#donnie is also fully non verbal
sl33py1ns0mn14c · 26 days
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ideas for what a skool sux jennika would look like,,.,, (i have absolutely no concrete lore at all but goddammit they need their older sister)
donnie was the oldest before this random ass came into their life that is why is he is probably the most reluctant to take her in as part of the family
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kasumingo · 2 years
I love how someone pointed out that Donnie went fully non-verbal during Leo’s sacrifice in the movie
I HC that he tends to do with when overwhelmed or upset and his brothers know to give him space, but they also like to show their love by making him something to drink, wordlessly share pizza, bringing him Jupiter Jim stuff etc
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patchworkofstars · 6 years
Salted Caramel
Chapter 2: The Fires of Pride and Envy
AO3   Chapter 1
Relationships: Royality, Analogical
Chapter synopsis: Roman discovers something in common with Patton, but his housemate’s emo boyfriend sends his stress levels rocketing.
Word count: 2,364
Warnings: Mentions of food and difficulty eating
Notes: Heartfelt thanks to everyone who left comments on the first chapter 💖 Roman’s reaction here to positive feedback is very much based on my own 💙
Thanks also to @metaphoricalpluto2  @bi-one and @monstercupcake61176  for acting as my random word generator! back on 12th April?? yet I only finished writing this chapter today???
Having briefly returned to give him a glimmer of hope, Roman’s creativity deserted him for the rest of the weekend. By Monday, his desire to escape his desk and writer’s block was so strong it overcame even his fear of looking like a nerd, and for the first time ever he arrived early to the first lecture of the week.
Big mistake, he realised, as he stepped into the lecture theatre only to find Patton already there. He was sitting all alone, reading a book of some sort, and Roman couldn’t help but notice he was wearing the grey cardigan he normally tied around his shoulders. Covering his arms to hide the bruises from the other night, perhaps?
Roman hesitated on the threshold, considering waiting outside until his friends arrived, but before he could make a decision, Patton looked up and saw him. The man’s whole face seemed to light up, and Roman’s heart sank. He couldn’t afford to be seen talking to Patton. Who knew what damage it would do to his reputation if people began to think they might be friends.
Act confident, Roman, he told himself, geeks can smell fear. That’s how they manage to survive.
His limbs felt heavy and uncoordinated, but he tried to feign nonchalance as he walked in and took the seat behind Patton, close enough to talk without the danger of them looking too friendly when the other students inevitably arrived.
Patton closed his book, and Roman’s breath caught when he saw the cover. Dragon Witch Chronicles volume 4, The Fires of Pride. He swallowed, nervousness quickening his pulse and making him slightly light headed.
Anything but that series, he thought. It looks well-read, too…
“Are you enjoying your book?” he asked, willing the words to sound casual. “You seemed very engrossed, there.”
Patton laid a hand on the cover and smiled. “It’s my all-time favourite series, he said, affection clear in his voice. “Volume six is coming out next month, so I’m re-reading them all in preparation.”
Roman looked away quickly, avoiding the other man’s eyes. Oh gods, he’s a fan, that means he might have read… He cut off the thought, distracting himself by pulling up his bag to take out his notebook and pen.
But having been given an opening, Patton seized it. “Have you read any of the series?" he asked brightly.
“Uh, yes, as it happens”, Roman admitted, trying to quash his rising panic.
Patton’s eyes shone. “Who’s your favourite character?” he asked, leaning forward eagerly. “Mine’s Prince Namor.” A faint pink blush spread over his cheeks as he looked up through his eyelashes at Roman. “He actually reminds me a lot of you. You’re my hero, you know.”
Roman felt his own face begin to heat up, and swallowed again. “Ah, yes, well, Namor is a fantastic character”, he agreed, a little too loudly. “He’s certainly my favourite of the main cast, but I must confess I’m hoping to see more of Tonapt, the Prince of the Cat People from book five.”
Patton’s smile grew wider. “Yes!” he breathed, clasping his hands together. “I love the Cat People! Their culture is so cool, and-”
He broke off as the sound of chatter from outside heralded the arrival of a group of their coursemates. Roman immediately sat back in his chair, putting as much distance as possible between him and Patton.
