#don't worry guys camus believes in him...
apollokyler · 6 months
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course paper defending goes like--- 🦢hyoga's line, in russian: "просто поставьте зачёт..." (= "just give me a passing grade...")
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randomnameless · 2 months
Speaking of unification, the end of FE3/12 was so disappointing. FE1 ended with each country still being independent, which was perfect. But no, the sequel had to do a 180 so that Marth could rule over all of Archanea.
Especially since it comes with a...disturbing trend of putting female rulers back in their place: Minerva, Nyna, Sheena...
Like you would seriously want me to believe that Minerva would be happy to settle in a convent? But guys, she wasn't competent T.T. She couldn't rule like Michalis and it ended in an internal crisis.
But Sheena didn't want to rule. She just wanted to live as an "ordinary happy girl" UwU. Yes, Archanea gave us the wonderful Shiida, but Kaga's sexism shines here.
The worst thing is Michalis' ending in FE12. They wanted to keep him alive, fine, they did the same with Camus/Sirius after all. But he either gets to rule over Macedon again (so it means that there were no consequences for his actions unlike in the original game) or conquer another continent.
Perhaps they wanted to show that it realistically made no sense that an ambitious man like Michalis would give up on his dream, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You can kill your father, be a tyrannical ruler, but don't worry, you will get your throne back or you will either get to conquer a whole new land. Yeah!
I would have made more sense if Michalis was the one to give up on everything and perhaps become a monk if they wanted to show that he was trying to atone. After all, he dies in the original version. It could have shown that the old him was indeed dead and that he was now going on a different path, thanks to Maria.
Yeah :/
The sheer fact that Michalis wasn't kept dead in the remake sort of pisses me - why keeping him alive after kind of saving Maria ?
Was it to have a "good end" where no one dies, or because you'd feel uwu for poor Michalis who :
Murdered his dad, had his youngest sister kidnapped, fought against another sister etc...
And as you said, what kind of message this leaves that he gets to survive to conquer other lands, after the mess he did in Archanea? Was it a joke or just to piss on the original writers ?
So between Kaga's sexism and the "but earl grey" nonsense from the "modern" devs really did a number of FE3/12 to me lol
The only character I can "realistically" see abandoning her throne is Nyna, because of the guilt she must feel regarding Hardin's fall but then I'm always reminded at that person @crushednugget found that said Nyna is responsible for the war in FE3/12 and I'm just...
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shiningwonderland · 9 months
Camus (All Star) Memorial
Translator: Mimi (Twitter: _mimisaurora)
Memorial 6 - The Customs of Foreign Countries
The streets come alive as Japan moves into the month of December.
Everything is decorated for Christmas, even the music that plays is suited for the holiday. 
“No matter how many years go by, this custom continues to elude me…”
I'll never understand the concept of celebrating the birthday of a god I do not worship.
I do ostensibly imitate prayers during ceremonies and other rituals, despite not believing.
This custom, however, was something unlike anything else.
My job now completely revolves around Christmas.
In a business where everything is prepared ahead of time, I can't even begin to count how many times I have wished a "Merry Christmas" over the past month or so.
…I’m fed up.
I should have taken a cab instead of walking through downtown.
Rejecting the fliers presented to me one after another, I hurried home.
I suddenly paused in front of a show window.
Laid-out at the center of a Christmas Tree themed display was a bag advertised as being a “Christmas Exclusive!”.
“Exclusive, huh…”
I recognized that little bag, so small that I doubted it had any practical use.
This was featured in a program I recorded just a while ago. It was listed as the most desired gift this year in our viewer survey.
How incredibly pointless.
People should get what they want on their own.
“It’s so annoying.”
I scowled, recalling a conversation that had occurred earlier today in the dressing room.
“G'morning everyone! Christmas is finally on the horizon! So how about getting some party catering from Kotobuki Bento? We're taking advance orders nowー!”
Kotobuki, often annoying, was exceptionally rowdy today.
He spreads a flier from his bento shop in front of us despite the disinterest, and announces something silly like getting three extra karaage if you reserve early.
“I said no. What connection does Christmas have to bento anyway?”
“What are you talking about! Christmas is a time to enjoy chicken! And there’s no chicken quite like karaage~!”
“Never heard of such a thing. Regardless, I have no intention of having a Christmas party. I won't be celebrating some foreign god's birthday.”
“Birthday…? Ah, I guess that’s true! The way you think’s hilarious, Myu-chan.”
I don't see what's so funny, but Kotobuki chuckles.
“In fact, you don't even believe in this God, do you?”
“Oh, man. You take the oddest things so seriously. Let me put it this way. Birthdays are happy occasions for everyone, so by celebrating, you, me, and God will all be happy.”
“Kotobuki bento are happy with these increases in sales… is what you want to say.”
“Exactly. We appreciate your support!.”
