#AND he was sweet towards them too when he snapped out of it
angels-fantasy · 3 days
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Top Secret Fiction Ch. 5
Secret (almost) Revealed
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: cheerios is mentioned once again, awkward katsuki. your secret MAY be revealed soon???
Word Count: 1.1k
previous chapter
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"Welcome to my home." You said as you stretched out your arms to showcase your apartment.
Bakugou looked around as he took off his shoes, "'S nice, definitely you."
You smiled and placed your items down onto a small table near the doorway, including the bunny.
As you were about to respond you were cut off by a loud meow. Turning around, you saw Cheerios standing in the hallway.
"Hi baby! Come say hi to our guest." You said as you walked over to pick him up.
You noticed Bakugou squirming slightly as you brought your cat closer to him.
"Are you okay Bakugou? You look uncomfortable." You asked as you held Cheerios in your arms.
He shook his head. "I'm fine. It's just-cat's never like me." He said and looked away.
You pouted at him, "Aw really? I promise Cheerios is a sweet boy, he loves everyone. Maybe if you give him food he'll be more comfortable. He's a foodie so food is the way to his heart."
While holding your cat, who laid still like a potato sack in your arms, you grabbed two treats from a container on your counter and handed them to Bakugou, who was now sitting on the couch.
Sitting down next to him you said "Okay, I'm gonna keep holding him while you give him the first treat."
He nodded and held out a treat for Cheerios, who smelled it and immediately ate it.
"That was good!" You cheered. "Now I'm gonna put him down, and let's see if he walks to you."
"You're gonna put him down?!" Bakugou asked.
"It'll be okay! He's an older cat so he can't run that fast anyways, so don't worry about him getting you." You said and placed Cheerios a few feet away from Bakugou.
Bakugou squinted at the cat and sighed before holding the treat out. Cheerios looked up at the treat while sniffing the air and began walking towards him.
"He's doing it!" You said clapping your hands lightly. "Bring the treat closer to you. Let's see if he'll sit on your lap."
Bakugou groaned and did as you said, and your cat followed the treat.
Once the treat was in his lap, Cheerios hopped up onto the couch and walked into his lap, successfully obtaining his treat.
The cat then decided to loaf right on his lap. Bakugou held his hands away from the cat and said "What the hell is he doing?"
"He's loafing! Lemme take a picture." You said and quickly grabbed your phone to snap a picture.
Bakugou stayed extremely still and just sat awkwardly.
"Let me save you from this kitty cat." You teased and picked the Cheerios up, making him meow in retaliation.
"Yeah I know, hush now." You said and put him down, watching him walk away to your bedroom.
"So, what's up with you and cats?" You asked.
He huffed, "My old hag had a damn cat at one point when I was a kid and I fuckin' hated that thing. It wasn't all sweet like yours, it was mean and ugly too. Little bastard scratched me all the time." He said while crossing his arms and leaning back against the couch.
You laughed at the image you created in your head of a younger Bakugou getting scratched by a scruffy old cat.
"What's so funny huh?"
"Nothing." You giggled, "It's just hard to imaging the big, bad Dynamight getting scratched by a wittle old cat."
"Sorry my experience didn't include a friendly fur ball like yours." He sassed.
"It's never too late to bond with one!" You sassed back. "Oh by the way, do you want anything to drink or eat? Sorry I forgot to ask."
"Nah, I'm good."
"Mkay. I'm gonna go get snacks. Feel free to put something on the TV." You said and handed the remote to him.
He nodded and turned the TV on, browsing through the options you had.
As you were getting a drink, you couldn't help but think about how nervous you were. Not because Bakugou was in your house, but because you kept thinking about how you had literal smut drafts about the man on your couch.
It made your stomach hurt from the guilt, but you just drank your juice and tried not to think about it.
Going back into the living room, you sat down on the couch and saw that he had put on The Notebook.
You gasped, "No way, are you secretly a sucker for love or something?"
He blushed, "No, shut up. It's a good movie. Ain't nothin' to do with romance."
By the end of the movie, you were in tears. So was Bakugou. Even though he tried to hide it, you knew he was crying because of the occasional sniffing.
"This movie is so beautiful." You sniffed, "I love it."
Bakugou nodded, and reached out to wipe a tear off your face.
You smiled and felt your ears turn hot at the contact, "Thanks. I'm always such a crybaby when it comes to romance."
"'S no problem." He said, "There's nothin' wrong with crying, look at Deku."
You snorted, "The crybaby hero? I'm not that bad-" You said but were interrupted by a yawn.
"You tired?"
"Nah." You lied, "Let's watch another movie. You like Hercules?" You asked while sitting up and grabbing the remote.
Bakugou saw through your lie but agreed to watching the movie anyways. You managed to stay awake for the first half of the movie, but by the end you were asleep on his shoulder.
He sat stiffly as you breathed lightly in your sleep and the credits rolled. He backed away carefully and maneuvered your head to lean back against the couch. Turning off your TV, he then picked you up in his arms and walked down the hallway, peeking into every room until he found your bedroom.
Once he did, he laid you down carefully and covered you with a blanket. Noticing you left some items at the foot of your bed, he thought it'd be a good idea to move them elsewhere so they wouldn't fall off.
Grabbing the books and notebooks, he didn't pay them any attention until his own name caught his eye.
On one of the notebooks, it read:
new fic idea
bakugou x reader
maybe enemies to lovers??
There were other miscellaneous notes scattered across the page, but he didn't care about those.
He looked at you, then just placed the items back where they originally were. He figured those notes were a personal thing, but he didn't fully understand them yet.
He walked out of your apartment, shooting you a text informing you that you had fallen asleep, so he sought himself out.
As he drove home, he kept those notes in his head so he could look up information about it. He already had a few things in mind, but he wanted to be sure.
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authors note
I AM HEREEE with a new chapter :p do u get the reference? lol
i'm currently in my math class as i'm posting this 🙂 anyways, sorry for such a late update. the end of the school year has me busy, but i graduate in 3 days and start college in a week!
love ya :)
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holylulusworld · 2 days
Cabin at the lake
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Summary: You have a much-needed vacation. There’s only one problem…
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Assistant!Reader´
Warnings: SB being an ass, tension, arguments, vacation hijacking (is that a thing?), sexual themes (talk about)
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The cabin at the lake. Your shelter from the storm. A sentimental place that your grandfather left you in his last will.
You love to sip on your tea, and to sit next to the bonfire, wrapped in a warm blanket as the sun sets over the horizon.
For once, you forget about your stressful job and your demanding boss. A supe on top of all. The new leader of the seven. Soldier Boy. The nightmare on bowed legs.
If he could, he’d let you jump through hoops of flames. Just not for the next two weeks. You’re on vacation and can forget about your boss for a while.
You close your eyes and inhale the clear but cold air deeply. It smells like pines, water, and earth.
You smile as memories of your grandparents flash up in your mind.
You’re almost at peace. Almost.
“There you are.”
No. This can’t be. Even here, in the most peaceful place, you can hear his voice in your head. Crap, you can even smell him and feel his breath in your neck.
Your eyes snap open when someone snatches the cup of tea out of your hands to gulp it down in one go. “What?”
“Here you are, enjoy tea while I was out there, saving the world,” your boss, Soldier Boy himself nags and throws the cup over his shoulder. “I can’t believe you sometimes.”
“Sir,” you look at him, shocked about his presence in your solitude, “I told you that I’m going on vacation for two weeks. Sonja will assist you while I’m away.”
“Sonja?” He curls his upper lip in disgust. “She was a bad lay, nothing else. That girl can’t even get my coffee order right. You must come back. Now!” He snaps his gloved fingers.
Soldier Boy didn’t waste time. The moment he found out about your whereabouts, he left and drove to your location. He’s still in his suit, his shield tugged under one arm.
“Sir,” you try not to sound too annoyed, “I have the right to go on vacation. I haven’t had a day off since I started working for you. You keep me occupied even on weekends. I need a break.”
“You need a break?” He huffs as he looks at the lake. “Hmm…a break wouldn’t be too bad.”
Before you can protest he rams the shield into the ground next to your feet. He takes his gloves off, tossing them into your lap before he plops down into the free seat.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m on vacation,” he leans back and closes his eyes. “After I had a nap, I want the good stuff and food. Omelet would be great.”
“Sir! This is inappropriate! You can't hijack my vacation!”
“Why not?” He turns his head to grin at you. “Only you, me, and the lake will know what we did here.”
You gulp hard at the implication. “I must ask you to leave.”
“I must ask you to shut your mouth, or—” he leans toward you and smirks, “do you want me to put those pretty lips to better use.”
“We talked about sexual harassment last month,” you sigh. “Did you forget all about it?”
“Aw, sweetness,” he grins. “You’d know if I fucked your pretty cunt.”
You roll your eyes and huff. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I know,” he purrs and looks you up and down. “You’ll believe you can fly after I fucked you for the first time. It’s like a drug you never want to get off.”
You gape at him.
“Let him have a nap first. I drove for hours to find you,” he leans back and closes his eyes. “And don’t think I forgot about the omelet…”
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noyasmashing · 2 days
If it isn't too much trouble, may I request mad dog with a nerdy reader. In public they have scary dog privileges but in private he becomes such a whiny puppy who doesnt know how to ask for master/mommy to touch him? No hurt feelings if you don't want too, I just don't see enough of him being a sub. Thank you!
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CW: names such as pup and mommy are used, semi public, praise, hand jobish??
A/N: i’m so sorry this took so long 😭 tbh i have no excuse
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he would be suchhhh a grouch in public. Picture yourselves on the public train together. He's casting menacing glares at anyone who dares to glance your way, positioning himself protectively in front of you. Meanwhile, you're engrossed in your book, wearing a delighted expression that's impossible to hide.
And when you venture out together (a rarity in itself), despite your occasional awkwardness, you effortlessly connect with others over obscure subjects, radiating joy and warmth. Kentaro, on the other hand, stands by your side, arms folded, engaging only with you.
Its quite endearing how different you two are-personality wise. People often wonder why you're with such a seemingly grumpy individual, but they don't see the tender side he reveals to you. He's incredibly sweet and attentive, always accompanying you to your favorite bookstores for the latest releases. Despite his aversion to socializing, he willingly joins you for coffee outings.
What may be the most adorable thing about him, is his sudden shyness in private. Suddenly, he's flushed red, stumbling over his words, nervously fidgeting with his hands, unsure where to place them.
He gives up any ounce of control easily, falling to his knees at your request. Your favorite thing is making him work for his pleasure. He knows what he wants. He wants to cum until he can't think. But he doesn't know how to ask.
Recently, you'd discovered a new favorite pastime: teasing Kentaro in public. There was nothing quite like watching him squirm as he struggled to maintain his tough exterior, only to be undone by his own pent-up desire.
It was a simple matter to get him riled up. A strategically timed pause to admire a book cover, a suggestive lick of a lollipop, or a deliberate lean forward to show off your cleavage would send him into a tailspin. His eyes would flash with desire, his face would redden, and his lips would tremble.
But the best part was the moment he'd snap, his eyes pleading for mercy as he grabbed at your shirt, his voice barely above a whisper. "P-please… y-you… I need y-you…"
You'd feign innocence, playing dumb as you led him on a merry chase. "Hmm? Need me to what, Kentaro?" You'd ask, looking up at him with a concerned expression. He'd hesitate, his words faltering as he scanned the empty store for an escape route. "You know.." He'd mutter, gaze low and hands sweating.
Finally you relented, firmly grasping his cheeks, directing his gaze toward the family bathroom that was tucked away but still in sight of you two. "That'll work yeah?" you inquired, locking eyes with his widened ones, before proceeding toward the bathroom. "What if someone sees us?" he'd nervously stammer, but still following closely behind you.
You'd simply smile, your eyes glinting with mischief. "It makes it more exciting, Kentaro."
Once inside, you'd press your lips against his, drawing out a soft groan as he struggled to keep up. But you were just getting started, taking a seat on the bench, beckoning him closer.
"Y-you want to do it here?" He'd ask, his voice laced with anxiety.
You'd bat your eyelashes, playing innocent once more. "Do what puppy?"
Being the nervous dog he is, he'd trail off, his face flushing with embarrassment as he stumbled forward. You'd laugh at his shyness, running your hands up his shirt and down his stomach as he stood in front of you.
"P-please… touch me," he'd beg, his voice cracking as he dropped his head in shame.
You'd toy with him, running your fingers over his hips as he squirmed beneath your touch. "I am touching you, baby," you'd purr, but he wasn't having it.
He needed something more – something that would make him feel like he was truly alive. And so, he forced out the words: "My c-cock., touch my cock, mommy"
Your eyes lit up with amusement and a hint a sadism, unzipping his pants and pulling his underwear down without hesitation. "That's all you had to say puppy." You'd coo, while wrapping your fingers around his hardened member. It boasted a rather prominent vein tracing its length, accompanied by a slight curve that he found rather embarrassing.
You couldn't resist the urge to tease him with gentle strokes that coaxed a soft whimper from his lips. Spitting into your free hand, he'd gasp at your boldness, wanting to say something. But words quickly faded in his mouth when you smeared it long his length, making him throw his head. He'd look up at you, pleading for more, but you'd merely smile wickedly and instruct him to "be a good boy and fuck yourself with my hand."
Immediately, he would protest with a whiney, "noo I-I can't" his inexperience evident in his hesitant tone. But as you met his gaze with a firm, expectant look, his hesitation gave way to an exploratory thrust. With the help of your praise, he'd slowly become more comfortable with your embarrassing request.
As he quickened his pace, his breath would catch in his throat, his member pulsing in your hand. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and his thrusts became more erratic, your seductive voice making it harder for him to stay steady. His usually narrow eyes seemed to be welling up with emotion, and his face flushed.
Your other hand grasped the soft skin of his hips, guiding him into a harsher rhythm. He let out a loud, desperate moan, forgetting their surroundings as he succumbed to his pleasure.
Useless pleas would tumble from his lips, but you refused to indulge them, instead, instructing him to "show that pretty tongue, baby." He had no choice but to obey, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, coated with saliva as he reveled in embarrassment.
He'd pant and whine, his red tip darted back and forth between your hand, his face contorted in a mix of pleasure and shame. "M-mama, I'm close.. gunna cum.. c-cum, cum all over," he'd babble, his movements becoming more frenzied by the second.
Your grip tightening around his member, moving and twisting in tandem with his thrusts would send him over the edge. He'd cum with a loud, broken moan, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he convulsed in your grip.
His body felt shaky and weak, his legs trembling beneath him. You stroked him through the aftershocks, praising him as he sat down, still flushed from his climax.
"You did such a good job, pup," you'd coo, making him blush once more. "Just sit there and look pretty for me and I'll get you allll cleaned up."
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pluviowriting · 2 days
Her Biggest Fan
18+ || MDNI || Content Warnings: SMUT, characters aged up, established relationship, language, oral (f!receiving), fingering, unprotected pinv sex(don’t try this at home, use protection), creampie, size kink, praise kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, munch Garreth (he needs a warning imo), aftercare
Word Count: 3.6k
beater!Garreth Weasley x f!Hufflepuff!seeker!MC
Repost from old blog @/pluvpluvpluv
A/N: Enjoy this brainworm that was born of a night of me, @marketfreshfics and @ellivenollivander thirsting over men in crop tops <3
There were few things Garreth Weasley loved more than quidditch. Being able to play again after Headmaster Black banned it fifth year felt like a breath of fresh air. He wasn’t the only student that had been excited at the start of their sixth year. Imelda Reyes had thrown a celebration so rowdy, some students feared that he would cancel the season again to punish them for it. There had been no incidents during sixth year too, which meant he had been able to play his favorite game during his last year too. While Garreth was disappointed that Gryffindor hadn’t made it to the quidditch cup, he wasn't having a bad time in the stands.
He was surrounded by a sea of golden yellow, staring across the pitch at the rival sea of emerald green. His own teammates were beside him and they were all causing a scene cheering for Hufflepuff. Arguably, after him, Natty and Leander were the loudest. He had help from his seeker in making his championship outfit. He wanted to ensure that he was the biggest Hufflepuff fan in the stands, not just MC’s - because the latter was a given. She had helped him transfigure MC’s practice jersey, after stealing it from her dorm that morning with some assistance from Poppy Sweeting, into a slightly loose fitting cropped tee. With summer fast approaching, he had anticipated the weather being warmer, and he was glad he was right. His girlfriend’s house took up the entire front of the crop top, and the back was reserved for her last name. His face lit up as he watched her fly directly in front of where he and his friends sat, flying around the pitch like she had been born on a broom instead of only flying for the last two years.
“Woo! MC!” He cupped his hands around his mouth and hollered after her as loud as he could.
She took a break from hunting for the golden glint of the snitch and looked towards where she heard her boyfriend’s voice come from. She was instantly filled with regret. What was meant to be a quick glance and a wink turned into an ogling session. She was clenching her jaw to keep it from falling all the way to the grass of the pitch as she saw him in her house colors. She had no idea where he had found that shirt, but it fit him perfectly, cutting off an inch or two above his belly button and showing off his toned stomach from his own quidditch workouts. Her eyes trailed down the copper happy trail she was intimately familiar with until she reached the waistband of his pants and she couldn’t see any further. Her eyes moved up, observing his broad chest and his arms. The sleeves were skin tight on his biceps, which seemed to bulge even when he wasn’t trying.
‘Godsdamned beater arms,’ she internally cursed, but her eyes were still stuck on him and moving upwards until she caught his face.
Her eyes found her favorite shade of green and realized she had been caught staring instead of playing her game. Her boyfriend winked at her before turning to show her his back. That was when it clicked what he was wearing and she knew she was going to either kill or worship Natsai Onai later for nicking it from her dorm. Seeing her last name across his broad back made her debate abandoning the game and taking her boyfriend into the prep tent and casting a muffling charm, but thankfully Amit’s broadcasted voice finally snapped her out of her daze.
“It looks like Reyes has spotted the snitch and she’s making a break towards it!”
Her eyes grew wide and she whipped around, looking for Imelda and hoping to catch a glimpse of gold as she headed that way. As she flew away, she once again heard her name and she pushed just a little harder. Thankfully, with the practice she had and the upgrades from her fifth year, it wasn’t hard to catch up to Imelda, but the Slytherin still had an advantage.
MC still hadn’t spotted the snitch.
Knowing her competition was far too competitive to try and throw her off course when she could see what they were both after, she just stuck to Slytherin’s captain.
It felt like they were soaring through and around the pitch for hours before Imelda finally slowed down.
“What happened Melda? Lose it?” She taunted, a smirk settled on her lips as she tried to catch her breath.
“Go back to eye fucking Weasley. Don’t worry about the snitch, I’ll catch it for you.”
MC just laughed before leaving the Slytherin captain behind. She wasn’t going to find it any faster sitting there and talking trash. As she flew around, using every ounce of self control to not let her gaze drift back to the Hufflepuff side of the stands for longer than it took for her to try and find a glint of gold against the yellow, she could still hear Garreth’s voice no matter where she was. Even next to the Slytherin stands, she could hear him over the jeers from the field of green and silver.
Then, there it was. The golden snitch.
MC didn’t even spare a glance at Imelda as she gave chase to the tiny flying ball. She heard Amit announce that she had found it this time and she knew that if Imelda hadn’t spotted it earlier, she’d be on her tail soon enough.
“Come on, you bastard,” she huffed, trying to will her broom to move faster.
She didn’t let up as she realized she was gaining on it, her gaze laser focused. Not wanting to lose her chance, she shot her arm out and almost screamed when she felt her fingers wrap around the cold metal.
The second it registered, she held her closed fist over her head and she diverted her broom to move back towards the center of the pitch.
“MC caught the snitch! Hufflepuff wins the cup!”
The second everyone’s favorite Ravenclaw finished announcing her accomplishment, another voice boomed through the open air.
“That’s my girl! That’s my fucking girl!”
MC laughed, immediately swarmed by her teammates as they all landed, but her eyes never left the stands. She blew a kiss up towards where she knew Garreth was sitting before she let herself get swallowed up by the excitement.
Leaving the team tent, still on a high, she intended to look for Garreth. She didn’t have to look far, and really she didn’t have to look at all. The moment he saw her leave the tent, his arms were wrapped around her waist and he lifted her off the ground in his embrace.
“There she is! The hero of Hufflepuff!”
MC laughed, her face buried in his neck. “You are a terror. I could hear you over the Slytherins.”
“Just means that I’m doing my job as your personal cheerleader.”
He set her down with a wink, leaning down to press his lips to hers in a tender kiss. She reciprocated, her touch just as sweet as his. Her hands moved from his shoulders down to his exposed sides and her thumbs started rubbing circles into his skin.
“I see that. You’ve got the uniform and everything, sneaky boy.” She hummed as she moved her lips to his neck, still dragging her fingers across his bare skin. “I could really go for a bath. It would be a terrible, terrible shame if I broke into the prefect bathroom alone while everyone else was celebrating my victory...”
“Well, I’m sure you’re exhausted from all that flying. Perhaps I should accompany you. To make sure the stairs don’t give you any trouble.” Garreth taunted her right back, gently squeezing her hips. “Come along, champion.”
The second the bathroom door closed behind them, MC cast a locking charm and turned her attention to Garreth. Her lips were on his in an instant, this kiss needier than the one he had graced her with when they reunited after the game.
“I cannot believe,” she huffed, pulling back slightly to start ridding herself of her quidditch uniform, “you turned my practice jersey into something so revealing…”
“My only regret is almost costing you the game. I didn’t realize you’d have such a…reaction.”
Garreth’s eyes dipped from her face to her bare breasts as she managed to get them free from the confines of her clothes. He truly thought she was the most gorgeous witch he had ever seen. He backed her up against the wall, kissing his way down her neck until he took one of her nipples in his mouth. He hummed at the taste of her skin, his gaze flicking up to her face as he kissed across her chest to make sure her other breast got the same attention. Satisfied with his work, he kissed his way down MC’s torso and left a trail of pale marks in his wake. Settling on his knees, he pulled back slightly to look up at the woman of his dreams. He didn’t need to look at his hands while removing the rest of her uniform, which allowed him to soak in just how amazing she looked from this angle.
“Merlin, MC. So. Fucking. Pretty. Perfect. Gorgeous.”
Every compliment was punctuated with a kiss to her inner thigh. Once he reached his destination, he spread her with his fingers and moaned at the sight.
“Hello pretty,” he murmured before licking up with the flat of his tongue.