Still, he couldn’t help but watch out of the corner of his eye as the smile washed away from Patton’s face like a chalk image in the rain. He scooped the book up and tucked it carefully away in his bag, taking out paper and a pen instead and fixing his eyes on the desk before him.
Roman felt a twist of guilt in his gut and almost, almost leaned forward again to apologise, but then Donny’s voice called “What the hell, Zito? We’ve been looking all over for you!” and suddenly his friends were at his side, dropping their bags and sliding into the seats to his left.
Mike slung an arm loosely around his shoulders, grinning. “How come you’re here so early, Rosie?” he teased. “You turning into a swat like loser-boy there?” He nodded towards Patton, and Roman twisted his mouth into an awkward grin.
“Don’t be ridiculous”, he retorted. “I just mixed up the time and didn’t want to hang around in the corridor like a numpty.”
Somewhere at the back of his mind, the curtain between him and Patton fell once more.
Roman ran up the steps to his flat two at a time, and burst through the doorway into the shared living room with a cry of “Logan, I’m hooome~!”
Then he stopped abruptly, his expression contorting from amicable to sullen in an instant.
Logan nodded in greeting from where he sat on their worn but comfortable sofa. He was all straight lines and sharp angles, his measured movements and careful speech a marked contrast to Roman's loud flamboyance. In his customary black polo shirt and blue striped necktie, he looked more like an accountant than an undergrad, but his short sleeves revealed surprisingly muscular arms, and his glasses couldn't hide the high cheekbones that always made Roman want to-
Well, it didn’t matter what Roman wanted, because beside his handsome housemate sat the reason for his current hostility: Logan’s boyfriend, Virgil Price.
In stark contrast to his companion, he wore ripped jeans and a hoodie, with dark patches of eyeshadow painted beneath each eye in classic emo style. While Logan sat straight-backed on the sofa's seat, Virgil sat on the arm, with his feet, clad in striped purple socks, resting on the free cushion. His knees were drawn up, forearms braced against his thighs, and his hands moved rapidly through a series of gestures as they hovered over his knees.
Roman scowled at the interloper, hot anger and frustration surging upwards through his veins. “What’s he doing here?” he demanded, barely managing to keep the growl from his voice.
“Virgil has had a bad day and is currently non-verbal”, Logan informed him, utterly unfazed by his tone. “I would appreciate it if you’d refrain from causing him further stress, for once. We made vegetable soup earlier, and there’s still some keeping warm if you’d like it.”
Virgil glowered and gestured rapidly at his boyfriend.
“I’m aware of that”, Logan told him aloud, “But it would be churlish not to allow him a share when we made so much. Besides which, it’s important to maintain a courteous attitude when cohabiting with someone.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, and Roman didn’t need to know sign language to understand the hand gesture the emo directed his way. Nevertheless, he moved to the kitchen area and served himself some of the soup waiting there. Logan’s cooking was always satisfying and nutritious, and anything beat preparing food for himself with a view of those two being affectionate in the background.
He took the soup and some crackers to eat in his room, hiding himself away not only from Virgil’s glares but also from the pain of seeing his easy companionship with Logan, the way they were so relaxed and open with each other. It always left a hollow ache in Roman’s chest, making him wistfully wonder, despite himself, how it must feel to have someone they could each be so wholly themselves with.
He shook himself from his reverie and put on a soothing Disney medley. There was no point in dwelling on the impossible. Logan and Virgil could be honest with each other because they were both unpopular and had nothing to lose, and Roman would willingly sacrifice that if it meant he could maintain his image.
He steadied his breathing, letting his eyes drift around the room. Each wall was a patchwork of film posters, from Disney to DreamWorks to Studio Ghibli. His complete set of Dragon Witch Chronicles novels were lovingly displayed in pride of place on his bookshelf, while his textbooks sat in a haphazard pile on the floor beneath.
Letting the music wash over him, he pushed away his lingering melancholy and focused instead on thoughts of his writing as he dragged himself through the chore of eating. There was no pleasure in it, these days, having to force himself to chew and then to swallow every mouthful down past the ever-present knot of tension in his throat. Even the soup was like molten tar in his oesophagus, and solid food went down like lumps of lead. Each flavour was a faint tingling on his tongue that never registered fully in his brain. He may as well have been eating cardboard for all the pleasure it gave him.
