#yall should have seen my face when i jumped into the car and they had it on a Christian radio station and i just hear you will be found lmao
psychicbluebirdmiracle · 11 months
Ok it's been bothering me since I found out a week ago and im so confused and need to shout about this WHY DO THEY PLAY DEAR EVAN HANSEN ON CHRISTIAN RADIO STATIONS???? Like if your going to pick a song that was not written by a Christian artist or about God to play on your station maybe not the one about a guy lying to everyone about being friends with a suicide victim to manipulate the dudes sister into a relationship with him????
Like when Hollyn writes a deep felt song about how how the dude she was dating wasn't right for her and it has some really nice messages to young girls not to stay in toxic relationships they gotta start saying all those horrible things about her like that she's not actually a Christian and is a terrible role model blah blah or when Cory Asbury writes a song about how amazing and relentless God's love is call it offensive because "reckless means your stupid so you can't call God that" despite the fact that he says God's LOVE is reckless and it does not mean that your stupid but yet when someone does a cover of a song with really terrible context let's blast it for everyone to hear like I wouldn't be mad about it if it wasn't for how everyone treated Cory Asbury and Hollyn to the point those songs aren't allowed on most "Christian" radio stations
Anyways I'm more confused then mad but the whole way Cory Asbury and Hollyn have been treated compared to this does tick me off like if your going to be a judgmental hypocrite at least be consistent honestly I doubt any one who approved it even knows where it came from
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sunflowerwinds · 3 months
first night traditions | e.w
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summary: back for your third summer in a row, you reconnect with your friends you hadn’t seen for a whole year, including one ellie williams. seeing her again brings back the silly crush you developed on her the first summer. you promised yourself that this summer would be different but your heart is betraying you.
pairing: ellie wiliams x fem!reader
contains: fluff, tension between ellie and abby, characters from a different au (steve & robin from stranger things), probably inaccurate depictions of summer camp because i’ve never been, maybe flirty!ellie :)
word count: 4.1K
a/n: i literally couldn’t think of any other name for extra characters. stranger things had been heavy on my mind even though 90% of the cast and production team are so insanely problematic. fuck the duffer brothers. but i am so so excited for yall to see what i have for this. a day late posting i apologize but i hope you guys enjoy <33
under the summer stars masterlist
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For the past two summers, you’ve been a camp counselor at Little Explorers Summer Camp. As irritating as the summer heat made you, being able to spend a month in this little paradise with the sweetest kids in the world made the burning UV rays worth it. You pulled into the parking lot, watching your friends from previous summers lining up beside you. You sent a text to your dads to let them know you’d arrived safely at the campsite.
As you adjust your minimal amount of makeup, you hear a knock on your window causing you to jump slightly and turn down your music that you had been listening to on the 3 hour drive. You turn your head and gasp in excitement as your good friend and fellow counselor, Jesse, tugs open your door.
“Oh my god, Jesse!” You chuckle as you step out of your driver's seat to wrap your arms around his neck.
He chuckled against your temple as he wrapped his arms around you, patting your back.
“Holy shit! Have you been working out? You nearly choked me out just now.” Jesse joked as he pulled back from your embrace.
You put your arm up to flex playfully, nodding with a cheeky smirk.
“Prepping for this summer, you know?” You shrugged your shoulders before looking over his shoulder to see a familiar blonde head making her way over.
“I think we should really put that to the test,” the blonde folded her own muscular forearms over her chest.
You make your way over to her to give her a tight hug as you had missed her presence dearly. Abby had become a close friend of yours after your first summer as a counselor being a year older than you and having more experience than you did.
“Abs, I missed you,” you laugh softly as she gives you a squeeze, slightly lifting you off the ground.
“I missed you too. Ready to deal with whiny kids and minimal air conditioning for a month?” Abby grinned from ear to ear as she pulled away, patting your shoulder.
“Oh, nothing but excitement and not at all fear,” you give her a thumbs up before you turn to see Jesse opening up your trunk to grab your suitcase.
You thank him as he breezes past you with your two suitcases, watching him walk down the gravel road to the counselors cabin. Abby mumbles ‘show off’ as Jesse lunges with your suitcases on either shoulder causing you to chuckle. The sun beat down on your exposed neck, beads of sweat already trickling down your back and centering on your upper lip.
You and Abby get to talking as you shut your car door, double locking it as you had the tendency to forget to lock your car. Abby explained to you how she had been excelling as a personal trainer back home, loving the differences she makes in people's lives. You were a barista at your campus when you weren't here at the campsite.
As you both walk up to the camp main office cabin, you notice a few other familiar faces. Dina, another fierce friend of yours, and Joel, one of the only mature adults in charge, both leaning against the old wooden railing with bright smiles.
“Well, who are those sexy ladies?” Dina shouts, cupping her palms over her mouth.
The sound caused the birds in the trees to scatter, you flinching at fluttering and squawking above you. You shake your head with a blush from not only the heat but her words.
“Dina,” Joel says warningly.
“What? The kids aren’t here yet.” Dina rolled her eyes playfully before making her way towards the two of you.
She threw each of her arms around your necks to pull you both into a quick but sweet hug.
“You’re one to talk. Hello? Your hair is growing and have you been doing squats?” You check her out as you admire her figure.
“My genetics blessed me.” Dina insisted with a bright smile.
The three of you were all sharing conversation as you walked up the steps, giving Joel friendly smiles and ‘hello’s. You peeked inside the cabin to see Jesse talking to the one person you were ashamedly the most excited to see. There she stood in a black tight wife pleaser, arms crossed in front of her chest as she nodded to whatever Jesse was rambling about. She even stopped her conversation with the man to walk up to you to give you the tightest hug, her toned arms wrapping around your frame.
Ellies’ sigh brushed against your temple, like she was relieved to see you. After all these summers, no one ever exchanged numbers so you yearned for her presence at the beginning of the month of June. Your dads already gave you a million pep talks but you told them your crush on Ellie was no more. Your heart betrayed your mindset as it fluttered at her grip on you, melting into the embrace without even realizing.
That is until Jesse spoke up.
“Jesus, Ellie, you guys are going to have a whole month together.”
This caused you to flip him off behind Ellie’s back. Ellie, sadly, pulled away regardless but didn’t let Jesse’s comment go unpunished and gave him a punch to his shoulder. He simply winced and rubbed the skin, shaking his head at the auburn haired girl.
“You’re just jealous because I’m her favorite,” Ellie snipped with a confident smile.
You couldn’t even lie as it wasn’t far off. It made you over think how you act around her. Have you made it obvious these past two summers how much you favored her?
“So are you guys excited for tonight?” Dina pipped in, raising her thick eyebrows as she glanced at everyone.
Every summer for as long as this camp has been active, all of the counselors take a night to go for a late night swim and a beautiful campfire to take the time to mentally and emotionally prepare for the next month.
The children come on Monday. It was Saturday so they had all of Sunday to prepare everything for the kids.
“Oh hell yeah. Dina and I are going to sneak into the dining hall to grab everything for the s’mores. What cabin did everyone get assigned to this year?” Jesse spoke up, grabbing the clipboard with everyone’s cabin and the amount of campers everyone had.
You glance at Ellie to motion to the clipboard. She grabbed your arm to tug you towards Jesse’s figure, peaking over at the highlighted names.
“Shit, Els, our cabins are right next to each other this year. T-Rex’s and Daisy’s.” You beam at her as you run your finger down the list.
“Finally. It’s been, like, three years and we’re right next door to one another.” Ellie looked over at you with just as much excitement in her sage green eyes.
You couldn’t help but match her excitement as you recalled the past two summers where the cabins you were assigned to were tens of feet away and you weren't able to see each other until lunch time or late at night. The cabins next to each other were usually teamed up to do activities with the kids together. More time to spend with Ellie.
Platonically and BFF-like, of course.
“Wait, Joel, where’s Steve and Robin?” You question the elder man as he walked through the screen door with a large box in his arms.
“Ah, those two will be here much later.” He paused to set down the box near a desk. “They missed a few exits and called ahead to let me know.”
You nod to yourself. Steve and Robin were like ying-yang twins. The brunette pretty boy and the freckled girl were the definition of platonic soulmates. It freaked you out how well they got along.
“Well until then, let’s all unpack our shit in our counselors cabins.” Jesse spoke up, grabbing one of his suitcases.
You agree and go to grab your suitcase when Abby and Ellie speak up.
“I can help—“
“Hey, no, I got it.”
You froze at the two of them reaching for your travel cases, looking in between the two of them.
“Guys, I can carry them myself,” you shake your head with a soft laugh but neither of the girls were having it.
“It’s like a mile walk to the Daisy cabin. I’m right next door. I can help,” Ellie emphasized, looking at Abby with a tight-lipped grin.
“A mile is not that far, Ellie. I really have no problem doing it.” Abby chuckled in Ellie’s face, grabbing the handle tightly to your carry-on suitcase with your toiletries.
Dina and Jesse exchange looks with you before silently maneuvering around the three of you to carry their own suitcases to their assigned cabins. Was there a weird tension between the two or was it just you?
“Okay! How about you both carry something? There. Problem solved.” You speak up, placing a hand on Ellie’s shoulder and turning to face Abby.
The two were driving causing your shoulders to set in a hunch at the strange encounter. The girls agreed on that before leaving the main cabin to yours. Abby’s biceps flexed as she carried the heavier suitcase with ease as Ellie rolled her eyes behind her, telling you to follow behind them so you could get settled in.
Reluctant already to walk in the shaded heat, you give Joel one more forced grin. He muttered ‘good luck’ before returning to his own tasks with what you swore was a teasing grin.
The walk to the cabin wasn’t as irritating as you were expecting as Ellie and Abby were right: you would’ve been complaining a lot more if you had a suitcase in each hand along with your carry on. The heat was causing your baby hairs to stick to your forehead, huffing in annoyance but keeping your snarky words to yourself as you arrived with the two very helpful girls.
Ellie kicked open the door, a soft grunt leaving her lips as she placed the suitcase she was holding next to your counselor bed. Abby did the same, stretching her palm in and out from the tight grip. You sigh as you lean against the doorway, feeling the cool A/C hit your face.
“See? Teamwork guys,” you give them both thumbs up. They looked back at you with panting chests but smiled at your words nonetheless. “I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit. Thank you, Els. Thanks, Abby.”
You give the girls a side hug — Ellie’s a little tighter than the blondes. Abby gave Ellie a look once over before leaving the cabin to have you and Ellie be on your own. Once the door shut, Ellie turned to you with a soft sigh. She placed her hands on her hips as she looked around at the cutesy decor that was floral themed. You took notice of how homey the bunk-beds felt in comparison to all of the other ones.
Sure, they were just as adorable but this one felt right. Or maybe it was the fact that a certain auburn haired girl was making you feel more at ease than ever.
“This is a cute little cabin. It suits you,” Ellie walked over to trace the mural of sunflowers with the campsite name in a beautiful cursive font.
“Right? It’s perfect. I mean, the Mushroom and Grizzly cabins were adorable but this feels a lot better for some reason.” You glance over at Ellie’s inked arm, sucking in a deep breath.
Ellie hummed in agreement, looking back over at you. You fiddled with your random bracelets, giving her the least awkward smile you could muster. She reciprocated the gesture right back and tilted her head to the left.
“I should probably head over next door to get all of my shit unpacked,” Ellie huffed out, walking over to you to be merely inches away from your face.
“I thought you were just going to annoy me for a little longer but if you wanna go, Els.” You tease, scrunching your nose at her.
She scoffed and leaned in, narrowing her eyes. “You love it when I annoy you.”
And how easily you could kiss me right now if you were willing, you thought.
“I guess I do since I keep you around,” you shrug your shoulders.
Ellie’s eyes poured into yours as she took a step back. Her hand reached at one of the ends of your braids, twirling it around her pointer finger. You watched her carefully as her smile slowly grew.
“You’re not sick of me yet?” She questioned, still messing with your hair.
Not in the slightest, your brain echoes.
“We’ll see. I’ll get back to you when the month is over.” You chuckle as she releases the dutch braid from her fingertips.
Ellie muttered ‘fair enough’ under her breath as she nodded to herself, a smile creeping on her lips. You watch her take a moment to glance around the cabin once over before inching towards the door.
“I’ll see you in a bit, okay? Campfire and then late night swimming.” Ellie pointed one finger at you expectantly.
“I know, Els. I’ll see you,” you give her one more nod.
“Wear something cute for the swim,” was the last thing she said before opening and shutting the door behind her.
You watched her now more blurred figure through the screen over the windows, waiting for her to leave before letting out a long sigh you weren't aware you were holding.
It was going to be a long month.
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After unpacking for what felt like centuries, you had everything in their correct places and were able to peacefully make your way to the campsite. All of the beds were made, your counselor door had your name in dry-erase along with the rules for the camp opposite of the door.
And maybe you took into consideration what Ellie said about the cute outfit and threw on a pair of brown cargo shorts and a loose white tee. You only brought three pairs of shoes so you landed on your black and white Reebok Club C’s. What’s underneath was also taken into consideration.
As you were shutting the door behind you, you turned around to see Dina standing right in front of you with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised. You scoot back as she had scared you with her silent presence.
“Hey D, everything okay?” You tilt your head at her as you make your way down the steps.
“What the hell was that with Abby and Ellie earlier?” She trailed behind you, speeding up her steps to walk beside you.
You glance at Dina as you recall how intense hours before were between your other two friends; one whom you felt more deeply for.
“I really have no idea. It was… freaky but hey, I got out of carrying my luggage.” You joke and Dina nods along with a weak chuckle.
“Yeah, that is true but I don’t know. Ellie and Abby have always been neck in neck for some reason. They get along enough to be cordial but those two can get on each other’s nerves fast.” Dina explained to you.
You never really noticed it before. You assumed it was because if you weren’t trying to make sure the children were pulling or cutting each other’s hair, bullying one another or making sure their bladders were in check. Along with your flourishing and embarrassing school-girl crush on Ellie blinding you.
“Why?” You question as the two of you were approaching the campfire that was sparkling and crackling under the setting sun.
“I really have no idea, babe but what I do know is that you’re not being any less obvious with your crush on Ellie.” Dina nudged you as she jerked her head to Ellie who was watching Joel pulling at the strings of his acoustic guitar, a bottle of Coke dangling from her long fingers.
The green eyed girl had a small smile on her pink lips as she watched the father figure in her life sing lowly with the tune. Her effortless beauty to you was always captivating. Maybe Dina was right.
“My crush is extremely under control,” you lie straight through your teeth.
“Suppressing it and not confessing is not having it under control,” Dina stated with a sigh, shaking her head.
“Okay, enough talking about it. Plus, I’m trying to move on, D.” You lower your voice once you approach the group of familiar faces.
Dina pressed her lips into a thin line as she respected your wishes. What you told her was half true. Yes, you did want this crush to wither away in the wind but you didn’t actually have someone else to fixate on.
”Robbie, hey!” Dina approaches Robin, giving her a quick hug.
Robin rested her chin on her shoulder with a soft chuckle, reciprocating the motion. You make your way over to Steve who was chugging a lime Gatorade. Everyone was wearing a mix of tank top and tees with either jean or cargo shorts with athletic sneakers. Steve, being the manwhore he was, had on 5 inch inseam jean shorts. He looked like he stepped out of a 1987 slasher movie.
“Hey, pretty boy,” you tease as you stare at his head of gorgeous hair.
Steve rolled his eyes playfully before wrapping his free arm around your waist from where you were standing quickly. You hear Ellie and Joel snort at your statement as Steve shakes his head at their laughter.
“What’s up, Bubbles?” He grinned up at you.
Now the entirety of the camp erupted into giggles at his nickname for you. Last summer, the children in your cabin pranked you with the help of Jesse and Steve. The idiots got all 12 kids an extra large bubble gun and doused you in soapy bubbles right after getting out of the shower. You swore half of them just went up your nose and in your mouth. The HD photo of you is hanging in the main office for everyone to see.
“Alright, alright, enough. You guys are asses.” Ellie spoke up but she covered her mouth to hide her own laughter.
You sit down next to Abby and point across the fire at the auburn haired girl.
“You better keep one eye open at night.” You shake your head, allowing the warmth of the fire and the soft tunes of Joel’s guitar put you at ease.
Everyone else ‘ooh’d’ and ‘damn’d’ at your words as Ellie merely shook her head. She didn’t believe you were going to really do anything to her. That is until the blonde sitting next to you threw her muscular arm over your shoulders, tugging you into her side.
“I’ll help you prank Williams. Let me know before we go on our weekly trips to town.” Abby whispered into your ear which caused weird shivers to trickle down your spine.
You send her a small smile with a soft ‘thanks’.
Before you knew it, everyone was sharing how their past year has been since the previous summer. The sticks were passed around with the huge marshmellows at the end, everyone roasting them to a slight crisp. This camp had been a second home to you and these people had become like family. You found out that Robin had finally made a move on that girl she had been cruising on for the past year and had a date with her when she got back from camp which everyone drank to. You pressed your melting marshmellow in between two graham crackers, a small amount of chocolate between the two as you weren’t the biggest chocolate fanatic.
Ellie was almost pressured into playing the guitar tonight but she insisted she saved it for the kids.
Just when you were trying to get over her she said something as sweet as that. God, you hated her. After everyone had inhaled their s’mores, a series of sighs and complaints about how hot it was trickled down the line of counselors.
“Screw it. It’s time for that late night swim.” Robin stated, standing up on her high-top Converse covered feet.
Even though the sun had been set for almost two hours now, you were still warm all over. The cool lake would be heavenly. Everyone except for Joel got up from their seats on the logs, making their way over to the lake.
“Y’all be safe now. Ev’rybody knows what to do when you’re done swimming right?”
They were scattered ‘yes’s’ and ‘got it, Dad’. In a sense, Joel was like a father figure to you all since each and every one of you viewed him as such; comforting and an older man.