Feeling his tongue moving through her folds and flicking over her clit immediately removed the question of if he was truly talking to her pussy from her mind. A low moan fell from her lips as her hands tangled in his copper hair. Her head dropped back against the wall and she felt him lifting one of her legs to rest over his shoulder. She looked down and almost moaned at the sight. Garreth was looking up at her, his lips were wrapped around her clit and she could feel him alternating between sucking and using his tongue to rub circles. The hottest thing about this angle was seeing that her thigh was practically the size of his shoulder. Quidditch had done wonders for her physique, and she understood the phrase “broom thighs” when she’d look at herself in the mirror. However, if the sport had done wonders for her, it had done miracles for her boyfriend.
Not only did Garreth also develop some of the sturdiest broom thighs MC had seen, but that effect just carried to every other muscle in his body too. Regular practices paired with the growth spurts he had hit the last two years, it constantly felt like he just towered over her. His strength was also a bonus that they enjoyed exploring on the nights they’d spend in the Room of Requirement, tangled in sheets from a conjured bed.
He could see her eyes going unfocused and one corner of his mouth turned up. He sucked her clit with extra force as he pushed two fingers into her. His smirk only grew as it pulled a loud moan from her. His fingers didn’t stop pumping into her as he pulled back.
“There you are, pretty girl. You were going somewhere on me.”
If she wasn’t already flushed from the pleasure coursing through every inch of her body, him calling her out would’ve caused color to flood her cheeks.
“I uh. I wa-as looking at my thigh on your shoulder.”
The Gryffindor chuckled, turning his head to plant a kiss on the thigh she was talking about. He knew MC well enough to be able to conclude what was running through her head.
“Yeah? This pretty thigh? Comparing size are you? So much smaller than me, aren’t you, pretty girl. Can’t toss you around in here but I can do this.”
She gasped as his free hand moved, lifting her other leg and hooking it over his shoulder so she was now sitting on his shoulders against the wall with his face buried in her cunt. Without another word, his mouth found its way back to her clit while he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her aching walls. His free hand settled on her hip, as if he was trying to ensure she didn’t fall.
MC felt her orgasm building, and her grip on her boyfriend’s hair grew impossibly tighter as she tried to push him into her more. Her walls fluttered around his fingers and his pace seemed to pick up, his fingers curling up in search of the spot he knew would make her scream.
“Gare–” She tried to warn him but she was cut off by a loud moan as his fingers found what they were searching for.
“I know, pretty girl. I can feel it. Cum for me. Be a good girl and let me taste you.”
Her moans only grew louder as he pushed her towards her orgasm, and her back arched off the wall as it hit with a cry of his name. Garreth only slowed for a moment, letting MC start to come down from what would be her first orgasm of the day before he ramped back up. He added a third finger and his mouth was working her clit like he had been starved his entire life. 
“Ah~! Garreth!” She was trying to push his head away one second and pulling him closer the next. “‘S too much! Please!”
He chuckled against her, his eyes looking up at her as if he was asking her if it was really too much. Unfortunately - or fortunately, really - Garreth knew her body practically as well as MC did. He knew she could keep going after he pulled one from her, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t ready to drown in her and suffocate between her thighs. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t trying either. After pulling two more orgasms from MC with his tongue and fingers, he slowly lowered her legs back to the ground. The lower half of his face glistened with the arousal he had drawn from her body, and in moments, his aptly named cheerleader outfit was on the ground and he was as bare as she was.
MC’s eyes immediately dropped, taking in the sight that was his hardened cock. She had seen him naked several times at this point, but she always stared at him naked. He somehow looked even bigger without clothes, his muscles on display and accentuating just how pretty his cock was. She knew from experience that it was the perfect size, and that the happy trail she had admired when he was in the stands led to a trimmed patch of copper curls she loved to bury her nose in when she took him down her throat.
There was no warning before he hoisted her up, unceremoniously kicking their clothes towards the edge of the pool sized bath before he submerged the both of them in the warm water. His lips found hers, and she could taste herself when his tongue found its way into her mouth. Recognizing the taste caused her to moan, her hips moving and grinding against his cock, the head catching her clit perfectly.
“So needy, aren’t you, pretty girl? Didn’t I just give you three orgasms and you still need more? What happened to it being too much?”
“Garreth, please.” She whined, pouting her kiss swollen lips at him.
“You know I can’t say no when you look at me like that, baby. Plus, I’m supposed to be rewarding my champion.”
He moved them through the water, turning MC to face away from him. Instead she faced the pile of their clothes at the edge of the tub. She looked back at Garreth with her eyebrows furrowed and he met her gaze with a grin.
“When you eventually hit the point where you can’t hold yourself up anymore, you can rest your head on our clothes.”
She held the edge of the tub, and soon felt her hips get lifted to the point even her tiptoes weren’t touching the bottom. She felt the head of Garreth’s cock drag up and down her slit a couple times before he pushed into her.
“Fuck, MC. Fuckin’ made to take me, weren’t you?”
She moaned at the feeling of her walls stretching to accommodate him, and she only grew louder when he started moving. The water around them splashed up and over the lip of the tub, but both were too lost in each other to truly care. Their moans echoed off the tiles around them, filling the room with the sound of their voices.
One of Garreth’s hands moved down, his fingers rubbing tight circles around MC’s clit. He could feel her walls fluttering around his cock, signaling how close she was.
“Come on, pretty girl. Cum on my cock. You know I want it, give it to me.” He growled in her ear, snapping his hips harder.
She gave him what he wanted moments later, when he pinched the bundle of nerves. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and as Garreth had predicted, she fell forward and rested her arms on the edge.
“That’s it. Good girl. My good girl.”
Feeling his own orgasm swiftly approaching, he didn’t alter his pace. His fingers resumed their harsh assault, trying to push her into a fifth orgasm by the time he came.
“Just one more, MC. Wanna feel you milk me when I fill this pretty little cunt. I know you can do it. Unless you want me to pull out…”
She gasped at his threat, frantically shaking her head. “No, please no. Cum in me. Please cum in me.”
Garreth grinned, working the both of them towards a mutual orgasm. Feeling her walls squeezing his cock like a vice and hearing her screaming his name pulled his own orgasm from him. He buried her face in her neck, biting down gently as he groaned. MC whimpered, feeling his cock throbbing with every spurt of cum he filled her with.
Slightly regaining his own senses, Garreth released her neck, gently kissing the mark he had left behind. As he looked at it, he chuckled softly. MC would be able to cast a glamor charm to hide it, but he knew she’d be frustrated he had left something so visible to begin with. He hadn’t meant to, and he was usually very good at keeping any marks to where the two of them would be the only witnesses, but it had been too much this time.
“Merlin, you’re beautiful.” He spoke softly, pressing a kiss between her shoulder blades as he carefully pulled out of her beneath the water.
They both tried to catch their breath before cleaning themselves up, and MC was so spent she was just allowing herself to float amongst the bubbles. Garreth gently pulled her towards the stairs so he could sit and wash her hair for her. Tilting her head back with her chin, to get her hair completely soaked one more time, he settled in. He ensured she was comfortable on his lap before filling one of his palms with shampoo before his nails were scratching against her scalp.
MC practically purred in his lap, even if having to keep her own head upright felt like a task at the moment. She had always loved Garreth playing with her hair, and it was sweet that he’d wash it for her after effectively turning all of her bones to jello.
“I’m so proud of you, MC. Did so fucking brilliant in that game.” He dipped and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Did so fucking perfect for me too. Always take what I give you so well. Make me feel so good. Make me feel so loved. I love you, pretty girl.”
A tired hum left her lips, which were spreading into a giddy smile. “I love you too, Garreth.”
After soaking and debating whether or not MC really needed to make an appearance at the celebration they were going to be extremely fashionably late to (she did), the Gryffindor was walking around and collecting their clothes. Deciding to take the lazy way, since most of them were already wet, he dunked them into the soapy water and dried them with a charm. He turned his head to say something, and was stopped by the look MC was giving him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“That is how you’re deciding our clothes are clean? Need I remind you what’s fucking floating around in this water?”
He raised an eyebrow at her before casting scourgify and raising an eyebrow. “Is that better, your highness? It’s not my fault you needed to jump my bones so badly that neither of us had a chance to figure out other clothes.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes, but she was trying to hide a smile. “Whatever.”
He folded their clothes so they’d sit neatly on one of the shelves before he went to retrieve MC from the still warm water. Her legs were still a little weak, but the more she walked, the easier it was. By the time the two were dried and fully clothed again, she had started walking like normal.
“Hmm. I’ll have to do better tonight if you’re already walking fine. Come on, pretty girl. I’m ready to share you with people for a while.”
She laughed softly, taking his hand as the two snuck back out of the prefect bathroom and down to the party they were missing on the shore of the Black Lake.
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kasumingo · 2 years
I love how someone pointed out that Donnie went fully non-verbal during Leo’s sacrifice in the movie
I HC that he tends to do with when overwhelmed or upset and his brothers know to give him space, but they also like to show their love by making him something to drink, wordlessly share pizza, bringing him Jupiter Jim stuff etc
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yan-maid-cafe · 2 months
Yandere Imposter
Imagine a yandere that pretends to be someone else...
You and your husband hadn't been close in years. A rotten drunkard that spent all day rotting away on the couch. When the two of you got married, you genuinely thought things would be perfect, he was such a sweet guy. But things just went downhill from there.
He was a sleeze bag. Spending all day drinking and refusing to work. Forcing you to get a job to support you both, but he couldn't even bother being somekind of househusband. No, he expected you to get off of work clean the house for him and still cook him dinner everyday. You felt more like his mother than his wife. And it was getting on your last nerve.
So imagine your surprise when you walk into the house one day, the smell of cheap booze and cigarette smoke gone. Instead replaced with the smell of soup?
The place was oddly spotless as you made your way into the kitchen, and there standing at the stove was your husband. Wearing an apron as he stirred the food in the pot. It was unnerving, if you knew anything about your husband it was that he refused to even step foot in the kitchen unless it was to eat. As if sensing your presence, he quickly turned around a smile spreading on his face. Was it just you or were his teeth whiter than usual?
Walking over he wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, burying his face into your neck. A look of happiness on his face as he held you close.
"I'm so happy you're finally home, Dear. I went ahead and made dinner, you just go sit down and I'll be right over."
Since when had he called you pet names? You couldn't help but check his tempature, wondering if he was running a fever of somekind. Why else would he be acting so out of character suddenly. But he simply laughed off your worry and ushered you towards your seat. Immediantly serving you dinner with a blissful smile, a smile you had never seen on his face. You were so confused...
The night just continued on like that. One weird occurance after another. It felt like you were with a stranger, someone nothing like your husband yet identical to him. You felt like you were going mad, until night eventually came. Bringing you to bed, you and your husband lied down together. Except unlike everynight since your honeymoon, he pulled you closer. Snuggled up next to you as he whispered softly in your ear, almost bringing tears to your eyes.
"I'm so sorry for the way things have been all these years. You never deserved any of it. But as long as I'm here, I'll treat you perfect..."
Edan had always hated his brother. Despite looking identical, they couldn't have been more different. And it felt like his brother was always out to make his life difficult. If Edan got on the football team, his brother was the quaterback. If Edan got a B, his brother got an A. If Edan got honor roll, his brother got valedictorian. And eventually when Edan felt like he had met his soulmate his dear brother had to marry them. He could never win. It was all too much.
Especially when Edan began to take a closer look into the life his brother had stolen away from him. He was disgusted. Working his beloved like a dog day and night. Treating them as nothing more than a servant meant to do whatever was demanded of them, not giving them the life they deserved. The day he snapped came when he saw his beloved leave for work, continuing to stay near the house. He watched as his brother stepped out of the house hours later, walking over to one of the neighboring apartment doors and knocked on it. A scantily clad individual opening the door and ushering him inside. He saw red...
How foolish did that idiot have to be. Stealing away the life that Edan deserved, only to not even appreciate it. He got the privilege to lay beside perfection every night, and he still ran into the arms of some worthless harlot. He couldn't stand it. His beloved didn't deserve this mistreatment, and his brother didn't deserve their love. But what was he supposed to do about it...
He had never been so happy that the two were identical...
All it took was a little makeover and a swap of IDs for the two to look the exact same again. Now if he was ever found, Edan would be dead. He had to clean up all the blood from the floor, he might have gone a bit overboard but years of hatred and frustration will do that to a person.
But it was all worth it in this moment. Holding his beloved close to his chest as the two lay together, it was a dream come true. Burying his face in their hair, he continued to whisper to them, arms wrapped tightly around their body so that they couldn't get up. They never had to know.
" You'll get the life you deserve. We'll both get the lives we deserve, no matter what..."
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nanaslutt · 4 months
when they catch you masturbating
ft. gojo, geto, nanami, toji, choso
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cont: masturbation, voyeurism, jerking off, sex toys, perv!behavior, teasing, sexual tension, jealousy, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, established relationships in all but Toji's (fuckbuddy Toji)
You held the purple vibrator against your clit while you stuck two fingers inside of yourself, moving them in and out shallowly from the awkward angle. Your arms weren't quite long enough to allow your fingers to go in past the first knuckle, making you incredibly frustrated as you knew your sweet spot was just a couple more millimeters inside. If Gojo was here this would be no problem, but unfortunately, Yaga had sent him away on a mission, leaving you to deal with your little problem alone.
"F-fuck." You grit in annoyance, canting your hips towards your hand as you try to force your fingers deeper inside you, to no avail. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on the vibrator buzzing against your clit as you pulled your fingers out from inside yourself, as all they were doing was taking the focus away from your pleasure and onto the frustration of not having Gojo's freakishly large fingers at your aid. 
Slipping your hand under Gojo's shirt you were wearing, you pinched at your nipple, trying to pleasure yourself more so you would be able to cum. You tried holding your breath, as you knew that sometimes worked in aiding you to finish faster, but nothing was working. Gojo had successfully ruined your body, you were officially unable to cum without his aid.
"Fuck... C'mon..." You groaned, squeezing your eyes together harder as you tried to focus on the pleasure, but the frustration and annoyance were now on the forefront of your brain, blocking your pleasure. Groaning in frustration, you flipped your body over so your face was pressed against the sheets and your ass was in the air, legs spread.
With one hand, you reached behind your ass and tried to finger yourself that way while you pressed the vibrator against your clit again, but once again, the angle was too awkward, and your fingers were just too short. You tried to imagine Gojo teasing his tip against your tight little hole as he often did, while he rolled your clit between his fingers. 
"Fuck... Satoru please..." You whimpered, pushing your hips back against your hand, making your fingers breach the tight ring of your cunt. A jolt of electricity shocked down your body, your imagination was putting in work as you really started to get into the fantasy of Gojo teasing you. "F-fuuck put it in, give it to me, please..." Just when you started feeling like you were getting close to something, you heard a loud 'tsk' from the doorway.
Snapping out of your fantasy, you scrambled to turn around, pulling Gojo's shirt between your legs to cover yourself as the vibrator lay forgotten next to you, buzzing against the sheets. Your adrenaline calmed down when your eyes found the assailant's face, your fear instead being replaced with embarrassment and shock and Satoru stood in the doorway with his arms crossed and a scowel on his face. Although he looked upset, you could very clearly see the massive boner he was sporting through his Jujutsu High slacks.
"What are you using some toy for when you have me? You're really so impatient you couldn't wait 2 days?" Satoru tsked, his pout becoming more prominent. "I tried to be quick too... can't believe I got replaced by some fuckin' toy." Your heart raced in your chest, you couldn't tell if he was really mad or just playing around. Satoru did make it clear that you would never need to masturbate alone again because you had him, so it made sense why he would be upset about the toy.
"Y-you.. what are you doing here?" You asked, your hands curling into fists in the shirt, balling up the fabric as you kept your pussy covered. Gojo huffed before uncrossing his arms and started walking toward you. "You sound so guilty right now. Asking me what I'm doing in my own girlfriend's house after she gets caught fucking some toy." Satoru spit, his face more serious than you've ever seen it before. 
Walking quickly up to the side of the bed where you sat, he gripped your chin and looked at your face, his impressive eyes not missing the dried tear stains on your cheek, his ego instantly taking a hit. "Oh! and it was so good it made you cry tears of joy?? You might as well kill me now." Gojo said dramatically, bringing your face closer to his as he inspected you more. "How many times did you cum on that toy, huh? More than me? You like it better than me?" Gojo said, his displeasure being very evident in every single one of his actions.
You had tried to avert your eyes at first, but when you heard him say those words and picked up on the authentic jealousy in his voice, you brought your gaze back to him, looking at him in the eyes as you gripped his wrist, preventing him from manhandling your face around anymore. "N-no no I-" You swallowed hard, preparing yourself to rid any confusion as to why you were crying. "Satoru I... I couldn't cum. I- don't think I can... cum without you." You said, your confidence seeping away as he stared at you intensely, hanging onto your every word.
His eyebrows raised in surprise at your confession as he studied your face before he dropped his eyes to examine the rest of your body. Judging by your sweat-slicked body and your still-steady legs, he could tell you were telling the truth. After you had cum your voice and body were usually far more unstable, shaking and trembling from the force of your orgasms. His jealousy washed away in an instant as his hands cupped your face more gently than his hand had grabbed your chin.
You scrunched your eyebrows and averted his eyes, looking anywhere but his face as he gazed at you with a smirk. "So... you were crying because you were frustrated right?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. When you didn't respond, he continued, "Bet your little fingers couldn't hit that spot inside you that you love so much, huh? Made you cry cos you wanted it so bad?" Gojo teased, making your face heat up in embarrassment.
You almost preferred when he was jealous, at least he wouldn't be so teasing and cocky right now. Maybe you shouldn't have told him you couldn't cum without him, you knew damn well it was going all to his ego. As if that needed to get any bigger. "Fuck... that's so cute. You're such a crybaby." Gojo giggled, finally making your eyes lock onto his at the degrading name. You pouted at him, a look of embarrassment and disdain on your face. 
"Aw, what's wrong? You mad at me?" He teased, caressing your face before he pulled away, putting his hands on his hips as he created some distance between the two of you. "I guess I should leave you alone then right? Give you some space?" He teased, starting to turn his body to the side. Quickly your arms shot out to grab him, the shirt riding up your body a bit and exposing a sliver of your bare pussy as you had to lean forward a bit to stop him.
You looked at him with pleading eyes, your eyes glossy as you felt the intense throbbing resume between your legs. He couldn't just leave you like this, you needed to cum, and you couldn't do it without him. Putting your pride aside, you begged him, "P-please don't go." Making him turn on his heels and take your face back in his hands, your eyes locked on one another's as you gripped the hem of his pants, absentmindedly dipping your fingers into the band and teasing the trimmed hair of his happy trail on his lower abdomen.
Gojo licked his lips as he leaned close to you, his knee resting on the bed as he ever so slowly crawled on top of you, his eyes never once leaving yours. "No? Why? Why don't you want me to leave you, pretty? Thought you were mad at me?" He asked, slotting a leg between yours, his knee pressing against where you needed him the most, making you gasp against his lips. 
One of his hands reached between the two of you to aid you in taking off his pants as you squeezed your thighs around his leg that pressed between yours. "Need you, Toru." You whined, trying to press your lips together, but Gojo kept the distance, teasing you as he successfully undid his pants, your hands resting on the small of his waist, under his shirt, and teasing directly against his soft skin as he pulled his hard cock out from the confines of his slacks and boxers.
You attempted to look down at his cock but his hand stopped you as he grabbed your chin again and made your eyes stay on his. "What do you need? I won't know if you don't tell me." Gojo teased, beginning to rut his hips against you, his cock rubbing against your inner thigh that was pressed tightly around his leg between yours. 
You released a shaky breath from between your lips before you spoke, your words full of need, "Your cock Toru, fuck me with your cock." You whispered agaisnt his lips, making the smile dissipate from his face, a more primal look of need replaced on his face as his cock dripped against your thigh. Pulling his leg away from your cunt, he used his hand to wrap one of your legs around his waist, silently signally you to follow suit with the other as your bodies were now flush with one another, his raw dick teasing your folds.
"Do I need to stretch you out or did you do that part for me?" Gojo asked impatiently, his fat tip prodding at your entrance as he spoke, his lips now just grazing yours, only a hair's distance from connecting with your own. "I did it, I'm ready for you, just please, fuck me." Gojo wasted no time in thrusting against you, a gasp leaving both of your lips as he forced his cock fully inside, his balls flush against your ass. He faced little resistance when he penetrated you, a tell of just how long you had been trying to make yourself cum.
Gojo stayed still, allowing you to adjust to his size as his lips met with yours in a sloppy and hasty kiss full of teeth, tongue, and raw need. "Better make up for cheating on me by squirting on my cock." Gojo whispered against your lips childishly, making you shake your head at his usual antics before you connected your lips again, pulling back to whisper a "Yes sir." Before he started up a brutal pace, his cock abusing your g-spot just like you had been trying to do all night. 
"M-mmmph- ahhh-" Your moans echoed throughout the house and mixed with the ones coming through the speakers as you sat on the couch with your favorite dildo and fucked yourself as some porno played on the TV. You laid sideways along the couch on your back, legs spread as you held one of your legs up for support, the other one doing the work between your legs.
You had picked a video of a man eating a girl out, the man's face obstructed as the camera was angled more towards the side. You purposefully had chosen a man who slightly resembled Geto in some way, as the man had a similar build and black hair, only it was shorter than Geto's. You tried to imagine the fingers pistoning in and out of the girl were Geto's, and you were the girl in the video, and you pulled the dildo in and out of your cunt, loud squelching noises bouncing off the walls. 
You were too enthralled in your own little world that you hadn't noticed the sound of someone unlocking your front door with a spare key, as you focused on the screen in front of you. The second Geto stepped inside your house, a bag of soup and medicine in hand, he was met with the back of the couch and the TV front and center, playing the porno in 4k quality for his eyes to feast upon.
His eyebrows raised in surprise and he felt his pants tighten as he watched the man on the screen devour some girl's pussy. Silently walking over to the kitchen behind the sofa, he placed the bag down on the counter and snuck up behind you, placing his hands on the back of the couch as he looked down at you, watching you fuck yourself with a smirk on his face.
Your head was completely turned towards the screen, so it made sense that you hadn't noticed him. You squeezed your eyes shut and turned your head so you were facing the ceiling as you imagined Geto touching you instead of the stupid silicone. Suguru reached down and groped himself as he watched you get off, his cock already fully hard and throbbing in his pants.
He heard from Shoko you had called off work today because you were feeling sick, but as he stood over you now, he could see clear as day that you were completely fine. "A sick day huh?" Geto asked, making your eyes shoot open in surprise as his voice reached your ears. Your heart was racing out of your chest as you jumped back, your body almost falling off the couch. You had ripped the toy out of your cunt, leaving you to pulse around nothing as you gasped up at the giggling man before you.
