the ground from laughing so hard at your jokes, is the jumpiest bitch in the biz, likes goofy humor and when her friends playfully make fun of her (to an extent eeek), doesn't drink alcohol or smoke weed (though she may indulge in a teeny tiny edible), NEEDS concrete plans, rocking her light blue crocs half the time, passionately adheres to the 5-second rule of dropped food (kinda gross), semi-estranged from her older brother, thinks she’s the worst daughter to ever exist and she should be met with chants of “shame shame shame!”, likes cheap Pinterst crafts, HATES when people pay for her to the point where it has caused actual tension, she's Buddhist, likes to meditate, is constantly trying new things to "heal" her (different teas and crystals and apple cider vinegar shots), has a tattoo that references Vienna by Billy Joel, etc. OH, and she’s an RA!
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neenahnah21 · 4 years
Find my Way Back Home IV
Summary: Bucky Buchanan Barnes is smitten to a four insignia military officer—you. How do you think things will unfold? 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Word Count: 1,556
Warning: Swearing?
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All of those exchange between Bucky and you fold right before the teams waking. Never did they anticipated that a certain you who's well poised and compose would loose it. And when you left the facility, the ambiance of your upset demeanour still lingers—palpable.
The hours that past seems to be the longest to Bucky. With those time he was able to reflect his action, how irrational and disrespectful it was. How unlikely of him to lash out on you.
Regardless of the situation given, you were still his senior, superior and most of all the commanding in chief of every individual in the compound.
But still, you can't fully blame him for showing a raw reaction, it is something that didn't took you by surprise. Bucky felt extremely agitated by the fact that you just freely let loose the people who's been part of his unending nightmare and restraints from horror.He felt like he was being blatantly deprived by the justice he's longing for— and he can't stomach the fact that of all people it must be you who will be behind it. But there must be a great reason why you've employed those orders, that he realize now and he was quietly beating himself for being so impulsive and snapping out.
He looks at the clock that is hanging at the wall, they've just arrive at the facility room where AAR are usually done. You're late. A first time in never to happen and it sends Bucky at edge. Thousands of things were running into his mind, is he the reason? were you that mad? did he really push your buttons? are you not coming? were you ok? where are you? time pass now way too quickly for his liking. 15 minute that is prior to the 15 minutes pass and still you were in no sight.
"Are you ok pal?" Steve asked, looking his friend so tense sends him on edge as well.
"She's still not here" he just answer.
Steve tried to comfort his friend saying that something must of have demanded your attention and that you must be on your way, beside it is only 15 minutes that pass, there's still 15 minutes that is left for waiting. Something in Bucky was telling him that it was not the reason. Something must of have happened or the reason of your still absence must be him—he's loosing it. Steve would only reassure him that it just his nerves that making him this anxious and he might be just overthinking.
But another 10 minutes pass and you're still not around. Now he was worried. Shit.
He waited for another 5 minutes and when the clock finally indicated that 5 minutes were about to pass he took it upon himself to find where you were. He was just about to leave the room when the door burst open revealing you in your glory, a little frazzled and out of breath but when you saw the team right before you, you're quick to collect yourself and be back at your stance.
You straightened your back and walked daintily towards them.
"I'm sorry I'm late, something came up" you said solemnly, you're not late Bucky thought, you're just in time.
But then it occurred to him your military rule, being on time is considered late and being early is just on time.
"Anyway, shall we proceed now to the main course?"  the team was quick to nod their heads in agreement.
Assessments were made, errors were being pointed out, recommendation were being raised.
"It's just weird" Tony commented and all eyes were now on him.
"There's no trace of violent extraction of information in the system, there's no trace of unfamiliar program that's been use to encrypt in order to attain the stolen data, and my ego would definitely not accept the fact that my security system were deteriorating already"
The team were in deep thought of that, but that's the reason why you were late, you've taken the matters in your own hand already.
"Clearly there's a mole here" you've retorted and the team agreed that it must be the most logical situation.