Once he gave you guys the ‘okay’, the group took off in a sprint to the bridge overseeing the lake. You let out a loud laugh as you watched Steve trip over his shorts as he kicked the denim off. Everyone had left their clothes and shoes on the small wooden pier, each of you plopping in one by one.
You set your shorts aside hanging on the rail along with your shirt and shoes. You tried to ignore the negative thoughts about Ellie seeing your body in just your underwear; a pair of hipster panties and a bralette because you couldn’t stand wired bras.
”Come on! The water feels amazing,” you hear Robin shout.
You saw Dina shoving Steve’s head into the water with joyous laughter. Jesse, Robin and Abby will peacefully swim around in the dark water. The only source of light being the singular lamp post at the end of the pier and the moonbeams bouncing off the still water.
Then you see a familiar head of wet auburn hair pop up at the end of the wooden ledge.
“Don’t make me get out of this water and push you in,” Ellie warned but her smile showed she was only teasing.
You flip her off before motioning for her to back away from the pier.
“Move your head, Els. I don’t wanna risk accidentally kicking you in the face when I jump in.” You give her a pointed look.
“I could get a badass black eye though,” she raised a hand to push back her wet hair out of her face, giving you more of a view of her stupidly perfect side profile.
“No, seriously. I don’t want to hurt you. Please move.”
Ellie muttered an ‘alright, sorry’ before swimming backwards so that she was now in the little group, all eyes on you. You took a few large steps back, the rough wood tickling underneath your bare feet. You heard a few shouts of encouragement come from Ellie and Abby’s mouths.
Within minutes, you were sprinting off the pier into the deep water. The borderline freezing lake engulfed your body entirely. When your head popped back up above the water, everyone was cheering you on for the jump. You were shivering a bit until Ellie came up behind you, placing her palms on either one of your shoulders. The warmth of her hands eased your goosebumps that raised on your skin.
“So you did wear something cute for tonight,” Ellie said lowly, the cockiest and most stupid grin on her face.
At first, you thought she meant the clothes that were hanging off the pier but no, she meant the underwear that was now clinging to your body. Your cheeks flushed at her words, moving your falling bra strap back onto your shoulder.
“This is what was at the top of my suitcase.” You state before splashing her face with the water, leaning in closer so that you were inches apart. “Not everything is about you, Ellie.”
Ellie spat out what water got in her mouth before shaking her head as she smacked her lips against her teeth. It shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was.
“I missed you,” was all she said.
No sarcastic comment back. It sounded so genuine and maybe you felt bad for talking to her in that manner. You had to if you were ever going to move on from this fantasy world of Ellie liking you back.
“Well, I’m here now. I missed you more, Els.”
Ellie shook her head. “You can ask Joel. He’ll embarrass me with how much I was talking about how excited I was to see you again.”
Don’t, you shouted at your rapid beating heart. She misses me as a friend.
“I don’t think I have to ask. He loves embarrassing you enough on his own,” you reply with a shrug of your shoulders, kicking your legs through the thick water to keep yourself afloat.
Ellie chuckled as she agreed.
“Well, anyway, I can’t wait to have fun with you again. ”
You nod mindlessly, completely enamored with how soft and gentle her eyes looked under the minimal light as she spoke to you. You whispered, “me too.”
You were so screwed.
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tag list: @abbyshands @ih8chickentenders @elliesprettygirl @justhereforinspopics @be3flow3r @hearts4joongie @plutolovesyou @bready101
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mrsarnold · 1 month
omgg you should write morgan cheli who has a crush on reader thats a cheerleader for uconn. she’s always trying to get your attention and eventually she does
— flaming hot cheetos ✩ morgan c.
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syn : Your a cheerleader at Uconn and your friends with a specific group of basketball players but one of the players catches your eye.
pair : morgan cheli x cheerleader!reader
warn : pure fluff, mo being head over heels, cussing, kissing
note : feeling sparkly today so heres some fluff
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the gravity of the air hit you when you were threw up in the air. you were practicing stunts for the upcoming game womens basketball game half time. after a few seconds in the air you landed safely back in your cheermates hands.
when you landed you were greeted by claps which made you turn into the direction of the claps. the loudest were from KK arnold as you turn to the group of girls who were sitting in the bleachers watching you and team practice. you quickly waved at her and your eyes tranced to a brunette girl.
you've seen her before but never spoke to her. your stared at her for a moment, she was laughing at something KK told her. you weren't sure what but you were snapped out of it by your coach.
"alright ladies, great practice today", my coach said as she clapped her hands as a sign to wrap it up. you started grabbing my stuff and headed towards the girls on the bench. you were met by KK and Paige running up to you, pulling you into a huge hug.
as they pulled away KK squealed, "OMGGGG you ate downnn girlll. anywho imma introduce you to the rest of the team." she jumped up and down as she wrapped her arm around you and start walking each girl introducing each one. when she stopped as the last one i looked up met with the familiar brunette.
"so this is Morgan !! she real chill shes just like me!!!", KK said pointing to Morgan then to you. morgan smiled at you then said, "yea its nice to meet you!! heard a lot about you from kk and paige."
you smiled, slightly blushing at the the thought of her getting a earfull about me. you took in the brunette's appearance quickly before KK dragged you off with a O shaped mouth. "girly i know you weren't just checking out Mo", she said shocked.
"i was not !! it was just the first time meeting her y'know i do that to everyone", you said looking around. that part was a bit of a lie but who makes the rules? i quickly waved goodbye to KK and everyone else before heading off to your dorm.
Once you made it to your dorm you got a notification.
*Morgancheli has followed you on all platforms!"
you quickly followed her back on all a bit taken back from it. you decided to go take a shower after a long practice, when you got out and was welcomed by a notification on your phone :
Morgan Cheli :
uhh hey are you the girl from earlier?
as soon as you saw the text you realized KK gave her your socials. you silently cussed KK out in your mind before texting morgan back.
yea your morgan right?
um yeah KK told me to text you
ohhh how r u ?? :)
the two of you continued to talk until you fell asleep. all you could think of was her. you knew yall just met but it was really "love at first sight". these long conversations laster for weeks.
the team knew and had a feeling y'all liked eachother but yall didn't wanna admit it. rather it was unexpected cuddles or before games meet ups, y'all were falling for eachother.
morgan decided to take you to a arcade during her off day from practice. she of course challenged you to every game she saw. y'all ended the hang out (date) at the claw machine.
after two tries she got won you a blue snorlax and you were happy. the two of you were walking back to her car, you were skipping as she was laughing. you stopped skipping infront of the car before you fell.
"so mo.. i have to tell you something", you said turning around to face her looking a little nervous. "yea whats up", she said smiling. "i really like you, like, like like you but its ok if you don't like me back", you said rambling blushing in embarrassment.
she was taken back a bit by your confession, before she could answer some levitated her closer to you. she captured your lips into a kiss before backing up with a smile. "i like you too, your really cute when your nervous", she said smiling
"so will you be my girlfriend", you asked as all the nerves left you. she nodded and the night ended well.
taggies : @star-girl69 @hrtslaces @chelisbae @patscorner @kamii-2 @cosmopretty @lovermcres
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jujusdiary · 4 months
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pairing- lando norris x fem! reader genre- established relationship (idk yall) OH ALSO victory smut warning- SMUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT (you dirty dirty ppl, don't be silly, wrap your willy), victory head ( my boy lando deserves it), lowk pda ???? idk yall tell me if you spot any lollolololol summary- when your boyfriend brings back his first ever GP win, there seems to be only one way you both think of celebrating. GUYS GUYS GUYS HE DID IT I ACC CRIED OUR BOY DID IT !!! LAND NORRIS, GP WINNER. LANDO NOWINS IS NO MORE. GUYS I WAS ACC UNWELL, I CAN'T EVEN I WAS CRYING SO HARD 🥺 anwayyyyyyysssss this is not proofread so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes
• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · keep reading !! · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–
Those last few laps, you could barely sit still. You spent them biting your bottom lip and pinching your forearm underneath the orange of your hoodie, too scared to even move. Especially after that DNF during the sprint, Lando did not have high hopes for the race, he had told you so right before you two got to the track that morning. And now here you are, sitting in the garage near Lando's dad, fiddling with the promise ring around your finger. Tears started blurring your vision as the final lap was announced, your legs shaking despite you sitting down. When he crosses the finish line, you can barely contain your sobs and your body folds forward as you press your hand over your mouth, Lando's father cheering and rubbing your bag softly. Zak comes running in from the Pit wall, cheering and whooping as he runs towards you.
"He did it ! He fuckin did it !" He yells, wrapping you in his arms and jumping up and down. He's laughing and cheering as he pulls away from you, holding your hand.
"You need to come down with us. He'll want to see you." He says.
"But i'm not allowed. I don't want to get in trouble." Adam nods beside you.
"You should. Knowing my boy, he'll want to celebrate with you." Zak nods, sighing heavily.
"Besides, what the hell they gonna do ? Lando will punch anyone who tries to take you away from him. And he would punch us for not dragging you along, so come on !" You let yourself get taken away, softly crying as you're guided down to the track. You see Lando climb out of his car and punch the air, holding a one with his finger. You can hear him screaming through his helmet, his voice raw. He jumps off the car and is immediately swarmed by max and carlos, who hug the younger driver amicably. He turns towards his team, where you're nestled between his engineer and his father, barely visible in the sea of orange and height. He takes his helmet off, placing it down on he floor, before running up to his team.They instantly grab him and lift him above their heads, bouncing him up and down as they cheer and he laughs. Seeing that smile on his face makes your heart warm.
He's waited for this for so long.
When he's placed down on the floor, his father pats his shoulder and Lando drapes his arms around him tightly. The smile on his face is wider than you've ever seen when he backs away, and it only grows when he finally spots you.
"Baby !" His eyes grow and he lunges for you, shoving anybody out of his way that seemed to be suffocating you in the tiniest way. His arms wrap around you and he kisses the inside of your neck as you lean up on your tiptoes.
"You did it, Lan." You sob as he pulls away. "I'm so proud of you, baby." He cups your cheeks and kisses you, so long and so hard it shoves all air out of your lungs. It knocks you on your ass, falling back to your flat feet and him leaning over the railing to get better access to your lips. His teeth graze your bottom lip, his hands venturing into your hair to tug you closer. You whimper in his kiss, fully aware of the people cheering around you and the cameras probably angled towards you. When he finally pulls away, he kisses your forehead and wipes away your tears. He stares down at you, absolutely ecstatic, before he's dragged away to the med tent.
The podium is even more of a fever dream, watching him spray champagne all over his team below and the other drivers spray him all over, not even leaving him a moment to speak. He winks down at you and you can't help the rumble in your stomach. The promise of celebration is always evident whenever Lando is on the podium - but his first ever win ? There is no way you'll be able to walk tomorrow. And it's already bad enough whenever he looses.
You feel a tug on your arm as the Podium Celebrations come to an end.
"Psst." You turn around to be greeted by Lando's engineer, who seems quite annoyed to be the one to have to tell you this.
"Lando wants you to meet him in his driver's room. He says he needs to speak to you." He says, nodding slightly. You smile at him and thank him, starting to break away from the crowd, but he tugs you back. "Look, i know it's his first win but let's not have a remake of Austria. I don't think anybody could unhear that for months. Just.. try to be quiet." he says, offering you a kind smile to lessen your obvious embarassement. You nod, too scared to speak, and break away from the crowd. Your steps are hurried as you rush to his room, your cheeks red. You knock on the door and wait patiently, anxiously looking over your shoulder. When the door finally slides open, your heart leaps into your throat. He's torn off his suit, the fireproof soaked with champagne and sweat sticking to his sculpted chest and arms. His soft curls are soaked with champagne, the soft cut on the bridge of his nose from the week before reddened with irritation. You smile up at him instantly pushing him into the room and shutting the door behind you. He wraps his arms around you and breathes in your scent, hands gripping you tight.
"My girl." He mutters into your neck, which makes you giggle and tears start to flow up into your eyes again. You pulling away from him, cupping his cheeks.
"I'm so happy for you, baby." You mutter, running your thumb over his nose bridge. "I can finally say i'm dating a race winner." You say. He smiles, gripping your waist.
"Don't you want to say you've fucked a race winner ?" He says, moving your hair away from your neck to wrap his lips around the soft skin. You whimper as soon as his lips come on contact with your skin, leaning into his touch.
"Maybe later." you breathe. He pulls away, frowning.
"Maybe later ? C'mon now, baby, you're hurting my feelings." He jokes. You roll your eyes, softly untying the knot he's made around his hips with his suit.
"Of course you'll get to do that, Lan." You breathe out. If it's one thing Lando knew, is that you were always insatiable for him- and he for you. There was not a moment in public where his hands weren't on your hips and ass, and that your hands weren't combing his hair or kissing his cheeks. Most people found it quite sickening and they would tell you, but Lando would refuse to let you back away, even when you were embarassed that someone would point it out.
Your fingers push the suit apart, shoving it down his legs.
"Whatcha doing now, then ?" He asks, smiling lazily. You look up at him, grinning.
"Giving you a proper celebration." You mutter, pushing his fireproof up his abs as you kiss your way down, kneeling down to your knees. You blindly pat on your wrists to find a hair tie but you can't for the life of you find one. You're about to resort to just shoving your hair down your shirt to keep it out of the way when lando tilts your head up. He slips a hair tie off his wirst.
"Here you go, love. Always have one on hand." He mutters, smiling in that boyish smile that makes you want to give in to his drunken gaze and let him bend you over like he obviously is dreaming of. But he's always the one to make sure you feel good. Now, it's your turn to make him see stars.You tie your hair back quickly and kiss your way down his thighs, fingers grazing his abdomen as they loop around the band on his boxers.
"C'mon, princess, don't tease me." He begs. He's losing his shit, watching you on your knees, eyes already heavy lidded. that bright papaya dress stretching perfectly around your breasts and ass, too far away from him to grab but still delicious enough to stare at. His hand wraps around your ponytail, establishing his grip on you as you finally tug his boxers down. His cock springs up, and your eyes widen, already salivating at the sight. Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you wrap your hand around him and softly lick at the precum gathering there, making his head tilt back and a heavy breath leave his chest. He looks like a mess in your grip, his fireproof still halfway pushed up from when you were kissing your way down, and he's made no move to lower it, giving you a great view of his abs.
His grip around your hair tightens and he licks his lips, looking down at you as you ease the veiny length inside your mouth, running your tongue along the vein on the underside, right where you know makes him shiver.
"Fuck, baby, not so fast." he grumbles as your cheeks hollow around him, your hand pumping the rest of the length you couldn't fit in your mouth. He's heavy in your mouth, choking you in the best way possible. He brushes away a tear from the corner of your eye, groaning as he notices your thighs clenching to relive some of the pressure building up. At first, seeing you cry as you sucked him off scared him. The first time ever, he pulled away from you and knelt down beside you, gushing over you as how scared he was to hurt you. After a while he learnt that it was just the way tour face muscles were stretched, but that doesn't mean that seeing you cry doesn't scare him when he sees it. Although right now, your tongue is swirling around his tip, and he's clutching your hair tighter, his groans getting louder.
"Ah, fuck, baby. You take me so well- Shit, I can't wait to be inside you." Your eyes roll back into your skull as you hear those words, feeling your juices coating your thighs beneath your dress. Your pumps start moving faster, your hand tightening around his length and your tongue swirling around his tip. He shoves you down closer to him, groaning as he feels the pressure build up in his stomach. You can tell by the way his cock twitches in your mouth, throbbing with release. Knowing it'll drive him crazy, you pull away, kitten licking down his length, driving him away from his orgasm. He grumbles.
"God, please stop teasing me." He begs, grabbing your chin and tilting your head back, running his thumb along your bottom lip. You get to your feet, ankles wobbly, hand still wrapped around his length. He pulls you to him, lips wrapping around yours, his own hands moving fast to push the flimsy material of your dress up and past you hips all while tugging the top down to reveal your breasts. You hum into his kiss.
"Lan-Lan, we have to be quiet."
"Quiet ? Baby, i just won my first race. I want the entire paddock to know. Hell, the whole of Miami." He tears his firepoof off finally, revealing his abs to you as he grabs your waist and hoists you up, letting you wrap your thighs around his waist. You giggle as he drops you down onto the couch and slots his body between your legs, kissing your neck. A breathy moan leaves your lips as you cup his neck, running your fingers in his curls, biting your bottom lip. He smells of sweat and champagne, and it makes your heart race.
Lando Norris, Race winner.
"You ready, baby ?" He asks, looking up at you as he pushes your underwear to the side. You nod, and you feel his tip slide through your folds. He pushes in slightly, and a drawn out whine of his name leaves your lips, welcoming the stretch.
"Ah, Lan." You whine, nails digging into his shoulders. He kisses your exposed collarbone, his hand reaching up to tug your bra down.
"God, you're so wet f'me, darling. So fucking good for me- My good girl. You want more ? Want to take all of it ?" He asks, his tone teasing as you whine underneath him.
"Please, Lan, please." You beg. He kisses your temple, before pushing into you fully, bottoming into you fully, letting out a low groan. Your walls clench around him and he groans, catching your lips with his, his hand wrapping around your throat slightly.
"God you have no idea how bad i wanted you when I saw you when i got out of that car." He mutters, his hips rutting against yours, his tip hitting that spongy spot deep within you that makes your eyes roll.
"That entire last lap i was thinking of you, baby. My pretty girl, taking me so fucking well." His words are edging you on, your thighs shaking as his rough hands palm them to plough you harder and faster. he bites down on your neck slightly, eliciting a loud moan from you. The rythmic banging of the couch against the wall is deafening, and you convince yourself that there's no need to stay quite anymore when he sits up, sitting you down in his lap and rilling your hips against his. You throw your head back, his hands moving your hips to match the pace at which hes thrusting up into you.
The new angle pushes lewd whimpers and moans out of you, and he seems to relish in it. If there's one thing Lando loves more than you, it's hearing how good he makes you feel. Whether its you telling him straight up or the moans and whimpers he forces out of you, which he enjoys tremendously. Wrapping his arm around your waist firmly, he pulls you in, your hips relentlessly chasing that feeling building up within you.
