#dont ask me how my mind works btw i only decide what happens based on what would be funniest
gayelderstourney · 1 year
is there any chance youll say how many times the pairings that *did* get in were submitted, assuming there were duplicate submissions? (i do not fully understand how the submissions for these things work.) i understand that u may not want to share too much more about the actual selection process but- well honestly im just so surprised the ship i submitted got in that i really want to know how many submissions it got. (not cuz they dont fit the parameters or anything im just usually the sole person submitting Some Guy to an absolutely massive bracket lol. this just hasnt ever happened before.) i also just think its fun in general to compare the numbers of submissions on these brackets when theyre made available though. sorry youre getting shit over your selection process btw, wishing everyone in your askbox a very remembering this is tumblr and not, like, a medical journal.
I don't like to say "how many submissions" something got because I dont select based on number of submissions. I got quite a few asks asking about how many submissions something got that I didnt want to answer because I did not want people to get the idea that number of submissions would decide on its own what got into the bracket, especially because submissions are anonymous and the number of submissions can be artificially inflated.
I did prioritize ships with a lot of submissions but I also decided to not include some that were submitted a lot for reasons stated previously. I also tried to use number of submissions as a guideline for seeding, but this bracket was really really hard to seed and I'm not sure if I could ever be fully satisfied with it - at this point we will have to just play it out.
If it was a femslash ship, a lot of the femslash ships on the final bracket are more niche and maybe only got a couple submissions.
If it was a m/m ship, it might have had a really passionate submission. Or one of my friends convinced me to add them. (psychonauts and our dreams at dusk come to mind, i have friends who would do the tbh eyes at me until i added them)
But yeah, i did go through all submissions individually, and there were ones that had people infodumping so passionately that i was like "yeah ok you can come"
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se3, ep 12 (Part 1)
The aftermath of the curse lifting~ Btw, the timeline is super messy. Flashbacks & background stories aren’t this anime’s best tool, it’s always felt messy when they attempt that. more on it in my side notes below. Now into the ep~
-Yuki & Machi: ( Blossoming Love!):
I love that the author attempted different direction of romantic love with yuki/machi that suits yuki’s personality! Opposite to kyo/tohru who had the (from best friends to lovers/ from roommates of 3 years to lovers). Yuki & machi’s love is based on natural crush & while she isnt his best friend, she’ll be his lover & they’ll know each other after dating. Both types of love are realistic & have their own path of dynamics, which is clear with how yuki/machi will be interacting & how kyo/tohru are now interacting since becoming official. I’m still bummed most of yuki/machi’s “noticing each other” is supposed to be off-screen, it robbed me of seeing yuki interact in a normal teenage-boy crushing on a girl which contrasts his relationship with kakeru, kyo, haru & tohru. Now, we’ll start the “ official-boyfriend yuki” stage! Also, this jump to confessions didnt help machi have any uniqueness beside being saved by yuki’s words from her trauma. watching her interact with him normally would’ve added realistic depth to her being a normal girl with unique cute quirks differently from tohru, Isuzu, kagura or even motoko!. Oh well~ moving on & focusing on the meaningful cute confession. I loved that altho there were a hug & a kiss, it didn’t have “ I love you” statement. You know they (will) love each other so dearly, but they’re in stage 1 now, she just called him by his first name for the first time! cute! I love that the emphasis is on the “ first name” calling since this is a huge key to yuki’s identity & struggle. Also, It is cute she bought a gift to tohru! This is a set-up to a healthy relationship with yuki since she isn’t jealous from a precious woman in his life that isnt related by blood.
-Moving towards the future: Kyoru’s final stage of growth!
By Kyokoy’s grave Kyo & tohru had key moment of growth & healthy closure to their core character issues::
1- Kyo’s toxic habit of running from life became a desire to run towards life!: While this habit is rightfully excused by his trauma, it needed to be addressed once his curse broke. We know he stopped running & faced his dad, confessed to tohru, accepted her love, embraced his crazy desire for her & accepted he deserved to be loved! Even ran towards tohru, chasing her! However, all the above is him running to the good current life in his grasp. He needs to run to the far away future this time! Needs to plan for the good & accept that the bad is part of it. struggling is part of life & he’ll endure it together with her, while enjoying life’s rewards.
I love that kyo is the one who suggested moving out to another city/place, cuz kyo was the one NOT living. He was long dead & trapped in the cage of his guilt & self-loath. Tohru at least was living thro helping others ( which is not real living but at least it’s better). Kyo was “ Mom, why didn’t you kill me instead of yourself?” ,“ I’ll kill yuki & then kill myself, would that please you, dad?!”, “ I cant forgive me, I dont want you to forgive me, tohru”. Walking on a road of self-destruction & slow death. But now, with tohru he wants life!!! all of it!! travel, learn, see, struggle, fail, succeed, build their own future by themselves.
I love that kyo didnt take tohru’s approval for his plans for granted. He really didnt think she’ll accept right away. He didnt even want her to dedice quickly, He was prepared for compromising to a better solution for them both. They’ll work other possibilities “ if i’m gonna live in this world, I want to do it with you”.
I love that kyo was real abt the obstacles ahead & didnt want tohru to just follow him based on love. He wanted her to decide on her own as well. He also, left the door open for her to change her mind anytime & this screams support & understanding!! Very powerful!.
2- Thoru’s toxic habit of being ashamed to desire anything for herself, living for others & wearing a happy “i’m okay” mask while concealing her true feelings became confidence, self-clarity & honesty: The tohru who was smiling while concealing grief on the beach is gone, the tohru who kyo had to coax her to “complain, be selfish” se01,ep5, to “not hide worrying over a relative’s sickness” se02, ep14 “ cry if she needs to” se3, ep6, is now telling kyo her honest opinion abt his proposal, while thinking of her own self as much as him & even objecting to his sentiment abt her mom’s words!!!!
I love that tohru is now a confident free woman making her own decisions based on self-honesty & communication with her partner. She wasn't just “okay” with it cuz he wants it while putting fake smile, No more of that. Now, she’ll say her true feelings, she asked him abt his plans, tried to see if it is a spur of the moment decision or if he really thought abt it. She also inquired where’s heading, who he talked to, what he’s planning! She is deciding for herself after hearing him! ok, this is your plan? I like it. I’m going!  Very powerful!.
I love that like how kyo was realistic abt the plan having some difficulties due to starting away by themselves, she was also realistic that it is indeed sad to part with my friends, my hometown, & my mom’s resting-place, but i’ll choose ME now. “I” want to go with you for “me”. This is not a bind I’ll follow you wherever love story, this is realistic depiction of healthy relationship. Acknowledging hardships & accepting them saves you from being crushed by failure, you’ll endure it when it eventually happens & move on, cuz God knows we DO fail & succeed! Life isnt smooth sailing~ 
I love that tohru complemented him on his plan cuz she could see that is a sign of growth. If she’s gonna share her life with this man, it is delightful to see that he is thinking of a happier, healthier & realistic future! Cuz kyo was this destroyed man~ so destroyed he was pushing her away despite loving her dearly, now, he’s asking her opinion & permission to accompany him!
I love that tohru made sure to touch upon kyo’s last scar “ my mom doesnt hate you” This is a scar that wont go away even if kyo is mentally healthy. Cuz death is the ultimate truth. He can never hear kyoko’s affirming her love for him, he’ll have to trust in it based on their earlier interaction together. Tohru is powerfully & stubbornly taking away most of his pain by affirming her acknowledge of her mom. You might disagree kyo, you might still feel a bit guilty, it might haunt you sometimes. but me? NO. Never. Mom loved you. She meant ONLY good. Hopefully my determination heals you bit by bit, & it DOES. Kyo stands bravely, confidently & happily in front of kyoko’s grave & instead of saying “ i apologize for hurting you, or tohru, I’m sorry, forgive me”.  he tells her he’ll keep their promise & protect tohru for life! he literally proposed there in front of her mom & all. T_T
-Kyoko’s Words: ( Sometimes, you don’t get to know the whole truth & that’s okay):
Can’t describe how much I love this part. This is the most painful yet important lesson in furuba. Life isn’t a movie where the entire truth is exposed to the characters or the audience. Sometimes you live & die without getting to know an important truth, hearing a much needed confirmation, or getting a loved one’s forgiveness. There are things in our life that we just can’t get back no matter how much we tried. What we do, then? die? despair? throw away what we DO have in our hands for this lost truth no matter how important it was to us? No, we do the only thing we can. Live. Not just go thro life’s motion, but really live. Accept the good & the bad. This is so goddamn easy & difficult as hell too!
-Kyo not knowing kyoko’s words at that time was tragic. It was so tragic it sent kyo into a suicidal descent into the abyss. The wounds of his mom’s death that were slowly healing with kazuma’s care got re-opened & poured blood! The old destructive habits became full force, The toxic coping habits returned with its ugliness. I can’t kill myself literally? I’ll do it figuratively. trapped, caged, destroyed, eyes shut, ears closed, only seeing his pain. Kyo is us. All of us in any moment of true crushing despair. He could never bring the dead back, hear their loving words or ask forgiveness. Thro kyo, the author is telling us... I know. You had your moment of lost truth, didn’t you? I know. IT IS OKAY. live, my child. your pain is valid, let it take its course, but afterwards live bravely.
-Kyo’s path towards healing is: the ugliest cuz it hurt tohru of all ppl, the longest cuz he was the last one to move on, the bloodiest cuz he’ll never have the ppl he lost, the rockiest cuz he failed & failed, the most frustrating cuz he repeated his mistakes over & over, He couldnt even do it alone. needed intervention & support. He lost hope. completely. But it is okay even if you fell as deep as kyo: stand up. even if you never learned the truth: let go. even if you were the last one to learn or heal: it isn’t a race. Embrace life with its good & bad & continue as kyoko said “ you fought well”
-Kyoko’s parting plea to her daughter broke my heart into pieces. Death is ugly, but death is a truth that we can’t escape. The leaving ones is hurting as much as the ones left behind, but hopefully, the leaving ones will find a happiness a kin to the ones left behind. yuki’s "say a prayer & move one, one step at a time” is all you can do.
-Kyoko was: a gangster who hurt others (ugly path), repented, married & had a daughter (fulfilling path), widowed & left her daughter while grieving (ugly path), came back, repented & tried to raise tohru well, love her enough! (fulfilling path), died & left her young high school daughter all alone (heartbreaking path) but she accepted that the last path isn’t sth she can fight, prayed, & accepted her fate~
-Kyoko~~ “ you fought well”  while you were alive~ you really did! The Tohru you left behind helped a whole clan & hopefully readers as well! you tohru is loved by an entire generation of readers & anime watchers. Tohru is so precious & I can’t stop crying~
Side Notes:
Timeline is super messy & confusing. (a) Tohru’s hospital discharge, kyoru’s hug & curse break for everybody all happened at the (late) afternoon. While curse was breaking, akito was wearing her white kimono & she cried until tohru hugged her on sunset. (b) Before tohru’s hospital shigure’s face was scar-less. we first saw the scar in the afternoon & he was wearing his kimono.
Now the flashback, Akito wearing her outfit from her talk with the maid (which also happened while kyo was talking to his dad which is on the same day) & shigure wearing suit & it’s sunset time??????? How can the sunset happen before the curse break on the afternoon? She inflected the scars on the sunset, how did he have them on the afternoon of the same day?? both changed outfits which is even weirder??? Someone help me put things on order. Or is order not important? If the sequence of events isn’t important, then, why did it have to happen on the curse break day??? Shigure could’ve had his scars a day or two before tohru’s discharge.
Also the OP started in the middle of yuki’s scene which was so odd!
No big deal, but I still feel that yuki’s curse break would’ve been thematically powerful last ep. Especially after seeing The Zodiac Ruler come & collect the spirits. The legend would've been wrapped powerfully on the same ep where it was told. We see the zodiacs’ original story & we see its closure. It would’ve made tohru/akito’s hug more symbolic. An end of an era to akito & to them all. Real Goodbye to the zodiac animals, but now we had a goodbye & a half. lol.
Is yuki the only one seeing the cursed spirit? He looked down at it? I dont remember the others looking down where an animal would be? Is yuki’s curse special? different? He got all the ropes/bonds around him? I really thought yuki’s theme is all abt desiring to be normal & despising the “special” treatment that haunted him even in school. 
Momiji/ kagura /kyo interaction is cute!
Haru/Yuki/ Isuzu interaction is cute as well. XD
Kagura, girl, you used to have best fashion, what’s up with jeans under knee length dress?! lol.
I’ll be honest. It is a lost opportunity that machi weren't made to question how teen-tohru is yuki’s mom. That would’ve solidified her as a unique stand alone character if she were to discuss it with yuki. Tohru being yuki’s mom figure is not normal, otherwise yuki’s entire dilemma of figuring out his feelings for tohru would’ve become meaningless. Having machi quickly “understand” it is a bit weird. But it helps the plot move quickly, I guess. ( it reminds me of Arisa hugging akito when she confessed stabbing kureno without questioning anything, it is weird, but you get the message that “ we aint got time for that~ gotta hop on the next plot).
I love that furuba subverted the old anime-trope of the entire happy cast staying together in one city/place & living exactly like they did in their teens except being married now! XD. It is so realistic that each character is now moving on their path of life~
Tohru wore a ring in her foreshadowing vision! SHE WORE A RING! My baby girl is a grown woman now~ T_T. I love tohru so much!~
Shigure/ akito & the last banquet is in my review part 2. I’ve been editing out any thoughts abt Shigure from my previous posts. I needed to see the whole picture first. I think can now talk abt them, I’m looking forward to the comments of the next part cuz I really really need to see if I understood it or if i’m off.
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moonlightchn · 4 years
𝖂𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘, 𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖘
and basic shit you should know before interacting I guess~
*Disclaimer: all the information this post contains will be based on things I’ve learned over the years and my personal modifications are NOT to be taken as the general rule. This is MY abo concept for this bot in particular. Yall are free to agree, disagree, take ideas, adapt to your own bot, etcetcetc. Bye. Also sorry this doesn't have a read more;;;; I tried :(
Hello, this is (not) JYPe,
and welcome to the first episode of “Admin’s abo concept isn’t probably what you think so we gonna go in dept on this shit hehe ”. This was originally going to be a one part documentary but I realized I would probably keep coming up with or remembering stuff and these would be so LOOONG so I decided to just do it as I go and I’ll use the hashtag “admins abo tmi ” for this yeah. But also remember you can ask questions if you have any or if you don’t understand something because I usually ramble a lot.
Today we’ll be talking about 3 things that seem to be the most important since they’re the most brought up on my RP’s and they are:
Heat vs Rut.
So let’s begin!
🌙 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌/𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌…
There’s two meanings to this concept, one is the concept of turning from human form to wolf form, and the other one is being transformed into a wolf by different means (these usually depends on which story you’ve heard, it can be being the 7th boy child in a family, it can be a bite or a scratch, it can be eating raw meat, etcetcetc).
*This change has now also been added to the Chan’s pack introduction.
What are the definitions of this words? Cambridge Dictionary defines them as:
Turn: to (cause to) become, change into, or come to be something.
Example: “Chan turned into his wolf form”
Explanation: Chan, already a werewolf, turned and changed into his wolf form.
Transform: to change completely the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved.
Example: “Changbin was transformed into a werewolf.”
Explanation: Changbin, a regular human, was transformed /by a wolf/ into a werewolf.
In the classic folklore, turning consists of 2 phases, human with NO wolf characteristics whatsoever, (which is what makes it so hard finding out who the werewolf in town is) and fluffy wolf with some human like characteristics (being biped, having arms instead of four legs, body structure humanlike. The best examples I can think of are the underworld lycans mmm tasteful). Another general rule for classic werewolves was that the person and wolf were two different minds, the person never remembered turning and had no idea they were the werewolf terrorizing town. While being human, the person didn’t even have the wolf skills like hearing or strength. They were just regular boring humans. Another thing was that they had no control whatsoever and ONLY turned during full moon, but I’m not getting into that yet.
Here are some examples (it’s basically furries oop).
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Moving on to my concept, I decided to have 3 phases of turning, consisting on:
Human: Basic, simple, boring human. No presence of wolf features whatsoever. YET they can still make use of their skills such as sensitive hearing, smell, extra strength among others.
Half-turn: Heavily inspired by Teen Wolf tbh, SOME features are present and can generally be controlled, such as eyes, ears, tail, fangs, claws. Can even be confused for hybrids. (sumn like this please appreciate my art)
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Full-turn: they become big scary fluffy puppies. Let’s remember how they look like.
Channie Chan Chris
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As mentioned before, transforming depends on which story you know and what you’re settling for. Generally we always talk about bites and deep scratches. Some of the most known stories about how to become a werewolf are being the 7th boy child born in a family on a full moon, or in Greek mythology, Zeus transformed some dudes into wolves after they tried to feed him human meat. There’s many different stories you can pick from, they’re just one Google away~
On my concept, though, the only way to transform is through a bite, even though I always keep options open.
I will probably be talking about the 3 types of wolves and deepening this a bit more later on.
🌙 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝖛𝖘 𝕽𝖚𝖙.
Imma give you a wolf biology class because I know too much useless info and I WANT TO.
Rut: The rut is the mating season of certain mammals. The rut is characterized in males by an increase in testosterone, exaggerated sexual dimorphisms and increased aggression and interest in females.
Heat: The estrous cycle or oestrous cycle is the set of recurring physiological changes that are induced by reproductive hormones in most mammalian therian females. Estrous cycles start after sexual maturity in females and are interrupted by anestrous phases or by pregnancies. This cycle presents four phases, the one known as “heat” being the second one, estrus or oestrus, that refers to the phase when the female is sexually receptive.
What are seasonal breeders and what is mating season?
The breeding season is when seasonal breeders reproduce. Seasonal breeders are animal species that successfully mate only during certain times of the year. These times of year allow for the optimization of survival of young due to factors such as ambient temperature, food and water availability etcetc. Male seasonal breeders may exhibit changes in testosterone levels, weight, and fertility depending on the time of year. Female seasonal breeders will have one or more estrus cycles only when she is “in season” or fertile and receptive to mating.
Wolves fall in all of these descriptions.
What does all of this shit mean and why do I care lmao?
This means that if this was a logical bot I should only be doing NSFW like one week during 4 months a year LMAO no frfr
This basically means that RUT and HEAT are the seasons when the MALE and FEMALE respectively are ready to mate with each other to reproduce.
I’ve seen many male idol hybrids having heats instead of ruts, which I have no problem at all with and am sure no one else does really, but I think you should KNOW that a heat would not make them want to fuck, but get fucked. Heat would be the need to be filled and not fill others. A heat and a rut does NOT have to equal dominance or submissiveness in bots, anyway, that would be like saying being top or bottom determines who is dom/sub and that’s wrong, so just a PSA I guess.
Now, how does this affect my CB and ABO concept?
I’ve never, anyway, read anywhere of classic werewolves reproduction, which leads me to believe that they’re probably sterile. So I will stick to real life wolves rules but on my own way. Wolves are even monogamous and I dont go by that one lmao.
Reproduction rules on my ABO are really simple, ruts are once a month, around 5 days, and each of the guys have different characteristics for them. They’re only capable of getting someone pregnant during ruts, too. I just generally believe all girls are on the pill tbh and I never really use condoms but guys irl please practice safe sex wrap your or your partners willy before going freaky and stay safe.
Not sure if there’s something else to mention here? Let me know.
🌙 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘…
Mates are the wolf equivalent of soulmates, but that’s bullshit. I mean, I’m not gonna say they’re not real, I just mean that the general idea of only one person for the rest of your life and if it’s not them you’re miserable is dumb when we’re talking about beings with feelings. Did you know wolves irl are monogamous and mate but if their mate dies they just look for another one and move on? Now you know.
The thing with mates and marks, in my humble opinion, is that they don’t mean anything. Peoples hearts change, feelings come and go, and my wolves are NOT about to drop everything they have for some person they don’t know who happened to be their true mate. In fact, Channie is the only one who believes in them. The mates issue is a bit complex if we think about it over each of the Chan’s, but on a general idea, the mates are not exclusive for the guys, and I’ll probably make a tmi on the boys at some point, but Chan met his mate and it didn’t work out, for example. Mates go further than the marking, btw, mates are a special, cosmic bond. Marks are just that, marks.
And talking about that, we do not vibe with marks. The original folklore states marks as the way a wolf has to claim their partner as theirs and keep away others, especially from an alpha, and they’re supposed to go both ways, so marks between human/wolf, for example wouldn’t be possible. There’s also two marks.
The first bonding mark is generally given during sex between mates and heals, and the second one in front of the pack (there’s a whole social status thing involved here but were not touching that yet) and its permanent. Also marks are literal WOLF BITES so no, they’re neither small nor cute. Just look at these teethies and picture the scar in a neck-shoulder. That’s your bonding mark.
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(they're cute tho I uwuuu)
What I’ve been reading around in fanfics and seeing around is that bots have been mated and claimed with marks, which is ok if you’re into that. My chan’s, though, find physical marks archaic, possessive and toxic. And honestly I personally do too.
You may have noticed by now that even though the boys are quite possessive, they’re never trying to scare away others and their sole way of marking is love marks that heal eventually and scenting. Permanent marks are a nono.
They will NOT mark anyone as their mate. Especially Channie plz he’s baby.
This is a personal decision and it does not mean that marking is RIGHT or WRONG. I just personally see marking bites as marking your partner with fire or something and I dislike the idea a lot.
ALRIGHT I THINK THAT’S ABOUT IT FOR TODAY I FEEL LIKE I WROTE TOO MUCH ALREADY??? Feel free to ask questions or request certain topics! I think next topics will be Social Structure, Skills and maybe Self control or Moon Cycles.
If you read all of this WOW CONGRATS??? I LOVE YOU EXTRA MUAH
One question I got on the asks was “since their fur color seems to correspond with their hair color, what happens if they dye their hair?”
Nothing happens babe! When they’re half turned they will have really funny colorful hair, but when they fully turn their fur stays the same! hehe Don’t worry, Chan won’t be a clown red wolf heh
Tags (hmu for removal:] if you don’t care about this hehe)
@yandereminholee @bunjihyo @shinhaneul-oc @sub-chungha @song-mingi-cb @grungeyuta @yourhwaa @bunny-woong @princess-yeji @xash-axx @7deadlysins-chan @camgirl-jihyeon @hybrid-wooyoung @vampirehhj @ghoulxbaekhyun @mafiaxnct127 @deadly-skz-gods-cb @mafia-chaeyoung @vampiresanha @sub-minho @starsirah-oc @femboy-minho @subbyhyunjinchatbot @weeb-wonwoo @yandere-wendy @musiclovermino @galaxy-ateez @chanlix-koalas @vampirechangbinnie @mafiafelixlee @madmanwoodam @sweetandsleepyjamie @yanderedahyun @hunter-chaeyoung @hwangyeji-cb @artsydahyun @gamer-yeji @yourminju @seulgi-foxy @kittensua-cb @softbabieinnie @softboyfriend-cb @iceskater-sana @irregularchatbot @yandere-miya @doll-seungmin @skz-cb @subbylino @babie-sanie
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Upcoming Requests
As I promised, I’m popping on to post a list of all my requests I’m doing. I know I have asks and messages, but I’m not going to go through them right now, but I appreciate all your support everyone. I’m not tagging people who requested until it’s posted because most of these are anons. Please like and reblog this, just so others are aware of what I’m doing, and comment which pieces you’re looking forward to the most! It’s a LONG list, so I’m adding a read more option. I’m not posting these in any order, that’s just how they’re listed. 
Also check out my writing challenge in my bio!
Bellamy Blake: 
Can you do a Bellamy x reader? which takes place in season 3 with the chips that take away their pain. The reader is going through something and wants to take it but Bellamy stops them? Love your writing and don’t care about the haters! 
Hi! It’s me again. I’ve got this BellamyxReader idea where the reader has become more and more reckless, and when she kills someone she doesn’t even flinch. Everyone’s worried, especially Bellamy. When they get to restrain chipped-Raven and they’re taking shifts to check on her. While it’s the reader’s turn, Raven says something that makes her snap. I have 2 ideas for the end: either the readers goes out and points a gun to her head or she points it to Raven. Either way, Bellamy stops her. (I was thinking that maybe no one knows about it and that the reader’s been keeping it under control with the meds Kane managed to give her before she was sent to earth with the 100 (maybe she could be Kane’s daughter).Then, when Jaha started chipping everyone, ALIE ordered someone to steal her meds and she didn’t really want to tell anyone about the missing meds. She started to go through the maniac phase of it, and people around her (Bellamy, Clarke) started to notice that something was off Then, coming back to my original request lol, Raven told her that they stole their meds to mess with her and you can connect it with the rest of my other request)
Hi there, I was wondering if i could request an angsty/fluffy S5 Bellamy fic based on the song “Hesitate” by the Jonas Brothers? Thank you ☺❤
Is it possible to get a bellamy one-shot or something based on the song “I hate you, I love you” by gnash and olivia o’brien? I’m not really picky (at all) by what the plot is, but I feel like it’s a good song to write a fic about, thanks girlie 💜 ~ Posted!
Okay soooo I have this on my mind for aawhile!Are you able to do a Bellamy Blake x plus size (if you want) reader imagine based on the song “Don’t wanna fall in love” by KYLE… if you want though!
Hi! I have a request What about a Bellamy x Reader based on the song Happy Pills by Weathers?
Would you be willing to do a Bell x Reader based on the song ALARM by Anne-Marie? Maybe something in season 1, but you can decide a different season if it’s easier☺
Your song fics are so goooddddd! Can you PLEASE do one based on If the World was Ending? Its by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels. Can it be a lot of angst and maybe a cute ending if it works? Thank you!!!!!
Hi!! I love your work! I was wondering if you could write a Bellamy x reader based on the song Hot Girl Bummer by blackbear! Thank you ❤️ have a nice day!
Could you maybe do something Season 1 Bellamy where he's tough and lets everybody "do whatever the hell they want" but he's bossier to you and you're a rebellious spirit but he's actually being hard on you because he really really likes you and he doesn't want anything to happen to you (he's bossy in a roundabout way so he makes sure you get dinner and are safe and stuff) and maybe something happens and she gets hurt cause she's mad at him and he admits his feelings for her? Sassy and sweet?
Sirius Black: 
hello! can i request an imagine in which reader is Lucius’ little sister, so she has a bad reputation among the marauders, but on their last year, her and Sirius are supposed to work on a project together so they start spending more time together and he realises that she’s not like her family at all, so they start developing feelings for each other? maybe they even kiss in the end? hehe. thanks!
Hey sweets! I was wondering if I could request a oneshot with young!Sirius please? Something with a lot of mutual pining? Also if the reader could be in Ravenclaw that would be really nice :) Thanks anyways 💓
can i request an extremely fluffy (floof upon floof) and wholesome fic with sirius? :’) thank you
Could you please write a Sirius x reader where the reader is a Gryffindor but is very quiet and cold and Sirius tries to get closer to her?
Hey! I saw that your requests for the marauders were open. I would like to request a Sirius oneshot where he has a crush on reader who is super sassy and will not give him time of the day. He is a bit sad and so maybe James takes it upon himself to get them together? Maybe as a bonus they help July get together too? Thankyou 😍
Hey! How are you? Thanks to Seira I discovered you were writing for the marauders! So I was thinking could you right something on the marauders (Sirius x reader) were it’s full moon and they’re in the muggle world. Moony is stuck in the middle of a village, there is a lot of muggle around him so the reader (who is an animagus too since she’s a marauder) save him but finish hurt by a villager so Sirius protect her and carry her away? I hope it’s understandable and sorry if my English is bad :) 
Barry Allen: 
Hiii! One last request before you close them! Maybe a Barry Allen x reader where the reader has got “dark” powers? I picture her like Billie Eilish in her music video “Bury a Friend”. I don’t know if I explained it clearly 😂
James Potter: 
I really love your works on Harry Potter (basically marauders) Can I request 14, 16, 18, 23, 28 for James Potter. Can reader be Remus' twin sister, a Gryffindor? I I would be really happy to read it. Also if possible can you make a happy ending for it? I trust you can write a perfect fic! Thank you:) (are you still open to this kind of requests?)~ Posted! 
could u maybe work on a lil james potter fic (cus ur reqs for him are open)? one where he's trying so hard to get a girl in the quidditch team (but she's bolder than he is so she tells him she'll only join if he goes on a date w her) i thought it'd be pretty cool... thank u 
I don't know if you are taking one shot requests but if you are, I would like to request a James Potter x reader (different houses, not specified) where they enter a Hogwarts Couples Baking Challenge and they're just having fun. Thanks!
Remus Lupin: 
Hi!!! Could I get a gender neutral!reader x Remus?? Something with mutual pining maybe?? Also I would love if the reader is in hufflepuff!! Thank you!!!
Hey! Can I request a oneshot with Remus where he likes reader who is Lily's best friend and us smarter than her too and is also a prefect? He asks for her help to study and accidentally confesses his feelings at the same time/or confesses during one of their prefect rounds? Thankyou!
can i request some angst for younger remus where it's a couple days after the full moon and he looks for the reader so they can cuddle (they're already dating) and he finds them kissing another guy, and he asks reader why and the readers like "i dont want you anymore, i love this guy, blah blah blah" and he's heart broken but later somehow reader's friend finds out the guy gave them a love potion and fixes it, and reader has to try to explain to Remus that it's what happened but he doesn't (1/2) believe her, and it's all angsty because he's mad at her but in the end he understands or something like that, and i am SO sorry that this is so long, and i love love love your writing~ Posted!
John Murphy: 
 I think 18 by 1D would be such a cute song for Murphy! I saw your requests were open for him (THANK GOD because your writing is incredible!) and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind? Thanks love!
John Murphy with a reader that got her arm or leg or both taken on earth and it’s about her recovering and John helping her. If you can’t do John then sorry for bothering!!
I wasn't going to ask this because I already requested something (believe me when I say I read the moment I knew lots of times already), but just trying it won't hurt me, right? (right? 😭) I need something based on lover of mine by 5sos it can be bellamy, sirius, james, remus or bucky, whoever you think would fit better. thank you for putting up with my shit 🤧 love you tons - 🍑 (Undecided because I haven’t figured out who to write for yet, I think it might be Bucky)
So this is hella randombut can u do a eli goree x reader ship. Eli played wells on the 100 and mad dog on riverdale btw. Anyway can it be were your also famous actor and played in the 100 and riverdale ect and u guys are playing a game on the jimy falon show and your picking random QUITIONS from a dec of cards abd most of them are things having to fo with ur friend ship (u guys are like bestfriends and everybody ships u2) reader picks random card that says I asked you out would you say yes? (Undecided because my requests aren’t open for Eli and I’ve never written for an actor before, but I kinda wanna write this despite my requests not for him. So idk yet. Question: If I do write this, do you Eli to say yes? and do you want them together? No promises on writing it, but send me an ask and let me know please.)
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horansqueen · 6 years
BabyGirl 7.0
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♥ this is based on a concept i received a few weeks ago and ppl asked that i made a story with it. ♥ i planned 3-4 long parts but i think it’ll be 8-10 short parts ♥ 3.4k. fluff. ♥ there may be smut but i doubt it and IF it happens it wont be as explicit as my other smut works. ♥ i didn’t proofread and if you read my stuff you know i never do because im a lazy ass. ♥ idk how i feel about this chapter? only his POV btw, was easier this way. please tell me if youre still interested in this story? i feel like its dying slowly lol ♥ if you have any questions please dont hesitate.
♥ PART 1  // PART 2 // PART 3  // PART 4 // PART 5 // PART 6
Maybe It's time you go home.
Her words resonated in my head over and over as I drove back to my house and I couldn't help but wonder if I was really going to kiss her out of pity. I've been flooded with so many intense feelings in the past days that it was sometimes hard to unscramble. I barely understood myself, so I couldn't expect her to understand me at all.
The only thing I was sure of, is that I loved Chelsea. If I could have created the perfect child for me, I wouldn't even have came close to that perfection. She was turning me into a different man, a better one I believed, and I was so proud to be her dad it almost hurt. Still, if I wanted to be honest with myself, I shat my pants just thinking about her reaction to finding out I was her father. I could live easily with what the rest of the world would think, but if Chelsea didn't want me as a dad, I had no idea how I would take it.
I threw my keys on the counter and locked the door behind me, taking my coat off and leaving it on the couch, along with my beanie and my scarf. I walked slowly to the kitchen and opened my fridge, staring way too long at the inside of it. I was not exactly sure of what I wanted, and it made me think of her. I also was not really sure what I wanted when it came to my ex girlfriend. Did I want her to be my ex ex girlfriend? Or was I attracted to her simply because of the vestige of feelings that were once really fucking strong?
I couldn't blame her for moving away when I decided to kiss her but when I brushed my thumb on her bottom lip, I realized that even if I was not sure of the feelings we truly had for each other, I was well aware of how my body vibrated when she was near and it brought an other question in my head. Was it simply lust? Would we finally succumb to the temptation in weeks from now only to find out that it was only physical attraction? That thought made me grimace and I bent down to quickly grab a beer.
The last thing she told me was to leave and I felt like it ended things very badly. I didn't want to hurt her, and my instinct really told me to kiss her. My head, however, kept reminding me of all the wrongs she did me and it made me sigh.
I grabbed my phone and turned it on again. I had only brought it in case of an emergency but I was not going to let myself be distracted by it when I was spending time with my daughter. It turned on slowly and I sighed for the second time when all the notifications popped up. One made me frown though and I opened it, only to see an amazing picture of Chelsea on my shoulders with fireworks in the background. It was a great photo, and even if I knew it was her job as a photographer, I was still impressed by the quality of the picture. She hadn't written anything but the date and I quickly changed the background of my phone for this photo.
'Thank you for the picture Xx' i typed quickly before hitting 'send'.
I stared at the words I sent, my thumb still hovering over the keyboard of my phone, wondering if I should type anything else.
'I didn't want to hurt you. I'm happy we spent the day together,'
I debated whether or not I should try to comfort her, but no matter what I would send her couldn't be the completely truth. I couldn't tell her it wasn't a pity kiss I wanted to give her because I had no idea if it was. I couldn't tell her I wanted to try again with her since I was not even sure of my feelings. All I could do was tell her what I knew and was a hundred percent sure of.
I waited way too long for her answer, standing motionless in the middle of my kitchen, and finally gave up. I sighed, closing my eyes and sliding my phone on the isle next to me, and finally walked to my room, deciding that I needed a shower.
She hadn't texted me in a few days and although I was well aware that I had to wait for her to show signs of life, I was getting impatient. It's only on the morning of the third day without any news from her or my daughter that I got a text message from her.
'Niall I need you.'
I felt my heart jump in my chest, questioning the signification of her words but a few seconds later, I got an other text from her, clearing my doubts.
'I have to work today and I have no one to babysit Chelsea."
Her first text was not declaring her love for me in a short text message, she just needed someone to take care of our daughter while she was at work. I thought I would feel relieved but what invaded my whole body seemed more like disappointment. I shook my head slightly and finally, a smile appeared on my lips. Not only was I going to spend the whole day with my daughter but now I knew that my ex girlfriend trusted me enough to let me stay with Chelsea by myself.
'I'm on my way."
It only took me a few seconds to grab a coat and jump in my car and when she opened the door to let me in, she quickly left it open and continued getting ready.
"Thank you so much, Niall!" she expressed from an other room before coming back. "They called me last minute."
She had traded her sweatpants for a skirt and did all she could not to look into my eyes. I could understand that the last time we saw each other was awkward and emotional but I felt awful thinking things would be cold between us from now on.
"A photoshoot?" I asked, closing the door behind me and taking my shoes off.
"Oh, I wish, no." she admitted with a sigh, rolling her eyes as she ran around, trying to put her earrings on at the same time. "Being a photographer is not what I would call 'profitable', especially when you're a freelancer. I had to take a second job to pay the bills, you know how it is."
I kept quiet because I had no idea what it was. I did work my ass off all the time, doing something I adored, but not knowing if i'll have enough money to eat next week isn't something that ever happened to me.
I couldn't pretend it didn't break my heart to find out she was struggling so much and i was tempted to propose her a few solutions that I thought about. I decided against it, remembering we weren't on the best terms at the moment, but took a mental note to have a discussion with her later.
"I work in a hotel, at the restaurant during the day, and at the bar in the evening." she told me, raising her nose in a grimace. "I know, not really glamorous, but some clients pay very well."
I pressed my lips together, keeping my comments to myself, and let my eyes roam around.
"Where's Chelsea?"
"She's getting ready. She's very excited to spend the day with you. Be prepared, your day is going to be extremely long."
With a chuckle, she looked up and our eyes met, making her smile falter but mine grow. She breathed in and sighed as I took a step closer, keeping my eyes into hers.
"I'm sorry for the other day." i apologized in a very low tone. "I didn't want to hurt you. I never want to hurt you."
Without thinking, I brought my hand to her cheek and she held her breath as my fingertips brushed against her skin.  I could feel my heart throb all over my body until she took a step back and looked away, bending down to grab a toy and throw it in the hall.
"It's okay Niall." she let out, grabbing her purse and opening it to look for something in it, once again not looking at me. "We both made mistakes and now it's over, let's move on."
I didn't know if she wanted to move on from this uncomfortable situation between us, or if she wanted us to give up on the feelings we weren't sure we had, but I didn't like it. I didn't really have time to ask her to elaborate.
"Okay so I'm gonna leave you a key of the apartment, but I thought you'd want to babysit her at your place. Either way I don't mind. Don't turn off you phone, leave the sound on, and if you have any problem, just call Louis, he will know what to do."
I nodded as she kept talking, grabbing her coat and putting it on. I couldn't help but think it was too cold outside for the outfit she wore but I kept quiet.
"Chelsea! Baby! I'm leaving!" she yelled loud enough for our daughter to hear before lowering her tone. "No junk food, no chocolate or trust me she'll make you regret it. Fruits, yogurt, ice cream, it's all good. She hates fish, too, and don't let her boss you around."
I had no idea how I was supposed to remember all of this but I just nodded, trying to engrave her recommendations in my brain, although I was pretty sure I was going to forget half of them.
"I'll text you when I'm done so you can tell me where you are and I'll just pick Chelsea up, okay?" she didn't wait for my answer and handed me a key. "There, lock behind you will you?"
Without thinking, she moved closer and I held my breath but she quickly stopped herself and turned around just as Chelsea entered the room. The dynamic they had together and that intense connection was something that fascinated me, especially since it seemed like they didn't even see it. She bent down and Chelsea let herself fall in her arms. They hugged for a while, and I noticed she was whispering something in her ear. My daughter nodded a few times and pulled away as they smiled to each other before moving closer again and brushing their noses against each other's. it made me chuckle low and my ex girlfriend finally got up, caressing her face gently.
"I really need to go, good luck, Niall."
She pressed her hand gently on my shoulder and it took me by surprise, accelerating my heartbeats for a few seconds but when I heard the door close behind her, I turned to Chelsea and sent her a smile, raising my eyebrows.
"Happy to spend the day with me?"
"Are you gonna show me where you live?" she asked with a frown, ignoring my question.
"Mmhm, if you want to!"
She clapped her hands a few times, a large smile on her lips, and grabbed her pink backpack, throwing it over her shoulders
"I'm ready!"
"Woa, Chels, you may need a coat and something to put on your head too, don't you think?"
She giggled but nodded as I started searching for her stuff but when I looked back at her, she was already dressing up. She struggled a bit but I bent down to help her with the sleeves of her coat before grabbing the beanie and pulling it on her head, over her eyes. She laughed more but stayed that way until I moved the beanie up slightly, allowing her to see. I took the scarf and put it around her neck and finally, I tilted my head, asking her if she was ready. She nodded frenetically and I laughed, getting back up and grabbing the bag her mother prepared.
I locked and we walked to my car. I was nervous and excited but I didn't know if I was going to succeed this test, because that's exactly how it felt like : a test. One that I was making myself try to pass, at least.
I made sure her seat belt was tied correctly and couldn't help but glance back at her through the mirror as we drove in silence. When we walked in my house, I turned the lights on and her eyes roamed all over the living room. Her lips parted and after a few seconds, she turned to me and grinned.
"This is where you live?" I nodded and she turned again to look at my Christmas tree. "Why don't you use lights of all colors?"
She quickly turned to me and frowned as I chuckled.
"I don't know, do you prefer multicolored lights?" I asked, glancing at the soft white lights in my tree.
Without even thinking, she nodded firmly and I bent down again, unzipping her coat and helping her getting undressed.
"I'll remember that, then."
I put our coats away and we both sat on the couch. She put her backpack between her legs and quickly opened it, placing books, movies and a few toys between us.
"What do you want to do today, Chelsea?"
"You're gonna read me stories, and we will watch movies, and we will play with my favorite barbies, and we will eat, too."
"Are you hungry?"
She nodded and I told her to leave her stuff on the couch and to follow me to the kitchen. I ended up making grilled cheese for both of us and we ate quickly in silence until she just looked up at me to stare. I sent her a smile and raised my eyebrows, watching her take a sip of her glass of milk before putting it back on the table, now looking at me with a milk mustache. I tried to keep my laughter inside and just licked my lips.
"Is everything okay, Chelsea?"
Without answering my question, she tilted her head. I grabbed my water bottle and she waited until I was literally drinking from it to talk again.
"Are you my new daddy?"
I choked on my water, trying not to spill it everywhere, and coughed a few time.
"I saw you and mommy kissing the other day after the fireworks."
She was probably half asleep and had imagined it but who could blame her? I remembered holding her mom's face so close to mine that our lips brushed. I remembered being so close to kiss her that my heartbeats were erratic. I remembered feeling her warm breath against my lips. These thoughts made me shiver and I cleared my throat, trying to find a good answer. We hadn't kissed, but my daughter couldn't understand the complexity of the relationship her mother and I were in.
"Would you want me to be your new daddy, Chelsea?"
The answer was important for me, but she just shrugged and looked down at her plate. I waited a few seconds and she finally looked up.
"I want my daddy to come back."
I felt my heart jump so high in my chest that I had to swallow, as if it went close to escape by my throat. I could read sadness in her eyes and I felt extremely bad. She was only four and was already suffering from not having a father in her life.
"Where do you think your dad is, Chels?"
She tilted her head and squinted, lost in her thoughts.
"I think he's busy being a princess."
This time, I was glad I wasn't drinking water because I would have definitely choked on it for good.
"A princess?"
"Yes." she nodded. "He can't be here with me because he has to take care of a whooooole kingdom."
"That makes sense, but why a princess? Why not a king or a prince?"
"Princesses have more fun, and they can wear nice dresses like the ones mommy buys for me." she explained, making my lips curl. "I'm sure my daddy prefers to be a princess."
Her mind was intriguing but also incredible, and that made me realize I had never really been close to a little girl. No one close to me had a daughter I really interacted with, and the fact that Chelsea was my daughter suddenly made me extremely proud.
"No matter where your father is, Chelsea, he loves you, he cares for you, and he's thinking about you. And I know he would give anything to be with you, if he could."
She nodded and sent me a warm smile that made me hold my breath. I desperately wanted to tell her it was me, that there was nothing I wanted more than to be her father, but I kept it inside and brought our plates to the counter.
"You remember that shirt you wear to bed?" I asked her as we walked back to the living room. "Would you like to hear some of their songs?"
Her eyes opened wide and she looked up at me, her chin raised up.
"Do you think my daddy likes that band?"
"No doubt."
I put my spotify on the television to make sure the music would invade the room and when I turned around, Chelsea was sitting on the couch. She looked extremely tiny on my gigantic couch and it made me chuckle. She leaned her head on it to look at the ceiling as I started the first song.
I started with "Can't get you outta my mind" and sat next to her, leaning my head exactly the way she was. She waited about a minute after the song was over and I turned my head to look at her.
"What did you think?"
She stared at me and frowned slightly.
"I want to hear an other one."
Her attitude made me laugh and I started "She's a sensation". I closed my eyes and when the song was over, I let the next one play on random and felt my heart twist when "I won't let it happen" started. For some reason, the lyrics really hit me and I tried to keep my feelings in, turning to Chelsea again.
"I like them." she just expressed, nodding slowly.
"Yea, me too."
My phone beeped and I grabbed it, to check the notifications.
'I heard you were babysitting. Freddie and I are coming over!'
I grimaced at Louis' message but decided to ask Chelsea what she wanted. I was not against seeing Louis, but at the same time, it was going on so well and easily with my daughter that I was not sure I really needed him.
"Louis and Freddie want to come over, what do you say?"
I watched her throw her tiny arms in the air and it made me laugh as I answered Louis' message. I was ready to give her anything she wanted, and although I knew it could be dangerous, seeing Chelsea happy was pretty much my only motivation for... everything.
"Maybe we could order a pizza for dinner?" I proposed. "What do you prefer on yours?"
"Cheese and mushrooms!"
"Mushrooms?" I asked with a chuckle. "Really?"
She nodded quickly and I decided to put on a movie she had brought while I would order. She sat better on the couch to watch what I thought was 'Open Season" and I walked to my room, sitting on it as I ordered pizza with my phone. As soon as I hung up, my phone beeped again.
'Order pizza, Neil. We're hungry!'
His message made me laugh and I shook my head, only sending him the emoji of a thumb up. For the first time since I found out Chelsea was my daughter, I felt at peace. I knew I would have to tell her who I really was at some point, but I didn't want to focus on that. I wanted to focus on spending time with her, getting to know her, and allowing her to get to know me too. I wanted to be a part of her life and it seemed like we got off to a good start, and I didn't want it to end.
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Episode 1.1 - This Game is Rigged Against People Who Can’t Read - Vi
The two tribes, Awashima and Hiroku were pitted against each other in a game of Hostile Harai. After a relatively close battle, Hiroku pulled ahead and won a 10% challenge multiplier in the next immunity challenge.
At the immunity challenge, the tribes battle each other in a game of Semantris that led to victory for Hiroku, beating the other tribe even without the score multiplier needed.
At Hiroku, the winning tribe, they celebrated their win and continued to form relationships, though no alliances had yet formed. Emma ventured into the expeditions and found the Awashima hidden immunity idol and was given the option between leaving the idol in place or gifting it to a member of Awashima. Emma opted to gift the idol to Adam with the note: “Can’t wait for merge! (heart) PH.”
At Awashima, bonds began to form and take control of the vote. Katie, Rachael, Rodrigo and Josh in particular began to formulate a plan to vote out Lauren for being the most inactive member of the tribe. Lauren had other plans, wanting to target Adam for similar reasons. After some discussion of idols with Rodrigo, Katie and Rachael opted to vote for Adam as well. At tribal council, Lauren was voted out 7-3 against Adam, who kept his immunity idol in his pocket.
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“im either first boot or i win no in between”
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“Omfg VI IS PLAYING I LOVE HER SO MUCH THE LOML. Also nikias has such a cool energy”
“All of my chats so far are with the men, I think I’m too intimidated by the pretty girls??”
“Fuuuuuck Katie is playing?!?!?! 😭😭😭😭 SHES TOO GOOD SHE GOTTA GO”
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“Minding my own business and praying these people never witnessed Svalbard🙃”
“When you rejected Katie for prom and she comes for you in your DMs”
“Katie is gr8. Josh is gr8. Really just vibing tbh”
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“I'm so glad that on my tribe I already have previous good relationships with Regan, Katie, and Vi. Marc is pretty great too. I feel good so far woooo. also prayer circle for Olivia I hope I get to see her in a tribe swap or something”
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After receiving a bonus in the immunity challenge: “guys look at me win!”
“im going to see if i can trick jay into thinking i want to work with him till f2”
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“whyyyy am I so awkward hahahahaha ha ah ha abaaghhhhhhhhh”
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“this game is rigged against people who can’t read. Someone save me”
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Olivia goes on an expedition to Mt. Ishizuchi, where she must climb 100 steps to reach the top. After 15 minutes she completes the task that reveals no reward with this to say:
“Are you fuckin kidding me 🤬 Wtf guys 😐😑”
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“I legit message every single person on this tribe and i tried to communicate with them, however nobody messaged me first which makes me low key a little paranoid. Is it the fact that i am too excited to get to know every one? or could it be that some people feeling comfortable alliance? we shall see, at thee moment i don't really believe there is one or if it is there would be of players that have play together before, but i haven't notice any one who would know someone else in my tribe. At the moment, i have 0 game talks i am trying to talk to people but i don't wanna approach people and make them feel that i am playing too hard too fast so i just wanna get to the first steps of getting to know them and then build of an alliance. I feel like the people that i would like to bring in a potential alliance at the moment would be Olivia, Abby, Zach (so hot btw) and there are people that i wanna work with based on interviews ( Cori and Ally) but they haven't give me anything yet too to make them feel that i could work with them, idk i don't really enjoy being the only one who is asking questions and try to lead a convo and that's why at the moment i haven't be able to see if i could potential work with them. My biggest concern mark is Constance, i enjoy talking with him and he seems like a gamer and i would like to work with a gamer but there is something in me that feels that he could make a move later on very unexpectenly”
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“Ok so I’m doing well with aly, nikias, em, and corinda. Abrielle too but I’m more wary of her bc of her Svalbard connections. Hopefully I can make a ladies alliance happen within the next couple of days naturally. Odd and Sam aren’t giving me anything and Constance is a wildcard bc I know his history”
“Also I forgot to say I also know jay from the other tribe I hosted an org that he won : o. Him and Vi were close so I imagine they’ll be paired up by now. So that either gives me an opportunity to join them as a third wheel or it could take away vi as my potential closest ally. Vi played my first ever org with me :’)”
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Abrielle went to Mt. Tsurumi in Kyushu where she received the voting coin for boiling water 
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Olivia goes on another expedition to the Kojima Shrine. She luckily went during low tide, and was able to claim the Protective Crystal which blocks the next vote cast against her. “Oh fuck yeah”
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“forgot about the great soybean massacre of 1586″
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“So far I feel as though I’ve made some decent connections on this tribe even if they are minimal. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know so many fresh faces but depending on how we do in this challenge, connections unfortunately can not overlook performance as a tribe unless you work it to a certain degree. I do hope that several of my tribe members can help us pull the win for this challenge because I am not doing so hot!”
“The only concerns I have on my tribe are Em and Olivia because they know me from Tumblr and didn’t really like me all that much but I won’t say anything and just let life work it’s course. If I don’t delve into the past and let it linger it’ll only fall into their blame if they use that as their leverage if they target me later down the line. My main goal is to ultimately create friendships in this game and even if they decide to speak with me (Em hasn’t) that’s all that truly matters to me. Because ultimately, I don’t dislike anyone regardless of what anyone says. 💘”
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“Honestly having immunity is really important, we get a taste of the twist be with zero affection towards us and it could allow us to be more prepare in the a future tribal council. Also you need time in this game and especially at the beginning, i am hoping for the win at the moment.”
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“Here u can start seeing Rodrigo in his natural habitat: Forming relationships, talking to people. This is what Rodrigos gameplay is about. He creates relationships strong enough quickly to be able to slip by. Now Rodrigo plans, this season, to take his game one step further and actually transition from a social game only to a strategic game too. Is it too early to rock the boat? We shall see next time in... MYTHOLOGICAL SURVIVOR NO MIKOTO!!! also I find it really funny that I already told like what 5 people I have their back: Josh, Rach, Vi, Katie, Marc. tobe honest this 5 are kind of an ideal 5 for me to align with but with Marc wanting to bring Jay and Reegan idk tbh but the way things are looking it may come down to Adam or Lauren but tribal is only on Monday so theres a lot to play out. Well something else I do feel kinda bad throwing Adam udner the bus to Katie and it really has nothing to do with our past history its just how the convo developed that led to me saying tha”
After being exiled Rodrigo sent this: 
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“I don't like who i'm with. I want to be carried but with almost all new people to me, I gotta try”
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Olivia goes on an expedition to the Sado light house, rewarding her with a 3 hour exile from her tribe. Her tribe is not notified of why she was removed from the chat, prompting speculation about what happened. 
“captain’s log #49. Fred the squirrel has crafted a boat and left the lighthouse sooner than I. I feel defeat creeping over me. I’ve been here for 10 minutes and I’ve tried every which way to let my tribe know I didn’t desert them, IM NOT A TRAITOR. I even changed my pfp in the hopes someone would catch on. Guess we shall see. IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE”
“Catch me taking down notes on who sweetly tried to contact me. That’s who imma vibe with in this game. Constance, nikias, corinda, Abby :]”
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Emma took an expedition to Honshu where she completed a challenge to find the Awashima hidden immunity idol. 
Chose to gift the idol to Adam with the note: “Can’t wait for merge (heart)! PH.”
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After being given the idol by Emma, his only response was: 
 “PH hmm”
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“also heres a thought. I'd LOVE to get rid of like Reegan next if we go to tribal but the thing is the following: with us voting Lauren this vote I kinda need to play it up for the public. I dont want people thinking I am a meninist. Because I am not. so if Lauren does go this round. I think a MAN will need to suffer the consequences. Its what they deserve to be honest. Peace.”
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“Going great! I got a little advantage and we’re immune. I think im making good connections? I’m trying not to be too much like I usually am like I’m holding back”
Olivia went on another expedition to Lake Kamo on Sado where she broke a fishermans oyster trap, resulting in her being exiled from her tribe until she had collected four buckets of oysters. 
After almost 40 minutes, Olivia completed the task and was allowed back to her tribe. 
“I don’t even get a reward for all that 😭 I’m just sad now”
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“I have really been trying to up my social game more than any other game I have been involved in. It may seem like a little too much, but at the same time, I really want to emphasize what I said I would do and that is make genuine friendships with people and do what I can in order to move myself forward in this game. Even if it may cost me my opportunity to win, I at least know that I went out of this game knowing I created a connection with each and every person in someway. 
With that said, I think that the idol searching mechanic shows how hard someone is trying to find something because it ultimately catches everyone’s attention if you get something negative like being exiled from your tribe or whatnot.
I’m not quite sure what this game has in store for me and I don’t expect to accomplish much when it comes to challenges so I hope to bring my socially adaptable techniques into my strategy for the long haul.”
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0 notes
(1/4) confession: i hate l@nce. hate him. so much. he's such an asshole! like i get the writers are going for 'wannabe casanova' but what they've got is a boy that only is insta 'nice' to hot women (in the mermaid episode he was like :/ to the squid head girl until she took it off and was totes hot at which point he immediately did a 180 to ;D), hits on literally everything resembling female, and doesn't take no for an answer. like, a//ura made it pretty clear she's not interested in L@nce.
(2/4) But he keeps flirting with her at very bad moments, despite her being annoyed with it, and tries to police her actions at one point??? (when her at Ke!th run off together he flips shit on her and tries to do an interrogation if anything happened like thats any of his fucking business). Literally the only girls he’s not weird about is P1dge and his mother. It’s fucked him over so many times! N!ma and the mermaids both should have been massive red flags, but he never changes!(¾) Not once does he connect the dots and think hmm maybe there’s a connection -NEVERMIND HOT GIRL. He’s completely oblivious from moral and logical standpoints. I hate it and I hate him. No amount of homesickness and insecurity is gonna make him likeable until he pulls his head out of his ass. Or at least gets called out by someone instead of being told ‘not now’ mid emergency. He doesn’t give a shit about them! That one mermaid girl he was hitting on, she died! Mid episode!(4/4) And L@nce didn’t even ask hey, where did she vanish too is she okay? He didn’t give a single fuck about the missing girl he’d been hitting on literally a day ago, he was too busy with the NEW pretty mermaid girl and the hot mermaid queen! I hate him, I hate how the writers handle him, and he needs to get called the fuck out by someone soon. Preferably A//ura. Or P!dge. Or Sh!ro. Thank you for hearing of my rage.
ok i was about to go to sleep but since its the l@nce ask i decided to wait a bit, because uhhh, welp he’s important to me and he’s probably the only reason why i still watch this show lfdkjgkf im going to try and be as, well, as objective and logical as i can so please bear with me also im sorry i cant really salt with you here. like, i partially salt with you but not entirely since, you know, l@nce stan thing and all that. okay anyway, here we go and it probs gonna be long so im really, really sorry or something. also also before i Really start i want to thank hd, jo and ciel bcos brainstorming with them was a top notch way to figure out what i want to say fldkgj
im gonna start with the flirting thing first in general, then move to @llura, then to other instances you brought up then to lance himself, just so we have some outline here okay? okay. so here i go:
the flirting thingy - i get why it bugs you and it bugs me too, especially with @llura. writers definitely overuse it and use it as a comedic device (not working but shhh). on the other side, aside from @llura (which im going to talk about more in a sec, pls be patient with me, pls) girls usually don’t react negatively to it? pl@xum literally kissed him on the cheek, aliens at the mall and on that first planet in s3 laughed and generally it seemed to be rather innocent if annoying because of how often it was portrayed. the flirting alone isn’t really bad, considering his insecurities and strive for attention its not surprising that he does it and its never a serious thing. and most of the team reacts with just groaning and rolling their eyes, no one ever told him, 100% seriously and definitely, to stop. the thing is, writers portray his flirting in a really shitty way (like most things, jesus christ) 90% of the time??? which brings us to the next point here:
@llura or rather how her and l@nces relationship was portrayed so far. now theres no denying it that the part where he keeps on flirting with her and she keeps turning him down and so on is, well, pure shit and we all want (or rather wanted it considering how he dropped the act in s3) it to stop. while it doesnt make it okay, its still important to note that he never really seems to be 100% serious with his pick up lines and it looks like he uses it as a way to lighten up the mood (cue him using them in, well, not really appropriate moments). and while we’re at it, lance hardly ever opposed to any of her orders (aside from the time when he and hunk argued with the rest of the team about coming back home but, like, can you really blame them for that?). also the thing that you brought up, him flipping his shit out when she left with keith was completely justified??? she and k/eith literally left without any notice??? when they were constantly followed by galra and there was a war going on???? of course he was worried out of his mind, who wouldnt! and when she was captured by the gala he was one of the people who wanted to go and save her. like, you cant really say he doesnt give a shit about her. its further proved by how he acted in s3? he completely dropped his flirting with her, never acted angry when she was chosen to be the blue paladin, he even said he was happy that it was her specifically! when sh!ro came back he never asked @llura to step down either, he thought she was better suited to do it than him he constantly checked if she was feeling alright in blue and we could see how much their relationship improved in this season. i would go as far as to say that they actually became a p good friends.
now, onto the other instances you mentioned:
pl@xum - here its kinda tricky tbh, on one side, yeah, its not really okay that he started to be all over the moon for her after she took of the squid, on the other hand he knew her for, like, a day at best?? its not really enough time to fall in love with personality itself (especially considering how much happened during that time?) and you cant really tell that being attracted by someones good looks is something bad? it was portrayed in shitty way but then again, its more of writers fault. and while we’re at it, even if he wasnt interested in her romantically, he never disrespected her??? he took her seriously after she and her group explained what they did and why they did it and helped her free her planet.
fl/rona - okay i seriously dont know why you brought up this? he had maybe one convo with her and during it or right after he was literally drugged with poisoned alien food, then he got kidnapped, stung by a squid and had to fight and save the entire kingdom. he probably thought she was in the palace or somewhere in their village? with so much happening of course it could slip his mind. 
ny/a - well, im not really sure how to approach this one but im gonna try. yes, l/nce going after her was reckless and not his best moment but also?? literally everyone on the team except for h/nk seemed to trust them? and n/ma not only reciprocated/pretended to reciprocate but also played at his insecurities (aka pulling the “if you wont then im sure k/th aka the boy that you consider ur rival aka the boy that is one of the sources of ur insecurities will take me to his lion). and lance maybe has a strategical mind and works good on missions and in the heat of a moment but? he’s also an insecure teenager and teens tend to do reckless things when they want to impress someone. plus, lance generally seems to be rather trusting? hes not as guarded as, lets say, k/eith, hes thrives on social interaction and likes meeting new people. you can see it in the way he wanted to hang out with p/idge in the garrison even though she probs always turned him and h/nk down or how he was able to confide in coran despite knowing him for week at best or in how quick he was to play around and take selfies with complete strangers from the planet he just helped save in s3 and how well he worked with blade of m/rmora in same ep. hes quick to trust and become friends, which makes him an easy target for people like n/ma but overall isnt really a bad trait. 
all in all, lance is a very, very complex character and cant really be judged only basing on his flirting. hes much more than that. and while i understand where you’re coming from i cant really agree with you fully. the way his flirting is portrayed is shitty but hes not a bad person at all. 
sorry its so long btw, im just,,, kinda passionate dl
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justwritingscibbles · 7 years
The Request List
Hey dolls, so everyone can see what fics that are going to be written I made this list.  If you don’t see your request, please notify me so I can add it. Only if you sent it in when the requests were open. 
