#donMt know why I wrote all this out guess I wanted to grumble
yournewfriendshouse · 7 months
so yesterday brought my frustrations with charging cables to an end, hopefully for a while.
in december I my replacement cable broke and I was so pissed about it, because I got a fabric covered one in the hopes that this wouldn’t happen and bleaugh. and so instead of going to target I went to jb hi fi but instead of having options they had the apple chargers and then just the same brand that target had. so…I went to bunnings. desperate for something different! and I saw that a power tool company had made one! so I was like ok bet. and bought that
but then when I got it delivered it looked like it wasn’t the right one, and it’s just…been a nightmare getting to a bunnings just to replace this stupid thing
mom dad and brother go to bunnings all the time mind you, like shockingly often. they just never wanted to take me and I wasn’t brained cells enough to be able to explain it apparently? fucking agrivating.
anyway yesterday I finally went and it was after a doc appt so I was exhausted and pissed off which is something you don’t want to be at a bunnings, and they didn’t even have the brand! so I was just standing staring at the shelf blankly and trying not to cry because that meant I had to find a different one and i couldn’t read reviews and I was like I just don’t want it to break.
and this worker eventually helped me and grabbed this ugly thing off the shelf because it was the only brand that had iphone capable ones. thankfully when I had enough energy to open it up and look at it this thing is huge and looks pretty strong
anyway so that’s over, but it’s just such an example of how when you’re disabled things are just so needlessly complicated and stupid. like if I hadn’t had a back-up charger (which is hanging on by a thread and I’ve been worried it was going to break this whole time), I guess I just wouldn’t have had a phone? somehow convincing family members to take me somewhere they were going anyway was too much to ask. for two months!
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