#dont ask me about the dank purple idk myself
trixibebe · 1 year
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oc x canon - Back scratchies on the beach :3
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Questions 1-154 please?
Full name - Ebony M
Zodiac sign - Libra
3 Fears - Snakes, the ocean, rejection
3 things I love - ma lads, sport and video games
4 turns ons - beaming smile thats full of emotion and joy, eyes, being respectful and having manners, and being funny as fuck
4 turns offs - lack of hygeine, sexist, dull as a doorknob, racist
My best friend - I cant choose the closest out of them but Cal or Luke
Sexual orientation - its an utter mystery
My best first date - Cruise ship in hawaii with just Ally and Erich
How tall am I - 165cm
What do I miss
 - Year 10
What time were I born
 - 22:22
Favourite colour - Black purple and orange
Do I have a crush
 - YA
Favourite quote
 - The mask you wear serves its purpose well, but be careful not to lose yourself in it.
Favourite place
 - My house when I’m home alone. Or anywhere where my best friends are
Favourite food
 - Pasta
Do I use sarcasm
 - Yeah I do just not as much as I used to
What am I listening to right now
 - .....Lazy town ‘We are number one’ Dank version
First thing I notice in new person
 - Smile and eyes
Shoe size
 - Anywhere from a 6-8
Eye colour
 - Grey
Hair colour
 - Rn its a lil purple/red, but naturally its brown
Favourite style of clothing
 - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk
Ever done a prank call?
 - Yeah, I think so
What colour of underwear I’m wearing now?
Meaning behind my URL
 - who fuckin knows
Favourite movie
 - Kingsman, or the breakfast club
Favourite song
 - Heartbeat, or Electric Love
Favourite band
 - I dont reeeaally have one but maybe Bastille?
How I feel right now
 - Great
Someone I love
 - my friends
My relationship with my parents
Favourite holiday
 - Hawaii
Tattoos and piercings?
 - None, except a piercing in each ear lobe
Tattoos and piercing i want
 - None
The reason I joined Tumblr
 - Everyone said to
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
When did I last hold hands?
 Uh....cant remember
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
 Hmm..an hour and a bit usually, maybe an hour and a half
Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?
 I dont shave, I wax
Where am I right now?
 In bed
If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
 Cal and Kenzie probably, they did a good job of it at the deb after party hahahaha
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
 Through the week, my father, but on the weekend both
Am I excited for anything?
 Running seshs with friends, a party with the meme friends and then a outing I have with my best friend
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
How often do I wear a fake smile?
 Always when Im around people I dont trust :)
When was the last time I hugged someone?
What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
 Never kissed really
Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
 Yeah definitely.
What is something I disliked about today?
 One small thing went bad and everything I’ve been suppressing hit me at once
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
 My soulmate
What do I think about most?
 Love i guess
What’s my strangest talent?
 I can text extremely fast without looking at the screen
Do I have any strange phobias?
 Uh the ocean I guess
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both are equal
What was the last lie I told?
 Nah I’m totally chill with my evening plans being ruined
Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
 Video chatting
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
 Both, yes
Do I believe in magic? Nah
Do I believe in luck?
What’s the weather like right now?
 Uhhh cold
What was the last book I’ve read?
 The second CHERUB book
Do I like the smell of gasoline?
Do I have any nicknames?
 Ebs, m9, fam, chocolat THUN-DA #catinthehat
What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
 Smashed my head open on the playground in year 1
Do I spend money or save it?
 I save it
Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?
 Yeah, my toucan lamp!
Favourite animal?
 Owl! Or toucan!!
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
 Watching the avengers with a friend
What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
 Uh lol skip
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
 Electric love, out of my league
How can you win my heart?
 Being nice and complimenting me on everything and talking to me properly
What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
 ‘We are number one *DROP IT*’
What is my favourite word
 - Soup, vanilla, crunch
My top 5 blogs on tumblr
 - @dont-drop-your-ascots @u-wanna-go-m9 @you-was-only-for-yourself @setheverman and then any Danganronpa blogs
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Do I have any relatives in jail?
I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
 Teleportation or pretty much a glass or neon conduit
What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
What is my current desktop picture?
 Lots of corny love quote shit
Had sex?