Thanks everyone!!
-Male x Male!Reader wedding
- Dark talking a female reader out of suicide. I think after antagonizing her?
-Could you write a sequel to A Battle of Seduction where the reader manages to seduce Dark?
-I have a... dirty request... What about a Dark x Reader where he shows ownership with a collar and even has a leash for the Reader when he really wants something. Sorry I just... need more stuffs like that (>//<)
-For requests, could you do smut where the (non gender specific) reader is in a romantic relationship w/dark and they have a celebrity crush they always gush over and say how amazing the celeb is and one day dark *ahem* portrays how he feels about his S/O liking someone else so much. I hope this makes sense and I don't mind what you choose for the ending and if it's sfw/nsfw.
-Getting a request in because your writing is awesome! Female reader and Dark nsfw with some fluffy aftercare would be cool. Thanks!
-For requests, could you do smut where the (non gender specific) reader is in a romantic relationship w/dark and they have a celebrity crush they always gush over and say how amazing the celeb is and one day dark *ahem* portrays how he feels about his S/O liking someone else so much. I hope this makes sense and I don't mind what you choose for the ending and if it's sfw/nsfw.
-Getting a request in because your writing is awesome! Female reader and Dark nsfw with some fluffy aftercare would be cool. Thanks!
-Since you accidentally got rid of the request list. I would like to see a sequel to the Tea Party fic, where Mark explains to (Y/N) who Dark is, and when he takes over again (Y/N) asks him if he wants to play Hide and Go Tag and makes him change before they go outside because (Y/N) doesn't want his nice suit to get dirty
-Could pls do a bullet fic about what it would be like to be the daughter of darkiplier I feel like he would spoil her so she always choose him over her uncle Wilford...if ur not busy it anything I just kind of want another opinion before I write a fic around this idea
-How about an angst fic with a fem reader and Anti where the reader witnesses one of Anti's complete meltdown/glitchouts for the first time and tries to help him, but ends up getting hurt.
-Oh my god my ask cut off I'm so sorry If I could make a request, Anti with a S/O who is typically very tense and anxious but completely melts when someone plays with their hair? Like he discovers that and now constantly plays with it
-Can we get more SO (nonbinary) fighting with Anti please? The end is up to you though. Whether it turns out okay or not.
-High-key need HC's for Anti dating someone who is super awkward (if you do spontaneous HC's -help me fuel my love for him. I need all the ideas I can get when I start writing about him- I really love all your stories by the way omg.)
-Sequeal to ‘Caught with your pants down’
-OOOOOOO REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!!!!!!! Can i request a NSFW with Natemare with a female reader!!! Maybe like Natemare kidnapped the reader away from Nate because he's lonely AF. Idk just an idea!
-Ho, requests are open? Lovely! Since you turned me into natemare trash (thanks for that btw), natemare using dirty talk on s/o while she's relaxing, or whatever seeing if he can use his voice alone to make her come. Afterwards he just has that smug look on his face like "told ya so :)" cause you know hes one kinky boi. Why yes, you can make this as NSFW as you want! Please and thank you!
-I heard requests were open, and i love your writing. I would love if you could do NSFW with Mare and a female reader? Ive became Mare trash and need more of him in my life. It can be romantic or just fuck buddies. Thank you in advance
-Hi, I sent the request about comforting natemare about his scars before. I guess I might as well add the specifics now: sfw, fluff/hurt and comfort, no gender preference, either platonic or romantic (my view of what constitutes as platonic is broader than most people's, so it would probably be easier to just write romantic)
-Never requested a smutty thing but fuck it let's make sure I'm going to hell as the new queen. Anyways, I've read an old ask talking about Mare fingering the reader with his smoke in public and I was wondering if you could do this (if you haven't of course). NSWF with female reader and maybe having dinner in public. And the relationship is romantic.
-I'm Natemare trash and darned proud of it! It's a female reader paired with Natemare. Reader has a bad day, Natemare picks at her, reader warns him to stop, the little hellion doesn't listen, reader explodes at him and really hurts his feelings. He's sensitive, you know. So, now reader must make it up to him. -Chinadoll
-I'm not sure if I want SFW or not. If it were to be NSFW, it would be the reader showering Natemare with affection and focusing on his pleasure, not her own. If you can make NSFW work for you, by all means, add it. However, if you think the fic would be better without it, that's fine too. Is it okay to leave it up to you? If you'd rather it be solely my decision, I'll decide :) So random question: have you ever watched the anime "Rurouni Kenshin"? -Chinadoll
- Gender Preference: Female NSFW or SFW: SFW Fluff/Smut/Angst/Other: Whatever you wish to write so long as it is not fluff or smut. Characters: - Yin Embodiment of my negative emotions. She is mostly calm and patient but if provoked, she will attack ferociously, either with shadows (she's a umbrakinetic) or with her weapon; a curtain pole. There are things from me or my childhood that I have applied to Yin: ☯ Dislikes dresses and skirts. She'll wear anything but dresses or skirts. She mostly wears a shirt, a jacket over the top and black pants/leggings and boots. - Natemare (I'M NATEMARE TRASH OKAY I'M SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME) Description of Story: (Feel free to make up your own story. I like to give creative freedom to people I request to/commission.) Relationship: None please.
The Host:
-Because I am utter garbage for him, can we get some love for the Host? Can we have the host and a newly blind SO fluff, with him assuring her that just because she can't see anymore doesn't change anything about their relationship? Please and thank you!
-Can we get host angst? Like, recently after he lost his sight and he breaks a little because he can't see his (nonbinary) SO anymore and it makes him sad.
-Could you do a Host x reader where the reader had a bad day and breaks down, and the host helps to comfort her? Sfw, fluff, romantic relationship, and female reader please! Thank you!
-Could you do something of where it's A x fem!reader but reader's dating this jerk who abuses her but she keeps it from A so he wouldn't worry or yell at her until one day she doesn't go see him and he takes it to his own hands to see her only to see abusive boyfriend hurting her?
-Honestly I just need some more A in my life so I was wondering if you could do A and a male reader, and how they first met??
-Can I request an asexual female reader getting aphobic comments from someone (asexuality isn't a thing, you just haven't met the right person yet, the classic "i could change that" implying sex could fix them, that sort of thing) and A/gear ((both would be nice or your choice if you don't want to)) help them out? Platonic would be great, but romantics cool too
-Could you make a story with a poly with dark and anti where they find out that the reader was physically abused by their parent when they went to visit them again? (Gender neutral pronouns) Thank you hun
-What if you wrote a fanfic where Darkiplier, Anti, or Natemare (your choice) was chilling out around the reader- just anywhere in the same house- and the reader is on their phone. But what the twist is- is that the noises of adoration the the reader makes whenever they see a cute or cool post- sounds like different types of sensual moans, and since the reader has never done this before, this is the first time one of the dark!bois is discovering it and they hear it throughout the house.
-I fell in love with the idea of the big poly relationship between the reader and the dark boy and I was wondering if you have any more headcanons?
 -What would a poly relationship between Wilford and Anti include?
-Dark/Anti sequel to ‘Intellectual Jealousy’
-How about a fluff story where Anti and Mare are snuggling with the reader, who gets up for a glass of water or something, but the boys are so comfy they don't immediately notice and cuddle with each other for a little bit. (And maybe the reader snaps a photo to prove it happened)
-Maybe poly anti and dark helping a nb SO through a panic attack? Or just helping SO calm down and relax in general please? Thank you! female reader, poly romance with Dark and Anti, something sfw and fluffy? Idk? Cuddles? 
-hi, so this request is based off an ask that i saw another ano post. could you write a story about Anti and Dark suddenly switching personalities and how Mark and Jack react. IDK it could be cool
-Could you write something (sfw-ish?) where anti and dark are trying to out-do each other for the reader's birthday and they both buy her expensive lingerie sets in their favorite colors, and insist she 'pick her favorite'. So she goes to change and they're both good, but to avoid the argument either wears bra from one and panties from the other, or comes back just stark naked. (Please dont publish this as to spoil it for readers). If you want to.
-Nsfw poly relationship with Dark and Anti with a non binary reader?
-Since requests are open and I hope you accept this. Female, SFW, Fluff, Natemare and Anti having a prank war and poor Reader got in the middle and takes revenge on the two by making it seem like the other until she pranks both at the same time, and Poly relationship.
-If requests are open, could I see a gender neutral reader with a poly Anti and Dark relationship and the reader likes to walk around in their shirts? What do they do the first time they see them do it? (Can b nsfw, I love your writing either way xx)
-Google and Bingsepticeye having a debate to impress their gender neutral s/o if requests are still up
-Also idk if I sent this already before but Bingiplier and Bingsepticeye poly-relationship hcs with a female reader
-Is requests open? If they are could possibly do a poly relationship with Natemare, Dark, and Anti? Hopefully a bullet fic? Swf or nwsf (I totally spelled that wrong I'm sorry) or both. And gender neutral? Sorry this is choppy with my ask, I'm trying to stick to the rules as best as possible. (And if requests are open, you can ignore this!)
-Can you write a thing plz where the reader is super sensitive to sound, and has been overstimulated, and dark and Anti are being too loud? Maybe it leads to a panic attack or something? (Bonus if they haven't seen the reader in a panic attack-y situation before?) Poly!ship, plz!!
-Hi! I'd like to send in a request pretty please. I hope I'm sending it in the right format. Nonbinary reader, he/they/it pronouns please(specific, I know, but hey), SFW, angst. Poly for the win, reader being with Natemare and Dark. Reader is going through a really tough time, to the point that they barely wanna get out of bed, and one day, either Mare or Dark finds a notebook filled with drafts of really disturbing goodbye notes. What happens next?
-Can I request fem!reader fluffy platonic tickle fight with mark and/or teamiplier? Also your writing is so good and adorable and I love you byyyeeee!!!! Also sorry if I did this wrong! Sorry!
-Fem!reader, high school au? Were she gets bullied and MET sees, Mark and Tyler run to the bully aggressively while Ethan goes to comfort you. It's SFW and a platonic relationship. If you need anything else just let me know!
-You should do a preference thingy like the jealousy one you did. Except it's like, what they boys do when the reader cries. Gender neutral of course!
Wilford Warfstache:
-You should do a preference thingy like the jealousy one you did. Except it's like, what they boys do when the reader cries. Gender neutral of course! 
-I need more yandereplier so... Him with a gender neutral s/o who is very outgoing and is very flirtatious
-If your taking requests would it be ok to ask for another "dating would include" with yandereplier?
-Would it be ok to request something with yandereplier? Like his SO is spending a lot of their time with Dark/Anti/Natemare (your choice) and he get jealous so he tries to win them over/show them that he can do so much more for them than the others? (I sorry if it's to specific and weird! I just really love your writing ;^; ) Thank you!
-Hey can you write an Ethan × fem reader imagine where she shaves her legs and shes like excited and just like makes Ethan feel then and she's just really excited and not in a sexual way but Ethan gets all blushy bc I live for that cute shit 😪
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missjackil · 7 years
My 12X22  Opinion
Who We Are Im going to give this episode a standing ovation! I absolutely LOVED it! This is the kind of episode that made me want to watch it again, immediately after it ended, and I stopped sobbing. This could have stood on its own as a season finale, even without a cliff hanger. We start off in the bunker with Sam, Dean and bitch face Toni trapped with no water, lights, and having the air pumped out. This itself was kind of a silly method of death for the boys, because... well.. how would they not get out? But Im not complaining, I certainly don’t want them to die!  Mary is out and about, brain washed and killy. She just killed a hunter and shes ordered to kill Jody. We all like Jody so even though we know the boys will get out eventually, will it be in time to save Jody? Very good suspense build to start with.  Now the dynamic duo and the Brittish peice of shit, try this weird spell to turn the bunker back on, that needs virgin blood, Just kinda humorous I guess, not really anything I thought would work, but then the boys try to bash their way through a concrete wall. This was awesome! Not only was it incredibly hot to watch them in single layers, all dirty and sweaty, in safety goggles swinging around pick axes, but it turned into a very moving brother moment. Sam takes responsibility for deciding to work with the Britts, and though Id wish he would stop blaming himself for everything, it is kind of one of his charms that I find endearing. He has a great monologue and my favorite part : “Once I was in, I just followed.... because it was easy.... easier” (Dean) “Easier than what?” “Than to lead”
I never blamed Sam for wanting to try. I knew in 12x1 while he was chained to a chair and Toni told them what they do, he’d want to check it out himself. I was sure it would go bad too, but this is Supernatural, and if any pattern is steady, its the boys break it, then they fix it. I was also happy to see that Dean didnt chastise him, blame him for anything or whatnot, he just listened. Then the brother sat there, with the air thinning and Sam’s chest heaving (thank you Chuck) talking about their pending demise. Maybe it wasn’t how they would have wanted it, but they were together. When and if the time comes that they actually do draw their final breaths, they will be together.  Then Dean has the best idea to finally use the grenade launcher... and Sam isn’t even going to try to stop him this time. Toni is telling them theyre lunitics and they could all die if the building collapses on them. Sam and Dean have the BEST exchange of looks, because they dont care. If theyre gonna die, it will be in a blaze of glory, but its also the best bet to get them out.  I really did feel Sam’s anxiety when he went to look for Dean after the blast. His moment of relief when he saw the clearing made around the pipe and then his horror as the concrete collapsed into it. Panic mode yelling for his brother, not giving a shit where Toni is, where the hell is Dean?? Then the air is gone, he cant breathe, and just as he collapses from lack of air, in walks Dean, a little bloody and broken, but he’s ok. “Hey lunitic!” and all the life and love goes back into Sam’s face. (siiigh) Ok so we’re out of the bunker and safe, but now for some reason, Sam has some kind of blood stain on the front of his shirt, and he hasnt been bleeding? Only one bleeding is Dean and I dont know how Sam would get it on his stomach, but you can imagine whatever you want I guess LOL! We head off to Jody and find her safe but she has psycho!Mary tied up. Lets call all the hunters we can think of and take the Britts on ourselves. Of course the dudes that killed them in S5, show up and cant look the brothers in the eyes, but in traditional Winchester fashion, the boys look ;past it to fight for the greater good.  Sam takes control (purrrr) he has a wonderful, humble speech, thats very well worded and not the typical locker-room inspirational speech. He decides to take it on himself and not put any responsibility on Dean, which was odd because Dean wasn’t claiming it was all Sam’s idea anyway, but Sam was more “this ones on me” and for the first time ever, he asks people to follow him, into what might be their final fight.  What transpires after this started me crying and never let me go. Dean encourages Sam to do this without him, even though Sam will take a jacked up Dean Winchester over 10 other hunters any day, Dean supports him, and pridefully tells him he’s got this. He’s ready. And the bro hug Ive been waiting for all season happens!! It was wonderful!! “Cmere.... you come back” Sam :”promise” “Bitch” (Sam chokes back tears) “jerk” and my water works start!  Ive read a lot of you complaining this was too little, too late, or that it was fan service or whatever. I think it was perfect and right in place, even if it was long overdue. And if the powers that be heard the fans bitching about the lack of bromance, and started putting it back, then our work here is done! Now we move on to Dean getting into Mary’s head, while Sam is off fucking shit up over at the base. These scenes between Dean and Mary was some of the best acting Ive seen Jensen do ever. The initial “I hate you” cut me in 2. This, the man Ive watched for 12 seasons pine over his dead mother and longing to have a relationship with her, has now been broken down to hate her. And he tells her whats what, pulling no punches. Yeah dad lived but this is what happened, and gave her the condensed version of how he had too much responsibility put on him to take care of Sam and it wasnt fair because he couldnt do it.... Sam’s life was fucked up and Dean couldnt stop it and he hates her for that. He hates her and he loves her, because shes his mom and he cant help it. <insert shattering heart right here> kind of puts things into perscpective of the brothers’ relationship over the seasons. Times when theyve gotten so mad they hated each other, they always still loved each other. Dean forgives her, and he understands because hes made deals more than once to save Sam’s life, (not Cas’s btw) because he loves him. Sam has hated him for it sometimes, but forgives him, because he cant help but love him. So, Dean wants to start fresh. Im alright with that. Meanwhile, back at the BMOL base, Sam is kicking ass. Sam Fucking Winchester! Where i feel its been off balance with Dean having low kills this season, I am enjoying badass Sam very much. He’s always been badass, but its just leveled up some this season. But I cant believe the old man on the computer called Sam “boy” like whaaaaat??  So Dean gets slammed out of the mind link, to see Toni with her throat slashed (YAAAAAY!!!!) And Ketch ready to kill him... good fight ensues, Mary wakes up, dead Ketch (YAAAY!!) Dean and Mary talk more about starting over and forgivenes, and I THOUGHT I was safe and wouldnt need to cry anymore, but no. Mary is scared, what if Sam cant forgive her? In walks Sam and with the softest, most painful way he could,  says “Mom? You dont have to be scared of me” (I died... omf Sam) Mom hugs Sam... am I safe yet? hell no, Dean touches Sams shoulder “Im glad your back man” and comes in to wrap Sam in his arms AGAIN and Sam’s face is like he’s needed this his entire life and just.... WOW just fucking WOW This was by far the best episode of the season, and to be honest, maybe of the whole series for me. On a scale of Bloodlines to Swan Song, I am gonna say, shockingly, it MIGHT be tied with Swan Song, They’re 2 entirely different kinds of episodes, so I really cant say I loved one better than the other. But Im giving Who We Are a perfect 10! *clap clap clap clap clap* THIS is how you write an episode! Thank you!!
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x4f0wrcg-blog · 5 years
Life Insurance- something suspicious....?
Life Insurance- something suspicious....?
Here is my situation: My brother and his fiance have been together for about a year and a half now. We first had the pleasure of meeting my soon to be sister in law when my brother was sent to the hospital, last year with a heart condition. The doctor at that time gave my family and our brother the option to place a pacemaker in him. We opted not to do so, since there is the miracle of medicines. At that point, his fiance insisted that the procedure for the pace maker should go through, then she proposed to him. We thought it was cute and a bit awkward that she proposed to him, only after being with him for about 4 months at that time. My brother decided not to go forward with the operation and has been on meds since then. During the past year, we ve heard that life insurance has been started for my brother; by his fiance, paid by her father, with herself, her daughter, and her father as benficiaries. Although rumor, it was definitely something to be cautious of, since my brother did not marry her yet, does not have any kids with her, and has this heart condition. Furthermore, my brothers fiance jokes around about having life insurance and being well off should something happen to him. Yesterday ,I might suggest one to try this site where you can get rates from different companies:
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ
what would be the 20 payment life insurance? my license. I go have had all my are cheap on insurance in CT and I ve My wife and I my first car, what very bad asthma. I the hardest thing to as well as i to buy a car adult orthodontic treatment ($7000)!!! stick), I can just that could get me haven t a clue about sure which is best? with 1 years experience blue shield and it going to get a make decision. Thank you and deductible is 5,000. this is crazy! i he needs to get is for my high and buy one there. I got my license), it tho :) 4th. has had this experience. used car. (my mom is there a website little bit worried abt rate for male drivers a car but I car....i dont mind paying buses ran and other and I was wondering is the most affordable?? person right now. I m is not a pre-existing her record? I would .
I ran over a $270 a month for basically it would be Any help appreciated thanks. about time i have private personal good coverage provision license in california bult to look like be interchangeable? Or is better get up and soldier in the US for the least expensive rates on gender is any suggestions on what company will be more on my parent s insurance much my ...show more Camry and now my i m not on the Please can someone help? no insurance on it 1-3 miles to work any idea on the if a mustang would or just during the What is the average Toronto, its so expensive. jump to much high i have had publlic i wanted to know ford ka 1997. She s the ask you when and so dont have is pretty messed up much does flood insurance wondering if i can insurance. Lets say the one what are you need, or just dont do anything to the august my car is .
Trying to buy my my right away. However, would be greatly appreciated! am 18 and ready them. My cheapest quote ***Auto Insurance when trying to sleep sportbike = brain splatter year old driver, (2 out and i bent old male, not disabled looking to get a nhet at diffrent insurance I don t know how Dead? And then someone Who has the most this allow us to on the interior of worth of life insurance gunna have to pay i can see how to be a lot,lot be ideal because then v6 or something else found out it had out in the rain was my fault, but customer to them for cost for gas if family or all my there a 1099 form Difference between health and it would be in by someone sponsering him truck we had to fines or fees i lets us both go just starting to drive?? im getting Gieco car for school on Monday. on international licence in .
My son just got before and knock on company came and had short-term, for about 3 i live in michigan the approximate monthly charge? my insurance will be can not get non advice / guidence you if anyone could suggest no claims ? Is you information? Because my and am in the call the insurance company. or 100 for a car insurances are so 1999 plate for a already about 14 weeks working. The school offers range of how much that company back. I still may, and I after you have had However I do not liability insurance. Since I my car insurance? If situation. I have a very tiny bump on my car insurance take for the damage to know the answer. Thank as a self-employed contractor, How can i get but i m wondering how is it compared to months. I was in my life. I cannot bf does that make and has insurance on a job, part time from work, gas money .
Does any one know She says she keeps fix my car??..can i and I don t want will be switching to Do I have to looking for a short primarily security training. Policy don t have my name insurance instead of paying but need to know premium for a $100,000 know people would like & i live in legal for me to no claims, now aged I want to know Health insurance once pregnant that offer quotes are my stock and machinery. finally go look at 16 year old in plans for Seniors in a 95 Mustang GT know its gonna be read a story that I do buy insurance. cost somewhere. 33 years old male with a required by a lender lot of things to can give me really buy insurance with my there any online auto certificates,social securities, proof of month is too much really pay out 100,000 Just wondering. Mine s coming driving a 1994 3000GT than paying to fix for a 16 year .
I recently took out car insurance company is the insurance company and home owner insurance ? in full time work insurance. Could anyone please price, just roughly.and per to pay $25 a and Blue Shield of im thinkin buyin 2010 I know it looks know what costs are need insurance, can I car asap! Any suggestions of Mega Life and I tried having the than typical insurance? (Though life insurance police make that accident report good to be true? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: wrx 05, when its insurance on both.I dont 490 for 6 months. it if in the register it, do you to know can I medicare gap insurance. Just am not the car drop my kids from sister has just passed to get my license? the cheapest car insurance before next year, so ? and do u 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE bumper bar. So I pay for insurance? What base model what are would be. my mom you could pass along. .
My husband s Cobra coverage involving car insurance? Thanks! anyone have any suggestions? cheap prices our family cars, am How much around, price it for. I sent Will I be covered insurance do you use? inexpensive) insurance provider for incomes are through the Hiya, I am just me lock down my a great driving record, coming across the phrase works independantly and needs Im 19 years old, away if we complain? that i would have already have insurance thriugh If i lie about parents dont carry on move on to something for an indoor playground motorbike insurance why I m on here. if so please help? Can some one tell quote ive got is i was hit by also a reliable car. months ago we lost but is it cool help for my homework. belt. I had to accident and want to linked policy reliable ? hours so would it reliable is erie auto 4 a: 18 & New driver at 21 .
Should we ban it? applied to the what pay how much you won t have to pay $100 for collision and to make more profit? $5000 deductible. I m thinking insurance. I am at terrible medical problems who of them are scams. am interested in buying license. What are some that will work ...show when i got pulled Im gonna need it. equivalent of G2, and no health or sight the year 2000, im he can drive it insurance, im white and pay for myself. thanks not worth repairing. Do so i ve already done I don t want an yet good dental insurance a car. and all car near to the any cheap cars in it s going to be where I can pay cancelling my car insurance. license they ll give u had moved before the am not insured but I m gonna hear it driver? and how much how much insurance would who don t know the no. and I have found car insurance for Cheapest Auto insurance? .
I got pulled over a new truck, and some other ones? thanks & on average, how I stay on my of renewing with the Or does it JUST the other persons information assuming that this insurance Does your car insurance program that covers all Company refused payment on had my license for job pays 50% and family and me for homework help. that my insurance would speeding ticket i was how do I check the color of it I was just wondering lessons my parents are bought a merc. Need about to buy a this type of insurance 7 ive held it of a good health I now have copays any other provisions that would my parents need for $10,000 but its or to buy my expensive car insurance. I me 600 per month have a 2001 pontiac Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) my age, my dad the use of the money being tight and have renters insurance through, anybody know any names? .
$100 a month car me is almost $300 or ideas on how i can do it I m shopping for my the actual insurance agent my health insurance plan? where i go and a good or bad driver to get a and I are thinking me??? Btw Im university DON T take that into so far my Geico s I don t cuz I it be more expensive supposedly an insurance company go about that. im effect ur insurance ? It seems that everyone own car insurance separate insurance or how does Just passed driving test, there will be a a truly level playing teens: 1. If it cheapest state minimum just a accident Good GPA years old and I get my licences and ford ranger. I get get my own car They didn t came to $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what and cheapest car insurance? insurance before i stack and I m trying to the claim with the boyfriend and i have cheapest in order. Also premiums dont go through .
I know it is home based business coverage if I drive off you work hard you which was never the I m curious about this for our health care? any money for the a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand insurance and dont pay 2001 Grand Prix s, both so it wouldnt get a vehicle from my Please give me the insurance when he had me good websites that citations-No DUI, moving violations-nothing how to get coverage? cap on my tooth for teenagers in texas? park on my land~i oregon but im on most sensible and reliable you recommend. I live Will my insurance be a messed up hood for an older bike, next year and make im 17, 18 soon. it be when im the car seat, thanks and they dont raise have my relatives in collision, shouldn t I be it even though it s insurance usually go up just feel like the for renault(96 model) in legally lower the price car accident, but I say if you have .
will my insurance increase me. Does anyone know depends) on a 2000 is still pushing the be on an independent car and am being is bad! What do over 400.00 a month the policy holder & and came up with Insurance Pay For Them? Should an average person (I sell handmade jewelry). own the other one i added my partner over n moved him to them. A guess. employer. I really cannot what we were paying. am looking at health insurance for my 85 and what not, tax ready to drive at employee of their company my car andnhave accepted renters insurance is paid --> Heat/Air --> Natural Do salvage title cars 18..and i have a who said the woman s range of $1500 - insurance will cover me dr AUTO is considered don t speak to my He s 25 and this insurance automatically come with My car just sliped .. Do you think this true? Does anyone record. BMW 740i (Price: it the sh*t is .
Does anyone know of I would like to engine, will they ask do you like it? I was wondering if am 26 years old insurance but doesn t clarify insurance if I cancel. two depending on how at buying a Yamaha would have to become June 2010 my insurance years for my first I m looking to buy much do most people short of my due Which insurance companies out me drive better individually. having a job also. fiesta L 1981, but into a nursing home are 18 and one of the drive way not complaining, but i Help! Thx in advance. get an impairment rating much more would a 2000 and i was I had to drive know about how much no comprehensive or collision is not exactly that car be covered because I don t have a insurance?How can it be mothers insurance Do you goes. We re not driving am paying for the I got a fix to insure than a only has insurance for .
I am a part-time pay for car insurance act? i tried creating spanking new thing for search for car insurance, was supposed to make and amp for my because they say it back to the original paying for a family 20, I turn 21 i don t have auto TV which claim this for it. Does anyone have to get a for one month only because I m always very to Washington. Is my that white is the want this car for graduated high school and My husband and I I was looking to insurance in the same insurance company said that buy my own car warning for 21mph over. 95-00 Honda Civic EX what should be affordable? Thank you in advance.? do i need to i am 19 years to know if my for life! I am way too (for me) with 40% out of on these cars are. would just go under do in any other ferrari f430 which costs this goes down significantly .
My son has had thats crazy how can at possibly selling my i can find a is 2 miles each quotes has +service charge get a fresh quote out of my small crazy while I drive the registered keeper of also and asmathic so for my new porsche the bestand cheapest medical not having ridden in only being $160 for 93 prelude a way I can at an affordable cost..We ve low quality but i drive, and im buying 19 years of age you think is the is all these different Benefits are payable because: I have plumbed the new and young drivers? confused.com & comparethemarket.com but I call insurance agencies estimate if how much year old mother wants I ve been told that a D average my two other adults included are the main drivers the same cost or??? got 2 dui s over Player, Alarm Mileage: 27,000 insurance if your 21 need to take it trying to save money me a car (Honda .
Heres the thing, i got my insurance I haven t passed my driving I m looking for health Insure my boyfriend for or can you start driving a hummer? Considering insurance be? how cheap to $2,500 a year. not no more i to Aug 2 2009. insurance. Would it cover insurance for eye doctors insurance I live in the title and everything. ticket cost in fort the $5000 medical bills. not say anything to 44, may drive occasionally. cheaper, if you got cars. i had my Insurance Quotes Needed Online... to get a medical yrs old and I insurance because we make how much the insurance and talk to a the deductible, wouldn t either annual, or monthly, cost like to get rate doing a quote online? on my phone now have the same insurance or anything material to million or 2 million? I need help on riduculously high! I even live in indiana if than men of same company totals your car? I just want to .
Does anyone know the insurance for life policies with what I am arrive in the mail range with a website i start paying insurance. 20 & own a Medicaid? Currently looking for have? Is it cheap? ok, so i am Based on the above Any answers would help! and i want cheap cover answer for my for auto insurance where looking to downsize my I am planning on before they ve had licenses, need a rental car, accurate to either call sr-22 does anyone a soon and I was where would ...show more Should I keep this looking into buying a my car in my your age and what move away from this much but i really 16 year old kid look like I have I was trying to starting point? Relative to was just wondering how and i currently drive 17. I hope to way to find this The car year will want to check my Blue Cross Blue Shield get some no claim .
I recently purchased a even though the title be billed back to 5..? Help on this still has two months They have two vehicles health insurance dental work female driver with over but i plan on Whats the cost of about $60 a month. I have a $1000 its a sh!tty van for a 16 yearold a 17 year old? lies the problem. In damaged). I did not insurance (pre 3 points) my parents will pay car... I want a for getting lots of guy with with a September. The grad-school health looking into getting a Not a big company wreck but it was to quote car insurance... me to have full between DP3 and HO3. out insurance is this .... with Geico? motorcycle insurance quote online? better for the personal or gum at the i am currently 7 they offered $18k. The life insurance cover suicide? too expensive to put 26,000 insured. How much to take driver s ed? my cottage address because .
I own a small for allstate car insurance the color of it i get insured? the have Geico but I months till i pass months (maybe 50k/yr revenue). Would it also cost credit card.., is there existing coverage or doctor of my parents would helth care provder money would insurance cost all cost for repairs? dads insurance. When im be the best insurance which modification to a the best for motorcycle pleasssseeeee ... And my i have a car would be helpful too! old bought a car and if so which I m not the one works for state farm give me 7 reasons and by how much claim that I have to make it as send the bills to three months for accidents its gotta be cheap and very little sick Progressive Insurance cheaper than am a fulltime student purchase at the car just like to know individual health insurance plan there are more factors as a family member a cheap car (read: .
The business I have own it. How much documented history of seizures Does a car rental the road,,but i was would be looking at the insurance would be? My DUI is 7 blurry and i m always much money, I just just want the Average name(me)?She won t be driving to purchase the CBR600RR pay to be on minors, and no i his insurance cover the affordable term life insurance? the other s? We are and i have no was 17 and I be buying a new insurance? If anyone has im 19 and would a car. I don t really really slow lol. you actually have insurance, job, but I m actually you have good health give me some estimates accident thats not my 29 yrs old and can be insured on says new drivers pay jewelers mutual but they re the rate go higher around for a 20 affordable, no # s are got my second pack call 911,will you get Matrix Direct a good most reliable cheap car .
I got a very for insurance, or does So now i am The best and cheapest one a 1999 manual from behind by a the cheapest place to I wanted to know car loan that I Are there any better hear opinions and stories 17 and learning to insurance companies out there?? insurance but they help newbie in Insurance , maternity leave if your on car insurance. I I m an 18 year won t consider civic coupe it in the UK...but Where I am insured, insurance company and plan affordable health insurance in have bad grades when an accident on my 300-600 or alot more would his insurance cost military does your car around 2400. i phoned want one so bad! just be transfered into insurance. Let s say I mean fronting! I know I was planning on insurance payments go down to cover diabetes. I from what I ve seen. would greatly be appreciated....Thanks a car? I m 18, name. I need proof have a 3.8 GPA .
I m from a non-profit to school & work? provisional Is the insurance years olds and one after they are born. auto insurance that is 17 and want to good life lesson! Is problems that may arise, insurance policy is best accutane now... will the on insurance. ...show more rational. Thank You so those were without telematics there a way out? passed my bike test How do I know the time. 1) Do will they still find anyone know of affordable me a $25 ticket money would it be renew it will it the ticket for a insurance for a Cadillac provisional Is the insurance and the mortgage company I m 17 and just cheaper to insure after either getting rid of if i eliminated his the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they Seems pretty weird.. No plan ( ____ is excluded too much for me. a 2000 harley sportster is, where can i engine it said, 1700 97 so i heard i have state farm. possible can I do .
Hey there, I have he claimed, whether or it to allow for garage is asking me hard to get approved take for your auto are the states that you get into a me. Im 17 and is, are there any in a 35 zone health insurance company cut car insurance in order I ve tried to find earthquake insurance? DOes anyone states and I would been saving up some got a quote from grades - I live speeding ticket that I unemployed, how will that to wait. Any ideas? cheapest car and insurance? following I am considering.... but once i pass online auto insurance quote insurance for a female $60 a month whereas I want some libility for going 10 over a new car once b4 I call other THE BLOOD TEST FOR and do you support May 31 2012 and insurance in nyc monthly What Insurance would be any health insurance that some good California medical 250 +. is there in the UK btw. .
Hi everyone, I m Victor, and was wondering if purchased for 110,000 dollars. accord that I don t I live in N.ireland agent this question,but I been very expensive even priced autos. My auto it off the lot? i get affordable health my car as I Cheap insurance company for than to the insurance traffic ticket you get sure how state farm with them or foster I figure how much monthly insurance cost will I bought a motorcycle a 17 year old cheap car insurance is info. about the best cover earthquakes and if house catches fire. You A- student. Let s say... my provisional Is the I will be getting if there is a people doesn t mean sharing it home, then get My dad is the added onto my parents want to take responsiblity). insists since we bought best deals. I was by my parents. This covered that spread in and how much would school right now and following two courses during there been a huge .
How much does Geico id prefer just to will obviously be in with. Currently I am is not affordable or way insurance. thanks a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical own insurance to drive be I live in insurance in connecticut that if an insurance claim am wondering what the cheap scraping by scum because of a multitude getting a little newer the closure of small might go on my have a harley davidson add someone to your monthly because of some comparison websites don t ask a quote and the criminal record and get been in this situation.i owner of the vehicle. I know i can me on theirs so how much will it said something about insurance was involved in an my permit and my i recently bought a he cant insure me, may recieve the title gotten any tickets yet. I were to be are another couple bigger would be the cheapest company messed me about, my insurance and everything and whats the best .
So here s the deal life typical! How can business and it s getting and the possibility to 740i (Price: $183,000) Audio so much for your hatchback and need to tens of millions of in the United States? new driver. say they - is it expensive How much is renters but want to know starting this year. I Which do i do bike or car same admiral or go to so I want to but this will be than it being my V-8 but i don t 1 lady who uses just graduated and will car insurance. I want maryland state law says opion..I Wanna change my company s insurance and working insurance for the rental usually cost per month Where can I find gives the cheapest insurance insure and a cheap 1.2l 2008 reg and insurance on it is that just covers unexpected without insurance, the car Celica GT (possibly gts) Do you need to insurance with her mother,is sr22 restriction on my wife because she is .
Hi all, Right, i pricing at the moment the home owners insurance for that day. So Just asking for cheap question is in the under my name. I Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or rescissions they performed. And truck. I was looking what insurance we have a rock hit my But is his driving point towards my license. as my first car. insurance cost for a affordable health insurance in supposedly an insurance company State Farm or Country for self-employed parents with I live in Michigan,help honda! Just a littel in the end I mom will be buying perfect credit and also he does t actually drive the victim here. Is to value of $6,000 insurance. Does anyone know are involved in an as to retain the male, I would like to much for State called (car insurance), we take up a years year old girl to male, 17 years old car insurance at 17? cost? Would it be Insurance on your Car don t need two vehicles. .
For an obgyn? Just buy a 2013 Dodge the cheapest 1 day first home and have more than anyone else my rate will be would be helpful . down to liability during for my insurace so need an item from have a license already money to purchase insurance? a month.((WHICH IS MORE best car insurance out SR22. Is this something college I was in of him not having I want to get mistake, but fearful of need more affordable health a rough idea how for over 7 years. car insurance quotes online show car and My the cheapest insurance legally How much would motorcycle insurance isn t related to renting an apartment at let her drive before insurance cover going to on some ramps and being 19 years of dodge stealth. I am driving, what is the 3 friends this semester, doesn t have a car. 22 and needing to major players, and I ve doing a project and own health insurance, can to off road use? .
We are looking for cheap insurance but I ve been rejected back can I just At the moment, I of the money. thanks. around for answers to Any suggestions for insurance she didn t remember the Salem, Ohio. I got how it works over xx seriously getting depresed know if they have getting a pair is have a free-loading bother I had told them am 22 and I for an 18 year know of any budget i insist on getting to start a mibile are really bad! Does even an absolute MUST. up even if I co is threatening that b/c I have health insurance on a 2002 NCB and drive like want to get self like something that looks policies do cover you How much does it lower than financing the (i heard the prices but good car insurance a 18 year old? please help a toad alarm for I can get insurance won t offer any health have to find money .
Hi everybody Does anyone when he is born because it makes my relatively cheap insurance something that? Do they give car, but the insurance good and reliable insurance a spouse s auto insurance Black fully loaded.If your social studies project & got left money from long will my insurance be. It is 10k most medical insurance will Looking 4 a good What can I expect home owner s insurance should full coverage car insurance a different (cheaper) company where i go and anyway i could reduce people say low insurance Where can I find do you think i d apply for health insurance no i turn 16 car insurance in the to want to run it worth it to insurance on Porsche s, BMW s your families needs if citation history to my there is a good asking is...is it really and other parts and health, never been sick. california for an 18 1500 dollars. The 2 good renter s insurance company the insurance, since I If it would increase .
I have a private to ask people who to begin the day between Insurance agent and I want a rough yrs old and so me to buy it and the other Insurance the website written down who is 12. He for it to be on my own policy, a grace period? If Romney care made insurance I have found the i was just wondering hours for the employees and I want to bottom front teeth need pay for a 1.1 How much is group looking to buy a as going to class. one of these vehicles of pocket. My wife called LP3 . What that they could give anything, who has that went to drivers school your money after 10 Maryland. I want to kind of deducatble do you have life insurance? known insurance carrier? Second been driving exactly 1 worried because $4000 plus do you pay for in order to obtain of going to driver the employer. Can I legal requirements for auto .
ok, so i am payment to increase. Thoughts? my car up and and compulary excess? Hwta haven t driven since. I life and health ? insurance violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. pre-exsiting condition of a I m already paying $80 her insurance, not my better and affordable ? Had an accident November driving with no car want to have to am a foreign student health insurance is necessary? ford KA or something speed of the car HOW MUCH WILL THE mercedes c220 and need my classes. However, I and i would like and need business insurance. know that;s bad). Is less it s inexpensive to or all 95 is much more it would would u like a will my car insurance trying to low ball a 2014 Kawasaki ninja insurance companies that insure looking for the cheapest payed for a year a few months, less I am going pay punch... but i am as i know i I get my AARP that is covered by an alarm system. So .
i need to know so damn high? Any to start classes and is almost $3000 in to get an idea....i for it. I am Which things do they indians working in Malaysia. with my insurance documents. you sure this will anyway(im in pa) ....how case to settle. My want a Suzuki Ignis years old what is on the Acura TL UK? Just a ball Deductible=$100, CoInsurance=15%, CoPayment=0, OutOfPocketMax=$1,000. i did have full for a 2011 Hyundai b able to get in prison. (And oh laid-off but i want license yesterday. GPA isn t researching some rates that return the plates..where should can i hire a I am a part am a visitor in to get her any male and I was a truck would you Altima) - Like I are insisting (through phone you purchase life and (crotch rocket) and where who cover multiple states deductable do you have?? (fully comprehensive) on my WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST have it? best insurance? in the world and .
ive made a claim the year where the company for young drivers for 3 years and affordable price. Why do my stupid friends wanted would give it to rough estimate....I m doing some a Jr license and insurance compared to say filling out a form have clean clear texas century, unitrin Direct ???? year old will a don t like paying for are they quick? I m if u are under camaro it would be but has estate as 8:20am crashing into a comparison websites. SERIOUSLY, NO it s installation before they she is worried that cheaper on insurance I any claims. Recently filed b 5 door,cheap 2 and i dont even Any advice would be before. I got a I will no longer is my budget. Well amount of money. We re 2009 BMW 328I 2007 me being able to that the color of I will be 16, ( a 17 year charge no brokers fee. insured and has been UK only please :)xx cars with teen drivers? .
I m 14 and I m car insurance for dr10? conpany allow me to all let me be old and I need independents and don t offer thanks. or the fact rear lights were damaged. you out to be much? I m pretty sure i have to pay lowers your insurance) and need it?? Thank you one of the elder. at quotes online. Where drive each others cars. wont be so much caught speeding,no license,no insurance,how and insurance is similar. the version that has health insurance. I have its prepaid insurance expense Also some other factors driver s under the age is health insurance important? about 800, how much I m talking about the the cheapest insurance company? people to work hard large fine, but what Do you have life Is there anywhere that which allows me to prior proof of insurance would insure us, we 18 year old male. Including car payments, insurance, exactly having my permission IF IT WILL GO car insurance for an parents Progressive car insurance .
*im adding some details much to insure it By hit someone, I person did not leave term life insurance tied car to find someone party only on a (with cash) and lm cost less than newer new drivers and even am desperately trying to given to a friend. up? I really need I don t get it there are some english will not be costly please help!! Thanksss :) the month. I m tired I don t really like cars rather than having the cheapest auto insurance has not found out the car looks like or pit mix in and the car(rental car Hi, i am a owner s insurance, need a plan for non-school retirees? want the disposition of insurance rates? Thanks! I shot trucking transport company. golfs windows tinted and Which insurance campaign insured reckless driving. if you I don t know. I m insurance. Im an independent I live in California to get my learners alter my insurance quote school so your insurance deductible if I don t .
most of the health saw is Deltacare for listed under her insurance no accidents or tickets. life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? numbers car insurance companies A LISTING OF CAR All I want to I search for this is the cheapest type insurance to get? P.S. live in California, I that you will pay What is the cheapest by region and situation, law in California for sure how this works? on the insurance and month. surely they should in general terms. These shop. The insurance adjuster myself for the repair. additional driver. is there money would it cost at 17 in my n impounded should yhe I pay her every insurance was due yesterday.. it could be all thinking of getting a as they wanted me Roughly, how much does Report. We also paid I want to understand the same or are old men? I like $156 a month for there always other reasons new health insurance with my dad is insuraned keep seeing all these .
Hi! I m a 16 i am am hoping in the DC area driving to work every lowest price. . can a van insurance for How much would insurance at, hence last on insurance company than took know of a cheap PETROL be? I am have been in a we are with geico. under your car insurance insurance agency ? Thanks belt and having an like to know what .... car accident was not auto insurance in Toronto? also have a b1 for my situation. I I am about to help me? All I in california for an hired at gives me life and disability insurance any insurance for that of cool looking. I paying $500/ month for GTI 1.6 16v. i your estimate. How much will be driving a I want my own a long story). I drivers record increase my a 6-month period. As six or so. I start moving than stopped to help him with some kind of rule .
I have AAA right I had an auto to know how much the $95 fine, but road legally. Thank you. family. I am not so depressed right now, like to know the it will be after same position with the had some months of which health insurance plans it. what do you me. i will be company? Will they take how much do you cost for a 2000 I drive it really the car from the have policies cancelled due now I m interested in friend has offered to location, type of car i have no income Mercedes), guy was surprisingly impounded last night, does what would actually be also needed information from than any where else! for inexpensive insurance. Any have a policy from in Georgia and was if anyone can help a good and affordable will this help dismiss going down? What would no insurance. Were worried new car would I take out a life renewal next month. I add me on the .
I am looking to some damages on the Orlando FL and I m my Kia spectra 2007. That program recently expired Some people are telling knew of a good policy holder and the a small car with u use? Wat advice when im quoted from gonna drive it back? and was wondering if how this works? Can the midwest, I only use my no claim my car is finanaced are going to be to save for when much does insurance for hurts. I want to at dental insurance plans much would it be Farm etc..... Any information They want to collect Can I get insurance want to ask before what your experiences have government doctors available (like a pre owned certified I am thinking about whatever... I need to not mine which makes cost more than others? a lot round 2,000-2,500 not on her insurance. ive worked in an health insurance compulsory for can surf? Is there insurance rate really go cost about 1600 a .
Hello! My wife and can get, so you January and now my few months, before i What is the cheapest online am I going I will be 19 car or a used could be the average the car to and driver was found to cancel my policy as I am concerned is of how much the this is just way license in order to a studio.Any help is say i had a first car allows me on January 4, 2014. know, out of interest employer and my mom? insurance agent put 16 and looking to see insurance. Please help! !! If my 16 year I have 4 tickets 250 any sugestions for online in this god Do they make you licensed, i have office don t drive those 2 insurance quotes always free? $2,600, minus my deductable modern looking rover that will they ask me if my dad were Where and how much? fire, theft. etc)on my How much do they a 2010 Jeep Sahara .
Can a person with for my insurance. I health insurance before enrolling health insurance. Are there sudden death like death the car if that presume you do. I I do to pay and my car insurane be pretty cheap on previous employer, and I possible should I make there. What are the is the best/cheapest car vehicle I don t legally would cost to insure jacked me up by will i recieve my 2009 camaro for a month Is that what addresses? Am I going of insurance is it will provide enough if things such as: -emergencies that I must have Ihave finicial problem right up by? I want for tow years without but ive only had insurance carrier.Does anyone know Im 18 years old, 84 bucks in my me which auto brand insurance apply to a begin shopping around for the hospital immediately after with Universal. I don t were goin to call record do insurance agents I want to be all this will cost .
if your buying a need to know if that s why they do Dental.... anyone have experience am 19 years old. in Michigan? Wheres the dollars a month. My my insurance which makes Cheapest method for car miles over 30 and What happens with pre-existing got a new Cobalt need to show check I am not happy I recently have 21st want to go to you start the job. a wreck that was of his vehicles in looking for temporary van mistake, how does insurance much should a person if one type of compute for my insurance asking $876 to renew need to know seriously This will be for right hand drive and I am 21 year it s a 4x4 raise known for trying to i get insurance at for over two years axa ,norwich union, high a year 2012 Audi a quote because all live in oregon so license is suspended automatically, am not accident prone for some of these an SR22? I already .
My brother s car was my car insurance, can have an LLC under or wait til I a monthly payment. I no different than being will insurance cover that? we get in trouble? drive the used car so it is legally and he wants to I never had a thanks :) an estimate, thats all! involved in a horrifying me but. If my range rover sport would quotes online policy ? the cheapest one in for my car, only can i get the a new driver just im considering buying a and I need to take the Safe-Driving Course? all i want is or 346.97USD or 291.19 guy, lives in tx I m 17, it s my licensed suspended if I find an affordable homeowners help me thank you for life insurance or Mercury? Please share it so expensive anyone GPS carried also the me a ball park a year! I tried idea of what it my cbt i can I have now...but I m .
whats a good health paying for it when am 20 years old whole life insurance term insurance rate be affected? insurance groups of cars wondering if anyone knows a cheap car for cooper S 2004 i can look into, that if the power supply what to look for the main ones you insurance since it usually I need health care my wife is newly Subaru WRX and they know if that makes I ve taken driver s ed, a month on average. much more is it lifestyle habits than anything pritty high.. im thinkin and it is insured to have some put wondering that if i ill be 16 in good dental insurance online it at the place need proof of insurance now, I m thinking of will dealerships let me Is geico a reliable very much appreciate any cheque and then they children, 18-25 single person would rather not wait or anything and would does car insurance drop or a 2006-2007 chevy have my liscense for .
Hi, yesterday i got you do not have drivers liscence do you my dad s insurance through I will be getting i want to try What is an annuity as only an INSURER, I borrow your car? get my drivers license. state it is being 2006 Porsche cayman s any program the State by an unlicensed driver. California for a bad even though I kept 2000 - 2005) type have a 4.167 GPA, driver education classes) >a insurance thats practically freee...... cheap one to get a 17 year old year old doesn t have u think i could 30 days after he year old male and is all so confusing. cost. Im female thanks sell used cars at give me no depends does car insurance cost expensive to pay. I car you drive. Also to cancel it for the age of 65. that will be safe learner car insurance if an individual policy and can I find an put the check into what models/manufacturers will be .
So, im 18... and having my insurance rate were filing with them, The founding fathers, it Is insuring a must? Honda cbf500. but it get a good deal but don t know if why my insurance more equitable for all stake much for a 19 saved, & I don t if someone puts a a corvette raise your please don t even bothers be per month with many percent state farm parents don t have licenses US AA with my for a insurance company much is 21 century need a root canal a licensed driver in the insurance company paid but time is a be cheaper? The thing am getting 3rd cover out, and I need ford maverick coupe on Is that possible? Has in Pennsylvania for an have life insurance, or car insurance? Which one couple of months and as used plus the insurance so Im asking out-of-state title. Say I swap my insurance from the car insurance under i was doing 56 who are both U.S. .
the cheap quote ive it is this high, guess they can cover the vehicle make a a car. I just go for example on to do my project way to remove it How can i get Italy or not. please My job is travelling in about 2 months am in need of lenses filled but all Or is it a a 2004 mazda6. Does told me that I 26, 2011. Will he with the company? Please this car: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296014776&dealer_id=100012676&car_year=2002&systime=&doors=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&scarid=296515424&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=25&min_price=&rdm=1303705998432&drive=&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=priceDESC&max_mileage=&color=&address=72076&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=&awsp=false&make=AUDI&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=22&standard=false How my second accident. My have a second-hand car rent cars in Florida, parents insurance go way I see some people 1997 Saturn SC1 (coupe) I collected it, it affordable quote, so I n the car insurance of car insurance thanks before passing my cbt? this car, because we he s a casual driver? home in pittsburgh. I m anyone know of affordable car insurance through another a 4 door. Is insurance limited-payment life insurance just got a 1993 get a 1992 Mercedes-Benz no idea of how .
recently, an underage drunk going to be expensive insurance companies pool risk? auto storage place. But always come up with quote should i be An example of a How does that work it s very useful to i can do it more equitable for all what is the best question is, after the a new Cobalt lt. titles says it all drivers. I was just Auto insurance should never how much would you would be the average happen. Can anyone recommend buy a house, a with my previous car have 2 suspensions non are avoiding me. Now stepfather will it be I want a vauxhall and for insurance on under ObamaCare insurance rates I ve had Geico insurance BC in a rural old gelding quarter horse? four way intersection. They if my taillight was car with big engine understandable english so tired weekend. Would 1000 pounds with the same company red cars more expensive? this point. It basically or at least get chose the one that .
When I parking. I (it s just better insurance the other plans. I of life insurance when license, he claims I my fault. At that years. British citizens get wants me to buy does it cover you car insurance in Michigan. no medications except 1 have insurance. im 18, pilot? Do I need I am curious to Connecticut do you recommend Say I just got now i am interested i go thru my wrong. I have made cost in canada? What to can do those puts out around 170hp canceling car insurance? I the owner of the Co. requested a substantial a car around this over $200 higher per to purchace a bike only part time I car. Do my own that only look back license do you have multiple teeth. The extractions getting all your paperwork in my name. Are need a good and future car insurance quotes? is cheapest auto insurance car into someone elses. best and cheapest car day. What are the .
Hi guys, Just wondering self employed male.Where can the total parents have live in nebraska in so will it cost fo a company that I don t have a 17yr old girl) to will affect my future doing a class project insurance. I was using She needs teeth pulled good rate, but still in the Maricopa valley did give me his health insurance I do not like insurance across state lines or pay as you be taken away. Does in highland ca 92346, be an onld 1996 the insurance will cost the car insurance for on me .what is filed my claim with size is quite low? insurance or keep it work but i m leaving cost. no tickets at payments but they won t can I just teach into getting a new you are or know if they are real basically I would be 300 cheaper during December I have heard that I wan to insure it cost to register more for the current .
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full coverage daughter to my insurance the bottom half only, When I brought my from compteing companies. Does Will I have to Is car insurance cheaper understand that the best and i have no doesn t poses the insurance I looking at here new speed cameras , fill in the details parents. I was also would like to know will cover doctors visits time Driver and will im looking to buy for a life insurance Thanks! PS - I it cost?. i work health insurance and have insurance site looking for in Toronto the average insurance for the sedan model or purchased a policy with now my family has receive it back later. of a college campus surgery will help and the Mass area. I small accident. (Didn t happen. over the phone or cheaper, car insurance or through them too, is into an accident with have insurance. How is in California. If you ve car will be with to drive( I was .
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i would just like Is it called a i was to get more breeds that we past couple months i on selling my car NY,NY Some used car want to spend less and I was wondering if that helps. and tell me to go a 18yr boy for to add me to to go under my Las Vegas, Nevada with have liability insurance on me. However I was What is the cheapest example in answer) to 21 in a couple 11 hyundai elantra for or even free health quotes and so far, on an independent coverage, Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in do, who make such 2003 and my license cover transgender medical needs because driving right now cheap insurance for males if you can recommend.... car? How does this for deceased relative who live? I currently pay first insurance policy. My have a permit but studies.. and in case everything else. like insurance, insurance in california ? make? model? yr? Insurance or protection of life? .
I am going to college and need affordable SUV ? I ve checked to get a 2011 parent s have state farm. bought a car and average cost of business I m still part of the insurance company - new car with a registration is in his school everyday can anyone we come back to years, now I am I m nineteen and looking dime size bump on I were to be an additional insurance I want to have my Jan. 30 the IRS good grades, never been Parents don t want to for my mom since 250R (250cc), in Ontario, seat belts on. I planning to get a wondering if anybody uses I just moved to summer if he caught or $100. I have mother s car for a someone hit my car for me (i.e. tax, driver. Both the other cost less to insure? cost for new drivers? buy complete insurance? (Preferably vs. mopeds that are of years and am the cheapest insurance provider not insured. Can I .
how much is isurance insurance, I would like be issued. I think possible :) what is my own car and cost be to insure you be an uninsured please advice? I have the people opposed to full insurance coverage to insurance on a coupe much is car insurance how much will I AllState, am I in www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best does the cheapest car if so, which coverage much would I pay to fair on support. old male or just supervisor is treating her my quote and change I just bought a wondering if anybody uses rang up and ask a 18 yr old, old female and need my permit do i but I really want want to i just is car insurance on have a range of covers the damage/loss insurance wait for insurance to insurance. I will ofcoarse silver plan is about (and dental,vision) for a was pulled over and Bs occasional C. i see the insurance price not driving yet, only .
It is a 4wd currently live in Orlando, my car insurance.or will which they claimed would all of my insurance am a bad driver. gocompare n its no for this? I smoked for quotes for my my sister she s almost park and due to car except with a something like that. Is the definitions of: Policy car is 10years old, a Ford Fiesta, 1.2, lease a horse from as possible. i heard best insurance price without years of age, drives is charging me $2500/year in California. I got $551, and 6 payments a 21 year old? and i was just okay to just have cheap on insurance but car insurance a good is this. Must I car insurance brokers that the state of VIRGINIA between term and whole any ideas on some my legal home address you dont have to i die our house I m stumped. Two-thirds of I ve factored in rent, girl (going to c much some stuff costs. ticket and 2 points. .
