#don't think i haven't noticed almost all of these are after amok time
chekovs-merkin · 1 year
a (draft) list of every time Mr. Spock had an interaction that might be construed as romantic
*this version will be deleted when (if) i fix this list up with some gifs and screenshots*
so, i have decided to compile some independent evidence on a few points that have been in (more than usual) contention lately in the fandom. my focus, as always, is tos. this one is a bit more controversial in that while i very much understand and respect that many fans see Spock as gay and/or ace, i personally feel like there's canon evidence for his being bi/pan and interested on the segs even outside of Pon Farr.
my interpretation is that both spock and kirk are bi/pan, though kirk has a marked preference towards women (see the rodenberry footnote. the love of his life just turned out not to be one. and he wouldn't have it any other way) and spock leans towards men (an interpretation not backed up statistically by the list, but who cares). again, this is my opinion, and the beauty of fandom is that it's in the eye of the beholder.
previously i made a draft list of the evidence for kirk being into men (excepting spirk evidence) in tos. the goal is to have one on all of the references to chapel's feelings for spock too, but that will be more work so maybe in a few days? never trust any promises i make on this blog
three important disclaimers before we begin: kirk, chapel and uhura will not be featured.
the reasons being, in kirk's case... *gestures vaguely at the entirety of tos*; in chapel's because i intend to go into her feelings for spock and how he reacts to them on-screen separately; and in uhura's because iirc there's only one instance of her flirting with him outside of their duets (where it can be construed as part of the performance), and it's not only in the beginning of the series, where it might be seen as Early Installment Weirdness, but also in The Naked Time, the episode where everyone goes crazy. also, uhura flirts with Everyone in this show, and i say good for her.
but enough with the preambles and on with the list:
the what the fuck?!? ones:
Leila Kalomi (This Side of Paradise) - this episode is baffling to me -- did spock and leila have something going on in the past that he ended because logic and rejection of humanity and putting starfleet first? or was it one-sided? spock says it was the first time he ever felt happy, but he acts so antithetically to who and what spock is that i personally find it hard to believe. maybe he just thought that was how happiness felt, and later on he discovers he was wrong (moments like the end of Amok Time, "this simple feeling", the beginning of WoK etc.). anyways cool motive, still drug-facilitated s.a.. big fan of sex pollen fics and that quote spock says about self-made purgatories though
T'Pring (Amok Time) - going strictly by the episode, vulcan biology... the biology of vulcans made spock want her, but he feels humiliated by the loss of logic. her reasons for not wanting him are two-fold: she simply likes stonn better (in that roundabout way vulcans admit to feelings), and she doesn't want to marry an absentee living legend, which, fair. the fact that spock's not a full vulcan must play some part in it too. but there's plenty left for interpretation. they are distant at the moment, but have they always been? how long has she been into stonn? why did they not divorce more amicably previously? i could go on forever, but i this is already too long. point being, even if it doesn't gel with my personal headcanon, there's nothing really wrong with snw's interpretation of this relationship.
the lighter ones:
Romulan Commander (The Enterprise Incident) - this woman is My Commander. I would follow her to the ends of the galaxy for the imagery she has blessed my eyes with. this being said, i think the important bit here is their conversation in the turbolift at the end. spock is not one to lie out of politeness. he could have said nothing, but he used those contorted phrases of his to imply he was a willing participant, and liked it. and she picks up what he puts down. also at some point kirk complains spock is taking too long and it cuts to them in her quarters, implying that spock got kinda into it (also, jealous, jimmy?)
Kollos (Is There No Truth in Beauty?) - this one's debatable, but i'd argue there was some attraction there, in a brainy way. smart is sexy, and all. dr. jones certainly thought so, from her reactions
Adam (The Way to Eden) - Pacifist Discount Roger Daltrey Hippie Musician In A Monokini Seduces Rebellious Vulcan was the tabloid headline
Droxine (The Cloud Minders) - insert cringey line about extreme female beauty. how the seven-year cycle became public knowledge given the drama of amok time is a mystery to me. the attraction flew out of the window real quick when the planet's situation made itself know though. anyway i shipped her with vanna.
Zarabeth (All Our Yesterdays) - i... don't get how logic can be time-locked? is the st universe secretly like a civ game? takes me out of this episode way too much. anyways he almost went full warrior vulcan and stayed in the past with her
the meme ones:
The Computer (The Ultimate Computer) - mccoy said it best.
Surak (The Savage Curtain) - spock, he's your ancestor! and at this point any intellectual crush is pretty quickly superseded by how thirsty he is for That Human Booty Intuition
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Narek - One In The Same
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♫ - The Great Pretender - Freddie Mercury
For a lovely Anon, thank you for requesting some Picard! I loved this show a lot, and I hope you all enjoy this one! Hugs! ♡
our life had never been easy sailing. Your father was a Romulan, your mother Human. You never truly fit in anywhere. People often looked upon you in either disgust or fear for your Romulan side, and you couldn't blame them. Romulans had been known to choose conquering over cohabiting with other species, though if it suited them then they were very happy to engage in diplomacy. For this, a wide view of Romulans was that, as a race, they were despicable. You, however, had never met any others of your kind.
When you were younger, your father had left, leaving you with your mother on Earth. Why, you didn't know. All you had known of him was that he was Romulan and that he worked for an intelligence agency, one that was responsible for so much destruction and hatred. Therefore, you weren't surprised when people turned from you for your heritage. Being raised on Earth, you were around humans all your childhood and younger years, and eventually landed in Starfleet Academy, with every intention of making a good engineer of yourself.