"Suguru what the fuck!! W-when did you get in!?" You yelled, your body relaxing back against the couch when you finally realized it was him. You covered your chest with your hands, crossing your legs together in tandem as you tried to cover yourself, scrunching your body slightly up on the couch as his laughing sounded more distant as he made his way around the couch.
The porno still played loudly in the backround, making your face heat up in embarrassment at the revelation. The couch dipped behind your head before Geto picked up your head and scooted toward you, placing your head on his lap, looking down at you. "Shoko said you were sick." He said running his fingers through your sweaty hair as he explained, his hard cock still twitching for attention in his pants, right behind where your head rested.
"I brought you some medicine and soup." He explained, making you dodge his eyes as you felt guilty for making him come all this way. "But seeing you now it looks like you're fine, Shoko will be relieved." He giggled. You placed your hands over your face, blocking his cocky expression from view as you groaned. "You will not tell Shoko a word." You said, making a point to emphasize the last word. "I really wasn't feeling good this morning." You added, mumbling the words in embarrassment.
"Awww..." Geto cooed, petting your hair. He had started to rub himself over his pants again, using your hands that were covering your face for an in. "Touching yourself make you feel better?" He asked, applying extra pressure to his tip. You peeled your fingers apart, looking up at him through the cracks before nodding. "Haha, yeah, looks like you were feeling good before I interrupted you." He smiled before looking up at the TV at the perfect time, the girl on the screen had just squirted all over the man's face and he was continuing to fuck her through it, wanting to pull another orgasm out of her.
"This shit is hot baby. Good choice." Geto praised, acting so nonchalant about the whole situation. You were about to speak before you felt something slap against your head, making you freeze up. You knew exactly what that feeling was. Tilting your head back so your vision was upside down, you became face to face with Geto's erect cock as he was stroking it slowly, looking down at you once more.
"S-suguru are you-" You gasped, laying your head back down like normal as you squeezed your legs together again at his shameless show of arousal. You scrunched your face when Geto smacked his cock against your head again, his tip hitting your forehead. "Why don't you touch yourself again too?" He suggested, smirking at you. "Pick up your toy and fuck yourself with me." 
Your whole body felt like it had been set on fire. It had been maybe ten minutes since Suguru got here and he was already suggesting you masturbate to porn together? You and your body seemed to be on the same track, the idea was hot and you could already feel yourself growing wet at the idea of getting off with him. "R-really?" You ask, swallowing hard before you uncross your legs and reach for the previously discarded dildo.
"Does it look like I'm joking?" Geto asked, smirking as he jerked himself off, his breathing starting to pick up. Although you couldn't see him playing with himself, you could feel him, his movements were shaking your head and turning you on even more from how fast he seemed to already be jerking himself off. "C'mon don't leave me hangin'" He smiled, ruffling your hair.
You shook your head before spreading your legs adequately and realigning the toy with your pussy. Geto watched with a slacked jaw as you pushed the Dildo inside you, your cunt greedily swallowing up the toy. "Gooood girl." Geto cooed, his hand working faster on himself as he smiled, his jaw still open as he watched you, breathing heavily. "Fuck yourself how I fuck you, pretend it's my cock in your tight little pussy right now." He groaned, ignoring the porno completely as you resumed your previous pace, thrusting the toy in and out of you.
Although Geto could just fuck you right now, building up the tension like this made him unreasonably horny. He would fuck you of course, but later, after the both of you had cum from masturbating with the other. "Harder baby, I fuck you harder than that don't I?" He grit through his teeth, his eyes darting back and forth between your cunt and your fucked out face. "Y-yes Sugu, yes-" You reply, looking up at him as you listened to him, fucking yourself harder, making your moans louder and louder.
"Yeah that's it, you look so fucking pretty." Geto cooed, shaking his head as his hand slid from your head down to your tits to massage them and play with your neglected nipples. "I'm so fucking glad you called outta work today," Geto smirked, making you smile before he leaned down and captured your lips in a kiss.
You spread your legs open as you lay comfortably on top of you and your husband Kento's comforter, your hand between your legs, your fingers working on your clit. You had your phone open and lying next to you, your eyes glued to the photo that took up the screen. It was Nanami.
Kento was at work and would be home soon, so you had plenty of time to secretly divulge in the picture he had just sent you from Jujutsu High. Nanami held his phone in the middle of his chest, his eyes looking down at the screen, as he held his shirt up, exposing his abs, dripping with sweat. The caption underneath the picture read, "Just finished training with the kids." Although his words seemed as if he had no idea what kind of effect the picture would have on you, he sent you that on purpose, knowing it would drive you crazy. 
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you rubbed small and quick circles over your clit, getting off to the handsome picture of your husband, wishing he were home already. It felt foreign to touch yourself like this, you hadn't needed to masturbate alone since you got with Nanami, and he rarely went on missions for longer than a few days, so you never had to resort to using your own fingers, but Nanami was full of suprises and loved to tease you like this seemingly out of the blue.
Cursing under your breath, you tried to keep quiet as you touched yourself, feeling like you shouldn't be doing this without him here. Your worries would all be for naught soon, as Nanami opened the front door and set his bags on the table, calling out for you. You couldn't hear him over your own panting, as he called out to you from the living room.
Nanami knew you were home as he just got done speaking to you moments prior. He has just told you he wouldn't be home till his usual time, but he was actually already on the train when he sent you that, wanting to surprise you. Little did he know, he was going to be the one in for a surprise. "Ngh-" Nanami could hear a whimper echo through the house coming from your bedroom, making Kento freeze in place as he removed his jacket, pausing briefly before placing it on the back of a kitchen chair.
Nanami opted to not call out for you and decided to make his way to the bedroom. As he inched closer and closer to your shared room, the noises got louder. First, it was the squelching, followed by your occasional moans and huffs as you tried to keep your voice down. Nanami was cautious as he approached the room when he saw the door cracked slightly open. "F-fuck, K-Kento." You moaned sweetly, making him freeze in his tracks a couple of feet away from the door, his cock hardening in his pants.
Nanami bit his lip and walked right up to the door, listening for a moment. He could hear the squelching of your wet pussy clear as day, your choked moans, and the sheets moving underneath you as you jolted in pleasure atop the sheets. Nanami grabbed his cock through his slacks, slowly rubbing himself as he listened to you masturbate.
He felt like a pervert, even though you were the one getting off. Kento so desperately wanted to watch you touch yourself through the little crack in the door, but the bed faced the doorway, and he didn't want to get caught peeving or scare you in any way, so he opted to let his other senses take in what you were doing just behind the door. 
Kento rubbed his cock through his slacks for a moment longer, before he decided to announce his presence. Nanami wasn't one to burst in so rudely, so he decided to play coy as he cleared his breath before he called out to you, his shoulder touching the door, making it wobble a bit. "Honey?" He spoke, making your heartbeat pick up, your legs clamping around your hand as your husband's expected voice echoed in your ears. "K-Kento?" You asked, sitting up and pulling your panties back over your cunt. 
"Sorry If I scared you." He said, keeping his voice steady as he stared at the floor. "I wanted to surprise you, I didn't mean to... interrupt you." HE continued, making your face heat up. Your heart beat loudly in your ears as you panted, struggling to catch your breath from the intense arousal you felt. "I heard you call for me. I was going to leave you alone, but I wanted to make sure you were okay." Nanami said, masking his voice with faux worry as his cock steadily filled out in his pants. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest, you had a feeling Nanami knew you were touching yourself from his verbiage, which made you feel embarrassed, so you took a moment to let your heart calm down before you spoke. "I uh... I'm not okay." You replied, making Nanami raise his eyebrows from the other side of the door, not daring to move just yet. "Oh? Are you hurt?" He asked, teasingly, keeping the faux concern in his voice.
You spread your legs slowly once more, beginning to rub your clit in small circles again as you replied, "No... but I could use your help with something. After all, I'm in a situation you created." You said, pouting as you rubbed your clit faster, your breath picking up. "In a situation I created? I apologize." He responded, rubbing himself as he spoke, sensing the growing tension. "Care to tell me what I did?"
Your breath hitched as you tried to hold back your moans and keep your voice steady enough to speak. The tension you were feeling was insane. Nanami wasn't dense in the slightest, and he knew you like the back of his hand, he knew what you were doing, and he knew damn well what caused this little 'situation.' Wiggling your hips against your fingers, you spoke, "You sent me a picture of your body like it was nothing." You replied, making Nanami silently nod behind the door, his hand rubbing harder over his cock.
"Your abs dripping with sweat." You said, your voice sounding more desperate are your gasps and whines started coming out more frequently, mixing with your words, "I c-could see your cock through your pants too... 'nd your happy trail..." You said, tipping your head back as you squeezed your eyes shut, recalling the picture since your phone screen had turned black who knows how long ago from the lack of attention. 
Nanami's own breath started picking up in his chest as your words went straight to his cock. "Did I rile you up, baby?" He asked, his arousal showing in his deep voice as he spoke. "Mhm..." You responded, feeling yourself grow close to your orgasm already with the help of Nanami's teasing and the tone of his sexy, deep voice. 
"I'm sorry honey, just wanted to send my wife a nice picture. Didn't mean to get you all worked up." He lied through his teeth, undoing his belt with a loud clack from the buckle that your ears most certainly didn't miss. "You really didn't mean to?" You replied, sliding your fingers down to your entrance to tease yourself. Nanami let his belt fall heavily against the floor with a clang as he reached into his pants and started stroking his cock directly, not pulling it out just yet.
He nodded even though you couldn't see him, before giving a verbal response. "Come show me how sorry you are before I cum all over my fingers. Hurry." You cried, tapping your fingers against your entrance and creating soft 'plp' sounds as you spoke. Nanami wasted no time in opening the door and walking towards your direction, his eyes taking in your sprawled-out form in front of him.
He saw how your cunt glistened under the lights from how wet you were, some of your wetness starting to trickle down your thighs, and some sticking to the tips of a few of your fingers, making his mouth water.
His pants were unzipped and you could see the bottom of his shaft as his boner created a tent in his pants, a wet patch forming right under the zipper from all the pre-cum he was leaking. You sat up and placed your hands by your sides as Nanami crawled on top of you, connecting your lips together as he pushed you back on the bed, your bodies laying flush together.
"Did it feel good touching yourself to a picture of me?" Nanami gasped against your lips, making you moan in retaliation for his teasing while you nodded. Nanami pressed his partially clothed cock against your bare cunt, grinding against you. The neat hair of his happy trail tickled your skin as he humped his hips forward, creating the most delicious friction against your cunt. "I bet it did, could see how wet you are from the doorway." He spoke huskily between kisses, groaning each time he rolled his hips into yours.
"M-my fingers don't feel as good as yours though." You complained, whining against his lips, making him hum against you. "Why settle for less than, hm?" He asked, pulling his lips back a bit as he kept his eyes on you while he slid a hand between your bodies, his fingers making contact with your clit and rubbing agaisnt them. You gasped, your jaw falling open in a small O that Nanami mimicked as he spelled his name across it with his fingers. "Next time, wait for me." He replied before connecting your lips again.
Your face was buried in the sheets as you reached a hand underneath you and fingerfucked yourself hurriedly, loud squelches sounding from your cunt. "A-ahhh- hah-" You moaned as the pads of your fingers rubbed at your g-spot, making you see stars behind your eyes. 
You usually met up with your fuckbuddy, Toji, on Fridays, but he had texted you earlier with a quick message that read, "Sorry angel face, can't come over tonight." To which you groaned into your pillows. You were ovulating this week which made it the perfect week to fuck Toji, as you felt like you were in heat, and have been feeling so for the past three days. You decided not to touch yourself and instead wait till Friday so Toji could fuck you so good, as he always did, and make you cum ten times as hard from you holding out for so long. 
Unfortunately for you though, all your waiting had been for naught as Toji canceled on you last minute, giving you no time to even go out and find someone else to satisfy you. In the end, you ended up deciding to get off yourself like you'd done thousands of times previously before you had got entangled with Toji. It was proving to be quite difficult to get yourself though, as your fingers were nowhere even close to as thick and long as Toji's fingers or cock, meaning you had to work a little harder for your ogasm.
You had started off using your rose toy, but nothing seemed to be going right tonight as it died on you halfway through. To make matters worse, you couldn't even find your trust dildo that had done wonders in the past. Only after ten or so minutes of searching while trying to ignore the heat in your tummy and the throbbing of your pussy, you realized you were so ecstatic after you met Toji a year ago, that you had thrown it out, saying you would never need it again now that you had him, dumb girl. 
You had to angle your body in an almost uncomfortable position as you fucked yourself, trying to poke your g-spot just right to make yourself cum. Admittedly it did feel good, but the building-up process was taking a while, and all you wanted to do was cum for fucks sake.
In the other room, your window slid open from the outside, and in came a large man dressed in all black, baggy black sweats, and a black compression t-shirt. Shutting the window behind him, he took in the state of your apartment and noticed how only one lamp in the living room was on. Toji ran a large hand through his hair, he had only texted you an hour ago canceling your plans, had you already gone to sleep in that amount of time?
Toji thought the job he got assigned to would take longer, which is why he had canceled his plans with you, but it had been called off when Shiu, the man who gave him his assignments, told him the man he was supposed to take out was just found dead inside some club surrounded by a ton of drugs. Although he was annoyed about the loss of money, he knew you would cheer him up, which led him right to you.
He was about to give up on his plan to surprise you after he thought you were asleep when he heard a loud gasp coming from your bedroom, making a mischievous smile spread across his features. Taking almost silent steps to your bedroom, Toji was relieved to see you were most definitely awake, and had left your bedroom wide open as you participated in your 'awake activities.' 
He stood with his hands in his pants in the doorway as you got yourself off, your face twisted in pleasure as it seemed like you had hit the spot you had been trying to for however long now. Toji smirked in amusement as he watched his girl get off on her bed, moaning loudly and shamelessly into her bedroom. At least he knew you weren't lying when you screamed each time he fucked you, you really were just this loud. He ignored his own hardening cock as he watched you, licking his lips occasionally when a drop of your slick dripped down the back of your thighs.
Your fingers were collecting a ring of your cum at the base of them, making Toji's mouth water as he watched the show you were putting on. He noticed your arm slow down and grow shaky the longer it went on, accompanied by your annoyed groans and whines. "Fucking.... ugh- bastard.." You groaned, sliding your wet fingers out of your cunt before your arm cramped up. You had found and lost your sweet spot just as quickly, making your body fall limply in defeat against the sheets as you stared at your wall, facing away from Toji who unbeknownst to you, stood in your doorway as you seriously considered going to bed horny and unsatisfied.
Toji smirked at your defeat before he tipped his head against your doorframe, making a dull knocking sound before he spoke, "Who's a bastard?" He asked. You screamed, all of the strength returning to your body as you jolted around, half-naked, and ready to take whoever had snuck into your home. Your rapid breathing completely paused and your face softened for only half a second when you realized the intruder was Toji.
He smiles and catches the pillow you attempt to throw at him with ease, his muscles bulging under his shirt as he tosses it back on the bed next to you. "You fucking- how long have you been there?!" You yelled, feeling your face grow hot at the possibility of Toji watching you masturbate for an extended period of time without your knowledge. "Oh, I dunno..." He spoke, pretending to stroke his chin in thought before he answered, "A few minutes." 
You licked your lips before you pursed them, nodding dramatically as you took in his words. "Oh okay!" You said cheerfully before you deadpanned, "Get out." Toji laughed before he pulled his hands out from his pockets, slowly walking toward you. "Toji, ouutttt, go back through whatever window you came in I mean-" Your words were cut off by Toji's large hand gripping the bottom half of your face, successfully covering your mouth.
You scrunched your eyebrows in annoyance as your hands gripped his wrist tightly, your eyes looking into his challengingly. "I just watched you struggle on your own pathetic fingers for five minutes, and judging by the sweat stains on the bed, I'm guessing you've been tryna' get 'urself off for a while now haven't you?" He asked, tilting his head at you knowingly.
You wanted to smack him, to spit in his face. He had canceled your plans, broken into your house, secretly watched you masturbate like a pervert, and now he was trying to tell you how it is? It's not like he was wrong in his guess, but that only made you that more angry. "Haven't you?" Toji repeated his question, raising his eyebrows at you, obviously looking for a response.
Toji had you trained well. Despite your annoyance, you averted your eyes and nodded, instantly losing the battle of dominance with him, to no one's surprise. "So why would I leave? Cos 'ur mad I caught you touchin' 'urself?" He asked, smirking as he looked at you incredulously. You swore you could feel smoke coming from the top of your head from how annoyed you were, but Toji got his way, and you knew that.
"Neither of us realllly want that? Do we? You just got a big fuckin' ego 'n don't wanna admit you need me." Toji spoke, seeing right through you. Gripping his wrist you pulled his hand off of your mouth, the man allowing you to move him as long as his hand got to stay on you some way, resulting in him resting his hand weakly on your neck. "Just fuck me already, we both know you're gonna do it anyways." You replied, pretending you were more annoyed than you were as you felt yourself throb harshly between your legs.
"Good girl, just stop thinkin' when 'ur with me, I know what's good for you." Toji responded, making you roll your eyes in annoyance when internally you felt like he just ignited a fire deep within you. Toji's hand squeezed around your neck as he leaned in and pinned you against the bed, his large knee slotting between your legs and pressing right against your little clit, giving you just the right amount of stimulation you needed.
"O-ohhhh fuck-" You groaned, your rose toy pressed snuggly around your clit, the suction making your toes curl and your eyes roll back in your head as you got off on top of your sheets, your playlist playing in the backround. You were imagining your boyfriend, Choso between your thighs instead of the toy, but unfortunately, his brother had pulled him away to do some shopping, meaning when you got all worked up out of nowhere, you had to take care of matters yourself.
It had been so long since you used this toy, or got off by yourself in general since you had been with Choso, but it still felt so fucking good. Not nearly as good as Choso made you feel, but the pleasure of your clit being sucked by the toy would have to do for now. You would make sure not to tire yourself out too much on your own, as you wanted to reenact some of the fantasies you were creating in your head with Choso later that night. 
Rolling your hips against the toy, you did your best to keep your legs spread open as badly as they wanted to snap shut at the stimulation. Your stomach clenched and your body jolted forward each time you pressed it harder against you before pulling back, teasing yourself. 
Even though the door to your bedroom was halfway open, you neglected to hear the sound of your front door opening and closing over your moans and the music playing next to your head on the dresser. Choso sighed as he placed the bags down on the ground by the table, exhausted after such a long day of shopping with Yuuji. He was just about to call out for you, when your moans were immediately picked up by his ears. 
His head shot up, his ears practically twitching as he listened to your noises, which sounded suspiciously like the ones you made when he fucked you or touched you in any intimate way. Marching your way without a second thought, wondering why you were making those noises when he wasn't home, he stopped behind the wall when your bedroom came into his view.
Choso squinted as he got a full view of your naked body from the half-open door. He tried to make out what the red ball you were holding between your legs was. All he knew was that he didn't like it. Although his cock twitched as he watched your body react in the same way it did when he touched you, he was upset and confused at why you were doing it with something else, and what was causing you to do it.
Creeping closer, Choso stayed close to the walls to avoid being seen. Once he felt like he was close enough and could clearly see your face along with the thing you were holding between your legs, he stopped and observed you. His dick dripped pre-cum into his boxers as he tried to figure out what you were holding. You were pressing it against you in the same spot you pressed his head against while he ate you out, using this deduction he could tell it was touching your clit, which is why you were reacting so strongly. 
"C-choso fuck-" He froze in place when you moaned his name. Your eyes were squeezed shut, there was absolutely no way he had been found out. So instead of exposing himself, he stayed still, watching. "Fuck- C-choso I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum" You whined, moaning his name repeatedly as you worked yourself closer and closer to your orgasm. Choso watched with bated breath as the thing buzzing between your legs made you cum the same way he made you cum.
You kept the red thing against your clit as you came, making his eyebrows furral with arousal. Your jaw dropped open in a silent scream before stuttered moans fell freely from between your lips, your thighs pressing together as your body jolted forward as you were wracked with tremors. Choso felt a wave of anger and jealousy swirl through him as he watched you. Of course, his arousal was very strong as well, but he couldn't wrap his head around why you were doing that.
When you peeled your eyes open and shut off the toy, your eyes locked onto Choso's face, whose eyebrows raised in surprise as he darted back, pressing his back against the wall and out of view once he had been caught. Your heart was still racing from your orgasm and had spiked for a moment upon seeing him before you realized it was actually just him. "C-choso? What are you doing home? And why are you hiding?" You asked, pulling a throw blanket over your body as you spoke, trying to regain some of your dignity.
You didn't mind much that Choso had been watching you, but you were curious why he hadn't said anything and ran away when he got caught. Choso's heart was racing, he felt guilty for some reason, but also embarrassed. He was experiencing too many strong emotions right now, it was overwhelming. 
After a couple of seconds of no response, you shook your head and cracked a smile. "Choso come here. I'm not mad." You assured in case that's why he was being so shy. You guessed you got his feelings somewhat right as he slowly emerged from around the corner, his hands in front of his crotch in a poor attempt to cover his massive boner. You were about to speak again when Choso cut you off, speaking first.
"What was that?" he asked, his words coming out blunt. Your jaw dropped before it closed as you reached over and picked up the toy, holding it up as you looked at him for confirmation. When he nodded curtly, a deadpan look on his face, you replied, "It's a sex toy." Choso felt his heart race at your words. A 'sex toy?' so you were having sex with someone or something that wasn't him? "Why were you using that?" He asked, once again his tone coming out plain and hard to read.
"Well... It's easier to cum with this than if I use my fingers." You explain, leaving out the reason why was because Choso had ruined your body forever, and could only cum with him so you needed a little extra help when he was away. "No." He replied, shaking his head, "I mean why are you doing that at all? You have me." He said cutely, making you smile. 
"Choso, you weren't home. I just got... y'know..." You said vaguely as you figured he knew what you meant. "I..." Choso started, looking at his feet before he looked back at you, a determined look on his face. "I don't want you doing that with anyone but me. I don't like it." He said honestly, making your heart skip a beat. 
You felt instantly refreshed, ready to go another round if he was ready for you. His unexpected possesiveness especially coming from some toy made you feel hot all over. "I can't even touch myself?" You asked, a smile still on your face. Choso shook his head, his hands curling around one another harshly as he kept his hands blocking his crotch. 