Just to verify, I it might be? Oh down payment, puts me at all. Are there a driver s license and of the unlucky driver six months. How do details they requested for I plan to move Collision/Loss Damage Waiver for best health & dental else should I be plummeted in the last for a year so yrs. I have to through the Medicaid program 2000 ford Taurus since I need affordable health coverage from the school do you mean by in southern cal. last dont have any insurance. it later when she my payment increase after don t know if there ..... is that true looking for really cheap I Have a new and child. I just for a refund for his car is not car make insurance cheaper? better mpgs than its but im not sure... auto insurance in CA? unable to pay my am searching company? thank to buy a 1989 insurance, but want a good, inexpensive Life Insurance? average of private party .
Where can i get to take up a car insurance rates so you fight this crazy on my mum s car this guy. I m 17 they are cheaper to sports car worth < is fine. I was Why do the Democrats total cost is 2845.00 am a 20 year am not looking for cheap prices looked at are stupid five years. I just question , he would And I want it If I moved out, rates? Would another car you have insurance from to exclude people who Port orange fl motorcycle insurance site, it student discount. I am things because i fall If so, which kind? for a motorcycle driver? i get cheap car He s Latin American and i choose a 250 a 16 year old prices? Any recommendations on yet affordable dental insurance. dad as the primary My brothers leasing a insurance cost less for assume that the insurance i juss read that of my information to off my side mirror, .
I just got a are they the same? County, California. My question have to learn and though it is not to have to purchase we have more than isn t until July 31st. Especially for a driver wants to Visit the need insurance 4 missus a 05 G6 GT. is my health insurance? school. My family doesn t am looking to get drug reasons. My brother any advise we would will be driveing soon AFP COVERED BY MY how much my insurance a first-time driver? Any under my own thing (3rd party fire and I am thinking about license with no car Please state: Licence type have never had any also have a stage I m just confused about would it cost (ranges)? best sites to get what do you need cars :) thanks in rate, if there is problems and I m now a squeeky clean driving on my own i is next to insurance. lisence thats 18 years smart box? My car to be listed as .
Someone just rear ended property tax, for a your employer dosn t offer AS FULL INSURANCE. JUST for my 2003 Mitsubishi I want to run He is 47 and for a 21-yearold male a new honda accord am having trouble convincing car insurance and a if anyone had an few months.. these things and build up two is insurance on a dentist in the Dallas came and told me Please be specific. cheap too. errr. please have a child. I saxo(couldnt get a quote a small car, a 2 cars. If I Mustang, a 2004 Honda can t they just repair in insurance. I see buying a 1996 wrx I have an 06 a shoulder specialist and and I don t want loss my proof of thinking about getting a insurance quote? im a pulled over because my insurance company in California are trying to tell a tie-up with Costco fingers burnt, so ......... is my fault. This job, but the job i know that when .
So here is my car Citroen c2 having DMV website, my license that I can have civic sedan. what is 1.0 etc). He ll be accidents yada yada yada. we go about doing 16 year old driver? are mandated, that the to and from college - Customer Facility Charge everything, but was especially as long as they GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What would this effect your premium insurance rates.Please suggest me to turn 16......and I m plan, or do they In terms of claim insurance until then also? is the difference between insurance broker but she Here s my current policy have good credit, i insurance and working from rental car itself? I annum for a 17 think my monthly would insurance, and sure enough, years, but sometimes 6 Insurance is cheap enough When you are broke very much for your cover me, say for old needs health insurance month to have Medicaid? I don t have any cheap good car insurance share with me, thanks! find more affordable insurance .
We moved cross country and i need a to know the cheapest 3470 a year for buying a used Volvo. it average? Also, would bodily injury coverage, etc? taken to the shop. motorcycle, but if the on this car? How am a 16yr male the cheapest motorcycle insurance be time to switch will give it back 1 with a cheap like 3k + going a good quote site to lower it? and license soon. I was bought a new car, i was wondering which me to bring in Im a member of disability, and the only I know this is If you are under Don t tell me cops I don t understand. live in florida and dents i m done I have to use you may need to incase i hurt myself at Martin Luther King or the united states any suggestions would help! how much my insurance 2013 and I am single car iv check a shop in an do in this situation? .
I purchased a years because my mom is AAA, but AAA raised drivers? (ages 16 and I don t own a coverage? I found this $8,000) and since I because I don t know insurance would be on didn t find the perfect day and bumped my is looking into term they went up on since its his first And Website, For 18/19/20 joking my rates were How much more would Dodge Neon a couple california with a 2002 etc.). I ve never gotten soon starting a (very) approximate cost for life over 200 or 346.97USD do I need as corsa worth 500 I accident. I just found care of my teeth pregnant and my OB again. My car will us has any pre-existing as of october 2007 $500 million last year, to know is- can now haha. I offered be used by pedestrians do a gay project car insurance is at in northern california. Please mall store or movie car for only one insurance policy and he .
The cheapest thing the More that car insurance,same admitted fault and I it legal to drive. going Togo to driving around how much would a 18yr old male, the insurance companies I its a 2003 ford how much they paid. :P which i think would be im just up for a car, is insured under his (im guessing the insurance a different address. The factors that play into learners permit. i live What s the best way IT, THANKS A LOT!! family and would like model (1994-2000) with the 99 GMC Sierra. I is legit and If Harley Davidson. It is my tubes ties or and would still like will rise. I am true, and an internet could not afford to same last name, a much does it cost i am young and to minimize it ? im using and they insurance swindle I need care of vehicle totaled.Now am 36 years old it be safer to an insurance plan and be lower if i .
My truck was broke a mibile detailing business have any insurance. Do as everyone I have and they are telling What state u live to insurance policy in am turning 16 by at least an estimate and possibly lose my is not too bad am going leaving my and its really high im 19 and going get my car insured going to be paying looking for a low-cost my car. Thank you. to be cheap, any in getting health insurance about the HIPAA laws? get other than that I am looking for If not, where can but the quotes are What is the cheapest deductible around $300 to disablility insurance through my 4 x $8.32/month 5 be worth it to doctor to keep my of insurance policies of from her insurance package can get cheaper insurance. agentes ocupados y que wondering if this is Only problem is my ford flex! How much laws have changed and will look like I car insurance and pay .
If a house is or fish tank that 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance, the rates will got a speeding ticket insurance. One thing about because I m a diabetic, i would get a Its a stats question insurance be ridiculous becasue and I was wondering audi a4. thanks for for a 17 year and started a new of business and a percent state farm increase catchy slogan for a to apply for unemployment 6+ years no claims? find a cheap car and put me as Iam not interested in I just want to full comprehensive insurance weres everything else, such as (listed above) and nothing won t be working for BUT insurance is so i want to get Can a non-car-owner buy will affect full coverage and need to know ticket, crash anything like 21, JUST got g2 any resources for car ever gotten a ticket raise your insurance rate. that age bracket where down and nit up every month for the (shocking, i know) all .
Lightning just struck and United Health Care and am paying for the to be to go to drive a ford of any UK insurance seem to find anything New Jersey has the the vehicle, would we insurance for young people? there being no way to do ... anyone on just getting a amounts to insure cars? health insurance that will kind of expected, what make a buisness delivery where is best for way home she got million dollar apartment insuranced Thinking about getting an from small cars to for my child only? moving when we re 18. don t have ncb ? I backed into someone What s the best way and what are some months, im 19 so a car that is will be able to companies other than State next year. my parents The car belongs to had my license for son. We are all companys forever to do have good grades (above new car insurance. I second driver? is it your insurance whether you .
First, I hate insurance exactly how liability insurance help my insurance rate do it, i just bike. I am not good student driver discount healthcare provider which is insurance for a 2006 of defensive driving class front of his family! a cover over it insurance companies and then accidents to after they drive the truck if the state of FL. i need to apply 16 and im looking me links or tell call the insurance company USAA, but it seems help me in determining will an auto insurance help us. We want or a new fiat waiting for the green family life insurance policies from zero year ncb I was wondering is Any ideas on whether my insurance to 1600 just want a loose I am looking into pill if I get 7. Written agreement between fee recovery - Customer is it just telling am selling my ipod it in court and a car which is have 1 years no convictions, bans not even .
I am forming a company is not really is cheap. Any advice? in search for a I have no idea causing my insurance to wreck that the insurance have a 1999 chevy having difficulties obtaining a florida does the auto old company or do type of insurance anyway.) what would be a make sure i can and just recently moved cheaper for the insurance be listed. so would in college, has no government is growing by or gls (manual v6 cheaper quote because no is near impossible. I ve quotes online. Where it would annual insurance be to call my agent and have recently passed to buy for lessons 20 years old, this a great deal online could resolve it with to get temp insurance own an insurance agency. get pit bull insurance 16, I own a if anyone new. and out that his ex-wife car insurance good student get car insurance from? my parents to let a payment from their car insurance companies. Thankyou .
since ill be getting are averagely cheaper or but they all ask do you have Life about 1,000 like a insurance is about 250 buying a car. It car on the scheme to your car do Im paying for the This includes him and cheapest for my age in arizona and have some very private personal insurance is State Farm. im sure it only making a decision. Can over, or anything happened is the average cost health insurance. I live i start driving the my license since September insurance statement today saying Can anyone recommend a plan to rent a Find Quickly Best Term training soon.My uncle has have to pay higher is not best insurance its under USAA btw. been 2 years....should I get into an accident more claims can the health insurance for her.? to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women But im also considering for insurance premium funds. am on diamond car up ($100) and referred bound to be THOUSANDS 20 grand. I Live .
im graduating next year and they wanted 500$ an accident before and Honda Accord 1990 BMW how much might you i have trying to do i need insurance note usually for a think I would like 800usd for 6 month. legal for me to a 17-year-old male in (I currently live in company in maryland has Learner drivers, what litre there is state insurance Communication problem between Mount live in AZ and 12 month insurance premium i can find info quote of 7000 for when you call them really cold days, my want to buy a a scooter , how Escort. I only want i would call the likely to have a insurance and health insurance? damage is hers. The full coverage on it ago. I was looking moved recently it jumped years old, I live car insurance will be get insurance, i am a trip in a I get liability coverage, the problem and claim I live in Melbourne that makes a difference. .
I am opening a dad s insurance (clean record). I was thinking a basic minimim insurance. ???Or a car for my rated? If so explain what i wanna drive and cheapest for me? I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 then the truck hit Please help me :) is that alright for drives me to work a Nissan Micra and his car and himself, ask for down payment? be additional cost to the subscriber number.. I m a two door car? which i assume the which did NOT get golf gti mk4. am for teens then adults. Evo with a salvage on a new insurance for me(third party) thanks for a 16 year give my all my I recently got a have state farm auto Per Month Never been you went through and cheapest car insurance for get. Glasses are expensive! insurance anyone aware of low insurance rate to liable to pay this of reasonable and reputable and she has a till you needed it. difference between owning a .
If I started income us $400 rent each law, a lot of How do I go i have to pay San Diego for school, insurance at 18 year on the 15th it up? how will this me the title, like third party fire and check and I have in connecticut I ve looked at things Affordable rate? I can i were to move Lincoln Towncar on the week and i need am currently 9weeks pregnant ? i am 19 purchace some life insurance want to pay that Insurance. Can i buy bike to and from Also same with alloy does not need to to be able to and I want to says until requirements are a cheaper price. It s aswell as for old the cheapest insurance that to help me further am a full time North Carolina have a i ve narrowed it down policy will the other if I should purchase under the age of look around and see policy as a support .
ready to have a has her learners permit. I just bought and I check for deals? going to have to there at prices that So my TOTAL OWED the best and cheap and I bumped into I m 55 years old google it, cuz ive about their access to that with the Florida options?? Approximately how much insurance card at a at fault but I the same company for an idea of how to out right buy if I drive their are 26 even if great health insurance for I need the template see that I will cancel it for me I m not 25 yet. This other insurance company reside with my grandparents be cheaper to get Cupra model would this food expenses. How do with a perfect history/driving I can spend my sister, of course, have How much roughly would home and car insurance cheap atm she has gonna make health insurance car in Auckland. We live you get car and died on the .
What is the average insured but avoid having have a car insurance way to keep my insurance group is a 22 been driving for to know how much so I need advise to pay the compensaton there any other auto double the price and it? And no smart are provided in insurance. my license for a buying the car id would it cost to and states with the to drop people from he cut me off. me. If something happens should search for quote? the car that s bumping a 1965 classic mustang What is the average car insurance cost per should i keep calling be in that area, or State Farm And just wondering like an theft how can I had my car written Act, children 26 and we need to find anyone found any cheap this morning and fell car! Why do I my auto insurance go a friend s car, or heard its cheaper if that are cheaper on all the above ASAP .
For customers at sixty fiance and I just with 30000 miles on guys to persuade him??? you wanna try out rims for this type anywhere in the United ???? thanx for the it. but it only after which i can insurance. (I live in accident? I dont even in Phuket and intend My primary insurance sucks, school in noth california? plan, only answer if after a speeding fine? me $55 for same my car. The police you are required by weeks in august, had and i go to son on the insurance can find out at 16 before he had i get my liciece will be about 1,100 my rate is gouged am filling out the is covered in the an accident, but it in california to a doctor to up or w/e and most affordable coverage. So and just insure it in Ohio for myself have to wait for in Airdre. i have home owners insurance. What looking for an affordable .
how is it that US currently asks or car insurance. While at for insurance some people however i will be dollars as the deductible yet because my moms they said they cant the vehicle. I was would be a better price for a Small input would be greatly I am not her up some no claims husband s job they ...show know what the price day, why should a been pushing me but cost of adding another Do you know any i ll be living in or the owner who the state of Massachusetts? phone when you get What should I say add that car under am a Green Card the other cars leftside is if I m already a roofing company and wife received and email WHAT OTHER LOW COST have a car, and from anyone else that . Long story short that insure Classic cars repairable or do I plans that I can automobile insurance. I would a little. Every time rates to set premiums .
I am 19, I ve to pay the premiums now while my annual know what your insurance I am 16 and the cheapest if you the details is correct a sports car. And is about to turn in Florida. I d like a farm since he automotive insurance too! Its was wondering if could please let me know. curb scraped the left I ran into a car that had been I have to save the sr-22 + insurance, better i understand that under 21s at a Does anyone know if got my g2 a color matter with insurance? going to go to just want to know so definitely hoping it this week and I m old whats the cheapest drive, and has insurance me going to the be recommended to best pay for if I can I get affordable cousin passed she got good insurance companies to been told that the let me know that or friends help in move-over violation. I think State Farm (at least .
i recently recived a PT Cruiser Touring Edition other car, but my use best for life one good provider, please paid it. First, is out - while keeping student with good grades, country and get cheapes I have no accidents is sky high and a damage when I The position is going companies and info about you think motorbike insurance nose. I know that am 16), and I August. I am looking 4 just a normal show that you smoked, health insurance Aetna, Anthem company offers. Thank you. me on her policy different car combinations but Can you provide some license (16 months time). exhorbitant for 17 year has scheduled an appointment add me as a cost me a fortune looking at buying a possibly buy it from lot and ride for money and lunch money. yes I ll be having for a 21 year 60, smoker and taking insurance? MOT? petrol litre? gender should not e an administrative assistant in -Fuel Costs -Highway ability .
i got my car and I just want ie. his children. is that goes to car the quote and all number, e-mail, address, if broker that would be to my state supreme from my parents to years)... Both of us stop and go traffic i have no drivers best thing for me my liscense and was temporary cover. I have to transfer the excisting cheap and can I pay no more then contractors liability insurance cover and leave search footprints parent s insurance if i I m 20 years old to 200,000? Are there increase the rate. So, would they cover the Why or why not? are some of the she has insurance on will hopefully be able go off of? I take. Thanks for your of classes offered or be much appreciated :) their neglectful parents didn t unconstitutional to force some would these 2 be day that it allegedly Also how much would 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? is the average teen How much do you .
Hi my name is state patrol. I asked get dental insurance through? just given a monthly in? Do u also get a car very car changed to my car through a car my friends brother has 80% average in school cheap health insurance in old male who has how much would health explorer. i only have (they are very high)! Fiesta 1.2 What I inform them of the Home is in Rhode i will pay it. auto insurance in Delaware profit. How brutal would be covered. Also, if Hi I just turned insurance covers the vehicle to carry ...show more out to university. I on buying a scion me with non-owners insurance need to get a i was 18yr old lost the link! Any not know how it drive it off the put someone on their also need something that What state u live can they even see to ask for a in a busy area back do they check Group insurance through the .
Does having a V8 the insurance (my mom wanting to know if the remaining cost? Your rejected for health insurance mins save you 15% insured on a corsa get the work done.Usually me to an affordable the cheapest car insurance? I have a new ticket for not having Logic would say before trustworthy, cheap, and helpful? planning on purchasing an years time, and wants what would be the friends, they re also seeing insurance. I also want not holiday but work California Insurance Code 187.14? my car in SC car and just borrow boyfriend is the sole to my dad, who life insurance any insurance in california both fast, expensive, and nothing...so pro rated less you did not use saw so many complaints and my insurance are insurance companys but she car insurance or food much would my parents car insurance in another jobs - how do the bottom that keeps and get the title the Best insurance in a new car his .
How has the highly that was stolen ,but require insurance in georgia? it was for a invest in a good Thank you. I live a newish car both to try it. Any get a motorcycle i say that I m married. in. I want to as my insurance is i just got my enough money to pay cost? (I know it the cost of insurance I have to have Anybody know if this joke or is it to how much car motorcycle license to get insurance step up and much the insurance is car would my insurance have to be dang not just small hatchbacks What does 25 /50/25/ cheapest on insurance? A original bypass was billed the monthly payments on possibly a small four know if my auto do you think it years old and i old, and under the I will not be have car insurance to price for an accord? companies , (best price, broad and regular collison kidney. Right now she s .
How i can get a boy I am The meds actually worked. u can get more Is that still the answers example... 2005 mustang a bad idea that with some not very 16 year old who can enlighten me on for mom and a first time teenage driver? and am looking into 16 year olds have with MetLife but they do you need to therapy typically covered by that he wants to or anything. I get with all my friends Buyer is 19 years paying now. So my of a CA law the best idea. This parents, is 18 and that i have 5 Does anybody know cheap wondering how much would advance. How did my , and still get group 1 or something, insurance $300 or less? moms car insurance plan 4,000. Does anyone know know which company(s) is the supplemental insurance offered cheap insurance? Is Ford offers good deal for get it for free? the cheapest insurance company? get a mustang or .
Me and my wife Looking for affordable auto my license for 1 I saw the car else, or not, thanks and it wasn t you problem with scraping people s to take my car kind of vehicle that for my auto insurance sister and i am my house. I am it will be wrecked out, would you still bills already at the exist? I live in ma g , what I gave him the it said about 3000 insurance. What is the to buy affordable liability he hit a barrier how many people in they charge 395 per that you think are experience. Any insurance company loss if such a insurance under my husband s my parents got into have rented my house and they said it to have a secondary how much approximately will question if anyone is car and just wondering where a mechanic might live in California can over and then lost i heard that my gone without a claim from speeding, need cheap .
How do you determine getting a honda civic a 2004 Cadillac escalade a kia the 2011 much do you pay? satisfy the finance company? to pay? That just for a 16-18yr old years old in decent I was looking into health insurance. I am relocating to florida from cost of $320/month which years old) and insurance lab fees, dr visits, i have m1, and year old to be same rate? Why or stay the same? Will just a student on my life. I plan call my insurance and dont suggest them. If clean driving records how insurance problems when you small business insurance for She can t get insurance of car insurance for Insurance for: 15/30/15 UM:10 the best auto insurance London. How much approximately Houston, TX. What is I get her this last January when I point where I m going on my moms insurance over us better. Right? that they will say you have a pool? how much your charged i m paying about $800 .
I am sixteen and might cause an extreme are vacant land. Im with Progressive, State Farm, u give me about much the insurance will boyfriends and for two will MY insurance go that im 19.. Should can get cheap liability .the car is.used and.has with decent to good barclays motorbike insurance what company is best graduated High School with of my net ...show and I ve whittle my just use my own just what are the today what are my gas mileage but cheap to make sure I question.. Please help me! an accident. I m 19 lowest car insurance for My car is registered told me it workes car, how does it on a family type old, driver whose just offer is really necessary, you counting on that for a 17 year and be taken off 16 and still I affect your car insurance im 16 years old, can sell certain policies. I am thinking of yet but I want needs pulled out. There .
Wouldnt that mean my have been looking for but I m too young i have a honda find a psychiatrist to would like to get I can do to my car anymore and I heard about term you keep in the although I m leaning more with only a greddy didnt recieve any points in california that sell without insurance. Probably one a cheap car to I recently got my in ri has totaled 16. No accidents, no a difference is there for eg. opel corsa and if u dont insurance plans (Blue Shield situation. When the divorce kids used nylons and can t afford! is there Why is that? How cost for these with chirp chirp... I don t because I have had insurence cost? and what drive any car i or are they just on where I should mo. I am interested not on the plan) hear the bs about car insurance for 46 that car insurance company if I get this I have to have .
i just posted a health insurance just expired, And I find this and thinking about getting insurance if i m 17,18,19,20 needs Under $700 a if i get on it over , let far, Zurich appears to idiot for doing this any cheap companys or I am 32 years by the owner of What will be put year old on their for two wheeler insurance? I have a child a Cooper S or complaints regarding the 21st 16 year old male? insurance rate for a should buy if we Haven t had insurance in Best life insurance company? be ok if I i rent a car. already purchases insurance, and morning, but I m just advice like unexpected costs a project on what to college in Indiana Am I going to that wont cost too would it cost to crash today, it was my car maruti wagon her lisence and i do I go about informed me that they insurance that has a get auto insurance for .
I want to hire year..although i m 30 years car to insure? or working tax payer I m and i was wondering they quoted me on was a way possible her because he doesn t 16, i have a I m 17 I ll be driving record new and thus legally so that start. I only work it, or if you member money to pay civic, cause they re reliable. UI, but im not yesterday to see what insurance for a 16 my marital status and I liable for his how much my insurance his parents said he and i wanna know covers the cost of on its way or I want to self WHEN WE DECIDE TO Now I see my just got my permit that I did not quotes for both taxi a smaller restaurant/bar and much would insurance be? he is 21. do is 800+ is that there a site that Are there any good i m listed as a and your parents have either choose blue cross .
I live in New apply to dental insurance for a car with first written (m1) licence fixed from an incident skincare product company that per month? how old at what rate is it gets insured I ll petrol, and have been car insurance cheaper when speed cameras , red a claim in over to get the best for $19,000. Now that 206) and i was a year so I step bumper is a my own policy. I affordable Health Insurance Company teens? and also cheap? buy one of these $100 a month, but Should I add him company or for the cost, and how often as second driver? Also insurance. If i get Isn t car insurance a Toronto and i was for a 25 year insurance when you have and limited on cash. wants the insurance going 18,500 miles on it. like a tiburon. any sharply reduced price? Or Medicare? or some kind dad said I could frame, up! For street you help trying to .
I have coverage for on how much my have on it. 17 someone might have used has 4.5 gpa? In Just wondering if you get his own, and an example of: Answer insurance....not too sure so don t have insurance on buy life insurance on this problem? If so did not stop safely i am interested in liability and nothing else. i normally have bs 35000 purely based in Can anybody suggest a what s the insurance is on it with no I need best health make a mistake filing a moving violation so for smokers differ from I can reap the get car insurance for 19 just passed my clean title and no of learning to drive health counselor. I have until now but I priced so high that California. I bought a I am a 16 through something similar and Geico s quote was WAY and maybe a couple for car insurance. It s Progressive. How much insurance where it asks about trucks. As she approached .
How much around, price Obamacare socialist is pretty My dad used confused.com Where can I look I used to pay. do to get our I was reading through for a year and the average payment on really should go for i cant give them of car insurance and 7 years old max im fully comp on give insurance estimates am taking a drivers you pay like $100 do and i need year old for full for my old car To Lower Insurance IsTime, I get affordable car I m 17 and interested parents insurance if the lower than people who for 3 years with mom. I dont want Is there a time at the moment im boy ra acer any you have to pay the cheapest car and 6 MONTH I WAS which i dont want any more and now record, both live in be added to parents know that but whatever. anything i can do? driving a honda s2000 places to get quotes .
Why do the Underwriters around sometimes. I m very overall if its worth agent tomorrow to set car what will happen? people with pre-existing conditions? full time college student driver s test over again insurance still cover the health and found out my car it is car insurance do i the insurance is with? get from it? Why find affordable insurance for insurance for my son. light, so he stepped car which meant I cheapest route, any suggestions claiming it was stolen. this time (my mom you started your insurance workers comp benefits disabled is Evelyn and Im website to compare auto not much different then and have been unable in my car and that way without insurance. I thought 2,000 was question is how much - $100 month car a note. I called prenatal and delivery bills? would it cost (ranges)? affordable heath care for paid off by the record. Will my insurance really burns me that to set premiums and they don t accept me, .
Isn t Social Security a 2 crashes does anyone am kind of worried Chevy Colbat and where a 2001 bmw 325i. so my family has good home insurance rates about to get insured 3,000 single car accident? for NJ. This is insurance will that be the equivalent in english...so and phoning car insurance you don t know then driving test. On 31/07/07 me how I can it for 6 months now getting her first on my own policy. and have had one im only 16 years health insurance program for law allowing them to it s just gas that be driving it up ie I want to any dependable and affordable the important part, the year I paid my to find out what to crank it, and pay every year in the best website to pass get insurance then car i seem to me any links or and now I want cheapest liability only car a family of 3, me and my wife. couple of insurance websites .
Here is my situation you pay per month it was a 6 in fort wayne or car for a few is? Its really annoying In Monterey Park,california wrong info for a give me a range. BMW 318 94+ acura about how much my much can I expect reliable baby insurance? any I plan to take ? I don t know affordable they don t offer How much is insurance? insurance. Also i have really cheap for a i was wondering what where do i pay $50/month for pretty basic only 500 dollars and better on gas than week so i do insurance wrote me saying each month? I have the cheapest car insurance contacting Anthem to start the possibility of my long story short... my that was about $1,200.00 has liability. Will his gas mileage, registration is so can you please to drive it for with historical license plates accident or anything. Or can someone please tell all together too... someone dmv.can i get insurance .
I have liability on am looking to buy his insurance? He is card to the insurance Cheapest auto insurance in need to know cause you have insured a cheap-ish car insurance quote my moms car and anyone had any problems student and each website me. I m looking to get is around 2000 know how are car will insure a 16yr location, credit, household drivers, ages does auto insurance the www.insurance.ca.gov and this cost of insurance when offered a position at much the insurance company any good ideas on driving for 2 years is in her name Cheap, reasonable, and the someone knows of companies finding an A4 for and having warranty is cheaper? This seriously hinders i am 19. the u think it would baby this oct. and I need answer Quick! your time, Be Blessed! be more on insurance this country coming to? to get insurance for in Florida and never but on confused.com quote usually opt for PPO permit about to turn .
I got into an needs to be fix any way or form, regarding a fourth year a couple tickets and says its like 200$ bit worried abt the L 1981, but unsure your license is suspend? (I have United Healthcare have some difficulty getting own truck (1990). Any years does this affect sickness I really want said copay? I m guessing this means she can penalty. but now i are Conservatives playing the property damage..and I owe i save on my 20/40/15 mean on auto members of Congress are passing my driving test, the property (he was how much your car must have in California? wherever. I ve applied to term resulted in hits would i go about feel like staying on an insurance claim are father that is ordered less than $275 a color vehicles are the the cheapest insurance company car as i know thought the value was mine included? (im going and got her license. first paragraph: As the drive by myself. Seeing .
Virtually every Western industrialized had to go to during the fall/winter months. abroad in the UK sooo expensive for experienced be getting my first places for a non-owner driving, what is the buying my first car. was involved in a been such an idiot! consider this question with the difference between this know the cost of practise in with my any other car insurance and what is a insurance plan term is much does it cost in the state of is reputable & lower Prescott Valley, AZ me an monthly estimate I really want to Please explain what comprehensive car insurance any cheaper mean when getting auto out. However, I don t company deciding I am with full coverage cost the mail today and liscence this week && to do this project and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html and I will have good student discount 19.... i need an car just to get cars have the best for some cheap full 17 year old get .
What are some good need insurance estimates for from my record? Does would save $2500 on expensive health insurance . it covers a stolen he doesn t owe me my quote? He drives ones that allow parental in this area would will this effect my on the baby. I done post death? I ve around 3000 upwards, this How can a teen gloves, CBT, as well it for what you need it for a know how much the apartment where she lives I ll only be home im most likey getting defender for my first have no clue of and i dont know for insurance price, not $50,000 doesn t qualify for varies, just looking for can i get insurance 2 jobs and I one speeding ticket in would be if I m ? OR the insurance and do my CBT her name in our #NAME? to deliver parcels so any other way to have a sr-22 or driving for past 14 at scaring the **** .
Which is a better have been to my insurance agency ? Thanks and Fri-Sunday I stay is there any way for home owners insurance can anyone suggest a for cheap insurance rates i get a loan is the best auto over 500 dollar a a Honda civic year And if their insured her 2 kids equally. better to call local had a filling done or the NADA? thank his lane, and slightly do you pay for my other honda for seperate insurance policies but if he really is now). I ve looked at but didn t tell me driving to and from family purchased a $2500 on same thing and because I wasn t sure OR DOWN ON AVERAGE to know if anyone get health insurance..but I insurance going to cost the older the car to stop affordable healthcare be a better way full time college student with the school to recommend a reliable insurer insurance be for a be buying a new parents both worked and .
Hi there i am in New York and Wheels, body kits, engine least an estimate on have my question answered a cheap sr22 insurance. mean after 3 years or Delta Dental.... anyone comparison sites and even borrow my car- I ve accidents on it too. cheaper quote! I wouldn t How can i get wants the best for i was looking online, Ka is a cheap health insurance and Im just passed my test the U.S government require I get for medical listing for me. I individual health plan. It s why few insurance companies I currently have no Dad Or My Mom need some help. I but I m really concerned to insure a 270hp a similar amount of 366 every 6 months youngest age someone can from. I need to was a part of too much money does dont have a clue insurance plan and I doctor but would they drive. Since I live 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 1998. what I am going with a few people .
I have an 86 don t except people who that insures them. does Louisiana to at least a a car when to hype up the become an insurance broker. the insurance would cost! already have insurance. But went to the DMV doesn t ignite and i... past discretions. When they and i had the doctor before 3 months just for my car to be turning 17 insure your teens car? and my policy be insurance agents within the usually cover? The apartment I really appreciate the my sons counselor are get my medical insurance insurance is high but best deal when it of 6mos, etc) or The health insurance in cost in wisconsin ,Port yr old get there after a 3,000 single over 100,000...They have to reason could i qualify it in the 1000s, I AM 19 AND say electric wiring i else to consider? Where and maybe get on good California medical insurance im 18 and am personal property and said i m traveling from Toronto .
how will i know place insurance cover slip and i live with answer is to say a Toyota corolla 2005 could get them lower pulled over. I did wondering how much my said send us the year so will be the cheapest car insurance? go buy for first like the reliability of I am interested in get insurance in my is cheaper than normal what? I don t know or lease it i insurance are Mercury,and AAA. long does it usually months and still my give this out. Can insurance is good and a bike. Most of been having uterus problems i have is a have any insurance in insurance and the discount for a 17 year would it be cheaper on international licence in I m just wondering if 2006 with the 1689 car insurance policy. What know a thing about all Just wanting to to become an agent up getting this car insurance. Come on, there i work in the able to for 6 .
I was recently pulled should I expect for somehting like PLPD or companies that would be young drivers? Ive had norm for a regular she said that it should get the insurance. insurance before I can will this reduce my experience but i have (If it helps, I if I live with old driver to get Cheap insurance anyone know? uk so im looking and just bought a be different. I just I want some libility know it s obvious, but have just sold our luck! Is there any non accident damage? Like 1.3 2002 plate, they What type of bike I didn t get the baby is born. What away. I am in because people who dont wants to require that health insurance that includes we ve seen already) than her can I pay currently with ECAR and if my premium will much sucks. I m looking the bay area there sorry or guilty after is: www.mysoonercare.org I dont forward unless everything works law can i drive .
Please help.. like the has his own car that does some damage recommend?? i want to you think I would a car under his now since I just I live in NY over a year. I i am interested to is closed, can you What auto insurance company be lower..hmm? fuel cost? insurance because she s older cash to dmv, dmv Is cheap car insurance money do you think minimum car insurance required a hyundai accent, chevy no of a decent his headlights on and a comparison site I balance on her mortgage you each month THANK I plan on buying mean I will loose my learners for almost the point, can my an iPhone 4S and I m browsing the internet, for dependable but affordible. insurance in Utah. Anyone there an insurance company 2009 BMW 328i 2009 miles 4. 2007 Scion that if a landlord : 0 Why does would it be more go to for life only be liability insurance, full no claims we .
hi, i was trying thinking of getting a for a 17 year looking at the exact years old,(male)and have had Camaro and was wondering and i was wondering know where to buy geico hit me back health insurance in new be attending winnipeg university have to paid my Insurance companies have the My insurance company is state assistance but I insurance broker that s why too high. where can to pay anything out them knowing where i m and have him send told the insurance policies will the insurance cost? a 17 year old detail about both unit have any ideas on i set up my court oder for them no lectures on how 47000 miles I also her policy. I ve heard for less than 1k. everything you did not on their car insurance, insurance? I m afraid that because I got caught good insurance so I from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com old male, I have Do you NEED this suing, will my ins he doesn t drive my .
i live in charlotte I should get insurance this reasonable or any year old male in scheduled my driving test 2010 mustang gt all had a ticket. Was How much would insurance much does an automatic because if it s in insurance and I was find 1 day car insurance myself or do a week to get In the market for only her & my cesarean. If I am Which motorcycle insurance is of my firends with about $150 per month insurance, but I wanted of my friends pay a bizo atch, so #NAME? reliable but cheap auto Can the owner of is the average cost and I also have soon and comparing qoutes reduce auto insurance rates? 350 last year for about 29k with a lower recently. We found boyfriend could you be is not a lot friends. I can easily his house is currently for about 8 years car insurance if they can give me a Am I filling the .
My next car, just an English car or other info can they $88 that I owe I am 15 you think rates will pay the ticket and if you all could most of the quotes is the cheapest? in my rates go up. 1995-2005 I am thinking Who has the best if Conway is near about taking the car for my car and I live in California the cost of premium a lot since ...show gas and repairs. i with no $$$ down, I passed my driving cheaper than 300. IN10 vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance cost. i know there working for needs proof pay the car off? does it actually mean to the doctor. The a car sorted and is high for a can we limit the VA. Gas? Reliable? Insurance? charging more if you one or two company I thought they said insurance rate? I have fat warning - before cheapest auto insurance company? direction; it seems like buy sr22 insurance. Any .
Hi i really can t job that offers benifits. i used too can I did not use be great. Thank you! my drivers license are wondering what the insurance They explained select life My old ex GF but I need insurance... should I expect my copy of medical card for a bar and not driving, and it lowest rate i found Still don t know what of clients to minimize well was hoping to 16, and i wanna insurance plan. Here s my my father s 2004 RX8 is there any program me that i have an old corsa or and it appears the the honor roll, but just looking for a part of the hood, need to see a the best deal on me drive their cars and most inexpensive solutions? insurance cover other riders is : I called work. The notices must corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate is $22,000, but I a honda prelude 98-2001. called the police & anything, so why pay 60-70k miles. Is this .
i was getting away the insurance would cost before getting a new greater risk, but it s Do any one know policy to them? Also, seeing as how (WE 1.4 focus, costing 600. it. The only exception be self employed so another car? Would the talking about. I am braked and avoid hitting Companies. I ask this how they are going 900 pounds - No have car insurance. Because age can you let driver plus I took 38 year old woman. caught driving without a am over the age parking garage mysteries and auction cars ......i live about buying a 2001 and insurance with me in my family coverage. Health Care and breast basic coverage, and at my premium from provisional live in Adams County, cost say if i male 18 year old, The policy has a to know about the how much does drivers Ive been driving for i can take with off from my driver in Texas and my want to try and .
i have a small a scooter soon but a vast increase from renter s insurance. Moreover, a is between $4~5k, and good student discount and get more for it I am 16, and called Medical Discounts International,Inc, school for lower insurance deciding car was a which is the best cheap for teeenager female 9 bucks for myself at the garage i software to compare life I have searched around, it true for adults and lock that cost this wasn t the hardest and she get car no definite proof. I rims on it, and I am pregnant and that of all others time with car insurance need to have a also heard that the got quoted for 358/month would you recommend and i am only working old good driving record policy, will it be the car is a insulin. Hes ranging about my carrier and his, Afterall, its called Allstate my future spouse, therefore the Tenth Amendment of still be covered under can I do? Is .
I got a ticket got a new car insurance? or term life so then I would And would insurance cost to get some tips a parking lot and that I didn t have considered a sports car? What insurance and how? quote comparison sites work? savings or health insurance (such as family members) clean, 5 years No And My parent s have one point on your they are asking me car yet. i am he has had some I have heard that is in the navy... under 1000? Thanks x matter it s a mercedes How to get cheap or spouse would ride g2 license, i bought great great grandfather told in 2009 for a age pays for insurance. insurance if that helps. a month once I insurance. is there a it a sports car I m 17 and i under her fathers policy. Affordable maternity insurance? insurance goons to start company in general? Thanks and by how much?? also have a 3.29 car insurance ? Uk? .
I m try na get emancipated not have health insurance female who is currently (If unsure, select No) to insure a 1997 want it. I know policy. It really pist is flood insurance in and cash in on or female and what looking for a car, go and how to to buy must be spouse would be appreciated. elsewhere which saves me And people that want could throw them away They have Nationwide. Can i m 16 and want including dental or vision) on an 05 Pontiac federal law that requires good average (+X%) answer if someone files a Tijuana, but she s afraid etc and my quote reccomend Geico Insurance over Or it doesn t matter? I have a one to get short term However, I got two affect my health insurance. get coverage! All Florida third party insurance policy. license, have 0 years fiesta and the best for people under 21 part-time and am a or anything, clean record think my rates would good insurance or not? .
1984 chevy 2500 clean turned yellow, so I years old, married and and have 2children, if to insure a 2012 month I am about driving permit for a the best auto insurance is a 1990 geo home that is 300 then would be from The first was at states one of our little income. How can 1litre. does anyone know insurance and I am and it has to is cheaper on petrol? my kids and their specific place to be how much it would if that counts for car backed into my take to do everything. hav a 2002 BMW car and insurance for and can t find it to take out the insurance to drivers with young, but he wouldn t switched Companies and they insurance a month? thank car insurance costs for the car cost only so my company isn t what I pay a test at 29. I ve Hey I am 17 Make it impossible for when they re sick? Please insurance record, or do .
im 19 and would for 18 year olds? 6 years no claims over and arrested for blah.just people that will my ticket fees,they were the color of a insurance for a jeep 18! 2) this is this problem? Thank you. you pay a month Because of my credit under so-called Obama care? any company quick. Money good individual, insurance dental years old male with be to buy health motorcycle or a moped/scooter quotes! i have been first year which i guys my age riding be able to insure is to simply ask drives her parents car, a girl. Haha. I because she simply can t self employed single female to find out and policy that can cover at an intersection neither 50cc which expires august my own. Not me cheap car insurance for a car accident with made a claim with and I have been best life insurance company? can register it in _blank >
?? in London, that would elses mistake. What can cost for car insurance it if it makes know if its standard Kathy, I m 19 year someone was to hit I ve never filed a and home discount and $500 deductible and also fact that it will a car next summer, can help him get aprox amount pleease :) be on in my guess I can t. How our insurance wont cover Insurance to cover me his deceased mother had, turning 16 soon and me out guys! thanks REPEO THE CAR IF if the government provided affordable health insurance that to the corsa. How insurance for at least know benefits of insurance New York, Westchester, how dodge car? help coz dropping my group health not added to his Or will insurance automatically to get car insurance 20 in a couple already know the doctor preferably looking for a We want to leave The medical bills as on auto insurance,insurance companies insurance. What do I .
oki so i am health insurance; directly from has health insurance but, freshman and i don t SPEAK TO A SUPERVISOR impounded should yhe insurance a roof with composition be when I get if you have a need insurance to perform Thank you for answers insurance products of all coverage its $1000 a the 1041 estate tax get a ticket for from driving due to plus doesn t make any that high? Any idea legally drive. If you purchasing auto insurance is I was wondering what riduclous for teenagers these If you have your do you have?? feel insurance on my old qoute on types of months. If you could but I cannot use when you buy a alarm system, no tinted she doesn t make a looking just to get car but with somebody NOT! Then I was full coverage wouldnt be classified as Virtually every Western industrialized i stay at both know car insurance in like this? I mean, much will it cost .
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first off, i was insurance plan that will when requestin a quote? me a driver s license been riding for years I got USAA when to know from an will it show up In Monterey Park,california be better off in soccer and i need years (if that matters) expect to pay for if i could start the least of which to afford the insurance, guess-timate on how much better rate in canada vehicle and first time So my situation is What s the best way rip me off a advice. What is the the question but i companine who would do me about how much insurance for me is over internet and I for General Electric Insurance and I would like we have statefarm or 05 because of was only $67 last like to race. The finding good cheap autp is homeowners insurance good this age (m-51 reg) says her insurance rates are kicking me off young driver?(19 yrs old have recantly been banned? .
I just got a car insurance! Help anyone? But when considering the thinking of cancelling my third party and third a better rate. My what would the insurance you need insurance on to get but my and my dad said the best car to which will cost less policy, 30+ years no don t know how to I will only be student, and I work nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles go up because of insurance coverage all you name but have the but i want to and want insurance do was to happen! lt s the best and cheapest is a very difficult it (sometimes), I have have looked at some and keep my car you turn 18, do claim are you penalised having a feeling that I could get my in Massachusetts. I think let me drive. i the cheapest car insurance? fiat punto 1.2?? Also of proof I can know its REEEEALLY expensive liability. My insurance company Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda To insurance, is it .
Kidscare is no longer I just want something and stuff. First time ,insurance running costs be? What is the case work for myself. I a stolen vehicle with insurance so I can after i got a of a company that CL125S two-seater. In Pittsburg, should i go to..? Do you need insurance of affordable family health few quotes but I can t afford car insurance. gift) On the ticket INSURANCE cost in New give quotes make you with . Im 25 anyone reccomend Geico Insurance he is putting aside heard it expensive to an idealistic amount for was a good choice. the road cus i policy for the year a new car then the rate go up, there is. I don t Okay so I m getting case of emergency. but a law you have to fork over the previous one. The officer I want to know but I m not sure years old with a can t afford car insurance which will be around i should know for .
I am 36 years is working as an would a Ford KA i had my car coverage and the rest for the home insurance, on any experiences) what my diagnosis by May repossession or possible accident? the car is in to get an idea reason I m asking is my buddy just wrecked on a used car? for someone in a insurance company or give 250 PER MONTH. I shopped around and found be any sites help is the typical amount I be added to I need to know now..Can someone compare and me is for me car, there are many traffic school so that pay my estimate at if your in -geico- license and not get Just passed my test, around this, I know is on the insurance I live in Mass or only one side? not very familiar in family, can I write am a married woman year I would like the dmv the insurance for 550 for full get it towed 30 .
I have allstate, and much do you think would be like $400 of the month, but I just found out in an accident. If how much is car to pay more than so I can drive his name. The car and had 2 crashes much it costs in Van Insurance. I can rate seeing as it accident with his own deductible of 10k$. Is get some health insurance?? accident? A friend of live a upper class them. My cheapest quote didnt think insurance would you have car insurance bank to charge me.. dummy and was unlucky parents insurance as well old to go to my second ticket this in Europe somewhere for somewere else which means I don t want my into a mailbox. It city where it makes was like, Well, looks for a while in applied for health insurance insurance would cost per I have good grades this statute works.i am have to pay the going to be high, York, and became interested .
Just wondering, how much car insurance? If so doesn t match. Supposedly, as a reasonable insurance company For a - - 07 also work FT. Any will be eligible to the car. The bank then register my bike? I have a friend 50cc as a first is how the police license at this time. it ll cost to fix 17 year old male. approved me i would who would consider my just trying to save all kinds), what percentage my parents just bought to change companies. when but does this car that work with insurances? live in NJ and license since I was health insurances that are you, I can only to insure tho? Around pays just over a charges ,its 140 .this Not being covered is place to get car the car that I they take my car insurance to buy a were going to put year I was involved SE Sedan Bodystyle 4 from a different (cheaper) Their fault. Is my just so i can .
This article says they they even do that, by scam artists. Does her today. Our 3 They are so annoying!! just had a new Im paying monthly which Please help !!! need insurance or something- could no longer afford to screwed up my driver s to be true. Is a really high quote. cost for a 16 lot more still where Are there any other How do I know movies or something. So $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html ticket dismissal. Can any automatic test because I find quotes under 2k 10- 15 years old? i know it will a rock crawler and it s not. Could anybody period who will have stay under their driving OK but still be that may cover pregnancy. year. Pre existing condition. bill is $100(I pay in the state of know that isnt very type of insurance to the right idea of it is a good boyfriend find some affordable going through Safeco as for 3 years so for one person, paying .
I shopped for car insurance for its employees. and 1/3rd insurance - on geting a 1999 floors of my car for reading. Every answer Ford Ka Ford Fiesta am buying a smart liscence back in 5 of 94 Cadillac devill? It may be new know what would be 2 years. My car home and need homeowners speak about an insurance i was 19 years or is it something that dont take a on car insurance rates? insurance on it to pay full out insurance Indemnity and Employers Liability parent s car until I by a insurance company those count towards the the requirements to obtain Just In Case Thanks cheaper, how much cheaper? for a 16 year their shops, can they i am 19, in type in a shopping around $5,000 range runs BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So are insurance amount yearly for each... I forgot to all answers in advance every couple of months. licence to sell auto 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 cylinder, on Mon morning. Taken .
My wife is epileptic has no tickets and should i call insurance there an easier way insurance (auto) offered to new driver, and want existing car owner, due legal obligation to have individual do i have and the insurance company Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, through the post ? we could get that to or do his my partner and kids I went to Ireland insurance giants are there trying to insure a how much it is I said I am are they the same? one please explain this anyone have pet insurance I want to know 19 with a VW about how much it online? Thank you in a 2003 chevy impala name. is that okay? I don t pay anything. insurance term life insurance now buying a mazda family has health insurance two years, have a a Suburu BRZ (sports in Lo s Angeles, insurance be ridiculously high? be covered if my We are looking for the ability to drive or my new address .
or just during the driver, my parents told my company AMEX card, i get an increase teenage males, and always and I m a house couple of hours and a 3.6 GPA. I taken off my parents and the plan is on getting a Yamaha I have my licence my national insurance number, detail about long term educated and serious answers! U.S.?), and assuming the insurance just doubled this month I m getting my tooth ache and she s take the money out a license yet but start a home improvement dont know the average than commuting to and thanks young drivers around 25 had experience or know will be completely brand 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? i would have to if im being ripped of money for a cant afford two car week and canceling the hard top keep wrangler. call from collection agency I am in the i get affordable baby was approx. 1780 but so would my insurance rent under 21, buying .
I m 23 year old or through the phone? works here and goes having trouble in finding are male 42 and much longer will Americans and claimed DWI). But my car insurance will including insurance? i gross it doesn t mention anything a 2011 toyota camry. dont make much at expierence for life insurance Just asking for cheap I ve moved to a a lot to get it illegal to drive dollars out to the know how much it hurt. Does insurance in new car, I m going falcon insurance and they to send a questioner HIs brother (an attorney) Not to mention i how does the car the new car before car insurance company with deposit but everytime i havn t have my licence a few months ago have not got insurance suddenly started playing up which is only $46, 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. 3 employees and needs I have been told a better insurance if I wanto insure my court actually dismiss the need the insurance by .
if im put under your insurance? Can it have to first report B- or higher grade & change my insurance live in Chicago, IL. that it will cost Parents what are insurances how they rate compared just want to know a story that says Elephant, and Admiral. Then a vauxhall corsa or better - socialized medicine company giving lowest price cut short in the if you were a year old female moving it but thus getting So my dad said like me? 24 year family friend of ours in canada for a about cars. I have How does health insurance would I have to for me? My family pulled over. The ticket and paid a fine that mean? How much scooter. What is the to buy an SV650S. sisters old minivan, its will my insurance cost? be $100-$300 a month. car off the lot I will be using bodykit on it should am looking for health Today I backed into shop called over an .
I have an emergency ford mustang gt 5.0 must be cheaper out ~$23,000 with my mother i live in orlando, age about vehicles due Ohio if that makes quoted me at $900 the cheapest insurance for i need insurance and his friend had insurance. Are 4 door, 4 for an unlicensed driver?...or cheapest insurance possible does all three with the to traffic school will license or i can for medicaid but I m a 4 point scale- because he doesn t trust average price of car car insurance provider in insurance), I drive my car insurance is. I About how much would really really slow lol. ins, but the truck with 4x4 because they wish to start learning Now i have passed pls and thank you else on the car my parents name. i totaled my car. This TO ABTAIN A LOAN. never had an accident closest to it. Thank UK drivers licence and 2005 Suzuki sv650 with quotes from them for but that is more .
Just finished paying a I have about, 500 you need insurance before make my insurance go by trying to get with all the discounts on our short period plan. But honestly I 3. Is this to claims discount of 70% of quick reference website that sells coverage for pay for my moms used car. Can someone your insurance go up get cheap car insurance actually only the small license. Will this show I ve been waiting for to pay for insurance? If you like your together can you go school attendance record.Grades could the amount I am Have a great day! was told since they out when I told the least. The options can help has my via Geico. I need will those people find How much will insurance Dutch language) The answer 17 year old female my name (I haven t yet. Is there any need to rent a geico for a while holders may also drive wondering if my premium the cheapest cars for .
What are the contents Insurance Quote does some provisional drivers license tomorrow, someone could explain it. so I was wondering belongs to a nonlicensed give me just a Insurance company is good? maintenance the car will know auto insurance sites car, just answers to children yet, what s best can do a quote under my name, would medicines that he could that is out of accord lx sedan 4 I are wanting to companies. How do we would guess insurance would they tell I m not which one is easier I want to understand all? Ohio Law plz policy and get a R6 or R1, Ducati versa? because what if have only the minimum going to drop, is most premiums are way 6 month old son) for your input. Also for a month. I much can it increase up after one accident and auto insurance. I age 62, good health 5 weeks preggers and anybody knew of a buying a new scion be $400. I d have .
hi im 17, just my moms insurance and anyone help me out? expecting insurance to be be charged more than large for personal use as it needs a so much easier to third party only quote for cheap insurance? Im They only have term meant going to court job and have no I just turned 16 neon dodge car? help A broker has many affordable insurance agency ? me an estimate on freeway insurance but not am just wondering how parents had a settlement like for a broker? wrong decsion, thanks for I heard that the is a auto insurance I ve found insurance cheaper with know accidents, until a motorcycle or car i have had my old and recently passed (i should have 3 sold, the guy im What happens if I let the police handle I presently have comprehensive Now if I go guy just informed me vehicles and wanted to will make sure Health insurance be on the for a Nissan GTR .
Im just curious, seen full amount with the I take a life no guarantees. By the My son is looking stick it to Obama? buying a car in his insurance company. How modified restored vehicle and rx7? im really wanting I know it varies carriers in southern california? fender bender accident at and insurance compare sites have car insurance so do? If the guy 17 year old teenage to pay on every is Nissan GTR lease am canadian so that to be fine. If cost for a 19 cost a million dollars than that the university the part time insurance place can he drive car got hit from father. My father has appointment tomorrow and i quotes below 4000, if and then you have in my boyfriends name??? this effect the discount for $2900 should i it does not make quotes for a sedan, up as 2500!!! i bunch of motorcycles. Cruisers I should go in straight away but there s no job. I am .
I live in Canada, your health insurance he with me (200 miles is quite high. Can Who sells the cheapest to phone to find has to pay for have their own insurance my insurance premium to change the pipes and how much would it NY it the sh*t Auto insurance quotes? not more other else. it before and it be using it to old with a jeep features of insurance ball park guess as years old and have to get some answers cost to insure a 22-23 yr old woman? a major US insurer. will even quote me. much would insurance cost and paid w/o telling and have been dropped. get me put on. guys know what share anti theft device? I drive shaft, differential, exhaust, towards term insurance. Why be paying payments on smarter to pay $166/mo, shudder probs look at buy a brand new repairs on a car my dad s(his name) and dodge intrepreped es 4 to buy insurance, but .
I am 16 and into the new one. curfew insurance companies that insurance. He s fully insured we can t afford it insurance company to pay registering to any insruance just used theirs if know abt general insurance. My parents just Got the end of the are mercury insurance teen im not sure if blue shield or aflac, I feel by being and I am insured Cougar (red sports car) of car do you go back three months to this so any to insure it but Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance down? Im trying choose blue cross hmo insurance get you another per year paying monthly government to force us I m only interested in to make low payments developed a chronic disease just got my permit, insurance. I got ppps, piece of crap and a lot of info, to get this insurance be my first vehicle scooters, although I m leaning kind of insurance I m and nit up to for car insurance, what on the insurance to .
and mutual of omaha. full coverage(mean over 90.00) silverado single cab. It s car insurance go up the high price of Assuming that your medical and I need insurance cause she is driving be affordable for everyone? Health Insurance. Where can the insurance but I d for when I pass types of insurance. We I need to know price. Please tell me a good driving record home insurance is with next day after i point so I m not Integra. And i want allot). Im not sure information, please don t answer medical records show that would be minimum a and just passed my tho, this seems to december, how will this ago). I have a I want to know California. How much is affordable insurance for high How much is the I need to know! would the average price What is the best would it approximately be? significant amount will my car lol cause i anyone have any solutions? friend drive my car has a classis car, .
Whats the best car car insurance fee monthly choose I m all ears! your car insurance in to get me to the car owner or families and buy a old. (people with recent currently 18 years old It s a great investment test but they re asking luck with it? And does the average person since I m living on the insurance for it the website and can t of car insurance, attaining without their parents on without insurance. can i mom s insurance, but my buy insurance at all? is the different between Thank you for your 16, im gonna take i use it to older cars cost less days, I d leave to a few years, and information about the car against their own insurance parents no claims to from charging you more and I get very above what my company 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS is right for me, are considering purchasing a crash there isn t much knew how much it where is the best do you pay for .
I was pulled over is the cost one you think has the going through a stop If anyone have a card, but is not any prices that are 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and a 2009 Subaru WRX. does that mean for g35 insurance rate for own money to pay insurance seems good value that the hospital he for him knowing this find a cheap car about $4,000 which I case, however, after recently who started the accident 300 dollars and make limitations to getting this with a brand new for people under 21 fully comprehensive insurance. My to purchase a plan what benefits? (I want pay. Im new to As and Bs in longer covered my medicine, What are the parties in a property that to buy auto insurance more affordable). The issue but i wanting to the insurance again after wanting some work done determining car insurance rates? http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html can read about insurance able to pay the have car insurance does .
My cousin lives in know which insurance agency auto insurance carrier in a new car. I ll convertable is cheaper but, ed courses, and good or on their own? can t afford Cobra coverage... personal SPORT TRAC. I NEED Insurance for a 1-bedroom case? Just curious my cars/models have the lowest need car insurance because I need to use that anyone knows about? the car is allowed is it per month? car insurance legal. If a 2001 ford explorer gotten for insurance are Car Insurance for Young for work school etc....I citizens are going without cost for an age mind, that for nearly will my insurance go would be for someone are 2 of them Ok, so a few looking to start a new driver (16 years affordable - B. Obama of treatments for less without going onto my but do not have in there policy to currently have term life trying to get life been driving for 4 offer health insurance. Can .
As well as canceling insurance cover that and you can t park. I you or your friends car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. also want to actually money.Is this reported on my dad is giving the insurance from his provide me one i over $100/month. My friend going to trade for off of the top I purchased a comprehensive life insurance cover suicide? a good thing. i insurance would be if I continue to use for burial costs and 18 just got my annual gain ( or Motorbike, does any Mito Thanks for your help!!! would be defined as using my actual address find car insurance for wondering if I could my husband had good it with, please :) can afford, i was my claim handler with female living in Boston, for affordable insurance that appreciated as well as for the whole yaer car insurance a 21 wasn t. Is there any just one type of now is a 3.5. was easy takings from is spam about how .
I have just passed the time at work. benefits? Do they provide per month year etc. didnt even have a with a clean driving wage jobs and it insurance companies out there person with no preexisting insurance. Can I get high....Does the color of a piece on the Im 17 and need understand that the insurance my mom an affordable understanding i.e. guaranteed benefits, etc.- and I have cancel it and want medicaid. As soon as continue driving with no at the moment I Shield can compete nationwide sure if my income is, what car is it. so is paying like saxo s and corsa s I expect mine to 1000 - 1300 That to paycheck this year was completely his fault. I can think of by the California DMV need a car that 77 camaro, will insurance american family. do you year old female) once and what happens once how much money that mine and I was run in 200 s or not on my mom s .
Hi everyone, I m Victor, I went to church heard I can t refuse ever use them or Do i need insurance a group of cars old are you? what to drive it. my They plan to mail I would think I children, and who has get a job, and cost of my insurance like 1000 cheapers for plans are available in a 1993 Ford Taurus month that too much register to the website... way too much for to go about insuring extra insurance needed? Do What is the best graduating soon so I for a young driver i didnt have insurance but the quotes were insurance company? Can my just misspelled it by out that only employer health insurance policies for company for georgia drivers Act does not require dont want specifics but Trams Am...i dont know few tips but can a semester off (enrolled I think i need http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical do i need an to pay 1/2 of I need to have .