"God, Lando."
"You close, hm ? You wanna come all over my dick, hm ?" He asks. Your bury you hands in his curls, biting your bottom lip, your thighs shaking as he lifts up to thrust into you at your pace. Your wall squeeze around him and he groans, head falling onto your shoulder as he kisses your exposed breasts and collarbone. Soft whimpers and moans are leaving your lips, and that just seems to drive him further. His thumbs reaches down to press on your clit, and your back arches at the overstimulation.
"Ah- Lan, fuck, i-i can't. S'too much." You whine, licking your lips.
"You can take it, c'mon baby. Open your eyes, look at me." He says as you open your eyes to look at him. He bites his bottom lip. "Fuck, you're so goregous like this. I fuckin' love you so much, baby."
That's enough to drive you insane, gushing around him as your walls flutter around his throbbing length, your body falling forward as your orgasm hits you hard and fast. He follows suit, emptying himself inside you, groaning into your ear as you keep your grip on his sweaty curls, kissing his neck lazily.
"Did so good f'me, babe." He mutters, softly lifting you off of him. You whimper at the loss of him, feeling empty. he blindly reaches over to a towel beside him, softly placing you beside him and bringing the towel to between your legs. You whine as he grazes your overstimulated core, and he kisses your temple, apologising underneath his breath profusely. Lando may love pleasuring you, especially after good races, but he usually gets taken away and hurts you- and that's the last thing he wants.
"I'm sorry, my love. You know how i get after good races." He mutters, adjusting your underwear back over your core and pull your dress back down your thighs and up to cover up your breasts. He grabs a spare pair of boxers and jeans from the chair, before slipping on a clean shirt and walking back to you, lovingly tucking you against him. You breathe in his scent, the new clothes still heavy with his cologne.
"It's okay. I like celebrating with you, like this." You mutter, fingers tracing the soft veins in his neck. "I really am proud of you, Lan. I couldn't sit still those last few laps." You say, not meeting his eyes. He chases your gaze, his piercing blue eyes staring into yours.
"You were the one thing i thought of." He says, tucking your hair behind your ear. "You're my everything, love, and I couldn't think of anyone else better to celebrate with." He says, smiling.
A soft knock is heard behind the door.
"Right, you done shagging now ?" You go rigid at the Aussie accent, covering your reddening face. Lando laughs and answers,
"Come in, Osc !" Oscar pulls open the door, walking in on you snuggled into your boyfriends chest.
"Lily wanted me to ask if you guys want to go out for dinner."
"I dunno.. What do you think, darling ?" He asks, fiddling with your hair, softly brushing your cheek with his thumb."Think you'll be able to walk ?" He whispers. Your cheeks go red and you look up at Oscar, making sure he didn't hear. You shove at his face, rolling your eyes.
"We'd love to, Osc." He smiles at you, before leaving the room. Before he's fully out, he turns to face you guys.
"Also.. Maybe keep it down next time- the entire hospitality was shaking." He says, before finally turning away and leaving. You cover your face, embarassed, but Lando kisses your forehead affectionately.
"C'mon, love. We've got a proper celebration to get to." He says, helping you up. You frown.
"So that wasn't the celebration ?" You ask. He winks.
"No, baby. That was just the beginning, there's more coming when we get home, so you better get that little ass up and jog it into my car so i can devour you the second we cross that door." He says.
You don't think you've gotten up faster.
And of course, as always, Lando held up his end of the deal, your thighs shaking underneath the table at dinner with Oscar and Lily, his hand on your thigh.
If this is what winning a race is like, you never want him to lose ever again.
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Little short fic for yall - as a treat
Drug addiction and childhood loss mentioned just a tw
Also, timeline wise, this is before the Tarlos fire but after they moved it
I wrote this in 30mins before I went to bed plz ignore how bad it is
TK never had siblings growing up.
The girl down the hall for Apartment Number 4 was close. He babysat her when both of their parents had work and TK had just gotten back from high school, and she elementary.
Other than that, TK had no prior experience to having siblings.
Judd did have siblings.
He had three older brothers in fact.
But never a younger brother.
Moving to Texas on his father’s whim was - as said many times before - the best thing that could have possibly happened to TK. He gained a wonderful and loving husband (hot as fuck too, but that is a less important detail), 4 best friends, and the closest thing he has to a big brother [Judd].
When Judd joined the new 126, he gained 4 new best friends and 1 baby brother.
Judd and he took sometime to get to where they are now, unlike how easy it was for them to make good with the others.
Judd and TK fought tooth and nail on just about everything up until TK became a paramedic unlike most people think.
After the first few mouths of being this close to beating the shit out of each other, things cooled down - sure. They even became friends. But they never really connected until TK changed careers.
It wasn’t until TK was a paramedic and sitting on a random curb in the middle of the night did TK gain an older brother.
It was cold, well colder than normal for Texas. It felt like a spring night in New York for TK, enough to make him shiver, but not wish for a jacket over his sweatshirt.
A truck had slowed as it passed him, parking moments later after a while.
Judd jumped out and called out to him, “Strand? The hell you doin’ out here kid?” Judd made his way over and crouched down in front of TK, taking his chin in his hand and scanning his face. “It’s freezing. Where’s ya jacket?”
A tiny grin brakes TK’s sullen face. “It’s not cold out.”
Judd only continues to frown. “Where did ya get the shiner?”
TK winces.
Sighing, TK lulls his head up to look at the sky. He could see the stars better here than in New York. “You know, New York was always so polluted that seeing stars was kinda hard. This is the most I’ve ever seen in my life. Really makes you think just how big the galaxy is. You think there’s like.. aliens or something? Or like, bugs at least?”
“… are you… high?”
TK snorts, loudly. “No. Wish, but no.”
Then, Judd sits next to TK, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
It was weird.
It was also
Ya, nice.
TK, slowly, leans into Judd’s side.
Then it all comes coming out.
“Carlos and I got into a fight about chicken of all things. It escalated pretty fast. To be fair, this fight has been brewing for a couple of weeks. We both said some stuff we didn’t mean. I left to get some air and went to see my dad to talk to him because I was getting the itch to use. He wasn’t home so I… walked.”
A beated breath.
“My feet just kinda moved and I ended up in an ally that happened to be selling. I swear I didn’t know. Just wrong place at wrong time. Anyway, I was this close to buying before I backed out. Dealer wasn’t all that happy.”
TK motions to his face with a grimace.
Judd’s arm tightens. “But you didn’t…”
“No. Really, I should get a gold star for that.”
They are quite for a long time. It wasn’t exactly awkward, but it wasn’t… not.
“Why are you out here?” TK asks suddenly.
Stuffing slightly before relaxing, Judd sighs. “I’m just having a night I suppose. Gracie is pulling a night-shift and I have the next two days off. I can’t get myself to sleep.”
Nodding, TK hums. “I get that. You know, my dad used to drive me around when I couldn’t sleep when I was younger. Which is weird now that I think about it because we didn’t have a car. He would call a taxi and just say ‘drive’ until I stopped crying.”
“How do you remember that?”
TK slides him a crooked grin. “This went well into my 20s actually. I had a very interesting upbringing and late teen experience. Riding at night was technically the only solid thing in my life,”
He sighs again, “When I first got into drugs, only a little bit of crap weed from a friend at school, I got into the late train and just… road. Did this all the time. Of course, the thing with my dad. When my parents first got divorced, I did something similar to that when they were too busy arguing to notice me slipping out of the door. When I broke up with my first real boyfriend, I bought a bike off a random guy on the street and road that until the chain snapped. Something about the wind calms me down.”
Listing intently to the story, Judd nods along. “I have something like that. Sorta. The part about the weird calming thing I mean.”
TK cocks his head slightly to show he is listen.
Taking a long breath, Judd scoots a little closer and TK smiles softly, just about snuggling back. “I was 12 when I lost my best friend, Cal.” TK’s hand slides onto his knee and squeezes it once before simply resting.
“We stole a car and went joy riding down the street and lost control. After that, I kinda stuck in this… cycle. I wouldn’t exactly say I was depressed - definitely was at first - but I wasn’t happy. I was just… breathing. Living. For a long time, I was angry.”
TK nods slightly. “I sorta understand. Had a friend who didn’t make it in highschool. We weren’t that close though.”
They fall quiet again for a long moment - remembering - before Judd continues.
“At first, I got into a lot of fights and stuff, before I got a reality check from my uncle. My dad sent me away that summer to my uncle’s farm. He worked me half to death. I was pissed almost the whole time up until he told me something that I still think about today.”
“You lost someone, but that ain’t mean we gotta lose someone too.”
“At first, I didn’t understand. Than I thought about it. I was this decently smart kid who always smiled. Then I was just mad all of the time. That was the first night I cried over it all. By the end of the summer, I was better. I was still messed up, obviously, but I wasn’t fighting every three seconds. When I get mad like I used to, I just… work. Doesn’t matter on what if we are being honest.”
TK’s hand squeezed his knee again.
“That’s honestly a bit of how I felt the first couple of months I moved here. Not completely, considering these are two completely different experiences, but close to.”
Judd only nods and looks away from the side of TK’s face - that was still staring up into the sky throughout the entire conversation. TK hums a bit when Judd tightens his arm for a second. “Want a ride back to your boy?”
A tiny smile makes TK’s face. “If you’re willing, I guess. He’s probably worried anyway. I forgot to grab my phone on the way out.”
Standing and taking TK with him, Judd leads TK to the passenger’s side of the truck and pushes him in. He rounds the truck and hops into the drivers.
The car ride is a comfortable silence.
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
I don’t know how to ask you this bestie 😩… But if you write incest do you mind doing one where all might’s daughter has a crush on Endeavor? And they both smash her… Feel free to make it stepcest if that’s more comfortable 🥲
Anyways, congrats on being my FIRST controversial ask. That being said, it took me a while to figure out whether or not I would write this one 🤔. Of course, this will be one of the ones I won’t be able to post on Wattpad lmao, but I’ll give it a go!
If you didn’t already read the request, I will give you the necessary warnings again.
tw: incest….. never thought this day would come, dp
Author's annual moral PSA: I would hope I wouldn't have to tell yall I don't condone this irl. This is both illegal in many states, and in all ways an abuse of power and trust. Not to mention no one should look at their family members in this way and if it has happened to you don't be ashamed of it as it is not your fault but seek help because it is dangerous in the long run. This is for pure fantasy purposes
You are not underage in this fic. I never do underaged work.
There is way too much plot in this
Your cheeks were stretched wide enough to rival your fathers’ as you ran home. Your feet bounce and your pull at your braids nervously as you look out the window of the train, the excitement you felt made you restless to get home. Your neighbors watched you as you ran by, dents caused by your shoes hitting the pavement as your quirk flowed through your pumping blood. “Dad!”
You slam your front door open and scramble through the labyrinth of your rich home. Tossing open your father’s office door unaware of how your outburst startles All Might. “Y-Yes what is it?” Papers flutter all around as you carelessly glide through Toshinori’s neatly stacked papers. You slam the slightly crumpled papers onto his desk, ignoring how the sheer strength of your hand nearly causes his cold cup of coffee to fall. “Remember how 3rd years get the chance to have the first pick in finding the company they’ll sidekick for?!”
All Might watches you with fondness in his eyes as he cleans his glasses off. He was now far in his years, a healthy 82. His hair was now less of a golden yellow and more of beige as it silvered slowly. He was still his normal towering height, retained much of his muscles, and could periodically assume his big form now that he finally had the time to rest and heal properly. “You mean the program that you talked about every day because it was free.”
You roll your eyes, “Free for me, not for you. Anyways look, look, look!” You hold the paper in his face and he takes it from you, “I see you were accepted into your first choice at-” You snatch the paper from him and hop around excitedly, “-At Endevā Jimusho And that’s not even the best part!” All Might's contempt face drops, “All sidekicks get to stay in a guest house in close quarters with Endeavor himself!!"
Joy no longer existed in Toshinori's emotional library. "Absolutely not." Your face falls and your rant halts completely. "What?" Yagi puts his glasses on and shuffles through his papers stiffly, "I do not agree on Endeavors training methods." You raise an eyebrow, "Is this coming from the man that punched Pro-Hero Dynamite and Deku into buildings during an emergency villain drill? In front of everyone?"
Yagi hides his face behind a stapled packet, "I was giving them a taste of reality, a villain does not care for a hero's well-being." You sit down on his desk, legs crossed before curling your finger over his paper, your eyes miss how AllMight briefly glances down, “Yes, but isn’t it a job as a hero to protect people, even the students they train?” Yagi craned his neck until it makes a satisfying crack, a smirk adorning his lips. “I suppose you are right.”
He thinks for a moment before silently shuffling his papers before returning his gaze to your hopeful face, “Why should I assist you with your obvious little crush on my coworker?” You clearly stiffen “Well if it will make you happy-” You don’t allow him to finish before your arms around his shoulders squeezing his neck with most of your strength.
AllMight watches you leave his room slightly disheartened, reaching into his desk drawer he pulls out his phone and dials. “What do you want?” AllMight leans back in his chair pulling at his pants to loosen the tension in his groin, “A proposition.”
The next day Yagi is driving you to your new home for the next 6 months. Your eyes glaze over with futuristic thoughts on how your stay would be. “Everything is so shiny!” Yagi shrugs as he pulls into the parking lot. Enji was always minimalistic when it came to modern designs.” Your head snaps to Toshinori’s side of the car, “His name is Enji!?” Your question is laughed off as Toshinori shuts the car off.
Although your amazement is captured solely by the prospect of working with a pro-hero, the fact that your father is a pro-hero does not go unnoticed by the people around you. “Is that AllMight!” “Should I ask for his picture?!” Even with Yagi’s shadow enveloping your body your attention hones in on the automatic glass doors in front of you.
Inside there is a crowd of students experiencing orientation and getting assigned their respective dorm and possible roommate. You take your first steps in their direction before your arm is pulled and Yagi dawns a playful grin as he presses his finger to his lips. You follow him, eyebrows furrowed “You aren’t trying to change my mind are you?” You don’t get an answer as you are dragged along.
Stairs after stair you follow your father until you come to the very top, legs throbbing but interest peaked. Yagi opens two double doors as easily as breathing and your eyes go wide as the broad shoulders of a familiar hero come into view. “You’re finally here, took you long enough.” Your heart beats in your chest, auburn hair, broad shoulders, and a stoic face that you’d only seen on television, now present in front of you. Yagi shuts the door causing you to jump, “Oh um hi!” A large hand touches your shoulder making you jump” Calm down Y/n!” A cheerful exclamation rings out from above you as Yagi transforms into his larger form.
Heavy footsteps make the room shake wherever the two men walk around the room, “I heard you wanted to meet with me.” Your demeanor goes from uneasy to panicked giggling, “O-Oh really, who told you that!’ AllMight chuckles before patting your head, why don’t you ask him all the silly questions you want, I have to use the restroom.
Endeavor leans against his desk, arms crossed allowing his muscles to bulge through his white button-up shirt. “Yagi tells me a lot of good things about you.” Endeavor stands straighter, a ballpoint pen in hand before he gestures for you to take a seat. You settle in the seat glancing towards the door before looking up at Endeavor who settles on his desk. “What’s the matter, you seem nervous?” The deepness of his tone sends a shiver down your spine. Shifting your legs closer together you clear your throat, “I’m just not used to meeting my childhood hero in person.” Endeavor laughs in a way that sounds more like a bellow, “When you say it like that I feel old!”
Your face hadn’t stopped burning since you entered the room but the joke forced a chuckle through your lips allowing you to relax just a little bit. Calculating eyes narrow, making you feel even smaller than you already did in the hero’s presence. “Now, come on. I’m sure you have something you’d always wanted to do if you met your hero.” Endeavor’s happy-go-lucky attitude catches you off guard as it juxtaposes the hardened persona he had cultivated over the years. “Well, I suppose a picture would be a start if you don’t mind?”
Seconds later you somehow find yourself in Endeavor's lap as he holds the camera up for a picture. His body is unpainted hot but you assume that was simply just a side effect of his quirk. “Um, are you sure you’re okay with this?” Endeavor hums in acceptance. A heavy arm loops around your waist pulling you closer, close enough to become aware of a problem pressed gently against your ass. “Oh!” Endeavor’s fingers slipped pressing the capture button, “What’s wrong did I do it wrong?” You shake your head becoming embarrassed for the both of you, “Nothing!” Enji’s voice lowers into a mumble that reverberated against the back of your neck, “Good.”
Enji straightens his arm once more to retake the picture and you awkwardly smile into the camera, grin becoming strained when he had yet to snap the photo. You shuffle the slightest bit to get a more comfortable position and a guttural groan is released from Enji’s lips. "Are you alright, Endeavor?" Your question is ignored and your phone is put down on the table. Large hands contrasting unbridled power is your stomach delicately as though you were made of porcelain. "Are you sure there is nothing else you'd like to do with your hero?"
Endeavors face nudges away your braids allowing him to press his heated mouth against your skin. "Nothing that would help you get to know them better?" You don't get to respond, your body is hoisted around to face Endeavor. Why nervousness clearly painting itself on your features before being overcome with confused pleasure as Endeavor pressed his lips against your own.
You moan against his lips, hips grinding against each other, the thought of where you are slipped past your mind and to your pussy. Endeavors hands down your body, pinching and pulling before sighing with his calloused fingernails. You couldn't believe this was happening, you feel your pants being pulled off. Just yesterday you believed that you would only be able to meet your hero in passing. Your bra is on the floor and your pussy weeps against his slacks.
The motions are fast-paced and you feel his thumb pressing against your clit. “Yes!” Endeavor kisses your lips, his stubble scratching your cheeks slightly as his tongue explores your mouth. Confidence floods your body as you hop off of Endeavor's lap and quickly undo the buttons of his slacks, he watches you out of breath in the best way.
