#dont ask how the halo works. is it technology? is it magic? who care. not me
sillayangel · 1 year
need to make a spidersona...
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spinyax · 3 years
Hey there!!! I saw the post asking about dnd character questions if we have them and hey!! I would love to hear an absolute infodump about your dnd characters because I love hearing about characterssss
IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED (under a read more bc its uh. very long)
SO starting off we have Orchid, my true neutral tiefling Ranger/Druid!
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(art by @.spectralfelinae / @.spectralscribbles go check him out!)
- he has a pet swarm of butterflies and can turn into them since he's a circle of the swarm druid (the butterflies look identical to anyone else but he can identify each and every one of them)
- he doesn't speak! he's not mute, but in his culture they just don't talk. i haven't come up with a specific reason yet so if he comes into a campaign ill just let the dm figure that out lmao. he communicates with magic sign-language and if a spell requires verbal components he just whistles and makes bird calls instead
- he's lived in the forest for his whole life so any modern technology is VERY confusing to him and he's probably stabbed a train before
- one day im gonna hide him in a flower patch to ambush a target and its gonna look sick as hell
- personality wise he's very calm and serene, but also super brutal and unfeeling. kinda like Shinobu from Demon Slayer. (though the butterfly motif is unintentional aksjdhask)
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NEXT we have Taliesin, my neutral good Dragonborn Grave Cleric!
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- He has a Russian/eastern european accent
- Taliesin (or tallie) used to be a battle medic in the military before the war ended and left him real fucked up.
- He eventually found sanctuary in a temple devoted to the Eternal Shepherd and became an acolyte, eventually becoming head of the temple
- That's also where he found his son, Galahad! He was left at the temple a la baby left on the steps of a church but instead of a baby its an egg and instead of a church its a death temple. Talie was the only one who remotely knew how to take care of an egg so he was put in charge of it.
- Admittedly, Talie had no fuckin clue how to take care of a kid, and a lot of his parenting techniques were probably fucked up in retrospect (teaching galahad to read via obituaries, teaching him math with bones, playing hide and seek in a cemetery, etc) but he genuinely loves his son and everytime i think about them i cry
- Galahad is grown up now and probably doing something in the world that makes talie proud
- It's not super well shown but talie wears skirts/dresses bc pants are a Hassle for dragonborn so he said fuck it
- He also has a pet bearded vulture named Carry it's short for Carrion) she helps him find stray corpses for him to bless and properly bury
- Personality: Taliesin is basically a healing/support main that's too old for this shit and is 👌 this fuckin close to snapping
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Xyraga Takimros! My first ever dnd character and the one i've changed the most over the years. She's a chaotic neutral half-elf rogue
[aight so i don't have recent art of her so uuuhhhhhh imagine there's a picture here]
- she's a dark skinned half-elf with long dark curly hair in a ponytail with a little bit covering her face. she has 3 scars on her face (one going over the bridge of her nose, one over her left eye bisecting the first scar, and another one on the corner of her chin) and yellow eyes.
- She used to be a member of the Courtyard of Miracles, a thieves/smuggler's den that focused on going out and stealing from rich cities to redistribute to their poor community
- she joined the court because her unofficial dad/caretaker was a founding member and she kinda got in because of that
- i have a whole bunch written on the court and how it was run but all you need to know is that xyra was the one who got stolen goods from point A to point B
- Xyra was a prominent member, known for being the fastest runner and the one who's been caught the least
- That's also where she met Bharu her orc husband. he was a bodyguard for her sometimes when they were transporting goods and eventually fell in love
- one day the courtyard is raided and xyra loses bharu in the chaos, so she's on a quest to find her dumbass husband and get the fuck out of dodge
- she also has a tattoo of a roadrunner bc that was her nickname when she still worked for the court (design isnt finalized but thats the Vibes im going for)
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Up next is Oni! Oni's a neutral evil tiefling/half-orc/half-demon/????? barbarian/warlock
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(i know the sketch is super rough but it gets the idea across)
- Oni is a half-demon/half-orc who's essentially the antichrist. i'll be honest i'm probably not gonna stat her out like a proper PC but i might make her a BBEG if i ever DM (which is super unlikely but the chance isnt 0%)
- Her patron is her dad and they both loath that fact
- Her entire goal in life is to kill enough gods to gain enough power to kill her dad, since he has her lifeforce in the palm of his hand and can decide on a whim if she dies or not and she's not about that shit
- she looked and grew up like a normal orc until she hit puberty, and then all the demon features came in
- She's like, super tall. even for an orc at about 8 1/2-9ish feet
THEN we have Halfey! She's my chaotic good high elf monk/bard
[i uh,,,, dont have an actual picture for her but i have a goofy lil sktch that'll just Have to Do]
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- she's a dark skinned sun elf with a half-shaved head and bright red/pink curly hair
- she says she's 100 but she's actually only 75 years old (like 16 in Elf years)
- originally she and xyra were going to be twins separated at birth but i decided against it bc that was Too Much
- her parents are both high-ranking nobles and he was supposed to grow to be a proper noblewoman and be a bargain chip to marry some rich duke for the sake of alliances or whatever
- she instead grew up loud and rambunctious as hell and was the exact opposite her parents wanted her to be
- eventually they get fed up with her and sent her to live in a monastery in hopes the strict lifestyle would tame her in some way
- that didn't work lmao and she spent the next few decades miserable before the circus came into town and she snuck out to see it
- she fell in love with the general chaos of the circus and ran away with them, getting a job as a trapeze artist /tightrope walker and occasional dancer
FINALLY We have Connie! She's a lawful evil fallen aasimar paladin
[uhhhhh no image here, but one day i will]
- she's a pale-skinned aasimar with short wavy blonde hair done in that marilyn monroe hairstyle and has pure white and slightly glowy eyes. she also has a barely-there halo around her head. she's also got a southern belle accent
- her full name is Condemnation Odette Nancy Delilah Elizabeth Maybelle Newman the Third, but her friends call her Connie
- her deity is the first horseman of the apocalypse, Conquest (or Pestilence depending on who you ask) and she does everything in her power to bring on the end times
- tbh she's more of a joke character that i haven't fully thought out yet but she's fun
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