Bought condoms?
Gotten pregnant?
Failed a class?
Kissed a boy?
Kissed a girl?
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
Had job?
 Hehehehe had job. No
Left the house without my wallet?
Bullied someone on the internet?
Had sex in public?
Played on a sports team?
Smoked weed?
Did drugs?
Smoked cigarettes?
Drank alcohol?
 Like a sip
Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
Been overweight?
Been underweight?
Been to a wedding?
Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
 Every day
Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
Been outside my home country?
Gotten my heart broken?
Been to a professional sports game?
Broken a bone?
Cut myself?
Been to prom?
 Well Deb is the equivalent so yea
Been in airplane?
Fly by helicopter?
What concerts have I been to?
 owl city!!
Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
Learned another language?
Wore make up?
Lost my virginity before I was 18?
Had oral sex?
Dyed my hair?
Voted in a presidential election?
Rode in an ambulance?
Had a surgery?
Met someone famous?
 I dont think I have
Stalked someone on a social network?
 Heheheheh yes
Peed outside?
 Uhhhh hasnt everyone??
Been fishing?
Helped with charity?
Been rejected by a crush?
 Every time
Broken a mirror?
What do I want for birthday?
 A vacation or a proper pc or a proper set of headphones
How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
Was I named after anyone?
Do I like my handwriting?
What was my favourite toy as a child? Beanie kids
Favourite Tv Show?
 Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Where do I want to live when older?
Play any musical instrument?
One of my scars, how did I get it?
 I fell out of bed and smashed my eyebrow on the bedside table
Favourite pizza toping?
Am I afraid of the dark?
Am I afraid of heights?
 A little
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
 Yea tot he second, no to the first
Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Every time
What I’m really bad at
 - Maths
What my greatest achievements are
 - IT games programming award and Cisco award (hehehehe)
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
 - Essentially ‘you’re the reason everything is bad’, and ‘you will never be seen as pretty or acceptable for anyone’
What I’d do if I won in a lottery
 - bank half and give one quarter of it to my family and then the other quarter to charity
What do I like about myself
 - I can sometimes be funny
My closest Tumblr friend
 - @dont-drop-your-ascots
Something I fantasise about my ex - idk
Thanks for the ask! I CANNOT BE BOTHERED TO BOLD IT ALL thanks lads
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softgaypunk · 7 years
Crayola Crayon Color Asks
(I’m just gonna fill it out, I tag whoever wants to do it)
Macaroni and Cheese: What makes you think of your childhood?
anything painful :) and also horses bc those were a fixation of mine
Spring Green: How do you relax when you’re stressed?
smoking, crying, painting, texting my buds, drinking tea
Asparagus: What’s an unpopular opinion you have?
i don’t like sharon needles? at all? idk if thats unpopular but. oh and I don’t like ketchup or other condiments
Bittersweet: Has someone you loved ever hurt you?
almost everyone i’ve ever loved has hurt me :)
Eggplant: Explain your url and avatar.
i combined two nicknames- little space prince (from my ex) and peach (from my friends),, and my profile picture represents a lot about me- i like space and love and balance and contrast
Outer Space: Do you ever feel like you’re an outcast from others?
Cotton Candy: What is your favorite dessert?
i like rita’s ice- the mint chocolate chip ice is my favorite
Freckle: Do you have any marks on your skin? How do you feel about them?
i have a bajillion freckles and i love them! i also have lots of stretchmarks and theyre cute! i have a bunch of scars but theyre interesting and remind me to keep going!
Shocking Pink: Is there a trait that you have that others don’t expect from you?
um. i dont think so. ppl are surprised that i have synesthesia?
Robin’s Egg Blue: If you were an animal, which one do you think would you be?
probably a bee bc i try my best and humanity kills me 
Granny Smith Apple: What’s something everyone else likes that you don’t?
ketchup, flavored chips, mayo, ice cream, cake, 13 reasons why (dont even get me started on how much i hate that show)
Dandelion: What’s a pet peeve of yours?
ppl that use terms that aren’t ok. white ppl that use the n word, neurotypicals who use the word ‘psycho’ or ‘bipolar’ when referring to not actually bipolar people, cishet ppl that use the word f*g or d*ke.