With a dramatic bow and a grin on his face, Kotobuki slipped the flier into my hand.
I could do nothing but sit there and take it.
I looked at my hand, dumbfounded.
…This is why you can never be too careful with this guy.
Now that I accepted the flier, I had no other option but to put it in my pocket and urge him to leave if he was done, but Kotobuki would not budge.
“Well? What are you going to give to Kouhai-chan?”
He inquired with a suggestive look on his face.
“What are you on about?”
“Oh, come on… Don’t act dumb. Aren’t you two dating? Christmas is a pretty big deal.”
I wonder just who in the world told him. Was it Tsukimiya? Aijima?
They have put me in a tricky situation with a tricky guy.
“There isn’t a need. Why would I be giving her anything?”
Kotobuki was unable to speak for a few moments, then repeated the exact same word.
“...Out with it.”
Kotobuki scratched at his head, looking somewhat worried, and then sat down on the chair beside me.
…Who told him he could do that.
“Did you know I don't dislike the fact that you don't let your others influence the way you live your life? That being said, I think she's probably looking forward to it.”
“Hmph. If that woman is expecting to receive a handout from me, she's an idiot.”
Kotobuki let out an unusual sigh.
“If you know so much about Japan, then surely you also know a lot about Christmas, don't you, Myu-chan?”
“Of course I do. I know everything there is to know about this country.”
“Wonderful. Then you know why women have such high hopes, right? That what they want is not a thing, but a sentiment.”
“I don’t…”
“Ah, is it a bit hard to follow?”
“What are you talking about? Of course I get what you’re saying, but…”
“It's your first Christmas together, no? Women may not act like they care, but inside they're really excited about it.
“And I have no doubt you do know this, Myu-chan.” He added, pandering.
“Women want to be told they’re loved, whereas for guys, during occasions like this it’s a little hard to say without feeling a little shy. I think this would be a wonderful chance to let her know.”
“...It doesn’t matter to me.”
The way he looked at me ticked me off.
“On a day where it’s normal for everyone else to share their feelings, it's quite sad when you're the only one who doesn't.”
“Of course, you don't have to exactly say "I love you," but instead express the gratitude you can't normally convey. Ah, isn't it out of place to ask this of a couple of lovebirds?”
I wonder if I am thinking too much into the way he just ended that sentence.
I can’t read Kotobuki after all.
“...I’ll give it some thought.”
I probably shouldn't dwell on the topic too much.
Kotobuki gave me a big grin at my curt reply.
“Okayー! Make sure you pick a good present. One overflowing with your love!”
The weird way he poses with his fingers in a heart shape makes way for an astounding headache.
“You've wasted my time. Don't speak to me any more.”
“So cruel!”
I muttered to myself in front of the shop window and drove the memory out of my head.
We are not a couple.
I’ve never heard of masters gifting their servants.
“To show appreciation, huh? Well, I’m certainly being taken care of.”
No, I pay her well, if anything, I'm the one taking care of her.
Still, this bag’s design is actually surprisingly sophisticated when viewed in person like this.
And the price…
It may be a bit cheap, but for the average person, that would probably be for the best to avoid feeling bad when receiving it.
I noticed different colors arranged within the store, and headed inside to get a better look.
“Hmm… I wonder if they have one in white.”
The simplicity of this bag suits the shape better than the Christmas exclusive one shown up front.
And yet, the people in this country apparently find value in exclusives.
“Welcome. Is this a gift for your wife?”
I was abruptly addressed and when I whirled around, the store staff, who had snuck up on me, yelped and froze in place.
...I didn't mean to look so frightening.
I glanced at the mirror beside me, unsure myself what it was that I looked like.
“My sincere apologies. I was simply startled to be approached out of the blue.”
I composed myself and flashed her a soft smile, and the shop staff smiled, too, as if relieved.
“Those are very popular. Please feel free to take a closer look if you would like.”
“There’s no need…. I came in just out of curiosity. I think I will pass on that for today.”
I got myself out of the store as fast as possible.
Seriously, what was I doing….
I open the front door and as always, am greeted by my dog and my servant.
“Welcome back. A package has arrived for you.”
I ultimately made it back home without buying anything.
“I’ll have dinner ready shortly.”
She smiled and headed to prepare for dinner.
I find myself feeling somewhat torn watching her receding back. 
No, it’s fine.
There is still time before Christmas…
…Wait. I still haven’t committed to getting her a gift.
I took the package from the table, exasperated with myself, and headed for the stairs to go up to my bedroom.
“...This is ridiculous.”
She is a servant.
Besides, that girl has so many friends and acquaintances that I'm certain she will receive plenty of gifts regardless of whether I do or don’t.
There’s a live show on Christmas. I should focus on my work instead.
And even if I didn’t, there are still many things I have to do.