"You have me, you don't need to do that." He said, swallowing hard. He could feel his cock twitch in his pants at the confession, his eyebrows furrowing in disdain as he looked over to the toy you had set back down on the bed. "Okay Cho, I won't cum unless you make me." You responded, happily abiding by his request. Finishing with him felt ten times better than it did yourself, so it was a sacrifice you were willing to make. After all, he looked so determined and adorable too, it was hard to deny him anything. 
"So Cho... aren't you mad?" You asked, leaning back against the sheets, teasing him as you pulled the blanket off of your body. He was about to respond, letting you know he wasn't mad at you, before he caught onto your words. You were teasing him. He stayed silent, but he nodded as his greedy eyes took in your naked body, the way your legs spread and your tits spilled to the side as you laid back, inviting him to join you.
"Let me make it up to you Cho, fuck me, fuck me, and make me cum on your cock. Make me forget all about that stupid sex toy." Choso's cock twitched hard at your words, more precum spilling inside his boxers. He bit his lip as he inhaled sharply, releasing a shaky breath. "Yeah... yeah, okay." He responded before he crawled on the bed, pinning you down on the sheets.
He gasped as you wrapped your legs around his waist, forcing his hard cock to press agaisnt your bare cunt, still dripping from your previous orgasm. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you brought your lips against the shell of his ear and pressed a kiss there before you spoke, making him gasp, "What are you waiting for, hm? Make me feel sorry for cumming without you."
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flwrstqr · 3 months
CALL ME YOURS !! (LHS - 이희승)
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SYNOPSIS: ever since you broke up with your ex, choi jiho, who cheated on you with another girl, you have always wanted to get revenge. when you meet jiho again at school, to prove you were over him and had met a better man, you told him you were meeting someone. you lied and told him you were meeting a random guy who you pointed at on your school's bulletin board for being the top student in the whole school. coincidentally, that guy was lee heeseung, known for his quiet and smart personality. then jiho demands to meet him in real life, hand-in-hand with you, which now you have a huge problem. first, you have to find heeseung, and next, you have to date him.
pairing: topstudent!heeseung x popularstudentfem!reader
genre: fake dating, s2l, romance, high school au, sunshine x cold
warning(s): reader + heeseung being in denial, your ex cheated, kissing, inspired by a k-drama (i forgot which one), two of them being awfully awkward at first, swearing, grammar errors, party, lots of love confusions, does say that winter is dating beomgyu, punching, fighting
word count: 7k
AN: guys im back with a long au, i never really write long aus, so this is slightly new to me. i did proofread it but not super thoroughly so if i made any mistakes, my bad for that .
taglist: @yenqa @mylstserenade @jlheon @naespas @jooniesbears-blog @erehkinnie30 @wonifullove @miumiuisme @shawnyle @dimplewonie @beomluvrr @jiaant11 @teddywonss
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ALL YOU WANTED WAS REVENGE. Sweet revenge against your idiotic ex, Choi Jiho.You remember the moment you walked into the girls locker room to go deliver something to your PE coach, only to find the room “empty”. It hit you like a ton of bricks when you stumbled upon Jiho, locking lips with your “supposed” best friend, Kim Haeun, in the girl’s locker room Lip on lip, eyes closed, moving in sync. Heart shattered, tears streaming, you bolted, tripping over a basket of equipment and scraping your knees quickly catching attention of Jiho. His voice trailed after you, calling your name as you fled into the distance.
Losing both your best friend and your boyfriend cut deep. Being single was one thing, but being unable to find anyone who measured up to Jiho was another.
"YN, your standards for men are too high!" Karina remarked from the bleachers during PE.
You shrugged. "They've always been high." For the past 4 months, no one was your type compared to Jiho, the perfect boyfriend in your eyes: tall, handsome, a football player, rich, and occasionally nice.
"It's because of that disgusting asshole," Ningning scoffed.
"He isn't disgusting!" you retorted.
"YN, you need to get over him. This is just becoming toxic, plus you dumped him in front of the whole school ," Giselle chimed in. She was right. You vividly recalled the moment, twenty minutes before the bell, eyes swollen from crying all night but disguised behind makeup, replaying yesterday's scene you witnessed in your mind.
"YN!" Jiho's voice snapped you back to reality, his figure rushing towards you.
"Can we talk?" he asked, breathless.
"Talk about how you fucking cheated on me? Fine, I'll hear you out," you yelled, drawing everyone's attention.
"Can you keep it down, YN?" Jiho snapped.
"Sure I’ll quiet it down when I want to. Go to your girlfriend, Haeun. Why does she have to be my best friend, out of all people?" you glared.
"YN, let's talk inside," Jiho groaned, irritated.
"No, we're done. I never wanted you anyway, you asshole. Just fuck off," you spat, the words stinging even as they left your mouth The next thing you knew the scene spreaded like wildfire at school.
"Are you okay?" Minjeong asked as you sobbed at the lunch table.
"Listen, YN, Jiho wasn't worth it. You saw what you saw," Karina tried to console.
"I don't know... it's just over now," you murmured, head in your hands.
"Maybe it's a sign to find someone better," Ningning suggested.
"I don't know..." you whispered, feeling lost, unable to move on.
“I’m for sure there’s someone way better than him.” Giselle added (biggest lie you ever heard).
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MONTHS PASSED AND YOU FOUND YOURSELF IN THE LIBRARY, lending a hand to the librarian in organizing books before school started. As you went about your duties, dropping off books and preparing to fetch more, the one and only, Jiho, stood by the school bulletin board waiting for you. It had been months since the breakup, and yet, the wound was still fresh, a constant reminder of the pain (really yn..)
"I wanted to say a word," Jiho awkwardly mumbled, eyeing you for a reaction, his hands in his pockets.
You reluctantly agreed, "Fine, make it quick. I'm busy."
"I broke up with Haeun," he stated, the words hanging in the air.
"What?" Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
"I ended things with Kim Haeun," he said more firmly. His words sank in, but confusion lingered. But why was he telling you this now? Then it hit you—he wanted you back. Yet, on a day when you missed him, you suddenly felt nothing. He had left you for another girl (well, technically, you dumped him), betrayed you, and now he came back because you were his second choice?
"Why are you telling me this?" You managed to maintain calm.
"I still like you, YN LN," he confessed, causing your eyes to widen. You bit your lip, before you could accept his confession like your 5 minute ago self would. Your heart didn’t thump like it did when you were around him. Your hands weren’t sweaty like they were when he looked at you before. Your mind wasn’t racing like it was when Jiho confessed to you for the first time, months ago. It was nothing like any of that–you just felt empty and cold.
"I'm seeing someone," you blurted out, realizing the lie you had just said. Crossing your fingers, you hoped he wouldn't ask about the identity of your "so-said boyfriend"
"Who?" he inquired, raising his eyebrow. Desperately searching for an excuse, your eyes landed on the bulletin board, displaying a list of top students and their ID photos.
Rushing over, you pointed at the first photo and name you saw, "That guy," you said, reading his name, "...Lee Heeseung! I'm dating him."
"Oh, really?" Jiho cast a skeptical glance between you and the photo, a smirk playing on his lips. "Then," he leaned in closer, "how about you introduce me to him, hand-in-hand, next week? I want to see if he's worthy of you." Panic rushed in you, and your throat went dry. You forced a smile and nodded in reluctant agreement.
"Sure," you replied.
"Great, see you next week," Jiho said, turning and walking away. You were officially doomed. Now, you have to find this Lee Heeseung and give him a deal.
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YOU WANDERED DURING LUNCH, TRYING TO FIND HEESEUNG. You only heard about him because he got a perfect score on the hardest SAT exams, but you didn't really pay attention.
"Heeseung? Sorry, I don’t know who he is," a girl replied when you asked her about Heeseung.
"It's okay," you smiled politely and left, feeling frustrated.
"I'll never find him," you groaned to Karina, who was with you while you asked everyone about Heeseung.
"Why did you lie to Jiho then? I thought you weren’t over him. Last night, you were giggling at how cute Jiho is and how much you want him back," Karina asked, taking a bite of her apple.
"I don’t know. He was just using me. I knew it because he and Haeun broke up," you explained, letting out a soft sigh. "He saw me as a second option, and I got into this mess because I lied to him about having a boyfriend who's probably some ugly nerd."
"I told you he was using you the entire time! But you didn’t trust me!" Karina scolded you.
"Sorry, I was just blind back then," you mumbled.
Before your last attempt, you walked up to a boy and asked the same question you’d been asking everyone.
"Do you know Lee Heeseung by any chance?" you asked. The boy's eyes widened, and a big grin spread across his face.
"Yes, I do! For what reason?" the boy quickly replied. For the first time, someone knew who he was.
"Do you know where he is then?" you inquired, hoping he could help.
"I do. I’m close friends with him. Come, I’ll show you where he is," the boy replied as you followed him, waving to Karina goodbye.
As the two of you awkwardly made up the long staircase, you arrived at the rooftop of the school. When the boy opened the door, a lonely figure sat by the table, reading a book.
"Heeseung!" the boy called out, causing the figure, supposedly Heeseung, to turn around.
"What, Jungwon?" Heeseung raised his eyebrow, quickly glancing at you and then back at Jungwon.
"YN was looking for you," Jungwon quickly said, nudging you to speak. Heeseung obviously knew who you were, known for dating Jiho and your soft-delicate visuals.
You walked towards him awkwardly, “Uhm…can we talk privately?” Slightly glancing at Jungwon, signaling him to leave quietly. As Jungwon left quietly, you cleared your throat.
“So…” you started off a bit nervous, “I need some help?”
"What help?" Heeseung answered a bit coldly, “If it’s anything studying related, I’m not interested-”
"I need help dating," you blurted, realizing what you had just said.
"What?" Heeseung gave you a puzzled look, "Dating what?"
"I lied to Jiho. Okay, I don’t have interest in you or even Jiho. I lied to him saying that I’m meeting you," you spilled the news. Heeseung had an empty look on his face as you tried to read his expression.
“Why me?” Heeseung arched his eyebrow.
“You were the first name I saw,” you explained, “So can you fake date me? I need it, please,” you pleaded, hoping he would accept your request.
"No, I’m not interested," he turned around, quickly getting his book to start reading again. Your jaw dropped, no one had ever rejected you like that.
"What?" you spat, feeling terrible that you got rejected for the first time.
"I’m not interested in you or in dating. So, I strongly believe that I shouldn’t do it," he said, quickly focusing his attention on his book.
“I’ll do anything!” you begged, feeling desperate.
"Anything?" Heeseung quickly averted his attention to you, dropping his book slightly to make eye contact with you.
"Yes, anything. I’ll do anything," you replied, hoping he would accept it.
"Then introduce me to her," Heeseung answered. You looked confused.
"Who's her?" you raised your eyebrow.
Heeseung’s cheek slightly blushed, it was the first time you saw him so embarrassed. “Karina,” he mumbled under his breath. Suddenly it clicked—he was interested in Karina, your best friend.
You gave an eager look, “Deal! I’ll introduce you to her after all of the fake dating.” You pulled out your hand.
"Deal," Heeseung replied, shaking your hand.
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A  FEW DAYS LATER, YOU FIND YOURSELF in the convenience store, an unexpected place for someone like you—a popular girl to be at. Your outfit was simpler than usual, baggy gray sweats and a white tank top, with your hair thrown up in a messy high ponytail and an oversized jacket completing the look.
You scan the snack aisle, contemplating your choices, when the doorbell chimes, signaling a customer had entered. Your heart thumps as you recognize the last person you expected to encounter—Heeseung. He's dressed in simple gray sweatpants and a black hoodie, his messy hair somehow adding to his charm.
Your eyes lock momentarily before you both awkwardly shuffle towards each other. "What brings you here?" you ask, surprised to find him in a convenience store at 2 am.
"Why are you up so late?" he counters, swiftly turning the interrogation on you.
"I couldn't sleep. What's your excuse?" you reply.
"Studying," he responds matter-of-factly, grabbing an energy drink before swiftly checking out and leaving. You hurry after him, catching up as he strides down the street.
"Studying late? That's a first," you mutter to yourself, gazing up at the night sky.
"I don’t want to flunk my classes, unlike you," he retorts, avoiding your gaze.
"I'm not that hopeless," you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, you are," he quips, taking a sip of his drink.
"Hey!" you playfully threaten, pulling back your arm as if to hit him. But then something unexpected happens—you catch sight of Heeseung's smile, genuine and endearing. You quickly shake off any wayward thoughts; after all, you're just his so-called “girlfriend”.
"Where do you live?" you inquire, trying to change the subject.
"Stalker much?" Heeseung teases.
"Shut up," you retort, rolling your eyes.
"I live in the house near the college," he answers, disposing of his empty can.
"Do you walk to school?" you ask, trying to prolong the conversation.
"Yeah," he replies.
"Then... do you want to walk together tomorrow?" you suggest, stopping in the quiet and empty streets.
"Walk together?" he repeats, surprised.
You nod and quickly add, "Yeah, you know, for you know..."
Heeseung considers for a moment before agreeing, "Sure."
"Great! I'll come by your place at 7 am since school starts at 7:30!" you smile, remembering to ask for his number. He inserts it into your phone, adding, "Don't blow up my phone."
"I'm not that obsessed with you," you retort.
"I think you are," he jokes.
"In your dreams," you shoot back.
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YOU FOUND YOURSELF STANDING OUTSIDE Heeseung's door, feeling an awkward knot tighten in your stomach as you waited, fingers fidgeting nervously. After what seemed like hours, the door swung open to reveal a woman, likely Heeseung's mother.
"Hi, who are you?" she inquired, her eyes curious but welcoming.
"I'm YN LN," you replied, managing a warm smile despite your nerves. "A friend of Heeseung's."
"Heeseung's friend?" Her expression softened into a delighted grin. "I didn't realize Heeseung had such a pretty friend. I'm Heeseung's mother. Just call me Mrs. Lee."
"Mom..." Heeseung's voice interrupted, his presence suddenly beside you as he quickly shuffled to put on his shoes.
"Heeseung, she seems like a sweet and pretty girl," Mrs. Lee remarked before Heeseung darted, closing the door behind him before his mother could say anything else.
"Your mother seems really nice," you commented, attempting to ease the tension.
"Mhm," Heeseung mumbled, his attention already diverted to his book that he quickly pulled out from his backpack. 
With a pointed look, you reached out your hand, silently urging him to remember.
Heeseung sighed, rolling his eyes in mild exasperation, but he relented, tucking the book away and clasping your hand in his. The touch sent a jolt through you, a feeling you couldn't quite grasp.
"So..." you began, eager to break the silence. "Where's your class?"
"Class 3-B," he replied shortly, his gaze fixed ahead as if unwilling to meet your eyes.
"Mine's right next door." you exclaimed, hoping to inject some enthusiasm into the conversation. "Perfect! Do you know what this means?"
"What?" Heeseung's response was clipped, his tone guarded.
"That I can come over to your class during lunch!" you declared with a wide grin, trying to lighten the mood.
"I eat on the rooftop, alone." he added, emphasizing the word alone.
"Ah, I forget you’re a loner," you teased gently.
"At least I'm productive with my free time," he retorted.
"Well, today we're together!" you suggested brightly and then with a smirk you whispered, "And I can introduce you to... Karina." The mention of your best friend's name made Heeseung blush slightly.
"Shut up," he groaned, moving to cover your mouth with his free hand just in case you would say anything else.
"Like I want to-" feeling a sudden hard squeeze in your hand "Ow..."
"Now shut up before I squeeze harder," Heeseung warned, though there was a hint of genuine threat in his tone.
"You're no fun," you muttered. Eventually, you arrived at the school, fingers still intertwined as you drew curious whispers from the hallway.
"YN and Heeseung, dating? No way..." you heard a girl whisper by the lockers, causing a flush of embarrassment to color your cheeks. When you reached Heeseung's classroom, you reluctantly released his hand, noticing the tension in his posture as he leaned against the doorframe.
"See you later?" you asked, "I'll be on the rooftop during break."
"Alright..." Heeseung's response was hesitant, but then came an unexpected word that caught you off guard. "...baby." The pet name hung in the air.
"R-right... anyway, bye..." you stammered, feeling a rush of different emotions. You'd been in relationships before, but you were never so flustered for such small things like that. Could it be... you weren't falling for him, right?
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HEESEUNG SETTLED AT THE EMPTY TABLE on the rooftop, his gaze drifting across the school grounds. The rooftop held a special meaning for him, offering a quiet place to read, barely visited by others.
“Heeseung!” Your voice sliced through the silence, drawing his attention. He glanced up to see you approaching, two lunches in hand.
With a bright grin, you placed the meals in front of him. “I brought lunch!”
"Thanks," Heeseung replied , his tone cool as he examined the homemade kimbap. As you both sat down, awkwardness settled between you, by the avoidance of eye contact.
Summoning his courage, Heeseung brought a question that had lingered in his mind for months. "Why did you like Choi Jiho?"
Your eyes widened at the unexpected, catching you off guard. You paused, hesitating with how to respond.Memories of Jiho flooded your mind. You had forgotten about him for the past 4 days due to Heeseung being on your mind 24/7.
You cleared your throat, summoning a bitter lie to your lips. "I... uh, he was nice, I guess."
"Did Jiho even like you back?" Heeseung's question cut through the air. That’s when you realized something. You remembered the way Jiho would never defend you in any moment or barely spend time with you. And the time when he did? He would always be on his phone. You realized how stupid you were as you thought the moments where he just wanted attention from the public by kissing you or flirting with you meant that he loved you. 
"I... I don't know," you admitted. Deep down, you knew the painful reality—that Jiho had used you.
"Oh, okay..." Heeseung responded, sensing the weight of your words. "So, let's change the top—"
"I know he didn't like me," you interjected, your gaze drifting to the sky before meeting Heeseung's gaze. "I know he was the worst boyfriend I could ask for."
Confusion flickered across Heeseung's features at your sudden confession.
"I was blind. I regret it," you murmured, your gaze falling to your lap. "But it's in the past."
Heeseung regarded you with his usual stern and cold look. "Then why did you tell Jiho you were meeting someone else?"
"Because... I wanted to prove I was happier now," you muttered, grappling with your tumultuous emotions.
"Are you?" Heeseung's gaze bore into yours.
"I... I think I am," you replied
"You 'think'?" Heeseung pressed, his tone firm.
"I'm happier than before," you insisted, though the vagueness of your answer hung in the air.
"That's not specific," Heeseung challenged.
"I can't be specific," you confessed, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Because I don't know, at all."
"Are you sure?" Heeseung persisted.
"Heeseung, it's my feelings, yes I'm sure," you asserted.
"I'm just physically and mentally curious, so it allured me to—" Heeseung began, but you cut him off.
"Okay, I think that's enough. The bell's going to ring soon. Text me later!" With that, you rose abruptly, snatching your lunch bag and offering a quick wave before descending the stairs back to class.
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HEESEUNG LAY ON  HIS BED,  staring up at the ceiling. He knew he should be studying, but your words about Jiho lingered in his mind. "I'm happier than before." Why was he even pondering such things? Lost in thought, he was jolted back to reality by a faint buzz from his phone. Retrieving it, he found a message from you.
YN LN: heeseung!! all my friends rejected me to go to the mall TT, so wanna go together?? ><
Heeseung paused, a moment of surprise flashing across his features. You were asking him to go to the mall with you? It felt almost like you were asking him out. He composed himself and replied:
Heeseung: Sure. Send location and time, I’ll be there.
Putting down his phone, he realized the weight of his agreement. He had just agreed to go on a date with you. And now, he needed to get ready. Hastily, he rummaged through his closet, seeking out a suitable outfit. Opting for his lone stylish varsity jacket paired with jeans, he ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tidy it up.
Rushing to the mall, he found you leaning against a store wall, your attention fixed on your phone. As he approached, a cupid seemed to strike him with an arrow as his cheeks flushed. The simplicity of your outfit and the gentle cascade of your hair rendered you utterly captivating.
You looked up, catching sight of Heeseung's slightly stunned expression, and greeted him with a warm smile, gesturing for him to join you.
"Hi," Heeseung muttered, still awestruck by your beauty.
"Hi!" you returned the greeting with equal warmth. "I just need to buy some makeup for my friends, or maybe myself, and possibly shop around! Anything you need?"
"Not necessarily," Heeseung replied, scanning the mall.
"Okay then, follow me," you said, seizing his arm and leading him to the nearest makeup store. Arriving at the lip product section, you perused the selection of lipsticks, lip glosses, and lip tints. Grabbing a random lip tint, you turned to Heeseung.
"Can I try it on you? I need to see if it looks good on a person," you suggested.
"What? When did I sign up for this?" Heeseung sighed.
"Please," you pleaded, giving him your best pout. "I can erase it right after."
With careful precision, you applied the tint to his lips. The warmth of his breath brushed against your cheeks and neck, sending a flurry of sensations through you. Your heart raced as you admired his perfectly shaped lips, now tinted with color. After smoothing out any unevenness, you stepped back to admire the look.
"Hmm... I think this works," you concluded, grabbing the new tint to go check out and pay for it.
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YOU SAVORED THE SWEET TASTE OF vanilla ice cream as you took a bite, sitting side by side with Heeseung on the bench outside the convenient store where you first met. He listened attentively as you shared stories about your friends and family.
"And then Giselle told me—" Your sentence was cut short as Heeseung's fingers delicately wiped a smudge of ice cream from the corner of your lips.
"Mhm?" He hummed softly, encouraging you to continue. Your heart fluttered at his touch, beating rapidly in your chest.
"...y-yeah," you stammered, trying to regain your composure, your gaze drifting to the hues of the sunset painting the sky in shades of blue and orange.
"Are you done with your story?" Heeseung inquired, to which you nodded hastily. You weren't finished, but another word might turn you into a flustered mess.
After a brief silence, you suggested, "How about we go for a walk by the Han River?" Heeseung agreed with a nod, and soon you found yourselves strolling side by side along the riverbank, the gentle sound of water trickling in the background adding to the peaceful atmosphere.
Unexpectedly, Heeseung asked, "Are you going to the dance?" It was a question he wouldn't normally ask.
"The dance?" you raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by his inquiry.
"Yeah, the school dance?" Heeseung clarified, his expression tinged with skepticism.
"Oh, well, yeah," you replied, feeling a pang of disappointment as you remembered his feelings for Karina. He didn't like you, so why did you allow yourself to hope for something more?
"Is Karina going?" Heeseung continued, and you struggled to find your voice, your throat suddenly dry.