Thick in your hands, the veins twitch to the tune of his blood. The clear stickiness of pre-cum coats the underside and you use it to stroke his length. "Please fuck me Endeavor!" You look up at him, face contorted with desperate thoughts as you angle your body towards his cock, the tip of it rubbing against your folds. You were wet, so wet making the fuchsia tip of his cock feel more engorged.
"Don't regret this. "You’re pulled back into his lap with ease, pussy trembling from the display of strength. With Endeavor holding your weight and your hand positioning his length below you, the slide down was easy as it could be. Your legs wrap around his waist as you adjust to him. “We have to be quick.” Endeavor rolls your hips when your breathing becomes even again, “We have all the time in the world.” You smirk trailing your finger up Enji’s chest, “What, you have a thing for getting caught?”
Your cheeks are spread apart by Endeavor’s fingers as he hooks one into the small slit left remaining in your pussy. “Something like that.” From behind you the sound of the door shutting makes your neck quickly craned around to look back. Standing with his arms behind his back and an unreadable expression stood Yagi, “Am I missing the party?” Ashamed excuses leave your mouth, tearful and panicked you squeal when Endeavor raises your hips before sliding you down his cock. “No, you are just in time.”
Yagi slowly removes the suit he wore, shrugging off his suit jacket as the sound of your muffled whimpers filter through his ears. You hide your face, curling into Endeavor’s form but a hand stops you, gripping your face, “Don’t be shy, it was his idea after all.” AllMight chuckled, “Yeah, it took a lot of convincing on my part.”Long fingers wrapped around the base of your skull where your braids connect before yanking your head back.
Toshinori looked down at you, face stoic and mockingly disappointed, "I thought it would take a lot more convincing but look at you. " Yagi dragged the back of his hand around your jaw and down your chest ripping the fabric with ease. Your tits bounced on every thrust that Endeavor continued to make, wordless moans and drool leaving your moan as your pussy clenched around the cock inside you.
"Such a little whore for him aren't you?" You shake your head in protest before your eyes widen as chapped but soft lips are placed over yours. He was kissing you, your brain short circuits as his tongue forces its way past your lips. It's wrong, you know that. Hell, this whole situation is wrong. You should be downstairs with the others doing orientation, not upstairs riding the cock of a pro-hero and french kissing the other. You knew it was wrong, but why did it feel so good?
Endeavor groans at how sloppy you were becoming. The sound of your pussy squelching as cream gathered around Endeavor's cock before being pushed back inside of you. "So both of you are twisted in the head." A large thumb presses down on your clit making your pussy spasm as you cum from the heightened stimulation. Endeavor keeps thrusting, his libido unmatched and energy pent up.
Yagi reaches in between the two of you pressing his palm against your pussy as his fingertips graze Enji’s dick on every upstroke. “Are you getting wetter sweetheart? He feels so good doesn't he?" Your mouth is agape and your weak hands Endeavor's shoulder is the only thing keeping you upright when your eyes roll back. "Y-Yes daddy!" Yagi wheezes before he's fiddling with his suit pants and pulling you back by your hair.
It was a strange display of balance on your end. Endeavor’s arms hold your legs tightly in order to keep you on his lap and on his cock meanwhile you are as your father slaps his hardened cock against your cheek, splashing his precum onto your chin. "I got you this far dear, why don't you return the favor?"
Whether it was diluted senses or your subconscious coming forward, you open your mouth for him, moaning as he invades every crevice of your jaw. Your throat constricts and you retch around the warm heat. Yagi is unapologetic and downright brutal as he pulls back before bringing his hips forward again.
The two men's moans empty into the office room and your garbled cooking is ignored as they both have their fill, leaving you to wonder if this really was for you. Numbness invaded your senses as you come again on Endeavor's cock with him not that far behind as he blows his load into your pussy. "It's been a while I will admit." Endeavor slaps your pussy once, then twice just to feel you squeeze down on him every time your hips jerked.
Tears and drool running down your face the faster your father fucks your throat and you knew you'd be sore the next day. "My turn." All Might pulls out and walks away not even showing you a glance as you choke from the lack of oxygen. Enji helps you sit up and wipes your face before Toshinori is pulling you away from Endeavor showing no care that his cock was still in you. He sits down and pulls you onto his own lap ignoring your dazed look as your brain struggles with the various changes of attitude.
"You gotta thank daddy for helping you meet your hero, don't you think?” His hand cups your round cheeks before the other slams down on the other one. Overestimated tears tremble down your brown skin as you hiccup, "Yes daddy." You rock against his cock, both your saliva and his own precum staining your stomach and public hair.
He fills you, even better than Endeavor did, and begins his onslaught of thrusts. You scream, the sound no doubt traveling outside the room, "Daddy please fuck me!!!" The speed at which you were moving was one that could only be done by a hero and it was more pain than pleasure. The constant pounding of your cervix makes your teeth clench together each time his mushroom head punches it.
"Yes, give daddy this sloppy pussy, squeeze down for me-oh fuck!" Lewd words you never even believed Yagi was capable of saying leave his lips. Your shoulder is bit by the redheaded man behind you as he cups your breasts together, tugging on your nipple before rubbing the nubbed patterns on your areolas. "I can't take it any more daddy please!" Your arms wrap around his shoulders as he causes your pussy to queen and cream, balls slapping the underside of your ass, sticky with Endeavor’s cum.
"This is what you raised Yagi? A little whore?" Yagi chuckles, "I'm just as surprised as you are Enji, say why don't you join? You aren't one and done are you?" Endeavor scoffs, you wish that upon me don't you?"
Your mind, altered with lust, does not understand the hidden meaning behind the word "join" but you soon realize it when fat fingers are pushing their way in the same hole Toshinori occupied. "E-Endeavor?" You're shushed as his fingers pump inside you with Yagi’s cock, curling and prodding your walls at every turn. You feel fuller than you ever thought you could and the pressure only continued.
"Look at my pretty little girl taking her daddy's cock, so fucking tight for me. Can you do this for Endeavor too? Fit both our fat cocks in your hero guzzling hole?" You nod at the degradation and feel the warmth from Endeavor envelope your back. His tip massages the stretched opening as Yagi stops thrusting for a moment.
There is silence, and then there is pain. You hardly feel the initial penetration of Enji’s cock, but you do feel it when Yagi tries to move again. You can hardly breathe between the sandwich the 3 of you created and your comfort is practically ignored as they both begin to move at opposite tempos. “O-oh god!” With your eyes screwed shut and mouth agape the two men grunt against your ears.
Your g-spot and cervix are both pushed against as their thrusts become more impersonal. Endeavor grabs your arms from around Yagi’s neck before pulling them behind your back. Your legs tremble uselessly around Toshinori’s thighs. His breath huffing the more he exerted himself steam easily slipping from his lips the faster he went. “I’m gonna cum!” Endeavor grunts, pistoning out of you even faster than he was before. A hand rests on his shoulder and he’s shoved back making you whimper from the partial emptiness. “Not inside bastard.”
Yagi becomes his gental self again as his still hard cock slips from your entrance. He places you on the ground giving you time to prop yourself up before grabiing his dick and stroking it infront of your face. You are to fucked out to do anything but present yourself as a pretty little canvas as his cum paints your face. You lick the small drops painting your chin before flashing a coy smile, “Thank you Daddy!”
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Midoriya, Todoroki and Shinsou being hit by a de-aging quirk
Request: HEY HEY HEYYY! Since I’ve seen you simping over Shinsou and sometimes if not all the time over Todoroki I would like to request the boys getting hit by a deaging quirk and having to be babied by their girlfriendssss. Oh and if you’d like could you add Midoriya in the mix? My boy needs more simps and you are president of the group. -anonymous
I’m in tears from the ask. I’ve been caught simping one too many times and now yall are calling me out. Snitches. SNITCHES GET STITCHES!!! Jk ... unless. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: mild angst and mentions of trauma/bullying, the majority is fluff though.
Midoriya Izuku
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-Baby face™
-You sure you are not looking at his normal face?
-I mean he IS baby and he looks baby.....baby.
-You were on patrol with the hero you were training with when you got called in to deal with an attack. 
-They didn’t give you many details only that the previous heroes that were on the scene were struggling. 
-So once there you started fighting with the villain, dodging his attacks effortlessly until you spotted a puff of green hair. 
-Izuku was here? 
-Why hadn’t you seen him?
-It’s not like him to run from a fight, maybe he’s hurt?
-Calling out to him you dodged the villain again and slid behind the car you saw last saw him and was met with .... a toddler??
-Tears were running down the boys’ face as he was trying to pry a small metal bar from under some debris.
-He looked awfully a lot like you boyfriend and for only a moment you completely forgot about the villain and drowned in the adorableness of the toddler. 
-He was mumbling All Might’s key phrase under his breath adding his own small punchlines. 
-Once the bar was free he raised it in the air with shaky hands and called out, “I’m here! Midoriya Izuku will save you!”
-So that’s what those beams of light do if they hit you. 
-Activating your ear piece you alerted your ‘boss’ that there was a child here and to not get hit by the beams unless you wanted to go back to your toddler days. 
-After assuring you that everything was under control and that you could leave you picked Izuku up and made your way to the school.
-Recovery Girl said that the quirk should ware off in a day or two and until then Aizawa had named you his temporary care taker. 
-In your dorm, Izuku was overly curious. 
-He was opening boxes and drawers, rampaging through your equipment and fawning over your hero costume. 
-He sat down after what felt like an eternity and started bombarding you with questions about your hero studies, your quirk, your technique, your teachers, All Might, your classmates, their quirks, All Might, your favorite hero, the hero you work with, ALL MIGHT.
-It was cute you would give him that but simultaneously he was talking your ear off. 
-And when you told him that All Might was actually one of your teachers?
-You are now taking an impromptu trip to the teachers lounge to visit All Might. 
-Thankfully he’s there and he doesn’t have any classes for the rest of the day so he spends most of his free time with baby Izuku. 
-You are pushed to the side for most of the afternoon until Izuku notices you sitting alone while he plays with All Might and he feels by. 
-Waving goodbye to All Might he waddled over to you and climbed on your lap, giving you a hug and asking what YOU wanted to do. 
-You go back to your dorm and spend the rest of your afternoon and night there. 
-You ordered his favorite food and put on a Disney movie. 
-He wouldn’t leave your lap, always staying either between your legs or hugging you. 
-He is such a cuddle bug omg!!!
-You find him adorable and just snuggle him, hugging him harder and kissing his forehead. 
-When it was time for bed he really didn’t want to go to sleep. 
-You may have chased him around your room trying to put on one of his shirts that you had in your room as a pj. 
-You had to tickle him into submission.
-You tucked him in and went to make you own makeshift bed on the floor so you wouldn’t bother him. 
- “Y-Y/N-san c-can you sleep h-here?”
-He was blushing and avoiding your gaze as he waited for you answer. 
-Smiling at him you put on your own pjs *which were a pair of shorts and one of his sweatshirts* and jump under the covers. 
-He snuggled into your chest, giving you a small peck on the cheek and falling asleep in like a second. 
-You were soft to the very soul. 
-You fell asleep rather quickly yourself feeling all warm inside. 
-The next morning you woke up with strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist and steady breathing making a broad chest rise and fall. 
-Izuku squinted at the morning light as you stirred slightly and looked down meeting your hooded eyes. 
- “Thank you princess, for everything.”
“You were an adorable baby you know that?”
“Y/N stop!!!”
“Had me almost yeeting our protection out the window.”
Todoroki Shouto
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-His dad called you.
 -You were chilling in his dorm waiting for him to come back from his patrol with his dad. 
-You were sick the past few days and didn’t go to your hero studies.
-Shouto had been taking care of you but he had to leave at some point for his own studies. 
-Now Shouto has placed you as his emergency call on his phone along side Fuyumi and Deku. 
-You were the first name on the list and that’s why you were talking with his dad. 
- “Shouto was hit by a quirk while we were out and he is being ....difficult. I would prefer if you come get him I don’t think he would come near me anyways.”
-You heard a small cry in the back and asked immediately for their location. 
-I swear you haven’t gotten ready faster in your life.
-Arriving at the location you were met with.... a sight.
-Standing trembling across from Endeavor was a baby Shouto.
-He didn’t look a day over four, his scar was gone but his eyes were full of fear. 
-Endeavor was looking at him with a small frown on his face. 
-When he spotted you his eyes stayed on what you were wearing before motioning towards Shouto. 
-Look you were staying in YOUR boyfriend’s room surrounded by HIS clothes it was only logical for you to grab one of his hoodies. 
-Making your way to the terrified toddler you crouched down a few paces away from him.
-Giving him a small smile you whispered a shy ‘Hi Sho’ and waited for him to approach you. 
-His dual colored eyes scanned you before glancing back at his father who had turned his back to you and was talking on the phone. 
- “He won’t hurt you while I’m here. I won’t let him Sho I promise.”
-At that his eyes widened further and without warning he launched himself at you wrapping his small arms around your torso, a hiccup leaving his trembling lips. 
- “N-no he w-will hurt you l-like m-mommy *sob* I-I don’t want h-him to h-hurt you.” 
-You carefully brought him into a hug leaving a kiss on the top of his head as you whispered reassurances in his ear. 
-He stopped crying after a while and agreed on coming with you to the dorms. 
- “I’m taking him to UA he will be safe there.”
-You didn’t really wait for a response before scooping him up in your arms and walking off towards the school. 
-Once there you stopped by Aizawa’s room informing him of the situation. 
-He allowed you to take him to his room and stay with him for as long as he is like this.
-In his room you didn’t put him down opting to get everything ready for your Disney marathons while he was still in your arms. 
-All the while Shouto was playing with strands of your hair and asking you small questions about you, your room, your school. 
-He was still shy though, never talking too much and always speaking in a hushed tone. 
-Poor baby was so afraid of everything. 
-Once all was in place, you settled on his bed covering both of you in a blanket while he rested between your legs. 
-During the first movie he sat there his full attention on the screen. 
-By the time you reached the third movie he was becoming restless, looking around the room and ignoring the movie as a whole. 
-Then you heard his stomach rumbling.
- “Why don’t we go make some cold soba hm?”
-You haven’t seen him smile that bright since the moment he turned and it was the cutest most precious sight in the world. 
-While making soba he was rather talkative even going as far as letting out giggles and small laughs.
-He enjoyed his soba and you were happy since you saw him without that petrified glint in his eyes. 
-When it was time for bed he was very obedient, immediately putting on the clothes you had out for him and laying in bed instantly.
-He had made no requests all this time so it surprised you when he tugged at your hoodie sleeve and motioned to the spot beside him with his eyes. 
-Giggling you settled next to him and gave him a small peck on the nose making him scrunch it up. 
- “Goodnight Sho.”
-He was already half asleep when you whispered goodnight.
- “G’night, love you.”
- “I love you too.”
-The next day you woke up alone and if you were being honest you had a mini heart attack.
-Then the door opened and your fully grown boyfriend walked in, tray in hand as the smell of pancakes filled the room. 
- “I can’t thank you enough for yesterday, love.”
-Sitting down next to you he kissed you on the lips, a love struck look on his face.
- “I love you.”
“Seeing you being so motherly had me imagining our kids.”
“Shouto we are 15....”
“I can always steal my dad’s credit card....”
 “......You’ve got a point.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-He was training with some of Aizawa’s old coworkers. 
-He didn’t dodge an attack and was hit square in the chest. 
-Now he was buried under a pile of clothes, whimpers leaving his lips. 
-Aizawa went into a panic.....how many kids would he have to adopt?? 
-Now you two are not very vocal about your relationship, borderline keeping it under wraps not wanting to draw much attention to you. 
-But Aizawa is dad and he knows... KNOWS when one of his students has a crush. 
-Especially if it’s a girl since all the girls need an extra dad to scare bad boyfriends away. 
-So he hasn’t missed how you look at each other or how you may have come back into class smelling like Shinsou. 
-He has even seen you in one of Shinsou’s hoodies. 
-If he was being honest he caught you off guard.
-It was like  3 am and you had gotten up to grab a glass of water.
-Aizawa was still up grading some papers and he scared the shit out of you; idk how your screech didn’t wake anyone up. 
-The only comment he made was nice hoodie and you KNEW he had caught a whiff of your relationship. 
-So that’s the reason why Aizawa is now knocking on YOUR door ready to leave a very scared Shinsou in your care. 
-Once you opened the door your face contorted into three emotions: fear cause once again you were wearing your boyfriend’s clothes, confusion cause why was there a toddler sized Shinsou in his arms and anxiety cause well your homeroom teacher was standing right outside your bombarded room in which you should have been studying but you could faintly hear the animal crossing music coming from your switch. 
- “Hitoshi was hit by a de-aging quirk and since you two are so....close I’ll leave him with you. Plus I trust you.” 
-And with that he placed baby Shin in your arms and left. 
-You two looked at one another before you let out a small laugh trying to lighten up the mood. 
-Tears formed in the corners of his eyes as he stared at you. 
-Bringing him closer to your chest you started rocking him back and forth humming a tune he would sing to you when you were having a bad day. 
-He calmed down immediately. 
-Like stopped sniffling the moment he heard the tune.
-He started humming along with you and as you pulled him from your chest you wiped away the stray tears giving him another smile in the process. 
-He rested his forehead gently on your own as his small hands came to grab your cheeks. 
-The rest of your time with him was very calm and quiet. 
-He was a very reserved and calm child never making a request or whining. 
-You two colored some outlines you printed and then played a few board games. 
-He got out of his shell when you suggested going for a walk to the park to pet the kitties. 
-He wouldn’t let go of your hand even when he saw the cats and you could feel how excited he was. 
-He was overly attached to you calling you Y/N-chan and even going as far as to say ‘love you’ before his afternoon nap. 
-Your heart was MELTING.
-He was adorable. 
-So cute with his lavender hair standing up even at this age and his violet eyes scanning everything and everyone. 
-He was a blessing. 
-Then he started talking in his sleep and that’s when you realized why he was such a low maintenance child. 