I have to deal with them one at a time…
I set up communications lines with my home country, instructing Alexander to keep a lookout.
I cannot afford to be careless with all the recent unrest regarding Her Majesty.
It didn't take long before a subordinate answered my call and provided me with the briefing I'd ordered.
“I see…. Well, then, continue on with the investigation.”
“Understood. May I ask, Camus-sama, whether your parcel was successfully delivered?”
I glanced at the package beside him as he spoke.
Upon cutting the seal and opening the box, the light from the ceiling causes the items inside to sparkle brightly.
There were two tiny aurora-colored stones arranged side by side.
“Are these the stones you mentioned earlier?”
“Yes! The technological innovations achieved over the past six months have made it possible to succeed in producing an even purer product.”
“But… I imagine its use is still the same.”
“That is correct! We have improved its performance through crystallization, resulting not only in easier connectivity, but also in greater stability.”
I honestly did not find the current version inconvenient.
“Alright, I will test it out.”
I took the stones out of the box after ending the call.
The advancements made over the past six months are truly remarkable, and the fact that it is now possible to do with a stone so small what was previously impossible without imitating Her Majesty is astonishing.
“I said I'd give it a try, but it’s going to be a hassle adjusting to a new one…”
I really had no problem with the one I was currently using.
I placed the two stones in my hand as I thought about it.
“They are… beautiful.”
With each tilt, the stones shimmer with a light resembling an aurora.
I remember there being a legend about how this particular substance supposedly protects its owner.
Maybe it would be a good idea for that woman to carry one with her in the event of an emergency, considering how much of an airhead she can be.
“Well, there is a spare.”
I am content with the one I have so far, and even if I were to use this new one, I don't need two of them. 
And if I were to throw away something so carefully refined, it would be a disservice to the department responsible for it.
It is by no means a gift, but just how things turned out. A coincidence. 
It happened to coincide with Christmas.
“But, it’s technically not something I bought myself…”
No, Kotobuki mentioned something about the sentiment too.
Not that I have any.
There is no further meaning to this beyond simply sharing a spare.
“Alright, then this will do.”
I nodded to myself and was about to place the box of stones on a shelf…
“...She’d probably find them when cleaning if I put them here.”
After giving it some more thought, I finally put them in my desk drawer.
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
[1/4]💐Hi! i'd like a matchup 👉👈? I'm a INFJ-T, female, Virgo. I'm 5'11 and very insecure about my height, because of that I'm very awkward around others I don't know. When I am uncomfortable I cannot stop talking, I blabber on and on. Most of time most awkward situations I find myself in, I put myself in through saying something utterly stupid. I'm haunted by those moments. I'm very shy and reserved, frankly judgemental with others I don't know.
Hey love! Don't worry, I thoroughly read the other 3 parts so I wouldn't miss anything I deemed important to consider. I'm sorry you're insecure about being so tall and honestly I can relate to it. Thank you, and I also hope you have a lovely day my dear! ☺💜 I matched you with two (2) guys, both from QUARTET NIGHT.
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Quite honestly he isn't super attracted to shy and reserved people, but he tends to get along with them the easiest. They don't bother him and he won't bother them. However, he slowly does become intrigued and wants to know more about you, so he slowly opens up and tries to become your friend and or just an acquaintance if that is what you prefer. You probably already have an idea about him in your head and it may or may not be a good one, but he's determined to change that because he hates it when people think the worst of him. He is soft underneath all of it, as much as he tries to deny it. I can see you guys' relationship slowly blossoming into something strong and healthy and soon your friendship becomes something more. He's seen your compassionate and "motherly" side and he likes it. He also notices your embarrassing moments and how you shy away from anything that you might regret later, and he's there through all of it because he wishes someone would've been there for him. One thing he can also relate to is, that once he gets into something, he puts his heart and soul into it, and you guys might find mutual obsessions. On top of that, he loves honest people and people who can think for themselves. Believe it or not, you're kind of perfect for him.
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Though he's completely different from Ranmaru, he's still intrigued by you. He wants to know what makes you tick and how your brain works, and most importantly, why you do things the way you do. His stoic and overly analyzing nature might honestly get on your nerves at first, but he doesn't care and will stick around nonetheless. Your random temper outbursts are nothing to him; he works with Camus and Ranmaru after all. He tries to be more friendly because he does not want to make you run away from him or be intimidated. Sooner or later he might find a mutual interest that he talks with you about, one of them being writing or basically anything that challenges creativity. He learns to adapt to your honesty and your shy nature and doesn't push you into anything; he actually becomes more protective. Your nurturing and kind side is what ultimately makes him fall and feel warm and fuzzy inside and he's sure to treasure it. On top of that, he's very go with the flow and will just adapt to anything you might throw at him, and baby your height? He'll make you feel like a goddess every day because he's a literal robot and that messes with his insecurities all the time.
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