"O-oh, uhm, I think she's going..." you managed to say, the reality of your situation crashing down on you like a wave. Foolish fantasies had consumed you for the past five days, but now you bit your lip to stave off the embarrassment and tears threatening to surface.
"I think I'm tired. I'm gonna go home now. Bye, Heeseung," you forced a small smile before turning away, walking in the opposite direction. Heeseung watched you go, a confused expression clouding his features as you moved farther and farther away.
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LEANING AGAINST THE WALL, you found yourself lost in thoughts of Heeseung, the person who was on your mind day in and day out. Why did it bother you so much if he had feelings for your best friend, Karina? Why did his presence hold such sway over you?
"YN?" Winter's voice broke through your trail of thoughts,snapping you back to reality.
"Oh, sorry, I was zoning out," you replied, trying to shake off the distraction.
"You've been distant all day. Is everything okay?" Ningning's concern was evident in her voice.
"Just tired, didn't get much sleep last night," you reassured them with a forced smile, hoping they wouldn't press further.
"Are you sure?" Giselle's skepticism lingered, her gaze searching yours.
"It's nothing, just life being complicated," you offered, trying to reassure their worries.
"If you need to talk, we're here for you," Karina chimed in, her comforting touch on your hands a familiar gesture she usually did. How you longed to confess and tell them about Heeseung and the jumble of emotions you felt and fought with, but the fear of ruining your relationships with both him and Karina kept you quiet.
At that moment, it came to you: you were in love with Heeseung. It had to be a mistake right? You could never like someone like Heeseung.  The way your heart thumped when Heeseung did small actions like hold your hand or even wipe off anything from your mouth.
 Yet, you couldn't shake the fear, the fear of history repeating itself with someone like Jiho, selfish and foolish. What was the point of falling for someone who didn't accept your feelings and liked someone else
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HEESEUNG HAD REHEARSED EVERY WORD, every breath, for the moment he would finally summon the courage to ask you out for dinner. With trembling fingers, he reached for his phone, his thumb hovering over the call button. The weight of his nerves pressed down on him as he prepared to take the risk.
As the phone rang, his heart raced, the sound of your voice on the other end sending a jumble of emotions through him "Hello?" you answered, your voice like music and beauty to his ears.
"Hi..." Heeseung replied, his voice betraying his unease.
"Why did you call me?" you asked, curiosity tinged but yet your voice sounded heavy and drained. Heeseung couldn't help but notice the change in your tone for the past days, wondering if he had somehow caused it. Had he done something wrong? 
"I was just wondering if... uhm... you wanted to go get dinner tonight together?" Heeseung's voice faltered slightly, the weight of his question hanging in the air.
"Dinner tonight?" Your voice held a hint of confusion, but there was also a spark of interest. "When and where?" you inquired.
"At the Japanese place down the block, at 6?" Heeseung suggested, hoping you would agree.
"Sure, I'll see you at 6 then," you replied, your voice brightening slightly.
"Right, anyways, bye!" Heeseung quickly ended the call, a rush of happiness coursing through him. He had done it. He asked you out for dinner.
With a sense of pride, Heeseung flopped onto his bed, his phone resting on his chest as. a wide grin spread across his face. He replayed the conversation in his mind, excited for the evening of day. 
Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, you couldn't contain your excitement. Heeseung. Lee Heeseung. had. Asked. you. out. to. dinner. You, YN LN.  You couldn't help but squeal with delight into your pillow.
Eager to make a good impression, you jumped out of bed and rushed to your closet, rummaging through your clothes in search of the perfect outfit for the occasion. 
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HEESEUNG SAT NERVOUSLY, tapping the table as he waited for you to arrive. Within minutes, you rushed in and quickly spotted him.
"Hi!" you greeted with a smile, settling down at the table.
"Hi," he smiled back (inside you felt a flutter at how cute his smile was). You both looked at the menu and ordered as the waiter approached. After eating, you quietly walked outside, enjoying the cool evening air.
The dark, cloudless sky revealed a glimmering array of stars. You admired the view, unaware that Heeseung was watching you, captivated by your beauty.
"The stars are so pretty," you remarked in awe.
"Mhm," he replied, still focused on you. Suddenly, you felt his fingers gently tuck a stray hair behind your ear. Your face flushed as butterflies fluttered in your stomach.
"I have a question, YN..." Heeseung began, and you turned to him, curious.
"Do you... want to go to the dance?" he asked. Your heart raced, your stomach churned, and your head spun. He had just asked you to the dance.
"T-the dance?" you stuttered.
"Yeah... I mean, just as... you know, for visual purposes," he tried to clarify.
"Right..." you nodded, agreeing. "I'll go with you." Heeseung's face lit up with a big grin as you accepted his invitation.
"That's great! I'll, um... see you at the dance then," Heeseung said with a small smile and a wave as you both went your separate ways, heading home with a light heart.
As you walked home, your mind buzzed with excitement. The thought of going to the dance with Heeseung made your heart skip a beat. You couldn't help but replay the moment he asked you, feeling a rush of happiness each time. It was like a dream come true, and you couldn't wait for the night of the dance to arrive.
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WEEKS FLEW BY, each one filled with anticipation, excitement, and a series of dates. Finally, the much-anticipated day of the dance had arrived. It had been six weeks since you eagerly marked this date on your calendar. Reflecting on the past four months since you met Heeseung, you knew deep down that you were head over heels in love with him. The moment he asked you to the dance, those feelings intensified.
"Do you think this dress is pretty enough?" you asked, twirling in your knee-length black dress adorned with delicate lace details, a sweetheart neckline, and spaghetti straps.  The dress hugged your figure perfectly.
"It's gorgeous," Ningning complimented, deftly assisting with your hair.
"It's perfect, just like you," Winter reassured, adjusting your dress with care.
"Easy for you to say, with Beomgyu as your date," you teased, prompting laughter from your friends.
"And you have Heeseung," Winter smiled, smoothing out the fabric of your dress.
"You two are so cute together," Giselle teased, earning a blush from you.
"I love you guys," you said, feeling grateful for their support as you shared a group hug.
"Even if I'm dating a man, you'll always be my number one," Winter jokes, lightening the mood as you head to Karina's car.
Upon arriving at the dance, the lively atmosphere was perfect. Laughter, music, and chatter filled the room as people talked, danced, and enjoyed themselves. Spotting Heeseung entering the room, you felt a rush of excitement.
He looked perfect in his suit, his hair perfectly styled. Rushing over to him, you greeted him with a beaming smile.
"Heeseung!" you exclaimed. Heeseung looked up, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. I
"You look amazing, YN," Heeseung complimented, his smile genuine.
"Thanks, but you're the one who looks stunning," you replied, feeling your heart flutter as you took in his appearance. "Come on, let's grab some snacks and go have fun!"
The next two hours were filled with laughter, dancing, and cherished moments spent with Heeseung and your friends. However, it was until you excused yourself to the bathroom, to then meet Jiho.
"YN," Jiho's voice cut through the noise, sending a chill down your spine.
"What do you want, Jiho?" you asked, your tone laced with irritation.
"Are you here with your 'so-called' boyfriend, Heeseung?" Jiho taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Yes, and what's it to you?" you retorted, your patience wearing thin.
“Yeah there is.” his smirk widened, “Don’t act stupid, I knew everything.” 
“God I hate you Jiho.”  you spat, feeling your anger rise.
"Come on, YN. Admit you still love me, and everything will go back to normal," Jiho sneered.
“I don’t even like you anymore, Jiho.”  you said firmly, trying to keep your composure.
"Oh, really? Maybe this will change your mind," Jiho said, leaning in closer. You felt his fingers slip into your waist, his grip firm and tight. You felt his face leaning closer to yours. You quickly stepped back and pushed him aside. 
“Are you fucking crazy?” you yelled. 
“YN, why are you so pissed? Not like you like anyone.”  Jiho's eyes bore into yours, a smirk playing on his lips.
“I don’t want to fucking kiss you,” you glared, “Now fuck off please.” 
“Why is it because of Heeseung? Your fake boyfriend? God, he probably doesn’t even like you YN. He only likes you because you're popular.” he laughed. Your heart sank at his cruel words. The words stung as you heard each word. Heeseung was just a stupid fake boyfriend you had. The two of you had never had a real relationship. A real love. Was Heeseung just playing with your feelings? Did Heeseung even love you like how much you loved him? 
"I hate you, Jiho," you whispered before leaving the party alone, your heart felt heavy. 
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YOU SPENT HOURS lying in bed, staring out the rain-splattered window, your cheeks damp from the relentless stream of tears. Days had passed since the dance, and you hadn't mustered the strength to leave the confines of your home. 
"YN, you've been here for hours," Karina's voice broke through the silence, her concern evident as she entered your room. 
"Why didn't you text me?" 
"Phone died," you muttered, burying your face deeper into the sheets.
"Tell me what's wrong," Karina urged gently, taking a seat beside you. 
"I don't know," you confessed, your voice barely audible. 
"Come on," Karina coaxed, her comforting presence offering a glimmer of solace. 
"Okay, fine," you relented, the words tumbling out in a rush. "Jiho said some awful things to me at the dance. Now I'm a wreck, and I can't face Heeseung. I'm in love with him, and it's tearing me apart." 
Karina's eyes widened at the torrent of emotions pouring out. "And you kept this from me all this time?" 
"Karina, I didn't know what to do," you admitted, your voice choking with emotion. "I thought Heeseung felt the same way, but then Jiho made me doubt everything."
"How does Jiho know anything? He's not Heeseung," Karina retorted, frustration evident in her tone. "He's just trying to mess with your head." 
"But what if he's right? What if Heeseung was just pretending all along?" you sighed, a heavy weight settling in your chest. 
"YN," Karina's voice softened, her touch gentle as she sought to comfort you. "How do you know Heeseung doesn't like you? Have you talked to him?" 
"I haven't," you admitted, uncertainty clouding your thoughts.
"Then how can you be so sure?" Karina questioned, her eyes searching yours. "Heeseung cares about you, YN. He was worried sick after the dance. He searched everywhere for you and even left the party early out of concern."
"Are you serious?" you asked, a glimmer of hope flickering in your eyes. 
"Dead serious," Karina affirmed, her sincerity unwavering. "Talk to him, YN. You'll see." 
"But what if I'm wrong?" you hesitated, your fear holding you back. "Just trust me on this," Karina reassured, squeezing your hand gently. "Talk to Heeseung. You'll thank me later." Karina offered you a reassuring smile before enveloping you in an embrace.
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HEESEUNG WAS SERIOUSLY DEAD WORRIED about you. He thought you were possibly hit by some car or even worse kidnapped. His thoughts wandered as he tried to think of all the possibilities you were. You stopped even coming to school for weeks.
The memory of the dance replayed in his mind like a broken record, haunting him with unanswered questions. Your sudden disappearance after excusing yourself to the bathroom left him questionable and restless. Desperately, he asked your friends as your friends only left him shrugs and quietness making him uneasy of the situation.
When you finally returned after a week-long absence, Heeseung couldn't help but notice the change in you. You awfully looked tired and you had eyebags. And the most important change, you were avoiding Heeseung. Was it something he had done to mess things up?
Heeseung sat at his usual spot on the rooftop, gazing out at the view, trying to get his thoughts out.
"Look who it is, Lee Heeseung," a voice pierced through the silence, pulling Heeseung from his reverie. Turning, he found Jiho leaning casually against the stairway exit, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Heeseung's girlfriend, huh?" Jiho taunted, his words hitting Heeseung like a sudden blow.
"What did you do to YN?" Heeseung's voice was edged with a mixture of anger and concern, his gaze sharp.
"Nothing much, just a little truth-telling," Jiho chuckled, his demeanor full of arrogance. 
"What truth?" Heeseung's tone was laced with urgency, his fists clenched in frustration.
“Just a few things that need to be said. Like how you guys are just dating, nothing more than that.”
Heeseung's jaw tightened as the weight of Jiho's words settled in, his mind reeling with disbelief and anger.
"Do you even know why YN hates you?" Heeseung spat, his voice seething with contempt.
"Why don't you tell me?" Jiho's smirk widened.
"Cause you’re truly an awful person” Heeseung retorted, his patience wearing thin.
“Oh really?” Jiho teased, “I didn’t know.”
Jiho's mocking laughter only fueled Heeseung's rage, his frustration exploding into action as he delivered a swift punch to Jiho's jaw.
"You're really undeserving of her," Heeseung's words echoed in the empty space.
“You could punch me as many times, I don’t care.” Jiho smiled. 
“I would but actually I don’t want to see your ugly face, so fuck off.” Heeseung stormed out of the rooftop leaving Jiho alone on the ground.
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IT WAS 1 AM WHEN YOU FOUND YOURSELF at the convenience store, clad in your most comfortable clothes, not even caring if people saw you. The rush of cold air from the conditioner greeted you as you stepped inside, scanning the assortment of snacks. The scent of sweet delights filled your senses, tempting you to buy more. You reached for a snack when the chime of the door signaled someone's arrival.
Looking up, you were met with the sight of Heeseung standing across the store, his gaze fixed on you. It felt like deja vu, reminiscent of the first time you laid eyes on him. Your throat went dry, memories of Jiho's words echoing in your mind: "He probably doesn’t even like you." Anxious, you bit your lip as Heeseung approached.
"Can we talk outside?" Heeseung's voice broke through the tension. With a quiet nod, you followed him out of the store.
"YN, what's going on?" Heeseung's concern was evident as he confronted you, hoping you would answer honestly.
"Heeseung, it's nothing," you lied
"It's not nothing," Heeseung persisted, his tone firm.
"Okay, fine, I'll tell you. I fell in love with you, but then Jiho made me doubt everything. I thought you probably didn’t even like me, maybe you liked Karina instead. What was the point of being with you if I'm only going to hurt myself?" The words spilled out in a rush, leaving you empty.. Heeseung froze at your confession, disbelief in his expression.
"You like me?" Heeseung's eyebrow arched in surprise.
"I know you don't like me—" Before you could finish, Heeseung silenced you with a soft kiss. His lips were soft and perfect.You felt his fingers sliding into your waist, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. Your lips were moving in sync, in the same passion, kissing each other back. You felt his fingers intertwined with yours, drawing soft circles on the back of your hand.
Pulling away, breathless, you attempted to speak, but Heeseung beat you to it. "I like you a lot, YN. I was in denial of my feelings for months, but I realized I was actually in love with you." You widen your eyes at his confession
"Heeseung, you're not lying, right?" suspicion tinged your words.
"Do you think I would ever lie to you?" Heeseung chuckled, tucking your hair behind your ear, a gesture that he would always done 
"No, but it all seems non-real," you confessed.
Heeseung's laughter, the sound you cherished the most, filled the air. "Then, will you be my real girlfriend, YN LN?"
"Of course, any day I'll choose you," you smiled, leaning in for another kiss. 
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MONTHS HAD PASSED and you found yourself in a state of bliss you never imagined possible. Seated on the rooftop with Heeseung, your fingers intertwined, you gazed out into the view before you, the cool breeze enveloping you in a sense of serenity.
"Look how far we've come," you remarked, a smile gracing your lips as you watched Heeseung absentmindedly draw small patterns on your palm.
"Yeah," Heeseung nodded, his touch gentle and comforting.
"I love you, Heeseung," you whispered softly, your words carrying the weight of your affection.
"I love you more," Heeseung replied in a tender whisper, his warm breath tickling the sensitive skin of your neck as he leaned in to press a series of delicate kisses along its curve.
"Heeseung, that tickles!" you laughed, squirming slightly at the sensation.
"This is your punishment for getting a 60% on the exam," Heeseung teased, his tone playful yet teasing.
"Hey, I'm not some nerd like you!" you retorted, playfully poking his side.
"Nerd?" Heeseung chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"A cute nerd," you amended with a grin, your heart swelling with affection.
"And you're my cute princess," Heeseung declared, pressing a sweet and tender kiss to your lips, his love for you shining brightly in his eyes. You truly were in love with Heeseung, and you weren’t going to deny it.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 7 months
Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley Imagines List
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Before you ask, yes I been meaning to use @ave661 renders ever since she posted the Dad!Ghost part 2. Did I use most of them in this post? You know damn well I did.
Did I put in so much work into this one post? Yes. Am I going to be upset if it doesn't do as well as the ones I didn't put much effort in (Ahem the quokka Price imagine)? Also yes.
Tagging people who I think would like this: @puff0o0, @blingblong55. Honestly that was it but if y'all wanna be tagged in the next post then tell me in the replies :)
Parings: Ghost x Wife!Reader
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❥ Dad!Simon who values nothing else over spending time with you and your child, even if it's something as simple as him and your little one laying down on your lap while you watch tv together. (Top left pic 🥺)
❥ Dad!Simon who gives the baby a bath for the first time, doing his best not to get soap in their eyes. Him rubbing the baby's head gently with his thumb to wash the suds off the little one's head and hair while they look up at him and coo.
❥ Dad!Simon who had a heart attack the moment he heard the baby cough while they're still in the baby bath net. He just turned away for a second to grab the towel behind him, the one moment he took his eyes off them, the little rascal tried to drink the bath water.
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❥ Dad!Simon who's ever so gentle with dressing the baby, they're too little and too fragile in his eyes. Watching the baby try to chew on their own fist while he puts their little socks on. (Matching skeleton mittens for the little baby 🥺)
❥ Dad!Simon who loves hearing his baby let out such loud giggles whenever he kisses them, it's music to his ears to hear his little one let out such a hearty laugh, their little arms and legs flailing because their face is being tickled by his stuble.
❥ Dad!Simon who absolutely adores when his baby attempts kissing him or you (their momma) because it's basically just them having their tiny hands on his or your face while they're open-mouthed and almost headbutting their little lips on either yours or your husband's face.
❥ Dad!Simon who absolutely love nap time, mainly because he takes the naps with them. Nothing more sweet than waking up with the little one's life you two brought to this world.
❥ Dad!Simon who you found awake in the middle of the night to put the baby back down to sleep.
"Come on now pumpkin, you should let your momma rest. She's extremely tired of taking care of both of us.." Simon whispers while he cradles the baby in his arms, trying to lull them back to sleep.
You couldn't help but smile, knowing that what you do doesn't go unappreciated.
"I would never get tired taking care of you two" You said in a hushed tone, making Simon's head snap to the doorway.
To see you, his loving wife look at him as if he was the most important thing in this world reminded him if why he wanted to marry you a few years back.
❥ Dad!Simon who receives a video you sent him while he's deployed of the baby waking up from a nap.
❥ Dad!Simon who doesn't notice you in the room while you were trying to collect laundry, he was working out, you caught him doing push ups and your baby's attempts in copying their dad.
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❥ Dad!Simon who bought the baby a little stuffie that they now are emotionally attached to and bring everywhere, yeah the baby constantly signals Simon to kiss the stuffie too.
❥ Dad!Simon who had to train Riley not to lick the baby so much because dog slobber and even though Riley was well behaved, poor thing didn't have much of a self-control the first time you guys brought the baby home.
❥ Dad!Simon who thinks it's absolutely adorable that his little one likes Riley so much.
"Dada!" The baby called out for Simon.
"Dada, Ri-ley" They said, pointing out a little finger to your family dog.
"Yeah pumpkin, that's Riley" Simon said, letting the little one make a beeline and waddled quickly towards Riley, giving the dog a hug with their tiny arms.
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❥ Dad!Simon who spends forever looking for the skull part of his mask only to find the baby trying to chew on it, couldn't really blame them because the sight was cute and he knew how agitated they were with teething.
❥ Dad!Simon who constantly washed his gloves and almost never took it off during your baby's teething stage because god they were a strong biter. The gloves helped cushion the pain of the bites a lot.
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❥ Dad!Simon who swore his heart was about to burst when he saw you and the baby meet him before he was able to go home after deployment for a surprise. (Of course Price was the one who set it up, he wanted to see his grandchild (might as well be)
"Dadadada–dada—da" Your baby squealed out while reaching out, recognizing Simon almost too fast even with the mask on.
"Pumpkin," Simon says as he takes your baby out of your arms and into his "–yeah, dada's here now. Missed me like I missed you?" Simon asks the baby as if they could actually respond.
The little one let out a happy little gurgle, hands reaching out for Simon's face.
"I'll take that as a yes" Simon tenderly kisses the top of the baby's head through his balaclava.
❥ Dad!Simon who loves baby hugs, the tiny little arms providing a bit of warmth while he holds his baby in his, rubbing their little head with his gloved hand and fingers.
Taskforce interacting with little Ghostie
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tojirights · 4 months
Honestly think you're one of the best writers for Alastor in this fandom! Your stuff is always brilliant and the characterisation is perfect!
Had the idea last night: Alastor and reader going multiple rounds, and reader still wanting more and being full of energy but Alastor being absolutely out of it and completely shattered, so he uses his tentacles instead, because what kind of gentleman keeps his lady wanting?
Just an excuse to request tentacle sex with everyone's favourite "deer".
a/n: im gonna be so real with you, im not really sure if the tentacles are like, real apendages or if they're part of his shadow soooo i wrote them as the latter. hope it makes sense!! thank you love :') y'all are too nice 🩷
if there was one thing you weren’t expecting to still have in hell, it was your damn hormonal cycle. you didn’t necessarily have a period, but by god, you swore you still ovulated. it felt even worse than before, the primal need threatened to burn a hole through you. you always felt like a bother to alastor during this week of the month, begging and pleading for him to fuck you for hours. but, alastor never turned you away.
today though, you were especially needy. alastor had already made you cum a handful of times and had cum twice himself. he was exhausted. yet, there you were at the edge of his bed, eyes still filled with lust. “my goodess…” alastor chuckles, shaking his head. “i’m not sure i have much left in the tank, darling.” he cups your cheek, watching tears well up in your eyes. “i-i’m sorry-” he shushes you before you can continue. “did i say anything about stopping? i’d never dream of leaving my lady hanging when she needs me.”