-His whimpers echoed through the dorm as he begged someone to leave him alone. 
-That he wouldn’t use his quirk. 
-That  he wasn’t a villain.
-He had talked to you about his past, how people used to bully him for his quirk or how they would call him a villain. 
-It broke your heart seeing that even at the early age of four he had nightmares of what those kids said to him. 
-Climbing in bed beside him you brought him flush to your chest running a hand through his hair as you peppered his forehead with kisses. 
- “Shhh baby shh. I’m here they can’t hurt you.”
-You fell asleep when he finally stopped crying. 
-When you woke up you were laying flat on Shinsou’s chest his hands running mindlessly up and down your back. 
- “I’m sorry for forcing you to take care of me kitten.”
-Kissing up his neck until you reached his lips you added:
- “You were an angel there’s no need to apologize love.”
-He hugged you incredibly tighter, burying his face in your hair. 
-He was so deeply in love with you words cannot express. 
“Next time I’m not pulling out.”
“Hitoshi what the hell??”
“What? You expect me to see you all motherly and NOT want to get you pregnant as soon as possible?”
“I think someone has a breeding kink.”
“Yeah yeah wait till you see me with a toddler....you’ll be begging me to fill-”
“SHUT UP!!!”
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
The Night Shift part 11 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
WC: 3.3k
AN: Yall I'm so sorry this took ages to be updated, my laptop screen broke and the repair place had to wait over a week for a new one, I hope the end of this part makes up for it <3 Parts will also be slower to come out as I'm starting my next semester of uni on Monday and that's going to take up a large chunk of my time, but I'm still going to try and put out a new part at least once a week
Part 1 Part 12 (coming soon) Masterlist
Friday arrived far too quickly for Frankie’s liking. So quickly he had gotten himself into a routine of being with you, and it felt like it was being ripped away from him. Of course, he knew that it would happen, he hadn’t deluded himself into thinking it wouldn’t, but still . . . still he had grown so used to your presence that when it was finally time to “get your shit from that ugly ass motherfucker” (Will’s words, not his), he felt almost depressed.
You were perched on his couch when he woke up late Friday morning, a cup of steaming coffee clutched in your hand, your gaze fixed absently on a point on the wall. He called your name gently, not wanting to scare you. You blinked a couple times, as if coming out of a trance. He knew the look well.
“Didn’t sleep?” he poured himself a cup and sat down next to you. You shook your head.
“Not great. I think an hour, maybe. But like, really shitty sleep.”
“Not fully asleep but not fully awake?” Frankie suggested, having become very accustomed to the feeling during his military time. You nodded, giving him a tired smile. He understood your exhaustion. You had spent every waking moment stressed about the move, online shopping to replace the things that you were leaving at Kurt’s, and then stressing some more. You had picked up the keys on Wednesday and Frankie had gone with you to check the place out.
It was a bright, airy place, seven floors up with huge windows and a tiny balcony off the living area. Frankie had noticed your eyes shining as you took it all in, almost like you couldn’t believe it was yours. You had wiped away a tear, taking in the view of the lake by the apartment complex.
Frankie had come with his measuring tape and notebook from his mechanic days. He measured each room, each alcove where a piece of furniture would sit, and wrote them down diligently with a messy scrawl on a page labelled with your name.
When you had gotten back to his place, you set to work writing down a list of what was yours and what you needed to replace. At the top of that list was a bed, heavily underlined and circled.
“The bed’s mine, technically,” you explained as you clicked on a display photo of a wrought iron bed frame, “but he can keep it. I want a fresh start, and I think I need a new bed to do that.”
“Makes sense,” Frankie said sitting down beside you, “is that the one you’re going with?”
You had nodded, clicking add to cart. The store had next day delivery, and for a small fee would even build the bed for you. You opted for this, despite Frankie’s protests.
“Please, you’re doing so much already, and putting my whole bed together for me . . . it feels like a very unfair trade,” you told him firmly. Once again, your stubbornness had won over. Frankie, rather grudgingly, had to admit to himself that the delivery people were much quicker than he would’ve been at assembling the bed frame, especially after he had taken a quick look at the instructions.
He wasn’t about to tell you that though.
It was almost midday when a knock sounded on his door, followed by the three men he called brothers piling into his kitchen. You emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed and a shy smile on your face. It struck Frankie that this was the first time you were meeting these guys, truly meeting them without the inclusion of alcohol.
“You’re all really excellent for helping me with this,” you said fiddling with the sleeve of your shirt. You had opted for long sleeves throughout the whole week. “Sorry you have to give up your Friday for this.”
Benny was the first one to make a move. He strode forward and enveloped you in a tight hug. Frankie could see the initial shock on your face before it was replaced by a hesitant kind of happiness.
“You like Taylor Swift?” he asked, and you nodded. Benny craned his neck to look at Frankie. “She’s riding with me, if that’s okay?” he turned back to you and you nodded again. Benny grinned and whispered something in your ear, causing you to snort out a laugh.
Santi stood beside Frankie and pressed an envelope into his hands.
“The photo,” he explained. “Again, remember I have several copies, so if you plan on destroying this one, imagine it like a hydra.” Frankie rolled his eyes and put the envelope in his back pocket. You were too busy chatting with Benny and Will to notice, and he was glad. He wanted to surprise you with the photo when you needed it.
Benny and Will had taken a particular soft spot for you since Frankie gave them the bare-bones rundown of how Kurt had treated you. Frankie noticed it now, in how Will stood like your own personal bodyguard, in how Benny had slung his arm around your shoulders, like you were old friends. Frankie felt the briefest flash of jealousy before he stamped it down. Just because he couldn’t – wouldn’t – touch you, didn’t mean no one else could.
“Quit staring Fish, you look like one of those cartoon characters whose eyes turn to hearts,” Santi muttered, elbowing Frankie in the ribs. Frankie elbowed him back, annoyed.
“Alright, gang! Let’s get this show on the road!” Will clapped his hands together. Benny raised an incredulous brow at his brother.
“What are you, fifty?” He turned to you, linking his arm through yours. “Don’t worry, Fish, I’ll drive extra carefully.”
Frankie felt envious of Benny then, even though he had basically had a week straight with you. But knowing it was coming to an end, that tonight you’d be sleeping at your own place, instead of just down the hall. Well, it made him almost sad. He pushed that aside though and forced himself to be happy for you.
As he drove to your old apartment, everyone else following behind, he focused a little too hard on the radio, just to give his mind something to do. A newsreader was talking about how a quick-thinking pilot had landed a plane in a field after something went horrifically wrong with the engines. Zero casualties, minor injuries. People were already calling for the pilot to be given a medal.
Maybe I should renew my licence, Frankie thought. He didn’t want to be a commercial pilot, or a hero of any kind, although the uniforms were nice. But it couldn’t hurt to have it.
He pulled up outside the building, gripping the steering wheel tightly. This was it.
Will and Santi parked behind him, but Benny’s ridiculously lifted pickup was nowhere to be seen. Frankie squinted towards the end of the street, knowing he couldn’t have gotten lost. He had you with him.
Ten minutes passed with no sign of you. “Where the fuck are they?” Frankie grumbled, now worried that you and Benny had gotten into a car accident. He trusted him, but Benny was the worst driver of all of them. He pulled out his phone to text you but was interrupted.
“That’s his truck,” Will said, pointing to the end of the street, where Benny’s truck had just pulled in. The sound of heavy bass reached them before the truck did. As Benny pulled up outside the apartment, Frankie recognised the song as Gimme More by Britney Spears.
“Sorry we’re late,” you called, clambering out of the truck, a tall plastic cup in your hand. “We stopped for frappes.” Benny sipped innocently at his, giving Frankie a look that said he needed to speak with him.
“Where’s my fuckin’ frappe,” Santi grumbled, looking envious. Benny grinned and handed his over to Santi for a sip.
You stood, looking up at the building, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “Guess we better go up. I sent him a text telling him I was doing this today, but he didn’t reply, so I don’t know if he’ll be here.”
“Want us to jump him if he is?” Benny offered, but you shook your head.
“Not right away,” you said, “but if he starts up maybe slap him around a little.” Frankie knew you were joking, but the look in your eyes was one of fear. He took your hand gently and lowered his head to talk to you.
“You can wait out here if you want,” he murmured, “we’ve got the list of what we need to get.” You squeezed his hand and shook your head. Yours was cold and slightly clammy in his own, but he didn’t mind.
“No, I need to do this.” You said. Frankie nodded, understanding. You didn’t need to explain the nitty gritty of your reasoning, all he needed was for you to know that you had him, in whatever way you needed.
You kept a firm grip on his hand as you lead the way upstairs to your old apartment, only letting go when you stood outside the front door, fumbling in your bag for your keys.
At first, the apartment seemed empty of life. All the lights were off, the curtains closed, and the place was eerily silent. You stepped over the threshold, followed by the rest of the boys, who immediately got to work.
As it turned out, Kurt wasn’t there. He remained gone for a good half hour while the boys carried your heavier shit down to their trucks. You set to work stuffing the rest of your clothes into plastic trash bags you had picked up from the grocery store.
Benny joined Frankie in carrying a loveseat downstairs.
“Fish, I need to tell ya,” Benny started, grunting as they made a turn. “She’s as into you as you are her.” Frankie shook his head.
“Don’t do this, man.”
“I’m being serious. I talked to her in the truck. She didn’t say it outright, but you should’a seen the look on her face when I talked about you.” Benny waggled his eyebrows. “And her friend Sara agrees, she’s ‘smitten’ with you. Whatever the fuck smitten means. If you want my advice-”
“I’m not sure I do.”
“-Go for it. Tonight, once we’re all gone. Shoot your shot my guy. Don’t waste anymore fucking time. Sara said she wasn’t even sad about the breakup, like she’s been checked out mentally for months now.”
“Wait, did Sara tell you about me punching Kurt?”
“All I’m saying is, she likes you a lot, you like her a lot, don’t waste this.” Frankie mulled over what Benny was saying. There had been more than a few moments that week when he had spied you looking at him and wondered . . . but each time he had pushed the thought out his head. Old insecurities, respect for you, held him back.
Historically, Frankie had never been very good at telling when someone was into him. He could be literally balls deep and he’d still be questioning it. Even sometimes with Portia, he’d wonder if she really felt the same way he did. Santi, who knew Frankie as a kid, chalked it up to Frankie having a rough go of puberty, not growing into his features until almost the end of high school. By then, whenever someone had showed even a slight bit of interest, Frankie had dismissed it as a cruel joke. Unfortunately, those insecurities had followed him deep into adulthood.
The mood in the apartment had become relaxed, all the heavier stuff, like your couch, TV, furniture, and fridge had been taken care of, and now all that was left was to gather all the small shit. Frankie found you in the bathroom, unscrewing the shower head. You tossed it into a box filled with other bathroom items, the loud clang making him grimace. He opened his mouth to speak to you when yelling from the front room interrupted him.
Your face fell instantly, going from focused to almost afraid. Your eyes met Frankie’s own, and he reached out to touch your arm. It’s okay the touch said, he can’t do anything to you. Taking a deep breath, you squared your shoulders and walked out with Frankie to the commotion.
Kurt was being held back with a single hand on his chest by a bored looking Will, screaming a string of expletives and struggling to land any kind of hit on Will, Santi stood behind Kurt, ready to jump in if needed. Benny was hunched over, clutching his sides in laughter. Kurt finally caught sight of you, standing a little in front of Frankie.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?” His tone made you wince slightly, but Frankie was proud of the way you didn’t shrink away.
“I told you this was happening today, Kurtis, it was your choice to come back while we were here,” you said calmly.
“You’re taking all my shit!”
“I paid for every single thing I’m taking,” you said. “It’s not my fault you never put anything of monetary value into this place.” You stepped forward, so you were facing Kurt head on, but still behind Will. “You need to calm down, you’re acting like a fucking child.”
“Yes. You are. You’ve acted like one almost our entire relationship. So you can either calm down, leave and come back later, or my friends will force you to calm down.”
“Are you threatening me?” Kurt spat.
“Yes. You’ve already been smacked down before, any one of these guys would love to be the one to do it again.”
“I’d like to see them fucking try!” Kurt pivoted and lunged at Benny. Big mistake. With a simple, yet effective, punch to the head, Kurt was out cold on the floor. Benny looked up, almost apologetic. You grinned at him, silent laughter shaking your shoulders.
“I didn’t mean to hit that hard,” Benny said, flexing his fist. “But I also did.”
Santi dragged Kurt’s unconscious body to the now empty living room, carefully posing him so he was curled in the foetal position, sucking on his thumb.
“He actually arrived at the perfect time,” you said to Frankie, standing back beside him. “Cause we’re done here.”
“We’ve got everything?” Santi called, overhearing you. You nodded.
“We’re finally done here.”
Frankie was glad you had decided to ride with him back to your new place. You were buzzing with a new energy, unable to keep a nervous grin off your face. You didn’t speak on the drive to your new place, but Frankie hoped he wasn’t reading into how much closer you sat, your thighs almost brushing his. Benny had gotten into his head, he knew, and now he couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation.
You were the most beautiful person he had met, both inside and out, and the very idea that you could like him the way he liked you . . . well fuck, it didn’t seem feasible. But then he thought back to the previous week spent with you, and maybe it wasn’t such a ludicrous idea after all.
He pulled up at your new building, parking in the spot designated for you. You turned to him, unlatching your seatbelt as you did.
“Frankie . . .” you started, then leant over and pulled him into a tight hug. Frankie felt like everything you wanted to say was in that hug. You pulled back slightly, so your faces were almost touching. He could’ve done it then, he fucking should have done it. Crossed that miniscule amount of space between you. But then the moment passed, and you pulled away entirely.
You climbed out of the truck, moving to the back to grab some of the garbage bags that held the smaller stuff. Frankie’s phone buzzed in the cupholder, a message from Will in the group chat.
Ironhead: Pussy
Frankie turned and saw Will staring at him. Fuck offhe mouthed. Will flipped him off with a grin. The effort of getting all your stuff up to your new place was considerably easier than it had been the first time around. For one, your new place had an elevator. So even though they had to take turns using it, it was worlds above struggling up seven flights of stairs. The mood was also improved by the fact Will had knocked Kurt out cold. Frankie had begun to wonder if that had become the main highlight of your day.
It was well into the night by the time everything was in its new place. Benny and Will flopped down onto your loveseat, drinking beers that you had kept in an ice chest you had brought in yesterday just for this. You sat on the floor, drinking a fruity vodka thing that Frankie thought looked and smelt like a melted popsicle. The balcony door was open, a breeze that held the promise of summer drifted through.
“Where’s Santi?” You asked looking around.
“He had to get something from the truck,” Will said. As if on cue, which if Frankie knew these boys as well as he did, it was, Santi burst through the door, one arm stretched wide, the other behind his back.
“My dearest,” Santi began, and Frankie groaned inwardly, “over this past day, the gentlemen and I have grown quite fond of you.” What is this, regency England? Frankie rolled his eyes and took a sip of his beer. “And as such, we wanted to present you with a housewarming gift.” With that, he whipped his arm around and held out a vase of sunflowers. Your face softened, then broke into a grin.
“You didn’t have to do this,” you pushed yourself up and pulled Santi into a hug, motioning for Will and Benny to join. You hugged the three men as tight as you could, smiling at Frankie over the tops of their shoulders. Frankie smiled back, raising his beer in a silent toast.
You placed the flowers on the kitchen counter, facing them toward the window. It was just past ten when the three boys left, Benny carrying the ice chest along with the promise to bring it back as soon as he could. It seemed like it was only moments before only you and Frankie remained.
Frankie’s phone buzzed.
Benny: Don’t fuck this up.
Frankie saw you move outside onto the balcony, leaning against the railing, silhouetted by silver moonlight, your face turned towards the breeze that coasted off the lake. Everyone else was gone, and he wondered if he didn’t take this chance, would he ever?
He moved to stand next to you, standing so close your arms were touching. His heart felt like it was caught in his throat. He murmured your name.
“Frankie,” you whispered, your voice barely audible over the sound of his beating heart. Before he could stop himself, chicken out like he had before, he closed the distance between you. One hand cupping your warm cheek, the other encircling your waist, he tilted his head down until his lips met yours.
It was everything.
Your lips were soft against his, hesitant at first, but then you were wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your body against his. You tasted like candy and those sugary drinks you insisted on bringing. Your touch was like tiny jolts of electricity shooting down his spine.
His tongue darted against your bottom lip, and you let him in almost hungrily. Frankie deepened the kiss, wondering just why the everloving fuck he waited this long.
He whispered your name, the word like poetry on his lips. You were poetry, you were art, you were every beautiful thing wrapped up into one person. He was in love with you.
Taglist: @hnt-escape @sharkbait77 @1800-fight-me @annathewitch @darnitdraco @frankiecatfish @punkerthanpascal @nakhudanyx @gracie7209 @quica-quica-quica @pintsizemama @phoenix-of-loki @procrastinationstationnation
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have aizawa dating (without knowing) one of his student's (you can chose) older sister? Thank you and stay hydrated! 💗
• It was Bakugous sister.
• He honestly didn't even make the fucking connection. He's just tired.
• You have brown hair, Katsuki has blonde hair. You curse a lot but have a much better control with your temper and youre not as hot headed.
• he didn't connect the resemblance either until he see's you too in the same room
• and he doesn't like bringing work home- especially when he gets to see you
• which isn't as often as he'd like it to be
• so he won't talk about it
• so you wouldn't know that he taught your brother
• he'll say his day was frustrating or it was good and then the subject would be changed
• Your family would know you're seriously dating /someone/
• but they wouldn't know who.
• your dad would know more than your mom would- you're closer with him
• Katsuki would also know youre dating someone, he doesn't know who, and he pretends not to care but he's annoyed he hasn't met them
• he doesn't know what they're like. They could be an asshole- he wouldn't know.
• your relationship with Katsuki is weird.
• some times he's decent- and yall act like normal siblings
• and then sometimes the two of you ignore eachother for months
• which is ridiculous because youre 26 and he's 17.