With what passed for his meal finished, he pulled his laptop over and opened up a text file. He'd been halfway through writing a complex, multi-chapter piece of fanfiction when his writer’s block had surfaced, and the thought of yet another week going by with no new content posted increased the tension in his head to an almost visible metallic grey cloud. He gazed despairingly at the document on the screen before him. It was, to put it mildly, a raging dumpster fire of a story draft.
Well, fine, he would try writing something else instead. He closed the file and double-clicked the appropriate icon on his desktop, mentally thanking Logan for the prompt-generation software he’d created. Even though he’d been almost unbearably smug about it when he’d installed it for Roman.
Opening the Block Unblocker – Logan wasn’t great at names – he clicked the button to randomly generate three nouns and a fanfiction type, the purpose being to write a story in the given genre containing all the words. Immediately, the software gave him a list.
“Cactus, wood, hat – fluff.” What the heck was he supposed to do with that?  He shook his head and clicked the button again.
“France, cucumber, potato - angst.” Something about crying over a meal in a French café, perhaps? But I don’t know anything about France. Forget it, one more try.
“Eggs, jellyfish, toaster - smut.” What the-? No no, not writing that, no way. Not even going to think about that.
Ugh, he couldn’t do it. Yet again, his mind was enveloped in fog, devoid of inspiration. With a resigned sigh, he closed the file and opened his web browser. He might as well see what other people had been writing. Perhaps some light reading would help improve his mood.
He scanned down the list of titles and synopses, a bitter feeling of nausea growing in his stomach. Damn, they all sounded so good. All those writers actually writing, posting, achieving, while he did nothing. He wanted to claw out his heart and tear it to shreds to rid himself of the burning envy that threatened to consume him.
They were such good writers, and he enjoyed their work so much. But every story they gave to the world was a further reminder of his own failure to do the same. He loved them, but he hated the way they made him feel.
I have to do this, I can’t let them defeat me. I can’t let this defeat me.
It was hopeless. His head hurt so much he could barely think, a dull but persistent ache accented every so often by a bolt of agony on the right side of his forehead. The unyielding stiffness of his neck muscles pulling his shoulders towards his chin told him this was a tension headache that painkillers would do nothing to ease. From experience, he knew the only cure would be relaxation, but how could he relax with this pounding in his skull and this bruised feeling in all of his muscles?
Desperation was eating away at his bones, dark dread creeping through his veins. What if he never wrote anything worthwhile ever again? What if he had nothing to post, nothing to offer, and all of his followers left in disgust, realising he wasn’t worthy of their attention after all? That anything he’d written had been a fluke, an accident of luck, and he didn’t deserve their praise?
He almost sobbed, and hit the back of his neck with a fist, trying to force some of the tension from the muscles. But all it did was increase the ache there.
He jumped when his phone pinged, and scrambled to check the notification. An email. An email with a comment about his writing.
It was from a user named CaramelCat, and Roman smiled indulgently. CaramelCat often commented on his work, and their words were always as sweet as their name. Even so, claws of doubt hooked into his heart. What if they were disappointed in the latest chapter? Or complaining about the long delay since he’d updated the story?
His hands were shaking as he opened the message, the adrenalin rushing through him in a wave of excitement and fear. He scanned through it rapidly, hungrily, desperate for it to be positive but terrified it might be negative. Once he had satisfied himself it was safe, he reread it more slowly, relishing each kind word, the positive feedback a balm for his bruised and fragile ego.
He read it over and over, joy bubbling up as giggles, his hands clasping and unclasping, moving up to touch his face every few words. His face was warm – heck, he was warm all over, happiness kickstarting his circulation, making him feel more alive than he had since… since…
Since this morning, chatting with Patton about Dragon Witch Chronicles.
No. Patton was off-limits, and that was all there was to it. They inhabited separate spheres, and Roman wasn't about to sacrifice his popularity for anyone, especially not some overly-bubbly geek.