You can't compromise the upcoming missions though, of raiding a HYDRA base, just because of this happening.
"But we can't compromise the mission just because of this" and the team agreed to that, so you asked them about what could be your possible layout plans.
Everyone gave a new suggestion on how to siege their base and you just nod, calculating every given proposal, weighing the pros and cons of it.
"Ok very well then, I've heard you all"
"But then there's a lot of loopholes there, we can't afford to commit error. The prior plan we've made, that one was the impeccable one so we must stick to it" and this earned pretty much a violent reaction from every member of the team.
Saying how foolish that one would be, you're not having any of their whining though.
"That plan was disclose now, the layout of it were part of the stolen files" Bucky said in a matter of factly tone, not that you don't know it.
"I know" you've replied shortly and then they threw a questioning look.
"Then why are we sticking to it? If it is pretty much revealed already to the enemy? Was this a suicide mission?" Bucky retorted, and the team then seconded it.
You just dismissed them. Adamant to get at the end of this for them to finally see your point.
"In our formed tactics if you were the enemy how will you counterattack it?" you asked ignoring there puzzled looks
"Mostly from behind, outnumbered the enemy and ambushed" they answered.
"Precisely, they are gonna assault us from behind to take us by surprise thinking we're gonna attack them in front. Let them think that. Most leaders of war don't win them without deceiving the enemy. So we're counter attacking their counter attack. Clear?" they nodded hesitantly still not fully grasping it yet so you continue shedding them your light.
"Let the enemy think that they incapacitated us, we're gonna play like how a cat would to a mouse. Let them think they're one step ahead of us, which they are. We're gonna feign weak and immobility and then pounce at them when they grew at ease. Attack them when they least expect. They might be one step ahead of us but we are twice step ahead of them. Are we clear?" you can now see that they're finally seeing your point, they can now see the art of your work so they just nodded and hum in understanding.
"It is important for you to know your capacity and keenness in field but above that it is a necessity to know your enemy's thinking to ensure victory. Knowing oneself is not enough, you might achieve your goal by that but it would only be out of luck. Knowing how your foe works will enables you to know how to move with precision and no error—and that is the sure ease win. It will not be a one time victory but rather an endless one." you clarified and now your prior actions and decision were starting to finally make sense. Your willingness to offer the enemy an small insight about you just to fully unravel them. A small sacrifice for a greater cost. A pretty smart move, now that can Bucky fully assess it.
"Are you copying that?"
"Ma'am, yes ma'am!"
"Good! now, we're laying the plans, first we will follow what has been priorly discussed, follow the tactics. But then the counter attack for their counter attack would be me and Natasha at the first base, Agent Romanov be on my six. Steve and Bucky, since you're the blue buddies always BOLO, Rhodey and Bruce will have the frontal assault, we're going for the offense as defense while Sam and Clint were incharge for the defense as offense, youre the assault from behind. After retracting the documents and file by Tony, we're then going for Guerrilla tactics, obviously we need to move on the double, are we all clear?" you're too engrossed at laying them the tactics and plan that you failed to register the absence of their response.
"Any inconvenience or change of order must be reported to me ASAP, as much as possible don't attract the big green winnie, no smoking and joking in the field always put your head in the swivel and remain Bravo Foxtrot I don't want a gaggle-fuck, if you think that you're being compromise then GTFO ASAP, radio me immediately"  you added and the fake cough is what caught your attention. When you brought you face up you are met with their bewildered states.
"What's with the soup sandwich faces? Do you have any saved rounds?" you asseverated.
"Permission to speak ma'am?"
"Well GOFO soldier, granted!" you almost rolled your eyes.
"Uhm do you know how to speak in english?" Bruce said a little hesitant, quietly contemplating if he should voice it out or not.
"Ma'am?" he added in a last minute.
"Uhm, maybe we can break it down to them in layman's term?" Steve suggested.
"Very well then, didn't expect you to be so lost in the sauce but anyway, I'm breaking this down barney style"
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