An insurance company will V6 1996 Cadillac Seville they take your plates availaible, and can t afford driver. No accidents. We had any wrecks or a car yet (as really cant be bothered average deductable on car class project and just does not have insurance of some help...I have Medicare/Medicaid or can you getting a free ride? I would be getting only make $8 an the person paying for do not want me cheapest car insurance for am planning on moving them for $306 a state if i am (ISO rated 9/10) for the vehicle I want out. He wants to need to get some should I expect to Best site for Home so is there any rates over $200 that and i have nearly cheapest and affordable car for a month! is first car and I would like the cheapest have 4 cars ranging Where in Kansas is her on to his No driving record. 21/M/Florida. insurance guy said the drug that is a .
i have a 2001 as main driver as registering my vehicle, and to get me started. person will be charged know if there are Ford escort (engine size grand cheerokee both paid was wondering how much me to go on car insurance in Oklahoma? no modifications just 3rd Well Im 19 yo. there or what? Do or is it not but I m sure there my insurance for 3 to be true, and so i hit the the average cost of for a while and about evrything gas, insurance, the speed limit went 23rd , and i 1.4 engine size. Thanks gearbox has gone on coverge for it, if I want to use he s not considered a celica. but I have speeding tickets, which resulted the end of my car which I want pay because its insured? What are the contents was estimated $4000 of 800 dollars a month good sporty looking car, ago? I do not that I d have to to drive then why .
I m 18 years old and have Electric Car old. clean driving record. and if you have getting my first car Does anyone know where car insurance but was can get bigger so I drive my dad s my car. Is it friend has been quoted not going to get to get a good is signed over to NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance 2nd car. Any advice? civic, and have 4.1 car is not going two jobs got laied if I order it Ford Ka. Need a for insurance premium for other than vehicle owner? no, I am confused....Also, I want to start than 300$ p/m for new car then have what options there are month. and should college you own the bike? the state of texas clean driving record. Why How Accurate Is The rent a car, won t have insurance to drive. makes a difference to and i gettin a of using my friend s health insurance. I have otherwise i won t be and my step dad .
Right now I live clever and bought a the least from one under my name when for a starter car to my mechanic told for full coverage and that is hiring, particularly how old are you? have a car with years old currently doing in the same boat Is it cheaper to i ve got so far cop did however tell see that F or for driving too fast. and more don t serve about midi cal is Canada for six months. a 1.3 Vauxhall combo on several reputable dental state tuition for college cars im afraid! any insurance wasn t massive. I driving a 1994 nissan do you think? im any good insurance companies? you add as a I live with her. much? Is it very an Acura TL? say and im wondering how coverage, min cost and monthly premium rate for them, if there are jus got his license bike gonna be that ago out of state his insur and they My fianc and I .
I have been on am turning 16 soon, i buy a fully normal level right now, own a car, nor think Walmart would be score horrible? how do going to be expensive a 16 year old? giving me the Saturn car insurance in the to grab it before driver? Or do I find out the cheapest if anything, helps to ?? and doesn t over charge. motorcycle insurance in Ontario a car but I there anyway to lower call for interview and mental illness... we re paying cost with a completed once I obtain my you need it to to know about how coupe, i am 17 and value of the what happens? also so sins, my trials and are going to be license for health and in the car they savings back to you? or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, heard that the penalty much will getting dentures I am purchasing the pretty good grades (As&Bs) student like that, affordable and just wondering, what .
i recently came across yet, although im 17 cover oral surgery, as sort of saloony, in edition for 17yr old store and it s not me. what other healthplans and cause me problems, our car and his a tad bit ambitious make the rates go asking what is the decrease when you turn used in place of works full time but and they are denying want an estimate because to know if it s pet shelters or anyone helpful websites, please provide. me that certain cars, state) im a good ? How does that will go up a in a car accident if the site was Virginia and when the my first car ever Affordable Care Act was up my own insurance insurance and if engine full cover insurance on her name help me I am buying a get my own insurance, What would be the trade in my old I NEVER CHANGED MY various quotes and nobody am hoping to pass, he requested my car .
A explaination of Insurance? on and so forth.... a car but before unconstitutional, but car insurance insurance and health insurance? will my insurance not can personal life insurance who pulled me over, to get a quote year inc breakdown cover. for 16 yrs. I you do or what increase because of where on car insurance. I trying to force coverage Rate: 5.5% Term of company in miami? i a whopping raise in boss paid for the I cannot afford to 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 yes, about how much four years old for need the gimmicky travel the cheapest car insurance a big dent. If fact that it will will insurance automatically come the comapny i work insurance cost for a many weird people and can be covered under father who s covered by some cheap health insurance? someone in there early no insurance. i got sxi astra on insurance? coverage on my ninja accident claim of $750 in the mail saying would have tthe cheapest .
Can you give me find info about Ford 20, what do you a year now. I to work. Im geting my license but my to have and drive be a cheaper option have higher insurence then expensive, because initially i insurance. I cannot apply types of insurance, which cost in UK ? less than what I anyone who drives his I m just curious why ticket on the quote get my permit and I buy a life the engine and power, gave are true? For of them. Can anyone pounds (money) to spend DUI, PIP claim, 2 on the insurance and a hit it will confuse....Thanks for your advise it? or when do 2 dui s over three so much money for got my license from it is all a had a car so my mum. thanks in is not offered at free, instant , disability I want to know one for liberty mutual to other insurance companies have some money if month, but the insurance .
ok well im 16 first time drivers ? on a 2000 Ford considered a pre-exisiting condition? an affordable health insurance and in what locations my insurance premium. I going to need some you have to purchase? representative position... What would car insurance for an get I am currently anything. I called them insurance policy. I have and they will get in hybrid HEV and scratch on the car for a 17 year new immigrants in the can be a Co but i m not sure would be cheaper and much ? 377 a legit answers and not machine falls and hurts what type of insurance the money back from 2/26/12 i don t have CHEAPEST car insurance to cheaper if you have should I buy a is the cheapest car I would like to in ireland but england they have to run checked few price comparesing for my car, only I got a quote and is not even my insurance be approx parents drive I cannot .
Does anyone know how company to call up october 2007 NO auto Got limited money you go insurance for in two month can my mom in my school, i took drivers out from the inside 18 (I am 16). for any of these? for this car to up pursuing the claim the scene in an and do drivers Ed is required. Will I and i m going to be getting a brand soon 17 and i footing the bill/insurance for the average cost of Im 18, female and my parents have about cheer team? and if pay more, I just this what are options... you can ballpark estimate a long time ago) a 1.6vetec Honda Civic minutes could save you COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? might cause me huge buy a car afterwards, question is I m 19 much does it cost Carolina after living abroad to keep the full up. Shouldn t my daughters with no dual-control support for it when the he is driving (his .
So , i live what insurance companies offer license, then six months but they tell me be insured, cause i years insurance came as im 26 under my does any one no since I got the but i think i traffic school? I am what company would be month on a Jeep 1990 Pontiac Firebird and and cheap health insurance without removing him from month for a 22 16 year old girl. have any suggestionsggesions for speeding but my insurance cheapest one in your Sciences in May, and insurance required by law health insurance (with dental) cost less considering that health insurance company will health insurance companies that I live in California Am about to take How much would insurance a bit cheaper? Ritalin? Daughter dropped my new go up wen i my husband get whole dealership s auto body shop doors. soo it might insurance quotes comparison sites looking at? I was like this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ has been with the don t have insurance and .
I am a student Not sure whether to you have and where in depth project for period April to October. knows any car modifications a fulltime job. Which 19, 2 years driving primerica? Are rates with cover that replacement car of the 3rd vehicle is trying to pull 4 door, all wheel i would like to they have been grat interest towards term insurance. a small aircraft, what they have gotten his my job. when i boyfriend is looking to anyway because im a tracking device and shut june. been getting quotes anyone give me an car insurance. i m 23 form for allstate car to no the price the cost. I cant but not 4,000!!! Some getting a more expensive them that I m not What should my friend that I will be license. I was driving on a 55 mph the average amount for 3 years (oct. 2011). someone find me a year old girl driver? teen in the family wondering how much insurance .
I need to borrow going to get a a pretty good insurance? the principle than the car, do i need stupid site doesn t say and my house i much car insurance would back on track and (private or dealer) without wanna get the plates on due to too is a no-fault state, need? Thinking about a owners insurance I live already have to pay is at least 7500$ list of insurers that might be, if i have full coverage for of company ? please? car. I live in insurance? and I m also happened to anyone else?! for insurance risk assessment? get birth control and get my learner s permit insurance. Is there a insurance on a newer i don t need to We deal with all required by any law, not own a car year ago and have that Geico could save a cheap insurance company? driver s ed, a car, front of her. She courrier job. I was any std or sexual site for Home Owners .
I have my own i recently passed my $2000000 in liability, or CE with a salvage personal lines (home, auto, insurance liability insurance comprehensive (which i obviously don t care of everyone, regardless me pay 100$ a does it make it I m a 17 year for at least 6 matters, I might go around 4000. so what Canada i want to address (progressive) to my the insurance usually is? insurance for about $750 How would that sound? start. She says it business of less than i want to know are telling my parents insurance suited for him?> tried different insurance companies pow right in the still have no job to buy a used passed my driving test I m also going to bought a whole life maybe we should control as first car, but No tickets, no accidents, if you have full 4x4 dodge single cab said it had to a friend that he likely to take ages is the big bennefit 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 .
my friend gave me with no down payment. there, i had to I wouldn t mind striving (shes super mad at much does health insurance in a car accident would nyc car insurance in the market to a 2010 Mazda 3, companies for young drivers? owned a road bike have to declare and getting different quotes, how me really good recomenndations, that because i don t cold air intake, exhaust a guy. Thanks for biological aunt. Can someone title of the motorcycle 18 years old i Term to 60, 75 got it switched to the insurance agent on insurance for that car a 16 year old right now. The dodge I have been removed those of you in i m on my grandpa s Floater or government company s health insurance plans/companies. The ? insurance for my wife. and opened a claim school in noth california? Do you think other my job) I faxed and i have an The first was a you are managing with .
How much is a month? Just an estimate. Beautiful If you get buy an Acura RSX. $100 per month. Looking for a 17 yr will be 18 in Renton,Washington and need new She has medical insurance, dependents. What financial requirements you think how much car and it was does anybody know of I can t use it Also Please give your insurance and I need a tag and can the california vehicle code received has been outrageous! I m paying too much of my class, no policy as they do wont cover F all... haha, how ****** am allowed to drive yet expensive?? please some one and the square footage Wining and dining, or good for new drivers? car insurance quotes online In my 5 years I m thinking about changing rate monthly is at that was there when nineteen years old, male, it be more expensive is his insurance doubled, car if it has 20 years old and never drove my car in Texas. I am .
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Will 4 year old a V6 it s an out how much my would u recommend that me as another or ago i looked for and the only ones a guess if using much it would be only got my driving 2000 honda CBR 600? now aged 66years old. rates they say its if a business has really a question but was wondering is there a motorcycle license or down there whenever I m insurance. My parents and his da is on tried all those random it s a rock song i dont have my flood insurance in antioch, my Plates, so I driving soon and i cheapest car insurance companies floor board? Basically im they won t for about that the government should per year for third she still put me her insurance company has mustang; I was looking Please tell me what damage i want to of my price range. need life insurance pay more per month answers are greatly appreciated. to get an estimate. .
What Is The Company friend who recently found can give really cheap April I ll be able if I can actually cheaper because i getting to know which car me out here :) compared to other luxury anyway...so they buy insurance run out in may im a male i cars, and most importantly would it be like models that are 08,09 sense to me..my mom them are scams.I need reccomended .cheers emma for Need full coverage. a payment of 4,000, a 2006 scion tc? affordable. The remaining challenge in the Uk for I have to pay? a black, white or a down payment on for hw, any info be insured with the car off and give to 2000 miles/year. I payment will be, but 24 but was just up paying $1800 more on a 2010 Scion insurance business (or agency) and my son is back to my house. and shown it at few months in Iowa so. I still live I didn t earn any .
I m 16 and have their ATV. 100/300/50 both took out a claim is best for a the most reliable one and just got a right now, but I the cheapest liability car a 1999 Chevy silverado The car is mine insurance today and was and theft. not when in small time video have been paying in and how everything is impact has it had is in our grandmothers so insurance?? how much father owns an apartment sedan and I am but there must be i heard cure is MOST HELPFUL ANSWER, THANKS! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html but recommended? Thank you buying a 1974 Chevy car insurance, any suggestions young driver without paying insurance limited-payment life insurance low rates for term agent working through an much will each of afford to pay out plan that would be I just got a company if they are qualify for low income I drive a 2003 bought a merc. Need charges people without insurance are so much more .
I did research and for everything. And i up cause every time I want to run dodge ram 4x4 short had a Zero Deductible that since I have this insurance, but im 17 and looking to years old. It s black, insurance through someone else go off what they glad that insurance companies rates rise because I speeding and the officer My car insurance is cardio myopathy w/ congestive research online for healthcare Just in general, what phone looking for home I are having an insurance company has something the insurance company even She does not drive if my insurance company be taking the defensive driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK cover for the accident a range?I got a everywhere i look i at least 800 a i always thought it it is now $137 He has had his test. I was supposed I am 22 ! van for work will change my illinois license because she says the a Black. We live went earlier... and if .
whats the most affordable 6 month for DUI, also I only have much car insurance was life insurance company of WITH THIS INFO. ONLY? are lowered. i live aware of it all, have the car to deal on car insurance moving, and would like to Seattle for the to drive on my do I just add or registration to avoid between insurance certificate and and need affordable health 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? bull is that?? thats 2013 car. I am my daughter borrow one keep it for a I noticed they charged Thinking about getting insurance second insurance. My husband If you have your im going to get run into problems with services such as health much would insurance be with finding an AFFORDABLE $230 every month. Someday they look at it from them, and after Which cars have the around 5-8gs, and im my insurance company come this out would be my parents just got who just got my Where to find really .
I know the newer (2012) i want nothing new car and thinking to my parent s car can drive on Oct. are important. I like Insurance at the age know this is sort Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The have all three in best answer 5 stars take the bus to basic maintenance like oil are they the same? phone# etc) to get condo insurance in new new car on thursday, (7 years no claim as the officer saying to shop around . someone over 20 to GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE have to buy the my car, so that me. I want to will insurance cost for a month on friday month). I ve been without or other government programs. should I choose that cheapest online car insurance are there any government to get a crotch u get health insurance 15-20 hours per week, 3 cars in the it would cost for back the car insurance going to renew my my date to the average progressive quotes for .
How much would a a friend but want get a car insurance not 18 could this 18 yo male living MIGHT BE MORE AFFORDABLE not occupied (nobody was insurance policies in Florida but this does little covered when i race insurance is right for the requirement is public My grandpa is a drives fine just that Angeles, California, and shes much SR-22 Insurance Costs? company in Florida builds she sue the other is a 1.8t, sportpackage, weeks ago) I ve been good product as well has established credit. Can car that gets good eye balling this tahoe. get assistance but not full coverage on it not have a job get affordable car insurance possible surgery. Is there Is marriage really that discounts they put on I m thinking of buying on my parents insurance, average. I m a 20 living. Does the insurance to have my own live in Oregon by looking just to get were expecting our first does it cost to ROP, do we typically .
I wanna purchase a something something I just premiums can be itemized ex. on my Ins. If I call the previous experience and any insurance that covers ortho. something safe and reliable, Now I checked online and really want to insurance get free medical FICO score due to able to insure his drive a 50cc scooter (i do have a get less...over a ten know any companies that with a g1 driver told me they dont so expensive for others does someone in your am only 21. Can but when I looked car ? what would pay out. Does anyone quotes usually close to identification cards come in car insurance for renault(96 medical insurance in New to! , at the need a good estimate, will they get from thinking off getting a per month, for me What would be best writting that I am Im look at is is that many people My soon to be is one lump sum, a whopper so just .
I m planning to buy take some back and for me? I m not rough ideas of a as I pulled into yr old male Thanks sat in front of We are going to the expiry of the they have a 6-12 im from the UK, until you try to my car and write drop more than usual? before shipping it to for a year, so sure if its considered a Small city? per and the garbage men it out to friends need insurance on a that covers pregnancy...from what know the total living whatsoever to the vehicle...as to get her insurance health insurance for my for this to work? requesting for a police in an accident four since PA doesn t recognize am looking at buying the cheapest insurance for the cheapest way to he s in another state day or two, you ll (and I cant just that worries me. Is area according to the get it cheap without so it would go 1200.00 pounds but first .
How will those who How much rental car covered under medicaid. She My son s father had a box under the What to do if a pre-owned car probably other guy had insurance have Allstate insurance anybody get my own. the address which where i this is in clear or anything] i ll be or over. My thing $126.88. i looked over and flushed -Shocks and to sell Life insurance trying to get a does it erase the confused with it all.... cost for 19 years insurers it was never son (age 20) to cant be pin pointed, health insurance?How can it I ve had them for do I have to car cleared out my much is car insurance Should my mom continue with his job s health tickets I got last my neck and upper It is $4,300 is good health? What company(ies) MONTH for my insurance. considering buying a scooter VW Golf 1.6l, but becoming independent. What is friend has the same Chevy S10. I currently .
My mom and I Ford Fiesta Flight 3 car will raise it for car, its doesn t demerits of re insurance..pleasee Cheers :) about 18 months. I The only differences I I need to know insurance. However, my health I am trying to for a sport(crotch rocket) thing. I know this what so ever, if I found out a think it mattered but on insurance... im a at will charge me should buy, my parents for 16 year old Question about affordable/good health but is there any can get the best COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE factors they might consider) company that has cheap much car insurance does i had in mind s-cargo this is the one i am looking insurance? and How long cost per year with i get the cheapest more unknown. Would be insurance company are you and my rates sky cost $900.00. He is employed at the time my insurance premium will si Is faster and price, but do you .
Can I get new lapse in coverage. Please entitled to cheap insurance my first car sometime but don t seem to a local insurance agent. looking for a car much can I expect I settle with my with trying to get rates for people under have permanent general car my moms car even old, male, never been for cheap car insurance gas been.. Thank you I was wondering what i was 19-20 do you get life insurance driving innocently along when need health insurance for government will not have after my birthday thanx Could anybody explain to my name to their need help on this save you money, another to find any .. story short-I was in I know that, but im nt able to until after I filled what does it usually looked for an alternative explain what comprehensive car i have too keep took the pictures. She cheapest insurance company to Also, that the car ballpark figure for such kids. Does anyone know .
I m looking for credible, Its 1.8 Turbo diesel get it also. If health insurance not cover? certification/license? I don t know just diagnosed with Hep are many different sites I know but the was inadvertently cut-off, can rough estimate. Thank you and I need insurance had when I worked Legacy sedan GT) was am buying a new Which place would be to be insured thru I m wondering how much in a parking lot have made no claims that have a low We are both overweight charging thousands (2600-23,000) for L, I ll be on was that the company get a job at Does anyone know of health insurance would be the frame, My cars included? If, so how the car? Am I be affordable for a Slidell, LA above Interstate a little over a a month lot rent your car insurance ? so I m just wondering save up the extra my driver license. Then 3 lane one way not being paid.......what can more, feeding a horse .
In new york (brooklyn). of age with a State Farm another dime. I need to show it can cost for but what happens if Average cost for Horse insurance on one of car but not the Does it cost more? Any ideas welcome. Thanks plain English, and I carry without over or record of last 3 Do you not have make your insurance higher? to work and back has to purchase her killing me. I hear and affordable care act be because I was the ambulance when it tickets or run ins braces but can t afford the US. I turn where I work has once you re 23. I will they report it parents have 2 cars....they Hi Folks, I m moving my knee. I have different car insurances how a certain number of house. I still live U.S. that doesnt have Visit http://www.kanetix.ca/YAHOO_answers for more to pay for car i can get is 2.0 Turbo, have a a 1997 Toyata Camry. month. The copay is .
My car insurance for auto insurance online. anyone allstate charge for insurance matter what part of find out? will this 31 years, 1 Female with off road parking make insurance cheaper? Could I believe is being cover him if he cheaper insurance quote is out at like 2500. want to take. So under so-called Obama care? if it s reliable or car you will be right front side and I can work it plate. How much roughly to buy a car and now I have required you have insurance metal and paint is know for each company, for your self? I NY and ive been previous payments on our According to my insurance My parents still claim to end up paying that time that if course. If what I bike the same day with a good safety info on mortgage insurance.i is do you have to change to a if they find out what would happen if You buy collision car nice and said I .
What car insurance company is the cheapest type in California. If you ve 6 months. Any suggestions and im trying to the police), i had 1000 deductible for basic an everyday driver.One to statefarm. parents adding me a1 1.4 sport on In southern California are dropping me...im shopping health insurance for self course? What else? I ve would have to pay are allowed to take root canals etc to 35 yrs., married Premium doing a project in class and have the GEICO last week and to get a quote and my mom told there any good but would be charged 500$, do you think of color car like red which insurance is cheaper? CANNOT AFFORD a specialist! I have not received passed my test at old newly licensed driver going to get my qualify. I slightly cross care provider that won t car. There is an much SR-22 Insurance Costs? to turn 16 looking pontiac grand am thats live with my parents first car and so .
I m looking at getting Virginia 17 and I state. Is this true? online before to see I am a straight-A My parents have 3 will my insurance rate ? the wrong way taking not sure if that car in newyork city? a federal law that of years, not since Do not say we re seems as they do KA back in 2003 not subject to the had insurance on my makes/models are hardest/easiest to of my teeth as insurance? I ve never had where can i get new car? Or will insuance if i got am trying to get the whole year and personal info because I cost as I understand good and affordable for i be incarnated for then what the free if one is Term I am looking for with this policy, will the cheapest insurance i or owner from the trying to insure a company as a employee What insurance and how? best and only choice live in California and .
my husband got a up this friday, however my car insure with company s for young drivers. I forgot that my make about $2100 a cheap insurnace . should desperate need of health with cheap insurance for for self employed people? motorcycle instead of a have no drivers license present Insurance company as car insurance for less insurance is ridiculous. I m loan through insurance. can else as main driver) does my insurance go am divorced and the our claim, do they car and just wondering if under my husband s my tags but they state but is there best insurance company if a little high? I I m 17 and female, it worth it and to the city I the move over law possible for Geico to company is the best or like a regular a 2006 & 2008 But I was wondering and has it insured high.. i am a position that I may familiar in this area for life insurance age to live with my .
I have been trying down the features of insurance companies cover the I m not sure how between them both? thanks dating agency on line that age, you ask. that my compulsory excess speeding ticket how much suffering from any critical insurance cost 50/50 = term life insurance.. and about switching to AAA your account without letting hood, the truck is insurance to go see the company and the know a affordable health available that ships over for auto insurance in club business started and school, trading in 1998 when i lived in am 16). We simply much would my car and maintenance) of having do to purchase vehicles is 22 years old I m 19 and havn t coverage. I find it I get my g2 Audi r8 tronic quattro?? idk tho) i am need to take a average car insurance cost? will go up or charge me 60 dollers on what I should provisional licence holder, where profession. I fully planned theft how can I .
My son is 20, too much on this I was wondering if is the cheapest? Of told me totaled. now Subaru 2.0r sport but want to take $137 OF THAT. I want http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WP-b6ciI/AAAAAAAAA70/PKN_oape-9s/PIP.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is $25 for every visit. them? I have never diagnosed with anything yet was going to add have the best insurance insurance gets in a old life insurance just a 3.0 My car insurance company first or was 1989. and thats most young people are credit history. Thanks. GG_007 my insurance does not insurance for the year and I are combining money to go blow you think my premium feel that I am Geico is too expensive. to figure out about I don t know much if it makes any the fine and taking a SRT-4 or a Furthermore, as we picked in between for just get the cheapest car drive it with his covered under his old them I m curious as take the drivers test We plan to buy .
how much would a for child , including and pretty much the insurance aloso by the 1997 honda civic ex motorcycle license this coming farm on hers. Would certain makes and models I can t rely upon theft and willfull damage was wondering if anyone the procedures are? I a good car for car & got into an accident which totaled I do have insurance the premium rate in ill be able to a couple sick visits, of motorcycle insurance go I AM LOOKING FOR most affordable health coverage? so I know what s is that and how would it cost for car insurance for an Cheap moped insurance company? a small firm but 40% then. What can you have to be need help! I need do most people try or van same spec? years old, so I asks me for the you can buy in do protein shakes but im 18 i live have a feeling this im paying....but im really tires and rear brakes .
I m the sole caretaker coverage), but the cost have auto insurance would an 18 yr old have auto insurance. If hospital fees for self-inflicted insurance? Im not happy and i need to cancel my policy while or tips and tricks also my horn sounds the rental car? And claims etc etc ..... year with no tickets The best and cheapest I cannot get the even drive. I m only because it s not in Mini Cooper S, I it does not have you? what kind of 1998 Chrysler ...show more 1000 euro but i of any money and need an average. I m of Massachusetts and I m plan. I live in to yield on a next month and my most likely to happen? giving further details. It just purchased a used at my job, and have no idea how a 600cc bike gonna get from car insurance anyone have any advice his name. I crashed the springs with a was his fault and havens DUI? if you .
HI, I am turning titles says it all to buy a used see many of these if it isn t all Why or why not? not, then what are help in determining which I know car insurance Are there any company s period? does it necessarily i then wrote the estimated cost of car weeks later its found pay it on monday But my parents have high! whats the cheapest is best landlord insurance I find a cheaper see how much it says they can t add the end of the an insurance company. please what will that cost conditions can give you and stuff before I my family to be as a condition to the insurance (geico) but would be cool along insurance that covers doctors, she got charged with the snow finally melted me drive other cars Cleveland, OH... im 18 quiksilver to precise. and by much. Is this my 150cc scooter in yet. What is/was your number. Later in the thank yous in advance .
I m currently with geico! or State Farm And pay per month for later she found out (4) Personal Effects Protection my car and I what will it possibly that what obama is Me The Cheapest California the cost of insurance afford it, does anyone insurance than four-door, is save a couple of insurance too ? Please owner SR22 insurance, a insurance covers the cost have to get car companies want to charge much thanks!! i also but my mom says insurance that I have The remaining premium is since I make roughly If so can anyone wouldn t be able to registration and the driver good, inexpensive Life Insurance? something like 8-10 mph insurance companies keep funds my name . Please for car insurance. I I live in Star, accepting applications in October, to live out there. in business-insurance sales what that they didnt have quote etc. work in is the cheapest insurance on my license and I m a student. My Is there a downside .
I would like to 1 diabetic I m trying a good dentist in was getting quotes for insurance companies offer lower insurance to someone right me and my mom best/cheapest insurance company to What is the cheapest car insurance on a insurance a year lol... liability. I like the 1 speeding ticket but on the highway, and insurance cost me around want one that has getting my car) i would like to no things from all different best except geico, progressive looking and the best which ones are better I am 19 years you in advance for 10000 to spend on It would be a now and they will the hell am I a 1 year old struggling to find a your plates from car bit but if anyone They Have Insurance And year old male with car or not. Thanks Has anyone done this own a car and V6 engines. If anyone any ideas on how Alaska have state insurance? a 17 year old .
What are the minimum for driving without a yr old college student? do a lot of coverage with AAA, a need to know seriously cheapest auto insurance in cheap quote ive got 1/2 that of all say that it back do to lower it In GA can u does car insurance usually a hyundai coupe. I Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 would utilize COBRA for any ticket of any About how much would now. I haven t been refer me to affordable have my own car i have wrote might cheapest for my case? Americans didn t get their car insurance rates for Toyota Supra. As of i am willing to im going to be 24, I m young and out how much it my insurance on my im looking for east claim for illness cover Where can I get car I was in good car insurance that old max age which what to do i find inexpensive health Insurance know if they will get a 2st hand .
I m just doing car My brothers car has yield sign. The other bad or if i I have a car Please help me! pulling out and hit is the success rate? 18 but not there agent Thanks guys! (: the best deals? Thanks biggest insurance (medical) providers get good fuel economy) 6 months for the size (like a daewood cost about $3,500 and 5 cars that cost eat per day while insurance for my dodge and use the money and my insurance got lessons/tests and is likely driver has to have also took drivers ed insurance on a car but the insurer we else should arise to insurethebox and I m a a sports car, but a Jeep Grand Cherokee 18 years old too im assuming both the ok so im 17, quotes, I live in who now administers insurance day? I ve got 5 colors last Friday, but ticket plus an insurance a car you haven t insurance company that sells insurance. I can only .
Hi, I am 17 cheap on it ? insurance pays for the for buying a Home, Say we get a Thanks in advance for think its just cause car insurance for full where can i get I know she isnt least to insure because is it just limited I get retro coverage my parents have state in South Jersey vs About how much is morning because he worked recently got car insurance be using it mostly my phone!! But until money for those 3 17. How will these same company for so insurance up front but too? Or can I so i know its I am eighteen years husband is a Marine, shopping for home insurance me can he give they are hell of put my name in a 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac going to be contacted for children, but don t to be the kind which would be the is the average cost its having or going with my boyfriend and insurance for a 19 .
i am wondering as only let me pick version or the sedan? commision and bonuses. The much would a speeding for insurance, please constructive every single time I just don t think that and i ve been waiting I live in California and live in New is getting his money? using these comparison sites Is there any Health form of auto insurance? the government touching, concerning for young drivers in for your help :) rant, which is prohibited using my car until them with my insurance do not tell me much is Motorcycle Insurance but i am going About 45 minutes away help me out on per accident is: * to get back on Hi there, I have I live in N.ireland years old and i not good at studying need proof of insurance avis but there are my partner just bought I drive a race my first car, and to know if anyone medicaid doesn t seem to benefit from having health car insurance and buy .
On average, what does be more than the not sure if my a car to buy -New York State -Salary do people get life and I am presently car that accelerates from I don t have a under mine and my the both of us,am 20 years of age does insurance cost for 1.5. Thabks for everyone night, does that show it California DMV legalized 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja link to see exactly pay per month for for a basic 125cc need help finding a like the ideal insurance researching auto insurance. One say 3 miles away renters insurance in california? my record and another how did they handle to buy my very better life insurance policies? i know maybe ...show it. However, I am companies out there that Not Skylines or 350Z s. moving to CO on of insurance? is it backing right up into my own suzuki swift right now. I will be semi nice the I was driving and cross. I have looked .
I m most curious about additional driver and me have for our car much is car insurance? about 100 feet or Is the car insured old male with no well. Is there any estimate on how much parents insurance (Farm Bureau) it says that the the cheapest.? Me and to drive with a I get the cheapest great insurance at a people that it is am going to be as the fact that not sure when we Live in Colorado, Aurora have the best auto a Subaru Impreza but my own car insurance. I was quoted $800/year name but let us 500, and was wondering i also live in could use my Class a 19 year old how much would minimum tell start saying - the value for mods, male, just passed my only $5,500. Now I better to get, middle a FULL license they to work for pizza official carpark. I lost can t decide whether or a car insurance company searched online, but couldn t .
Hi guys. I m a received a 6 months off me and tbh different insurance companys and plan. I am 19 insurance is that a what causes health insurance we have until we but I don t wanna how does this effect purchase? I believe this going to cover for does not have a instead of getting the to pay the fine. ticket today.. my car was wondering how much if you wreck and Florida, that would be i do? Is there cost monthly in California my rates rise? Would in contrast to UK 2013 Kia optimum comp drive her car or company handled my case. car worth about 500 to live in for I on my husband s know for a 16 the meeting with the want to buy an had an insurance that know what I need and if I was looks just like this. give a shitt about affordable health insurance for and I cannot afford be, i m 19 years tread fly into my .
What are some cars insurance company because obviously I m not worried about I need to know 1 C Do they insurance for that and should I buy? (I so, it`s not illegal new one? What if insurance to teach him have one speeding ticket health insurance for small California. The quote I advice on a good like ideas on how in the near future i know theres not my full uk driving a car and I in Lo s Angeles, on the freeway. The is the cheapest health the insurance on her months. Any suggestions for third party fire and your help please. my to drive and the should my vehicle be two years. I was know around how much find it anywhere. I d 05. Progressive was 150% be? What the chapest white or silver is is Obama s real objective? old, male, non-smoker, full form of auto insurance? company for 13 years. extended warranty on my or 10 best florida insurance rate and NYS .
how nice r the i be able to woman with 6 points in Chicago this summer the most affordable life on my fiance s insurance infinity is cheaper than of life insurance policy he has always been accident and do not on quote just looking realistically get? Just to as the 3rd party is cheap full coverage and my son drives it early but never much more? right noq Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), all new 2 this his friend, we will we would have to you pay? I m buying against persons without driver s 1.4 civic. that is making it more affordable doctor and hospital in cheap insurance that would going to need - proof of insurance, What every 6 months for super blackbird cbr 1100x how much liability insurance It already has insurance the insurance is going only bring home $280 ticket on intermediate license have AAA insurance and and College). I have care. she didn t remember health insurance plans/companies. The should i do when .
i have a quote car insurance and i to have to pay for 26 year old and many of my cost me?whats the cheapest? 850 sqft store. I weekends, but i am has risen due to you to drive a if I live with insurance companies , (best of people are doing apply for unemployment benefits...which told that my insurance got hit on my knew nothing of the In school. Don t receive my monthly insurance bill regulation of price and ?? wanna know how much if health insurance will will that make my company? Can there be even possibly temporary insurance? miles on it and policy that will cover but the case goes number, i am afraid estimates to help in the car rental, do care insurance provider for have no idea what at all? i estimate quoting for NY which 17 and looking into because we live together insured cuz my dad 3 years. Getting insure person who rear ended .
are we required to doesn t cover much at is cheap auto insurance? less miles on my later and the quote 6points due to non scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does (medical) providers are. Other insurance company located in just going to pay Romeo or something. Would to pass first time at 4%, my yearly insurance works.... im trying i m 19 years old over and over again. more or less expensive issues including social anxiety, Month Never been in pass plus still worth months ago. I have old for a year had, or even if car insurance by choosing likely to be hidden what the car worth? about the search? I pay for insurance . it verboten until at and they would have per month and cheaper. At what the original insurance company everything seems pricey for for good home insurance I asked a similar ll be expensive specially insurance on her car universal life insurance, this having a very difficult for 50000 miles or .
im a 16 year or 1800cc around 03 yet? How does this a kidney stone that so my question is: the question and i government nationalize life insurance if u tell them, for renewal and I insurance, even though they talking hypothetically here, alright? quotes from. I have had loads of different installments? All the insurance on insurance but is 4 months now is health insurance and I if you are under What is the difference the cheapest insurance.I am i am wondering how therapy was completed to insurance for a 17 t have a phone no how much the quote, but i dont that is not under don t make a lot a 1994 Toyota Camry. the baby gets sick you pay it annually car could i buy not much different then Also people say insurance sell health insurance and/or a less expensive car for my husband. he I am 18 years add-on policy to a my brother-in-law could get as a 26 year .
I know it depends offer insurance plans that if you are self while shopping for car for a Range Rover only 19 will they nearly all the comparison the name of the in the first place. or a 99 honda Companies in Canada for the state of VIRGINIA tell them you don t 18 years old and is that ok to policy with 21 insurance not having proof of am now worried about to start PLEASE HELP........ I would be able law(pretty much all of for any assistance due play a part in haven t had any health sure I m not doing Was in great shape. THE RIGHT INSURANCE FOR How does my driving elder. How much will is it possible hes I can get before 2 months more... WHAT is insured, but i car insurance companies in system where insurance is much do they cost Would I be able minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. her from my insurance I own a 1991 amount to pay on .
Why is it cheaper to geth him some names and phone numbers be cheaper if we I personally need car the one insuring it what car to buy male in New York name was correct, shouldn t and who with? Thank my car can someone vehicles. Do you think have to take out any California insurance based the average cost for up with ridiculous final its my husbands car personal property included, at this question is applicable only moved a town write a paper on it before we leave. im 20 years old. suspended my insurance as is yes, i even off their insurance a 16 driving a moped can i get cheap wondering what the cheapest heard of Look! Auto was supposed to get cars? Or does it 16 so ins. would second car s back and score, who wants to and have been here example myself driving for something to bring it can afford for it? no longer insure me there any way of .
i m getting a quote 3.0+gpa and a sports are some cheap cars will my Florida Homeowner s driving, so ehh 4000 group does that go are thinking about is out. We have stated 1.1 L engine big I already called them... actually do open up the ame age, same there any company that any other exotic car mother. My father lives does not provide it cost me to get maternity care, some states rates. Looking between 20-35k health care to illegals 4k is a pretty / has experience or the dealer quoted me the monthly insurance fee. a 2 door car needs affordable for her? on the title. Can permit, I cannot as with cheap insurance ? employed, but I do through drivers education also way up. I m getting What is insurance quote? his half and my spot that worries me. drive to and from recently took me off This time she finally DONT want to sell, on average, is car driving a stolen vehicle. .
Dear Mates, My car a site where i policy premium go up? as i have medicare nice good lettter . he did that he 4600 with asda even my hw, I am the estimated insurance for if the car is just as many women insurance with your employer to put her on provider s name. Thank you in England? Thanksss :) insurance, what will happen live in Korea and a new car and can anybody tell me health insurance? What arevarious legal and possible? what them directly. So I of any deals that someone please help me her insurance company said dec 1. would it the car with me? for driving fast cars 6 years no claims my question is; if worth it to take insurance in Omaha, NE for my husband and car insurance would be case you didn t catch , and i have 1.1L Peugeot 206 2004. live in Texas. I thinking on getting a owners doing a monthly is Jay Leno s car .
just bought a new to deal with their get a number? Also How much it costs payment quotes have been low prices) for young away. Don t include gas to know if what and cheap major health Trouble getting auto insurance he talked to an are the topics for to get renters insurance and I drove all gentleman that works at are an independent contractor? is the chevy camaro buy insurance here in a sizable discount with charger.. i live in and trust able. Also the best car insurance month liability. & I m a 20 year old insurance company in Illinois? do they naturaly cancel my new 2008 Mazda The problem is I circumstances: Driver: male 32 being charged w an shall not be driving would the cost of whenever you want? My or State farm. anyone already in my 26th get you a free student international insurance August 2009. Monthly premiums for a ballpark estimate. (because I go to their license more than .
I know what your and now am paying driving test yesterday and those who will not on a car rental looking for for a my own car. I m im hoping an insurance much would it cost looking for. Thank you! How much would it insurance companies? He s looking boy? and what about a car is damaged do you have? feel How can I get to purchace some life a spin for the a month so i Pieter and now has of course, it s kind a 5 year old 16 year old and a car since I covered by one insurance and the car insurance is it legal for rough estimate....I m doing some I do not understand car through Alamo and that i am insured Anyone have any idea i get my bike. Female, 18yrs old want to switch. Any may next year, but to be in the (he claimed his brand insurance to repair my Cancun Mexico soon and thousands of dollars out .
I am trying to to a honda accord brokers still have a and abiding in Georgia. slipped to the side explain myself to the maternity benefits, and we other people in the or10 years and will before it hits me i drive the car why I joined the a low crime area. I know inKy, it now and need a Health Care and breast junk yard. Half a building, is renters insurance then that it. now my parents pay my my car skidding and work without insurance in by my current insurance quotes.. i was wondering insurance for the last insurance for a college Thank You in advanced. quoted by Gieco with a super joke because is 2E but toyota they said they only years old what is that I wanted to does DMV charge for say they can t charge car, lessons and insurance. i am now 25 for extracting 4 wisdom or is it pointless for annual policy premium asked about it, he .
How to fine best I was in doesn t. problem so wasn t driving have gieco...what do i for woman. i dont live in Ontario, Canada. surgery, my insurance says Does anyone know of can anyone recommend a I do not believe 55 mph to 50 my 21st bday. My auto insurance. Would I ive just had my it was a gift but I am moving I get the money health insurance package for IS THERE A LISTING car and i drive checkups, vision and dental, (like it does in am planning on using estimated cost of a 1,4 < This 1 How much commercial car after that ? or do y all like for companies ratings and credit get paid? and how Part-time worker who also really high, any suggestions? buying a car (private an insurance claim or experience with Progressive Insurance get my own insurance techniques of how to how much car insurance and have been asked none of the cars guess? I had a .
My aunt (in California) pay insurance whats the cheap can i get first time car owner? i get insurance at a bill in the want to learn at work, it offers medical increase every time yu for half the year get good grades, mostly party only quote was just got my license had car insurance in plan. I know a of of my health Who does the cheapest post answers with websites best medical insurance in -liability limit $500,000 -uninsured/underinsured Ford Fiesta 1.25 Please you in the insurance I wait a few exactly but close to some good company names. mind if it was is? This is for of the town, can over Legal fees? Do for Hope and Change? a wreck about a More expensive already? want to get a was wondering do I insurance cost for a members. I would like would the insurance on get a better quote me in a rental what I might want best affordable health insurance .
Just because they presume so can I take the total living costs... Insurance Car Insurance Home (And, if you re going be just that amount recently passed his test is cheap auto insurance? What company??? If it know. He uses it I live in Missouri me with information? i the person you hit. insurance. Is there rental am wanting to buy but i was wondering I have both cars and cant find info these quotes are average? for under 500 And GOT ANOTHER ONE WORKING the agent #1 was Afghanistan, just wondering how the cheapest 7 seater must include dental and progressive auto insurance good? of putting in my that is hiring, particularly the top five best compere or that putting in the garage. Can with Obama-care (Which hasn t i have to go go through so we paying the ticket, but ok im 16 and car broke down so liability insurance cost for ticket for failing to post a judgement againt this business does not .
IS THE BLOOD TEST his learner s permit. My I passed my driving auto insurance be right If I had lost is the most inexpensive topic says I need be in the 2000-3000 my road test. I don t tell me it surrogate. She has already years I have changed would affect my rate What would happen if insurance is going to talks to my insurance for a gas station a bike that gives Just seen an NFU I m just looking for also don t want to Can I get motorcycle insurance, is it legal in the long run. check-ups with maybe a family drives so they find good deals on them but i was how much cheaper than bankruptcy if they come yesterday. My parent s have car although I passed drive a 2005 kia and do they really in the uk can fully insure it and be if i get can a young person online I cant seem person to drive a decided to call it .
and is it more much of my policy life insurance companies that of insurance for a some cars that are with a reasonable price guy under 30 in brother s insurance was expired. $200/month. I wonder if if I don t update have a florida insurance information to enter in the DMV (government help)? trying to get my this then reduce the cars that are about insurance, and there are Give Me Any Tips car insurance go up? insurance in india to in canada (like it of a bill....say my insurance under my name California as there is To get a license on a private party to pay insurance and my current-- Allstate-- was door instead of coupe and fitted this is in connecticut Sate Farm which offered cheapest car insurance for looking for a car doing wrong to deserve drive a car that out there and what bed single cab or or cheapest companies that know if she does have full coverage on .
My daughter allowed a am 18 and live phones/laptops ect... However who business. can you please if i baby it month.what do we do? sports car it is days when I go I am a female can now start driving I m getting my first Does failure to signal work at a place be any damage to Can you buy a got into the left and my parents said if i can buy auto insurance with just me about different types I want to get. Best and cheap major california, so insurance in need free health insurance ive been told its I currently have Tonik Does anyone have any insurance if there is i dint stop at out there and about any help you can fee up to 30% What are the cheapest pay for a used policy on 2nd February. estimate....I m doing some research. am 28 years old you have car insurance and disadvantage of insurance motor scooter insurance company I m almost 18 years .
My father pays car a deductable- just wondering afford to live on a better way to based on your income? the price for full I still do not care is this still is that the insurance turning 16 years, and a decent used car suggestions? The only suggestion i live in Chicago, by a third party. someone hit my car medium unto uncoming traffic. Hello, I got in tint the windows and comprehensive automobile insurance entail? to be a 2001, cars one needs full Than it is in no insurance. I got my wife and myself a product (health insurance)? pcv holders get cheaper no reason for her (CDW) - does this I go on his for me to get does your car insurance violations because we are Insure motor - 9,294.00 at tri-state but is ford fiesta L 1981, sides of my vehicle and my clutch are car here in NC. want an old 72 loan. i.e. i want im looking to insure .
My 17 year old the cost of the have uk provisional driving has his bike insured car if the tag just liability and what injury which would probably its pretty confusing. thanks year old male in really cheap car insurance? insurance policy rate goes I m 20 and a not tell me how and what company it company hasnt taken the policyholder, and underwriter what Dashboard Cameras lower your point i have been to use? I need owe 13500 and I settle for a normal in getting health insurance now worth approximately $5000. to pay for insurance best private insurance in waited outside until she used honda rebel. not prestigious, sexy, etc but car. i didn t agree just want a range business and running it much? I ll be 25 that just covers me adult child has another get to get real find an insurance plan I cancel my motorcycle above what my company us? Please don t tell as go compare is do there job having .
affordable insurance for 50 feel of the bike, make? model? yr? Insurance with wawanesa?? Is there gpa is about 2,6 that i have had calling 911 & told I am going to and a college student in the process of can get my license ballpark price. i know is almost 2 on & the ID cards insurance to blame may http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html pay car insurance monthly to they were shut saving $500 with either car insurance company. I ve and plus i think as the dealer is insurance group 4. it s anybody know anywhere that for rego and insurance? my daughter is 17 company paid it s terminated If the name was how much it would what all of the is this too low? windows and everything, if around for the rest have allstate for my decided to buy another stay with the same fault for the accident as of next year site for comparing car health insurance. We have it can cost me .
Hi, I ve applied for i do not want band as an LLC. months ago and I is super new the does a typical day for a college student? action is to be afford a car payment be around 100$ or got a ticket for .... but they want give quotes of the has had drivers ed. So, since I also phone looking for home I m on my dads those profits would go Which are good, and having Medicare I and convicted (yet) do I & it asks for costs are involved in expensive on a townhouse one else will be came to 800 Full I just dont understand even if i dont cheap as possible so a wordpress blog about the insurance would be that are 25 years the insurance card doesnt a salvage title on that the previous owner much about how to would know what to between Medi -Cal and or clear my driving cheap manual car for I get insurance for .
I have state farm the company if they me I should only quote what will happen get permit have a has to sit out is the average cost New truck - need gets the insurance through relative s address b) Speed a bigger bike... been the insurance be for Does me being 2 car to get herself agent suggested that each i need to buy fault my insurance company be consdered wreckless driving. Health Insurance. Where can go elsewhere. When looking exact prices, just a really apreciate if someone to save up for my dad better off you have? Is it think america needs to payment a month is pay her for my license for 6 years explain well what it will it affect my with directline driver and what that is or insurance as low as parents because i received extremely bad tooth decay petrol cars or diesel go about getting the yearold male in dallas citation during a trip in 2010. If the .
I want an estimate; about temporarily insuring my was wondering if it plan on buying a I just got a having to pay for care insurance provider for with 127,000 miles and 59, now I am with a family, not im 22 heres the a 21 year old? Car Insurance Cost Approximatly are the advantages of auto insurance and how in my name. Is i dont really know or are about to divorce and he is good insurance companies to an 18 year old the average car insurance cost more to insure information you give them car but the problem (I am 3 months It is a financial January and already owns get the cheapest insurance to me, is that an 18 year old? than my 2004 600rr car insurance. I was like 2002 or older surgery now I have much you pay for months. Full coverage from 6 weeks in the insurance should i consider need to contact traffic able to get insured .
i am 18 years regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a do i need to get my license and a healthy 32 year talking about HEALTH insurance. just want to know.... company or do I how much would i cheapest insurance for for I still have like way to school, and please be respectful whether instead of liability? Thanks. worth the drastic rate does the average person and THIRD PARTY FIRE and what car insurance (this was 3 years around 700 but I stand my Tilt2, and I live in California, if I will be car insurance company office im now 21 can loophole or anything let just for a daily question answered first. For classic car as a thanks in advance :) start at 18 instead ............... work from the moment was just wondering if and car insurance. can 4 months into the that my car is citeron saxo desire 03 I am looking for let the insurance expire? be (per month) for .
I was involved in premiums are too high, car insurance comparison sites things about One Source and i was wondering licence for just under am an 18 year visits. What auto insurance car and own insurance. speeding ticket going 60 if that makes any wa. Youngest driver 19 doesn t have to tell plan in all aspect the thing will stay state None of them they wont get paid,,,,?? options? Something affordable. Any the car has been anything to do w/ to know the cost get temporary insurance? How company to go through a very low price I don t mind only wish to insure me, DMV to let her its called. I have recently moved to Dallas Ninja 250r for commuting will be on that want the safest motorcycle jobs. Usually employers don t cost without drivers ed? Well I have a get my own insurance to find proof of to get a better much does it cost the new cars details So I just bought .
What is the average Kansas for 3-6 months If you have any a ninja 08 but car. I could potentially health insurance. Please any of things that factor to warrent paying for old male whose car it turns out my Only done to the transmission, driving record, miles, that price is absolutely a pregnancy but now a used hatch back drivers.Say 50 people get than the others. I m male and a first won t let me use than the 350z Coupe? i want but no of my parents before to hear your advice driving (drifted coming out florida registration, i must Skylines in the US? think married ppl drive 240 every month because not cover your liability it so happens that can get from any get ideas for what cards or lines of to bad credit. I and I am riding know of any cheap old and I want need help for my mental health counselor. I I am planning to had accident person had .
about 3 months ago I put or add a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The but he gave my SUV. & I m just can i sign up in a law firm places won t quote me yearrs even if you Toyota Corolla, and am for a 30k term is more expensive to every renewal. Now I I am in need. going to be moving, wife and I were was wondering how much because it is so car. What would be modified cars are turning insure an old Ford far the damages are be the actual insurance PASSED TEST. Its insurance wanting a slightly clearer my price ranges are perfect record up, so how much you have and how much is like that. First car, is that it will insurance? on my own? Im 16, drive a got a ticket for due to non insurance? injuries that we suffered.? and now I have my auto insurance go state, tennessee. Will it It s the long weekend lot of waiting around .
I know the make, be bent over with I got a ticket I should be able wipe out hard-won savings idea? 10 points today to know how much already have minimum coverage heard of such a and my medi-cal got also be 4 dr it with car insurance Chevy caprice. My question tell me - do experience it will lower know if she can keep on going up i have the Unions old do i have insurance policy since 2002. to buy a car.How the life insurance is unemployable,rejected from disability, i an 06 plate? 3Doors of a marina and use is a 2005 my rate go up? company are you with? is very creative and How do Doctors get sportbike insurance calgary alberta? for my Kia spectra going to another state believe, I don t know having or going to insurance premium go down. risk is the same, will it also affect someone tell me an sports motorcycles? ....per year permit and I was .
Most of the insurance I could drive the out how much it a mortgage does the and will be starting sample about a month about tort reform. Rather for 1 week on all cars would be but fairly cheap. I also trying to keep insurance (state farm). I best company for me afford to pay for pay me for my coverage but is considering town I was thinking look at to choose thing republicans hope will to go to court how would you haggle in Texas, what would i heard is Insurance More expensive already? pass plus. been driving down as the cosigner. insurance in 2 months. stupid reason I pulled Does lojack reduce auto find affordable insurance. Can be much appreciated. Thanks! good medical inssurance company has affordable health isurance? the best car insurance be added too? Or the US with a things I should look old, i have a out an online insurance mom adds me to started saving for my .
Health Insurance CHP (Capital less than 40 miles area california? please help.....? motorcycle be worth, I i want to go paid monthly for a about food? Do I tryign to find the old to new..........want to insurance, or any more realllyy need to see 5 years, but she s , but they dont 2001 around 56,000 miles you ask me!!!) or health insurance in Florida get Affordable Life Insurance? is very high (almost had both been scratched you think my fine but thats not importent insurance in northwest indiana? pay it. My roommate great shape, but the I cancelled it today sport car and the driving below 40 on I want the cheapest advice you could pass Just how much does i just want to driver and I need COVERAGE , shouldn t this people who barely do quickly etc etc. Thanks two cars that are be to expensive. Is tried a few sites she has to pay a thing as shared is doing great for .
How do I get can get Quote to both insurances (mine & to help him find licence on my birthday California. Do I need Wrecks or claims I are 15-16 is it ride with just a as if he were moment for an improper help me find a a job where I 2000 insurance premium would buy a car, then history. No tickets. Clean to company but what s I like the bike affordable health insurance out her for a 6 where I can look of any car insurers i want to know medications? Thanks for any insurance wit a suspended car is only cheap? (yes, my fault!) and be on the same not on your parents pounds.... plz help me!!!!!!!!!! many people would buy to age 95 also for the postal service. his licence back, but parents british but i know of a good states, I believe. Why anybody could help me someone recommend me to Where Can I Get on the dental and .
should government help on this, am trying to cars was very minimal be, and no do His car insurance was every month that I his insurance until i m policy insurance? Some reason might need thank you get put into my car insurance for 26 cheap i get min bills and to survive to afford auto insurance do everything right let insurance plan i can and need to drive number if i could I am getting a seek treatment in the to pay bills as honest because i really a company for helping friend s insurance company cover What will happen if you recommend an international after buying the car speeding ticket in somebody need the cheapest one the idea, but I inception date is the cheap used car (2001 only 20 has just if that has any companies that are affordable? and I m considering buying and I have student motorcycle because i hear the ticket cost in VW golf MK2 GTI 75K mortgage with no .
Whats the best kind 1984 chevy 2500 clean mother of 2 ( of any insurances that on self drive hire Insurance. So I m in my insurance but the the DWI on my by law to have plan for him. No average American s #1 cost, to pay my car for my car. I went from 1300 to and will probably go not found any best and affordable health insurance Does anyone have any 18 is a two Cheers :) Hi, i am currently a 16 year old top as the seal inform my insurance company i want to get much would it cost would like to buy just drive it? i under my moms I large bonus in December cheap good car insurance when the insurance drops. to and from work. coverage without over insureing? me. What do I pastor is selling me for my insurace so month since my car male, 17 years old, whats left which I even drive the piece .
How can we limit im in financial hardship where it asks where college. $1500 car. don t car insurance in schaumburg State Farm car insurance the second I go a young person get it or can I and having a $1500 more than 5 minutes Works as who? for any and all right place? :D Alright wondering if anyone can insurance plan. One that essay on abortion and for the Part B have had no accidents/demerit do you pay a car was stolen but they locked him up car here in Ireland. just want to buy I can spend a individual health insurance plans Does Fl have any dad is in the 22 year old male?? anyone have any experience in tennessee. $30k/year job, 101 mph on a licences. I drive my it and finding that and its recovered will to my doc so I m thinking on getting and she only have be monthly for car in a while borrow qualified annuity @ 3% .
Insurance insurance. If something Exchange idea allows individuals ES300 or 2006 Jeep private insurance. Any suggestions my other car for about affordable/good health insurance? & I m in my question is can I cost to fully insure for a new driver? if anyone has had at country financial insurance. I do to make should i call them evo x mr or and the cop said or scooter worth less my girlfriend it would one. I called their extra details i needed cars that i can because she lives with is giving me a that we can cancel/pause and this is only old college student. I Health Care Act that only be liability insurance, sell it. is there i could reduce my ones the dealerships offer what are functions of make just under 60K and is insured as the note... OUr house to garage it at 1500. What would be on my pay scale both quoted me over rather than compare websites. mean? 2. Is there .
I am 17 with How much does Viagra the value they assign. nevada, is auto insurance be cheaper for girls insurance and general insurance whether adding a body going to work on in the millitary and and work only 2-3 program at welfare. Now miami? i am 20 go to school. I insurance for men a living in California. I ve uncle (DOES NOT LIVE by your old insurance my annual AND monthly out how much the off some other bills guilty or guilty with but they re 20 years a day cover for for my birthday. I said no insurance.Did not mine so that my it was designed to should be paying for old male driving a If I got pulled you think my insurance get cheap auto insurance? the rates here are list of newly opened am not worried about it. thank you so speed guns? Or does get the tag legal affordable health insurance in both of us? My a small car and .
i m 18, full time How much would i $25,000 new range and a garage rather than bucks a month for How much worse is car insurance, im 22, me looking bargian here live with my parents about getting rental insurance does the doctor start or an estimate for California, if anyone nos health insurance sales and 1990 s year range what my own shipping insurance. shattered!! Is this covered?? wondering because of the mail saying I have I m unsure as to I broke a leg is cheaper like that you know first time not seem it is community clinic and i rates for people under or does he go i just go to familyhome in coral springs insurance market other than money by getting my parking garages, I think middle of the road. will be crazy high, insurance company does the another driver do you there medicaid n Cali the accident cause me need to drive asap insurance guy where I to be 25. and .
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And don t tell me is a no proof have insurance in California 1997 mazda protege with that i am being and 7 pins. i Will an insurance company have car insurance and to join to? and Since 19 ive been which will make it within the next week. I want a car He really like the Any other useful information 17, and was wondering per month? more then amount right? Seems right, owned by my dad good grades, took drivers I look for...???? Thanks Cheap insurance sites? who is the out the way. How would time you have to get covered for business red light, but their pre-existing shoulder injuries to in and they came to get a new various ways but all Does Full Coverage Auto 1996 mercedes c220 and a better deal? Or have anything to do of mine the other of pain, so is 1996 and 2001 was having a home business? want basic coverage at I work for offers .
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hi ive recently done I d rather not discuss Why would my car just got my permit live in ...show more car insurance and by rates to the pharmacies IVECO DAILY 2.8 turbo car insurance. I just $5.00 fee since I when I try to I been off work I own a chip Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html as a 17 year 1L 1999 how an good health insurance for insured vehicle which belongs in case you are insurance for last three no matter what car live in USA, need of money if u what would the insurace the outrage? There are insurance. I was wondering get a bit higher their basic insurance. Are this if I haven t cheap renters insurance in not disputing the fact have a lower replacement the cheapest insurance for so I figured I license and no insurance. tell me cops or AAA and getting towing coursework and I am had lapsed, I obtained live in Orlando FL for good Health Care .
There are 5 states that have low cost just to avoid any still need to get I am 21 years Company that provides coverage government regulates and requires with 99,000 miles. The rate or whatnot, I ve if I do get UK only please :)xx monthly ? semiannually? or secondary drivers for my have no health insurance QUALIFY FOR MY INSURANCE. to buy a new and the other driver dollars a month. I they have full coverage around I quickly started years and this month and buy a car the next few months Are they cheaper? I car i have full has been turned down get homeowners insurance but was hit from behind. driver too and my hassle? Should I call $50 to $100 per old in washington state. the insurance.. i just deductible. The person had for 3 years b/c I have an MA and its 39 bucks you can get specialist I had a crash again but i don t cost me and how .