“but…” you frown, watching alastor’s smile turn to smirk. “i have a few tricks up my sleeve, my dear. lay back.” your eyes widen as there’s a flash of green light, followed by five tentacle-like appendages sprout from alastor’s back. “w-what?” adrenaline surges through you as well as a mix of excitement and nerves. “you’re gonna… use those?” you gulp, watching the tentacles slither towards you. “why of course!” alastor snickers, seeing your apprehension. “don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours." he coos, watching with hungry yet tired eyes.
the shadow apendages wrap around your thighs, cold to the touch but not unpleasant. as they slowly spread your legs, another slides between them. it's almost embarrassing the way your legs shake with anticipation, the cool tip of the tentacles swiping up your slit. "o-oh, that's..." you sigh in relief when you're suddenly being filled. "how's that darling?" alastor hums, watching as you open wider around him. "that's... oh god alastor..." you pant, every slow thrust of his tentacle-like shadow making your head dizzy.
the foreign feeling of being stretched so wide has you already teetering on the edge. without warning, alastor curls the apendage while picking up pace, making your eyes roll into the back of your head. "gonna-" you mewl, hips arching off the bed with every thrust. "k-keep going please. 'm gonna cum." every whine makes alastor almost wish his cock was back inside of you, knowing just how hard you're clamping down on his shadow.
but the sight of you writhing, gripping the sheets like you're life depended on it was something he's grateful to be seeing from afar. the buildup to your orgasm comes strong, the coil in your stomach snapping from the tension and- "oooh, you really liked that, hm?" alastor's voice is heavy with arousal, pulling you back to reality after cumming. your vision slowly returns, heavy breathing filling your ears. you barely register the soaking mess you've made on the bed. "oh my god. did i..?" your face goes red, embarrasmemt setting in once again. "yes, my sweet. you did, and made quite the mess for us to clean up."
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corvidcrossbow · 23 days
~•♡•~ I Like It Long
➳ Summary: While out on a run, you and Michonne start lightly teasing Daryl for having his hair grown out. But there's a hidden reason as to why he won't cut it. (Daryl x Fem!Reader)
➳ Setting: Alexandria, post Savior war
➳ Word count: 1.4k
➳ C/W: Just smut n hair pulling
➳ A/N: This spawned from me writing the context plot of another fic and I was like… wait (And thank yall for the attention on that Mother's Day post??? Yall are so sweet 😭🫶)
My hair is really similar to Daryl's when it's partially or almost dry and it's actually my favorite thing about myself like xbsosjdjdneisnsiasjebeiisjabajissn
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You loudly banged your forearm against the glass door of a long abandoned drug store, not hearing any noise inside. Vines and weeds had grown through cracks in the concrete, winding up the sides of the building.
“Sounds pretty clear,” You shrugged, holstering your bow and opting for hand-held blades as Michonne pulled open the handle. You, her, and Daryl were clearing through a nearby town while out on a supply run, opting to make quick work of the task in favor of getting home.
You three entered the building, keeping your guard up in case of any straggling walkers that weren't roused by the initial attempts to lure them towards you. The interior wasn't large, so you could comfortably split off from each other and still be close.
“Seems mostly ransacked. Not much left,” Michonne commented, katana lowered but out in front of her. This had begun to grow repetitive and boring, energy matching the grayness of the lighting.
She took a pair of hair cutting shears off the shelf in front of her, holding them up to your gaze a few isles over. “Think he could use these?” She asked as a smile played the edges of her mouth, nodding back towards Daryl, looking for mischief. His hair had grown quite long over the course of the last two years, the tawny blond darkening into a rich brown, accompanied by a shaggy cut.
“Oh definitely. Jus’ gotta determine which onna us can hold him down long enough to cut it,” You replied with a chuckle, eyes following hers to where the archer stood at the endcap of another lane.
“Shuddup, will ya?” Daryl scoffed, shaking his head with grunt. His gaze didn't break from the advertisement in front of him, trying to ignore your antics. “Ts'fine.”
“Gotta make use of whatever supplies we find, no?” You continued your teasing, trying to hide the grin on your face at his reaction. “You were sweatin’ like a pig all summer, hair tangled all over yer face ‘n what not. When was the last time you cut it?”
“Don’ kno’, don’ care,” He grumbled, and you eyed Michonne again. It's definitely been since the prison, at least. He moved on from the stand. “Plus, winter up ‘ere's gon be colder. Will keep me warm.”
“Daryl, you're ‘bout the only one who didn't freshen up since we got to Alexandria. Don't you at least want a trim?” Michonne pestered, raising her eyebrows at him and shifting her weight to one leg. “You remember Rick's whole hobo-beard.”
“Ain't got no ‘hobo-beard’.”
“But you do look like the only ‘scissors’ you know is the recently searched on your go to porn site,” Michonne chaffed, barely able to contain herself.
Daryl froze for just a second, face flushing as his head whipped to stare back at her. And you two burst out laughing, to which his expression soured.
“Give it up, alrigh’?! Ain't nothin’ wrong with mah hair!” He snapped, accent thick with embarrassment, bowing his head slightly in an effort to obscure it. He readjusted his hold on his crossbow. “Gon shoot tha botha ya.”
“Ay, ay! Jus’ sayin’. Rick scrapped the beard and… maybe you'll finally get some play too,” She winked, followed by a lighthearted snicker.
Daryl groaned again and rolled his eyes, beginning to walk off, but caught your gaze for just a second.
It's not that he didn't want to cut his hair - he didn't care about it – but he wasn't really allowed to either way. There was one major, sexy, moaning reason he didn't cut his hair.
“Oh, god, Daryl! Fuck! Don't stop… god don't stop,” You cried out, hands clutching his shoulders as your nails began to dig into his flesh. His grip on your hips was bruising, keeping you steady as he pounded up into you at a relentless pace. That grip was the sole thing grounding you in the reality of the present moment.
“Ain't gon stop,” He affirmed, voice gravelly. You moaned wildly, head weakly falling to his chest with exacerbated breaths, his own heaving against your temple. He leaned closer when he could, harshly sucking at your clavicle and boobs, leaving behind a litter of hickeys and little bites that colored you in reds and purples.
The springs of the bed beneath you sounded like they were gonna fold in on themselves, headboard sporadically banging against the wall as Daryl shifted down a little to hit into you at an angle, your clit brushing against him with each thrust. Your back arched overtop of him, shoving his dick into your belly.
“Baby, please… fhuuuckkkk.” You couldn't even think, every thought consumed by the feeling of him. The way he just destroyed you like it's an art he'd mastered, tip brushing against every sweet and sensitive spot inside you, walls desperately trying to cling on, balls hitting up against you, clit grinding on him, slickness coating his pelvis and your inner thighs, his clutch on you just so fucking strong.
You pulled yourself together, lifting your head to see him. His long hair was dark and dampened with sweat, matting up as it stuck to his forehead, obscuring part of his vision. But he was too focused on using you to fix it, didn't dare to remove his hands unless God willed him to.
You moved up, swiping it away, and his blue eyes instantly connected with yours, pupils blown with lust. He (somehow) sped up, starting to slam your hips up and down to meet him instead of just keeping them stationary, now just beating your cunt.
“Tha's it girl. Jus’ keep takin’ me good like tha’.”
His words made you shiver, and you partially fell forward again, nestling your face beside his and snaking an arm behind his head. Your fingers weaved through his messy hair, tangling at the scalp, then tugging harshly as another wave of pleasure ripped through you.
And he whined. There it is. His breathy gasps and grunts mingled with strained whines, and whimpers, as you pulled tighter and tighter at the roots of his locks. His face contorted, eyes nearly squeezing shut, that one vein bulging from his neck, directly on the verge of so much.
“Daryl… inside.., Dar-” You panted, cut off as everything went white and you hit your peak. Your whole body felt electrified, tensing, twitching, walls spasming, toes curling and claws clinging to his frame.
Daryl tipped over the edge almost immediately after, having just been waiting for you to cum first. He desperately pumped into you a few more times, before curving up once more and simultaneously ramming you down as he came deep in you, the warmth of his release spreading through your core, and he threw his head back with ragged breaths.
You were both left a sweaty mess, gasping for oxygen, feeling full and satisfied. Your muscles couldn't keep you up, and you collapsed onto him, loosening your hold at his scalp, his hold on your hips doing the same.
He recovered a bit quicker than you, bringing a hand up and brushing your own messy hair away the second he had the energy to do so.
“Ya alrigh’, sunshine?” He asked between hitches, hoping he hadn't been too rough. He soothingly rubbed his palm over the curve of your body where bruises were sure to form.
You nodded faintly, moving your head so you could breathe better, and you could feel him relax beneath you from the reassurance. He held you tenderly for a while, giving you time to regain your composure. Your eyes were closed in bliss. Few things beat the feeling of Daryl under you, rising and falling with his torso, hearing his low humming as he steadied himself – his softening cock still buried deep inside you, cum ever so surely beginning to dribble down.
You lazily remained in his arms, not wanting to deal with getting up, or the shower you two definitely needed. You took a strand of his hair, affectionately curling it around your finger like a tendril, then letting it go and repeating.
“Ya actually want me tah cut ma hair?” He eventually asked, thinking back to your light mocking from earlier, how you'd laughed as Michonne layered it on. It didn't matter much to him, he'd do whatever pleased you.
“Fuck no. Was just messin’ with you, Dixon,” You replied, kissing the skin of his collarbone right below you, and moving up to find his lips. “You know I like it long.”
The long hair suited him, he looked good with it. You loved to wash and play with it, brush and braid it while he laid in your lap. But mainly, it was easy to grab at, pull on – and close to nothing in existence sounded better than those whines and whimpers every time you did so.
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©corvidcrossbow 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified or adapted to other platforms. My work may be translated only if asked and with proof of given consent.
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tempted-byhyuka · 2 months
| enhypen when… |
they snap at you
inc: request, angst, hurt/comfort, yelling, flinching (jay, jake, jungwon, ni-ki), physical contact (heeseung, sunghoon), small fall (jay), jealousy (jake, sunoo), food (sunoo)
ೃ⁀➷ lee heeseung
ੈ♡˳ heeseung was typically a levelheaded guy, and he always treated you like a glass doll that would break at the slightest tremor. never before had he raised his voice at you, even when he was visibly agitated. it stayed that way for a long time, even through his toughest schedules and most irritating setbacks.
ੈ♡˳ one night when he came home, you could tell he was deep in thought, but also exhausted and agitated. in an attempt to get him to feel better, you hugged him from behind and kissed the back of his neck over and over. when that didn’t exactly work, you repeated his name, again and again. “hey, heeseungie.. heeseung!”
ੈ♡˳ “what?! what do you want?!” he roared and spun around in his chair so fast it pushed you back and made you stumble in suprise. you were so startled you didn’t know what to say.. he had never done this before! “i-i was just..” you tried but backed away when he stood up. “what?! helping?! what kind of help is that?!”
ੈ♡˳ heeseung stared at you with an irate expression, his chest shaking as he breathed deeply, like he was about to unload his struggles on you. the silence was sickening but eventually, he lets out a sigh.. an exhausted one as he closes his eyes and lowers his head. “i’m sorry…. i’m sorry.” he repeated.
ੈ♡˳ he takes your hands in his and lifts them up, “are you hurt…? did i hurt you?” heeseung’s voice trembled. sensing his regret, you place your hands on his cheeks and begin rubbing circles onto the skin. you can feel the half smile he mustered, and lean in your press a kiss to his nose, “i’m okay, i promise..”
ೃ⁀➷ park jongseong
ੈ♡˳ as much as it seemed like jay was quick to anger, he never reflected that behavior on you, he was always patient and respectful towards you, a proper gentleman. even when you almost damaged an expensive pan in the dishwasher, he gave you a smile, patted your head and promised it was all okay.
ੈ♡˳ it was always easy for you to tell when he was at him limit though, and when he came home and dropped his backpack aggressively onto a chair, you knew that he must have had a rough day. “jay? is everything alright?” you inquired and stepped into the kitchen. “i don’t want to talk about it..” he mumbled.
ੈ♡˳ “are you sure? you’ll feel better if you do.” you said and reached out to try and rub his shoulders, only for jay to shrug them off. “i said no.” he grumbled, sounding more upset than before. you feel a deep tension in your chest and, “do you want me too..” “i want you to stop talking!” he shouted.
ੈ♡˳ your heart dropped, and you step away from jay to give him space, only to stumble and fall to the floor. hearing the thud, jay turns around and finds you on the floor, furrowing his brow. he reaches down to offer you a hand, but it feels like his heart shatters when he sees you flinch, and it hits him that he’s the reason you did.
ੈ♡˳ he kneels down in front of you, his hands held up in a gesture of peace as his gaze becomes softer, and more despaired as he places his hands on your knees. you caught a glimpse of the tears forming on his waterline before he bows his head, his shoulders starting to shake. he felt like a failure… a complete failure.
ೃ⁀➷ sim jaeyun
ੈ♡˳ it wasn’t easy to set jake off, not at all. he is a textbook boyfriend, kind, sweet, handsome, well communicated, and he has a cute puppy to boot. he’s everyone’s dream man… everyone’s dream, even the strangers on the street, the strangers on the screen and even his own staff.
ੈ♡˳ that’s why it really rubbed you the wrong way when jake responded to one stylist’s comment on his nice face with his handsome smile and a laugh that you thought was flirting. to make it worse, he didn’t even notice you were upset until you were both already home. “baby? hey talk to me… are you mad?”
ੈ♡˳ that’s when you unload, you snapped and told jake what you were feeling. maybe you should have waited until you were calmer however, because to your shock, jake began arguing with you. “oh come on! am i not allowed to accept compliments anymore because of your jealousy?!”
ੈ♡˳ the argument went on and on until Jake was so frustrated he went to pinch the bridge of his nose, making you step back at the sight of his hand flying up so quickly. jake stopped in his tracks, his expression switching up completely into concern, “baby..? oh no, did you think i would…?” his face breaks your heart.
ੈ♡˳ you break down into tears and shake your head, stepping forward until your chest to chest with him and hiding your face in his neck. jake wraps his arms around you lovingly, shushing you and running a hand over your hair, “i would never, baby… i’m so sorry i made you feel that way…”
ೃ⁀➷ park sunghoon
ੈ♡˳ you knew that dating park sunghoon wasn’t exactly going to be a walk in the park (haha), whether it was due to his busy schedule or the fact that when you did get time to spend with him, he was often sleeping or burnt out. regardless, you cherished every moment you got to hold his head on your lap and listen to him.
ੈ♡˳ occasionally though, sunghoon would return home in complete silence, giving you a small peck on the cheek, showering and falling right to sleep without saying more than a simple ‘hey babe’. one of those nights, all you wanted was his attention, he had been gone for about 2 weeks filming after all.
ੈ♡˳ when you crawled into bed behind him, you start pressing your lips to his jaw, his cheek and the corner of his eye. this made him groan and turn his head, “babe, i’m trying to sleep…” he mutters. unsatisfied, you try again to drape an arm over his body, but sunghoon’s reaction takes you by surprise.
ੈ♡˳ he forcibly pushed your arm away and turned around, “stop it…!” he yelled, and you sit up so quickly you get lightheaded. you watch his face change in an instant as he realized what he did, sitting up with you and grabbing your shoulders, “wait.. baby i’m sorry, i didn’t mean it.. i’m just so tired.” he shakes his head.
ੈ♡˳ “no, i should have stopped first, im sorry!” you take his hands and move them so you can give him a proper embrace. “i shouldn’t have put my hands on you though… come on baby, i’m sorry.” he pulled you to lay down with him, hugging you against his firm chest and pulling the blanket over your body.
ೃ⁀➷ kim seonwoo
ੈ♡˳ every couple had the occasional argument, you and sunoo were no exception. though your fights would typically end in playful jabs and making amends over mint chocolate ice cream, it never got too serious. that is until sunoo seemed to get genuinely upset over you talking to your ex after crossing paths in public.
ੈ♡˳ you didn’t think it was such a big deal, but sunoo gave you the silent treatment until you both got home where he finally let loose, “i can’t believe you just let him flirt with you like that! you’re still hooked up on him, aren’t you?” he scoffed, tossing his jacket onto the coat rack carelessly.
ੈ♡˳ “sunoo that’s ridiculous, i was being friendly!” you argued back, not exactly appreciating the sentiment that you were still attracted to your ex. “oh yeah, sure! i totally believe you. if you’re so friendly, go hang out with him then.” he replied before storming off, slamming the bedroom door behind him.
ੈ♡˳ after some time apart cooled you both off, you caved first, realizing that maybe chatting with your ex and barely acknowledging your current lover wasn’t the best idea. you knew just the thing to cheer him up as you opened the delivery app, picking out every snack you knew he enjoyed and adding it to the cart.
ੈ♡˳ 30 minutes later, you knock softly on the bedroom door, only to hear rapid shuffling and a thump before sunoo opened the door, “you’re still here! oh sweetheart i’m so sorry i-!” you cut him off by holding the back in front of him, “me too… let’s eat.” you smiled, following him to your bed and opening the bag.
ೃ⁀➷ yang jungwon
ੈ♡˳ being the leader of a group is stressful enough, but leading a globally popular group at the age of 16 added more weight on jungwon’s shoulders. jungwon thought he had developed a healthy way to cope with the stress but even he had his moments where he couldn’t contain his emotions.
ੈ♡˳ when he arrived home from a long, frustrating and stressful recording session, the last thing he wanted was to be bombarded with questions by you. unfortunately for you, jungwon wasn’t in a state of mind to communicate that to you without being aggressive as he yanked his arm out of your grasp.
ੈ♡˳ “why are you so clingy, huh?! don’t you have anything else to do other than nag my ear off?!” he yelled in an unrecognizable manner, his eyes filled with anger. you couldn’t get a word out, backing into a wall as it looked like he wouldn’t calm down any time soon. you’ve never seen him so frustrated.
ੈ♡˳ he cursed and reached his hands up to his face to rub his eyes, but you were so nervous you backed into the wall fully, a dull thud resonating through the hallway. jungwon opened his eyes at the sound, now looking confused, “y/n..? did you…?” the dots seem to connect in his head as his eyes soften.
ੈ♡˳ slowly, he extended his hand to you, waiting for you to take it before pulling you close. jungwon placed his hand on the center of your back, lowering his head so that he could speak into your ear. “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said those things… please forgive me.” he says, smiling when he felt you return the affection.
ೃ⁀➷ nishimura riki
ੈ♡˳ ni-ki wasn’t at all an angry person, especially not with you. he was always so quiet and calm, his silence was comfortable rather than intimidating; and that’s why its so easy to tell whenever he was stressed or upset. his jaw clenches and he has a dead eyed look, a telltale sign that he’s overthinking.
ੈ♡˳ and you didn’t expect him to start yelling at you when you pried him for answers, which was, admittedly, probably not the best choice. “i said i don’t want to talk about it! what part of that is so hard for you to understand?!” you were not at all used to riki raising his voice and it was enough to silence you.
ੈ♡˳ he raised his hand up after a beat of silence, intending on pushing his bangs out of his face, only for you to back away with a fearful sound. both of you froze, staring at eachother with bewildered looks on both of your faces. the tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
ੈ♡˳ “y/n…” riki finally spoke after what felt like an eternity of silence, his expression softening into a worried one. you could see tears begin to well up in his eyes, and riki never cried in front of you before… all tension left your body as you moved towards him, embracing him and burying your face into his chest.
ੈ♡˳ he didn’t waste a second returning the gesture, squeezing you tight enough that it made your ribs hurt. no more words were spoken as you sat down on the couch, and with your ear pressed to his chest, you could hear his rapid heart beat along with the whispered apologies he uttered into your ear.
thank you for reading! i haven’t proofread this yet, i will soon but thank you to the requester for giving me a prompt i could work with, i hope you enjoy it 🫶
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jjunieworld · 2 months
EYES ROLL ˒˒ 송민기
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in which your boyfriend mingi begs you to climb on top of him while having sex and ride him until he finishes.
pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ song mingi x fem!reader 𓄷 iηcℓudᥱs 𓈓 none!
genre﹙📄﹚⸝⸝⸝ pure smut, established relationship
warnings ‎⸝⸝⸝ unprotected sex (safety first!), handjob, some dom/sub dynamics(?), riding, creampie, petnames (baby), some praise
kipo’s note ‎⸝⸝⸝ going feral for mingi after how good he looked at coachella like i’m clawing at the bars on my enclosure at how everybody was looking at my man… this was inspired by the song eyes roll by gidle! ♡ love my girls,,, i hope you enjoy!! all feedback and reblogs are welcome! ♡
∿ [ 0.6k ] ⋆ [ continue on to . . . masterlist ]
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mingi kept shifting in front of you as you continuously pumped up and down on his cock. the two of you were on your shared bed, you between mingi’s outstretched legs. you were supposed to be in the middle of an argument right now, but you couldn’t resist how sexy mingi was when he was mad.
soft moans escaped his lips and filled your ears, which turned you on even more. you looked up at mingi with a raised eyebrow and started pumping him more slowly, “are you trying to hold it in?” mingi responded with a barely audible whimper and you let go of him completely.
“p-please, baby, i need to feel you around me,” mingi whined as he took your hands and pulled you towards him. you ended up straddling him, his stiff cock brushing against your bare stomach. instead of replying, you glared at him.
“it’s not the same when it’s just your hand, and you know i can barely cum without you wrapped around me,” mingi tried to justify. you sighed and rolled your eyes at him.
mingi cupped your cheek and brushed his thumb across it softly, “are you still mad? sorry, baby, i didn’t mean—“ you cut him off by placing your hands flat on his chest and pushing him down on the bed. you climbed further up him and grabbed his cock to line up up with your wet entrance.
“shut up,” you hissed. you didn’t want to hear about the reason the two of you were arguing before. all you wanted in this moment was to feel mingi’s cum fill you up. slowly, you sank down inch by inch onto him and felt how he stretched out your pussy.
mingi’s hand came to your hips and he gripped them tightly to get you to start moving. placing your hands on his chest again, you started rocking back and forth at a steady pace. mingi cursed lowly under his breath as he watched you look down at him.
you whimpered from how good he felt inside you and the power trip of you looking down on him made you move faster. it didn’t take long for mingi to fall apart, he was already halfway there from just your hand anyway. his warm cum poured into you as you rode him, the white liquid creating creamy wet sounds.
“a-ah… fuck,” mingi murmured and threw his head back onto the pillows. he already pissed you off today, and you two definitely weren’t leaving this bed until you had your release too. “you feel so good,” mingi added lowly.
your pussy clenched around him and you pushed your thighs tighter together around his hips. your fingernails dug into his chest and you made your hips keep moving, throwing your head back at the overwhelming sensations taking over your body.
the rope finally snapped and your warm cum dripped down mingi’s softening cock and onto his lower stomach as you slid off of him. you laid down onto his chest and his arms came to wrap around your back. “are we okay now?” mingi asked sheepishly.
you giggled a little, “fine… i guess we are.” mingi accepted your answer and pressed sweet kisses onto your hairline. he was lucky you were so nice.