• you think he has some animosity for leaving the house and leaving him to be the only child there
• now his parents are down his back
• he might also be upset that you disciplined him a lot
• but you also comforted him when he needed it
• regardless he'll still show up at your apartment when he's fought with mom
• or he 'got bored' aka he missed you but he's not gonna say that
• if he didn't feel like spending the night in the dorms, he'd crash at your place.
• Back to the point- they don't know much.
• it's completely unknown to everyone that you're dating your brothers teacher.
• Aizawa is patient. He's so patient.
• you've been hesitant on him meeting your family (though you've been together for what- a year? Year and a half?) Because well...your family is your family.
• you don't want him to dip
• you're utterly in love with this man and you'd be htterly devastated if he left
• and honestly? He's content with how it is now.
• Him occasionally spending the night(s) ((weeks)) at your apartment, leaving work out of conversations and just enjoying company.
• you dont have to go too fast- its fine how it is now.
• he loves you and that's really all that matters to him.
• but one day, you do decide its time for him to meet them.
• it's over winter break- it's December, not long before Christmas, he'd be spending it with you this year and he should meet your family before hand.
• You guys decided breakfast was an appropriate time.
• So there you are, sitting in bed with your greasy gremlin of a man
• he's got a hand in your hair, the other on the bed on the other side of your head to hold him up.
• you were under him, licking the inside of his mouth
• that's as far as you two had gotten before there was a knock on the door.
• you looked towards the clock as he let out a small groan.
• forgive him, it'd been a solid 2 weeks since he'd seen you last and he missed every part of you.
• it was late, around 11:30, none the less you got up, pressing another kiss to his lips "I'll be back in a minute babe,"
• and off you go to answer the door
• and when you do answer you see Katsuki standing there, hands shoved in his pockets, looking very upset.
"I got into a fight with mom. Can I sleep here tonight?"
You nod, "yeah yeah, of course. Just text dad that you're here okay?" You step aside to let him in. "Did you walk? Drive?"
"Hung out with Ei and then drove here."
"Car out front?"
"Mhm, parked next to yours."
"Did Ei do a good job making you feel better?" You glance back at him as you take a cup out if the cupboard.
"Yeah, he did. I'm just not in the mood to go back."
"That's okay. We know how mom gets. What was it about?"
"Responsibility or some shit like that. Not exactly sure anymore."
"Katsu," you mumble, sitting a cup if tea in front of him. "You're doing fine. With everything thats going on, you're dealing with it really well. You're still just a kid, you deserve to have some fun." You kiss his forehead and he nods. "I'm gonna make sure the guest bedroom is ready, kay?"
• So once the room is ready, he brings his cup into the room and plugs in his phone before looking at you.
"Is /he/ here?
"Sho? Yeah, he's probably sleeping now. You'll meet him in the morning. Is Ei and his family still spending Christmas dinner with us?"
"Yeah. He is."
"Does he know how crazy we are?"
Katsuki smiles slightly. "Yeah, one of his moms is like that."
"Good, then you have nothing to worry about. Goodnight Katsuki." You ruffle his hair.
"Let the bedbugs bite, hag."
"You too, little fucker."
• Getting back into bed woke Shouta up, though he was only just drifting off.
"Who was that?"
"Brother, he got into a fight with mom. He's spending the night in the guest bedroom so you'll meet him tomorrow."
He nodded. "Can I go back to kiss you now?" He mumbled.
"Yeah, but we have to be quite now." You smile.
"You know thats one of my favorite games," he got back on top of you, moving your legs so they were on either side of his waist and he had easy access to grind himself onto your heat. You let out a sigh and his lips reconnected.
• The next morning you woke up early than you had really wanted but sometimes shit happens.
• katsuki was already up, if course he was.
• he gave you a small nod, eyes traveling to the hickey peeking out from under your robe before looking away. Gross.
• "Sleep okay?"
"Slept fine, you?"
"Mhm," you smile slightly. "Dad say anything last night?"
"He said to tell you goodnight and he was excited to see you tomorrow, but I was too lazy to get up-" his spoon clattered.
You glance back, "Ah, Katsu this is Shou, Sho this is-"
• Katsuki is 😃
• Why are you fucking here???
• Aizawa is 😌
• I'm gonna use this to destroy you
"Jesus-" Katsuki groans. "No- no no-"
Shouta rubs his face, but he's internally jumping- oh he's going to use this to his advantage.
"You're dating my fucking teacher?"
"Wha- oh." You snicker.
• This is gold
• This is absolutely gold
• You are going to beat Aizawa ass later though, he's totally been overworking his class
• They walk into breakfast and your parents are like ????
• "Hey isn't that-?"
"Yes." Bakugou grumbles. "Yes it is."
• Honestly they'd both use it to their advantage.
• "I'll tell my sister if you ____"
• "I'll tell your sister if you don't _____"
• and when y'all get engaged and class 1a finds out that he's going to become bakugous brother in law, they flip their shit dude.
• Because one, Eiji was the only one who knew he had a sister and that he was dating bakugous sisterb
• mans walked in with his famiky to see his boyfriend and stopped dead in his tracks.
"M-Mr. Aizawa..why are- uhm- why are-?"
Bakugou grabs his hand, nodding at his mother's. "He's dating my sister."
"He's what?" He whispered, eyes widening.
"Tragic, I know."
• One time you had to bring him something bc he forgot it at your apartment that was practically his too at this point
• and you walk in
"Hey sho, you forgot this."
"Mm, thanks."
• Bakugou drops his head to the table
"Bye Katsu," you wave and smile. "By Ei, have a good day,"
"Please leave,"
"You too Bakugou!"
• "who was that?" Mina asks
"Bakugous sister,"
"My fiance,"
They said that the same time
• All hell breaks loose
• "The fact that bakugou has a sister is processed first- "she looks nothing like you how-"
"She has my dads brown hair. I have my moms blonde hair.'
• He's bombarded with questions
• he ignores them
• the fact that Aizawa is ENGAGED to bakugous sister- now that's gold
• and he's bombarded with questions too
• no he did not know you were bakugous sister
• he met you after school started
• at a fruit stand actually
• he proposed before Christmas
• yes, he asked for your parents approval
• yes he asked for bakugous approval, he said yes
• no, he didn't have kids
• but y'all did have a cat and a dog
• No Mina, I'm not showing you a picture of them
• because Ayoma, we're in class right now
• maybe after if you guys shut up
• Anyway Bakugou is the ringbearer for the wedding 🤪🤪
• Class 1A is invited
• Mic is the best man
• Your best friend is your maid of honor
• All might officiated it
• its a good time
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althephie · 4 years
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 - 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢
to 100-0
like so sad
do i feel bad for doing this to yall yes. but i am curel to myself too! so have fun!
𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 - 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢
- akaashi took advantage of his childhood friend y/n knowingly, and ghosted her for someone else.
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I got my driver's license last week
her e/c looked out of the front of her car watching herself drive past down her street.
Just like we always talked about 'Cause you were so excited for me
the female could feel her eyes watering as her tears stream down her face wetting it. reminding her of the day that she found the love of her life with someon else. oh how much she cried that day.
she wanted to punch his stupid perfect face
perfect eyes
perfect body
perfect everything
akaashi was just perfect.
that it was too good to be true
To finally drive up to your house But today I drove through the suburbs Crying 'cause you weren't around
y/n was so heartbroken when she saw him at their favorite cafe with someone else. he had ghosted her for the past 2 weeks and barely contacted her. they were dating still and it hurt her.
on a very cold winter day, she decided to go get some coffee. instead of happy memories rushing in the heartache did.
And you're probably with that blonde girl Who always made me doubt She's so much older than me
she was a pretty blonde foreign girl, who was tall and had beautiful green eyes. she was definitely older than y/n and akaashi. she was mature. she had a perfect body.
she was perfect.
perfect eyes
perfect body
perfect everything.
the blonde was also just perfect.
She's everything I'm insecure about Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs 'Cause how could I ever love someone else?
the h/c was driving mindlessly as despair surged into her body as if it was her only life support. the only thing that kept her alive was her own depression.
ironic isn't it?
the thing that killed many, made her stay alive.
And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
another round of tears flooded her eyes as a sinking feeling in her chest bloomed. she remebered confronting him alone.
he kept a straight face.
his once warm eyes were now cold.
he looked at her with such disgust and annoyance.
it broke y/n...it made her feel so insecure.
so useless
so stupid
all the dark-haired male had to say was....
" bye."
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
Lifeless e/c eyes looked and examined the house that he lived in remebering all the times they had in his front yard.
the small cheesy picnics
the snowball fights with their friends
the stargazing
the pictures they took of each other.
the warm feeling of the sun touching their skin while their hearts skipped a beat each time they touched or made eye contact.
And all my friends are tired Of hearing how much I miss you, but I kinda feel sorry for them
her friends
their friends
they did not know about his girlfriend, until they all reunited during spring break of her 2nd year of college. instead of seeing y/n and akaashi being lovey dovey. they saw akaashi and some girl.
who even was she?
y/n’s once lively self was dull and stoic. usually she would jump into bokutos arms and fangirl over how cute hinata was still, but instead they all received a fake smile. it broke their hearts and angered many.
'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do, yeah Today I drove through the suburbs And pictured I was driving home to you
bokuto, the one who introduced you two as children was offended. she was his cousin. he asked akaashi for his reasons without anyone knowing. akaashi just looked away and shrug.
And I know we weren't perfect But I've never felt this way for no one, oh
“ i didn’t feel the spark anymore, but when i met Kila. she became the sun in my eyes. she is so bright and gorgeous. she is just...amazing….”
“ y/n was just the moon during a winter sky. cute but dull and boring. she could be bright, but did not stand out, i guess ”
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
in that moment, akaashi’s grey-blue eyes widened when he saw a fist coming straight to his face. Akaashi fell to the floor and looked up at his senpai in shock.
he had never seen bokuto look that scary before. instead of going into emo mode, he went into pissed off mode. His eyes piercing into the younger males soul
the nerve
Red lights, stop signs I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
unknowest to them, y/n was sitting against the wall of the building the two had met up and cried silently.
“ YOU-Yo...You promised me...you promised.”
bokuto weeps falling onto his knees infront of his bestfriend.
he promised to take care of her and love her
to never hurt her
and he failed
“ i guess her light is to bright that it...*choke* it blinded you akaashi....it blinded you from seeing her beauty.”
Can't drive past the places we used to go to 'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
this y/n shook her head and woke up from her daydreaming. she did not know that she stopped the car in front of his house for a minuts. the s/c female sighed shakingly and pushed on the pedal to continue on going.
she needed to move on...but she knew she would never.
Sidewalks we crossed I still hear your voice in the traffic, we're laughing
she continued on driving more hearing his laugh ringing in her ears as memories kept on flushing through. she hoped he was happy
she hoped it was worth it for him
losing all his friends
losing his bestfriend
losing her
Over all the noise God, I'm so blue, know we're through But I still fuckin' love you, babe (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
present y/n looked up with a microphone in hand as she watched the audience infront of her sing the lyrics.
they all looked at her with eyes of support
the same ones her friends and family gave her as she tried to move one
y/n broke down smiling and blowing kisses at her fans as she sang her song
I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
she was letting it out
she finally moved one
she wanted everyone to know that she was inlove once to and that no one is alone.
she felt free and happy
and...she got her drivers license. yeah, she was 20 years old, and should have gotten it earlier, but she had him...she had him to take her away from here.
now she has herself and her license
one that they planned to get it together after akaashi said that she needed one even if she sucked at driving. it made the two laugh.
now that was just a memory
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone
she sung softly
not noticing a pair of grey-blue eyes staring up at her with awe. the girl he called “ dull and boring” was far from that, he was blind.
her brightest was so bright that it made him blind.
“ whoever broke y/n like that it stupid”
“ right? when she said that her ex ghosted her and left her for someone else it was so sad! they were childhood friends too!”
“ his lost.”
“ it was your lost akaashi.” he muttered to himsef watching the female laugh and cry at the song, she wrote about their love story.
'Cause you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street Yeah, you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
she finally felt free after writing this song, but her love for the boy was still there. first love is hard fo forget of course. it’s the one that hurts the most.
she was not perfect
he was not either
it took him to realize how much he needed her
when he let her go
akaashi was wrong
she was bright
she was not dull
he was just blind to it all...
blinded by her beauty
blinded by her personality
and her glow
that it made him ignorant to it all.
maybe his beautiful y/n was too bright for him
too bright for him to handle.
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as i said sorry but not sorry T-T
i am also crying tbh. if yall are.
bc idk why i hate it when ppl cheat but i keep reading angsty fanfics about it bc they are so good. don't cheat ppl it hurts
i will be uploading more on my masterlist soon! so watch out!
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rosecoloredwriting · 4 years
Best Friend Tings~
A/N: This idea came to me and then boom! This might be a whole series of headcanons i got so many ideas bro!!!! 
Summary: Sometimes in life having a best friend is better than getting a s/o 
Pairings: Izuku Midorya x GN!Reader(Platonic), Katsuki Bakugou x GN!Reader(Platonic), Shoto Todoroki x GN!Reader(Platonic), Hitoshi Shinso x GN!Reader(Platonic)
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Izuku Midoriya
We can see from the show he didn’t have any friends before u.a(katsuki doesn’t really count)
So boy must have been lonely before ua like todoroki
He nerded out by himself, no one else to talk to other than mama inko
So meeting you made his life better
he’s up to date on meme culture too
You slide in one vine reference during a convo ONCE when you met and he responds back subconsciously with his own
Instant connection
Like lightning strikes and you both just do the spiderman pointing at each other meme
Vine might be dead but that won’t stop you
Both of you start turning into beams of light
He gets sparkle eyes when you both don’t stop with the vine references
Numbers exchanged and you both find out to be major nerds for certain shows
Late nights are spent sending each other memes/videos and the next day you both are holding in fits of giggles
When the dorms are put in place pure chaos
Yall are inseparable 
There’s a lot of sneaking around because guess what you’re doing instead of sleeping 
Or watching those Russian car crash videos
You go into a youtube deep dive at 3 am together
One brain cell is shared between you two ok
Deku squad are the vibes ok
Ilida can’t believe how 2 of some of the smartest people he knows can turn the exact opposite
“Ilida can you do us a favor? Would you be willing to run while holding us like balloons?”
“What are you talking about!?”
“Ilida me and (Y/N) thought of having Uraraka join us by making us float and have a rope tied around us with you running around!”
“As your class president I will not allow you to do such a thing-!” Cutting him off you turn to Izuku
“I told he wasn’t gonna say yes.” Sighing in disappoint.
“Should we try Kacchan?” 
“I’ll do the talking got it!” You leave behind a dumbfounded Ilida wondering why his friends can be so smart yet do such stupid actions.
Do not be fooled though
You call out izuku when necessary, you both may be chaotic with one another but like hell!!!! you’ll let him slip up because you’re besties and actually have brain cells(sometimes)
From the glare you’re sending him he feels like a disappointment because he caused his bestie trouble and worry
In conclusion: Yall are ride or die
Were talking the strength of the pillars of those temples in Greece
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Katsuki Bakugo
It kinda just happened before the classes eyes
Like no one gets how bakugo manages not to blast your eardrums everyday
He just somehow sees you’re genuinely trying to be friends with him and get to know him
At first, he thought you were some extra following him like the rest of Baku squad at first and somehow saw that you don’t see him godly or anything you just really enjoyed being around him
Slowly you both understand one another
He’s kinda scared cause I don’t think bakugo has ever been like close close with someone before
So it’s slow like his friendship with Kiri
Speaking of Kiri cause this is a package deal if your friends with bakugo
You both will just watch him when someone pisses him off 
“Someone tried to test him right,” you said while passing Kirishima a water bottle. Coming back from the vending machine.
“Yeah he did” he replies deadpanning at Bakugou’s antics
You may be mostly a duo but its also a trio sometimes
So when he gets captured there’s a 50/50 chance that he will come to you
you managed to get knocked out during the attack so seeing one another safe really just lifts the blanket of fear off
So when the dorms come in he will barge into your room and start up your console and play
This distraction won’t last long cause at some point he just sits there stuck in his head
He holds back tears but you just help him through
Really just strengthens your bond
From then on he comes to you and he’s very vague on details but you just comfort him
somehow you both from this experience learn how to read what the other is feeling
If you have something going on the perceptive as ever bakugo will see and somehow do the thing that just gives you a boost, he’s not either an intimate or verbal guy
He’s trying his best alright
The same goes for you in bakugo accept your just a tad slower and use your words instead 
Best friend soulmate ✨✨tings✨✨
One of your past times is either playing fighting games or just relaxing in his room
Like you both will lay on the ground, speaker blasting, taking turns putting on songs
Feeling the vibrations 
Its how the aggressive boy cools down/relaxes
Being angry all the time is tiring
One time you were in a room with someone as they insulted bakugou
Right in your face not only did you defend your best friend but you also whooped some ass that day
Conclusion: the best friends that just get each other 
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Shoto Todoroki
(If you’re an endeavor stan I don’t know what to tell you for this one)
Now hear me out on this
You find Endeavor hilarious
He is just the funniest person to you
Like just looking at him makes you cackle
So when todoroki fights midoriya and he used his fireside everyone was shocked because no one has seen him use it yet!!
But when you see endeavor on the other side of the stadium scream “SHOTOOOOO!” you burst out full-on laughing!!! WHEEZING IF YOU MAY!! Like do you not see his face
When he came back to the stands you just turned to him holding in a laugh
“Hey, Todoroki how are you so serious all the time with your dad looking like that all the time?”
“I beg your pardon?”