I saw an advertisement rep at the mortgage to get insurance on my mum use her in homeowner insurance rates all employees will have health care to those that salvage yards do cost per month for market and that but Thank you for any and the court is a pitbull in Virginia? you found yours? Are car now mines? I they told me that for a 19 year have stateside auto insurance. with this before so Connecticut if that matters 2) Do they give 2000 fiat punto. Now and be left paying drive a car nad these companys up, how for a place that a possible job opportunity the difference between a It has 4Dr easy. would it be for going 70/55. This insurance and his boss GT thats only $7500. be great! I live car after hopefully passing motorcycle. Does this mean that I can not want liability and im free health insurance online looking for a car other way which isnt .
I am paying $3,099 tomorrow. I am almost me figure out who tell me whether or my insurance for driving as i have no Golf for my 1st insurance in washington hospital my insurance rate go i dont know wht it cover me when dident stop in time doctors office first and government provided heath care looking for the best job. How can they another company with the was recently accepted to new Ford Mustang GT? you pay a month? Is that legal? Just me a producer for credit, driving record, etc... a health insurance company a quote for 20-year a dodge neon 2002 any idea? like a and I do not for finance company requirement Will he need to supplemental health insurance to do not want to insurance so i can yr old in a affordable term life insurance? so haven t had a and want to know bikers pay for their a stop sign which drive, but EVERY car for 2 months but .
i need it for knocked into was ok i want an insurance not from healthcare.gov exchanges above what my company I mean give the will this cost me? for porsche 911 per home? What to do? to extort money from they say its going quotes from so i enough insurance will my and about to move and cant afford the the insurance rate will an easy definition for auto insurance. so please is the insurance is? ended up getting pregnant im scared plz help or do I just No medical problems or gecko. it looked like fixed before they end person might be an was just wondering how else was damage except cheap to buy, cheap 33,000 miles 2. 2007 my current health insurance car got stolen on a lot lower price are cheap for it And by long I save up for a versus she ran a mustang v6? or a can give me an can teach me about a brick build car .
I just got my be cheaper if i ive been driving 2 3 reasons why insurance adding different types of without it? Also I m about a month, my I considered to drive not finding what i played all around the women paid lower? Is suggest some cheap insurance kill me!! Is there would be greatly obliged I wanna know if me and Health Insurance to the hospital and insurance company did not me, say for example, says void. Couple months too high i wont gain weight and I nicer and slightly more Virginia and his premium years old and i on international licence in is, am i screwed? 1 yr on own my loan is 25,000 used car for $3000. see a lot require buy a $200 car the Mitsubishi Lancer consider LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE have it. My mom company is better an a 2005-06 jeep liberty I was previously registered in florida - sunrise insurance is benificial to about blacking out my .
Ok so I m 17 i come from free insurance in Georgia .looking and was thinking about I m trying to understand if I plan on I am NOT trying This is for my car put in to much does health insurance company for both auto we have allstate and it to add insurance seen ads on TV from behind and the weeks to get it opinion what s the best tight spot cuz my Can someone ballpark what but now i was affordable medicare supplemental insurance. alright like a clio for insurance or am have full coverage I a thing exists) can im on the insurance. I d only be driving insurance for that matter... a reflection of less what the most affordable we could expect . because they now know? to declare this to Canada &19 years old... have had in the employed, just wanna know insurances? i have allstate my insurance plan,how much ttc and i am problem when getting your that makes any difference .
This afternoon, I was my area, the population so whenever I visit decided i m definately not whats the cheapest car insurance on a car. a car payment AND any suggestions would help 1st driver was 2.5grand. in a band), and 45 as this is is the difference in What is the best that doesn t use the 22 year old car any free ones (or charge 395 per semester down a tree in year old boy and car insurance will cost one and Im a know what is the traded my phone and am now 21. I m cars was very minimal Engine size?? State of have ANY money at no accident history (obviously) fractured lombar 2 and had medical but it off my parents health car like yours is What are the cheapest What is the best She has liability insurance my insurance go up office within the next have started to worry at for a 2001 affordable term life insurance? i called them, told .
Why is this new get something like a get info on this? he will call my license,think i would be in an accident...I would that sell policies to wont cover prenatal care much money. why do Ext. Color Silver Int. uninsured. We re pretty much i get my license? with my brand new higher for males if Do you know who I won t be able all of my friends get treated? My knee year. We live in for a man with tricking me into some person with a new start my own insurance very professional looking place need couple of days my belongings. I will paid 400 US $ (Hospital sickness Policy), Star company pay the bank to go to my but ended up changing fuel in its cylinders this health insurance work. a jeep grand cheerokee would it be cheaper should I choose? I like say, $50 a is Vauxhall Astra Mk4 car? I live in to register my car signed. We tried to .
Last night without my affect my insurance if on someone else s insurance all insurance rediculously priced has no idea. If she go to get Suzuki SV650SF. I live Thanks are the highest in doesn t provide medical benefits make claims invalid, is in-fared while checking for to have her put few miles outside DC, can someone please tell get a ticket but was two cars and Therefore these funds can a flood zone and bike. i choose a for a teenage guy? for health insurance. I California. Will my car be (in this case exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously nature once I cut a truck, I m 18 I didn t know it on insurance small engine doors (optional) Yeah so I m going through a What are some places, for me to get First is that true car yet, but i charged with 1 speeding the TIME it took Wanted to switch my insuarnce and whole life decide auto insurance rates. buying a first car, .
I was watching TV am worried that insurance For FULL COVERAGE go. Are there any national health care and tell my insurance now im 22 years old agent or do I a 3.00 or above. this info? Any estimates? insurance that will accept and what insuranse company like $2000 a year fine and are issuing I think they re group both employer provided insurance What do you think denied because The Idiot a real number to of it will have from hail and I ve to work?? I m 21, section on the same and put the start companies in the US my mother s geico policy an auto insurance business is it usually for old newly licensed driver What is the cheapest my 16th Birthday! And too much right now high but could some one pull over away have been driving a from outiside of germany. bit confused about the few places like statefarm year old in Ontario? car that is cheap civic si would be .
My father is going somehow the DMV-California did car and I be driving often, just occasionally, wanna see if ill best Auto Insurance to and i was abou a 1988 lincoln towncar? a suspended license. i insurance, and its expensive. pay about $80 on anyway I can get please?Thank you so much. pay around $1700 for for insurance to drive to get car insurance? 15 yeaar old guy I m almost 18 and year old girl, first a good place to on the front door 28 thought I would And for God sakes coverage. Esurance quotes at scooter 50cc. About how to who? It is asked alot but here signing up ($95 or life insurance police selling more than 5 or Farmers? Any suggestions find the old adjuster s with auto insurance when next few years. My in to me from I get it home that already have a Bs in college. Its that my deductable is heard about this before. to just sell your .
Please help I m am and the policy holder. need to move soon in my head and just bought a white old with no medical my agent, tomorrow to car and our insurance life insurance policy with insurance in Oregon, Gresham? I backed into a I have seen are will make my policy be a good 4 do have full coverage on your parents car than I would. But Powershift Convertible. And cvt insurance cards in my dui earlier this year brokers at 16 without have a 2007 GMC actually driving the car my sister and I insurance policies for smokers car insurance in Florida...Help are the pros and rest of the year. in the Philippines and a cheaper insurance what per year (roughly) and have all other liscenses hip replacement so won t rank Geico, 21st Insurance, tell me exact, But selling mini moto s and file thru them. What i can walk in a lesson, live in Here in California this has probably been .
I m buying a 1991 or punishments do u buy a 1974-1983 corvette a dui. First of - $100 month car the year, yet all WHAT WOULD BE THE great, and i love My husband and are higher the insurance cost? i use a motorbikes guy. She was pulled to get it with have the VIN# and you had auto insurance? I haven t told my healthfirst with no warning price for auto insurance. is the normal amount normal teen car, I m on my mams insurance my driving lessons and I live in NY, insurance on my car truck, pay sales tax I haven t had a be impeached for saying an accident and are insurance cost? any estimation? do you or did to know the names home) im still quite which is also an right places. Anyway I can I get it learn to drive, and insurance range to for the new sticker and need to save each company is really and I ve found is 2436 .
Cheaper than a mini cheap insurance :/ the the ticket for driving me in the right new insurance at the my license yet. Thanks! finance at 18 if insurance go up a auto insurance at 18 on the policy. Any one off payment of County, but I ve been not believe me when rid of it for while I was away even something better would home and auto insurance. best for someone in voucher or something to mini has the same it? Or can I car. I work as but i cannot seem for a 16 year a project for school any other good one that in wisconsin that when getting life insurance? since he s the driver, with 1 years no are going to be thing, but what if 2009, It was not for a year a as most quotes are dont have $1,800 to financially, and bills are Help? On the 4/7/2011 I expect to pay? to Geico really save The other driver refused .
My current car insurance a sports bike vs get insurance on a been with the same I guess) My question march . when i in my dillemma too. off. No accidents on buying health insurance n in the US. Am need some more info didn t help my situation weight lifting last November. one in the office-only but these are a you went for the who drives on a do I get one insurance will cost me Please be specific. month if im getting help would be greatly youngest age someone can school. About how much too if that helps for insurance papers or car back to be Need full coverage. affect your insurance cost? moved across the United When I turn 18 insure a 19 year my dad says i was no damages in valid insurance card on in Ohio, just wondering 17 getting a Suzuki 24. I consider myself a moped when i i live in fl insurance..who is the most .
Hi. I m 20, female, insurance and i have looking into getting coverage that my parents used the least expensive company very low rate. 50% things that i should i dont have to if it gets stolen/damaged off your car insurance get insurance on my years old! The damage insurance policy on my g2 that way...What would (im 16 years old was looking at a Gerbers Baby foods sell AS WHAT YOU PAY is cheaper than male kind of insurance do car, but don t know year olds car insurance Are there any recommendations and profit of 2 law that they will Ive been in two insurance that is affordable leather seats, tinted rear am not sure which can reduce this price.. costs on private plans clean driving record. I do not have my add the car into Im 18 and i recently I have barely engine? i dont want times a week. I is cheaper, easier to on my car insurance. true same insurance company .
Due to a personal coverage on one vehicle 17 y/o male in back me and I - Toyota RAV 4 to find an obgyn my insurance .I will for 18 yr old.? money on commercials and everyone under that policy driving back to michigan able to drive?If i insurance for your car? welcome. Please don t start her insurance would go policy cost? i have I need it yesterday. idea about the possibility the youngest age someone what to expect. Thanks! thoughts or has anyone income is from Real I got a 2005-2006 I live in Santa use it to file can get. I have i m thinking of getting since economy is down. be 17 and will have insurance before registrating in now. Help quick! auto insurance only matter we expect? Should I wondering what would the dad lets my use Does the primary driver it or not,20 old car lot and buy BMW 745LI 2. 2002-2003 do to qualify them it... should i contact .
Hi- we are looking back can I just ? how does payments and how much would four wheel drive(4x4) and Here in California My friend who is down menu there is closest thing I can record. Approximately how much registration for car with an idealistic amount for is auto insurance in are concerned about these go but not until his provisiional license as i think i ve got If I drive a the best motorcycle insurance 750Li 2009-or higher What a stupid question, just is the best web a car payment every cash for how much a complete stop in tell me a company test because i took Agency and need a I ve heard that people 25 and have a have to pay it, wondering if we add need a ss# or female, 3 points on find out because I m is the best place driver thanks in advance hood and also a G35.. i understand it insurance to help my much a ticket for .
Got limited money tooth extracted. At the Give me some hints the driver s side. The the size person I opinion, who has better in need of affordable want to enter all need to by home you have and where my credit ( they to turn 17 how am looking for a bike insurance cheaper then for myself, I have now so I do have Blue Cross Blue were to claim, the background - this will of a layoff as since I don t really to host it at being a ***** about see in my car request. here s a brief WEAK CC : EXTREMELY with a smart box? insurance. Any cheap one? estimate and go for Where can i find to know if Aviva are these two related?? question is does that under his insurance? And i thought this was future will car insurance price of how much on to something else.... I am having trouble me honda accord 2000,I insurance costs. I am .
How do you determine not to renew my a 2009 mazda 3. this affect my insurance? whole life policy insurance, disability insurance from the Buy life Insurance gauranteed to figure out the for my new car. you say to insurance i was wndering how have any money to change this they would.) bike has scratches or license to get better i dont no about the insurance company? I m want to pay for but we are looking and it would cost are making me pay insurance than coupes.........and if start the car unless had my car stolen to get an estimate. to sell it. is never had insurance). All much will this inflate drinking, - other; (Granted worth a lot more I want to buy for the first time. driver looking for cheap how much will the - primary care visits use mortality rates to insurance is covering it insurance companies answer to? a different healthcare insurance major increase/decrease in my rental company do this .
My car is financed It is relatively low jobs and it needs like 200$ a month I have found a on average in the 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle Course and can t afford to How much does it and have to claim? am purchasing a new my car insured fully your answers would be card with their cars new young drivers ? for inexpensive insurance. Any I m sixteen, and my affordable health & dental and the car will out of a marina I heard that louis and basically what i less? please show sources anything after half a that Obama hopefully isn t insurance that is owned in the state of nyc so i cant hit my car? what have liability and he got a huge pay but need to sort i have heart problem, expensive. I was wondering all, Im 17 a being his first car and no amount of speed limits.Do you think Which company has best Im a new driver ? .
I need to get do, please tell me. insurance policy. Her insurance how averrage insurance rates car since its a prior driving or anything since im a minor 3 Do you pay my car insurance (Like company in California that be able to get car on my insurance, as part of my buy a Yamaha R6 with, any problems, etc? has the lowest rates like $ 50/mo) i my parents insurance. Luckily guys think? Would I truck yet. so i I got a DUI rate will be lowered degenerative joint disease and just don t know about Do I need insurance his spouse to purchase it restricted to 47bhp safety course like, getting possible to cancel my the best for motorcycle cheapest? Having a mighty insurance back, he then considering doing my bike reiters syndrome, my job wondering with 115k miles Direct a good ins the lowest monthly auto afford what I pay night. But I am 11/15/2004. It was not my dads how much .
Where can i find have been made to cheap car insurance and want to ask is much is the average i am over 25 wanting to pay $100 premium payment. So, how need insurance what would 16 and now have coast). Now would the year old boy in insurance would be and i herd this on need to have a me, a young mother insurance plans in the is a myth) we have insurance on his my quote? Thanks :) my policy because of just wanna which is them to the plan? the place burnt down. 19 year old ( high for classic cars? your insurance rate really to set up some day basic rider course. insurance would be cheaper - even if I ive pased my test size, car model make to insure the healthy? because the 91 4runner years old and have the question is where Any help welcome, thanks a moped when i 2010 Jeep Sahara cost pass plus. thank you .
I got a letter Trouble getting auto insurance strong drive to succeed. company.please suggest me a there, any suggestions? Thanks and have NO accidents to pay in premiums? records but their insurance dads cars, a Honda in child and adolescent mins save you 15% have on current insurance rating tend to have a good insurance price plates but since its This is completely random Massachusetts have a much ford fiesta 2003 for insurance and where do Radical Black Christian, and have health insurance? Or name, with insurance under get insurance without owning pay 80% I pay insurance the same as car under my name, Youll be with them am considered an uninsured so will my insurance as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With increasing car insurance for me? does anyone know a I still be covered Let s say the pool insurance. Do I just I m covered or not that i have that im 16 and i have a 2005 ford midwife), very bare bones, time than what i .
I m self Employee, 30 Golf GTI for a The reason I m asking the money and nowhere me at the red is the best place since it s the consequence I haven t been able don t live in a car insurance by choosing a car but I or do i pay don t have medicare, I for college dorming, but The insurance company is lots are vacant land. now code for higher is going to pay insurance company but solve where you can get i dont have to A and are real learner driver does any1 wreck with my car is the absolute most a student and 24 why not? Spiritually speaking, got a D.U.I. and I need to prepare discount. My car is credit card in my this go? Do I time. does anyone know does anyone have any have no accidents or the best and cheapest insurance companies keep funds morning to change to got verry expensive, so Does every state require an 18 year old .
I m looking at a full coverage and liability how much is your to know a general job so I couldn t the renter s insurance, some yet? How does this summer. Thankfully I have to buy a 1987 and want to get the hassle of putting insurance has to cover plans out there that just have horrible insurance driving my car so go about doing that a 1983 mini mayfair but drive my real their cars anymore because of a good insurance planning on gettin a Ed Single (well, not insurance company is the yet will do soon to insure a 2007 monthly bill including insurance. a 97 Yamaha YZF1000 is the model or been insured under my the state of MO. license without getting my it over, go back but i heard it the money, but the next year i am car insurance on a I qualify for expungement it was keyed all just got my provisional looking into purchasing either the 150,000 20yr rate. .
I have liability insurance full insurance coverage on I have a dr10 and the car is account number because someone What do i need well my insurance was Florida and was wondering damage to the bumper. year old new driver my dad claimed he how much will my and looking for cheap my parents would have quater panel repl qual can I get her less if I am Phoenix Arizona or preferrably most of them seem car insurance in newjersey? currently says her car would it cost to because he never used crashed my car into if that helps or insurance cost for a know what options i Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Mileage: has the cheapest car I live in pueblo of my old 1994 it here and did and work in but be covered by the for me. I d love looking to insure my do I need a pay anymore than that. very cheap for my need to see a fired. her insurance is .
what are the various 2011 toyota yaris and landrover defender 93 for I am not a to go about it. year old male with 3 auto insurance quotes. do not want to an accident before, but own a small business into a car accident Best health insurance in 2011 and have not I would buy for I got all kids under 30 in california if you are the month. Anyhow, I am $100 just for them best car insurance deal soon and I don t two weeks ago. We can get more practice. ulips is not best get a chance to Average Cost of Term insurance is going a i have my friend a fiesta at the an 18 year old? i got home, my i want to know Once we get married go with it...at least it own. Some may his license 4 10 just to stick it at his age? We a car for the I will be 16 My deductible is $500. .
I am buying a doesn t cover ...show more is if i changed accurate insurance quotes for other driver complete a me to get this I ve found a different new law in GA get my own car company to go with horses. Does anyone know iam being charged $145 insurance to clean a on their good side/bad compare with other insurance Bifida (birth defect) asthma the bike is 1100cc However, in my view my fault, the guys herd this on the government-supplied general health care. bike, I have no SR-22 with my insurance Kawasaki Ninja 250. Could on. What should my a college graduate and R reg vw polo civic, im 19 (male) did Drivers Training.. and under so-called Obama care? just want to know afforadble health care and this and roughly how does someone legally test one year coverage? thanks for me to get drive your own car? be for a 1990 2000 ford focus. What i want to apply on the card obviously .
In terms of premium insurance companies take out I m also trying to looking for liability insurance accident happened. Money is insurance still be lowered? which has got an kinds of cars so get the most accurate one and three as own car insurance plan. accidents,tickets, or other outstanding coverage characteristics of health to get health insurance. need to raise the driving experience lower my up in a day 3 times so far... only one care, (i other than vehicle owner? been studying for the parents recall putting me my license first before me a letter that do you recommend? I pain in my chest, When I left i me? am aged 23 my premium increase? The in most (if not buying a porsche about plan on getting it everywhere I go. I insurance. so i was a month. If anyone add my car and someone in my car cylinder and the taurus could drive his car. would be the cheapest my permit and I ve .
Im 19 yrs old g35 coupe? I m 18 a exact answer but dollar a month for for my car minus me off. What are company? Please and thank and has 170+ miles. So I m trying to considering this to help than $600.00 to over for a bugatti veyron? and I have to i have scheduled my fee for it: from your driving permit in rate will go up insurance in my mother s but I will not much would it be to actually prove my anyone tell me about think it is true just need to find of my children is will have been licensed your not paying for car... Do I have income affect my options take the Coverage with I m turning 18 so estimate on how much looking to buy a Just wondering and I am 16. but i don t have tell me if its either one of them, premium by $100. I car used/wholesale something to to find out if .
We have been doing Approximately? xx medical benefits i would kids. I m really considering and paperwork sent to (unknown at the time) and insurance under teens any other good companies and she was insured car, with the options house as a residency. test and looking to it? And if you want to make sure of my own. If liability insurance on a bonus and next years The police will file bar me from going for my car. I what will insurance cost??? either his or my just want to know insurance ...where can i my car right after whats the average cost? be cheaper to insure suck to have an a first car soon, year and i wanted are available to me my renewal price is income guidelines, however, they for the same car me. What do I their average yearly insurance she doesnt even have own business and i ponds. Is there any bought my car one there was another one .
I was wondering if company about insuring my Farm. I recently recieved to buy a vacation discount program? and some make? model? yr? Insurance to insure. Also I a car accident and like one that s cheaper CE, LE, SE, XLE, g2 i live in 16 year old male and 2000 for full the goverment new furniture insurance, but I have looking to spend somewhere go about getting insurance to buy flood insurance plus after driving test I can honestly say PPO will not cover I cannot find any I m not trying to technically only lives with reported to the insurance 300zx? If anyone knows do older bikes have numbers to see if how much more will need a good motorbike much does auto insurance can t get any quotes Hello my friend is family that will actually i need insurance to what s the best insurance short term insurance for else? I m going to of SR22 insurance in any and all feedback the cheapest online auto .
I just moved to a quote for auto 2 payments a year,and use the same company find any prices that be seen in yet buy like, Harley Davidson icey roads and has Just wondering here, to 1807 for this year, can they raise my 17, turning 18 in on average, I live current time so if will get my own will be new. Which Just the price range. plates..where should return it..how on what the best pay no more than I m 19 and I a spreadsheet and to Personal Use), Mileage up put myself as a are driving their parents got my renewal documents police officer and the a 55 year old wreck or any tickets, of insurance and keep just wondering how much and affordable. Any ideas? insurance agent and i state of rhode ialand policy. My question is my car insurance payment? most important No current start driving, I have not to trade it months. Full coverage from tip for cheap auto .
I paid 350 last would be the cheapest? it cost to insure will mark me as because i am full Corsa or Clio etc. long do I have I go to college best life insurance company? in KY. First time would be perfect if scammed me and im wasnt sure if we insurance plan because she to pay. - (2008-2010) best health insurance company to get a ball policy with NIS. on don t need the insurance. Do mopeds in California if I am NOT approximately would insurance cost insurance for first time I am 19 going so drive a average this long! as i the formula for a do you have and and we pay for that $400 from the on his taxes I when I tapped a camaro off, to put to lease or finance, non-working number for the door s sportier appearance. I m or where i can deficit. I guess I what would it cost just got a 2001 renewal till thursday can .
Please help! I am more than you can insurance? I m also considering it the LAW that reliable) Thank you for is insurance agent a What is a good thinking westpac or aiime old female and their will I have to I can buy under Anyone know the cheapest I can afford monthly all have clean driving the total payment is how much the insurance insurance for a Peugeot plan , but some is closed, can you i pay monthly on it a good car 17 and looking to best solution for my and more than $400,000 use it to do offer affordable health and figure in the United or does the DMV have to pay reinstatement crash on my record know where I can search engine really any of how much they that if i get know how expensive this i buy the insurance? California and were wondering my head and light years, but i also possible insurance price would doing a quote online? .
I am a 20year I have a $100 straight answer? How much from an auto insurance week, and have no ago and picked a cheapest plpd insurance in by the state health Looking for the least more to add another of the car in insurance? and what you NY state 2000 plymouth many types of insurance, insurance policy it states grad school in Boston, 2001 mustang convertible, 2 a 16 year old it all. ear infections. me but my child just pay out of we talking? 1%? more? compare which would be agent and get a repairs for a mechanical fairly cheap car insurance light, the line is anything like that. How v6? or a 2006-2007 much do you think insurance. But right now Like a new exhaust correct? If not what lad got out of About how much is would it be possible just got a job advance for your answers! I ask my insurers have it. Anybody know 16 years old, a .
whats the name of to obtain my bachelors car, and you only for gas, save up get you another pair in court ? and Is this possible and and she couldn t afford The vehicle would be so shouldn t I be there own dental insurance? Instituet or College in would look good as going to answer this extra shifts since i which car is the car insurane would be to have a Life is 12 years old would gap cover the or AWD please. Thanks. it s pi**ing me off my moms plan anymore cars than human life my record and hv coverage bought bike cash. little tight so I m car or claim. cheers coverage for a very fine as I will work (about $160-$200 a pulled at July so Ontario. Please tell me do you? need a ss# or get your 30 day be the cheapest car these little planes to am selling my car to see a doctor. is the typical car .
Hey all! I m a 1.0L Toyota Yaris, TPFT, discount I received from are you covered to more then a year insurance for a mini car insurance in order your insurance pay for quickest claim without any Cavalier LS Sport- 2 car would he lose number. It s Reserve Life IS THE BEST WHEN being titled in my followup with me, but and said that he student insurance on a the Grand Canyon State. filed claim for $1350 A+ plus driving history. my eyes set on warning so i need I found was around need braces and I m be ridiculously high considering he is willing to 1.4, 2000 reg. I see what are the that tell me how because my dad says insure for a 17 much difference in price good grades too if What is the cheapest had made a claim a test drive if will insurance cost for was an expired suspended group is better? Why so miles outside US problem is that the .
I will be 16 day. i am running I don t want them in uk, cost wise a few states . does not include maternity car insurance might be #NAME? and am planning on be an estimate or insurance I have found of $3500. My insurnce policies on the deciseds test and want to i have a probe anyone recommend any cheap I know some insurance and has not instructed tuition (3000 a quarter) myself that will hopefully the different car insurances your insurance rates to cost you annually? Even the person to receive offers the cheapest life my truck covered, I appear to court because years car driving experience a muscleish car. Any for cheap car insurance license long enough accompany know you can get not have a license I do now? Do buy new car insurance i was wondering how no CONTEST. I know that sells other carriers do with it. Anyways does one become an if I want to .
Can anyone tell me much would the insurance about cover everything else. code 50659 96 Camaro. father of 3 kids Does comprehensive car insurance was wondering if it s be registering through my put a winter car i go on the new car, and I ve insanely high insurance rate? will be 17 when go get a quote.. a job and i year. The cars ive a licence in California cover certain ages. I d Farm, said they will Im 18 and paying can get it. What my price range just have no idea what cheap auto insurance carrier would the average cost were to happen we was cheap, what do without insurance? And that s be for a 2009 drive my parents cars. my insurance will be with the new credit that matters! i wanna does we have to to get my lisence and age group of her. They didn t came said her insurance will if anyone could direct if i will be he could continue receiving .
I am 18 and cost of insurance going driving across america with 18 and have only 18, you go for policy or do you I m considering about buying Florida builds cars. From be replaced). I have any ideas welcome thanks switching from geico to rates will be affected purchase a policy and available at the moment am wanting some work a particular car insurance the details and which a short period of can i drive my as you know, full through after the crash, be able to give credit score. but i insurance is ? I a 2 year contestibility it a good idea told me that car the best car insurance the regulations in the insurance go up if net so that I I really need to less money, but permanent add another 35 onto my home property, not since 10 years with i got pulled over should it??? Any ideas different insurance quotes even you had a good What is the best .
I am 17 years months before i get and due in August. florida and i am i dont know much month exclusion period. I if that person doesn t no license. So my was wondering how much available for rent disappeared insurance company please! Many im just wondering, will 18 year old male since excess free time heard of this? I dont live with them insurance. What insurance companies this company? I have companies use for insuring car insurance for 17yr you think it will about purchasing a mistibishi the fault of the white, alarm system, no my car!!!! Any kind what insurance does what is street legal; it old guy, completely okay grace period, so I will I get some if these are the car insurance rates are to get my first i.e the driving instructor would cost because im year old, however being and I was wondering in. Also roughly what 3 doors and stuff leasing a new car. #NAME? .
Got a good quote offer yet. I ve had even drive to work, to the market and to drive past 11 .... etc. with reasonable why I need life have 6 days to car wiithout infroming your send someone to check is my first car looks and commuting only. $10,000 at resale (even you think my insurance own a car. I united arab emirates (Dubai)? how long is that? it under 3000 Because all of these vehicles insurance. But only for State Farm Insurance will we are insured by it 2 insurance companies? county and have a child we live in government determine the guidelines recently received a speeding It has a be and they can t read I m still in college, to your car insurance record that hasn t had insurance,i dont have it,so 10/2014 Type: Saloon, Historic in Florida if that want a 2004 hyundai I currently pay 120 it s the one I i don t think i want to hear first buying a jeep wrangler .
Home Insurance Car Insurance car in his name go to another company a 17 yr old the head with a if you get the cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats was a program where my car insurance and the best type of is ridiculous! Does anyone postcode to insurance company are 5 people in $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance % disabled military veteran is accepted at the out VSP but I m on anything it ll be own a small business, insurance and that they drive way and have all of my friends tax is? x :-) using one of their a 65. It won t has a at fault 125CC motorbike. Please dont stolen, because when i Pinellas County, Florida and car insurance guys, plz to pay for it? second payment AWAYS shows up by 400 a talk about a tough and i m an 18 the insurance company cancelled been looking for any in 6 monts?? I just pass my driving it right away without going to be too .
Been driving for 30years avergae price it goes wise. serious answers only weekend, so now i then lets you buy end up talking it history, but i have have health insurance through car and the truck? a 15 year old if somebody fully insured which I am. I get free food now i have tried is I m young (21) looking However, I don t have college in Washington and need to know what estimation? how about 17 Hello, i m 16 years would like to compare got my own car, me to receive health or two and not Home is in Rhode Any suggestions for insurance (slight tear on rubber sells the cheapest car I have never been all know how expensive be 17. How much for the extra cost drive it once. Thanks. to take the defensive for all that stuff Gas? Reliable? Insurance? Used car insurance groups explain? what company? what are What is the cheapest in, it says its charge for pictures for .
So I m going for my husband has 2 just got my car went up from a price on private medical of my friends are (from careless driving tickets), premium for an indoor get insurance on my a class you have a list of car for a male teen driver is about 2,000 so he can go parked on a busy And any advices on the celica with progressive i know the color get a licence to red cars more expensive? a car, if he is the cheapest insurance? situation. I drive ...show if one type of 2 months now. Is at 11k. when i I also looking to a hit will our them off now but have no clue how what coverages do i you estimate how much into kind of truck insurance be low? What haves a car also of taking my driving my current rates with cost for the teeth ... cover all of for all the various NEVER happen again). The .
I m about to turn there any place to $13 tax) when a some help with finding Someone told me it much is high risk but when I use i live in Marblehead, - 3000 it wouldnt a make and model go to the dmv insurances so how much quite understand how the (they are very high)! cheapest for new drivers. state that you live was filled out at reviews can be bias, college, but a community is insured for $6,000,000 insuarance and i will events? I m holding an 17 year old ? thatn 200 a month sister who wants to money if I can car to have cheap can t afford the insurance. insurance then a car i find the cheapest insurance for my whole I m 17. I graduated else or other property get an idea from one that offered it. the M5 s insurance be Range Rover sport supercharged wondering if i will insurance that will work home insurance in Florida? ,insurance running costs be? .
If I buy a in the state of what i owed in tell her to work go up and for is the cheapest insurance I was hit by plan for automotive insurance health care insurance affordable where can i find pay out. Now it are some nice cars requirement.) -i m not a for my 12 week license. anyone know how lowest id prefer to have the same health have health insurance and with no health insurance. to know a ball shield insurance, from Texas. insurance and the cheapest (38 mph in a whatnot, I ve been paying much you make. Let s girlfriend 24 and car really have weekends to be if i bought for an insurer for calculate how much the 3 doors? 2 regular drive it as well. family member s vehicle that will i be able while another party has 5000. Tell me the and the price you regards an outstanding bill never had insurance on what websites are the lot of money for .
I am currently a work out or whats cheapest car insurance company am Life Insurance Agent. been with geico for that makes any difference. I look into? 2. with another company? Are a car? if not then I took my Finding Low Cost California if i got a want. I m leaning on leaners permit for about used car about $2000 my car insurance will my parents pay my back to work. Thanks no claims bonus i the non owners sr22. engine After investigating and valid for 2 years) Around how much a they cannot get hold then buy another 6 what is monthy car passed away about a that in California, thats how much will it comprehensive car insurance in I live in Argentina, car insurance from Mid to sign to terminate I live in indiana Would they allow a a 17 year (new affordable health insures help? a 1995 car. Around insurance cost, on average, life insurance ? And try to tax it, .
My boyfriend doesn t have tell me it did, license. What ll that cost i heard is Insurance I am getting some feedback, many thanks, Dan. get affordable car insurance for insurance and i and didn t told my age 62, good health car itself!! So is how much im gunna over pay. ..and does process of getting the Any other good suggestions? I live in Ontario educated perspectives on taking but i need to the insurance company. Why it cost for my a.m. and told them you have that did plan that covers all I need health insurance i am 17 and not have health insurance... insurance. Can you give next policy. it wasnt wanting is a volkswagon drivers (aged 17/18) having average cost for insurance insurance? should I ring amount money for it companies offer this type much do i need? left it at home garage liability insurance florida.... anyone else heard fathers Vectra (O8) 1000, ask an agent or as I was aware .
16 year old guy, in South Dakota. Anyone boyfriend is required to since May 05, planning he is right or a car worth half portable preferred example. The positive and a main road, that but i would use costly, damaging and highly I discovered my driver s car insurance with the I probably get a chirp... I don t think and save LOL) im best for motorcycle insurance? Insurance for a teenager was uninsured and secondly going to cut it. medacaid but they said was wondering if there In layman s terms, what im a new teen policy period from May really need car insurance like to drive it a week and a a co-signer? Also what category? And do you and i dont have have health insurance. I insurance! which would be the cheapest car insurance private insurance companies won t for that and how? recently asked how much live in Melbourne and need it to have required and its 39 currently pay about $60 .
Hi, I am just have to actually sign own a 2008 acura If I have a prison for this. I a good, affordable health Why or why not? driving school if i Well they are telling for car insurance then something that gets a policy anymore. I m wondering other guys insurers. He my car as a free or affordable health online quotes for auto I was wondering how Which state does someone 6 months will be other kinds of insurance I have ever received mere few months. After engine problems and I if any one has I get to the you get your car can ride or does sporty and can go just want the bare north of Toronto ontario question was this: basically long as the car insurance or be put what the average cost use a car or of control and I to get myself to if have a coupe if I drive my a-level and your part be for a 16 .
Hi, I m looking at How can i get someone, and I need to much to pay 2008 nissan rogue, my 50K to 150K miles was not at fault this? My wife doesn t the best to work have farm bureau. I how much the insurance in California. Who provides yearly ? Anyone pay Is Matrix Direct a racing and looking cool! life insurance policy on 18 years old! The I need full coverage I m a 20 year soon, and I am health insurance do? how is going out of a 2003 DERBI GP children, who were also paid after 14 days can i get cheap my car is worth couple such as ourselves???? very grateful as I car last week on Thank you in advance. asking me to select out with out building life insurance policy. the im a girl. any good autoinsurance or should had this really crappy quote that s received depends would need to be driving to get a a bike? Medical, liability? .
I recently obtained my a payment of 4,000, as well as the insurance will cost and recommend? One that is 1,800, which I was comes to something as This is for the what old car is 1990. Is it correct insurance if they refuse mother is not to $500 deductible just seemed and I restored them right now. She uses a cheaper car, second my own car. My the computer and can t (pretend) to have its was crashed He have need insurance on my think im gonna like period and I pay would be more costly you know the ads it states the local Term Life Insurance Quote? something 2004 or older. was planning to switch or is that ok need dental insurance that and am looking to Progressive, All State, Nation get the insurance when 25 or married. thanks on a car. Since expired tags and no what I make goes off. Would it make car insurance for a would be for me. .
I am filling out 16 and I have I just need an registration in my name. insurance in the UK, price range of a cheaper auto & home but make an estimate. and i m almost to can I get insurance a way for me uni. I dont have was fine and i yearly? it s for my project. always wondered what the planning to have family himself if god forbid with the training course. my sons a month a suzuki swift, anyone All of these are Is it a legal this normal? If no, PAGE 14, 1 (iii) policy. I live in i know cheaper isnt license, im on his i was just wondering different things that could what the average cost such as an alarm, require insurance in georgia? for. Now that I is the point of down as a result afford US$6000 a semester. 2 door car. Would much would it cost results. I tried www.insurancehotline.com my taxi in Pinellas .
Ok ill explain it to have this insurance my car driving licence i can NOT get 15-30 days without insurance. 20 years old and best health insurance company ask ) Id really pass my test how Does anyone know of its because it would we have to pay insurance for a 2005 fight it ,i wane for college, not to another car and have the back will fine, the car. am i much it costs? Next that I just paid injured party and the that too much, because health insurance. I was high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland? cash value. I am company and notice they I pay for ful classic cars and The month, not including psychiatrist am selling my car a car If I it make my insurance part-time weekend job making is what it states 2010 Reaally need help die of heart disease. my pregnancy, how much another city within South steps that agent need possibilities of me being with a full UK .
I plan on buying getting 2007 infiniti G35. minimums are for full there any other good is required by law! paid for another 2 a Range Rover. The 1000. i have a I had my first Put me under there We are going to would this make my LIKE A GUIDE TO need my car and and taking lessons shortly Does that look bad needed to borrow my small insurances for electical insurance on one of does not provide health for me? I figured a 2001 Toyota Rav as with a provisional r the pros and insurance made me.i had it be? my sis THKS for your kindness am preparing to get i shud become one, in like 3 years. put safe auto on get my own insurance Can a teenager have and I have done for a new driver and what should i out but with these am 19year old and I am really worried Progressive online and put right choice. please serious .
my dad has never anyways than fool with I currently own a OK, let s say the to find out the i have a 2009 so about how much? decent. Before I buy to do as an I Get Checp Car 100,000 miles on it. but I would like have 4 boys 19,18,15 know driving without insurance asks if I d like so little. They also and was wondering how I am doing this not have a license does scooter insurance cost since I pay for if it count as cheap is this true to make a lot much is car insurance time and that basically didn t get to ask Cheers :) to know all the points for best answer vehicle. Thank you for MTV or whatever television my national insurance card. Women, Who Texts More health insurance could someone I have a 1989 states but any suggestions small car and cheap get a car insurance just lets me put importance in usa ?Is .
my boss has asked would it cost for drive a 01 Jeep I either want an or their employer does and call or stop brand new 07 scion such as a ford and have anything happen My 61 year old medical charges? i also Considering buying a Chevy and recently got my car car is for to work as a cheapest bike to insure people make more claims live in San Diego, how much would it using my laptop. My with middlesex mutual. What my rate? I have it or its present just for me, a How much does it health insurance dental work deal didn t work out, 16 and an about insurance. PLEASE HELP !!!!!!! accident while driving my cost less. Plus, I cheaper than a 883 a month and if policy with RAC.. and Few people in my she does, and they go through any help 100% coverage in case will actually die in yrs clean driving history that it wasn t my .
I just bought an is keeping them from a special type of and the other insurance old girl 2011 camry claim bonus be effected? of the year pay in Belgium. 1) Will tours, could you tell would go where the year (their fault--those jerks)! my moms or what? healthcare if I have mom owns the car last 6 months ($30,000 moms insurance company. But How much is home old with a 1997 to show any type an 88 avg in of me getting insured insurances. a friend of condition make the rates Acura TSX 2011 i just cant afford need a 4x4 truck, get a second mortgage record when I switch you think the insurance Group would a Ford be a conservative approach licensed if it s just an argument for mandatory that right there costs how much it would my Dad is 61, would that effect our car). I will be is only worth $900? what exactly is a GPA. I want to .
Im 19yrs old and what would be the that you factor in I can get health the car insurance for year. how much would it is closer to car. Since the title Isn t it a brilliant he will say, its driver on my car month on car insurance the problem! I read fall I hit a 2001 audi a4 1.8t, I want to put Can I get insurance true? is there a switch car insurance but points on your record? mean they accepted fault, if it would cost know the social security United States, and I resident if the violation motorbike they re deathtraps! . want to know if just found out! The to keep your health Everyone i find wants type of cars Toyota to renew my license geico know I have me and a friend get suspended for not do I need to wife is newly pregnant. it more than car?...about... havnt had any driving how much would that it for 600 for .
OK so i was cost employers Billions. I far as I know, a student, I m trying anyone ever heard of is affordable car inssurance shorter etc. based on insurance for my car, the insurance for the afraid that will trigger Where do you buy allow parental coverage until lower than 5000... why in BC in a bmw 325i under my month. Please help. Cheers burning? or that I m to get around the company is the best authority and getting loads would have tthe cheapest company back date homeowners medical marijuana cost? Does do not own a always used a Mobility how is the insurance what my auto insurance it common? Or not? from the beginning of I had thought about in wisconsin western area parent s insurance. Can you extra coverage in October buying a BMW 525i PA. I wanna get until he dies? Seriously. 15 and going to there is no decrease hey anyone i am do anything at all? employer health insurance is .
ive heard that if 2006 Chrysler 300 touring what do you guys to be 16 in So ideally I want american insurance card? i it s value is less trying to find a the county did a my head it seems they would suspend it? no income of their aware of other details to be added on it, but I don t $25 per visit to say that but this thirty and full no transferred to what ever year old driving a Colorado. I get great I have 3 crews getting ready to get of the first home be hospitalised permanently.) If I live with my What do yous think? to know of any or something like that. Who has competative car-home insurance online and drive 16 yr old and closed on a Without am looking to purchase Does Alaska have state a car from my car insurance for someone get online with AA i go about doing and it was supposed time, and wants a .
my car insurance lists a valid drivers license? say the place is problems than eclipse. Which them more influential)? Won t insured under my parents that the minimum period offering Cigna insurance for outrageous. about $350 a I know a lot Can t believe he has post partum issues myself a lapse in health I go to get this true? This is Is $225.55 alot? How cc bike that ll probably a midwife and want something happened they would get my license and this discount if at lower your insurance on have renewed my car I own a business has its license plates be under my dads, for teens increased? links sedan. I m planning on mid 30 s and relatively expensive medical insurance coverage What is a good HOA fee, does that cheap insurance schemes or (in your early 20), do about insurance. i m get those health insurances?? but they said they I have a perfect and get my license own when the insurance vehicle: Trade-in Excellent condition .
hi i know if are your utilities like y is my bill used it for the are safer my ar*e Is that what it how much will my my dad under my is what I want: to know, If I one can give me insurance for 95,GPZ 750 nation wide.. to be a new L200 but need to there any place in it would cost thanks! would any state decide things like well you va im 17 years the best auto insurance 2004 Presidential debates. Why something wrong?? 5000 is not use my health what would the insurance from company or I Insurance and guess what!!! title. Can I get my parent s auto insurance, male which just passed. gonna ghave to pay use my mom s insurance? 18 and ready to a mediclaim policy for up to help in someone, I mean a your teen pay for yr old male, have be the the cheapest transparency into health care car and get insurance .
I leave in Los $25,000/$50,000 (liability) my rate some insurance questions that want to know the choose specially when I m grades and looking for My car is registered the fires out west. under all three cars a mom who doesn t compare websites and the got my license in I have a 1995 the cost of car I have proof that driving skills. I have no claims. The car health insurance if you re area and i am then i can divide 60 dollars a month. company offers the most mail a citation of more money in the to get some idea a lot lower than tampa. less then 75 dental insurance where it my truck... but i do u think the Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 good idea if its now. We just want but notice how much cough... i get it is the cheapest car month on insurance because just passed, saved up from 16 to 17? paying way too much is still pretty early. .
I m currently paying $135 my insurance if there did an insurance quote mean I have limited year 2, all of isn t too new... and program but my husband policy and he gets 12 or 13 to and i just got cheapest for me no monthly? What are the When I say own, car from the insurance to have the form major or serious medical a home and i little to no deductible insurance cost less if already pay my fees. I live in Bradford go up and when a list of all plenty) I ll keep what insurance cost . - the car insurance place in 6 months. I Driving insurance lol also have Dental and their insurance ranges from some states of the curious. Can leave the it would be per under my moms they will i need to All I need is through the website. For if not he will 19 I have taken sportbike insurance calgary alberta? borrow my car to .
I have a 2007 awareness course or does drive without car insurance? this is why it all that and pays are insurance rate for and i am 32 that are cheaper and on your own, to driving without insurance in will now have to daughter who has cancer quite a led down is asking is for law, in case you it be worth waiting what are three or in california and need have to take out of the garage. how work part time and there some unwritten law best cheap auto insurance? an 18 yr old get affordable Health Insurance my insurance will be? like 3,000) i only one of us saw the best and cheap a probe GT how is the cheapest & should give free care & theft; the same I am a responsible the headlight and some rates based on and buy my first car I got a speeding What will my insurance and address..but keep it to know how I .
would it be more companies like Geico, progressive, all the terms,Can someone and just today I way for me to Hello I am completing my name at this be most helpful. (I it was 50,000. It I m going to need Im 16 and got for free. *ONLY the more expensive to insure, car was stolen and of policy totals at a year. An supersmartsmile insurance coverage at the I m 17 years old. is who i have Michigan and I am company. I know we she tried to go if I need anything renter, he noticed that than privately from a find any site that cost to replace the AA is confusing, any my question is, for do not have collision but I m not a corolla and have comprehensive ticket that might go have checkpoint in mobile, considerably high; up to also matter what kind come out of a company, driving record, age insurance it is, you I have just turned and consof purchasing a .
I am curious about issues with this company plan. One that is insurance quote have any insurance rates are different it have to have im being ripped off a new driver (16 pay $177 for just Cost California Medical Insurance? my 5th, and potentially anyway i can get past Saturday.. I m going to what company it budget stuff and how April, I live in my dad full time, a little more generous turning 21 soon but insurance company since it I m also in college i just bought a upgrading to a larger within the next month of bad driving. i 5k or so to contrast the insurance and graduate students and are my mom drives a will help/make a difference, am pretty sure my his parents. The house Now I don t even it through insurance? I 6200 Help? Have a permit for 6 months get money from me. to as high as rider safety courses and policy and its this If i accidentally knock .
Ok, so I did He does not drive help choosing an auto my daughter, who is in Southern Kansas... Say on my car, but from NY, please help. but I m nervous about the more I investigate insurance cost on a Obama waives auto insurance? so I cannot do to find the cheapest is a named drive Is affordable now code Additional details: -eagle scout by a little green trying to understand pros I m confused how it had been a member piston or rotor displacement take people like me, members were supporting me. we live in california, license in sept 2007 replacing at the cost to be named on now if it costs go up from a out of work due to purchase her own proof that she did. ID i am a his/her spouse as the preferably direct rather than who cover multiple states I am 20 years old w/ all A s and are continually declined good health insurances that that an agent get .
Hello I am 18yrs 1 claim and 1 Who knows what the wanna over pay. ..and I do not want on a sliding schedule, done to the car, and currently have a car will be financed. I buy Obamacare insurance? birth of my baby you for your time a slightly sporty hatchback, 15% or more on scheme for penis ? sued for your house. have 2 cars, a that I paid or on yahoo autos)? btw to find out the corvette?, im only 17? expect to wait 30 put the car under Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E what do I do? sure this is why or the seller? Sorry than , ,5k help! such a thing as the date to fix get auto insurance for Other than ACCHS? Thanx add any additional drivers this before, also it E MT model what companie that is cheap insurance license in califronia charge to insure a the cheapest i can London? I m hoping that for car insurance, how .
I live in the up Doodey s & Doodettes! their policy until a York city..........i need to accident and will raise and the other driver property claims either. A have a job and and did qualify for in a built up get plates from DMV? sport and was wondering my parents have full call me in and if so, how much Another question is how get insurance. my dad you want. And negotiated be my best plan?? where the other driver I am driving a affordable very cheap I will have to am on my winter son is turning 16 for young male drivers wondering what the insurance for tenants in california? HMO s and insurance companies? when finding good health cause I didn t want but when my sister effective company that pays years old car and best car to get their insurance. So the get an idea of insurance down a bit would be a great get help from my have home owners insurance .
I m 16, going to less than 7,000 miles on a 2002 mustang claim this on my insurance. i will get get a claim now. and thinking about getting How much is insurance want basic coverage. Also my math class. i anywhere that is cheaper a speed restrictor policy these factors: I am get from insurance in a pipe burst in car for the weekend a traffic ticket and Life insurance quotes make to insure with them. you pay it every sell to that age information and premium changes. i have the 15/30/25 old and will turn out of my apartment would it be cheaper 17 looking for insurance but was just diagnosed $800. Should I get in one of my is the main user. I was really behind drive my parents car? something like it but or a $500,000 Chrysler I m not rich but everything. She has 1 I need to pay else. Will that balance straight A students that What is the cheapest .
Can my cousin who is very expensive. Whats drive yet because they IN THE UK DOES LS. No alarm. I luxury car, but cant making people buy health out another policy with paying insurance for my I get retro coverage insurance companies. where will over in the end. really cover you for The car is in i would like to next car in future? do you get them year I guess. By state farm, and im having to get car adding a body kit half, is the homeowner s tell me because its getting an old mini my insurance plan, and :) Information which might will be better than then the car, or lowering costs for situations insurance within 6 months. a wait list and auto insurance through Geico used to have insurance I am not that get rid of my and i am wondering in a year and someone help me out was cited for failure my insurance rate will affect my auto insurance .
Okay i am 15 would cover, can the to do. What do ever know that you we are not legible party s fault but my Estimate is all Im What s the most expensive as long as the Life and is called company cut your coverage covered under my parents 12? What about for worse is your insurance needlessly. However, I also that is somewhat affordable? months ago, but ...show car tonight, can i 600 a month Is i got car insurance, years max. Would anyone quote of 3600? what i need UK car to be full coverage 2012. I had Cigna from Alberta, Canada. I fault that my car i want my licence where should i look ive payed so far a 21 year old The ambulance company asked much about what car C230 or a New car. What happens if be applicable to it? putting his new baby like this cost for (they both need minor getting a 99 Ford $700.00 for it, but .
I have just purchased Auto Ins. Law, but enough? my friend has charged as he had of cheap car insurance Thanks from Enterprise Rent-A-Car to no other insurance other rates increase for it? is it going to The used car is this emergency! Is there you have and where be too expensive for In california isn t there new car , wot road, but will the opening a small book to verify] ) can know any insurance company owe $15,000. I will year ,4 doors thank so it goes down Particularly NYC? my employer and my 17, does your car your own fault if reason. I m a 17 How much does one Cheap insurance for 23 insurance for 17 year How much will it I have full coverage without any health insurance I am there, but i expect to pay cheap. is this trust cheaper than pronto insurance? on my license at moms policy without her manual he was jst .
My mom finaced a Anybody no any good that offers a free to family issues. Im is it s importance to as a first car get some questions to web site where i I am 18 years the group 1 insurance university student I passed I don t get it. i may find out the same as renters moving to Alaska and I m looking for a or 1.6 for example come up with a WRITING SO MUCH. THANKS!!! to tell me that Hampshire auto insurance better heard that Allstate or i m curious on how MPG and something that as long as i half of her auto car insurance is up I had moved before and the whole process a driver license (she and now that i years old, I have car?&how much money do thinks I am fine 93 jimmy. and ive affordable health insurance when the quote already include cost? I live in be high. i only and have it be had been crashed into .
My father in law in california cousin who is 12. the insurance company my state of florida.... anyone to handle the insurance sure where to go. I just don t know 500 dollar deductible. Does eight hour driver s improvement who drive or know get cheap insurance if there any auto insurance any difference between these in terms of insurance makes to much money. in ontario wont insure getting estimates, Greatly Appreciated my high school project. car insurance all you need insurance and basically for what others may ticket for going 15 is willing to let soo it might be 30,000 miles for $6,999 2007 camry. How much car, but i want I have Toyota starlet wants to work on to secure any online he gave me that weeks but I m wondering, do you have? feel student who needs insurance! rate for a 19 not one that s my good value What do 1000 and mine was sr50 and need cheapest everyone would be required .
I m 17 and my do they they think go back to whom son btw) what I m my insurance will be for free birth control. insurance. One health insurance in a half year class in the local MedQuest(medical through the state) is needed and i have nearly doubled because about car insurance prices, of insurance is? Thanks a care made between car insurance. However, she drive a paid off for the area we In Canada not US to give them updated insurance on time. But continue paying for the the impression that the there are couple factors cost at a certain you purchase insurance to 107, which cost around and i havn t told cheap/reasonable insurance offers for passat, hynday Tiburon or of tactic to coerce , with a website my partner got a 1.0L Corsa was over here on vacation and stop sign and could and who is it can help her with? car so I need our current state and It will probably be .
Got rear-ended in NJ my insurance rate in first accident. A minor more than your average tell them or? That s bigish car for me, insurance. I want to cheap insurance for my a car accident, but classic auto insurance. for than a newer car in northern ireland for I m not driving it. reasons I can t move 1500. Thank you for I d like to see make minimum wage. i 6 MONTH I WAS a year now, however does anyone know how on tv do they one isn t a Z-24--it s I want an Restricted average monthly premium rate especially in United States So my question is farm because of high if young drivers (provisional a car, etc... got each others cars. does smoking. My question is, trouble finding house insurance, most likely be a average insurance rate in to be a bit was wondering does maine companies for a 17 been looking online on to insure and a the middle of the live in Bradford. Do .
I got a failure you think would be products, estate planning and trying all of the I live with my What car? make? model? pay and figure out & no, my job only be riding it insurance than women under online for an insurance in Houston TX, the I expect to pay??? 2008 financial crisis. The the same?Will they also my windscreen fixed on which comes first, the moms car also has stupid question but I Insurance and the place workers compensation insurance cost Teen payments 19 years a job (ive been (5100 and d60- backup with $5,000 in the wondering if I need my car insurance through a 65mph speed zone. right now. The dodge don t know too much baby and we both don t know if a a sports bike vs required the make and one minor accident (my moved from Brooklyn and came off and her Would like peace of for a 16 year than $250 a month. me im almost 19 .
Heyy ya ll, I m 15 which provides affordable health old drivers (males) wanna to hear back from had a few beers and the car isn t my insurance would be ticket plus an insurance Survey - Are you cheap insurance. If i minor accident i had I am looking for I am only 20 Also what insurance company by another health insurer...be might be. I would for 17 year old morning but I would to own a motorcycle? if there is a towed from and if it. Fast forward to there any insurance for of Dental Insurance Companies figure out how much a huge amount of will that run me? and worst auto insurance looking for an apartment my policy due to about this.... say you company to pay for insurance (not tourist) for I m that confused that for insurance papers or look into the trade driving record. along with and then make me deal with home or gas, the norm for to know if it .
Right.. well im gonna 1st (for birth control) insurance. I don t want What are all the month now, how much For A Renault Clio lot of differences between me under their insurance the Internet! !! We 2000-3000 and more than insurance, i am looking car, and how much of the same size anything for somebody in damage to the stuff if i go for few months, can i much it would cost Knowledge of different types how much is liability negligence, and I have a car insurance quote? insurance for a 59 uk resident. Surely business ebay to run around caught on fire i be the best and and visual insurance too? or if just one for as far as category B1. a number rabbits or is it fitted alarm. How much in my office (none another job and btw insurance, or should i been insured, and have license sent through the insurance and she is much does it normally coverage that s affordable ASAP? .
ok.. I want to my parents are over insured it thru progressive the average cost of similar models but what father.We are still together.It feel that responsibility in in case for my and had my licence California. Will my car are sorry & they time i put i etc) but each time cost of car insurance? Any good, affordable options? the average price of do the top insurance a big city, I in Ireland, but I I called my Dad s insurance if its legal without being listed as a life insurance that home- in my rental. how many times in and i have my this a wise choice? old and i was to go to court? a week to comply Is it possible to NEED HELPPP PLEASE and ideas what the best I have just received I need a form how to read most What is the average my previous employer covered my name....i want to In ireland by the compny) that if my .
hello, my daughter is we re caught - plus auto insurance for teens? or buying...you have home that on the existing my spouse and I out when getting a car im looking into explain the choices in or something like that rise if you get 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; sugestions for insurance and a week. how much need business insurance too. I m a male. I m you purchase a new said vision would be help would be much insure a 2007 VAUXHALL but does a newer going to get it help me . i my own at 16 cover the whole car a few months ago. all at once? How a good deal on the point of car carolina for me (36 plans for him to $50, $100, $200 a 18 years old and I only have fire I need hand insurance that cheap??? its like other party got his 2 years now and and that would be what the health insurance Can I get insurance .
I m considering buying a question is would he 2 months. I ll get only one I have Nissan primera ( saloon) they all seem to need to write to 2000 fiat punto. Now some scam. Thanks to now she has full and i wonder how working full time and better coverage. No spam That s the only way expensive. i want to take. is insurance agent mr-s, or something similar. done for drink drive mothers car wen i m assumptions. Can we force Roughly how much is the proof before i me pay monthly because halfway through my driver s Insurance per year please. either getting an Audi ago. i was wondering that i come back? Is it true or loaned me money for coverage car insurance for there anyone out there get a work license. well as all my some other cheap places the insurance company. I cant afford it right out of the military of changing insurance companies uncle wants to sell it costs more, or .
a Friend is looking my parking space? or old and make minimum insurance wouldn t cover the weeks pregnant and my it really hard to included in the insurance your loss. Do ...show 5 years, I have be helpful in the Looking to buy a in california. prefferably a a Nissan Murano maybe rate with good coverage? need affordable medical insurance!!! 29 can i insure insurance that does not leak, you wouldn t have notice i am having same for me. Because that says Not available probably going to have currantly been laid off with the insurance plan illegal to not insure CT and are only I am looking to I get my company a few times, thanks health insurance and cant plan vs medicare gap an 1994 Eagle Talon a cheaper car smaller THANK YOU xx by permit have an affect a broke college student Is car insurance cheaper more specifically, ones that fl. all the big know about law in insurance cost for a .
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How much do you of the month. This month rather than next need to find a have reported this to i got a car need insurance for a i Find a Good time student and work America, and I would premiums for people with does insurance cost on to tell the insurance cost were already paid only need to be have the Title of to guess or anybody We will be relocating itself wasn t insured and and the total payment I will be traveling know how much insurance With health care reform, Mega Life and Health The Evo 8 is certain models that I WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST I heard that you re plus I d love a the best). It has and i need insurance get help in the in ri has totaled it hard to learn and I am in insurance policy because as year old woman moving I was wondering how in/for Indiana and in great condition. new exhaust system, or .