He took a deep breath, pushed the thought aside, and began rereading the comment yet again. It made him want to sing, to dance, to write. His mind fizzed with the first sparks of a dozen different ideas, all jostling for attention.
Then there was a cry of “Falsehood, Virgil, you are highly endearing” from the next room, and the blaze of envy that rose in Roman burned every spark to ashes.
Tagging my own list plus everyone who reblogged chapter 1
@fandersfic-royality @virgil-is-thriving @wisepuma23 @sevencrashing @angst-patton @evilmuffin @starryfirefliesbloggo @shesavampirequeen @elementalshadowwitch @the-prince-and-the-emo @noodlelatte @sander-sides-and-tea @the-office-cat @ocotopushugs @katesattic @smokeyrutilequartz @karmels-stuff @mariniacipher @intothevoidsunknown @trashypansexual @hissesssss @sher-soc-the-famder @what-a-catch-joe @xxladystarlightxx @pearls-of-patton @suyun-doo @patton-in-name
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humandisastersquad · 6 years
hi!! do you have any tmnt headcanons?
ok so i have A Lot so im gonna narrow it to disability headcanons for now
None Of The Turtles Are Neurotypical
they all probably have a mix of neurodivergences and like speaking as someone who’s autistic and has A Lot of overlap with adhd symptoms it can be hard to separate out sometimes so i’m just gonna focus on the neurodivergence i think is more prominant for each of the turtles
mikey having adhd is a pretty common headcanon in the fandom and for pretty much every incarnation which is gr9 (also it’s canon in 2012 which is. Unfortunate given how shit they treat him but that’s a rant for another time)
problems especially with attention and impulse control
his hyperfixation is pop culture of course. whatever it is tho changes pretty rapidly
it’s also canon that mikey has the most talent of the turts but lacks the focus to fully wield it
he has Wildly sporadic knowledge and knows the Randomest shit
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as a result he’s the absolute king of trivial pursuit
raph also has adhd
poor impulse control + emotional regulation 
his hyperfixations include wrestling and motorcycling
punching bags are his main outlet for anger and for stimming
leo is autistic and his special interest is ninjutsu
he also uses it to stim
leo has pretty black and white thinking and adheres Very Strictly his code of honour
Extremely Anxious about going against splinter’s wishes/rules etc, much more than the others
donnie is also autistic 
his special interests are technology and inventing etc.
Loves to infodump and his bros and splinter are supportive listeners
they Love and Support donnie but often have no idea what the fuck he’s saying
which is why when he meets april he’s over the moon to have someone he can reciprocally infodump with and bounce ideas off
he hyperfocuses A Lot and can forget to eat and sleep
his family has to remind him to do those things some times
he’s built/procured many stim toys for himself and his brothers over the years
all the boys love to pressure stim
they often just Pile together, especially if they’ve had a hard day/battle etc.
when they were younger, especially in the early days, they would stroke splinter’s fur as a way to soothe and ground themselves
splinter in turn would repetitively stroke their heads as a soothing method and also gives Great Hugs
(it was much easier back when they were smaller and he could fit all four in his arms)
petting klunk is also a good stim and there are occasionally scuffles over who gets to pet him since the four of them petting him at once is overwhelming for the poor cat
however mikey gets first dibs because he’s the one who found him ofc
inspired by a couple of headcanons i’ve seen floating around about that the turts are HoH
which makes sense since they don’t have a pinna (the external part of your ear) to funnel sound towards the ear drum
while their mutation may have helped them develop better hearing than your average turtle, it’s still not on the same level as a typical human
irl turtles are much better at detecting low frequencies compared to high and their hearing is more suited for underwater
headcanon by @softdonnie that they’ve developed their own sign language
mainly based off ASL but also heavily modified, especially to account for their three fingers (dont get me started about how they should be pentadactyl like us)
also good for when any of them have non-verbal days
april and casey learnt it fairly soon after meeting the turts
even cody knows some from reading their journal and the turts and splinter teach him even more during their time in the future
anyway this got rly long and rambly and there’s more but i cant remember rn and i should rly get some sleep since i have work tomorrow so uhh hope u like it anon and thank u for sending this in :)
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