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© jjunieworld - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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melonn-soda · 2 months
❝GIDDY UP & GO!!... ❞
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word count: 3.3k
warnings: subbot! male reader, domtop! boothill, genitals are not explicitly mentioned, grinding, no actual penetration, unnecessary descriptions how much there is of spit (sorry if ur not into that), predator/prey if u squint, nd gunplay if u squint really really hard (is implied), lots of pentnames, praise, save a horse ride a cowboy but I change a factor, cowboy hat rule because RRGHGHGRHRGHHGHGHG
prompt: boothill has made it his life mission to cash in the money he gets when he lands you behind bars. however, when it becomes apparent as to why you let him pursue you, he begins to chase you for an entirely different reason
notes: lost 50/50 to yanqing (he's still my kid nd I love him regardless YANQING HATERS LEAVE!!!!) when wishing for aventurine. now I'm pulling for boothill if I don't get my little gambler (if Sunday is playable and better than boothill then im sorry to my fav cowboy yeehaw) not beta read
fem aligned dni
“Oh, my.”
Boothill hates your guts. That’s a given.
He hates the way you carry yourself, the sly remarks you’ll make if you spot even one hint of insecurity, the slight draw on certain syllables to give a mocking tone- you, in general. Although he’s more on the bothering side than the bothered, you’re just so much more annoying than he thought even possible. Guess that’s why you’re known as a high-end bandit.
He’s been on your tail for weeks, chasing any leads (a lot of them, like you wanted the chase) he could get his hands on. He’s even seen you slinking around taverns, poker tables, run-down hotels- for fucks’ sake, even on horseback racing down a dirt path while attempting to rob a moving train. To feel the satisfaction of seeing the credits Boothill would obtain after putting you behind bars is all he wants to experience because this is just getting ridiculous.
So, why the hell now, is he bound up to the ceiling with chains thicker than his own ankle after finding your base?
The amused smile finds its way upon your lips and Boothill wants to do nothing more than to kick it right off. You were in a vulnerable position before he decided to sneak in, with your chair tipped as your feet were kicked up on a busted wooden table, a bandana resting over your eyes to block out the sunlight that dared to drift into the room. Boothill made the dumbest mistake by alerting you of his presence through triggering a well hidden trip-wire. Perking you up, you began to rise from your seat, swiftly removing the bandana from your eyes and fingers instinctively on the handle of your revolver that sat on the gun holster strapped to your thigh. The trap triggered so fast, Boothill’s sensors barely had time to react to it before the ‘snap!’s and ‘crack!’s echoed throughout the room and he was pressed against the ceiling within seconds.
Sharp glares were stabbing through your form as your hand rested on your hip as you whistled, looking up at the ranger in slight surprise and smugness. Aeons, he hated you.
“Wow, such a reckless move to jus’ prance yer way in here, no? Hey, aren't cha a Galaxy Ranger or somethin’?” You tease, swiveling your chair so that you could sit backwards on it, crossing your arms atop of the back rest so you could rest your chin on your forearms, “Surely, ya coulda suspected that I woulda set up a trap. But why waste all yer precious time on someone as measly as me? I ain’t nothin’ but a lil’ ol’ bandit.”
“You better seal yer pretty lil’ lips, doll.” Boothill hisses at you, his voicebank glitching to censor the words he so desperately wanted to say, “My bullets don’t take too kindly to sweet talkers n’ foxes.”
A laugh echoes throughout the falling apart structure then settles into a hum as you stand up and kick the chair against the wall, “Ya sure like to talk big. Kinda fits ya, though.” The chair slams right under Boothill and you slowly make your way towards it, the clinking of spurs on your boots highlighting every step you take.
Looking up at the suspended robot, your left foot raises and rests on the seat, leaning in to provoke the cyborg even further, “It’s kinda cute how ya keep pursuin’ me despite all these failed attempts. How ‘bout I give ya more of a reason to keep chasin’ me than only doin’ it for jus’ the credits?”
Boothill’s eyebrows creased in suspicion as your hand raises up to his face, contemplating just biting your fingers straight off until he hears the click of the safety and a metal barrel against the human skin of his jaw. His teeth clench in anger as you nearly laugh at his compliance, reaching above his head and snatching his hat right off.
Oh, he was going to kill you for sure-
The hat plops onto your head and you wink at him while sticking your tongue out.
There wasn’t-
There was no way.
“Catch me if ya can, cowboy.” You say dismissively, briskly turning around and walking out of the rundown hideout. However, before you could get out of his line of sight, your head turned to face him and you said, “I’ll be waitin’. As always.”
Dumbfounded and a half an hour later collapsed on the floor from the wooden boards snapping- which loosened the chains, he replays that minute over and over again. He didn’t want to believe that had actually happened but his memory told him otherwise.
There was no way that you...
Whatever. He’ll think about it later. He needs to get his damn hat back.
The first time Boothill finds you, it’s in a more forest-y area. You’re on your trusty steed, talking to some other criminals with little interest. The cowboy watches the interaction, paying special attention to your reactions to see if you’ve noticed his presence. From what he could tell, you didn’t seem to see that he was watching while using the shrubbery to cover him and the horse he was on. The people you were talking to he recognized from some wanted posters, only worth some credits. Not as much as your bounty, though.
...You’re still wearing his hat.
“Look, partner,” Your voice dips into an exhausted, low, sigh, “I need that shipment as soon as possible, ya hear? I ain’t got too much time left before she’s reached her time. Ion care how ya get it, I need it in at least a week! Otherwise she’ll get real snappy and I’m gonna hafta put some lead in some poor person's head.”
One of the bandits flashes a worried look to another, “Boss, ya don’t understand! The Xianshou Luofu’s been havin’ sum sorta delay! We ain’t gonna get those packages ‘til some long period of time!”
Boothill’s interest peaks as you begin to snap, “Did ya not hear me? I said, ‘Ion care how ya get them!’ Find a way! Talk to that Trailblazer everyone’s been praisin’ about or somethin’! Jus’ get me my stuff before ‘m gonna start blowin’ some brains out-”
A rustle causes you to pause your sentence as you draw your weapon immediately, the barrel facing his direction and bullets fly. Boothill’s horse had begun to munch on the bush, which gave away his position, but thankfully he moved quick enough to get out of the way.
You decided to book it when you caught sight of the familiar white and black hair, spurs hitting the sides of your horse as you begin to get out of the area to leave nothing but a trail of dust. Boothill doesn’t hesitate to race after you, whipping the reins of his horse to get her going.
Branches and twigs tug at Boothill’s hair as he chases you through the forest, lowering his torso so that he could lessen the wind resistance as his horse’s hooves slam against the ground. You’re quite the distance away, mostly because your horse is pretty speedy. It’s how you get away from crime scenes so fast. However, Nellie, the horse Boothill is riding currently, is also quite fast.
Although, not fast enough because in the end, he still loses you.
The curses he spits all get censored immediately as he slows into a stop, head turning in every direction to see if you left any trail behind. Only to see none. Didn’t expect as much from a skilled criminal.
The second time he spots you is in the tavern, playing a game of poker with people that had their pockets stuffed full of cash. ‘Rich folk,’ Boothill grimaces as he could see them tilt their chin up like the world owes them something. If you rob them, he won’t feel even a sliver of remorse.
He knows that you can see him as he leans against the wall to watch the match, some of the rich getting intensively frustrated as they begin to fold after betting so high. Judging by the scheming smile on your face, he could tell you have a winning hand. Then again, when are you never smiling like you have something up your sleeve?
Finally, in the showdown, you and the person you’re going up against reveal your cards and you win with a four of a kind. Lucky.
The people at the table groan and push their chips in your direction, getting up to leave as their attitudes have just been soured over that singular match. Boothill takes the opportunity to walk over to you and remove the gun from his holster and press it right up against your lower back, hand coming up to snatch his hat that rests atop your head.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
A window shatters behind him and he could hear flames begin to roar but he doesn’t dare tear his eyes away from you. Only when he feels cold metal press against the nape of his neck does his actions falter and his eyes turn to face whoever decided to draw their weapon.
He blinks in shock to see a figure completely made of water, his gaze returning to you and seeing you sitting on the edge of the table with your gun pressed against his forehead. Shit. He’s lost again.
The tavern completely surrenders to the flames as people scream at the sight of fire, swallowing up the alcohol and wood. Boothill can hear his fans whirring to prevent himself from overheating but the attempt is futile as the room begins to get unbearably hot. He’s not sure if it’s just the fire that’s causing him to overheat or it’s because you look insanely good with all this red and orange light.
What is he even thinking right now?
“Y’know, it’s gettin’ real fun toyin’ with ya, cowboy.” You speak, completely unbothered by all the heat in the building. He can’t even see a single drop of sweat on your face. Even so, you continue, “But I think ya can do a little better than this.”
The ranger’s lips purse in offense, glaring at you as best as he could. The gun you had pointed lazily at his forehead falls to the floor and Boothill isn’t sure how long he can last in this heat. Before his system could finally shut down because of overheating, he could feel your lips press against the area where your gun was pressed up against. Then, he falls over as his system forcibly turns him off.
The third time Boothill sees you, he’s lying on a metal workbench with cold water floating above him and fans blowing in his direction. He’s confused, obviously, and on his toes as he realizes he’s not in an area he’s not familiar with. He attempts to sit up to find a way to escape only to realize that he can’t move his arm. Now, he’s terrified.
“Relax, cowboy.” Your voice coos from behind a computer, typing away at something as you're taking a tip from a glass. Presumably water. “I’m cooling ya off. You’re welcome... You should be able to move now.”
Boothill shoots up from his spot and rips off the cables that are attached to his left arm, head darting around to look for his gun. He hears a click and once again finds himself with a gun pressed up against his jaw.
“Lookin’ for this?”
The crosshair that replaces his once human pupils flit over to your direction, noticing that you were holding his revolver in your dominant hand. Boothill swears that you must like pointing a barrel in his direction for how many times this has been done. He also sees that you’re wearing his very cropped jacket over your usual attire. ... And you’re still wearing his hat.
“That’s mine, pretty boy.” The ranger gives you a half-assed growl as his censor kicks in once more, already getting annoyed at your sly behaviour, “Ya really got a knack for takin’ stuff that’s not yours, huh? No wonder yer a criminal.”
You giggle at his words, tossing his gun on the metal workbench, “It’s not loaded, neither is your little gun hand.” You tell him, like he was going to start unloading mags into your skin. Turning around, you walk back to your computer and open up a drawer on the desk it sits on, “Well?” You ask after a momentary silence, leaning on one of your legs as you crack open a bottle of whiskey and begin to pour it into your empty glass.
“‘Well’, what?” Boothill narrows his eyes at you, picking up his revolver and shoving it back into his thigh holster. He’ll just have to go to the nearest mechant and buy more bullets.
“Ain’t ya gonna, I don’t know, take yer hat back?” You ask him, taking a sip of the alcohol that gives a slight burn down your throat, “We’re in an enclosed space, barely any room t’move around, exit’s right behind ya ‘n all. Perfect chance t’arrest me, if I dare so say m’self.”
He blinks. There’s got to be some sort of trap if the setup is this perfect. He’s not going to make the same mistake he did before, not again. So, his sensors scan the room quickly, which leaves you unamused, and he sees that there are in fact no traps in this room. Boothill almost doesn’t want to believe it.
“Are ya playin’ some sort of game with me?” Boothill’s eyes begin to squint in suspicion, carefully trying to think of a situation you might pull that puts him on the losing end of the stick, “Yer jus’ gonna let yourself get arrested? Jus’ like that?”
“What? Ya don’t wanna do it? Too scared?” You taunt him again, causing the cowboy’s circuits to boil in animosity.
“Ya know what?” Boothill smiles a tense one, taking long, menacing steps in your direction, “I’ve ‘bout had it with your attitude, pretty boy. Seems like ya didn’t have anybody ta teach ya proper manners.” All of a sudden, you felt yourself being slammed up against the wall behind you with a grunt, Boothill’s right hand keeping your wrists together and his left hand tilting your chin up to look at him, his eyes glowing a dangerous red, “I mean, after that stunt ya pulled in yer lil’ base, it seems like ya wanna be caught by me.”
“Hah.. guilty as charged.” You laugh, attempting to keep your smooth facade up, only for it to crack once you could feel his metal knee nudge between your thighs. A whine rips through your throat as he keeps his knee still, not bothering to give you the pleasure you oh so wanted from the day you saw him.
“How ‘bout it, doll?” Boothill sneers at your pathetic expression, lips getting dangerously close to yours, “I can give ya a better punishment than jail could.”
One thing’s for sure: Boothill’s mechanical body does not have any built in... pleasure devices, he’s nearly as smooth as a doll. However, there is a slightly large bump on his pelvis in the shape of an oval that if you were to grind just right up against, you’ll-
Boothill’s lips curve up into a smirk as he sees you push down hard against his metallic form, trying to settle your trembles by wrapping your arms tightly around his neck to stabilize yourself. It’s cute, he thinks, seeing you all desperate for sexual relief. The way you hopelessly cling to him like he’s the last thing keeping you alive. He can’t believe he actually thought about putting you behind bars if getting you wrapped around his finger was this satisfying. 
“How’s it feel, pretty boy?” Boothill whispers in your ear, causing a shiver to rack your spine as his grip adjusts to settle on your lower waist, pushing you even further against him, “Feel like yer gonna explode yet?”
Whimpering in response, your shaky fingertips grip onto his shoulders as your forehead now presses against his. Soft pants fill the room and Boothill can practically see the hearts in your eyes as your hips continue to move against his. You both still have your clothes on but this all still feels so intimate, probably better than actual penetration.
The ranger’s hand reaches up to tug his hat that still rests on your head, fixing it back from its tilted state, “Ya look like ya wanna kiss, doll.” He teases, bringing your chin closer to the point where your noses brushed up against one another.
“Pl-please..” You say breathily, gently tugging at his hair.
“Attaboy.” Boothill snickers in response, “Looks like yer finally learning.” His freakishly long tongue slithers past his lips as soon as they press against yours, slipping into your mouth as saliva begins to spill down your chin. Aeons, you’re just so cute.
Soft moans are swallowed up by Boothill’s greedy mouth, his thumb coming up to pull against your bottom lip before he pulls away and the only thing that connects your mouths is the thin trail of spit. His robotic thumb pushes into your mouth, pressing against your tongue as drool continues to spill down your pretty lips. He could get used to this.
He notices how much faster your hips move, calculating that you were close as whines and whimpers flood the room. The smile on Boothill’s face only widens even further, bumping his hips up to catch you off guard. He knows he succeeds when he hears a shaky squeak come from your mouth.
“What’s wrong, pretty boy? Ya gonna bust?” The ranger sneers, the thumb in your mouth shifting so he widens your lips by pushing at the sides, “Y’know, I could easily deny ya of that relief. Ya kinda deserve it for teasin’ me this whole time.”
You shake your head violently, already too close to be pulled away now. Boothill snickers in response, “No? What makes ya think you can tell me what to do?” A pleading look flashes across your features and Boothill has half the decency to make you beg for release. He decides to have mercy on you, though, “Mmmn, I mean, I guess ya have been pretty obedient. Go on and blow yer load f’me, pretty.”
With a shudder and a slight bite on Boothill’s metal thumb, your pants get soaked in your fluids, staining the fabric. Your hips jerk a couple of times to ride out your orgasm then you started slumping onto his chest in exhaustion. Boothill’s other hand rubs at your hip to soothe you, letting you rest in place to calm the trembles that still cause your body to twitch in overstimulation.
“Good boy.” He says softly, pulling his thumb out of your mouth, watching as it dripped since it was slick with your spit. Letting you catch your breath for a moment, he waits before he decides to ask, “So, what package were ya waitin’ for?”
“Baby stuff.” You sigh, face burying into Boothill’s neck, “My sister’s expecting ‘nd her wife’s been tellin’ me to get that stuff as soon as possible. The Luofu has been delaying their packages for a bit, somethin’ about shippin’ difficulties. Can’t believe ya’d remember something like that, though.”
The cowboy huffs in response, “Bein’ a cyborg’s got some perks. The only bad part is that ion got a dick to fuck ya with. Woulda been nice to see ya unable to walk for a few days.”
You sit up and give him a weird look, hands resting on his shoulders, “Ya do know strap-ons exist, right?” The way you said that made him feel much stupider, like you were pointing out the obvious to him.
“...Oh.” Boothill’s face flushes embarrassingly hot as his fans kick in once more.
Aeons, he hated you.
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
Orc boyfriend with what he thinks is a tiny, smol mate who's so smol, so delicate, so sweet... They're actually pretty firmly built for a human, while a bit short, along with being stubborn and sassy and ready to bite heads off for their adorable XL size boyfriend.
I've got so many orc stories going right now, but you know I'm not mad about it ^_^ I love Orcs <3 There are so many different ways to write them. I have another couple of Orc asks I'm working on, as well 🥵
Orc (Cedar) x thick f reader
Word Count: 5K
Tw: sfw orc fluff, some brief descriptions of battle, brief mention of sa, size difference
More monster fluff here
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“Put the stick down, sugar. We’re not going to hurt you.” 
You scoffed at the soldiers circling you, their eyes dark with lust. 
“We just want to have some fun,” another said, his eyes drifting over your shapely hips. “Don’t you owe us a debt of gratitude for rescuing you?”  
You squeezed the iron fire poker that you had gripped in your hand. 
“Rescuing me? You didn’t get your rocks off burning down the damn village?” 
“It was a strategic maneuver,” the leader of the armored men said with an oily smile. “We are here to liberate you.” 
“By assaulting me?” you snapped. 
There was not a doubt in your mind that the second you lowered your weapon, they were going to drag you into some dark corner and act out all of the sick thoughts they had echoed on their faces. 
Your King’s soldiers weren’t good guys. When they heard there was an Orc camp nearby, they couldn’t be bothered to attack it directly. Instead, they burned down your village. They said it was to prevent them from resupplying. 
It was true you did business with the Orcs, who were technically your enemy, but they never acted like enemies. While big and quite scary-looking, they paid in gold and were always polite to the women running the shops. You never felt the least bit unsafe alone with one, and occasionally, they’d help you out with things that needed done– fixing roofs and cartwheels. The men of the town had all been conscripted for the war, so it mostly the ladies keeping the village afloat. The soldiers had made a whole lot of children and the elderly homeless. 
“Come on, sweetie, this game is getting tiresome.” 
One of the soldiers dared to approach you, and you didn’t hesitate a second, swinging your poker and smacking him so hard in the head that his helmet crunched. He collapsed on the broken boards that had once been the floor of your little noodle shop. 
“Now that’s a crime!” the leader barked.
He waved to his accomplices. 
“Get in there and restrain her!” Their eyes fell on the collapsed soldier, and they looked between one another, trying to sort out who was next to get a whomping. 
You flexed your wrist, preparing to swing at whoever came at you next, when you heard the heavy steps of an Orc approaching. The soldiers were too inexperienced to know what that sound meant. You’d heard them approach every day at dinner time for several months. It wasn’t until he was shouldering his way through what was left of your door that they took notice. 
“The enemy approaches! Your swords!” 
The Orc you knew as Ash, wrinkled his brow and let out a lilting call to gather his brethren. The ground rumbled as more heavy feet ran towards you. 
Wood splintered, and what remained of the ceiling creaked as they tore the walls away, making more room for a fight. 
Faced with five nine-foot Orc barbarians armed with axes almost as big as their bodies, the soldiers tried to run for it. You screamed as they threatened to trample you, trying to force their way through the back wall, but they never reached you. 
The Orcs didn’t need to draw their weapons, grabbing every soldier and smacking them against the ground until they stopped moving—a gruesome way to die, but practical. 
When the danger was crumpled into a wet gnarl of bones and metal, their eyes turned to you. Ash said something to his friends in their own language before he stomped across the room and plucked you up like a kitten, cradling you in his arm. 
“Hey, What do you think you’re doing?!” 
“Quiet, little one. You’ll give us away.” 
You puckered your lips at him, annoyed, as if the stomping of five tons of muscle was quiet. When you tried to wave your poker at him, he plucked it out of your hand but didn’t drop it, tucking it instead in his belt. He said something else to his friends before turning to split away from them. 
You had no reason to panic. The Orcs had never harmed you, but being taken away from the group put frightening thoughts in your head, and you instinctively started screaming. 
The Orc sighed, sounding tired, when four more soldiers came skidding around a corner, swords in hand. You looked up at him apologetically, smacking your hand over your mouth to stay the scream that didn’t want to stop. 
He set you on the roof of what was left of a building and pat you on the head, a gesture that you read as “stay” before pulling out his axe. You weren’t going anywhere, even if you wanted to. The drop was fifteen feet down, and the stairs were just charcoal at the base of the building. 
“Attack!” the leader of the soldiers shouted, but their moves in their heavy metal armor were slow. Ash swung his arm in a sweeping stroke that sliced four of them in half where they stood. The other one, eyes wide with horror, turned tail and ran. 
Replacing his axe, he picked you up again and headed into the woods. This time, you had enough sense to keep quiet. 
You’d never been to the Orc camp before, but you heard it before you saw it. The brassy sound of a grinder and hammers on metal rang through the trees, blended with the shouts of the Orcs in their language.  There were lots of huge tents and fires spotted here and there. The camp was buzzing with activity. Orcs ran around shouting at one another, some gathering weapons, some sending groups in the direction you came. You recognized many of them as some of your customers. They often came in groups and hauled away vats of the noodle stew you sold. 
A few Orcs waved at Ash but didn’t pay you much mind as he carried you to the nicest-looking tent. It had a banner outside of it with a gold bear embroidered into the fabric. Ash set you on the ground at the door and handed you your poker before patting you on the back, indicating you should go in. 
“What’s in there?” you asked. 
He said something in Orcish that you didn’t understand and walked away. There were too many other giants around to attempt an escape, so you pulled aside the fur covering the door and peeked inside. 
Your question was returned with a deep voice, smooth as a glassy pond. 
“Enter, little one.” 
Taking a few steps inside, you were faced with what you could only describe as the most handsome Orc you’d ever seen. His skin was a deep olive, and his hair fell over his shoulder in a long, dark sheet with small braids here and there. His tusks were large, but they seemed only to highlight how well his lips were formed. His features were harsh and defined but not unattractive, with a straight nose and deep-set gold eyes. The only thing you could point out as a flaw was a dark scar from his forehead to the right corner of his jaw. 
You assumed the Orcs were blunt tools, sprinting into battle with no real plan, but this one was sitting at a high table examining maps with a book in his hand. 
“I’m…I’m not sure why I’m here,” you said, brandishing your poker, though you didn’t feel like you were in any particular danger. 
“I asked Ash to fetch you,” he said without looking up. “You’re the noodle shop woman.” 