Don’t get me wrong he was pissed because like baby just had a mental breakdown but this type of comment is new to him
“Don’t you see how ridiculous he looks with those flames of him like damn. Of all the places! Why his fckin calves!!!!! Like what kind of egotistical man does that”
Todoroki hates his dad so you bashing him really opens up doors for you
Now to me, I think todoroki throws insults at everyone without even knowing himself
Like under his breath he will say a comment you will catch it and hold in a laugh
So you bashing his father made you an a+ in his book
And so the duo begins
Since todoroki does insult people without knowing you are there to be his audience
You will stifle and hold in giggles and laughs as you stand right next or behind him
Once he realized this he subtly increases the amount he says on the daily(These arent basic insults either but they aren’t harmful, plain fun ok)
One time your laughing got to the point Aizawa threatened to separate you two
But still, you helped cracked the boy’s frozen heart
Lots of hugs though cause the boy needs it
Once you’re close enough in the friendship you jump and hug the boy in surprise
Gets a little startled but loves the gesture cause guess what yall are besties
Opening his door, Todoroki meets the sight of you holding a pile of food. Ready for movie night. Quickly placing it down on the coffee table you jump and give him a hug. He stumbles a moment before he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Why are you hugging me? We saw each other all day.”
“Just thought you needed it.” Mumbling a thank you you go to the coffee table. The surface spilling with bags of snacks.
“I have my soba and more if you want any. I even got those candies you like.”
“Really! Thanks Sho-kun! I also got those chips you really enjoyed the last time. So you ready?” With a hum you both sit down opening the food you'll be eating for the rest of the night. Grabbing the remote Shoto hits play, the screen lights up to show the Disney logo.
Many movie marathons and binge-watching nights because you need to show him so much
When these hangouts happen you have hardcore munches together
You both will have a buffet of food because boy does he love his soba and you love to do to bring an entire pile and bag full of food
Just appreciates you and all you do for him
Will definitely sneak in really expensive gifts to you
Loves to watch Disney movies with you 
Conclusion: you are the best friend he needs, he wouldn’t have you any other way
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Hitoshi Shinso 
Both of you met in gen studies class
At this point, everyone in the class knew one another names and stuff and when word got to you of his quirk oh boy
He was minding his business sitting in his desk
Slightly wishing he was dead or wanting to vibe at home
But here you come strutting on over and say hi to him
He was kinda nervous cause everyone knew his quirk and just got all those villain comments
You just talk and say how cool his quirk is and he’s like ‘aw shit here we go again’
Instead, you just ask why he isn’t in the hero course
Like his quirk amazing for that shit
He’s shocked alright
So you both just stick together
You are his wild friend taking him on adventures as he complains saying he would rather watch a movie or do something
Low key in on your plans 
He trusts you with his life so don’t take advantage of that
Teases you on a regular basis
Is the type of friend where if he makes fun of or teases you 
You’re his friend
at the sports festival, you treat him to lunch because he deserves it!!!!
He made it to the last round
And fought MIDORIYA!!!
“You don’t have to do this you know.” Dragging Hitoshi around the food stands he tries his best to stop you from doing this. Even if it’s your treat he rather pay himself.
“Hitoshi I swear if you don’t just pick what you want for lunch I’m fighting you.”
“I’m being serious you don’t have too. I didn’t even win against him.” You come to a halt both hands on his shoulders. Looking him in the eye you reassure him.
“You may not have won but you made it to the 3rd round. Do you know how amazing that is! A general studies student made it that far! You did that! You showed everyone we might as well be just as good as the hero course students! As your best friend to, I must treat you for this accomplishment.” This time he grabs your wrist. Pulling you around until he sees a food stand that peaks his interest. A soft smile on his face happy to call you his friend and to have someone care for him like you do.
He is the reason why you're an insomniac now
When you blame him for your sleeping schedule he just says in the deepest and seductive voice “it was part of the plan”
Makes you want to punch that handsome face of his(but you wouldn’t you love the boy too much)
Sometimes you guys sneak cats in like your dorms just somehow manage to have cats in them
The fur is everywhere but their you fur babies
You both spend your time playing board games and sometimes inviting the deku squad cause Hitoshi has a pretty chill relationship with Izuku(plus their too social for their own good)
So things become waaaaaaaay more lively
Both of your social batteries though are completely empty
There is late-night cuddling though as weird as it sounds
when you take turns slipping in one another’s dorm you both manage to hug like it’s super platonic and just find it comforting waking up to one another
the bond so strong that you protect one another even when you sleep
Conclusion: the besties that mess around one another but are like this🤞
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3.2k 
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, mental health problems, jail, insinuations to smut
Author’s Note: I am having so much goshdarn fun with this and seeing yalls reactions makes me soooo happy. I love doing this and I really hope y’all enjoy this episode! Also more gifs than usual but I couldn’t pick lmao 
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary : When Miriam Lass is found alive, evidence at her rescue site exonerates Will; Dr. Chilton (Raúl Esparza) tries to confide in Jack but is rebuffed.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​
(not my gif)
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Will looked at Jack Crawford beside him in the car. He had just left the hospital and was ready to go back home, see his dogs, see you. But first he had to see where Miriam Lass had been found. 
“Am I gonna get crap for this?” Jack asked. Will glanced over at him.
“In what regard?” 
“From Y/N.” Will laughed and shrugged, nodding a bit but holding back a bit of the laugh. The thought of you beating Jack to a pulp had crossed both men's minds, followed with the realization you would likely not do that. But who knows.
“Hopefully her happiness of me coming home will override the anger,” Will muttered. Jack glanced at him and he couldn’t help but think about when he saw you at Hannibal's the other morning. He wanted to tell Will but figured you must have already told him. Still, he brought it up. 
“She’s pretty close to Hannibal for her to believe your accusations,” Jack said. 
“So I’ve heard.” Will didn’t like the fact that Jack knew this though. He wondered what he had seen. 
“But she loves you,” Jack mumbled. It was true and they both knew it. “She has been harassing me the whole time.” Will laughed and pushed the thought of Hannibal Lecter out of his mind.
“She’s strong willed.”
“She has to be to keep up with you.” 
You were buzzing. You haven't been this excited in a long time. You couldn't’ remember the last time you had been this excited. You wanted to jump and down with excitement. You had a couple of texts from Hannibal about Miriam Lass but you literally couldn’t even answer them.
You were happy Miriam was alive. Really. You were happy Hannibal didn’t kill her. 
But you were more happy because Chilton had called you this morning saying Jack and Alana had come to get Will. You were mildly annoyed that no one had told you to come but you thought it would be best. You wanted to see Will at home. 
You figured Jack had taken him to see where Miram had been held. You figured Will would ask him to. You cleaned the whole house which you usually wouldn’t have even attempted. You were tempted to wash all of the dogs but figured you didn’t have time.
You heard the car pull up outside and held your breath. You had imagined this moment since the second that Will had been put in the hospital. You wanted it to be perfect. You saw Wills’ car which had been dormant since he left. You opened the door and the dogs ran outside to greet him. You stopped at the porch and just watched. 
He fell to his knees, petting them, laughing at their happiness to see him. You held back tears as your fingers physically ached to touch Will. Will pet the dogs each a few times and shushed them a few times with a smile. 
Finally he looked up at you. 
And despite the fact you had been otherwise arguing about Hannibal and the fact you had both attempted to actually kill a person there was an almost sob that you wanted to escape your lips. And Will hadn’t kissed you in so long and the second he saw you his heart lurched. 
You were both in love. 
He stood up and you ran over to him. You threw your hands over his shoulders and kissed him. You touched him desperately and he did the same which he never did. His hands were in your hair and on your sides and when you pulled away he kissed you again. 
You finally had to pull away for good, despite the wish to continue.
“They let you out this time!” you said with a smile and laugh. He wiped the tears brimming in your eyes and nodded. 
“You said they were. I guess you were right.” 
“I’m always right. You know this Will Graham.” 
He laughed and kissed you again. 
“Come inside you idiot,” you whispered laughing. “I got your blanket out. I even set your alarm even though I’m not sure if you have a job or anything.” You grabbed his hand and started to drag him inside. “I thought you lost your glasses, I’m glad that they kept them. I’m also not letting you get a haircut because this length really vibes with me you know.” He shut the door behind him and grabbed the other arm that he wasn’t already holding. “Oh also-”
He cut you off by kissing you. This time you didn't’ move away. 
Jack sat across from Chilton. Chilton was shaking. 
“Yes, I have an agenda. Living. I should be assigned an FBI escort. Everyone who believed Will Graham about Hannibal Lecter is dead,” Chilton said. Jack pursed his lips.
“Except you. And Y/N.” 
“I don’t think Hannibal would lay a finger on her that she wouldn’t want. Me on the other hand?” He shook his head. “I’d like to remain not dead for the foreseeable future.” 
The judge was on the ground, stitched into the bodies of the color pallete. You stared down at him and you knew Hannibal was walking around you, even though you couldn’t see him. Suddenly the judge turned into Will and you stumbled forward onto the ground, trying to rip the stitches out. 
“I don’t want him to die,” you said and you realized suddenly that you were crying.
“He won’t.” 
“How do you know?” 
“He won’t die unless we let him.” 
You woke up with a start. You didn’t scream this time but you were sobbing, gasping for air. You brought your hands to your face and tugged on your hair in sadness. You didn’t even have the mind to cover your bare chest. The tears kept coming in waves. 
Will got up beside you and he almost scared you. You had forgotten he was home. 
“Are you okay? Are you crying?” he asked, voice raspy from sleep. He moved your hands away from your face and replaced them with his hands on your cheeks. You sobbed and tried to hold it back, worried about him seeing you this way all of the sudden. He had seen you cry before. But usually you tried so hard to put up a front for him when he was breaking. 
“What happened?” 
“Nightmare,” you said through a sob. Will looked at your face and felt his heart break. You never had nightmares before. He figured they had started when you killed the judge which meant you had had many nights of being alone, in this very bed, sobbing to yourself. 
Unless, in his sleep deprived mind Will wondered, you weren’t alone. 
Should he thank Hannibal Lecter for helping you sleep? Or yell at him for sleeping beside you? 
Either way he reached forward and held you to his bare chest so you could cry some more.
“These are new huh?” he whispered and you nodded. You held each other as you would when he had nightmares. “I wish I could have been here when I wasn’t,” he whispered. 
“Not your fault,” you said and it sounded like you were able to pull back a bit. “Just don’t…” You pulled back and looked him in the face. “Don’t leave me.” He put his hands on your cheeks . 
“I won’t.” And as much as you believed him you couldn’t help but realize the lack of nightmares you had with Hannibal. 
Will didn’t have the superpower. 
You got up in the morning and stared at Will’s sleeping face. You had missed that. Peace. 
Dewey mornings of peace. 
When his eyes opened you smiled a bit. 
“Goodmorning Mr. Graham,” you whispered just loud enough for him to hear. He rubbed his eyes. 
“Morning Miss. Y/L/N.” 
“You’re the only one who calls me that you know. Everyone else just defaults me to your last name.” Or Hannibals. But you didn’t say that. 
“We’ll get around to legally changing it one day.” You smiled.
“You going somewhere today?” you asked. 
“Going to talk to Miriam Lass. You?”
“Work.” Will scoffed.
“You still work?” You nodded.
“Someone has to pay the bills.” Will didn’t like the idea of you working for Hannibal anymore. He liked it to an extent. The extent that you knew stuff about Hannibal. He could pick your brain. But he didn’t like the idea of you in danger.
“I wish you wouldn’t be so close to him,” he whispered. You didn’t know how to explain to the man that you loved what Hannibal meant to you. But he understood. Will and you understood one another. You looked away from him and moved up to sit against the headboard covering your chest with the sheet, despite the fact that Will had seen everything. 
“I know you couldn’t help that you were in jail,” you started but he noticed your voice sounded far away, “and that Hannibal was mostly to blame. But he made me feel less alone.” You paused and he waited. “When I felt like I would never hold you again.” You looked back down at him and he looked up at you with those gorgeous blue eyes. 
He didn’t say anything. Instead he just sat up beside you and put his arms around you. You let him hold you. 
“I love you Will Graham,” you whispered and you weren’t lying. 
“I love you too.” He paused for a moment and thought about his words. “Y/N.” You smiled at his avoidance of your last name and buried your head in his neck.
You walked into work and Hannibal was waiting for you by your desk. You raised your eyebrow and walked up to him.
“How’s Miriam?” you questioned. 
“She didn’t identify me as the Ripper.” You pursed your lips.
“I didn’t think she would.” Hannibal didn’t read too much into that, instead he moved forward with the conversation. You knew he had probably messed with Mirams head in a similar way that he messed with Wills. 
“How is Will?” Hannibal asked.
“I thought you had separated from him,” you observed.
“I was inquiring into your life. You’re my friend.” 
“What a funny word. Friend.” You didn’t push it and neither did he. You leaned into your desk. “How did you sleep?” He shrugged.
“The nightmares seem to be fading.” He paused and looked at you. “How did you sleep?” You shrugged. 
He smiled in the knowledge that you were very clearly lying to him.
That night you were at home. Hannibal walked into his home and Will was waiting for him. 
“That same unfortunate aftershave. Too long in the bottle,” Hannibal said as he turned around. 
“Out last kitchen conversation was interrupted by Jack Crawford. I’d like to pick up where we left off. If memory serves, you were asking me if it’d feel good to kill you.” Will held a gun up to Hannibal.
“You’ve given that some thought.” 
“You wanted me to embrace my nature, doctor. Just following the urges I kept down for so long, cultivating them as the inspirations they are,” Will said, voice steady. 
“You never answered my question. How would killing me make you feel?” 
They stared at each other. 
“Did she sleep well last night?” Hannibal asked. “Or did she wake up crying?” The barrel of the gun shook but Hannibal looked past it into Will’s eyes. 
“You hung up the judge like a puppet,” Will said simply, ignoring his words. 
“If I’m not the Ripper, you murder an innocent man. You better than anyone know what it is to be wrongly accused. You were innocent, Will, and no one saw it.”
“She saw it. She saw the innocence that is no longer there. You saw to that.”
“If I am the Ripper and you kill me, who will answer your questions? Don’t you want to know how it ends?”
Will thought about this. And he stepped away.
“I still can’t cook. I mean you went to jail and I didn’t learn how to cook,” you told Will as you thought about what to make for dinner.
“We can try,” he said. He had been craving some actual food and anything you made would likely make him happy. “I’m gonna take the dogs out.”
“I’m coming.”
You slipped on Will’s shoes and stepped outside. You opened the door and the dogs ran past you as you looked up at the stairs. You locked eyes with Frederick Chilton who was drenched in blood and holding a bag. 
“Can I use your shower?” 
You crossed your arms.
“I don’t know maybe you should wait until next week,” you said simply. Will opened the door and stood behind you, slowing at the sight of Chilton.
“Please,” Chilton muttered. Will grabbed your arm and you shared a quick look.
“Alright, fine,” you muttered. Chilton rushed past you and into the house. Will pointed out where the shower was and he walked over there. You and Will stood together on the porch.
“Why’d you do that?” you whispered.
“He believes me,” Will whispered. 
“You just got out of jail Will!” 
“And Chilton is about to go in.” 
“Are you calling Jack?” you whispered. He gave you a look and you nodded. He was calling Jack. 
Chilton stood in one of the doorways to the house. Will sat on a chair while you leaned against the wall just beside him. You had your arms crossed.
“I have the same profile as Hannibal Lecter. Same medical and psychology background. We are both doctors of note in our fields. Of course it would be me. Hannibal was never going to kill me. I’m his patsy. I have to leave the country. I’m leaving the country.” 
“If you run you look guilty,” Will said. 
“You didn’t run and you looked plenty guilty. Abel Gideon was half-eaten in my guest room. I have corpses on my property, you just threw up an ear,” Chilton explained as he messed with his getaway bag.
“There’s an APB on you right now. They’ve canceled your credit cards, they’re tracing your phone,” you explained dumbly. 
“I have cash and I tossed my phone. Jack Crawford thnks I killed two agents, three agents. You know what tends to happen to people who do that? Shoot on sight.” 
“I’m going to prove that Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper,” Will said.
“I know you will.  When you do I will read about it from a secure location and reintroduce myself to society at that time. Great plan by the way, getting your girlfriend to sleep with him. Jack told me.” Will glanced at you but you didn’t even flinch. Jack's car pulled up and Chilton saw it through the mirror. “What did you do?” 
“You’re an asshole Frederick,” you whispered. 
Chilton brought a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at you. Will stood up calmly and Chilton shook. Neither of you showed any signs of distress as Will walked in front of you.
“No. Stay there,” Chilton said. Will almost laughed.
“You’re not a killer, Frederick,” Will said and the both of you walked out the front door. You stood on the porch but Will walked forward to Jack. “Why did you come alone, Jack?”
“Where is he?” 
“Why did you come alone?” Will repeated.
“Is he in the house?” 
“I told you everything isn’t what it seems. The Chesapeake Ripper is still playing with us. All of us.” 
“I’m not playing,” Jack said sternly.
“The Chesapeake Ripper isn't’ playing all of us, Will. He’s playing you.” Jack pointed at you who was standing behind him. “And you.”
“Jack. Wait. Let me bring him out, he’s got a gun,” Will said. 
“Good,” Jack muttered. 
Jack pushed past both of you into the house and you were then alone on the porch. Will didn’t look at you.
“Did you sleep with Hannibal?” Will asked. 
“I did not have sex with Hannibal,” you said. “Jack saw me at his house in the morning. I stayed because of the nightmares,” you admitted. And Will knew that was the truth. Because you didn’t lie to each other.
He nodded.
“I’m sorry you had to do that.” You shook your head.
“I didn’t eat anything,” you promised. He half smiled in the knowledge that you had him and his ideas in mind, even when you were with Hannibal.
You sat at your desk when Will walked into the waiting room. You looked up at him, leaning back from your seat. He looked handsome, hair slicked back, wearing a nice shirt.
“Something wrong?” he asked. 
“Is Hannibal in a session?” 
“No.” He nodded.
“I want to return to my regular therapy session.” You raised an eyebrow, very clearly surprised. 
“Why would you…” you trailed off and nodded. Will was going to do something he knew he could. And you were going to let him. “Okay.” You stood up and walked around the desk past Will. You put a hand on his shirt and smiled a bit. “I like this shirt.”