You did indeed have every opportunity to make something of your future, to use your capacity for knowledge to help people. You could have been something so wonderful, had your name up in lights with the likes of James T. Kirk and Matthew Decker. Everyone around you always had the highest hopes for what you would become. Which is why, as you sat in a prison cell, you thought about the decisions you'd made that got you here. All through life you had tried not to become what they said your father was, and slowly but surely you had, you were now just as bad as the stories of him.
Remorse did not flash through you, however, you had no regrets for anything you had done. So lost in your thoughts you were, you had failed to hear the footsteps coming from the cell on your right, only noticing upon hearing someone speak.
"Well,"  the voice from the cell adjacent to yours was low, tone almost mocking. "What do we have here?"
The question didn't require an answer, and still you did.
"Nothing of your concern."
"Oh," you heard the persons voice change, this time it sounded as though whoever it was did not expect your remark. "Sassy."
Your head whipped round to see the stranger, and your eyes lay upon a man who defied every expectation of what you had assumed you would see. A man stood before you, clad in all black clothing, a tight coat hugging his form. His hair was messy, but in an almost neat way, and it hung just above his eyes.  You noticed his ears and that was when it clicked for you. He was a Romulan.
"Have we seen something we like, e'lev?" The mans voice pulled you out of your thoughts, glancing at his face to see his brows raised and a smirk on his face. He sat with his back against the wall next to the bars that separated you. Now next to you, you took in his eyes which were a striking shade of blue.
"Don't mock me, Rihana."
"Apologies," he spoke, most definitely not apologetic, but rather continuing the theme of biting remarks. He couldn't care less, knowing exactly what he was doing with his words. "My name is Narek, might I have yours?"
"You might," you spoke, your turn to test his wits this time. "If you tell me how you got here."
Narek scoffed. Something about his aura told you he knew who you were, and yet you couldn't put a finger on it. The feeling persisted.
"The same reason as you, no doubt. Some crime or another. You're very inquisitive, I must say. That comes from your human side no doubt-"
"How do you know about that?" You cut him off, now confused and rather annoyed at his statement.
"You think I can't see that you're not fully Romulan? What do you take me for.."
You sighed, narrowing your eyes at him. "Y/N."
"Y/N," he finished his sentence, and you liked the way he spoke your name. "Y/N.. hmm.."
"Oh, nothing." His smile unnerved you, and you turned to face him properly, curious as to why he seemed so familiar with you.
"No, tell me, what is it?"
"I never thought I'd see the muse behind all of Jarak's stories, and yet here you are." Narek was now eyeing you with wonder, a glint in his eye that seemed to spell danger. Still, he went on. "I hadn't realised you'd be so.. you."
Brows furrowed, you stayed silent as he analysed you, baffled by the whole of the last half an hour. He laughed a little, and shook his head.
"I take it you know me then, Narek." Your statement ended in a way that let the young Romulan know that you required some form of explanation. Whether you got one or not was still out for the jury.
"No, but I knew your father. Jarak, he was a great man, he did so much for us."
"Who is us?" You were fully engaged in his conversation now, hoping that he could shed some light on your father for you.
"The Tal Shiar. I work for an organisation called the Tal Shiar, and your father did a great deal for us to help us out with information and weapons. Renowned he is among Romulans. He spoke of you often, the child he had left behind, he had hoped one day to reunite with you. I only recognized it was you from the not-so-traditional name, of course."
As Narek spoke, you hadn't taken your eyes off him, listening to his every word as he reeled off story after story about your father. The rumours you had heard were true, he was indeed a horrible man. Though you could hardly judge him, the things you had done were of equal distaste.
"Are you alright?" he asked, a slight hint of concern in his voice. Your face was now looking down at the floor, your hands idly twiddling away with each other as thoughts ran amok in your head. You looked up to Narek, locking eyes with him once more.
"Yes, I just wasn't expecting this today."
"You seem like a rather intelligent person, dear Y/N, we could use someone like you if what I have heard about your doings is true."
So he did know how you got here.
"I could help you, we could be brilliant," he started again, looking at you with a small hint of hope that you would agree. "I know you haven't been around Romulans much, if at all, but I can show you our culture, our planet, our people. You could be home. We're one in the same you and I, Y/N. Think, you could be one of our most legendary operatives with that Starfleet training of yours. What do you have to lose?"
Silence fell around you both as you pondered Narek's words. You had a disdain for the Federation and the way they treated the Romulans, that much was true. The way they treated your people, your kind. You remembered all of the anguish you felt watching UFP officials each night talk of their victories against your race. Narek had mentioned home, something you had never truly had. Being amongst those similar to you, Narek included, sounded heavenly. He was absolutely right; what did you have to lose?
Pulled from your thoughts as Narek took your hand in his through the bars, you glanced at him once again. Smirking at him, he sent one of equal mischief back, though there was definitely something more held within the looks the both of you gave each other.
"Well, what are we waiting for?"
Narek placed a small kiss on your hand and you felt yourself blush. The two of your stood, walking towards the fronts of your respective cells. Excited for your life ahead, you heard Narek's voice from beside you, low and full of cunning.
"Then let's get out of here."
e'lev: my dear/darling
Rihana: a Romulan person, from Rihan meaning 'something Romulan'.
Website: Common Romulan Words from Federation Space Wiki
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