#don't want u around anyway! if ur a white supremacist u can also leave!!
thedailystudy · 6 years
maggisakura replied to your photoset “efrbol: niggazinmoscow: The women all reply with “Actually enjoy my...”
This post silently insinuates that other women don't call each other whores, sluts, call out on other women, catcall them or deride them for dressing however way they want. I could easily picture some drunk girls attacking someone in a hammock.
maggisakura replied to your photoset “efrbol: niggazinmoscow: The women all reply with “Actually enjoy my...”
Also typical tumblr. I don't take part in any further arguments.
hey pal, i don’t mean to start a ‘further argument’ but i do want to address what you replied to my reblogged post with so pls feel free to not reply or do, it’s up to u and i’m not tryna start shirt~
so, like, of course there are some gross people out there who are men, women, or neither, who do things that make women feel unsafe or ashamed. i don’t think anyone’s saying that no women do that. what feminism does argue is that patriarchy, rape culture, and valuing men over women is responsible for a large portion of why women are treated poorly in this world we call our home. of course there are women slut shamers and women serial killers out there, but the majority of the danger women face just going about daily life comes from male actions (on the micro level) and the patriarchal values that are institutionalized in our society and systemic within our culture (on the macro level).
i don’t know how you identify gender-wise, but if you’re a woman i’m 99% sure you can relate to the fear of something as simple as walking home at night by yourself. i’ve heard countless stories about women and girls who have been out at night and didn’t make it home, and i’m terrified of ending up like that, so i alter the way i would otherwise live my life. i try to always walk with other people, carry my keys between my fingers, hold my finger hovering over the call button just in case, never go running after sunset, and like half the women around my age i know have pepper spray on their keys. and like wtf? why is this normal?? why is it nORMAL for us to have to do that??? shouldn’t we be able to live without that? shouldn’t we be able to be people and not have our gender be a significant impediment on our living quality?
idk what you mean by ‘typical tumblr’ lol but if you mean what i tHINK u may mean like ~ah typical tumblr w feminist sjws going crezy.. then i have to say to that what i always have to say to people who bring that up which is, sorry fighting for equality makes u mad !!
if you (and this is the broad ‘you’, not this specific user who replied to my post) are interested in learning more, i would recommend reading some good ol’ feminist writing. jessica valenti wrote the first feminist book i read as a wee 14 year old and i very much would recommend her. 
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