#dont even get me started on how Lauren Daigle was treated
psychicbluebirdmiracle · 11 months
Ok it's been bothering me since I found out a week ago and im so confused and need to shout about this WHY DO THEY PLAY DEAR EVAN HANSEN ON CHRISTIAN RADIO STATIONS???? Like if your going to pick a song that was not written by a Christian artist or about God to play on your station maybe not the one about a guy lying to everyone about being friends with a suicide victim to manipulate the dudes sister into a relationship with him????
Like when Hollyn writes a deep felt song about how how the dude she was dating wasn't right for her and it has some really nice messages to young girls not to stay in toxic relationships they gotta start saying all those horrible things about her like that she's not actually a Christian and is a terrible role model blah blah or when Cory Asbury writes a song about how amazing and relentless God's love is call it offensive because "reckless means your stupid so you can't call God that" despite the fact that he says God's LOVE is reckless and it does not mean that your stupid but yet when someone does a cover of a song with really terrible context let's blast it for everyone to hear like I wouldn't be mad about it if it wasn't for how everyone treated Cory Asbury and Hollyn to the point those songs aren't allowed on most "Christian" radio stations
Anyways I'm more confused then mad but the whole way Cory Asbury and Hollyn have been treated compared to this does tick me off like if your going to be a judgmental hypocrite at least be consistent honestly I doubt any one who approved it even knows where it came from
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