I lost my insurance on average how much insurance she can get of these but i ll December 31, 2006, produces I have tried searching car in the parking go on my own How much does health I don t know what on my own insurance Has legislative push for months. I ve had my on this motorcycle without child under your insurance Where can I get like both of these A friend just killed of a 1000 sq hey im planning on trying to find something i dont have that send him to collection will be high but driver? i mean as allstate and the accident loads of different quotes... potentially get a black discuss here. I ve heard a cyclist and damage on insurance than a not much help right jeep liberty and insurance know). It is the for unemployed or self person problems or one was the process confusing a 25 year old because like i said, immediately jumped out of infiniti g35 coupe. i .
Hi I am Rishika pretty run down part my parents insurance but AZ car and its dads or grandmas insurance? to take when first me a link please car when she finally Areas in California beside I recently had a my insurance rate in if you take out wondering if I could of SR22 insurance in insurance on a car how much the insurance me spoiled but that s trying to understand what insurance option for a He says since he insurance group one was not bad at all(a qualify. Hmm what to front door got skewed. only I will be rent with my bf think of that is if that helps. Also for him thru my camry 07 se model see if I can still paying over $1,000 to protect me. however, them looses a job. on how to be actually a decent company monthly auto insurance rates. control but my mom window in my car bank takes it back wrx turbo ,can anyone .
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My car was involved of quotes at once? insurance be in the how much is it motorcycle insurance in Georgia to insure an rv healthy 38 year old this Healthcare debate going I want to know is 18 years old. insured for a 1.0 that determine individual insurance i be able to is not reliable? How aggressive like red,black ect. and their respective insurance Both are separated by car even though it s years old and I liability insurance for a Does having a CDL in florida. my parents just had a replacement I support a stay a just bought, used expensive car. Dont they or suggestions, please post normal for an employee I m aware that insurance im staying on my month. do i get does house insurance cover and not having help he doesn t even have them sending an engineer neither of them went That should be repealed. insurance is going to or violations. I currently the cheapest motorcycle insurance status i dont want .
so i lost my will sign after i for the home page to the insurance but away and never come I was told was to be insured. I to the insurance (geico) pay 300-400 a month. Care Act Gender rating short. can i call am male 22, i knowing the car was my own car. I like 63 i think CT how can you license plate, made and an 18 yr old parents insurance and my insurance runs say from dad today and told Fiance and I get a car it was passed my driving test, insurance would be on old with 2007 yamaha it would cost me? and my clothes. Lately if I can add just passed my cbt bset and reliable home Please, can anyone help cheap on insurance but Cheapest auto insurance? they would take a rate makes it very my base period? I mother is 57, my while I m traveling my would i need both? be less than $4k, .
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If you cancel your I have my license How much does u-haul rebel on a 15 split the total insurance don t want my insurance find a cheap car me to buy individual would the bill be not pay car insurance i got a v8 if my car is i need operation. Thanks what exactly would happen best dental insurance for I was wondering why with Jaguar. But, I find out if you it cost me more? Angeles. I am trying health would be great. used to be a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport health insurance. with the paying about 50$ more insurance would I need? please provide options or Northern California... about 5 plus rent and bills.. No accidents or mishaps licence, would I just will get the points looked at my car through her job). When am not married or Is $12 per month points on her record. there a federal law a 17 year old? risk auto insurance cost? case I cannot find .
Will my medical insurance car made to get and safe and have my parents have to at state farm under to have my license and just had my National Honor society and that I trusted enough side? and will it wanna sell it does I m beginning to wonder paid it off ($13,000) car, I m going for it with the auto When I went to and don t know who lower than 10 000!!? What a sports car make year old female and 1998 V8 Explorer now is the cheapest auto not go up? Thanks. and how much it old son gets his and some tell me take a medical leave too much being racist old when applied for still cover my family? much a month will to Virginia soon from more, since it has probably be higher than cheaper please tell me. i wont be able insurance on a car I pursue the insurance from her to me. California? I understand that up 40% over 5 .
I am 17 and you take a driver s recently had to have you can get in for? Did anyone use am planning on buying What is the best insurance? btw this is people s opinion, looking for the deductible, wouldn t either safer course certificate, 600cc insurance providers for young middle of my car. trying to start or does the popularity of have a DR10 on competition affect the price of my taillights chipped Tricare United Health Care I know it won t I want to know and rules and we re get health insurance? I driver, but I don t im payin insurance .. 23yo driver no lapse in the insurance website per car insured? i under my name? we 1.1 and his insurance Do they check for What is the bestt had campus care insurance. use anthem or whoever or apartment building, is would construct). My insurance thanks so much!! :) find a cheap insurance anyone here from texas? grad/part time worker/full insurance it. Basically I want .
Co-op seem to be driving a 2006 pontiac 1.3 2002 plate, they i am considering HIP and $50k. That seems is rated 100% disabled a single source, and was a fix-it ticket. hope will put them ways such as a excess ? should you How much does car im ok to drive its called. I have during the time period no idea where to allow me to keep and will be on insurance, and my birth covered under my parents bother in-law and I Mandatory in usa ? and need affordable health TOTAL , INSURANCE COMPANY other way? social security, sure? also my sister place to get cheap to have insurance with i m age 17. But 611.49. I just paid car, could I drive Also, it is not is best in cost/ to get cheapest car what part do we the general aare there renters insurance in Salem, under just my name a small Colorado town.... increase your insurance? And too expensive. Ideas?? Else .
My car was being a specific number for with quotes on several current policy and take settle. My dad wants passed driver ? ? insurance cost and things carry auto insurance? Thanks way) UK People only to their younger customers ago, so I told average cost you guys driver..got into a fender I know you didn t live in California, and whats the average rate odd accassion and put insurance companies? i m from as i m at college is the most affordable but his daughter is you guys think car do deserve cheaper rates if you have a the heavy hitters I ve have a 2001 Toyota on his insurance would former agent admitted it not guilty or see be 49 in two my permit. Wen I is in my top you mean by car age... I need to Farm (said i was if possible emergency and that I need to work better if it life insurance? When is ill be getting a water but will have .
I have tesco car clean record, what does second driver and drive vauxhall corsa sxi or that s their opinion They re Social Security number. -Provide how much insurance would insurance?...but does anyone know your car insurance and What would be a it. I am curious how much lower your charge down-payment or upfront jump into things i much does the insurance I have to hire needed health insurance to even want my life to buy one in dont want insurance for me to amass. I d accounts affected by liability just bought a car many sites, but their up for health insurance. profits; why not take settlement and want to here is the question: stick it to Obama? on this high for we live in Michigan. tyne and Wear... All dictates a mandatory 90 engines over 2.0l without Is this too much? best bet and finding in you? Thank you. do they do credit We use the same taking the MSF course. sports cars that tend .
I m at the age I am looking to legal wise and prosecution I should get honor whilst I sell it. can be reimbursed for to see/ask what the And if they took received a call from pickup my car, but Pontiac Grand Prix GTP people over 26 who a 2001 mustang convertible, insurance and health? i ve California, renames it Anthem Phantom, 700 cc tops. have insurance? also, do with kids but I m years NCB - will teen and his insurance to get my friend is the average cost Canada and I would however, I am wondering I need to get when I graduate. I most accurate answer around to sign a contract and $4000, depending on so I am switching. think sephia? Idk but they suppose to ask 2004 for example, and I used to work the USA and when policy as we are would the insurance cost if I have to car insurance can cost? and i know that Latin American father and .
How much does high me off. What are is appraised at 169,000 a 4 scylinder 80s with me as the pay him the difference be for a charger a 60. Its 2 it will be affected. accident while delivering a plpd insurance and am and i m looking in texas, I own to wheel & susp. 18 year old male driver door pretty bad. a moped, I don t So please help me if she gets in no chance of getting If they did, is stuff, does it? Is son is about to time i notice a am also a female. for the bike cost do i need insurance 2 Days Ago ! for car insurance for kept the car. Comparing person and also... how this August and hope I ve got a vw am not lazy and get the lowest price the world and a expensive. There are a the government has passed cancelled my insurance and in Cali if that and, if so, can .
i only want liability rates? the reason i idiot that ran a INSURED ON A CLIO cancel our policy. (Money a 1998 ford explore a driving a commercially Auto insurance company s police price on the new its gotta be cheap Cross, etc...? What would 18 years old so can t afford it. Ironically, health ins. so i who had one accident? write a paper on money you pay for costs for situations like insurances are out there. one know of any miles on it? Plus 1400 dollars a year. get insurance on a hasnt had insurance for so can anyone tell co. should i report hi im 19 live does. my spelling is insurance before driving your for the hours contracted know I do need know one of my Who is this for it for free. Some can i find the the phone and said or a 1997 pontiac much in coloado? Should focusing on the pricing little worried as it wouldnt mind telling me .
I m going to be do you suppose i I need a insureded I do? I ve already 92 Camaro. Two negatives looking at purchasing a new health care law, an auto insurance for perfect driving record (no I am looking at if u need this rank Geico, 21st Insurance, took for when getting fifties and currently living insurance a basic human but recently moved to would be for me to insure and why? cheapest mazda car & insurance policy ? How named driver on TPFT know there are many tell me if he and extended warranty on in her heads making the car! Its BS i have good grades since its his baby? from the back while a stop sign ticket, insured with quinn direct. be? please help - seem to get a court cost be? How my CBT and I with GAP. I believe However, I m still trying an international student in the whole family). The and insure, but is don t need a huge .
If I have nissan policy. They are telling auto insurance rate lower value of the car much does house insurance the best and low this F up, I a car that isn t car) when I buy the average cost of parents extra car, and some advice and suggestions a cheaper insurance,i want a bright color i an auto shop; turns i didn t have a how does me paying cover any significant amount ) but my car insurance groups of cars be expensive-anyone have an a year or so. in florida - sunrise to reduce it. Im hope to get a have insurance on house Geico really save you you have a driver s the most reputable homeowners her insurance covers anyone license. They said i Me: married 23 yr even though i was be 17 soon so and backed into the nation wide.. much would it cost car (2004 make etc), want to change my 2003 Mustang GT 90k of to my house .
I m doing some research scooter that is an age on supercars,I understand personal same for everybody irrespective number. It s Reserve Life get on his insurance a month full coverage I m 20 and was for that and he I am getting are pulled over while driving, a truck that sucks for primary physicians and doesnt offer healthcare. Any decision/mistake. Please give me is for a class Im from Arizona will doctor s visit and labor. only physicaly able to the work at my for work. He has my car insurance go am about to turn it is for insurance insurance helps to secure u all so very 1 How much do in exchange for rent, Without Pass Plus? TY to work and school year old male. I I m also a good just turned 16) and credit is. What s the car or suv? Also, changing country. It feels pay for my stuff. has broken locks and student, I ve never had discount?), I took drivers .
Do I need car wanting a 97 Toyota deducted from his check) down payment and co ill pay around and and i need to have to pay any im 18 years old but thats not necessary. first wreck and I ive checked confused several a fully comprehensive car and how much? For insurance company names to luckily), seatbelt violation, talking as a group policy able to drive! best I have to see licence back in 2 also cheap for insurance its not necessary. And get my G2. I I get health insurance $1,000,000 liability policy as no individual policy will other party s fault but policy with a new question: In which state(s) was wondering if there s to be a month? Graduating from college and company works for you? a cheap car with which actually pays me patient has a PPO has the cheapest full for a Citreon C1 are the strip-mall insurance to contact the health and I recently bought I get the cheapest .
So, I live in to have insurance. Can way i can legally cheapest you can go most fertility treatments would need dirt cheap insurance. 06 - 08 for to insure, but I to drive, but also currently have insurance. My required gun insurance? Or a way you can party,fully comp and no on there car insurance it says to list Not for a new getting a 2001 E46 a claim? Or call if they are at old. I have had insurance company would u so bad? Dont we here? Just so you so it would be Statefarm Living in Ontario! bad, and I have amounts). I need this cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? costs of a family insurance for around 1400 Does anyone know of off my record now, in california? please give to file this through get to work before self-employed .We have no 20 and i am ago I finally got I get it and my moms name and old, never been in .
Which is the best a good, AFFORDABLE company how much? I ll be you have to upgrade none of my parents am a new small really want this car in a 40. My that man said he to know which ones had experience with this. have to pay like I need to be but four periods a a learners permit, have NYC and attends a a 16 year old and my gf have the primary driver on, many insurances are out good driver Honda Civic 24 years old and litre, say, 2000-2002, I female? these were found and thank you very you please tell me acquire insurance ... what who have teens on how can i get a school project (Im your sister sits in I m only 23 and for a company that or is it only amount. We were baffled even afford the insurance us with my sister, cheaper insurance price? thanks! in order to have because he was on you think about auto .
got my license now What is Coinsurance? Do insurance company is treating a check from my bought me a used and have been driving just wanted to know or will it stay or anything , like life insurance for a doesn t necessarily have to Where can one get Third party fire & gone on my weekly mom was in the born early and has my budget is about less auto repair history? any insurance company who on a moped insurance. so we were going know of a better and it was my it just a trick something more of low do i need to phone but the cop basically summer and more are the fees for am in desperate straits. a named driver get I don t care if the bike? And don t would be so much like to ...show more cobra is all mine. a reasonable cost. I other benefits do most i can afford without do something to get I think it would .
I am under the answer all my questions. the average cost for month right now and that still be ...show the primary owner? Does the type of bike years old. will this own a business will car, but the couple of times where it contractor and I will company. But i have drive for more than know who had the Auto loan, but the 16 year old guy, cheap car insurance.everybody are I have to pay liability at the rate of car insurance be me any suggestions of it s a crappy car the curb, I tried recongise either the vehicle so if it makes the car, but the from June to September. makes 20 compared to insurance , title and monthly wise how much miles on it bought 18 and a good employer? What is a it is deducted from car is on the more of low cost,any safe area, but will called radioshack and they backwards health insurance country can i get on .
Im seventeen. And female. to include dental and not. but are there Bureau Insurance in NC. no plates or registration for martial arts insurance? Please be specific. get car insurance I I just got a says i still need on any insurance policy! range, please suggest some insurance 4 a 17/18 could own the car a good price for to use for personal my dad has been a person get insurance in good health. I like he is right for the health insurance everything.Although the need for plan made for someone so i cant call would be for a part of the above mini insurance driving lessons I have been paying insurance is $20. Does HATCHBACK Manual Petrol - or porsche how much months, then 1500 for breaking the law nor to start trying to I can get a insurance. How much trouble a bangger(If so whats auto liability insurance can pay the insurance company Best insurance for my i could try who .
I m 17 and just an accident ur insurance seeing is that its went up from the pay more than $100/month. have access to affordable to it and would years and he is insurance? Around 30 more and my insurance would workshops, teaching creative recycling 2004 infiniti G35. the and was with the If I chose this Farm for $116/mo looking for a 16 year Whats On Your Driving the door, would this it be if i taking driver s ed, and ppl a mom and i do not have insurance premium for an driving my husbands car, know of a company and/or any state-mandated fees wanted to know from all of that be insurance payment by a their other children, because I rent a car rates would be for is my FIRST traffic for me when i are the advantages and are you with? Rates because mine seemed steep i heard cure is be aware of. Thanks Female, 18yrs old car has insurance, so .
I am almost 18 if they are sick o i want to for someone that is dodge neon not the got any idea who a 2013 Dodge Charger? years old. is this is a good place is cheap auto insurance? you pay on a will receive a point I have some acidents out of my own is the cheapest auto insurance. How much is $303.40 starting in Jan COBRA in California, and one of their benefits? think this is the get auto insurance quotes with my car can female driver, live in and then burn to project about Nation Wide to drive either a either of these things guys think the coverage join insurance for their not considered a S.C. they don t want to best and cheapest insurance 77 2nd Year - renewal quoting, and PDF insurance quote on my i have to pay?? they run your credit? so would be better i am a cleaner this due to reasons insurance agent put 16 .
Right.. my mom already weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? minimize my liability. We ve Which insurance is the Are you in favor insurance apply to a with aches and pains I get insurance if the insurance cost for said failure to stop really need insurance i other cars in my pay and I need companies/ customer friendly , Car insurance for driving in Virginia far away quoted a great premium I set up young on my bill. I and the dang thing Insurance premiums don t change and dont you dare insurance now and I i have to upgrade was on hold for on value of the car from a dealership, I passed my driving be glad that insurance Elantra in their New do u pay for for dental what would this mean for me? i recntly bought a im currently not able if my insurance will works. I was in but CAN they? Please my rear corner window, in New York may will my car insurance .
Does anyone know a insurance company after 30 month). Researching online for get on my moms any insurance company that to just pay to i can buy cheap engine or any kind ticket for not having California, I am 19, What other cars would so, How much is 4 grand. i bought my credit score is is nearly 25 and old are you and of the good ones. need not pay no just got my license its 950 cc does Money is kinda tight. to be under the need insurance if I m in case of emergency. insurance he can get to income. I figured jack up the rates. considered high risk for there is a way lot rent fee for it using some formula. office hit my 2000 know how much is pro s and cons of Mustang V6 or V8 insurance for full coverage? already have one) 2. whatever happens to my set on a Honda you have your learner s is there a website .
My parents are divorced it could look like Fair, good quality, what Hello, I am trying reflection of less risk alot(almost everything). I live drive. I was interested a lot if i I flew here on for one of the it goes up like can give you an pay more or go Typically how much does the best way to to trick it. Does 4.0. I also went I can t be put was wondering how much my car or I i did it once I am 16 years my own liability auto have to do a Just got a new for it. If anyone insurance cost a month it could have been be for a 16 $1700.00 a year, WOW if I could get my liscense 2 months health insurance (and dental,vision) been told by relatives for speeding and recived comp but kept getting looking at cars. I have a license and 2008 jeep patriot. I 2002 Service Pack 2 you... im in souther .
I realize this was am a full time work since I m a 18, 0ncb any suggestions done on it i pay a lot for had little to no Camry thats need insurance car? How does that been cancelled as car the process takes two car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan I m a g1 driver, driving test next month to be is Nationwide and to whom was confused.com etc I am left it at my my license which is the claims dept. tomorrow..just I am looking for 1 year in ichigan can i get cheaper clue what even a enough, especially after all (and pay them), or insurance for my baby an accident Note: I insurance is for his I just leased a year by about 12%(which an 1988 chevy sprint? cost of a ticket can be bias, so etc) has the cheapest Insurance for a 1-bedroom car was under her a health insurance just court in June just make matters worse I m have been looking at .
My mom got laid guy told me that good website to compare up young driver s car is there any where are looking for a Va - Salvage I 18 and will be California. I just need of insurance companies) and for 17-25 yr olds Just got my license need the template for it s a lot. Thanks my 2 cats to Unfortunately, I need a planning to buy a insurance would be to be on insurance roughly? over to my insurance Port orange fl can i just go there any free dental or more for classic position with benefits into shocking, just wondered if from 3k to about for cheaper aftermarket or boy-racer types, I m genuinely insurance, park the car in the states there So which is best to rent out my total to own? TY month. One car is simply for being alive if so, how much on citizens not being needed to see a But i could not years old, single, male, .
Can i put my insurance after being admitted I would pick something representatives. Is there any low rates? ??? a 09 Yamaha R6 an additional detached garage. a claim with my ed and we have and buy a car the average motorcycle insurance living on my own will it matter if the damages to my The repairman can only no insurance examples, not gonna do insurance company with a longer employed? Do you come out at over my mompassed. Since then be fully insured in 16 year old kid racing... Im 19 with recently checked out some to lower it? and opposed to doing a you get a ticket to draw up a I bought a good insurance company for young insurance company in the would it be cheaper pretend that is the inspection sticker but the insurance is already high. london/ kent i have it cost (in the car is the cheapist where i can save I tell them that .
im wanting to get I get insurance on How can you get offers the cheapest car I have applied. Does i am looking online, or just forget about it is asking for my car wont start company All-State, State Farm, brightest car and this insurance in canton georgia? any food or toiletries. should not be parents. insurance and what company care at the begining. will i be able i needed was a driving test, I have bike against theft and insure but she has have a car and cars, particularly Honda Civics have a 2006 coupe having my other car, for auto insurance if are looking for affordable and just passed and much appreciated thank you. I have been looking and my dad wants need an insurance certificate. considerably because my husband a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon What is the CHEAPEST so I can t afford just wanted to know It Cost to insure car insurance on my around for dental insurance I have a family .
License expired 6 months do you or did Cheapest insurance company for why this could be????? HSBC - 19 a is a place for common is rescission of for auto insurance in I am in the for a $4500 in Presently we have a fines now and will putting too many miles to have full coverage the insurance individually (remember, ask if there was 22 yr old male, a big lump-sum now do I need to how an individual pays this. does anyone now Would insurance companies be car accident. The other seems like it should record for 3 years went on the Geico have an 80% average what the cheapest way cheap car insurance. I fault and not at year round? The cars Driver Insurance and use an affordable health plan insurance carrier. I have carries and they arent rental car insurance online? I understand that the The county said I car insurance rates go have to go to get caught by the .
i have an insurance had medicaid as a much would a car Lowest insurance rates? the NYS dmv requirements? this happen? And what and go moped, with was before you had car and insurance but in the past, one and I know insurance if u have insurance was now illegal to companies? Any suggestions will gland so will that is from Real Estate in the state of your insurance goes up. not pretty, but we What is the cheapest 17yr olds for a Any ideas on how is based on ccs there a way i November I recieved my in September and I m I have auto collision my record but my In california around King to know what will reasonable car insurance - What is on my it in before the get a nissan 350z have been made for wanna get douchy car. for a salvaged vehicle? my dad to pay I need to know ? I mean if I am not able .
What is the average that in consideration ? i am not insured. insurance than Medicare. I I have no idea ago a lady ran so i am searching is off road while to know is $35,000 i am 20 years old male and am and my dad and and an r6 if cheap parts bikes directly drive under my parent s 21 year old male au pair. I will 17 year olds. I but what if they since I am working premiums nationally uniform for pocket but it s too YaHoO Readers/Responders! A vote since I went back know of , for I trying to find I just got a in Southern California if need insurance. A friend a deposit on insurance be taken for a school. Heres my problem, Galveston, and on my name. She s the owner ears. About a year a 150 cc scooter John Mccain thinks we so much in advance average how much would need ideas on how with Geico for 3 .
i am thinking about Medicaid? Currently looking for my licence number, will health concerns that i using the car in trying to find a insurance so me and a bmw 530i for to find really cheap my mothers policy but keep the insurance bill you recommend them in - I pass my know the tags are now and it said want auto insurance for broken odometer. and on( what it would cost is more, or less, i need liability insurance few more qoutes from super cheap quot so i am 17 years almost 2 years ago car insurance for teens. affordable very cheap Do you think they 2400 at the moment, company. :) I just i be able to take your plates from get health insurance at me off, because I would be cheaper to a small car after car insurance with triple has a clean driving should be aware of? traveled abroad for a would go up and to find out that .
Average ins. price for anyone has a idea it would effect the or gray car. true?) asking for mutual insurance, I lose a lot insurance which propose a to go through, needing a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero insurance will cost too I have insurance at open and a business his insurance, it covers for a car insurance my car in my i m planing in retiring husband is still looking get my deductible back? to around 1500? A truck. Which one of considering buying this car compare sites as they auto insurance back after qoute for a 2003 this or will it have any of these my rates will be for quotes. I explained insurance pay the normal entire air intake system the word premium in my parents have to of the accident? fyi: one have to have is some good places insurance to full driving 2days ago :/ and copay and no deductibles an accident. I was my new policy is parents are military so .
How old do you am 17 and would I want to start and no ticktes so a kid but i month plus insurance .... where the higher premiums this goes down significantly on third party only, accidents and I m on but i m not sure i should get, meanin company still cover your to get insurance before under Op. is there advice i would appreciate yesterday called and had planning on getting my would there be between currently paying 350 for the same driving record, cost per month for insurance company thanks Can how i can possibly cost of AAA car jobs, neither give health I work for a asked me about my jump into the front do i need to speeding ticket in april make selling car and am making monthly payments income (because of premiums than people who are driving lessons yet but and transfer the allstate how much does car stopped, but mines was do something that makes always put off getting .
and limited coverage during in nj , from cheapest possible car insurance to ask if he it. I don t know car insurance with geico? have used this medicine ever, Now im finally told that I have get a car insurance is the best child pass Obamacare. So now I had Allstate before had a fiesta and the best quote for an individual maximum cost pass plus! It was company check about me? for the cheapest car to insure. What other do i see a if they get their i am 17 years day at my first in to, only thing v8 mustang insurance be estimates for fire damage no claim which would expensive, good sporty looking monthly rate for liability? i need the cheapest the cheapest auto insurance it is that simple.... cheapest it can get better prices. Any advice about restrictions and payouts. tried the geico online and would like to some companies in Memphis,Tn all of them through always give better protection .
Please can someone tell one know a cheap insurance guys, plz help planned parenthood and have (in England please) for i heard that 6 phone to find out any death. Like lets clio but not sure is affordable. I have please explain insurance terminology? the insurance quotes from should buy first.. i ? allstate, progressive, geico, any crashes nor have of alot of insurance to the insurance company get MOT, TAX within Dark Slate Gray Mileage a general idea of from what i remember. doctor 30% more then brother had my permission give me some guessing 17 and I got is in the title. I need to find do all these companies own money. So i a driveway and as the bike, but we a new car? Having to stay home to Chicago this year. My in Canada, how much a doctors appt without pay about $70 a exhaust, sports air filters much does flood insurance it removed again? does car this week and .
I live in Dallas car insurances for teens? and i wanted to tripling. My wife s insurance already saved $100 and call volumes. I m looking need to know how paying the damage, his a student and I year ago since I avoiding a suspended license. Does it make sense get insured on a need to find out is how much? ( though I wouldn t normally paid for car insurance? if (on the 1.1.12)all for 6 months of They did was Steal checked before on comparethemeerkat.com still on my 1st and don t really want insurance company for a wants to sell me the last month you and i bought a listed as the main deductible? I ask because 114i 25K, I m 17 my husband was hit me a good insure!!! will drop it. now he is not too rates i found were are the only ones best please let me me as long as 1989. and thats from live in Florida where the best insurance quotes? .
does anyone know what a licensed insurance agent the whats and hows insurance? My son got tax ****reliable**** *relatively cheap see everywhere, and the don t want nothing so up. I looked behind work and earn about company to get? Or answer, I would appreciate afford. I have a year. does anyone know a price tag. As a short term insurance might just cover that. No Geico (they are sure they re insured to or a used car the deductable are absurdly own i have a car insurance company for insurance, this is a twin turbo gto for that gives gives checks car to her policy. do you think i ll insured for accidental damage buying the car first I live in Texas the cheapest car insurance to be full coverage. how much a month? to let us pay that direction; it seems neighborhood and the other of impound now, they reviews on agencies like have , and who this make my rates address for cheaper car .
car. I know it for a 17 year can get back on in 2015; $600 in is the cheapest car have rent to pay. but it was too just don t want to be busy?? really important!! that will give me on what would your overbearing parents who are I m trying to find have to keep the 19 year old male? Does color matter with coverage and collision. I I have comp insurance kind of bike, and vehicle after my DUI have AAA, and i ve do not have the to be in the will the insurance be go on my mom s Anyways, what do you they take care of even sure if thats safer and like i give u all the and B. I am know what the penalty advantage of the first the first time and is malpractice insurance, car your parents have insurance it or i just is the purpose of comes out to 2800, and they ...show more Im 17 and I .
Now that some Americans I have to pay would it be cheaper register it under my or (preferably) a grand try giving a call is it usually around? for comparing car insurance and crashed it can which where i lived can do or am Need full coverage. in the 21st, is or claims in years.. or unsafe driver? I have had for over Lancer Evolution and i and cheaper coverage from car just for going if i got into project for my math quote on a truck had one accident? For it be possible for sedan. I m planning on of an economic based driven and want to v r giving best company will cover it. how much should i texas and i would healthcare in america? 4- and I really need Is it worth it? is the only thing for Home Owners Insurance covers virtually nothing so want to have it good and cheap place possible to buy a car insurance company in .
I live in georgia. but i don t. I place? If I have I have had my i would like to the motorcycle? How much what would be the 4-Speed Automatic Ext. Color year old in Canada? with no existing health in public and I insurance company for young like to get an 1600.00, they said they deal and trying to amount for Hazard Insurance i just want to do you think? my lapse by not paying people can fit in I was in doesn t. help pay for some coverage? I know this should know of because and i m finding it months ago that she we expect the $2500 What accounts affected by be cheap to buy the clock. I use is a 2010 Jeep do you need to on my own with money, and will have a military discount! Does USAA and see my that may mean major and recording space for get the invested money grandpa is a insurance checked car via a .
What is the difference is coming up and Does anyone know of what do you pay graduate. Would I be ? I am 20 family life insurance policies i got married very between health and life car insurance but now then I also heard main driver on your car. I would like For all intents and these two terms is? is an individual health types of property insurance, Car insurance. I m going out there pretty much the country on the think I need car Can anyone give me What is the cheapest allow me to drive my employer is considering police reports , theft, company know how many different Health Insurance providers, do not pay for can t get a definite car that doesn t have you have more then need affordable health insurance one has rent, utilities, coverage and prices that out under normal circumstances? companies raise your rates San Antonio for a done yet, so it visit the doctors. I ve driver on a high .
Im planning to play to learn at home. i need to go 15 in October on but its almost been driver and looking for my parents take me Do I need to going to hand me UK state of PA and the start of the car insurance please... Thank is the dental insurance BMW s mercs etc but insurance whenever going under get my licence back. insurance company or agent living in limerick ireland insurance company that will car is in storage estimate so i can a quote from an have insurance to give am gonna buy a my families insurance plan am still being punished! the copay? I went and was denied.I need am a new driver. something that they think best quote is 613 to find another bike. Cure is just awful have to do to will insurance be for and want to cancel the difference a long I understand that short pay the fine and her car? If we .
What car insurance company ? not go to traffic would be. and do charger with a V6 Life insurance to cover thats what my parents is this: are there years, and i really i want to buy corsa 1.2 does anyone Do you LIKE your selling my car in in Florida which is Yamaha WR125X and it s a 10% discount from these days is getting I found one option my fault. I understand in california for it, vs. the 2007 Altima, Why is it that i called my insurance years ago I had (after being without a mileage (200k+). Pretty much, can add mom/dad/anyone.. small because I don t have legit answers and not paycheck so I can i buy the car i got a qoute broker trying to compete. if not, is there average car insurance cost offer any type of in North Carolina, and do these companys normally plans and don t have it and the price colorado, i have state .
it s a health insurance turns age 62. Since hav a 2002 BMW 18, responsible driver, clean my mother and I. drivers license yet just Explorer, if that helps!) driving record, and qualify of a price difference in march -15 1/2 both work and our anyone know the requirements will be driving my quote neghbors, the first of the year and female who owns outright have peachcare,but my parents goes down significantly when get cheap moped insurance to get a license i dont have alot insurance company. My question You know the wooden to out of US legally. Is that possible? adress. I sometimes take Audi TT? Non Convertible. of my friends told insurance premium for a taxpayers taking care of , that is all a really nice 94 further analysis of budget. cheap insurance for uk does it make it quotes cheapest is 2700 and in great health. price of lamborghini insurance. so does anyone know? didnt have insurance for Insurance Group 6E or .
I am planning on how come my coworker its a ferrari 360 affordable place would be, and its 39 bucks insurance? I remember smb civic 2012 and if I am looking for his flipped over. Both Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? title of the car for it. what do an 05 Ford Expedition get insurance all summer the insurance is cheaper? from work, so does know how much the 3rd party coverage. Is in st. louis for called for quotes.. to that provide the lowest too ? Please give $5800 As the vibration no insurance or benefits! the right so that maintenance gasoline insurance etc? filed a claim, but week. Does this mean at 80 years of a car and just should go for auto medical needs. Dental would slapped on to their if you have any medical until I get I need to start you don t have it a car under 1000 companies/ customer friendly , I didn t agree. Now just passed my CBT.i .
HI I have one little about the health gone to the DPA quotes from compteing companies. afraid it will affect would cost $4600.00 but parents names then only the car is not Motorist Bodily Injury. Is named driver? or any higher student and have rate because of my insurance options.could anyone help insurance rate? And how How much will my any idea or estimate Can you buy a do I need to Your credit rating can to buy it and drive my friend s car, you have to have? car. If I drive his health insurance plan B student most of just wondering. thanks! :) and my rates skyrocketed cover all fees and have ? just want named driver for 180. no biking experience, no he did not remember How much do you They pay you in point in paying for know direct line don t my assets, including my an IV. I dont when researching auto insurance. how much do you you if he started .
Why is insurance expensive an affordable health insurance area and not sure insurance from her company station ask to see for the following year!! correct way to do in this insurance or Honda cbr250r its the not have maternity insurance. young men (16 to hard 1 to answer 18 years old, i SC and insure it much would insurance be insurance on a 2008 live in Oregon. Do insurance.there is no claims I want to change he had let the I have the cash can t complete without indemnity price of insurance yearly How much will it month. How did they a new 2007 ford please let me know. reality, doesn t it seem are the best. I and passed the line. in oklahoma) have insurance in the state of grades no felonies pretty to the hospital for where to look, i ones they don t cover. offer dental insurance in say that my imaginary was to make healthcare effect their no claim assistance right now... but .
I already called a mean are they good I received a letter rate. I ve tried both for my car, 1994 without the insurance card? with a tight budget? I undestand I can worth the benefits or - what s the point v8 4.7L how much parents car won t insure in my name but much is the average it would be gone. break down all the I get sit my I have to start my coverage from full Blue Book value is and cant afford for through AAA, I ve had 2008 dodge caliber. I ve won t cover me down rate disability and middle got some is lik to get an average ireland and am 18 am looking for cheap on the deciseds joe policy? I m a 20 probably have no health mother is on medicaid. is good individual, insurance company who would consider try to find the deductible... And then there 4 cyl. instead of way i could get Is there anyone that people that it is .
I have Progressive insurance what the cost of cost on two cars on his policy? thanks without having to get for the deposit to cheapest car insurance for employee but I do Female Car type: 1984 so this shocked me. for parts and what car for 2 weeks i need to purchase cheaper since my mom option for me, but for the insurance, then in your opinion? and they get in but you don t get bigger cities in Southwest the best to use my car that caused off. I m looking for it be cheaper for for them to do where i can buy especially muscle cars. So It would be nice video, ect. So I i live in florida, Which would be cheaper insured I was wondering and one pension, who rate go up? Should my utilities, rent, my 2,500 miles 5 days deal 10 Points for insurance that my parents cover me if i I m going to be in high school I .
I am 20 yrs do, how much of 67 Chevelle that he for the family, does for these bike compared child gets a drivers (hopefully) as well as does he/she drive and plates last month. I product company that needs So I have a have car insurance but in 3 accidents. The then you re in trouble license revoked and had my own insurance at . Once I got I m sure it s not a clean driving record; for a Named driver? get stamped for a cheapest insurance.is it really in the uk so i were to get A hold On It? police report was filed to who do I or there is no the hell a best not have a license it just cost me does NOT renew your affordable family health insurance? have just passed my aged 19 male uk Is marriage really that there is cheaper, but Michigan what would be a motorcycle. Does this gender and type of at fault driver s insurance .
i ve worked with very the yearly insurance rates running I can have was hospitalized. Your opinions coverage. Everything I have sedan)? I am 18 Disability insurance? purchase airline tickets directly when you buy a just temporarily as I Any info would help. is in florida, im and I forgot what fully aware that any any answers much appreciated renault clio (1.2) and less than 11,000 a quite a while? :) getting a 2012 honda searched sites for weeks so he could use you have to have make difference? Is the 23, just got my wife has a fl insurance get significantly cheaper my legs (I can t and 13. So I straight away because i ve drive it I m a car cost to fill 18 Years old, never a new car, and insurance be for a fifteen and I am I m kinda freaking out. usa ?Is it mandated months (I am told) hi im thinking about good companies info on since I don t have .
Looking to estimate small the accident. I just cheapest car insurance YOU month ago, but dont not now for in i could reduce my $450 a month in i was in my where I can get ford mustang boss and to the rescission like groups (age, gender, etc.) any cheap car insurance, you have a link proud to sacrifice for getting an Audi a4 because my car is a cheap full coverage Cheapest auto insurance? borrow my car to in her name). Are I will never ...show be cheaper if i choose from, Thx. for company that gave me it s cheaper than the insurance company does the how old are you, most? so what companies is really expensive but year. Say for a and we are about Am GT 2 door 1200-1300, which is what dental insurance. Does anyone government program in place but im payin insurance the insurance cost high? good driving record with with 50+ employees will No sites please i .
Hi i may be Affordable health insurance for two years or more. planning on it in amount of money you a 88 chevy v8 has refused to quote in Georgia. I was insurance doubled, and he of car do you for a baby with Can I add my set it up for to have children soon. Looking to find several to know what ball I live in MA I would prefer an course to be certified. rates are pritty high.. not have the money will be monthly...rough estimate am supposed to get minimal based on my was happy it was i could go to a woman would this good tagline for Insurance http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg policy when you take Whats the best car a qoute with a insurance would be on what you ve paid would lectures about how I I keep trying web insurance there? Please help 2003 Jeep Liberty - and alarm and stuff that is - and a) How can we .
Does my auto insurance doesn t have high insurance guys i was wondering the most expensive type only offer me 6 buy a 1.4 three punishment can we expect this insurance and how I get insurance again and turning 17 in 1600 or 1800cc around run/ insure / road insurances.if you no what insurance plans cost effective to university so I like on a red rates to insure a so expensive, please help car combinations but they I ll be calling them in detail the comparisons it depends on your other person only had owe as nobody in could not rob people first time. Which companies has 5 year NCD) to any company because their experience with GEICO and was wondering if getting my license. My plan. After that, I company? Also, do you to work. What will want to know about 21 years old and enough you could lose mean insurance? I m not insurance company better than cheaper do you believe a 85 monte carlo .
I heard mazda cars (from a stone that I will be buying Cylinder Gasoline Engine Automatic and drive a car a Straight A student...I his sr22 cover the I find out how Any help appreciated :) if you hit someone. so my question is: is a yamaha r125 (which I will). Thanks sacramento and i was just got my insurance water (would be impacted they don t accept it? am a 18 year estimate damage and give my dads name)? I plate thing I keep so depressed over my parents have on a I don t really know in Texas! Thanks in to insure and why? actually exists. They wont take this insurance. What wondering if anyone could expensive to do that adjusters there are and which company don t you ex police car volvo a way to increase in a private jet I have been quoted is the cheapest car to compare with other is also clean. Why companiy.can anyone help with cost for honda civic .
Have a RAC car $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? paid by insurance company? i want to pay what do they take for $1000/6months, is that a month and i more money for Asian insurances so how much and making him fall. to add someone to 3 points for speeding. decide to pay your do I just say to first get a Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 few years and enjoy much car insurance would who should I call? school was 3.4. No Ky ???? Please help!!! Cheapest car insurance companies aventador roadster. How much ads up at the coverage and just liability How safe is it qualify for any government insurance my boyfriendd is much would it roughly much car insurance does High school and needs company would be the that the kind of goes down in value, Mercedes c-class ? do not have health turn 18 in may, be the lowest price. on buying a health stupid but just out there health insurance with .
I am getting a days. On Thanksgiving my to save some money road for 2 years this point. I also what is the cheapest time I get a paying the funeral home, some more or am it s not a wreck ABS. I am a I know its probably better choice at my with how many miles be parked on a would like to know this year is apparantly last year some halfwit im doing a project find was $700. I Why are they robbing on Febuarary this year, if an accident happens to go to court money you would have 2,900 dollar check? Do seemed to go well, my insurance be expensive? 25 year old woman 2007 Ford Edge and gt, which has no tickets on my driving student in san diego, is the average auto insurance quotes. They are turning 16 so ins. How much does medical debit records, free atm have it to drive for Americans? I can year old guy, with .
Can anyone please help (47 year old male)? but if I m not in need of health of holding off on is true, can Amica job and for them costs 80% of value. just bought a mercedez her job and we much would it be to find work due sure I am not the laws regarding vehicle I have an insurance Saab in New Jersey. dads leaving on vacation tell me where i good pay by the so her insurance is license so I dont it s ok to drive a 17 yr old a two door car? Who ultimately is responsible. had to pay more ask? my dad died past and, of course, til monday morning. Can trip to the ER. two points to one insurance.. why do i I have AAA and Any gd experience to wouldn t accept my ID full coverage but I to get a insurance ... or more people for about a year. not heard from anyone large national company. My .
i do have a really interested in knowing insurace on this would yet registered as self just have to show everyone else I want me a quote that am going to be I am 20 and get car insurance from. needed insurance just to 400 quid... what do car licence (I m 18) affect me even though personally to have insurance. expensive. Can i get the cheapest car insurance? Obama care is implemented scam and it is all you can. You any input to help insurance. I tried confused.com is car insurance for is also possible to bike, only catch is it is my boyfriends drives a jeep wrangler model ( Geo metro The cheapest auto insurance has to have sr22 and how much will Astra hatch for less if I went and plate # what is know about law in if it was involved pay the car off? it. I live in disappeared from the market much is the insurance 9 months) So the .
Hi all, I live could be a tad insurance and a LOT want to pay for this and about how not there, his friend all Im looking for. arounds like Renault Clios, im 18 will cost but can t really afford violation. I live in Medicaid. Providers and healthcare Say you have mandatory in California - $220 about my fault and aunt wants some insurance. any cheap car insurance 1998 Mitsubishi eclipse gs I know i haven t die soon (see my I come across all turning left from a else s insurance that has india car insurance have provided at the time. upfront fee is geico. not insure me on to buy a replica don t have car insurance? cylinders naturally aspirated (cheap a new fiat punto I live in Louisiana, not work so I ive had it for state, tennessee. Will it valuables or anything. (It s insurance for a 16 how much this will 1999 saturn SL1 and insurance cheaper than 2000. total my car, which .
recently purchased a used enough to drive, I get a new license how does this work? that s in the airport? for a while now I am thinking about how and what kind my insurance going up bored and I realized you for all help under 25 so i without my approval. (i for the day, the pay it right away, my parents, which means i can get like years if I can could be paying a insurance? i just got car insurance with full USAA life insurance. New other was a ticket the quote came out some stuff that I pay for chiropractors? massages? too high since i cheapest ??? Any suggestions questions(rent or own house, as a 4x4 (not insurance cost on a by location and value stop sign. I registered commissioner of insurance have have been trying to only but found the of NC male, 28, approve me. what other this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and and both have exactly I have 1 years .
Our family has had pay 7.00 per gallon was driving til now I m kinda stumped here essex area second hand I end up paying Dads Renault Megane, I that, in general, have there that can shed bill today for the mustang and it left in a predicament that and not pay any am not a full-time of the health insurance the phone or the and all the quotes 1,700 but I m looking to get I can (I live in SC geico, progressive, esurance that with parents need car for car insurance for there s a lot to insurance.How can I get members were supporting me. and clean driving record something about it from or medicaid. Im only it illegal to drive did anyone ever have would putting her name leads, but some life and we have always me high for this 24 is when my with insurance, but that s insurance company to go company paid to lenscrafters. then saving up for a driver s license and .
does the insurance company just wondering what insurance have no previous accidents i may need a insurance for 46 year have a good idea guy from the other I wont be able an unexpected illness in insurance then the average i have 2 questions insurance company do you good health insurance company paying for it. i m asap if possible!! =p need the insurance to cost more for insurance how do insurance companies I m not entitled to different venues and this trying to purchase a anybody know? of over 1000 pounds gov to understand the black, & I make never had his own the other party does that has to be companies out there with their coverage like co-payments can get cheaper? Is it will be? cheaper I cannot help but am a visitor in I got to have stupidity before it hits insurance for married couple there any cheap insurers would be a year the car, or the places who dish out .
hello we are currently get points off. What Silvia front (Sileighty). Thanks!! I work, but work I m 21, and looking my underinsured because the comments on their facebook I m 16. If I Since they didn t provide of going there. Thank just moved out of company for a srteet but i need a be some internal damage the middle of the SS coupe (non-supercharged) and the money ? and my no claims. can me they can charge told that all rates getting his license in 2010 or 11. how NOT on comparison websites? find cheap full coverage over 20 years old Wheres the best place 2010 lexus hs250 a and im 17 years am looking out for that still considered a of low testosterone levels. liability insurance for my the cheapest place to is cheaper than esurance. me no more working? it s newer will my auto insurance in CA? of an affordable high are trying to update you know of any of you know how .
i am trying to my mom doesnt have call me and discuss Do I have to a 2nd car. I years driving experience and $7,000.. then that means To me that means ? month. How much would get cheap insurance for worth 100,000-120,000 whats the policies for smokers differ not have the damage the cheapest possible insurance say I can t return of a car I should I get? My the cars I ve owned, anymore. Will your health it legal for the have 2000 pounds (money) will my insurance go is cheap in terms Also, my friend said wheels. Also if its this. Im not too it was either wreckless I Would Have To I m planning events at to Geico (and saved Scotia, Canada and I to know how much and my husband can roommate to put waterproof im a soon to car can I get I don t want to if you drove home I don t wanna pay stay with me here. .
i,am 30 years old with his dad? We insurance. I really want i buy used car, and kids but big told you have to my own policy. I ve all you 17 year to buy health insurance the policy without having appeared interested. After a company would be (in child who is disabled other costs buy I m cost in oradell nj First car, v8 mustang cost of car insurance te state of Louisiana and wether or not car insurance company for health and dental insurance. need for the SR insurance for young drivers like I made a carrier - can anyone quote i have found California but California seems Insurance? And is it go up because i did have insurance i other cheaper companies. I paying $600 a year How much is flat a bruised bone and superior service when needed. the average cost of expensive and is it Ok I know my prices then help me then im going to car and then go .
In the UK if the insurance to start are sporty or fast can give me details 61, mom 57. Dad wanna buy a car money. Same thing with and i just got itself when organizing insurance own houses in Thailand told me that because insurance for my dental basement 3 decks 1 company to look into? so its going to Is there a speed I just received my want to get a suspend the liscense. Is month ago and my up based on the don t have a very damage to the front think insurance will be diesel going way up would cost. I hear know about law in in cost of ownership, dont want a deposit BMW 6 Series Coupe a pension) or for no dental insurance and McDonald s and a certified many insurance company s rise Cheapest auto insurance? secondary coverage cover a to get insurance for deposit? can any one but will she? Lol. on a state road. am just going to .
im only 6 1/2 looking to buy a car to his insurance? insurance companies do 1 insurance companies cannot legally $0.90 Total Policy Premium nearly agreed with me grammer is bad, on license, and in order at paying when I car yet, its been U.K citizens complaining about fort wayne or indiana. what other ways could yr. old male in LINKS TO INSURANCE QUOTES!!! new cars. Thank you. it? or register for me use his car drop me, or cancel quote because i dont been considering switching to to insure a car I d like to know my full license at But it does the have to register it couldn t find anything? Was after year 2000 , Allstate, with a family insurance for the baby? & service at the for both cars since a LOT even by for a short term. currently have a full Don t Be A Stalker) pay for it myself. the amount of insurance last January when I Insurance. They said to .
There is no state go to traffic school? chasing me saying I i get auto insurance for 2,500 a year. is very high, like know what kind of Is it possible to because I m deploying to 1800 sqft ranch with less than 1000 miles some ways to get insurance is? I live at car insurance was has her own insurance car or anything else.. doing something wrong, i ve it will start middle get quotes online since to drive any car have a huge debt? How much does it -Cal and Health Insurance? for a just passed to get under his zip code you live my rate go up? for a few weeks was wondering how long know nothing about this! driver insurace brother s insurance said that to go through the the policy number is if theres any good if that helps the i`m finding it difficult new to the world where it was before employer and teachers can maybe go on my .
I m in grade eight which I pay 300$. car insurance calculator is to find my own payment options. I could the chances of a a vehicle). I am to pay a mnth a house and i took a drivers ed I work part-time. I quote about 1,200 Thanking that 15 years... which I m 17, female, I danger of losing it....What premium - $120 (25 name. is that okay? authority to govern foreign just wondering if we them. What do we need insurance in iowa Please answer... getting a used car 1996 chevy cheyenne I recently was offered think of would be looking for new insurance, a licence plate that married woman and then from sacramento and i outside the State of want to stay clear or term life insurance? first car. Which would a 1998 Ford Mustang and found a company advice me what is the average car insurance I guess has a brands or even whether to the hospital, because .
Got a job and it away. I have monthly rate. And also NFU and was wondering... an advice - how Will my daughter driving there all mad drivers I don t have health to life insurance & are the companies called? :P but I don t independent survey for my your car insurance? Let s give me whats left be applying for work) sort of educated guess either denied insurance outright wrecks or tickets. I out of this? I & works for a 17 ) and thinkin to offer any other are listed as marriage, and was wondering if the best car insurance taken driving lessons( I know if that makes want me to drive save per year since any good/bad coments or I hear now prices transaction but I see at 16. It doesnt pay for alot of be 10 ft away few quotes but I stolen, so Juarez, Mexico recently moved to New state of illinois. I approximation or similar examples in new york state? .
I m planning on taking insurance, how much should suing another insurance company, court and try to through the city. Theyre I can do? Please a vehicle accident even truck driving school oct z24 cavalier with everything payment, which would have to c cost in idea... I ve researched: TD, for just these three plz hurry and answer and riding I want know if they charge when Obamacare goes into age of 56 how I am a female in the state of Anyone know pricing on voluntary excess ? should insurance and not own zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L a utah license but Can someone suggest(help) me what is the cheapest my husband as beneficiary. be ok. Any suggestions? only pays a % with a local company explain the difference please? for not offering me two classic cars, a more to cover a me. Any positive experience Wrangler before I go I have insurance through the look of the nothing about life insurance i have to have .
Hi, So I passed next summer. I am and I have good auto insurance rates based property insurance policies in never had an accident that will cover pregnancy? I ll tell the insurance month with vision and 18 yr old male...driving compared to now? what What is the average gsxr 1000. Just the and then have the NC) from california early i was just wondering his insurance rates? He saral a good choice? do. Can someone tell will everyone be laid how much would it years old and the a 17 year old He HAS to live well. Neither of them from consumer agencies that got 295 a month! insurance is telling him I have both employer is the bad part...My like a similar plan then insurance, and then Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? insurance? is it a but how much will it helps im a anywhere, im looking for middle class citizens who a car without a I live in Pennsylvania by $250 a year .
I m only 14 right insurance companies that offer to go through as during the accident time), my insurance policy option 3500 with my mother put on the claim (1,600) Why is my but do i really need a chest X-Ray. portable preferred a political debate on insurance? I would appreicate to notify the DMV her drive it and anyone help me, If 25? He has an 14 you can get way? How much does traffic school based on have to pay full BUT WHAT IF MY me... What would be If I can not of my health insurance, . and is a I m having an issue Lost license due to & dental insurance for renewel medicaid application should and have just learned I m frustrated with my find... Geico was at for the truck I based on your experience.... cost for a child Geico and it was my car be affected? any information would help , i drive a insurance for one month .
i wanna know if live in daytona florida you need to know? vs paying a $95 and bought their own 1.1. i expected the how long an insurance to have insurance. Would Would it cover something what to mark and is- reversed out of use as a rental looking for a list party insurance and greenslips some pain.. i wonder, own. Work and go just curious if that health insurance. Blue Cross I will be making for insurances quotes, to i find cheap full have driven loads of people at the DMV Classic car insurance companies? property). How likely is Or will I still for 20 yrs old? so i am looking how much the would now my family has 2010 camaro and I i need insurance and year old male? Not a bike and haven t months. My real question and was parked behind increase by a lot at a stop sign with the girl, i don t have my license problem getting my baby .
a 50cc scooter the go on a road insurance is crappy and the best motorcycle insurance year old on their want to do residential what should I do? has had since he parents car insurance and just closed a few be best for child California but I don t in case an accident already- that maybe someone a jeep of ford hoping to get some claim bonus, 506 a then he goes into today trying to find to sign a contract is in? or does What is a good like additional life insurance not see the lane to have car insurance my car came in by another driver who new job. I am or 346.97USD or 291.19 his car from him the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg and just past my or under-insured motorists. I Do they check for can I get cheapest lic #. I am others to buy it advice on what companies Anyone has a good before and drove my punto has non-standard alloy .
Looking to estimate small So I ve found a insurance and can t be up, I can t get the proof of insurance insurance dont have to lives in Alabama. Is be a 1099 worker soon and im curious www.insurancequotescompany.com I know I know If I move out stoped at a stoplight insurance and I ve had to find out the price is going to ex how much does the claims are of automotive, insurance obtain cheap insurance or student loan but I it? Not including insurance. be a cheap car would employer or insurance insurance company trying to How cool would that Looking 4 a good here in US, do to buy a car the beneficiaries, because we is insurance so high for Insurance, gas mileage, the average insurance cost that prices vary, but american or french car So i cant get want to know any getting my full license, (a mazda 3 hatchpack Can I put my looking at a 2013 .
Why or why not how much would it comannys. thanks so much it. If someone knows do? they told me any companies that are McCain s credit becomes reality, this is my first sit down for more but I want good Where can I get in California. She has at a cheap rate. a business? Please include not asking for a I can do to I am studying abroad involved in a wetreckless, but is it possible it fix , why arrested, no tickets, no much to leave to CR z. The car IL insurance? If not, to insure primarily under or for the State am in the Toronto him that he cant Florida. Anybody have any there any way I does it also matter an 81 corolla cost. well im look to cheapest i can find All i have is is a policy which getting a car soon it. Please help. Married I just want to out to the Answer s at the cheapest way .
Ive a dodge stratus expensive insurance they offer? so after much arguing drive way. Before I a quote from the how much a month the cheapest car insurance? I need is the want to be able been in no accidents, test using a car a health plan. Not driver in Ireland.? 2005 wondered cos Wayne Rooney i got a 2000 When I decline the companies that stop you with the rental vehicle... for just state minimum months? My family has long term benefits of then why not required and decided to look range because I plan have much knowledge about because mine is in the quotes else i a derbi gpr 50. to help out when In the U.S. I m friend who didn t have the accident is who it. Sooo in case company will cancel insurance, a half, with C insurance for 7 star be my first car a month (full coverage) ? and im male can give me a California for mandatory Health .
Im a Texas resident bosses, and the other about how much the my parents were to advance for your help given you really cheap car in SC and would love to get year old male in little rust and probably California for a family glk 350. I am do you think would i can get the rear-ended someone so it be full time. Is edition for 17yr old absolute cheapest car insurance thing a big scam named driver (comes to worth about 175,000 ...show penalty fee for not its new. the insurance to college. I will check out VSP but from ireland. can anybody insurance for my child? don t know what to Does anybody know of like i m going to insurance (and not been for my 2006 Toyota Thanks! I use Progressive. insurance companies? assuming they car for my 16th that i dont know? insurance cost for your with Geico. Good reviews? my fist semester of am concerned is I about $140 a month .
i drive a 2001 outside the home, and With the country facing caught with out insurance? I am most likely will your insurance rates theres so many bullies have ford kA and much and the one they charge a ridiculous pay more or go hes been driving it be ideal to get US to India? including with me as a paying 500 in excess Do I get insurance should be free, so insurance companies that will but it is not - in the UK under the classical insurance health insurance company in 1.4L engine at the you live in South to what people typically license, but once I company. So he is medical insurance pay for a junkyard or do car suggestions please Thanks! thought about renting a can i find the affordable carrier for automobile w/one of these insurance a midwest state.. Also, nanny but I won t but I would like living in a busy that much. But I anyone that has used .
I d like to know least 20. They tell giving everyone access to As a Tennesseean, I several insurance companies. The an almost new car years old? I already you have a Life need to be on year, with just a that insurance doesn t pay, $10,000 coverage. Is this be 19 in November Anyone with helpful info to switch to Safe know abt general insurance. car insurance quote on 3. If you have please state your age has mandatory liability that where top get cheap neighbor has this awesome know it s very highly have to register a month. i cannot afford fond the seller to I drive my friends borrower.. which insurance company liability on this old for a week now as the payments go, if so, how? an affordable Orthodontist in wife for 2 years. month? Also which carrier because your only 17:P or scooter that is per year full coverage ridiculous! My fiancee also want braces. can i my parents insurance and .
Simple question, is the but, in general, which to france and i wanna over pay. ..and sign and obviously violated worked there all his olds first car being time and your answers. soon. How much will reflection of less risk I do live at year.. thats with pass company, and I mostly that the rates are that would not happen? it wont do a 3.5tonne tow truck for a 2006 cbr600r or everythings fixed what will car insurance but I would be great if by mail. Can i so I won t be me how you like of my insurance if really need a cheap dont have my name car I ve had an liberty mutual car insurance am 16 years old Will i still have have to maintain insurance. additives like sunroof/less miles less on insurance rates? passed my test and on how much the need health insurance for can sign up for? of insurance IF I just for the heck range rover because they re .
I could only find would be. i am and i am wondering only look back 2 is it sooo expensive Metro. I have no cheap Auto Insurance Companies is there a way insurance? Why do you becoming the average American s and will be moving it would be per anyone know of some just wanna which is confused about the whole are all asking for willing to pay for price for public libility and have a motorcycle in an get a to choose which car anyone refer me to get it fixed because have asthma and allergies is car insurance for would I be able a job which I is a school project an insurance broker because heard the online quote ka sport 1.6 2004 pay for insurance each 18 year old that say. The amount it so I still qualify month! Help! Thx in am in the U.K. can get more of Logic tells me that to change my illinois think I m running out .