Atomic Tangerine: What gets you motivated to do a difficult task?
crying and/or telling myself that it’s necessary (i also make lists)
Wisteria: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
i think i try really hard and thats kinda hardcore
Candy Apple: How do you think others view you?
not good lmaoo,, , like a whiny lil baby 
Plum: Are you insecure about anything?
most things :-)
Sky Blue: Where do you feel the most at home?
with my friends
Tickle Me Pink: How do you try to cheer others up when they’re sad?
“ayo i empathize with you. i’m not gonna tell you it gets better, but i will tell you that i’ll be here with you to be there for you however you need me to be.” and i also make people food
Wild Strawberry: Do you care what others think about you?
Glossy Grape: Recommend something to your followers.
get a plant, theyre pretty cool. also wait 24 hours before doing something impulsive. 
World Wide Web Yellow: What was the last thing you looked up?
“turtles eating strawberries video”
Shadow Blue: Do you have a darker side to you that most people are unaware of?
it’s sad and most people that im friends with know about it
Electric Lime: What genre of music do you listen to?
alternative? sometimes. rap? sometimes. the heathers soundtrack? usually.
Night Owl: Describe a very interesting dream that you had.
i don’t have interesting dreams
Cornflower: What do you think about the most?
the crushing reality of being alive. i also think a lot about race and institutional oppression and how i can be an ally and advocate without talking for people 
Grasshopper Green: Describe the area where you live.
rainy, green, university
Misty Moss: Is there anything you regret?
most of the things i regret are not actually my fault
Tiny Toad Brown: Do you find beauty in something that people consider to be ugly or undesirable?
ya! as i said earlier i rly love stretchmarks. i love things that a lot of ppl genuinely dont? 
Sunny Side Up: Do you like waking up in the mornings, or would you rather sleep in?
sleep in wtf
Kitten Gray: Do you have any pets? If so, describe them.
3 dogs (all big and loud and cuddly), 3 cats (all soft and sassy), and a lot of fish (wet)
Rose Dust: Describe your aesthetic in five words or less.
sad, sweatpants, plant, queer, little
Timberwolf: Do you give second chances when somebody has wronged you?
yea and its not healthy
Freshly Squeezed: What excites you?
good grades? accomplishments? attention?
Firefly Red: What gives you purpose?
“be the person you needed when you were younger”
Tiny Teapot Tan: Do you consider yourself to be attractive/cute?
not right now but im working on it
Rain Drop Blue: Describe the weather outside.
rainy, dank, grey
Sweet Pea Green: Do you have/want children?
Pussywillow: Do you like being around others, or do you like being alone?
i like being with others when i like the other ppl. 
Jack ‘O’ Lantern Orange: What’s your biggest fear and why?
abandonment and bunnies (unrelated but both terrifying)
Baby Bunny Pink: Do you look young for your age, or do you look older than you are?
young for my age, i have a total baby face
Mystic Maroon: What confuses you, and why?
ppl that are one day REALLY NICE and then rly mean
Cosmic Cobalt: What’s your zodiac sign, and do you think it’s accurate?
sagittarius, and heck yes
Petal Pink: Describe your fashion sense as well as what you’re wearing right now.
i want to dress in flannels and jeans and beanies and cool gauges. rn im in an old shirt and a pair of boxers
Mountain Meadow: Do you like taking care of others, or do you prefer being care of?
both? i find meaning in taking care of others, but personally i like to be taken care of
Fuzzy Duckling Yellow: Is there something from childhood that you haven’t outgrown?
mental illness! also i wear the same size shoe that i did in 8th grade
Brussel Sproutlet: Do you have any unhealthy habits?
Razzle Dazzle Rose: Describe an ideal date.
they’re nice and we go see art or eat breakfast foods
Periwinkle: What’s something ordinary that has personal meaning to you?
its a lil rhino trinket thats pretty ordinary but blackheart gave it to me when he visited
Mauvelous: Do you think you deserve a better life than you have now?
fuck i really do
Blueberry Blue: Do you get sad easily?
fuck, i really do
Purple Mountains Majesty: How does someone earn your respect?
don’t be mean to wait staff, don’t say problematic shit, and use my pronouns.
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