#don't worry about the questions!! my askbox is open for a reason :D
ethosiab · 6 months
Oh my gawd you're a game dev?? What kind of games do you like making? Are you currently working on something? Do you have any tips? I'm trying game dev myself, I'm not the best atit though (sorry for a lot of questions 😭)
Yep!! right now it's just a hobby I do on the side while I get my footing (studying programming so that's taking up a lot of my time lol) but I definitely want to do more with it in the future
As for tips, I'm pretty new to it all myself so I'm kind of half-blindly stumbling through the process and can't really offer much advice-
Currently I'm working on a little text adventure game but its VERY rough and I'm just testing out the concept. Mostly a project for myself but i might end up releasing it/showing other's, depends how it goes haha
I love 2D adventure games especially, but while I get better at pixel art and animation I've mostly been messing around with text-based games.
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frogchiro · 1 year
okay, hiii! sorry if im a bit too direct >.<
i knooow i asked you and the anons for permission about the whole a/b/o thing, and (haha, it spiralled out so bad i wrote separate fics for each of them lol) i am finally, finally almost finished with one of them (writers block, am i right?). im quite sure the first one ill finish is the alpha!price, (i cant write all of them together yet for some reason, brain refuses D: ), so im wondering if, well, if you have the time, might i ask you if i can send it to you and ask for your opinion about it when i finish it?
im really sorry if this has crossed a line in any way, and you can disregard this for sure if you dont want any sort of interaction from me afterwards hehe
have a good one!
Hello love! And answering your question, you don't have to worry at all!!
When you finish your fics I'll be more than happy to read them!!! My dm's are always open, my askbox too and I'd be honetly honored to be able to take the first peek at your work >.<
Take as mich time as you need darling and I'll be here to patiently wait for when you're finished♡
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laora-ryn · 3 years
Since you have the "talk about fic in my askbox" thing, I want to reiterate how much I love the OC and more-developed canon characters in your Dylandy-centric fics. Owen and Lyndsay are fantastic, and so are all the classmates and community members you created for 'the ending of stories that never got to be told.' If you want to, I would love to hear any random facts/headcanons you have for these characters that didn't make it into the fics.
Omg I got so many of these thank you all 😭😭😭 prob be answering them over the next few days
(the fic in question)
Lyndsay and Owen are. So good. Idk I'm trying to make them into the kind of parent I'd want to be? Like willing to work with you on this, not going to dismiss you or fly off the handle, Concerned About Your Life Choices (looking @ u, neil) but not entirely? Condoning them? Idk they definitely have Mixed Feelings on Celestial Being when they inevitably appear, like they absolutely understand why he felt like he needed to join the last time, but now with his family here they don't understand why he needs to do it again
Also Lyndsay is a goblin and Owen is a worrywart and so sometimes they clash on things, like nothing serious but idk I have fun w them :D
Stella, the girl from the hotdog stand, has probably been in my head the longest out of all the ocs in that fic. I've always kind of imagined her as really? Sarcastic, and cynical after the bomb. She used to have super long hair that she took a lot of pride in, but once the grill she was pinned to burned it off at her shoulders, she never grew it long, and kept it around that length. She's of Chinese descent, skinny and reasonably tall, and comes from a decidedly working class family that can't afford to get her the "elective" treatment after the bomb that would gain back her quality of life
Her partner, Shen, is an OC I've only made recently but I'm kind of in love with? They're enby and Black, I've decided deliberately not to choose an assigned gender for them but they're very tall, much taller than Stella, and heavier set. They're about Stella's age, 19-20 at the time of the bomb, and worked in one of the retail stores at the mall. They got off shift barely fifteen minutes before it detonated and were caught in the fringes of the blast on their way out the front door. Their store was maybe halfway back from the epicenter, but several people they knew, and a couple of their coworkers, were killed or seriously injured in the blast and they carry some guilt that they were lucky enough to have gotten off shift early
Stella and Shen met soon after they opened the park that they planted over the mall's lot. They were both there to try and get some closure and ended up talking with each other way longer than either of them anticipated haha
I kind of accidentally love Benji??? Like he wasn't supposed to be that big of a character, just one of Lyle's closest friends, but then he developed an anxiety disorder by fault of Laura Projecting Onto Shit and then I grew attached, haha. I don't really have a clear idea of what he looks like unlike the others, in my head he's been vaguely of South Asian descent? Average size and average height, just a normal fourteen year old kid whose best friend lost his entire family to the bomb. Since it's not like he's *best friends* with Neil, but he was around the dylandys' place enough that they were friendly, at least, and he's terrified of the changes he sees in Neil after the bomb. He keeps in contact with lyle, mostly online, until he vanishes without warning to start building katharon in azadistan, and he's worried at his abrupt absence but doesn't have anyone to ask except Lyle's aunt, who just tells him he went to work in the middle east. So he tries to convince himself for years, just like Kathryn and Teresa do, that lyle isn't dead. And then a few years later, he pops up back online out of nowhere, and says that his brother is dead, and posts details for his memorial service if anyone wanted to attend to honor his memory. And Benji reads between the lines in Lyle's speech just as well as everyone else, and he snags him by the arm before he manages to disappear again, after the service, and pulls him into a suffocating hug, and lyle just kinda grins crookedly as Benji demands he keep in touch, this time
And and and this is getting so long omg but! Anna! Amy's best friend, whose scene made me sob hysterically while writing bc. God that was so hard 😭 she's the oldest of 7 kids in a working class family, so she has to watch her siblings a lot and envies Amy sometimes for being the youngest in a more affluent house. She's white, very tall for her age, and has long, fine dirty blonde hair that Amy loved to braid and play with. The two of them were in the same preschool and have been fast friends ever since. They're in the same dance group, Anna introduced Amy to it when they were small and Amy *loves* it and begs her parents to sign her up. Neil and lyle join for a few years too, but they both eventually drop out to go shooting, instead. Anna has never dealt with death or grief before the bomb - her grandparents are all still alive and no one else she really knows has ever passed away. So when she finds out about the bomb on the news, and then Amy isn't at school on monday, she panics, and when Amy's aunt calls her mum a week later and tells them they found Amy and their parents, she's inconsolable. It kind of shapes her entire life, and she keeps in touch with lyle for years after, once he's moved to Dublin. She hears about the memorial for Neil and attends too, because even if she didn't see Neil's downward spiral as much as the others, she knows Amy loved both her brothers, and if nothing else Anna wants to honor the memory of her friend. And, I just decided just now that when she's grown, she names her first daughter Amelia, and visits the dylandys' grave and the bomb memorial even decades later
And. Idk if you expected/wanted an entire frickin essay but there you go, I hope that's what you were looking for 😂
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