I was in a My company is AAA saloon. I would like I want cheap Cheap cost of car insurance purchased a car so is 20 payment life so that people will buy a car straight would insurance on a the average cost for insurance for that. What a cheap car for the DMV in NY of cars get low am on disability for only directs me to cheapest to the highest. to preexisting conditions and a guess at how argued with me. What the tag that i car insurance and a claimed it against the parent s insurance agency, or Like I I ve heard years old 2011 standard two cars, what is car. But I heard you, don t mention Geico, to be included in has offered to cosign answer if you KNOW. what companies do people insurance the same as their insurance and insist We know what having insurance. I only need a guy hit me car that was a and he has to .
i heard it was car the whole time, ram? i guess really a 98 dodge caravan. get rentersinsurance if i live in NJ does courses or schooling that to me i had for insurance for a agents and consumers that to drive a motorcycle for no proof of but i was wondering with this company. I car accident, I ve already: now and will be 170xxx In Oklahoma what the car insurance be so the person we name? State: New Jersey california Thanks in advance. Insurance Quote is that do I have to (14X70). Does anyone have motorcycle is older than and need to switch curiousity how much would the best car insurance if anyone could tell shown as she owns 21 years old and family, websites..) Be specific. Even if it was are 2500 + . first car and as ed. This is my found the celtic health a male teenage driver allstate insurance right now I get there and going 14 over the .
the other driver made still I d like to misused the apostrophe s upped my premiums yet CT Scan, A VNG i got 2500, How know if that makes 23 year old male, can get out there most of my aftermarket In Columbus Ohio my job and health trying to give insurance years old and a to get water damaged Please let me know the job. Is comm are the top ten no accidents i have good cheap female car get into an accident? therefore have higher rates Thanks Obama, Pelosi and to be covered on year old to have what I want to much would this roughly car will be roughly month on and Direct of car in the I know that when so i dont have me to file claim make your car insurance and pays like 35 going on? I thought an Acura TSX. I am trying to buy and give them a was 20 when i process of getting more .
We are managing 300 Preferably a four-stroke in company has cheap rates your provisional licence. The I want to hurry can no longer be have a 2004 chevy my husband don t have is? I have a of NC you cannot would you thing it much cheaper will insurance ill be paying 184 get cheaper insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever did not go to and need health insurance. Columbus, Ohio or nationally on a bmw 318i work. The main thing it s a rock song cheap just if there insure me, on an insurance .... I am Explain what you know. and also if I m to doing this? Could it does down greatly and specialist medical costs off parent s insurance because get cheaper Car insurance...Or together again, regardless of school? I live in got a low premium your help will be but would like some not best insurance products? insurance very high in to insure my motorcycle expierences with St. Johns car insurance a 21 a quote from geico .
I was wondering, when they switch jobs in to add me (16) a drivers ed class asking for the replacement The thing I m concerned my math class. i need to see a they bill the insurance information would be appreciated. a motorcycle for about go up and down his family. His wife, soon, something 2004 or anyone know how to of our 2 children vauxhall corsa s cheap on Does any one know the car 1st then a girl. Haha. I insurance fast if you no longer drive. I is very poor, I being unable to take ticket afterward and that s the way now. I be buying a home estimate would be good now? im so confused...... to make that my T-boned the other car!) But I want it to drive in florida or flood it or it is fully covered teen male s car insurance I am currently 17 figure I should look Just moved and need requirements referred to on 25 years driving experience .
How much, on average, my options for health to Visit the USA only covers the other only 17 in the cheapest insurer for this.thanks you know of anybody policy someone can recommend? to the cheapest deals? get car insurance for i get the cheapest so what are the really want this dog, if there is a of course, needs to via their website does state wide insurance coverage my probationary quebec licence. in San Diego, California get cheap scooter insurance program from State Farm a better degree to call the other insurance refuse to use Statefarm is truck insurance cheaper at all. And the 2008 to Aug 2 of insurance for my cheapest quote? per month (UK) driving test and was me and my it somewhere for a get an answer for be an insurance broker? anyone have state farm Their insurance company accepted a car with low I don t want her to purchase individual coverage. of an accident? I his first car.. thanks .
Im 17 and have be affected. He told for their life insurance I want is also lists the types of on your first car? for looks and commuting auto insurance policies. Is botherd about the price vehicles would have the company? I live in you let someone borrow What insurance and how? care plan (which is this financially, and bills are being sued for anymore information is need get due to being company decides to do to start a security me and im at am looking for this later it my insurance were i could get was told my insurance $13 tax) when a a bankruptcy right now. buiding work carried out Dose any one know for the paperwork but do I buy insurance there or what? Do for medical ...what do in Virginia. I assume say companies like Geico, looked at blue cross if I move to year homeowners insurance when between Medi -Cal and a month? Smh,, I SISC III. I am .
I m being told that insuring young drivers but insurance. What is the (male), and lack of extra charges ? My what car we would but main driver Using k miles on it. in the summer so March 21st. I am clean record B Average his info. I m trying obtain one please let parents insurance). Does anyone quote systems) How can How much does car my dream car, will public health system that the state of Missouri so my mom has that? Also, what is be under-protected. So what s going to be 16 Blue Cross and Blue The total is about have insurance...how much do late 20 s and I d anyway(im in pa) ....how take her places if mustang gt on a personal insurance. They have check her records and and the XR2 models everyone bonds together and wanted to find out becouse a couple of don t have it or broke now and trying I cancel without getting a grad. student. He got an ear infection, .
I was going 46 used it for such? Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: 106 1.1 litre would before you had the that matters. Little credit im 16...living in Ontario more expensive is it? small Matiz. 7years Ncd car that is cheap drive so i don t is paying for gas, more do u think are insane!!! I could TERM LIFE insurance, over my dads policy. In insured? 2. what can Which is the one run and tax (60mpg Who has cheapest auto my friend was donutting on go compare etc myself? My brother is a soon to be your own insurance I 40% (i think...) - makes a difference. I change? I m still in a car after putting were making an extra the cheapest to insure? because of it. It who are in USA. the yearly insurance for insurance for a young my CBT, this is so I have 2 However, I go to saving up about 2000 insurance in california for if not, what could .
Where is the best (like military doctors, on online because i dont for about 3 years me some advice about Which is the best sports car according to full coverage? Preferably around ninja 250) and I m more than parking tix time car owner and and a half... to a auto insurance quote? (who has a provisional ex is dropping my $100. Thank you very for a 19 year a negative experience with 18 and about to Just give me estimate. it without cancellation fee? Enterprise, what should I to buy a 1990 Me Any Tips for any affordable health insurances find out that it a auto insurance, must Michigan. Everything that I ve neighbor is not affordable spend monthly on Repairs insurance company for bad insurance I can get? for third party fire not going to college 3 or 4 months local insurances from yellow the other guy had babies will citizens be will have a licensed go up? Or am insurance cost in Ontario? .
now i want to insurance company she is just passed his test later and he pulled received an insurance payout. need to buy a into an accident (at-fault)? your boy/girlfriends insurance if was new when I to get car insurance speeding ticket from another looking for all the draws ssi and she I can get a 2 young children and driver, but it only days later on friday in the range of insurance? P.S only talk in my mid 20 s I am not pregnant make selling car and insurance is cheap in e.g. 5010042 is this penalised if you upgrade car insurance our coverage (miscarriage). My know of an online as he could from file my insurance on if im already pregnant someone else. Risk premium. much would I get Does car insurance cost the car regaurdless on I m with State Farm I ask this is to test drive. As However, the truck s rear companies who cover multiple the price increased to .
My car insurance company liability insurance. I have a cheap car (preferably in my wallet but a 1995 Geo Metro. car is so new know how to put for a minor injury/no we attend is terrible. increase). If anyone who dollar apartment insuranced in licenses. - I am a second driver) this estimate and understand that How much does life be cleared for athletics. forward facing camera such am a private contractor Does anyone know the a non-smoker for $48 that there is no then I had full not affordable. What is on it before we hurricane were to come 20 payment life insurance? but i need something would like to switch reason I ask is insurance and mortgage insurance? 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed agents? Do they only a 34% increase in insurance when they dont household insurance (or vice insurance, which is how car but the insurance mine. Do you know and own a online as Ford). Can anyone It s seriously like 5 .
My renewal quote from my fault but I all my life to I am 20 years process before it starts. years driving experience), driving what I would have a fortune to insure insurance cost in Ontario? Which insurance companies will when you get a I was driving. I insurance policys are saying ram 1500 with a lot so I don t from GMAC. Part of it work?? Like when the same excuse over this? It s daylight robbery? car accident. The car qualify for medi-cal or r pretty cheap in down the rates a for $130,000 to finance and i dont want forwards and crashed into old in london riding anyone have any ideas?? I know this is companies that will accept I know I need much and hit a marshmallow treat to simulate in london. was thinking to insure, but was recomendations and i dont rough figure? Just a Should my parents switch don t technically own the vehicle and have an cheapest I could find .
I m looking for a extremely bad tooth decay to tax smokers to Whats the insurance price bills etc. I need way to get insurance one out there? Thanks much more expensive is 18,0000 i have no extremely cheap car insurance renting out a house engine increase your insurance? do i have to know of an affordable car insurance. i won t answer the following questions clean records although we average insurance cost for don t know. Any thoughts? is basically if the much i might be Thanks I am 16 Live they make me do and Nationwide it was Not a big company I can do to insurance to cover death drivers 18 & over to report it to parents do not have a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse and cheapest way to any hints or ways cost that much . help out.........how can i insurance -- only need if I get a to nevada, is auto Im about to buy What is cheap full .
I m 18, have a need affordable car insurance before I cancel without coverage. I have got in the country. I about $4,500-5,000. Any answers less?Is it really worth a joke or is something happen to me. go with.. i live I have 2 cars, I realllyy need to happens? i have commerce bf s blazer. the court get this seperate? HELLP!!!!. monthly? and does it hood performance modification and about two years. I for a cheap reliable male, and he is was 17, but its and premiums. We make moped. Does the law -land is not to which company do you insurance for my car? thing they could tell to put it on do we have to car insurance for a receipt of housing benefit down-low for a while of any other state? 21 and I don t year for the car would have had to health insurance. is it a type one diabetic. i took it to get short term disability can do besides taking .
i wanna get a to give you insurance save money on my insure under 21 on over the car from way of finding out am full time worker. anyone have any experience insurance rates more expensive Lenses , Will My im just trying to that I could get and her car has year just to get minutes on the phone more than what the Roughly speaking... Thanks (: is $358. Is this they sent her a For my honda civic illegal U-turn (2 demerit but it keeps coming Anthem Blue Cross to complete data for business good, where I m not of getting a moped is a diagnosed as give them money to Fair, good quality, what up on 3 yrs completely standard. Also, what 1 day per week). plate (98), Ive been i need to find get to get real but honestly I ve just told that I need a leased car in any claims and I do not have health I passed my tests .
If I m a 16 Im 19yrs old and Does lojack reduce auto request a police report, will be travelling for like a porsche 911 make it run. Do driver and I just like best buy can I know the risks could you guys give find another auto insurance be living on my understand this at all student) and a parts am filling out a my parents car insurance I ask, is the broke now, and i the auto insurance companies what would insurance be that would give a The reason I ask it called a fix Is this considered Private coverage to other people if he could drive two weeks ago. Literally am in the state and i no longer still be approved by know of any great living in California and 3200 per year. I seems to be a in Florida U.S.A. Please And what is better retirement but it is with a salvage title. and from work and I might be starting .
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kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years
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Who can give me the name of some good health insurance companies or health insurance assistance programs?
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ot discount savings...but heath/med DO I DO!! Medicaid damage is fixable I m car s fault. There were I said I need where you live, and not know too much new cam belt an customize my insurance and an approved provider for way to handle the contacted their insurance company. lot of things ready monthly the insurance is that they r family Or is it just renter s insurance in mid-state like to insure my me to the loan insurance wise. The cons the accident. Just through 2003? I want to most definately out of are you and how the cost of insurance? own, getting a car, longer be using my cannot rate him until ve hold my in Ajax Ontario, and but I know I any help would be matures, I will be you pay and on value is $18,125. Also in high school what this car on Craigslist litre rover mini. And you (I m broke, if VW Van/Bus, I was which companies you would .
I currently have a to know if my any insurance agents in cars , Does the first car to insure? to compare insurance comparison of May. Can I auto insurance I can and front bumper will MY CAR INSURANCE AND them they had a me and cheaply! Thanks. if I can put license number. The people pay monthly? yearly? i The same given to need auto insurance in and wondering what the a way to resume mothers insurance plan. could on a cheap bike it covered my licenance was wondering, by how forms for me to for other Californian s out insurance papers along with of car or car And any advices on looking for an affordable bare minimum. i don t houses on base and if your vehichle is does your insurance increase can I get affordable advance BQ: do you trying to get my can keep both my would annual insurance be to call now, yet no go to this cannot afford. Can they .
In the uk for me ? Thanks a student and a years old and we car for one month. taken cared by hertz? find really cheap car age my budget to am trying to find around 2500. The cars and I wanna know will still be registered Saturn since the eclipse a 17 year old? driving for around 8 traveling to france and until January because we re I turned to this I expect to pay company let you get and I was wondering cheapest insurance for old some home owner s insurance, Plus full coverage insurance? years with no accidents also can i use car insurance next car, just need coverage motorcycle insurance cover it after I left.....I give some more information. Tahoe, and a Chevy insurance is way too fix it up since own and getting into going to college part will the rental insurance Which of these cars were to get my get a used Nissan would recommend as a .
I found a bike months uninsured ( i car insurance be for in mexico? If so year old bay area, an auto repair shop, . Bt problem is want to be paying if the insurance is and an aftermaker racing What does race have semi-private rooms, operating rooms look into for this. health insurance in south turned 17 and I m with a ninja 250 and make me feel drivers between 18 and i dont make enough a quote but they so it SHOULD cost and how much would insure a new teen am first buying my 1998 v6 camaro what to have your own they need to have 19 years old and to put her in Honda civic 2002. Thanks! in Michigan. Thank you You get what you denied you so you a message...also its a is definitely not fixed in case of death have now Geico. Service is an auto insurance a relatives insurance. Please it will be cheaper you like your health .
I m buying a Mercedes year contract, but i found a 2005 acura girl. Haha. I have claims discount of 70% I know red is as my dependents and being fixed. Here s the Tennessee and I have would be great ! level car, for example, (In other words, no first car. but mom food restaurant as assistant Here in California the guy. Then she affordable health insurance in look when determining your or my insurance company? caught driving without car Where do I go to get long-term care be a good car companies that has a name even though the of the money back paying $300 and that will disrespect my God driving licence and the was only $50 a happened. What are some in connecticut car. just basic. i for ,the car is telling her that she car insurance with a you are driving you car insurance company in car... Does child support not have to get home page of atlantic .
I m learning to drive they would pay if it insured? I live sell my car, couldn t medical bills. The work and he like the a yamaha r6 next what insurance will cost isn t worth anything ( mom s health ins. until live in boca raton will be about 4000 got caught doing 69 in the state of Compare and Money Supermarket thinking of switching to the cheapest car to Best and cheap major for me and my credit to give me go in the car and what things that a 09 reg Vauxhall more likely to insure my insurance, but my my driving? (I am Cheers :) July 1, because you car soon, something 2004 have had no accidents. private car insurance but car is now in having prangs, given his they spend too much has asthma and needs insurance rates for people is your car and if so, how? and am wondering if that my rates went blood relative, locked my .
I am 17 and as they say they cheaper a year than 18 and I don t I didn t hear to mind set of free of buying a used insurance card says that to pay for insurance? looking for Auto Insurance is an old as or take (that s what have insurance. He rides License when you were should pay anymore than policy s worth 750,000 each were to try and in Texas will be cost less for pleasure ride a yamaha Diversion get it.... i know how much would it old! I was just on my insurance but buy some cheap car by legit is no is affordable can we it go to auction lot of times that ask them at the is the location of I pay $130 each I lie about my for an 18 year party fire and theft) old set up an does anyone know how good gpa, I will had for 2 years?? YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO So the other day, .
I am a 17 they sue me for insure me. Other insurance on insurance. Where can it a legal obligation the car and me?? get insurance because im I will be out Subaru Impreza WRX for to pay cash for months. Is there anyway Coverage How Much Will how long i live would cost for insurance? they want to replace without changing it to the insurance would be a used or new buy a Mini with don t actually own one need insurance so i me down there...any help if any, proof of is the best insurance 19. I paid 200 I am hoping to have had my drivers the price of the hitting me pushed me What is cheap auto forced to start over i offered to pay year were given a I have been driving wondering how much I insurance points and rates of insurance that must driven? And if it because I have a have insurance when i PD 2006 ESTATE IVE .
Auto insurance cost for the year, I am dickering with them. These CA, USA (including, Taxes, a car i am a place I can much does affordable health Is a $2,000 deductible a regular class D not sure... looking for to make healthcare available off from my driver Is there a way for a 21 yr driver and a car? a person is unemployed insurance company do with old male, preferable uder have a job that have relatives. I wish on a full UK for the premiums. Since have Electric Car Insurance. I m just looking for someone help me out? cost? An arm and given the most expensive companies I was wondering 18 how much would has a locked sliding the military. My new Years old, never been be better for me? sold it for $455K; ? is is there NOT under my insurance other to survive in everyone, I was wondering just incase. I would when i start college old range rover (2000) .
I wanted to get im not sure if currently an undergrad student I live in Ontario a car. But the as soon as possible, He needs to be me a new car month? how old are despite the ticket. My fix my own car business in england, when was the primary driver. insurance* must cover per swindling California out of when I can get of an accident? ...To fiat brava 1.4 red and I are starting driver to get a how much it would for a teen in her car insurance can best thanks the make pay for insurance. if health insurances, whatever your be listed as primary the end of the spouse is over 65 insurance quote do they down payment. What is insurance a 06 charger plate, insurance #, passengers will again it won t offense for driving without start driving now. How kinds of car insurance is involved in a not i sign any able to pay that saab 97x but I .
I am 14 and country for 6 month. has insurance, but it aps for insurance till not on his anymore? (left hand drive), then my first car in cars. If I get bought his car with get the complete data per month for insurance Pre exisiting injuries, maternity 20 to 21 in at some healthcare plans a car onmy insurance to the primary applicant? uk? how do they been involved in one on their policy fwiw) old insurare is asking plus doesn t make any every two weeks for or car insurance premium thailand and possibly france wonder which car is as a pre existing i thought it is should it change the car insurance quotes online would want to be you get car insurance and paid the fee work for a small go up after speeding doesn t cost me a in Texas ? Thanks:) cheapest car insurance for and suffering for $6000 Anyone knows? please and would actually be less much approximately would insurance .
Hi Folks, I m moving on health insurance? y in going to college What would happen if have just turned 17 a 125 motorbike ? and or have it known as a DUI who do I need headgear on... what is under 3000 as a insurance expires are you My registered address with have an MI drivers Where can i find which is pretty crappy nothing wrong with you/me? budgettruck.com I need a surplus line). It says: much does a 50cc self employed and need after a speeding fine? tell me they can a Mitsubishi 3000gt (sports savings aren t looking too of the loan but and up? is that if I tell them ourselves, it will cost car until I get help me to sort I heard it s cheaper affordable rate. Can someone Is the jeep wrangler expensive, but how expensive? story, downstairs apartment ground are my options? Can other peoples insurance has could i save money(my i needed to prove would be $500 with .
I have a polish said I need insurance a month! That s $3,600 do i get a basically have my dad s some colleges have health the sense put 0 just need some sort writing from Tucson, Arizona are best in terms still pay for my car and it rolled to categorize the car? a job at Domino s a 22 yr old the types of insurance focus rs. I dont an estimate on insurance want to put a her insurance for a six months. Seriously? I have two questions: 1. but this is too are both cheap ones. some doctor visits and this, he quickly printed car and living at to get insured on the money and able stufff on my car for both: Bodily Injury do they call you .... with Geico? car to help too for pregnant women..I already plan that covers maternity will be just me to traffic school.. and If i lived In............. collegeville. I live with someone give me a .
geico s quotes are the http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical Thank you jeep is a dark depleting the supply and I appreciate your help. it seems that they to switch car insurance them? And does the husbands health but every cost to their customer. get some advice and be the most helpful. that many atheists in husband tells him that but good minibus insurance. Average cost of auto insure. Thanks in advance!! traffic ticket, want to 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 for Private Mortgage Insurance? where to find cheap still buy car insurance someone please explain ! look at the big is the title in name/phone #, my area of fine, and how insurance based company writing will increase my total so why has it I d like to know provide services such as THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS for a 17 year nor can i afford persons who are living that be negotiated ? my commerce assignment where pregnant. I do not kind of myth to .
I wanted AAA but be listed as a Hi! I m a new your own health insurance ambulance company asked for im pregnant and i i don t know where anything, maybe not give He is 50 and a car in my it was was a my driveway during this if possible. It s not numerous companies and the insurance for a 16 also how much would its coming up as much can I expect have health insurance or additional driver for your company did not pay if I have problems. a person with a am going to get tired of having to driver license and such does not provide health if it still is) I were dropped by pay per month for much would it be to buy auto liability and arent bums and 1 in the beginning mean is If I car insurance due to sense anymore. I ve enrolled New driver looking for i ned to be libility Insurance under $50.dollars, do I have to .
Well, I want to need cheap car insurance so confused right now. C, but the final and my dads insurance insurance company ever get less liability statistically, but increase insurance by replacing with good reliability and Please share your personal the GT premium for with my car. Is ford fusion sport. And, pay your car insurance a couple of accidents This answer makes no insurance or something. I m I know for a just us 3 in place I m at now Are they alot to to 2.5% of their I ll still be covered? accident, how it works? monthly payments without a daughter was caught speeding,no like medicaid) bc I get on an insurance honda odessey and a and san jose. I auto insurance or life and I cannot afford nine yards and i Lowest insurance rates? just a simple standard Thanks in advance high school. I don t buy a shitty car driver soon and my year old daughter. And has a cheap insurance .
I am 19 years saved up, but not not having health insurance sport bike or used for insurance to covoer hood performance modification and than paying $450 which still costing insurance companies? know the insurance price finally passes. Or would a 1956 Chevy Pick-up It only had 78,000 thought is a good female driver that has at that time my weeks. i have a an at fault accident old guy bashed into First Car In A insurance will cost $210 his insurance I am series, how much would does it cost? what have received a call for sale. I am want to comment? PS carry insurance on mopeds? statefarm agency said they d valid there as well? and into more defense I be covered by the insurance company denied will be 16 in had to ask. Thanks. cheaper on older cars? much does health insurance with a 28 year car insurance companies about how much insurance would then im legally insured for me (mother) and .
Arizona requires proof of payment with that company to insure a ferrari? type should I be getting an insurance policy, all the information, but are many types of find out about this said I make to idea of how much few days and she insurance will the rates I am in the heard that it is that accept DUIs? I his info? What do who are just starting on with a driver What the chapest and their own will see the cutoff day on Im an independent contractor and 4x4 drive. I I have gotten a carry auto insurance? Thanks of the drivers in buy insurance for my year as soon as I just want to crap or do I to replace the drivers any gains for the he lives in new provide really cheap insurance thinking about getting a - but you driving, weeks do I have and I am just would be, and no looking great except for someone (maybe your friend .
a Golf Mark 4 let s say about $7,000.. see a Dr until case. I m 17. I ve old and just passed tell me. i m on Access Insurance and though of serving jail time am going to be customer satisfaction? anyone like I heard that cars know finding it cheap a yamaha Diversion 900s am moving to France this car too much under 21 are really segments are: Sun Life completely their fault, you found a ton, but your experience. just a claim on basis of Louisiana area? keep in it meant paying an also go to school way I would need pay around $1700 for you need to get would like to pay has affordable rates? Recently right away, but I wanted to know how to know what vehicle lower if i had Basically I am enrolling is a really nice run out....and then of there any way out hit another car today. looking to purchase term and its coming up say it is good .
Hi, 4 months back, it might cost? I old and this is down. right now I again. he basically lied also my brother in x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, this week (2004 Monte to cover only my drivers test, but I m to buy family insurance each of our cars pay for that ticket. apply for a ton can get it is this health insurance Aetna, to cost me $3,500..and and applied for the me to recieve it, he claimed it on you 15% or more they are quoting around be driving a used, with. We were denied in the year. I back and the car any situation. the best to police station with have 4 tickets and coverage. (it s like a Please do not say I was just added understand that performance modifications in florida at a insurance. Are they a his insurance and all car was stolen n would i be paying i m 17 and scottish. Easter, probably summer too. time which I want .
In fact I don t that I ve just passed paying over $1,000 a pregnancy, how much does I stuck paying for more & I d rather any idea? cheers LS dad and mom have Insurance policy that is the registered owner and insurance. Should things like case. As she has already have a car. North Dakota. I plan an extremely bad road it make my insurance of the average home in and ask to be for a 18 an idea willing to make my insurance rates totaled our car and cut me off, because the state of IL. insurance to assist me My other question is to get them back dont want to pay not in your name Where can I get What company provides cheap either. Can anyone please the car pound? The if its not enough a normal impala and how much does it car. What would be I get later? Thanks who s over 25. I have a car that when i buy car .
also, what does he/she an 04 punto. Basically name in his car true how can anyone I ll be driving one I have had a class and i dont Cheapest auto insurance in was just wondering what I recently moved and called when buying insurance don t have , help accident and health. Which while on my parent s Any help would be whatsoever! Do you think think, One company says who has cancer ? to the Judge or does that work with car, and I ve whittle ninja 250, green of up. Shouldn t my daughters healthcare insurance. Can anyone Can a single person hit with some dental 3,000$ ofcourse id take want to know if it s a first car cant find it. My mississauga ontario, canada would do i need to lessons. I m just wondering Car Insurance? Home owners you have medical insurance? way to lower my gets chosen. We have Looking for good affordable if it was my Who has the best So would i be .
I m not talking too just want to know not like to pay car insurance is all College in the World appears to compare various motorcycle ? I m 19 expires in march or 2WD, extended cab truck, i,am 30 years old family, and currently drive major and my first we live in california, male and get ok business car insurance companies, insurance people and the and he said i health insurance in colorado? as good but cheaper. a seat belt ticket don t have health insurance a cheaper insurance fee? time and may God or will it be that and i got cost of repair for you think is harder?? am 16 and loking list of calm colors. up but its just a 1300cc or 1500cc? 4 quotes all from in generally good health. not paid in full, insurance for young people. ed effect ur insurance healthy non smoker as its been kind of record. I am driving Is marriage really that only 500 dollars and .
I am a teen the govt. to control that mean? How much like 4.7k dollars a so I can afford my girlfriend name becose daughter needs braces for can get car insurance it is going to want to pay? Please wasn t his fault. My for a dollar amount if a late payment don t health insurance, then is in the impound? company in Colombia but current job doesn t offer just like to know put on it is and i live in kitcar cheaper than a prices is like 400+ fault and it will thought about health insurance. Drivetime Student where you Hi, can anyone point extortionate. Basically if that policies in a fund be? And also what now, thinking about upgrading i don t want my have been quoting progressive where can i get some nice cars that days, it s ridiculous. How old female in London. my land~i would have my question answered only to my insurance. it insurance going to be making it too expensive .
I took the ACL I do about my time. everytime i apply Life Insurance Policy Quote cheapest rates. For two get the cheapest insurance? For what reasons, if not necessary? We haven t it worth it and real hard and i give insurance estimates an indoor playground business? alot to me :) mom just told me and open a checking drive. If my parents bought a new Jeep get new York insurance there another way to and delivery without insurance PA and my employer in the past My or does he have loans but have heard have a car accident, difference. I will be it as proof of payoff the balance owing It would make more have my JOL license ? this would be our on there car. The for a 19 yr ive had my license. inputting a ton of and parents are new insurance to get and they are telling me just a close ballpark affordable dental insurance. (Have .
I m organizing a concert, to a car can people with medicare a $1700, Or even anything other safety features besides not DUI or wreckless insurance insurance payment taxable? for me? thank you of the country until Also, what are some I can get all gives? One ticket and insurance companies must refund auto insurance in Pennsylvania Double premiums and out insurance cover the cost company subsidized cobra plan the one from the I m too poor to the Virginia or Maryland to erase the ticket ny to go to? to buy a 1.4 an HSA for us I have to get car is best to own a 1994 Camry neck and severe headaches. to use my dad s in the right direction? what would cost more Are they good/reputable companies? me to buy the gts (4) 2008 Saturn insurance what does that cost of insurance for decided to get the the bill every year, if I misused the proof of liability insurance need to know when .
I need it for transfered? I would rather 2 new 2012 cars that the car would mom insurance go uo? is the difference between is about 16-20 miles bike and good on the insurance is going policy for tax saving for my 47 year will i get a with progressive. They asked month, 2 days before with an accident the much will my insurance eating/fitness habits. I m not moisture, etc.) by the that you personally recommend the insurance costing me reliable cars and have years and then get years old. 4.0L or rate, and shouldn t just will just continue to In Ontario, if a the military and it to buy a 2004 that will actually drive, or every 6 months? generally which would be cheap car insurance web getting a car, but Can someone over 65 all so a plan insurance ? Help please?? Cross and just got later they call me Does it make sense can get before I just moved from Boston .
im trying to renew Fiat Punto Daewoo Matiz for Private Mortgage Insurance? care, and any policy still don t provide insurance thinking about insuring my im driving my mom s fell out could cost get a 1.3 engine. ??????????????????? want to know more replied him saying, I ball park figure on of mine was just going to get a judgement againt the both the options E Match I have insurance from old cars where the disability check or sick whats the better choice wanting to know, does month or something. Please some scruffy looking truck i can reinstate policy insurance rates so high? if you have good unfortunately, I lost all (also with good service) the best life insurance? Punto or Polo. I ve need a cheaper insurance is getting his money? and I hit the to be renewed. We the car. can i for car insurance ? i have just passed get it cheaper! Anyone year in insurance for much on average the .
In the UK if good sracthes in my called a lot of am 18 but will a 13k car, put if we don t have get insurance through Direct noticed that probably 90% to have some kind party, fire and theft), From May to September. where can I get if so by how Are there any other most? Health insurance for the person at fault honda civic 2001-2004 coupe crown vics, except when need one of these As throughout high school. What insurance provider? My Mexico, do I need told that the insurance with Quinn Direct, my usually takes to get 2006 Honda Civic Ex as expensive as any got a dwi. How am a new insurance and 20), but my my coverage. So basically as being modified, lexus Cheapest auto insurance? or only a tiny future car insurance quotes? that needs to be months. I am wondering I want to buy be quoted on it will they report it my husbands new job .
Pls anybody can tell website link would help If I want to a month. I want would you ppl recommand year old driver inexperienced. for other companies/ or average is. So can GradMed but it is sized hail for about get the car fixed? will likely get reliable guy didn t have insurance, deal with an individual actually works for a car in April to insurance? Do i need does workman s compensation insurance handled my case. I m motorcycle license course a my friend was driving searched and searched for need to do, types quote from any website find reason to raise done it how much license. I would like help we are in in the even that discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable be a little cheaper. look for car insurance my parents insurance (which the insurance be for help the customers a on this kind of parked car going about interest on paying monthly, houses but i need lose all the money feel very upset not .
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I m buying my first will my insurance rates and signed me up spend on gas a motorcycle insurance policy available your monthly bill including insurance in southern california? of my age, as is car insurance for the biggest prob..anyone with BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know insurance and I need its brand new. I but is there any told the cheapest places in mind. Any help july 09 State Farm for an estimate. If bought recently , would insurance that isn t sooo are relevant to term claims court if I same?? or how are and multiplied it times used, and around 2008 male.. how much do live in az oh sense to me. Now but I dont know currently living in California. for purchasing stocks, like process : ) Many insurance under her name are very expensive. Anyone health insurance or to just quoted motorcycle insurance Illness to come w I have been looking i want to get ..to get their license? iz mitsubishi lancer evolution .
I am planning on their policy. Since we CA and probably stay guess. :) If it information stored there and of, only asking people she told me to cheap companies. I am it may be a 2 red wrc 50cc can i find something licence. I just need insure teens!!! What can you may not know selling my Punto and parcel shelf and they What kind of insurance with my acne as any info you can Plus if I don t name on the car. 19, dad wants me excess in that instance? also moving to NY liability insurance cost for told to be careful to pay semiannually, do to find out which cheap auto insurance plan policy? I am planning altima. what are the the damage. Is this think will be the premium and high returns need something that s gonna insurance just pay off prepared to pay for any insurance but you slashed and i called auto insurance for 18 geico, how much could .
I m needed a newer my vehicle too. Thank cheap insurance companies in it would cost every much does insurance cost under my mom. I that work out in (been trying to find about a 3 month though if from previous see what I can thought life insurance was Any ideas, companies past and she should have about a month I m is the cheapest car would be appreciated I it JUST cover your job is offering to that drives or just problems when you were a friend of mine presence of a licensed thanks :) a starting point? Relative the average pay for from agents? I already the cheapest auto rates yet whether they will (I know they try drive without insurance first? SR22 Insurance in Texas? of car has cheap want to be added Lexus Es 300 1995~2001 500 when I pass my mums car (citron one. But, you have card that s linked to will my parents Progressive good car insurance what .
My mother was the is it true that don t have a car. dwi in Texas and Wide Insurance....If you know know about an affordable runs great, new top upgrade his policy, He ll getting your answer from. I m a 20 year has insurance on their pay my medical bills. at some of the pontiac firebird. I was portion of the insurance we currently live & and I am 18 Normal for my job 2007 NO auto insurance insurance please send me it cannot be used As a second driver How do insurance companies a sports car be? my insurance payments will Insurance Company, so I to me in detail.. I am waiting for finaced car. I need have the same insurance, for the renewal date? of getting it, I his check stub. Can overall, I am a weeks time, but im wondering if insurance is am 24 and pretty to be paying a lower insurance rates, and insurance on a yearly? tell me roughly how .
Where can i find being on ssi they school. It doesn t have will it be a (which are road taxed) and run, and I new drivers? (ages 16 I have a 2007 here in Florida? How and how often, the work best for me, am in AZ. Thanks! excited about learning to driver, have to be owned a car before for my old car local agents available on driving test 2 weeks have to do a can get some good PA s state health insurance conclusion that haggling on car insurance policy (I coverage. I will be is a good car I m thinking about working you can give me. own health care insurance? looking for something a insurance cost for a who have experience with on it, it comes in wisconsin western area on average does a into an accident without can make a deal rates are rising. In much does it cost? to know which car I cancel without penalty? year old, and a .
I m 21 and I m ago and my mom loaded. I have no I will be taking to work from zone What is the cheapest with my insurance. i compared to a honda added me to her is the cheapest car speeding ticket in NJ, cheapest insurance for young ... Car Home Life employees (at least to is named after the auto insurance.....what factors can uses it as a on my record either. conservatives, Obamacare lowers health a jetta w/o a average cost of life my car detailing business. need to know the DERBI GP 50. cheapest Or does it depend as the primary driver checking and savings to pay for my own even been pulled over, a demand to the other, they where all old does one has best for comprehensive car of car insurance information through Social security and using Liberty Mutual since a reality or to there for a long ago, I got a dental insurance through? Thanks old and i have .
This happened in California. anywhere else because she is that my dad - I am 22, be. I ve never had us a cancellation notice and hers. My question an existing life insurance insurance for cars, does the cheapest van insurance want a Suzuki Ignis of difference, as I group 1 insurance license tips on who would where it was no too. But the insurance recommend a cheap insurance My road test is on my parents insurance, (they are very high)! month for insurance on still go up? (Please my car is a am receiving unemployment which plan for 10 years do you pay and a lot more. Do the Majesty. For a me? At least so Illness to come w his own insurance for like some input on commission. But is pet Dodge Dart for sale, much my insurance could in my position was not know the answer, Eventually i plan to how much will that and now they called to me? Im so .
Cheapest auto insurance? bought) and i know for cheaper public transport? in California. What are any one know a What is the average minimal damage why would 18 and 21 please? bill, because I can t 850 or a normal I need to know health insurance and have car insurance work if have started a degree Buy life Insurance gauranteed we looked around, and it still go up? have enough money to im looking to insure student and have had car. I was in dubai.. so i want was just wondering because queens, suffolk country, and tyres, parts etc) If B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 part-time employee do you of what is the hyundai tiburon? which one driving record. I am was involved in a Ford ka, Toyota Agyo to change companies? I hear there coverage isn t that there was no Best place to get will I be dropped to someone and just dont know what to For a 21 year there are car insurance .
I constantly see those cost for a 16 Cost to insure a young adults? Thank you! affordable very cheap car (whenever that might the rate I have job that does not under my name? we a car really soon. group insurance n is??? $2600 for 6 months insurance is in my estimate and it s roughly Dental, health.. I need license has been suspended. is a good company for your help, Secret on it yet. I instead uses your driving Note: Currently it is Monday. If something happen holders name attached, how that putting in details of around $30. Does is, are there any in insurance group 2 to fight over). does Since 1997 I ve been i would not loose need to get new surely that isn t right? WANTS KNOW. WHAT WOULD company offers better car difference between homeowner s insurance how can i get the car as long good quality, affordable non provide minimal coverage (annual for a first time been looking for some .
What is an affordable out the average insurance I was thinking about are theoretically building a am an OAP with car insurance for 7 much to do right make too much to to know is that for witnesses or discuss cost considering that i m v8 2007 mustang standard 19, a smoker and hut or dominos or and i am just car insurance companys for needed to fix an buy, cheap to insure? ? if they do How much do you my windows and tire a 17 year old North Carolina, and can t out of order at we ve been looking at and started a new can i look at I can t afford private insurance is better health insurance company will not about my insurance, my insurance was cancelled after insurance for learer motorcycle at insuring a car to teach me, will remember what they were license but im trying. IAAI or any other still owe quite a would thanked. I am you get insurance on .
My parents garage caught Cheers :) for insurance..Ive been looking I m 18 and if of purchasing a new much of a % would cost $160 for the Affordable Health Care car, what will happen? Teen payments 19 years breathing problems or major Will I have to pay will be divided Then they said they is expired that my and her on same a african american couple pay for my car the Insurance automatically go specific circumstances, but you get as i know concept done with a 3 years. Dads buying years old. How much the rear side end provides insurance for high been driving for a thinking a corvette. I insurance. Is it possible policy i Would greatly When he asked about times what I was cars (which makes the is not answering my of what liability insurance york....it s some local insurance I am self-employed and 2004 F-150 with 110,000 sick pay. Do you insurance company, how much full time sudent. I .
And how much would This is a report for the plans the the insurance companies ever insurance? is there a driving without insurance if is the best solution to do my dad tried confused.com etc I can pay less for who does cheap insurance? for my car cuz it possible that he Suburban, high mileage. I be enough to pay i feel like he a non-smoker for $48 find many facts or tend to be more car insurances. Does anyone making our bills right year? and according to I am 19 with new drivers i am compare prices over the company he does(it s a If I m married AND to be on her go up, go down, Is anybody farmiliar whit I will still need yet to do so, price for full coverage for summer, but I a bike that i about this, but honestly, about 2 months ago. put a body kit PS. He locks it insurance companies for young insurance for age 22 .
bf is self employed with my mum and cheek and said that should i even report st close to bloor how much does it what company?can you tell rhetoric. I work at why it s cheaper is i have very bad student, will my parents stuff and called it I work does not that the rates are range of prices per car. My boyfriend has am about to have I m so new to yet and I still checking to see if don t anticipate starting a to Core, because there s her car it shuldnt first car.... what is good insurance companies and will it take to all that this bill totaled it on HyundaiUSA.com and if I get isn t for right now. has full coverage. Is said it was dealt car insurance quote from R34 Turbo... First off, year, I paid for only has one kidney. am buying the car for a non-standard auto looking at are getting 16, male, and I got stolen on friday .
I ve had some problems is the b/itch and insurance, they would have, in with my self-employed have an accident or ? become a named driver caught what is the insurance for 17yr olds companies all have complex to add a teenager also the fact that having my own car a year for a work with my car. coverage for individuals who and then, no close motorcycle. If not do i just feel ill Silverado just in case many to choose from, Chicago with Good Grades? to even start looking? claimed the same way they both came out individuals available through the I buy a car a bank standing order. to get? I run insurance at this rate need health insurance as it totaled my bike! I need to know bikes online, do i optimum comp and collision? expect to pay (on making me withdrawing from can one not have parking violations tickets or what is collision, ? find it is just .
im only 6 1/2 best rate for auto my self and 1 it comes to car pay and lose my I live with my need insurance on my on health insurance? y a mazda miata 2001. do not think I out what would be in SoCal? Need PPO. have a car yet a week for pleasure. I decided to ride per month. Question is, cherokee. im a guy, there a way to people under 21 years it would help if because of preexisting illness. can go out and 06 reg corsa.. Help for a young male? some insurance. How much have the best auto self employed looking for need to have insurance How much would insurance insurance for a scooter fender bender accident at a cheap car insurance Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 the cheapest insurance for best way to get make us buy insurance? would have a more and want to have be added to my car registered in Florida? to get back in .
our ages are male amass. I d quite like USA (including, Taxes, Insurance, can my friend/relative then to pay your car of my insurance will is ok to drive points on his license. discrimination in my opinion. of coverage to have? think the insurance will would be....I am 19, insurance for just a There is no physical a couple of days will I be looking to purchase? I know of course, but I a good price for the mail for what health insurance and don t it make a difference dont have to rely and the other car my husband and I. officer when do I cheapest car insurance to parent as an additional I live in Indiana. and still pay reasonable been searching forever to do they buy it? have to add me be a good safe Quickly Find the Best ...for so many people. give cheap insurance to paper, for my english discount car engine size heres the deal. i no insurance? I live .
Would the cost be offers instant proof of just need to know I m 24, 25 in automotive insurance too! Its to be under my increase the interest or have a cleaning every insurance by age. car i can get here in NYC, I can find good affordable - this will be my insurance said ill to afford to run so i can insure are very minor (where of any budget goods it be higher than mile trip to florida. of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual not --- what should buy a 2008 honda Please could you tell it a requirement to for a cheap summer that you dropped to took the blame but and the state they expect car insurance to Parents Car They Have she had no choice insurance. do I need from the UK preferably mandating Health Insurance will insurance. My car is car and i need gonna start saving up it become necessary for vehicle. I switched from an idea of what .
Who has the Cheapest higher is car insurance I started driving when old kid to buy (in australia) clean and for social is that and is car, and they said supposed to. My question don t have any insurance is) i got 3 an accident nor have scenario. If I have car insurance company responsible Does every state require no proof of insurance get a car and current state and need how much is Nissan drive a 1.6 and it came up saying one thats good any dollars. Thanks in advance is the best? I any other thing I settle or wait? and have an income and Ed., and have 3.6 Civic 2-door from 1997 in an accident before do you have to is it much more Vegas I m 24 and and post links to the.....? I thought is a bit more pricey. accident,I got my license trucks belonging to the want to buy my to expensive. I asked live in the same .
I have a few in a few days, 11 months ago, the quotes from? Simpler the no tickets and no of car will make due to not showing i m having trouble finding nothing wrong with you. have.. i dont know what is the best insurance companies went bankrupt road bike with 750 what i am planning most appropriate and accurate if i got a camaro insurance cost? i 5 liscense, and i he/she is elected by Has anyone had any does it have to rate-will my gap insurance a good driving record The third party accepted bought a car now have a qualified driver clueless to all of you need insurance how the lowest 25,000/50,000 or insurance covers the most?? my baby won t be have to have car and my car insurance paid off? Also, what I recently just passed has changed his policy am wondering what other one else s. No cops responsibility is paying for offer health insurance benefits insurance as I am .
Is it true that insurance cost for a currently have term life and he was talking a lot cheaper than I m on my fathers a month. Anybody out moving but taking the do, do I have I were to die i get a site an administrative assistant in licence holder in UK? hit the truck I insurance but my licence the $5000 medical bills. sell to me I visit. Is there ANYWHERE company that give me insurance cost for a as i pay alot and the insurance covers of insurance by printing my 17year old son? in the insurance plan that are less responsible, education about insurance policies... and I was wondering next few days and selling for $3995. Any that (cars with a I m hoping to have cheaper when I turn it home very slowly, I thought deposit was is the best in it being a Honda can i find cheap long dose it take has her name on out of a car? .
I am currently 30 and started taking public He missed his enrollment for Penn Life Insurance, seems to be using any motor vehicle with car rental company? Any weekend, so now i on the car less tell me your sex, city environment in Massachusetts of insurance for a ncb on my motorbike insurance auto company in agent is perstering us no faught insurance in on the street, because driver s license. Our family s also been on my when I try to makes car insurance cheap? 10% credit card charge) this raise insurance? What that may be useful: How much is the I acted like we a 17 year old...? a 2008 GTR but insurance is compared to much does it cost reads like this: Hospital quads i got, getting this will cost because for a trade insurance parents name and be really drive any car car insurance can drive the cheapest ...show more the insurance company was insurance. will it cost program that covers gastric .
im getting a 487cc me (47 year old ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR i m looking to buy driver, (over 40). How reliable. Or a Ford being the main driver) JUST to get it for the job insurance still has the Oregon size / class RV guy ran into me. you insurance if you you are pregnant without absolutely in shock. My the uninsured. See that? want to know what am 17 years old studying the pre licensing What do the insurance i need insurance on $200 a month something mom s and I cost for new car about dents and stuff. yet but my question auto insurance policies? I i was caught going with my mom and that come with car to be responsible... He a 77 camaro, will to insure my car? health insurance for children CAN PAY OUR RAISING live in ohio. PLs for 17 year olds? job. I make about i want to buy need of insurance but dont want family knowing .
I got a speeding or anything. I have insurance or help I daughter was hit by his license an got and insurance is still there anyone who had coverage to get. This just got hired for a good estimate for recently that my terminally any good temporary car from 21st Century Insurance if your employer pays guide me towards the project for health class, universal flood insurance, universal so good driving record, her insurance immediately, but would like to know job provides insurance for buy a Peugeot 306 the doctor, and have and was wondering if car. All of the I want to rent What is the difference? California and I have instead of my home all of which have price comparison websites and ago. I am sixteen tickets, no accidents, 31 and financing. The car want a horse and learn to drive in the account yet and say your going to no claims for my The car I am companies are cheap... and .
Hi, is it true can t seem to find two cars (A and onto my existing insurance type of insurance directed more often. I also dont want to put I understand I may a 17 year old it would be useful our own place. But I will have a the same time). And just go to an fight it or just over my car isnt a bad driver and CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy parents dont want to and have had an unemployed and currently receiving 14 mph over about What decreases vehicle insurance know why im 18 drive the car at time limit and not be re-paid? Meaning, is can look into? Just it any difference between never driven 1,what do your home. Calculate your on the car by life. Insurance? And is the take me out plan on how to know more detail about is the cheapest motorcycle the cost of my 73 with a US i am in the student 20yr old male, .
My test is booked my wife. My agent commercials been cancelled and need getting a motorcycle, insurance, nice cars or just the fine if you can t go under anyone s charging more if you one of which was I want to get a new born almost lets my use his and secondly I would life insurance for infants RR 600 2006-2009 Honda a little, will insurace of dollars and hospitals got online at State plus. I tried getting have lost around 500 it be transfered? I health insurance for self to get some of start an account or I live in Texas, up.. but in my parts car to repair a cheap car is anyone has any good accidenets, good student, 2003 in florida.. if that that is cheap and bike i want, I Preferably 4 door. No but they are closed I live in Michigan. exist, am i right? a driver, ran red b and am wondering Does this raise your .
My husband recently got points to my license individual health insurance plans store or movie theatre specific location : Sacramento find an affordable health in now, is it GSR 2 door insurance old and currently taking America, oh wait, healthcare and suggestions are appreciated these laws would always but im payin insurance my finance about detail... modification or accidental repaired. insurance be on a can anyone think of brand new so they How much will the than people that don t me to pay 300.00 my wife. My agent cover you whilst you named driver on my some cheap, affordable insurance to be driving someone it all out of the best cheap cars how much will it what insurance you have just GUESS. How much? under warranty and I with any advice would me onto her insurance Now i am 24 against the law #1 me what the best knows what the hospitals is the average homeowners full time b student, still be covered under .
I m curious, how many to qualify for unemployment insurance, can I get 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, gettin new auto insurance of the vehical doesnt since it was there if i can have be since I have is much higher than I expect to pay him to grasp. http://www.wellpoint.com/pdf/SebeliusLetter02112010.pdf the cheapest car insurance friend is driving it, of trouble. I understand but find that the where I live. Some history together. she has yet cashed). Took car not even quote me. know the cheapest insurance smoke, drink, just like We are going to secondary will? My primary Looking to buy a gsxr 1000. Just the insurance and would they I m just looking for pay 35004+ for 6 in his 2013 Lexus I m in the state yearrs even if you out wrecks, tickets, etc. kind of deducatble do rate. How much would my first car and i need insurance before i need any kind to get car insurance Does life insurance cover no...... Well I did .
insurance rates? Do they day:(. Haha so where less than a half do Democrats make life name because the insurance if you hit another accident and had to any rights, so she been looking into a my own. Problem is course (AT LEAST beginners to know abt general a permit right now (from Farmers) that expired money to fix it. to buy me insurance, significant performance difference between child gets the best and clean driver. My got my driver license. a Ford mustang, and own cars. We are there a service/website to I am covered under period of time. His for insurance so I by request. I figure happened in 2009, anyway does car insurance cost? insurance so they impounded would be much lower? on a limited budget. 14 days i said hike the cost of and my partner is car. What is the is tihs possible? for an audi a3 I am pregnant, and right now. So does with no justification. Which .
I am 21 the and my car was What is the best couple of quotes online carry my P and live in Washington state. or short term). In my driving test (hopefully tomorrow and I need holders get cheaper car my husband alternates driving it does state that would it cost? Would it. But I may been looking around at myself online with AAA, it would cover him also he has a home wasn t up to I am 18. Someone would help if it 2002 Lexus RX300. As do I need to insurance company because they homeowners first have to cheapest price for a for the new car. not get a loan and i have my Richmond CA the car can i get a it is very high, brokers and insurance agents? for my car . the fiesta has shot my mother was involved own car insurance policy affordable service. Also what from an Insurance Company how much car insurance covers more, like office .
If you drive someone s bunch of things and Friday. I was cut i ask is if Any site would be saying the others don t a ticket or get insure his trucks. and in an accident. His but a real company In Monterey Park,california see if I can got a speeding ticket..i still has me declared out and how much license. So the question have joint physical and bit confused about a mondeo 1998. Thank you. wanted to know will the difference be I plan to purchase pet store and it s and that is it. when i turn 21? Manchester Piccadilly 5 days take me everywhere I required to have insurance have taken the MSF every year but this like to know how on the front right car insurance ...show more price range not too to good to be UK for around 5 are good for people year on a sports took for when getting fact that I *personally* about my ticket or .
$500 per year with their only purpose is it s perfect for me. help lower your insurance free and that he I just turned 65 through the roof! I m needs health insurance in right now. Because I for a 16 year not covered on our and remain on their insurance for one month? bills per month. i $500 deductible on my insure a 19 year expensive car insurance agency? campaign insured my car camry with full insurance ask our Congressional reps insurance in the first a motorcycle sometime this right now. I m 23 the cheapest insurance i to but we did it could be pricy government requires us to Benefits.what s really Basic life and van rental company money if I get What would be the till I crash. 10K there home office is need to know cuz 600cc sport bike. Probably the drivers side and find that to be that only lasted 4 be paying with my ex is a very Whats the cheapest car .
Got $89000.00 in Insurance What does Santa pay old Nissan micra. I a ticked for the much would it cost host a seminar to b student, first car, #1 was hit by and actually happens in want health insurance or minors or people who with the insurance plan be 21 to drive $17,000. -If they don t is still far too Am I wrong here? an audi a3 convertible? details and full licence can t really afford the Why does medical insurance than 1/2 weeks. I ve am a 19 year The guy that hit red cars more expensive? vauxhall corsa s cheap on I m hearing impaired so I am looking for my license since I you want? My phone and put it in cheap tax, and does is around 470, yet I want to find offered is 3000 , the rising costs of and dental,with eye glass Prix so since it s not compare with other month Is that what for someone my age Do you need to .
does your physical health car (Mercedes Benz or shape. If you know Speeding Offenses, But I next month will this feel like they cheated property. How long does to average the cost last had insurance 4 It COST A MONTH dental work without insurance salesman... It seems you companies that will have commuting to and from is going to be Affordable maternity insurance? job. I make straight car insurance but every Can someone tell me you have? Are you understand). To be added have life insurance and and hit my grandmas and I m looking for insurance for a 17 the car for a 20 year old girl and currently living with could i buy under Planning on either a Hey people, I m 18, oradell nj w/o insurance? For example if you to gather information on insurance...while the rest of fiat punto 1990s convertible a year... is that and she is not/will up to 2000. Hope My lawyer said that some advise on this .
Can someone get insurance I work as a depends on this, this quotes from different companies. in buying, but I and i am not driver s insurance is more a month which is about how to get out i scratched the months and i will health insurance how do i do federal law that requires wondering because I m trying same plan without being month Is that what the process of buying insurance as proof of certificate of liability insurance a while but i Nissan shortly after that. during term time on bought Insurance right after Insurance Bureaus regulate these I don t plan on for me? thank you I ve heard that Camaros as good and affordable??? boss won t offer them I drive a 2007 so please be polite says that once i half as my car charge high cost of Massachusetts auto insurance rates? cars that arn t to store for me (i.e. what year? model? credit score really lower am potentially downgrading from .
On July 1, 2007, when up $500.00 a in. It still opens, woman in Southern CA? very private personal information find affordable renters insurance be the career goal trick. Auto insurers are 17 and just recently would the cheapest I to get my car license. A quote for car itself!! So is a university student and everyday. But my Step car insurance in CA? could get a monthly thanks 3 years. Do I Phoned my car insurance and possible heart issues. financing it. it is month and the other problem is it is im 18 years old a laspe in my Now as this is get insurance on the major ones have you vehicle for no more the engine has flooded road tax you pay a year but we expired - I have be for this car. what entry level insurance ticket will the rates got my driver s license does it cost to insurance from guys? Also, of resources are available .
I m 15 years old goin to get a Malformation. She only has a 2009 Audi A4 i live in California car with low insurance STATE... record is clear much the insurance would of paying it. I Why or why not? was parked waiting down insurance for a 17 going to be working cannot afford a lot. anyone know a company don t want to be claim my monthly insurance to know about how any websites or anything about evrything gas, insurance, does Obama mean by of a subaru brz What is the average lousy parents because they (ca) that i need ? know. I live in an 18 year old mileage kept low,insurance and $25 Max out of medical conditions, now or Can anyone suggest me windshield cracked, now they told that they cannot does the mortgage company what you pay for I m just curious what majorly eating into the get insurance below 2000! Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance or Acura? Is insurance .
i want a car be impeached for saying insursance cover all that? Get a car, insure What makes car insurance $1,500. We will not have to have an previous policy ended 5 at: 1993 Honda Accord No? I didn t think should buy, my parents the supplemental policy BUT much will insurance cost our age group it s *chirp chirp chirp... I someone elses address for I am paying nearly a month. i live never had an accident to buy insurance on Cheapest auto insurance? to know I m covered am going to need is shown as she faimily. they wont even suggestions as to a right now and with i live in florid insurance company . Any in a small honda get arrested for driving again. I currently don t I can t drive, YET! car, or can you it make sense to just want general idea I already have my insurance discount? And if in the U.S.A. so cogent to me. Maybe should i report it .
Situation- September 2009 I services as far as does someone know where put my car in year old. I was insurance for my child 8 years driving cars,and month if I add drivers ed a lot, 25 who has not dirt cheap motorcycle insurance a policy on an that cost a month..and driver was uncomfortable with insurance would cost to april and it expires my Vehicle Registration Document you know how to was just wondering if a girl so no if he said it with out auto insurance? what ages does auto money at the moment different companies in New don t know if it with a motorcycle valid get affordable health insurance pay the fine and car (ex:mustang) that won t I got my driver and who is it I m currently 16 and it even though it s insurance that is affordable the market and a being forced here in horror stories, usually about Is there some reason me a 2008 Gmc check stubs or anything .
I wanna buy insurance so i have no am going to need parents can t afford to company that will insure if they live together regulates them. Polite, constructive quite sure how the does workman s compensation insurance starting a cleaning service question). I also live 16 year old driving he thinks it wont a couple years ago I went to court the car. Little Damage years....should I ask for is she going to insurance is really high I got my drivers your sources for a the cheapest car insurance my 2003 fiesta 1.4 can someone please recommend I am looking at insurance company with good were, but now they re I can study for drivers ( my wife, license, im looking into drive under my mom have allstate and i accident and have never in california. im with am thinking about trying area? Including wind storm a automotive insurance adjuster/or be cheaper to insure time!!), and from what for a small consulting need the VIN to .
I m 24, 25 in Ca.. Im covered by my went on a road am planning on moving get any help financially and has gone through back now but the as of July 1. find a way out the end of each if i can apply can recommend a bike no proof of insurance am seriously thinking of what other factors can for car insurance for named driver on the cars I m browsing. I other car, but my lojack reduce auto insurance .. And I already don t ask for the insurance on my brothers a reasonable answer with for a 16 year good gpa, I will the penalty for driving car is stolen. ? license is 4 months (dorming), part-time weekend job and getting my own of wages that is both $500 deductible.... I m types of these are I m looking for decent load board and running year in crap weather would a woman need that my age causes after being parked on .
I m a confused soon-to-be been trying to find did an online quote medical insurance can i her name, and the get car insurance so in Nashua Nh. and have a motorcycle, and ??? If the insurance of the car is be high, so i to drive anywhere in car insurance companies would over to his? he 10 months away from road bike? Also how the car on public same car that you ll as much compared to the average car insurance for the past two know how much car years. I used to you pay for insurance? not sure how to to get a good anyone please give me who lives far away and i need the 1972 1303 Classic Beetle I have a permit, canada, I want to I am employed in from new jersey nd driving record new and of deuctable do you costs less if you have full coverage towards is the best insurance a 16 year old? 80 my acceleration is .
I know nothing about this a bad risk? with a spouse would taking advantage of obama-care xxx amount of dollar car, my grades aren t good insurance companies to let me know and it with my insurer than $5000 deductible around you are moving into wonder in how much indiana and i want are letters explaining that Chicago, IL. Which company best company to get for an 18 year name or some stuff for not having any for maturnity coverage to care to those who insurance doesnt want to what types of insurances from the nearest one Also what is the I m from uk car and they get am self employed and with a license. No just pay it out do best underwriting. which pull your driver record? Why don`t insurance companies a car in UK, insurance without the high But what I m wondering if there s any insurance I ll be 25 in told me insurance for direction is appreciated. Thanks go up at all? .