“My name is (Y/N), not “noodle shop woman,” and I don’t have a shop anymore. The soldiers burned it.” 
He put his book down and turned his gold eyes to you. 
“That’s why you’re here.” 
“I don’t understand.” 
His eyes drifted over you before they settled on the poker you were still holding up. 
“You were feeding most of the camp. If there’s no shop to visit, you can make noodles here.” 
You blinked up at him. 
“Oh…Am I your prisoner?” 
He chuckled. 
“If you’d like to go back to your people, I won’t stop you, but judging how they burned down your village without hesitation, I think you’re safer with us.” 
You had to admit that made some sense, but you still weren’t buying it. 
“I can’t stay here with you!” 
He tipped his head, the corner of his lip twitching up slightly. 
“Why is that, little one?” 
You narrowed your eyes at him. 
“First of all, I’m NOT little, and second, an Orc camp is no place for a lady.” 
A shudder that had nothing to do with fear shot down your spine as his eyes moved over your body. He crossed the room, scooping you up, and setting you on his table. Your feet dangled far from the ground. 
“What- What are you doing?” you snapped, waving your weapon at him. 
“My neck was hurting from looking down at you. You’re very short.”
The sparkle in his eyes told you he was teasing you, which drew heat to your cheeks. 
“Maybe compared to you. You’re unnecessarily large. What are you doing with all of that muscle? Are you going to arm wrestle your books?” you pouted, eyes drifting to the massive bicep peeking out of the fur vest he wore. 
He laughed out loud, gracing you with a wide smile. 
“You’ll fit right in here.” 
You raised your nose at him, trying to look unconvinced. 
“Where will I even sleep? All of your tents are big and drafty.” 
“Since you’ve declared your intention to court me, I wouldn’t mind if you slept here.” 
“Declared my intention to— Where did you get that idea?” 
He flicked a fingertip at your poker. 
“In the old days, Orc females came to their males' tent and threatened them into submission with their favorite weapon.” 
Your cheeks burned like hot irons, and you almost dropped it. 
“Well…I’m not trying to court you. It’s for protection.” 
He snorted at you but nodded his head. 
“If you say so, little one, but it will be much warmer in my tent if it’s drafts you’re worried about.” 
“I don’t even know your name. Ash called you something in your language. I didn’t understand…” 
He examined one of the feet you had dangling over the edge of his table. Compared to his big hand, it was tiny. 
“Cautalin, it means something close to general in your language, but you can call me Cedar. That’s what my mother named me.” 
Your eyes traveled over his barrel chest and thick arms. 
“Seems about right,” you said, finally setting your poker down. 
He picked it up, looked it over, and tested the weight in his hand. 
“Not a bad choice,” he said. “Light but effective.” 
You glanced up at him through your eyelashes, feeling cheeky. 
“Do you feel like submitting?” 
You watched a flicker of heat ignite in his eyes, and he slowly set it down. 
“Come on, let's get you to bed, killer.” 
He picked you up again, walking you over to a large pallet covered in furs. 
“This is your bed.” 
He gave you another smile. 
“We’re in the middle of a battle; I won't be sleeping tonight. It's all yours.” 
Though you weren't quite sure about sleeping in his bed, weariness overtook you at the sight of the comfortable, cozy furs, and you crawled in, wrapping yourself up to your chin in blankets. 
He put your poker next to you and blew out the candle, slipping out the front flap as you dozed. 
You woke to yelling, but not the sound of battle. Crawling out of your furs, you picked up your poker and peeled out of the flap Cedar used as a door. Another Orc you didn't recognize was the one yelling, and Cedar had his arms crossed, looking bored. 
Your eyes drifted to about twenty women, elderly, and children, cowering in the chilly morning air, their faces streaked with soot from the fire.
“They’re our enemies!” the strange Orc barked. 
“Really, Asvoth? Are you really afraid of a handful of children and their mothers?” 
“This is a war camp, not a nursery.” 
“It's my camp, not yours. They stay.” 
“I outrank you. I can take your command.” 
Cedar snorted. 
“Yet the King hasn't trusted you with a unit of your own. You're nothing more than an errand boy with a fancy title. Any of these children could take your job.” 
Asvoth’s face turned a deep forest green from both embarrassment and indignation. He yanked the sword he wore on his back to his hand. Without thinking, you hopped in front of Cedar, waving your poker at the intruder. You had no idea why, a fact you only considered after you’d already put yourself in harm's way. Still, you'd made your move so the only thing to do was follow through. 
“You heard Cedar! We’re not leaving! Get on if you know what's good for you!” 
Asvoth sprung forward, dropping his sword toward your head. Your eyes squeezed shut, preparing for pain, but there was only the clang of metal. Opening one eye, you glanced up to see Cedar’s axe blocking the other Orc’s blow. 
There was a moment when you thought Asvoth might overtake him, but Cedar’s muscles weren't all for show. He shoved the other Orc back, and he toppled over, landing on his butt in the dirt. His sword landed in front of the children with a CLANG. 
“Woah!”  the little ones cheered, circling around it like it was a strange animal. 
A few of them tried to pick it up, but it was far too heavy, making their eyes pop even wider.
Cedar nodded at him, and a pair of Orcs from the camp dragged Asvoth up by the collar of his tunic, pushing him towards the forest.  
“I'm reporting this!” He shouted over his shoulder as he stumbled towards the woods. 
Cedar waved a hand at one of his Orcs, beckoning him closer. 
“You and Orin follow him and make sure the King gets our side of the story, not his.”  
When the situation seemed settled, Cedar looked down at you and patted your head. 
“Thank you for your protection, little suitor,” he said with a smirk. 
Your cheeks blew up in flames, but you puffed your chest and looked at the children watching Ash pick up the abandoned sword. They hopped around him like little bunnies, begging him to teach them to use it. 
“I have no idea what you mean! I’m here to make noodles! Point me in the direction of my kitchen! These little mouths are probably hungry.” 
He chuckled, but guided you with a large hand on your back to a large tent filled with whatever food supplies they had rescued from the village. You wrinkled your nose at the primitive workspace, but there were enough flour and eggs to work with. You were surprised to find someone had stuck in a lower table, perfect for your height. After washing your hands in a water basin, you got to cooking. 
“What are you still doing here?” you asked Cedar, who had plopped down in a chair and was reading a book. 
He smiled. 
You blinked at him, putting your floury fists on your hips. “Are you surveilling me? I’m not going to poison you all! I have to eat this too, you know.” 
He tipped his head to the side, his gold eyes sparkling in the makeshift hearth. 
“The sound of cooking is soothing. I liked to study in the kitchen while my mother cooked when I was a boy.” 
You looked him up and down. 
“I can’t imagine you as a child.” 
You thought for a second, tapping your chin. 
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Orc child, actually.” 
He looked back down at his book, shifting in his seat to get comfortable. 
“You will,” he said as he flipped a page. 
Your brow wrinkled at that nebulous statement, but you knew everyone was hungry after the long night, so you got back to work. 
By midmorning, you had a stewpot big enough to feed an army filled with noodles, vegetables, and what little bit of venison the Orcs had been able to hunt between the battle. 
“All done,” you said, clapping your hands and creating a puff of flour in the air. 
Cedar got up and shouted something to his men, and two Orcs appeared to carry the big vat into the central circle so it could be served. You felt a sense of satisfaction when all the bowls were passed out and the children, tired humans, and bloodied Orcs were eating. The mothers spoke quietly between one another, while the children could hardly sit still, their big eyes following the Orcs every movement. 
You looked up to find Cedar holding a bowl out to you. A grumbling stomach had you accepting it, and he patted the seat next to him for you to sit down. The two of you ate quietly for a moment before you asked him a question. 
“What are you going to do with all of us?” 
“Hmm?” he asked. 
“Well, I mean when the battle is over. We have nowhere to go. Our town is destroyed.” 
He looked at the children who, after scarfing down their bowls, were engaged in some game with Ash. 
“I was hoping you would all return to our capitol city with us. That’s where we live when we’re not fighting.”
Your eyebrows jumped. 
“To the Orc city? We’re humans. Don’t your people hate us?” 
He shrugged. 
“There are some weak minds who reveal their own fragility with their hate, but the rest of us like your kind. This whole war started because we wished to create allies amongst the humans.” 
“What? The soldiers said you attacked!” 
He chuckled. 
“Your king has a very effective propaganda engine. That’s probably the only thing about him that is effective. We sent a delegation party to him to discuss our interest in mingling with you humans. You all are prolific; despite your size, you’re a sturdy bunch. We thought marriages would bolster our numbers and strengthen your stock. Your King attacked, and we were forced to defend ourselves. The force that attacked us was decimated, and he declared war.” 
“You mean…you wish to mate with us?” 
His eyes slid down to you, and he gave you a sharp nod. 
“Is that so surprising?” 
You thought about it for a moment. 
“I don’t know…Maybe a little. You’re so strong. You’re not afraid we’ll diminish you?” 
His thick hand cupped your chin and rubbed some flour away with his thumb. Your heart raced at his touch. 
“Size is not what makes us strong. Our strength lies in our unbreakable bonds. Your King will be defeated, not because his forces are less than ours, but because he orders his men to betray his own people.” 
He nodded towards the children, who were playing chicken fight on Ash and another Orc’s shoulders. 
“They will remember it was men who burned down their village, stole their fathers from them, assaulted their mothers and Orcs who took them in, fed them, and helped them smile again. 
“I suppose you’re right,” you agreed. 
His smile widened. 
“I will remember you took up arms to protect me against an enemy twice your size. You belong among the us.” 
Suddenly the wool dress you wore was much too hot. 
“I should go wash these before the next meal,” you squeaked, grabbing his empty bowl and scurrying away.
Once safe in the kitchen tent, you pressed your hand against your chest, trying to still your heart. Why did Cedar make you feel so fluttery? You’d never felt this way around anyone before. You usually kept to yourself and steered clear of romance. It had to be the battle, you decided. You were still hyped up from the night before. In a day or so, you were sure it would pass. 
Dunking empty bowls in ice-cold river water helped cool your thoughts as you tried to focus on what to make for dinner. The Orcs stocks were pretty hefty, but they and the children ate a lot. You’d noticed many of the parents tipping some of their bowls into their little one’s, making sure they were fed properly in case the next meal didn’t come. 
It saddened you it had to be this way. What horrible person decides to burn down their own citizens' village? Who was the King even protecting you from? Not the Orcs, that’s for sure. 
A loud rabble outside dragged your attention away from the dishes, and you picked up your poker before peeking your head outside. 
A few Orc scouts were speaking in rapid Orcish to Cedar. When they paused, his eyes immediately looked around for the children and frowned before he spoke to you all. 
“The human King has sent reinforcements. They will close on our camp by nightfall.” 
The mothers all gathered their children to their skirts, looking weary. 
“Women and children to the kitchen tent! We will keep you safe, but you must stay hidden!” 
You made way as a small stampede of humans rushed past you, many pushing their children to hide under the table. 
“What’s happening?” You asked Cedar as people and Orcs rushed around. 
He scrubbed his hand over his jaw, looking disturbed. 
“Someone ran back to your King with a story that we’d kidnapped you, not taken you in from starving in a burnt-down village. We will win this fight, but then we will have to make the journey back to the capitol. They will keep attacking if they think you’re within their grasp. Do you think you can explain this to your people? We don’t intend to take anyone by force, but I wouldn’t trust the King’s soldiers.”
“Yes, of course. Whatever you need.”
You hurried back to the kitchen, where the humans were muttering to one another. 
“Should we flee to the forest?” Isla, the former town candlemaker, asked. “Can we depend on the Orcs to protect us?” 
Another woman scoffed. 
“We can’t trust anyone. These Orcs are kind now, but they’ll sell us out at the drop of a hat.” 
Linda, a quiet woman who worked as a weaver, whimpered. 
“But we’ll starve in the forest alone. Word is the King’s men have raized every town for fifty miles!” 
You inserted yourself into the conversation, holding up your hands. 
“No one needs to escape to the woods. The Orcs are going to take us back to their capitol to keep us safe.” 
Linda squeaked in horror. 
“The Orc capitol?! Where they can enslave us?!” 
“They have no plan to enslave you. Don’t you want your children to be safe? We will be safe behind their walls!” 
“Or…when the King takes the city we’ll all be hung as traitors!” 
“Shawna, don’t put that in her head. Linda, we’ll be fine. I trust Cedar.” 
You paused on that thought, realizing not only was it true, it didn’t make any sense. You’d only just met him. Your conversation was interrupted by the shouting of men outside. 
“We’ll talk about this later,” you hissed, “Here, take this.” 
You armed the humans with whatever haphazard weapons you could find, mostly butcher knives and skillets. 
Outside, you could hear the clang of weapons and the squelching sounds of metal piercing flesh. 
“What's happening?” Linda asked, trying to get around you so she could peek out of the tent flap. 
“Stay back!” You barked. “If they see us, we’re in trouble!” 
You could tell she was losing it, hopping from one foot to another, her hands getting slippery on her knife. 
“No, no, no,” she whimpered. “I don’t want to go with the Orcs. Even a human monster is better than them!” 
Before you could grab her, she skipped through the doorway, running wildly into the fray. The other humans gathered around you, their opinions spilling out like loose marbles. 
“What is she thinking?!” 
“Linda, come back!” 
“Let her go, she’s nuts.” 
You clenched your jaw, squeezing your iron poker. 
“She’s scared. I’ll go get her…you all stay put!” 
Before anyone could stop you, you darted after her, trying to catch sight of her red skirt through the mess of armour-clad humans and massive Orcs. The King had sent a much larger force than the one that had burned down your village. The battle around you was brutal. You almost slipped on a puddle of blood, your eyes frantically searching for Linda. 
You found her pointing her knife with shaking hands at a human soldier. 
“What are you doing? I’m a human, too!” 
“The King ordered you all dead!” he snarled, raising his sword at her. “No witnesses! Come on, do your duty to the kingdom, and die quietly!” 
Panicking, you launched yourself at him, whacking him with your poker as you barreled into him. The two of you went down, metal clashing as you fell and dropped your weapons. Both of you scrabbled for purchase in the blood-soaked earth. You could hear Linda screeching beside you as you tried to overpower the soldier. His armor, now slick with mud, made it impossible to get a hold of him, and he triumphantly dragged himself to his sword, clumsily grabbing it by the blade and flinging it in your direction. You saw the metal flash in the firelight before pain exploded between your eyes, and your vision went black. 
“Please tell me she’s not dead,” you heard Linda’s voice from far away. 
Isla scoffed. 
“You’d better hope she’s not, Linda. This is all your fault!” 
“I'm sorry!” she simpered, “I made a mistake! I thought the soldiers were here to free us!” 
“Free us from what? A good meal and a safe place to sleep?”
You dragged your eyelids open, vision blurry for a moment before it cleared. 
“What…what happened?” you murmured. 
“She’s awake!” Isla gasped. 
You felt her cool hands against your cheek. 
“Take it slow, here; have some water.” 
She pushed a tin cup into your hands, and you wet your palette with a few sips. Looking around, you were surrounded by the humans, all looking very concerned. 
“Is everyone okay?” you asked. 
Isla smirked, and the other women tittered a bit. 
“Thanks to you, I suppose. That chieftain or warlord or whatever saw you get knocked in the head and went berzerk. He killed most of the soldiers all by himself.” 
Another woman poked her head out of the tent. 
“She’s okay! You guys can untie him!” 
“Untie who? Is the battle over?” 
Isla nodded.
“Yeah, all the soldiers are dead. We’ve all been waiting for you to wake up so we can move the camp before the King sends anymore. Can you believe he ordered them to kill us? I guess so he could claim the Orcs did it and get more support for the war.”
She smirked at you. 
“And as for who's tied up, your Orc friend thought you were dead. The others had to tie him up so he wouldn’t go on a rampage. He was ready to storm the King’s stronghold! You ought to see the ropes they had to use…thick as your waist!” 
You heard the roll of stomping feet, and Cedar burst through the tent flap. His hair was wild, and his tunic was red with blood. He fell to his knees in front of you, holding his hands as if he couldn’t decide if you were safe to touch. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, carefully prodding the bandage you had wrapped around your head. “That monster didn’t do any permanent damage, did he?” 
“She’ll have a scar,” Isla said, “but I think she’s fine.” 
Cedar’s face lightened, pulling you towards him, his big arms wrapping around you. 
“Thank the goddess,” he sighed with a heavy breath. “I thought they’d taken you from me.” 
He cupped your cheeks between his palms when he finally let you go. 
“You are so stupidly brave, little one,” he gasped, eyes wet. “You have more honor than your people deserve.” 
Behind him, Isla waved the women out of the tent, leaving the two of you alone. Not used to so much intimate attention, your cheeks warmed, and you weren’t sure where to look. 
“I just didn’t want Linda to get hurt,” you muttered. 
He gave you an odd smile, scooping you out of the cot you’d woken up in. 
“Once I get you to our home in the capitol, I’m going to have to keep you locked up for your own safety,” he said, patting your head. 
You looked up at him from where you were tucked, leaning on his bicep. 
“Our home?” 
He grinned at you, counting on his fingers. 
“First step to Orc courting: Threaten your desired with your weapon. Done. Step two: Allure them with your cooking skills, cooking or hunting something delicious. Done. And the final step: Display your honor through a grand act of bravery. Done! You’ve effectively and thoroughly seduced me, little one! All that’s left is to take you home!” 
He tipped your chin up with one thick finger and dipped his head to press his lips against yours. Your whole body felt like it was made of butterflies, every nerve flickering with excitement. Despite being covered in blood and mud, his kiss tasted like honey and sage. It felt like a warm cup of tea on a chilly morning. Your eyelashes fluttered shut and you sank into his warmth, despite yourself, happy to be alive and in his arms.
“Oh!” you gasped as he straightened his neck.
Your mouth fell open, unsure what to say. Before you could think of anything, Cedar carried you out of the tent, shouting orders at his men to pack up the camp so you could leave for the capitol.
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heich0e · 2 months
"are you like... into that?"
you tear your eyes away from the screen a few seconds after rintarou says it, too rapt by what's unfolding in the movie scene to look away too soon.
"what do you mean?" you ask, glancing over to the other end of the sofa where he's seated. he's slumped down in the corner of the sofa, nestled right into the valley between the cushions where he always sits—which has resulted in a permanent sort of vaguely rintarou-shaped indentation that you hide using throw pillows when company comes over.
he's watching you very intently from his side of the sofa, too intently almost. you'd thought you'd felt his eyes on you while you were watching the movie, but you aren't exactly sure how long he's been staring, and now it leaves you wondering what exactly he's up to.
rintarou nods towards the television on the other side of the room, you look back at the screen once more and see the male lead still at the centre of the scene. he'd just gotten into a fight—shirtless, glistening with perspiration, and a strangely erotic trickle of blood trailing down his philtrum. you swallow a little as you become engrossed in the movie again, forgetting momentarily that you were ever asked a question at all.
your eyes snap back to rintarou—who's still focused only on you, but with a slightly more disapproving look this time.
"what?" you ask him, a bit huffily. you're still not even sure what he'd been asking you in the first place.
"you've been ogling that guy since he got the shit kicked out of him," rintarou says pointedly, lifting a hand and gesturing towards the television. "you into that or something?"
there's something kind of accusatory in his tone.
"wha—hu—no," you stumble over your words in your haste to defend yourself. "i've told you i'm not into hardcore stuff. and that would constitute like... doctorate level BDSM."
rintarou's lips purse slightly. "do you think that guy's hot?"
"i mean... yeah," you answer after contemplating it for a moment. "i didn't really think so before but he's kinda sexy in this scene."
"he just got the shit kicked out of him," the boy at the other end of the sofa responds flatly.
"so you've pointed out," you answer. you turn back to the screen, watching as the battered male lead winds a roll of bandages around his ribs, then drags his knuckles roughly across his lips to clear away some of the blood that clings to them. your tongue peeks out to moisten your own unconsciously. "don't you think there's something kind of hot about a guy with a bit of blood on him?"
"is this a trick question?"
you look back at rintarou again, and find him still fixated on you rather than the film. he's pouting a bit, and it kind of makes you want to laugh. instead, you push yourself up from your own little nest at the opposite end of the sofa, crawling down towards him.
"rintarou, are you jealous because i called the bloody guy sexy?" you ask him as you pause at his side, resting back on your haunches.
he nibbles on the inside of his cheek—a habit he's had as long as you've known him—and for the first time in possibly the entire 54 minutes this movie has been playing, he averts his eyes from you.
you do laugh then, swinging one leg over his lap to perch yourself atop him.
"you're being silly," you say to him as you balance yourself with your hands on his shoulders. his own come slithering up to settle at your waist, and his grip is a little tighter than you expect. he's still sulking though, refusing to look at you.
there's a loud crash in the film playing on the screen behind you, but you don't turn to look at it—you doubt that would help the situation at hand very much.
"rin," you coax him, making your voice as sweet as possible.
he doesn't look at you, but he does seem to bite the inside of his cheek a little harder now.
you dip down close to him, your mouth hovering over his and your eyes level. "rin-ta-rou."
he finally looks at you, his lips parting in surprise at your sudden nearness. you're so close that your mouths brush slightly thanks to that subtle movement, and he leans into the warmth of your lips to kiss you properly after getting such a small taste of it.
rintarou pulls away after one long, deep kiss, slouching back into the sofa again—but this time pulling you down with him into his little him-shaped indentation—holding you tightly to his chest as he gets you both comfortable. you let him maneuver you however he wants to, placating him with your docility to make him feel better, and keeping any comment about his jealousy to yourself—at least for now.
the two of you eventually find a comfortable way to rest, entwined together on his end of the sofa but both with a clear view to the screen to resume your spectating of the movie.
"what's so hot about a guy with a nosebleed anyway? i used to get them all the time when i was a kid," rintarou mumbles bitterly after a few moments, and you feel the words reverberate through his chest as you rest with your head upon it.
you laugh lightly, and your boyfriend's arms tighten around your waist.
he pipes up again after a few moments more pass in the film.
"you don't want me to start fighting or anything, do you?" he asks you skeptically.
you've effectively lost track of the movie's plot now, but you don't really care that much.
"no, rintarou, i don't want you to start fighting," you reply, patting his chest reassuringly. "you'd get your ass kicked anyway."
"well, apparently you're into that," he mutters.
"will you be quiet and just watch the movie, nosebleed boy?"
(a week later, rintarou sends you a photo from practice—having gracefully taken one of motoya's receives to the face—with an angry red welt on his cheek, blood dripping from his nose, and an obnoxious smirk on his lips. unfortunately, you are kinda into that.)
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