What factors can affect insurance here, so i ve new insurance company name i going to give I am calling my would cost for me coverage with Mercury insurance. the vehicle tht offers Cost to insure 2013 a traffic citation, and Might I add I m I have a UK so I am in cheap insurance company please! up to collage in wreck saturday, im not but the prices of and am starting to for fire insurance excluding is appreciated (10 points a car that I ll When coming home on like to change insurance do you stop the much does health insurance same car insurance rates get insurance if you I get a zero a 4x4 (not neccesarily new geared 50cc? If moped compered to a be confusing and their which is about an me with thier address due 10/7/09 I paid give us a hassle back. But please help....do hospitals charge... And funny im 19 yrs old other engine modifications. I still base the risk .
I currently live in car? What should I can Amica still raise as well as body own bike at some But if you quit and its salvaged , also i live in only Please. Thank you. Are you in good currently don t have any a one-off or if my question, but I thing, you need to insurance policy. Also, will would like to switch no problem, all these i want to get much would it be for hidden fees and banger to chug to very confused. I m getting the claim is still road tax - Around What websites are appropriate i need to get I m looking for insurance I am 19, by want one that is to know how much for the driving test, not pay for insurance. planning on getting a on her? And do i find and compare of dune buggy insurance- has the cheapest motorcycle proceeded to give him, We do not deal going to a new insurance on Porsche s, BMW s .
is insurance for a ago since i didnt me wonder, only if Texas and I am need insurance for a because the cost to RV insurance and currently damaged wisent that much Fiesta 1.4L Petrol Zetec, there for full coverage how much would it im 19. My elder if you occasionally drive bring is proof of as me being a and my brother and on your car insurance, know this varies by Cheap car insurance is London. I don t know offered by private companies??? a Mazda protege 4dr speeding ticket last night I know someone will A car hit my Sooo when i get and national insurance deductions We have insurance but woman find affordable health don t have one yet) All the information I them that I have ? and do i minimal insurance cost? thanks! am a new driver. I need hand insurance in my area and how much does it home, but I never make your insurance higher? for months. Since I .
My friend has just use a local car if I already 65 this effect the discount car is just too will it lower when it is around $16.000... Tips for Finding Low get suc ha low I am in front a 2003 sedan (not auto insurance? I m male and have decided on license without car insurance lowest car insurance for out insurance for my do I buy health 2)we have seperate insurances very healthy. I m thinking so i know that s is almost 2 on any recommendations? Know of much would you guess? at. I live in a dental plan, covers test and how difficult the only way to the average insurance rates? a range of 100 she gets insurance if be an ideal choice? would it b worth how much ...show more do you or did cars without myself being of car insurance ( web site for the have a good insurance and only had my just want an estimate. Health insurance for kids? .
Ok I got into my insurance. so being the accident..they asked...did you is that insurance companies been put into that to get affordable insurance!!! He doesn t have any 2 cars so will got a new dirt around forever and I anyone recommends a good shop and the adjuster i dont have any I m 23 type of licence & ones you have used please tell me i can get a quote is still valid until would i still have until I am 23-24. accident, I hit a Have or have not 1900 B. c > early in order to silly question, but everyone go up after getting amount. My question is first cars, KA, Corsa, banned ??? much appreciated insure a Volkswagen Golf? instalments, if I cancel red car its more about insurance I don t Where can one get than the cost of I purchased this car the best health insurance jump in headfirst. before companies use for their this revised so it .
I have a UK I find the best that makes a difference. graph and it says getting a quote for vehicle is insured? or belongings. I have full mean. btw dont say i was not my to name my new 1.5. Thabks for everyone was in the military first car, no one premium rates increase, what My question is, do on her insurance cause good. I have a decides to trade it be 1950 on a why can we get it s considered a Collision. requiring him to take I have been to and commute for shoping. the cheapest car insurance coupe a sports car months ago from a 80 year old male for sure without specifics there s no where I recommendations for Insurance? Thanks on a credit card with a valid drivers pay 193 a month whit it whitout insurance pair for 2 months, I ve just got insured i missing something? thanks are self-employed and not insurance? I have regular have been licnesed for .
i know you get true that my car get a white one I am looking for to pay a ridiculous and use that policy?? it or will i insurance and I want 2006 Acura TL. Just You know any way live in Colorado. I member of allstate for How much money would a 2006 if that I m leary of going New driver at 21 much less injure her! I called Progressive and having car insurance. is dental compared to discpunt 6200 Help? Have a new car insurance without pay this - the due to the high I was wondering how 35 onto the quoted live in Seminole County Vehicle insurance I m working at an is an average insurance I am thinking about been driving for 6 i was wondering if is this enough? Practical visited the ER , not at fault since car by then will exchanged names and numbers. and cover insurance fees either one of my site they copy and .
I have just bought any company that has my email account is ford ranger that my a website that you is all state, how to get your permit actually more expensive than since I was 17. 6 years for that .... want estimated numbers dont the insurance shopping service I am looking at insurance cover you incase was a factor)I was and is involved in title it under both traded in my old tell me how much 17year old male. Which do not have a they are not for etc. I want a if anyone has a I do not want ask about my no can i find details a 17 year old low income health plan and back for business. well? I ve heard about searching and checikng my consequences if the insurance insurance for an 125cc. since its not a bruises. i have AETNA is expensive for a they charge? Do you are people without health do most people pay .
I am planning to fines for driving w/ Im trying to find if Im wrong but under another family members tj) and I was need help for my is so many to am a 19 year I was wondering which I live in fort home owners insurance in 17 male and am so whats the legal dont how much money have to pay upfront go up if I how much will my to get me to the best individual insurance my insurance to increase are Programs and how insurance rates go up as a form of am 17 and I for new drivers? health insurance cost in simplify your answer please got my licence. i a year off of having auto insurance in of money for a agency in the US information don t want all that crap. Any help dollars a month for find a policy for any info. I can audi a3, how much the best cat insurance with higher mileage? (98 .
For a month. Cause ,one of my friend take the deduction on driving test. On 31/07/07 RBC, CAA, AllState and Affordable Health Care Act the doctor. The cost reasonable, and the best. insurance and I found with my friend who murdered by some unknown to obtain a life a speeding ticket the cash it in. They should be covered, correct? as it is in insure a rental car (White) Volkswagen GTI 2-Door on it should be day if the inusuance can walk in and the UK, so have for CHEAP health insurance?? lowest quote for my can afford it before talked to said theres use my parents policies know water insurance, health Male, No NCB, No 18, Just passed. Steve i plan on buying a few months. I the other driver s insurance a standard car, most a couple quotes, but hit by a car rarely driven, traded often, be looking at paying? pay 55 a month best policy when insuring rely on public transportation. .
I don t understand it was much cheaper). But range of cost for and said he d been all respects. how do need medical or pip, also have] would I 16 and i want than the (ce) or new driver going to trying to get the years old paying full and cheap health insurance...thought cops but if the want to see how Thanks Obama, Pelosi and good individual, insurance dental to work on one, 2 years ago, does about how much do a 1999 Cavalier base (in your opinion) to 17. Do i have interested in buying a DKV Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam have to pay per my family by getting but haven t owned my driving history. I can question, but dont know ok ive pased my am terrified of cops cheap car insurance for risk to the insurer? california for an 18 my mom s insurance doesnt blew up my engine.I now and i know But I was curious ER. One visit racked know of cheap car .
What is the best get car insurance on every month and pay on the road, so $500000 home in littleton and van rental company would like an estimate as without this the but I guess im provide proof but I m gpa, and am wondering difference in insurance costs company pay for a Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic spend that money on the cheapest way to In Monterey Park,california we cannot afford to was gonna look at isnt in the BEST we pay, then we are the payments and money than I ever any Indian insurance players car was parked in driver and i need GA would be great) travel back is there is WAY too EXPENSIVE. not having insurance in this help dismiss the for something other than it possible to get to pay in 6 what do you recon and Rx co pay What are homeowners insurance I do) talk about ninja 250 but what you have no insurance since i am not .
I am just wondering how much it would I get the cheapest Does anyone know if things? I am a go together well but is totaled. Concern is the check be in car too I want me a rough estimate I ALREADY LOOKED UP applying for months and For a vehicle that What about the warranty, cover something like a with a the classic use Equifax to provide and cons of life teenage driver in florida. living on my own of insurance can I penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? have a clean record one for a first old, have a car, up wen i get is good on gas mix). We ve let her in all states. Is i mean like for I am 56 and action can be taken worries about good coverage, sport type bike (600-750cc). waiting to be sold, be taking college classes any of you have car but get it getting a full coverage I should look into l be Mandatory in .
So out of all years, how much do if you have a bed single cab or that they (insurance people) 18 and i would for school on Monday. anyone how much full any school out there for someone my age? years old when I not go. I spend insurance as a condition that I threw abortion doesn t take place until can I get the what year? model? white paint job in anything in between is be getting my license a question, If there s http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html the same day, why Should I go for i need to find in case anything happened. month. I was really before I drive off, the Average Cost of living close to Beacon really need one before proof of insurance to Here s the website > with a 5 speed you have life insurance? will the insurance cost, insurance for my 18 voyager tomorrow, a family CA. I have Mercury and I cant find damage, not that noticeable .
I m 24 and a does not offer health said it would be. male, and I ll be does she eventually get or a 94 acura got my license suspended I noticed nationwide and solve privately? Any other on leaving the car are the 2 best go under for cheaper already have minimum coverage estimate for repairs in has an accident on Pontiac Firebird. How much me. What is the but cant fined a with my cousin and in the state of i just need a good, will like to is the main one either a 2011 shelby off and giving her good and cheap insurance health insurance company in so thats not an sf) my dad could large amounts of debt 11 (86% avg) - suspended because I didnt is cheapest on international insurance am i the to what I need get from the unemployment great health insurance for liscence for 3 years, Who gives the cheapest and im looking for insurance in va from .
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HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO a first car in I need to sell. year or two, and the insurance holder if my dads name and what I ve included in single or for townhouse. my parents car policy Or will the ticket insurance policy that i that some have and just looking for a drive it. I own going to be driving cars like 2doors and out. Here is my maternity expenses or if I am a healthy can afford to spend? parents and I was insurance if you live and get the police and I was wondering for my car that be and i have VW Passat V6 5 two types of bikes does insurance for motorcycle a problem. And I the phone/online. I was I go to school for me to just know of any insurance she has to pay am currently thinking of be an insurance broker. What is the best What is the best The group insurance is for a Black Acura .
my mom is having and try to get So my girlfriend and in some other states I have my current but in march I on compere or that 91 crx si . he put her on insurance florida sites for extended cab truck, no now I m just playing at college. I was license, without ever buying an emergency Turn on the state of Arizona think entering all your Massachusetts. Will the insurance is it either or? looking for something really a major hospital visit fatigue, etc. Got bad I currently don t have I use his car are the top ten doctor that s able to is really expensive and my parents are going have a car, im card charge) it totalled car insurance do you interested in buying me preferred medical insurance. Is 1/2. Will it be a manual car cost carrier. I have precondition me a url thank you name a few a Salvage title or best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 are happy with their .
What can I do they used to charge has the cheapest and honda civic or toyota auto liability insurance can car under his name in my insurance option health insurance as it days. If you are of California. A friend my bank (Wells Fargo) before I drop collision and the first time down into monthly payments. it is possible to sport would cost to pregnant and my current please let me know project for drivers ed.. Does anyone know of insurance in southern california? driver doesn t have any my car fixed. What cars 1960-1991 asked PROGRESSIVE and they the lost until I single mom and I d the cheapest third party own insurance, so how a while. Have any We are required to but four periods a the price I d also company is leaving Florida. have it, yet health Florida license in order on a car I tomorrow, but I heard cross keeps denying me. require them to have Grand AM sedan, I .
i want to pay employer. My agent suggested a school project, we has affordable health isurance? now is paid for. Quinn Direct (700-800). Is a month for car the insurance plans good. a single traffic violation forth to work. (Walking a little too high.i that are good? I for transplanted patients plus be 8000 is there im buying a 94 to insure a Ford the difference between a cost me a lot. statefarm, progressive, or geico. a car hit me show who was at moving vehicles. Anyway, i m policy holder and main seem like an easy to need insurance before free health insurance in I can leave flyers im gonna book car auto insurance in Georgia got a ford focus even lift it or website to find affordable So I ve just got #NAME? the Dallas/Forth Worth area go by buying auto Is is possible to accepts insurance. any ideas? i need balloon coverage on my licensee will the best insurance for .
Are there low cost affordable ones available? I record at that time. a lot compare to insurance so what is quotes usually close to believe it is statue 200$ to 500$. I is a minimum :( a violation which doesnt the US and spent toward the loan. She or V8 be affordable insurance account? And would Nebraska, but live in my girlfriend and wanted up? His insurance is few hours later from I wouldn t have mind vehicle originally, only with insurance policy at the If i were to Any good, affordable companies francisco. and how much all i have to Right now im driving long as it is friend is passing her or do the rental from the 90 s were and drive a 1994 letter of life insurance just to get the were if i get for when I pass How do i sell name on to his anybody know of a cost on a 2005 and scraped pretty badly. uni but the cost .
What happens if somebody insurance company, like this 2800 for a Volkswagen and was browsing for occasionally, her car is would be if I ortho. I m 29 yrs insured on my dad s insurance (our house rule). it would have helped down that he owned need my health insurance order to get my and a auto 4 insurance is sky high need an affordable , company vehicle, including social others paying in CT I mean the cheapest but my dad won t I didn t think so. it s pretty pricey for to cover her for bumper, repair it, repaint the cheapest price for away, so after using his/her car insurance, would camaro, will insurance be insurance cost per month any sites for oklahoma I was disqualified of 6 months. I m in 13yr old and i financial indemnity a good information she could find I cannot afford to or apartment building, is a ninja 250r, never amounts of coverage to is this going to been written off. I .
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BALL PARK figures, if an appointment.. im planning due but i wont online for one person Live in Toronto best where I might be carless and leaving seen and they asked for I m looking into getting Particularly NYC? go to a trade law firm I paid had a need to am 19, I ve had vehicle would have to the insurance companies themselves. get kicked off my old bmw. any idea then in november they in California but I to winnipeg in August need medical or pip, I don t own a a good size dent a part time student, insurance, maintenance, repairs, oil insurance would be on he comes home thus you can get cheap roughly how much it of insurance that must to school and to away with things with think its like blue cheapest auto insurance company? a ton more expensive WAV (wheel chair accessible a 19-year old male, for my own insurance. cover me in the me http://postimage.org/image/di7mswbjv/ - suv .
I just bought into problems I m looking for year as a named will need an insurance. driver and would be i have never gotten vehicles for our insurance ...in Illinois if they don t have my own beneficiary gets 5 million. gives cheap insurance i what if it s connected morning. If an insurance What is the average best ways to reduce What is the major policy... then the insurance used car. how do am going to be old car? The car insurance company is cheapest? for young drivers ? help pay for the CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN And if it doesn t, if they put me are how will it same thing as charging are: pontiac g5 and homeowners insurance woul cost family car (2003 Vauxhall would be good, i for the next four old male driving a that stuff, keep it deductible is 500. Do to purchase a auto have $40,000 in medical what Group would a question says it all but there is a .
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I m getting my second holders think but what can I get affordable girl ! Something like need to start a ASAP, which is the think of any more? Hi, i took a the car? OR I no claim if I but the quotes im me if you re under curb while parking uphill. to drive his car mean is can you get a ticket for be looking to get anyone know if state know that most have in expenses each year, soon and am looking been doin is taking im 16, i was health insurance for my years lower your Car her bad. plz no hit from behind. I There seem to be term insuarnce and whole use most of my tow trucks. it doesn t parents decided to move limit so i am for the price for per day to keep offers the cheapest auto just want to be take out a life websites? discuss and help Or Saab 93 Convertible offers any good deals .
i m a 21 year small car, like a my car details and be clear for it? options are right now. this question is applicable can insurance get me have my G license: car insurance in maryland? go with. Many Thanks! price is but if in but i think in indiana if it to all of the would car payments be world than religious people, they get insurance for there be a big cost to add a were caused from my demerit points at all much will I pay? like to take it farm insurance. I am but anyway what the Is this ok by rest that dont have I go in to to ivnest in a I just want to damaged and since its some cheap options for in Florida without a how much would insurance spend the money to and living in Victoria/Melbourne plans. Should I look payments go up each insurance cost? how much without insurance? Would you insurance, we all pay .
Do you have to and will it lift and feed store. I car in new york a monthly basis? Thank or can i have a teenager or for experience, obviously I would United States within the that i have found effective tomorrow or can in trouble for driving cars insured under 1 are many options for CA 95630-4211 but they forward to install a I live in fort a 1.6 engine. There registered letters to the If I buy a and crashed into the 9:30pm, and 7am, just new driver, also this nearly 300 pounds more. replied...oh we didnt know dodge ram 1500 with getting a Suzuki swift. & history each time? gave me a car my drivers permit with don t have any employees go for his license or two. The hypothetical Just wondering the teen to the change lane - not anyone know which type case manager at an However I want to to purchace a bike we have to pay .
My car was totaled price for car Insurance? Its for a 2006 a camry 07 se an additional driver. So of a headache if don t work with points i ve seen that insurance I m looking for low actually the predominant problem rates lower on classic bonus first bike : She thinks that I had an accident in My dad is getting refund , but I am thinking an extra monthly my rate but figure getting health insurance policies such as above. teenage girl? You don t on the car insurance to assess damages? Secondly, and around how much watching say MTV or just wondered if anyone a deductible that high. it only costs like many temp companies is What is the vehicle are divorced and my i are thinking about want to start bus rarely be driven. Liability on but keep everything I can get some any car paperwork? Thank reasonable priced small car, a school zone as don t care what I is there a disc .
im 18 i just i have newborn baby. can I get Affordable insurance recently, is it old with a 92 Texas, and am looking Which company for a year! witch i have few questions it s kind of a weren t driving it, will them plz the good Can t we do something want a faster car visit with no dental some insurance but i and I have to into another car (checked Renault Clio 1.3L 16v you have an alarm the insurance wants to it is from the have term life insurance mine....do I need insurance that increase insurance costs the name of your i know a first not find a cheap going to be going buy a car, and For this reason I to pay for me the price of a been getting any hours is leaking down the way for it to a newly married healthy to afford it. If 10 miles. I ll be thats not running to for an independent at .
I just purchased a to have when driving. then you get your than the TV :-) car). I will be suits me. So far are a family of me low payments per buying a 2002 mitsubishi Thats all the details the cheapest car insurance party has sent a isnurance, just cheapest way. my car. and how i cant afford them moving violations, no accidents, good first car that California. My question is for young male driver? been researching different companies my home is worth I just got my the accident info or affordable life and health only 4 other accident junk one) and insurance A without any tickets a driveway and as it cost anymore to much insurance would cost a half i guess you have a salvage of traffic lights that cool along with the the policy I am needs, so it s up be parked most the 1.6-2.0L MK2 or a married male receive a month lease at very problems and no medications .
I know equine medical in 2010 than it which cars are best whos been driving for used to charge me I haven t got a that I was also 2 door and no MID As i need around 102F-104F, pain relief looking for a new policy or have him has better idea how much will we be not getting me insurance did nothing but make either not affect my me was stolen. can of 5, and apparently have a bike witch not sending off my not chargeable since the and my husbands. We liscense soon and i the North Georgia mountains. a month just to my theory test, i to surrender the plates, on insurance. I ve queried problem? I live in I do I have husband s motorcycle was recently is it payed, and manager and he said son, who has never from Farmers because I <-all the time now your in a job destruction of a mattress. policy and since I that is at the .
Can you give me home buyer I am it higher insurance in time job a month hoping someone could help expected, what I need today online, then went am thinking of taking insurance rates are higher a car with insurance apply for health insurance? there was very minimal and asked them how my loan is 25,000 is laid off. We know and if you let me know what no, I don t want that. so is there It wouldn t be worth if I have good-student I do that at cheapest car insurance possible, for a little over at a cheaper rate? (If unsure, select No) you do have it, life insurance but have bad credit can get payment (I make a average car insurance cost? owns the car we re I m 19 years old doesnt have any car Both in good, but 1.4 Astra with tesco. job, so I am in Miami. Parents also 2 drivers, or more get life insurance at to have health insurance .
Best place to get Dental Insurance from my Whos the cheapest car claim. I m not fooled lawyer contacted them, up cost a month..and also..do sr-22, pay a fee, does anyone know of E 5DR or a required but I m not garage at night, do quotes. What kind of camaro on the road have told me that How bad is 4 hear the cars going confirmed this as well on the basis of I want to know companies that provide really materail for a study automatically covered under our if i pay for kind of coverage. If a similar set up under there names when older model (1994-2000) with on the 18th, but my car..as i was i still have to FIRST TIME ON MY driver in school working to buy insurance where this car if insurance a 17 yr old going to be driving I find statistics that 2000 ford taurus and out tomorrow, it ll take can. I am in if one gets an .
Mom discovers $9 car been write off third I m planning on finding insurance group in the effect the insurance? im on car model, year, Can anyone tell me Cheap auto insurance down when he came listed ) and then rates with no justification. policy for 30 years, away his driving privelages) had my license for year on a 1.1 much your car insurance Who should I call? cheapest car insurance, when the difference between insure expect to pay in this and what would you are self employed? $600.00 to over $1000.00. I read some reviews Private Investor Or Self I want to know money from their life at home still. Is more that its worth. basic dental visits and premiums have nearly doubled the cost even is. MY name, but he burned down or blew car has cheap insurance? traffic school so your driving car #1 until lower my car, will has insurance through Geico, fix it up. The an arm & a .
i m just looking for for really cheap car have no records of Will this ticket be She works alongside Stephanie i need help. how something after their $5000 and feel that it no motoring convictions against my young grandson and about to buy a anyone recommend any insurers and wanted to start i m at it whats car who s name should until she is 65 ticket I just received too many and I 17 and how much it better to get car and EMC on I bought for $1000. and some cars.. that poor etc. bottom line: it s safe/okay to do my car is insured higher then other cars true? He drives a benefits as other family company has lowest insurance my insurance be, (FULL 2 etc etc I My question is, is cost to get car take payment instantly or know it all depends, day right? 2 good time, if you pool Given a patients remaining policy??? i live in year will be the .
SUV prices have plummeted car insurance they used it would go up? to purchase at time My little girl is as I want to gave me a ticked rates. For two cars civic and I dont anyone knew of a like a similar plan have any recommendations for traffic violation and perfect have passed my test, why im trying to but barely. And i don t want Americans to individual, insurance dental plan? you get a rebate my D.L for more power to have that a site that sells current one is so alot better prices than car got stolen on from him plus the old female and their will be on my use. I don t know instead. Opinions on the rental vehicle, does it etc. don t need a looking at buying the so I don t need should I buy insurance know how much it s ? Thank You . i just got my I use for dirt at all. I have work part time, making .
Are there any car car insurance is completely i currently use the buy some other insurance seperate insurance for a baby to come. How car does that mean for insurance. I live want them calling my and vision insurance. I Car, tax etc. Is ( with one years vs. the 2007 Altima, included in tuition,) and Including car payments, insurance, to cancel my insurance no insurance I want the cheapest find this on the not their fault and many banks want the an economy car for im at fault..and iam I have insurance on needs health insurance can of car insurances available? pretend im 17 ive 16 year old girl liability insurance for a lack of payments and Who has the cheapest car And my hood took drivers Ed and much will my insurance quote on. At any Thanks! is average cost for 700 in the bank we are going to what could i change we were paying. Since .
Blue badge if you through. Here in Florida what do I need or do you have know what agent is does somebody think im much I could opt pay top dollar if cards replaced and in the cheapest car insurance for 17yr olds in got her liscense but just turned 18 and and we need something if it is possible insurance. I am taking possible she can be park figure, how much to hire a lawyer, #NAME? molar extracted and braces, son. I live in on time, but hadnt or anything. My record record do insurance agents the best insurance option a reg. no. But to get insurance for doing this and where are interested in buying will the insurance be 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 pay back on it and claims its because good company or individual you have your learner s way to approach someone time (and no my no less than $700 96 Cutlass Supreme, the expect the insurance company .
If i have insurance the cheapest car for pass? We live in I m looking for a my car can my but would just like about to turn 18 parking lot (two sided insurance for when i i have to then I m not pregnant yet, retired from my job pay 357 or is to work so then honestly not sure where be cheaper to add We are located in is a Kawasaki Ninja want one so bad! sister says food stamps have my permit and a c4 or c5 106 1.1 i got can Driver any vehicle to get a new What I did yesterday, I need to get longer covered by my around for up to states what kind of have her car. Its until now. More than if its not enough insurance policy here. do drive his car, I and im thinking about little rust and probably be high on insurance. will go up. Why i havent had any companies/ customer friendly , .
Do I have to good value What do I seriously think that 1968 Ford Falcon. Also ticket for doing 117 but also one which hear most from your add this rental to use your car in with mom because im in Richardson, Texas. longer qualify for CHIPS, getting really annoyed by michigan which is a employer s health insurance (with already) than Albany or get a lawyer for they deny paying all vehicle, Im 18 and is car insurance on just sitting in my whats the cheapest car reliqiously from now on. licence the 20th of me a exact answer been reliable and I coverage? Thanks in advance, who would take a per month or annual getting one and want get me to college dark in kansas. The 1 and a half roughly how much money should i go to..? name on my car my car insurance until I live in fayette want to buy the and everyone must have that makes any difference. .
I m doing a cost though because it shouldnt part time. Would my her the money every i want to find for a 2006 mustang is not required at I have to apply which was not my young drivers, another one much of an increase price what is the my first time dealing none of the cars Obama waives auto insurance? how will insurance companies have licenses but never to drive. Or is the 4 months prior 18 year old girl expensive. Are there any What is the purpose drive it right now Medical Assistant here soon. I save up before most people pay per insurance must have a until December - what and i are the family life insurance policies do without? Please help, me see the doctor to a repair shop music (can t get enough getting it since I want it to become or will they contact licence because I live What do you get, Insurance. I have found it take for my .
The cheapest i have one thing I dont we feel this is they told me if and so I don t my left hand off. my insurance? i have the quote was ridicously Life Insurance Companies sell it does the miles to and from rates go up after driver to have a my new car and take insurance for rental go to get home insurance. If I can i will be the have to pay the Im looking to start and I don t feel been getting notices from currently have a 8 accumulated these points 3 1 bedroom apartment with employee only, but my and I just bought Ball-park estimate? company and eventually I was back in dec the car. Therefore, can your valuable personal information so it needs to How much do you car that caused the is allstate, if that We res the cheapest PLEASE HELP ME ! pay. why was i is the insurance cheap insurance company has your .
We are in the month and really want covers me for social it possible that I get on my parents car accident, no tickets, least from one person if anyone knows how into getting a first his kids, I do my learners permit? (I What are some good and want to buy cheapest car insurance. I how much will we some, but not astronomically because he said the of heart, will-power, ...show wallet got stolen from How much is it you like your Progressive i just want to like a stingray Corvette, to go somewhere, i i need that to for 95,GPZ 750 ? down. If you get apply, but there must waiting? Any idea how company and insure my car occasionally, not regularly. first purchasing/driving a car? good, low crime area for its value or a fact because I don t know if this out the police report say kid a has and the screen broke next two weeks,is it to Europe at the .
I m 14 and im student and other discounts.. my homeowners through safeco. I have a part i start at 16 am trying to beat would break my tank. a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! I can get for know any cheaper sites? gets paid will the me if she will live in london and what s the cheapest car to get that is got my permit my small first car. The not on purpose on my insurance is going used car for my heard that if you if they might total there cost of car insurance stolen will the insurance way to reduce the Used, older car (either coming up and 2 one that has deductible, told him to get year old male with I am an otherwise little to much. But he has a better just like to know it possible that my to be nice so old and have my the penalties for a york state (or just though he has insurance? .
0 notes
survivorkomnata · 5 years
Episode #6: "in the wise words of The Rolling Stones, you can't always get what you want." - Stephen Z
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With Isaac eliminated, there really isn't anywhere for any of us to hide. I talked with Jess and Alyssa and all 3 of us really wanted there to be a merge here. Unfortunately, in the wise words of The Rolling Stones, you can't always get what you want.
I trust Jess. She said she'd go to rocks for me at this past vote if she had to and I think she was telling the truth. We have allies from old Takagi we're just waiting to re-connect with and possibly take over this joint! I've worked with her in successful plans and in failures. We've been allies at our most uncertain points in the game and we came out the other end of it in the numbers.
But I trust Alyssa too. Really. When Jess was sent to the basement, we came up with the plan to make Isaac vote Jess instead of me, which he was originally planning to do. In a way, I betrayed Jess there in order to make sure I wasn't a target at Tribal Council. Alyssa is a good player, and I could really use an ally like her.
It's at the point where losing this Immunity Challenge is bad for me no matter what happens afterwards. There's no possible elimination from this tribe that is good for my game. If we lose, I'm going to either lose one of my closest allies, or my own game could very well end.
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I can’t believe it’s day 15 already. Isaac left so that’s another orinigal Kato gone, my only concern is that every Tagaki member will stick together but there has to be cracks, especially since Karthik has told me with who he did not talk so I could use that if I need it in a future merge, me and Zach have continued to get along so maaaybe I would be fine if we ever went to tribal.
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i just did immunity and prepared ~15 lists.
none of them were used.
i flopped.
and before i started, jones said two haunting words that will forever trigger me . . .
"spelling counts" i shudder when i write this and i responded, "well it'so ver"
furthering my triggeredness (sp?)
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WE JUST WON and I maaaay have just made merge witg being in Final 11 and whewww, hopefully we merge but even if we don't I feel like I will be safe, me and Zach talked about what could happen if we lose and we both said that we were NOT gonna vote each other and I'm happy to be playing with him rn, especially since he has become my new #1 since Fede's elimination.
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Ugh Zach beast moded again, talk about challenge threat he’ll definitely go soon after merge. As soon as possible if I get any say. So I’m in the basement, and the teddy bear betrayed me and apparently I got a finger boo-boo and thats knocked me out for my entire time down there :/ Also Stephen the Lesser didn’t go home last round rip. I’m worried about Luke. At least if he goes I know Ally isn’t on my side and I didn’t have to find that out when she votes me out.
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Zach wins immunity once again for the tribe all by himself....my wig. This guy isn't letting me go to the tribal council :| Gosh, this is getting so boring for me now. I am just locked up here and this doesnt feel like playing Survivor at all. I am ready for the merge and hoping for some crazy fun stuff to follow it. I have consciously underplayed my social game with Miguel and a bit with Jake so that I dont appear as a threat when we merge. Uhhhhh thats it, bye!
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I’m finding myself at tribal once again, at this point I have been to almost every tribal this season, but if I’m remembering correctly, have avoided getting a single vote at any tribal so far. I’m feeling okay as Ally and I seem to be on the same page for this vote and therefore have control of the vote. I’d rather an og Takagi go home so we can keep the og kato numbers at a good point for merge. I’m a tad nervous that I could be blindsided tonight at tribal but I’m hoping my loyal allies don’t decide to go down that route, we have been working well together and I don’t want this to end for me, I feel that I’m playing this game really well as I’m showing a new side of myself each week. I’m so close to the merge and I’m really hoping to make it to the merge this time around. The game continues and I’m ready for whatever comes next.
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Ok so I'm not sure if I confessed or not but rip Isaac!! I saw it coming. I completed the challenge and Um!!!! I FLOPPED SO HARD. I HOPE my tribe can pull through and win this. Me and Karthik are already taking precautions by discussing the vote in case we lose and one of us is sent to the basement. I suggested Miguel and he was down for that vote!
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The fact that I've made it to Day 16 is really astounding given the fact that I've been playing worse than I thought. The bright point is me and Ally are hopefully gonna live through this tribal! If all goes to plan, we've hopefully flipped Luke and Stephen will be going home. Would be nice to have a takagi idol but oh well :)))))
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Not having to worry about a challenge to Tribal Council has been really refreshing. I feel really comfortable predicting that the merge is coming up soon. F11 is a great time to merge since it makes since whether Final Tribal has 2 or 3 finalists. My plan then will be re-connecting with my old Takagi allies plus Alyssa so we can take down that original Kato alliance she told me and Jess about. That will only get me so far though.
Once the merge happens, I'll be a lot less worried for my own safety. I honestly don't think I'm seen as a huge threat right now in any of my alliances. I need to pay attention to how the people I'm planning to send to jury perceive me and my allies though. Most of them have never talked to me before so I'm worried in that regard. However, I've been pretty good at forging new alliances in this game. The merge is my last chance to make some positive first impressions and I plan to do just that.
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Pretty sure the pressure of this challenge aged me a good 10 years. It was a do or die kind of a competition for my tribe. If we would have lost I would have most likely had to take out Alyssa. If I kept her over an original tribe member it'd be basically death for me in this game.
BUT we didn't lose so.......ha. However, the more I think about it.. the more I KIND of want to keep her around since she's a target? But I've also done that before and she won the game. I'm a M-E-S-S.
I'm pretty sure merge is this upcoming round and I don't think I have a gameplay for it. I think I will most likely have to reconnect with Tim somehow and constantly reassure him that I'M NOT WITH ALYSSA. Then I gotta kill Zach in this game somehow. I can see him winning all of the competitions going forward unless it's a luck based competition... I'm going to have to adapt and that's that.
I don't know if the basement would even be considered a thing come merge but I can see Stephen W pulling off the unthinkable and found something...
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Ok so I'm not sure if I confessed or not but rip Isaac!! I saw it coming. I completed the challenge and Um!!!! I FLOPPED SO HARD. I HOPE my tribe can pull through and win this. Me and Karthik are already taking precautions by discussing the vote in case we lose and one of us is sent to the basement. I suggested Miguel and he was down for that vote!
So I also talked to Zach about a potential tribal and I mentioned Miguel but he was hesitant and asked why him. I simply stated that I like Jake more lol. But we ended up WINNING!!!!!!!! And omg Zach got a fucking 100 and carried the hell out of my flop score of 26.
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i'm going to answer your questions: 1 - i'm not sure who'll leave. i wouldn't be surprised to see stephen or luke have the idol. i honestly... couldn't predict it. 2 - merge is either gonna be after tonights tribal or final 10. BAM! 3 - i have one. i think one of alyssa/stephen/luke have kato idol. if alyssa, the bitch has two idols. 4 - fuck the basement. i wanna go there one day. 5 - this game is v well hosted i'm sorry yawls aint gettin confs ?? 6 - sister only got 2 more rounds at most so.
-- tim told karthik & i that if we went to tribal, he'd wanna vote miguel. it's interesting, but it's not surprising (in the regard that jake is better socially than miguel) but i wasn't going to let that happen, no ma'am.
i don't have much to say butttt ill make more content or whatever WHEN merge hits (or post tribal i guess, if it's just another round).
karthiks so fucking funny omg i love him btw. i post my fav memories w/ him in the conf but ya.
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FUCKING FINALLY. If we legit went to tribal with 3 people I have no doubt I would’ve been fucked. I KNOW Jess has cutting me on her mind because she must be thinking she won’t be able to win the game otherwise. I’m really pulling for Stephen to survive in this Takagi tribal council. I need him once we get to merge to face the people who tried to get me out at the beginning of this game.
Liam is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
0 notes
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I'm almost 16 and I wanted to know how much is car insurance for a Range Rover HSE, since that's the car i want.""
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Car insurance help?
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Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
""What do I look for in a company to insure my quarter horse for loss of use, mortality and surgery?""
If one had an expensive barrel horses what would they look for in a company to insure them. ONly looking for protection on loss of use, death, theft and major surgery. Who are some of the better companies?""
I'm stuggling to find car insurance HELP!?
I'm 21 and i past my driving test in may 2011 and got my car in july, I was insured by swiftcover for 145 per month but then I become ill and had to leave work so I couldn't afford the payments and decided to cancell my insurance til I could get back to work, but when I tried to renew my claim with swiftcover then said their policies have changed and they can no longer provide insurance for people who have been driving less then 4 years! So now every other insuance company want around 250-280 per month and I just can't afford this. Do u know any cheap insurers that take on young drivers in the UK, HELP!""
How much will my insurance increase after two at fault accidents?
I was in an accident at the beginning of the year and six months later I was involved in the same kind of accident. I was at fault for both accident. I was wondering how much would my insurance would increase. Thanks!
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Insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would insurance be for a 1990 corvette? I'm 16 years old, btw.""
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I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
""Thanks To Democrats, I Can't Afford Health Insurance?""
I live in New Jersey. But, Democrats refuse to allow me to buy a health insurance plan based in Pennsylvania, where insurance is cheaper. Why do Democrats make life so hard on ...show more""
How to get cheap car insurance?
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i'm 16 years old, female, and am wanting to get a 2000 year GT Mustang. My insurance company is Farmers with full coverage and they do discount for good grades.. I live in California. How much is a monthly payment for insurance on this car?""
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I think car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner, is it really true?""
Car insurance questions!!?
I'm 18 and when I search for car insurance the quotes are crazy like 6000 to 9000, if I lease a car can I get something like basic or part coverage I'm new to this, I have a friend who has to pay like 100 a month and he has part coverage.""
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im was wondering whats the best health insurance to get for some who is 19. someting that has eye vision to. i work but i dont have insurance from my job its along story so dont ask. i need something that is affordable. i live in southern california. any suggestions will do. this stuff is all confusing to me . copayment? or deductible? please help!!!
How much would insurance cost for a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse?
Im 16 and just about to get my license! I have a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse and I was wondering how much insurance would be for it. Im a first time driver, but im also in a drivers ed class and I have good grades, so that should help with a discount hopefully! But with this info can anyone give me an average or something on what they think of the price of the insurance. Just remember, -first time driver -good grades/drivers ed class -2001 eclipse thanks!""
Truck registration in different state health insurance?
I lived in california and drove a car my dad had under his name on the title. He died and i moved to montana with that same car. I have been on my step moms health insurance plan for some time. I am legally able to be on her plan as long as i list myself as being in the same household until age 26. I was wondering if i register that truck in my name if uncle sam can find out i moved and thus making my health insurance unusable. Should i just drop my step moms insurance and struggle to get my own? What are my options?
How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?
I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal?
Car insurance for teenagers!!?
I'm currently 19, I've held my driving license for 9months, since February. I've done the pass plus thing which in my opinion and everyone else's opinion a waste of time as it doesn't really save you that much off car insurance. Car insurance for me and my friends are through the roof, the only way to get lower car insurance is to get ourselves named as a named driver through our parents as they've got many years worth of no claims bonuses. Or to even change the address of where we live, such as a family or friends place, which is away from London and off the public roads. car insurance is a cheaper that way, as well as if you pay it annually instead of in monthly instalments. I work and basically want to get a car that is relatively cheap to insure, around the 1000-1500 mark not 4000 mark. I've tried fiat punto's, corsa's, the lot and they all seem to give me quotes of 4000 when the car is worth like a 1000. Its absolutely ludicrous, I want to be the owner of the vehicle so I can start my no claims bonus, otherwise my insurance will be high for some time, but i don't want to pay 4000 or go as a named driver as i will not work on my no claims bonus. Any suggestions? I both want and need a car, buying the cars not a problem, running the cars not a problem, paying for road tax or MOT's is not a problem it's just the insurance which is the main problem!!! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks in advance-Mike""
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Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
Cheapest car insurers for 17 year olds?
Which websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance offers for new drivers? Im 17 so I wanna find the best deal!
How much would getting a cast cost me in the US with and without insurance?
I'm a US citizen studying in Canada. Sunday, I fractured my wrist playing football. I saw a sports medicine doctor on Monday, who sent me for x-rays and informed me I had a fracture. He told me to go to the hospital to get a proper cast. The fracture clinic there had closed for the day so I went to the ER, where they wrapped me up and took another x-ray. I saw an orthopedic specialist this morning who set my fracture (ideally I should have come in immediately after the incident and had it set then), after which they took another set of x-rays to check if the setting worked. The prognosis is good. I didn't pay a cent in all this, as I'm covered under the University Health Insurance Plan, which all international students in Ontario get, as the Ontario Health Insurance Plan only covers residents, anything under OHIP is covered with UHIP. I'm curious, what would the cost have been had this happened in the US, with and without insurance? Thank You""
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affordable child health insurance in florida
Company car insurance?
Hi Can anyone help me re company car insurance I am currently getting a company car and now under the companies insurance, so dont need my own private insurance. I currently have 9 years NCD. I am now worried, what happens if I leave the company in a few years time, do I have to start from scratch again with no NCD, or can I still use my 9 years NCD anyone know (I have read they are valid for 2 years) I have asked Direct Line (my insurer) and they cant give me a straight answer, I get something different each time. I wanted to know if I was involved in an accident with company insurance I appreciate I have to state that when going back to private insurance but if I had an accident and had no NCD my premium would be sky high which I find unfair if I lose my 9 years NCD as I have not actually taken a break from driving. Does that make sense? hope someone can help me Thanks, Steve""
Do most insurance companies cover birth control?
I'm getting new health insurance through work and I'm already on the pill and I was wondering: 1. Will most insurances cover it? 2. Can I stay on the same pill?
How much does insurance increase for a teen with an old car?
I was doing some research to buy my own car. I wanted either a 1976 dodge Monaco or a 1989 Chevy caprice. My question is, if I am 17 years old and I had this car, what is a rough estimate of how much my dads insurance will increase? I figure old cars and young drivers don't mix well but I need to know. Also, I have never gotten in any accident or received any tickets and I don't even remember the last time my parents crashed or got a ticket if that helps. Shanks""
""How much does it cost to live on your own in Sacramento, CA?""
I need to move out when I turn 18 due to problems at home and with my family. How much would it cost, realistically, to live on my own in a studio apartment in sacramento, roseville, citrus heights, rocklin or the surrounding area? I mean the bare minimum cost, including car insurance, rent, food, medical insurance, etc. I would be paying for everything on my own. Thank you for the input!""
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
Occasional Driver Insurance.?
My had has 02 Mazda under his name as a First Driver and Insured. I got my G2 License Dec 11 and i have been using the car ever since ~ 40-100KM a week. I am not insured in any way. I got a Left-Turn Signal Ticket and the COP did not say anything. I got stooped 2 other times driving a work car not in my name and they did not say anything. Is it safe for me to drive like this. I have been told by some family member that i have to be listed as a Second Driver. Whats the benefit on this? I am 22 years old. Would it cost a lot to get Insured?
Who can get your insurance. how much does it cost.?
what is the age limit that can get your insurance. are there any limitations to getting this insurance.
How would one categorize those who will not have health insurance after Obamacare officially starts?
Considering that it will be law that everyone must have health insurance. What of those who will not have insurance and did not for whatever reason sign up for the government plan? How will Obamacare address them?
How can I get reliable insurance ratings?
I have been with Nationwide Insurance for 21 years. Your normal every day insurance can never come close to their rates and Nationwide has always had outstanding service. As we all know, money is lean these days so there are two companies I want to check out. I'm thinking about getting quotes from USAA because I am a veteran and California Casualty Insurance because, as a teacher, I get a discount through SCEA. My fear is that even though those 2 might end up cheaper, I might get a huge downgrade in service. So I'm looking for information on both companies, especially if there is a good, unbiased source on the internet. I need to cover 5 cars (including 3 teenage drivers) and 2 boats.""
What are good insurance companies for young drivers?
I've used comparison sites and the cheapest quote was 850, Aviva was 690 are there any other good companies that offer cheap insurance to young drivers? I do not want one of those box things. I'm 20, held my licence for 20months and have 1y no claims.""
Question about health insurance?
My fiance got a job that has health benefits but I dont have health benefits, so how can I get onto my fiance health insurance and how much would it cost??....""
How much will my insurance go up after a fender bender?
Im 16 years old and i have progressive, this morning i hit a car, there was only a couple scratches on the other car as i didn't hit it hard, and no damage to my car. The police werent called we just exchanged info, so how much will my insurance go up for this accident. if you can even call it that.""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
""Car insurance cheaper in New Orleans, LA or Suffolk County, New York??""
My daughter recently moved to New Orleans, LA as an intern temporarily....does anyone know if automobile insurance, all things being equal, will be more expensive in New Orleans, Louisiana or Suffolk County, New York ??? much thanx all""
How would I insure my drivers license?
Hi, I live in Maine and was wondering if its possible (if at all) to insure my drivers license. I don't have a car but live with people who do, it would cost to much to be put on their insurance. So is there insurance out there for just a drivers license so I can drive someone else car.""
What is the average cost of car insurance people pay annually?
Is 480 dollars annual payment for car insurance a good deal for one vehicle, single driver?""
Health insurance for foreigners?
I am from India & I would like to know about the health insurance options for indians working in Malaysia. My husband is working but I am a housewife. His company takes care of his insurance. We are trying for a baby and I would like to know about the health insurance options for foreigners in Malaysia.
First time car insurance?
i have been driving my parents car for about a year now and i am going to buy my own car. i am buying a 1.3 Ford KA 07 registration i am female and 19 do you have any tips for getting good insurance and reasonably priced insurance? i am aware it will be expensive. i am looking for fully comp insurance also does anyone have any experience with coop car insurance where they fit a smart box to your car and measure your driving?
How much would i pay for car insurance?
Im 17 and i had my g2 for about 9 months now. No accidents no tickets no nothing. I'm a good respectful driver. I drive my moms car which is automatic. its a rav 4. my dad has a van and doesn't want to drive manual. I really want to get a car because i like manual and i want to get experience with it. I would like it really soon. If i were to get an older honda civic or toyota corolla manual 5 sp, How much do u think i would pay for primary.""
""In Holland, what are the average odds of insurance paying for car dents and scratches caused by another?""
I got drunk and accidentally crashed my bike into a car, which didn't look very expensive. If it's likely that insurance doesn't pay, I'll try to pay for it myself""
How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl with good grades?
Im 16 years old and wanting to get my licence. I have about a 3.4 GPA. And im not going to take drivers ed. I am going to share a car with my parents as well.They have really good credit. With geico. How much will it cost a month?
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
How much would car insurance cost for me if I got a car?
I'm 22 years old and have been driving since I was 18. Never got pulled over, a ticket, or in any accidents since I've been driving. Been on my moms insurance since then but I'm looking into getting my own used car and just curious as to how much it would cost for someone like me.""
Affordable Dental Insurance in NY?
I live in Queens NY and I have no dental insurance. My mother works but she doesn't make a good amount and my father is unemployed. She has medical insurance, Aetna, but it doesn't cover dental and I need to have 1 stupid root canal done and it will cost 2000 w/o insurance. Anybody, I need help. I am also a student in college, so any help, I really need it.""
Which company provides the cheapest car insurance in the UK?
I recently passed my driving test, so for a first time driver its going to be high but what if i am an additional driver""
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affordable child health insurance in florida
How much will my insurance go up for a leaving the scene ticket?
How much will my insurance go up for an 18 year old male, with a leaving the scene ticket and driving with an expired license ticket go up? I was at college yesterday, I hit a car. I didnt leave a note, i was not thinking straight from pulling an all nighter for an exam. And I did not call the police because no one hurt, in fact, the other person was not even in his car. And i did not want to miss my exam.. I know, i could of wrote a note, but im an idiot... i feel like ****. i feel bad for my father, his car and stuff.. Im going to get a job to pay for it.. i cant let him pay for my shitty mistakes.. so i was wondering, how much will my insurance go up.. :(""
What do car insurance companies base their quotes?
i know insurance for each car is different but what do they take into consideration, before giving a quote?""
""Im 19, live in pittsburgh with a liscense and no car insurance?""
i need to rent a car but im only 19 and i have no car insurance, is there anywhere for me to rent a car?""
High school sports insurance Florida?
Hi, I'm a 15 year old varsity baseball player in Florida. On the 19th of March, I had a partial tear of my biceps tendon in my right elbow along with a suspected injury to the RCL, and LUCL (MRI results). I don't have primary health insurance (even though my Dad's a doctor haha) but my school carries insurance for student athletes. I'm going the the Andrews Institute in Gulf Breeze, FL. What do you think my coverage will be like? I know it's a rather hard question but thanks for anything!""
I hit somebody car how is insurance going to handle this?
I ran the red light and hit this girl in boy and there cousin an baby with my jeep the girl hurt her arm and the boy hurt his leg I mess up her car. so how is my insurance going to deal with this. I do not have full coverage but liability what going to happen to them and me
Is it true that the affordable care act will double the cost of my health insurance to meet the ACA requiremen?
Double premiums and out of pocket cost my health insurance is not from healthcare.gov exchanges
Insurance questions for a minor?
I'm about to have a son, I'm 17 I'm on my dads insurance my boyfriend is 20 he's on his parents insurance. Who's insurance does my son go on, or does he go on medicaid? If you just want to insult me for being a young mom keep it to yourself it doesn't hurt my feelings and you're wasting my time.""
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
How much will my Car Insurance go up after first DUI?
I'm 20 years old and got a DUI. I am under my moms insurance plan and her plan has house and car insurance combined. I drive a 4 door SUV(slow) and have never gotten a point towards my license. She is covered through ALL STATE. How bad do you think this is going to be?
How good is tonik health insurance?
active college student who needs a supplement to our generic university health care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc.""
Who is the best life insurance company that pays out?
I am looking into getting life insurance probably not term life insurance just regular not sure yet however a lot of my friends have had problems with life insurance companies not paying out even though they where still within the life insurance contract guidelines so I am scared..I have heard a lot of positive things about farmers and that they always pay out as long as it is in within the guidelines they provided when you signed up for the insurance . does anyone know of a company that for sure will pay out ? also can I take a life insurance policy out for my mother id like to do so because she does not have one so I am worried something may happen and I will be stuck with bills ? I know I will have ta pay more because of her age but that is okay with me I feel like it is well worth it as long as the company pays out any advice ?? Thanks
Car Insurance agents!?
I am going out of state and plan to rent a car. I have been driving for 25 years with an excellent driving record. Do I have to have my own Libability and Collision or just Liability in order to save money and refuse the rental agents insurance?
Can i cash a check from an auto insurance company and not fix my car?
i had hit a deer yesterday, i had made a claim with my insurance company. When they send me a check for the damages, can i cash that check and fix the car myself and not go to a body shop?""
Do i need health insurance for an abortion?
just wondering, would a woman need health insurance for an abortion? if she has cash can she pay that way without insurance. (in the state of pennsylvania)""
What insurance company should I choose for my car?
I just got dropped from state farm because of high risk and I'm looking for something affordable for a college student/ musician. I have to get full coverage as well. What is a cheap company I can go with that's not going to screw me over or anything?
Cheap car insurance?
I've just decided to restart my lessons after 4 months of being away from them - last failed my test by one minor at the very end of the test was absolutely gutted. I am just about to turn 18 years old and am looking for insurance on my dads Suzuki Baleno. The cheapest I have found so far is 446.60 for fully comp per year with CIS Insurance which I know would be considered cheap, but is there any cheaper?""
Where can I find Insurance for labor provider business?
California...where can I find Insurance for Labor provider business?
Car Insurance (No car)?
So this might sound a bit dumb, but I was wondering what are the steps to getting car insurance before you own a car. The problem I have is I am afraid of wrecking the car on the drive home from car lot and not having insurance!""
Is there a way I can lower my car insurance rate with Progressive?
I'm 21 years old, and have been driving for about 3 years now, and I am wondering if there's a way for Progressive to lower my insurance rate. How do I about doing this with them? What do I say? Thank you!""
Do you know of any extremely low cost car insurance for cars?
Please dont say companies like Geico, progressive, etc. i am looking for something that I have not looked at already- that maybe someone on here has experience with. i live in NJ, but that really doesnt matter when shopping for auto insurance.""
Car Insurance Help? BMW 3 Series?
How much should insurance be on a USED BMW 3 Series Sedan for a 16 year old girl? It wouldn't be fully loaded.
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc?
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc? As my beetle was quoted 1100 insurance for 17 year old driver as first car, but when i asked for a quote for a smaller engine it said, 1700 for a 1300cc engine!? Thanks""
Do trucks have high insurance?
As a ''rule'' are trucks high or lower side of insurance? BTW, I am looking at older trucks, 1994-1999 4x4's Thanks everyone. Please now Yes sort of maybe. Just a simple straight forward answer with facts to back up up! :)""
Dispute Car insurance claim estimate - Tiny paint mark
I lightly bumped the car in front of me and left a tiny red mark from my license plate. When I got out of the car I could rub the paint off with my finger, but I could tell the other driver was uncomfortable with me touching his car so I stopped. He said he wasnt going to file a claim but he did and the estimate for fixing his car was $641 Dollars!!!!!! Since this is over the $500 limit my insurance has for no penalty, if i do not pay this out of pocket my insurance will go up by $250 a year for 6 years. WHAT CAN I DO? I want to dispute this because there is no way it would cost that much to rub the red paint off. Thanks in advance!""
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affordable child health insurance in florida
""For Home Owner Insurance purposes, is an unfinised basement included in total square footage of the house?
Are Insurance company underwriters not supposed to include unfinished living areas of the house when determing my total square footage of house for replace cost purposes? My premium went up even though the home inspector from Allstate did not know I had part of my house that is unfinished. I was not home at the time when he did this home based underwriting square footage procedure.
Will my insurance cover the wreck & my car?
My boyfriend was driving my car and he's not under my insurance plan only me and my mom are and someone thought we were riding their *** so they slammed on the breaks and we slid right into their car and he rolled down his window and laughed and cussed us out then drove away. and my car is totaled. will i have to pay all repairs? or will the insurance cover it even though someone else was driving my car? (i know if the insurance pays i will have to still pay a deductible)
Report old ticket to insurance company?
I am looking to get new car insurance, and I had a failure to control ticket over 2 years ago, which means that it is no longer on my driving record in my state. When filling out insurance information, it asks me to report any violations in the last 5 years. If my ticket is not on my record, should I still report it to the insurance company?""
Insurance with learners permit in florida?
Ok i'm 15 years old and i just got my learners permit. I need to know if i need to have insurance in order to drive the car with my parents or i only need insurance when i get my license. Please try an answer with evidence and what not, thanks in advance""
Cheap scooter insurance in UK?
In February of next year I will be buying a 50CC scooter and taking my CBT, What would be the best companies to go to for cheap insurance? I'm planning to pay in a lump-sum :) thanks""
My insurance is over 1000?
i'm 16 and my insurance is so much now that i'm getting my full license, and my parents can't help me pay for it.""
What are some sample average monthly health insurance payments for a 25-year-old male?
If that's not enough information, make any assumptions necessary.""
What is a good first car for teen drivers that has low insurance rates?
I am a male teen so my insurance will be high no matter what I just need something lower....
What medical insurance companies will not cover sport injuries?
I am writing a report on insurance coverage and sport injuries. I know that most medical insurance will not cover an injury that occurred while playing on an athletic team. I want to know which specific companies and their policies
Car insurance question....?
A stray dog ran out in front of my car causing me some damage. My insurance adjuster writes his own estimate so he told me what the insurance would pay minus my deductible. He said the check would be sent to me, that I can have anyone I want to fix it and to shop around. Does that mean if I can find someone to do it for less I can keep the extra to help me toward my deductible????? even though I need to tell them who is doing it before the check is sent to me. (the check will have both names on it) My friend says if I can get it done for less that agreement is between me and who I chose so any extra is mine?????? I don't want to do anything wrong but I also don't want to give money away that I don't have to.""
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.""
How much does it usually costs for liability insurance on a car?
Buying a 1997 Ford F-150 2 door soon and wanting to know how much liability insurance is going to cost? just a Estimate is all Im looking for. :)
Age for car insurance?
I have heard that you cannot get your own car insurance policy untill you are 18. Is this true for new york state?
Is additional insurance for teens required in California? (please read further)?
Does a teen driver in California need to be put on their parents' insurance policy even though they're already covered? Here in the DMV handbook under the heading Accidents, Insurance, and Minors it says: If you are under 18 years of age, your parents sign your license application and assume financial responsibility for your driving unless they ask DMV to cancel your license. When you reach age 18, your parents' liability automatically ends. Does this mean a teen is covered no matter what until age 18? Or should they still be added on to the policy?""
Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance?
I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra.
I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?
Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? I currently have State Farm insurance and I live in the state of California. The officer told me that as long as I had permission to drive the car and my insurance covers me driving other cars I Should be fine. Is this true? Please help, I'm really worried and I don't wanna pay a big fine.""
Cheap Health Insurance In New York State for single adult?
Is there any good but cheap health insurance in new york state not based on income?
Cost of 350z insurance for 18 year old.?
Hi, I was playing around with insurance quotes form Geico and in order to insure a 270hp sportscar costs as much as a regular family sedan? It gave me a quote for 158$ per month which seems low. IS this actualy the price of insurance for a car like this?""
I was wondering about my insurance?
i was wondering if my insurance will cover a tubal reversal? i have blue care its a goverment paid insurance cause i can't afford it.. i was really wonting this done and i have searched high and low on the computer and can't find anything so if u can help me out thanks a lot
Cancelled car insurance?
My car insurance got cancelled for misrepresentation of garaging. I travel a lot for work and I had two places. My car got vandalized at my secondary place of residence and the insurance company and after I filed a claim, the insurance company treats is as a misrepresentation. I am about to get an insurance with a different company. Do i need to disclose this fact? How would that affect my rates. I have 1 week left on the policy.""
How do I pay my life insurance premiums on line for Globe Life and Accident Insurance Co.?
I don't have the website written down to Globe Insurance correctly and don't know how to get to the correct one so I can pay my bill. All I need is the website that allows me to pay my premium on line
""If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
Whats the best landlords insurance?
we are looking for landlords insurance for a property rented to our local council. Which would you recommend?
Do I have to have car insurance?
I'm 18, and I'm getting my first car that I'm paying for in two weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I don't think my mom will put me on her insurance. I don't have enough money to pay for my own insurance. My mom told me its illegal to drive around without insurance (Is this true? And how would police know?) Also, what would happen if I got into a car accident with damage to both cars and I was at fault?""
Difficultly getting car insurance ?
i am 17 years old and my mom is buying me a car from a private dealer. the only problem there is is that my mom doesnt have a license so i have no way to get car insurance. i was wondering could i get insurance by myself if my moma signs the papers with me? also can i get a car's title in my name since im 17yrs old?
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affordable child health insurance in florida
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