You turned around and opened the door to the office. Hannibal looked up at you. “Your appointment is here.” 
Hannibal stood up from his desk and walked over to you.
“I don’t have…” he trailed off when he saw Will. “Hello, Will.” 
“May I come in? Y/N said you don’t have an appointment. Left my standing appointment open.” You, Will and Hannibal hadn’t been in the same room together in a long time. You stood still as Will walked into the office. 
“Do you intend to point a gun at me?” Hannibal asked. You raised an eyebrow.
“What was that?” you asked. Will shook his head, dismissing you.
“Not tonight.” 
You looked at both of them. They looked at you. They looked at each other. No one's motives were clear but everyone's motives were clear. 
“I’ll see you after the session,” you said. 
They spoke at the same time. 
The door shut between you and them but it didn’t feel like you had been shut out. In fact, you knew you would hear the details of this session from two perspectives. 
You were a part of Will and Hannibal indeed.
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oh-so-scenarios · 4 years
Loose Ends | three
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⇢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ʟᴀsᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴍᴘʀᴇssɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ...ᴛᴏᴏ ʙᴀᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ sᴛɪᴄᴋ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍᴀɢᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀᴜsᴇᴅ.
⇢ᴄᴇᴏ! ᴋɪᴍ ɴᴀᴍᴊᴏᴏɴ x ᴀᴅᴍɪɴ ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴛ! ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ᴇx-ғɪᴀɴᴄᴇs!ᴀᴜ, ᴀɴɢsᴛ, ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇsᴛᴏʟᴏᴠᴇʀs
**A/N: Yall already know the deal, there are errors! (Word count 6.03K)
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I have to tell her. I have to tell her. There is no way I can keep this from her forever.
I’m staring at the door that led into my roomy 3 bedroom apartment. On the other side was my 17-year-old sister. The bass of the TV was leaking through the door, letting me know that she sat in front of the living room TV.
Today was my 6th day working for Mr. Kim and since the heated discussion four days ago, he barely speaks to me. He barely lifts his gaze to acknowledge my presence and I can’t say I hate it, but I don’t like it either. 
I can’t expect anything from him. The state of things was due to my decisions and even though I am fine with handling that burden, I wasn’t prepared to see his face every day. It’s slowly taking a toll on me. It’s picking away at my resolve and leaving me with a familiar empty feeling I haven’t felt in a long time.
Luna may only be 17 but she worries about me like a mother. It’s been like that since I could remember. I can’t recall when the roles changed. When did I lose my grips of being the older sister, and when did Luna take on that role?
I lean against the wall by the door, staring blankly at the floor. It’s unfair really, how I have leaned on Luna. It’s unfair and cruel because Luna should have been leaning on me. Regret bubbles up in my stomach and travels up my body to leave a bitter taste in my mouth. 
Luna was always my mother’s favorite child. She was the one that received the most hugs, the better presents, and the compliments. As a child, it bothered me. Why was she more important than me? A mother should love her children equally! They should put the same amount of effort into each child. 
But that wasn’t the case with Luna and I. Oh no, Luna needed the extra attention and love because Luna was sick. She’d been sick since birth, but our mom did a good job of hiding it from me. The random walks they’d take together while I stayed at home with my grandmother would leave me in envy. 
But I found out as Luna got older and started to talk that they were going to doctor’s appointments. Juna was born with a weak heart. I never understood the details. Something about a tube she was supposed to have didn’t fully develop. My mother was hiding it from me because she didn’t want me to worry.
Doctors were telling my mother that it would be a miracle if she lived past 22 years old. A horrifying thing to hear from anyone. The fact that my mother didn’t crumple from the stress is unbelievable. This was after my father up and left us. My parents were never married, so when he left after Luna was born, my mother was one her own.
We moved in with our grandmother and my mom worked and worked. All she would do is work. We’d see her on weekends and that’s when she’d pour all her time into Luna. I grew to resent her. I was only 7 when Luna was born, so the present blossomed as I entered adolescence.
However, my mother passed when I was 16. A car accident took her life, leaving us to be raised by our grandmother. My mother worked like crazy, leaving money for that we used for Luna’s medical bills after she passed.
Well, as much of the bills as we could.
Luna adored Namjoon, and when things went to shit 3 years ago, she blamed herself, but what could I have done?
I took my keys out, unlocked the door and stepped into the apartment. Just as I predicted, Luna sat on the couch, her back facing me, with her laptop on her lap and the tv on as background noise.
“You’re home?” She called over her shoulder. She didn’t spare me a glance, clicking rapidly at something. 
“Yeah.” My voice came out thin, which made her clicking stop. She looks over her shoulder at me, her short brown hair pushed behind her ears. Her thin bangs were a distray, a result of her running her fingers through her hair in frustration. 
“Rough day at work?” She questions, keeping her eyes on me for a moment longer before turning back to her laptop. I take off my shoes, and approach the couch, barely peeking at her laptop screen. I take a seat on the loveseat perpendicular to her and watch as she starts to type something.
“An essay?” I assume.
“Yes ma’am.” She answers glancing up at me. Luna does school online, her grades being good enough that she convinced her school to allow her to do most of her senior year online. 
“Luna,” I call out with a heavy heart, “There is something I need to tell you.” 
Without a glance, she hums in response. She wore an oversized black hoodie with pj shorts she found on sale some time ago. She told me she bought them because of the design of avocados on it. I’m not surprised. She loves silly things like that. 
“You know that new contract I started?” 
“The long one you swore you weren’t gonna accept?” She mentions, smiling in a mischievous manner. She only did that because she was also against me doing such a contract. She knew I’d be miserable, and she was right.
“Is the CEO an asshole?” She asks but speaks again right after. “-It’s not like you haven’t handled some rude CEOs before?” 
“The CEO is Namjoon.” I forced it out, and it feels like I was running out of oxygen when I said it. My words are quick and unsteady. 
She looks at me with wide eyes, like she was waiting for me to start laughing and tell her it was a joke. 
“Seriously? The Kim Namjoon?” She questions and moves the laptop off her lap and onto the couch. She leans forward, and she doesn’t look away from me.
“Yeah. He’s the CEO.” I show her a small smile before leaning back in the loveseat. I throw my head back and stare at the ceiling.
“You need to quit.” She orders.
I chuckle, “I knew you were going to say that.” I mutter, still gazing at the white ceiling. 
“Y/n! Come on! You can’t keep working there! This isn’t good for you.” She argues. 
“You think I don’t know that Luna? Seeing his face every day is wearing me down, but I signed the contract. I can’t leave.” I informed her. 
When I picked my head up to see the worried grimace on her face, I sighed and sat up in the loveseat. It was usually comfortable, but today it’s softness was useless. I’m in an uncomfortable situation. This job is leaving me in a constant state of stress.
“It’s not too bad.” I try to lift the mood, “He barely speaks to me, so it’s nothing! He only speaks to me about work.” 
“Y/n.” Her tone is different and she drops her focus to her hands in her lap. I know what’s coming. I know what she’s going to say and I’ve heard it too many times for my liking.
“Luna, don’t even go there!” I groan, shaking my head at the sad sad look in her eyes.
“Y/n, you keep saying this but...I still feel awful! This is all my fault! If it wasn’t for me You and Namjoon would have been marr-” 
“Stop!” My voice comes out in a panic shriek, taking both of us by surprise. Luna jumps at my outburst, her eyes becoming wet with tears.
“Luna, you don’t need to bring it up again. None of this is your fault, okay?” I stand up from my seat, grabbing my bag off the coffee table, and walking around the couch she sat on, and down the hallway. But before I can go far, Luna speaks again.
“Do you still love him?” She shouts. I stop walking and stare down at the carpet. My chest tightens and I lean against the wall for strength. Do I still love him? 
“Y/n? You still love him right?” This time her voice is closer. I turn around to see her standing at the end of the hallway, her hips leaning on the back of the couch. Her eyes showed pity, while she ran her fingers through her bangs. She always does that when she’s stressed. 
We stare at each other and a moment of silence passes before she sighs.
“Y/n…” She whines, taking my silence as an answer, “You need to quit.”
“I can’t.” I answered immediately, “I can’t quit. It doesn’t matter how I feel. He hates me now. Plus, a man like Namjoon...you can never stop loving him.”
“M-maybe this is fate? It’s a second chance.” 
I laughed at her notion and could only shake my head in response. A second chance? What a joke. The sad look in her eyes only makes me want to retreat. I turn my back on her and go into my room, feeling the weight of the past few days on my shoulders. I closed the door behind me and tossed my bag to the side before falling face-first into my bed. The painful memory burned into my mind. It burned like a new fire wound. It stung and the slightest thought back to it made my eyes water. 
The heartbreak in his eyes will haunt me for the rest of my life, but I made a choice. 
《 PAST 》
At this moment, I’d rather be swallowed up by the ground. I’d rather whatever higher power there is, strike me down and end my life at this very moment. It would be less painful. Pulling layers of band-aids from burnt skin would be less painful. At that moment my whole body went stiff. My knees locked, my muscles tensed and my lungs were struggling to take in oxygen.
Maybe it’s because I was holding my breath with my eyes wide. I stared at the man smiling up at me for the past 3 seconds. 
3 seconds. It had only been 3 seconds but it felt like an eternity. I blink, and he smiles back at me. He’s on one knee, holding out the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.
Not a huge rock, but it shines beautifully. A dazzling circular diamond, with smaller diamonds lined around the band. The silver band itself sparkled. In the ring, I could see his love, his hard work, and our years of laughter, tears and good memories.
I left out a harsh breath, my head feeling light as I was holding my breath. My awareness grows and I become aware of where we are. At a fancy restaurant in which it was rented out, making us the only customers. The kitchen staff stood at the back of the restaurant, watching me for my reaction. 
Namjoon. Kim Namjoon, the love of my life and the man I’m pretty sure the universe made for me and I for him. He stares at me with a smile, tears of nerves, and joy coating his loving eyes. It’s only been another 4 seconds. 7 seconds since I saw his lips move I say those words. 
I couldn’t hear them as I was having an out of body panic attack, but his lips moved so I’m sure he said the words.
“Y/n, will you marry me?” 
He said them and I knew he would. I saw this coming and I knew he was going to say these things...so now I know what I have to say. 
I push down the dread pulling in my system and laugh. I laugh in his face, trying my best to not see his hopeful smile drop into a look of anguish and fear. 
“Seriously Namjoon?” I cackled, trying to swallow down the tears that were burning my eyes.
“Marry you?” I hissed. He stays there on one knee, bringing down his arm that was showing me the ring. 
“I-is there something wrong?” His voice trembles and it feels like my heart is turning to ash in my chest.
“Is there something wrong!?” I raise my voice, stepping back from his crouched figure, “Namjoon, what do you have to offer? What do you have to give that makes you think you could be my husband? We just graduated college and you don’t have a cent to your name because you went and got disowned by your rich parents.” 
He gasps, shocked by my words.
“Y/n, I did that for you and for myself! You’re the one that pushed me to go against my parents plans for me. You said you’d stand by myself.” He exclaims, and stands to his feet, the tears in his eyes not the same happy tears as before. 
“As you do what Namjoon? Write poetry? Help other people put out their shitty works? I need stability. You had that when you were listening to your parents.” My voice trembled towards the end, my resolve breaking with every second. 
Namjoon narrowed his eyes at me and staggered back. It was as if his own realization left him physically drained.
“Y/n…” He pauses, staring down at the ground while tears run down his cheeks.
“Did you only get with me because of my family’s money?”
I love you. Namjoon I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I have no choice Joon, but I need to do this. 
“Of course, I did.” I choke out, “After years of friendship, I knew you had a crush on me so I took it to my advantage...but there is no reason to stay with you now.” 
He looks up from the floor and clutches the velvet box in his hands, “I don’t believe you.” 
“Believe it.” 
“Y/n,” He reaches out, holding a hand of mine in his free one, small pants leaving his lips.
“Y/n, please stop. This has to be a joke right? This is going too far!” He squeezed my hand, pleading with me. Hi eyes stayed on my face, scrutinizing my expression for any sign of a joke. He brings me closer to him, his familiar warmth and scent overpowering my senses. 
He stares down at me, in disbelief and anguish all I could see. I almost broke. I could feel my eyes burning with what was going to be tears. My dearest Namjoon gazed at me with a death grip on my hand, knowing that if he let me go, I’d fly away from him like a balloon.
“Get off of me!” I yelped, taking my hand away from his and pushing him back. 
“Y/n.” His voice broke. The sound alone triggered tears too well in my eyes. I turn my head away from his so he doesn’t see them. I grabbed my bag that sat out the dinner table and rushed out of the restaurant. My heels clicked as I got out of the restaurant and onto the street. I don’t know where I’m walking to but my legs just carry me, wanting to run away from the pain.
It has been a quiet day. It’s been a quiet week. Mr. Kim only speaks to me when needed, falling to having Sana deliver orders to me, making it so I only see Mr. Kim is passing. No surprise, and no hard feelings. This is probably for the best and if we can keep this up for the next 7 months and 1 week...things will run smoothly.
Mr. Kim is currently out of the office, so I sat at the desk with Sana at my side. She worked on some documents for a presentation Mr. Kim will be having. The rights of a book that will be made in a movie are up for discussion. 
While I am setting up a meeting with authors who are looking to publish with Moonchild Publishings. It was 3:37 PM, 6 PM not feeling too out of reach. The place is filled with the constant tapping of the keyboard and the humming of printers and copy machines. Everything was going as normal. 
I sat in my seat, my black & white checkered flare pants making me wonder if my curves were being shown off a bit too much. Despite Mr. Park’s wandering eyes, I was beginning to think that my outfits showed how hard I was trying.
I wore a simple black long sleeve blouse with some tan heels to bring the outfit together. I did a simple hairstyle and rushed out of the house, waking up a bit later than I usually do. The clouds were grey when I left the house, with a humidity thickness in the air. 
So when I was returning from lunch, which Sana followed me to, I felt the first softy warning drops of a storm come. By the time when I reached the top floor in the elevator, it was a full downpour. Mr. Kim hadn’t left the building. He was out of the office but was somewhere doing business.
He had certain types of meetings that though they were on his schedule, the reasonings were unknown. I don’t ask questions, I answer them so there is no point in asking him for details.
I hear the elevator bing from down the hallway and I assume it’s Mr. Kim made his way back. I don’t plan to even look up, seeing as Mr. Kim doesn’t spare us a glance when he enters, so I stopped standing up to greet him, as Sana still does. 
The coldness we show towards each other hasn’t gone unnoticed, making me think back to something Sana said back at lunch.
“You two really hate each other huh? Like old enemies or something.” She laughs it off and takes another bite of her sandwich.
I’m snapped out of my flashback just in time to hear the click of heels. Heels? That couldn’t be-
I looked up to see another familiar figure. An older Korean woman wearing a straight and non-form fitting white dress with a creme colored bag over her shoulder and nestled in between her armpit.
Her light brown hair was up in a neat bun with a sparkling brooch attached. Her light make-up and freshly done nails gave away the lifestyle she lives. She’s rich, she's well off. Her confident posture and expensive heels show that.
She holds her head high and believes she's above the people that work here. She’s also looking at me. No she’s glaring at me. 
I stare back at her and the feeling of disgust crawls it’s way up my throat. I press my lips tightly against each other, clenching my teeth to force a somewhat presentable smile. 
“Mrs. Kim.” My voice was strained, and my muscles were reeling in discomfort. 
She smiles, that same smile she gave me 3 years ago. Pity. Disgust. Superiority. It was all in her smile. It was a victory smile almost, her eyes showed anger. Anger and confusion. She probably thought she'd gotten rid of me, but here I am. Back in her perfect son’s life.
“Y/n, we meet again,” she pauses, “the unfortunate.”
Sana looks back and forth between both of us, her facial expression going from surprise to confusion and finally understanding. She rises from her seat to say hello to Mrs. Kim. I, on the other hand, do no such thing. 
I stay seated and stiffly look back down at the computer.
Sana sits down again, awkwardly clearing her throat and looking at me as if she wanted to speak. The slight trembling of my fingers gave away that I wasn’t going to speak.
“Hello, Mrs. Kim. Your son is out of the office, I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Sana informs her. I continue to type away at the computer, trying to contain the rage that was causing a sense of anxiety over my body. 
This cursed, evil, and wicked woman. I look up from the computer screen
“That’s fine. I’ll wait in his office.” She answers Sana but keeps her eyes on me. She slowly turns around, happy that I’m watching her. I forget where I am for a moment and roll my eyes at the older woman just as the door to the office closed behind her. 
I looked over to my right and met Sana’s blank facial expression. 
“I’m not gonna ask any questions.” She says.
“Good.” I deadpan and look at the computer screen. I pretend that I don’t feel Sana’s stare linger on my profile. However, I couldn’t help the feeling of heat rising in my body. My body temperature was going up as my anger increased. I forgot how much I hated that woman. I forgot how STUPID she thought I was. Yet in the end, I was exactly what she always accused me of being. 
A lousy woman that would take money over her son. That’s exactly what I did. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, my movements stopping but the trembling of my fingers continuing. 
“Y/n?” Sana called. As if a thin string of my sanity snapped, I stood up from my seat, causing Sana to flinch at the unexpected movement. My breathing becomes labored while I stare at the closed double doors of Mr. Kim’s office. 
Who was the real winner in any of this? Did I get what I wanted out of our stupid deal? Did she get what she wanted? She must have, her smug smile burned into my frontal lobe. It’ll probably hunt me in my dreams, and any random thought of it in the future will cause me anger. 
Like an embarrassing memory that makes you shiver up and regret your decisions. That’s exactly what I’m feeling. I stomped away from the desk and down the hallway, those white walls leaving me to be drowned in my thoughts. I have to find the bathroom. I know there is one in this hallway somewhere. 
I keep my eyes low, stomping quickly to seek a place I can let out my scream of frustration. 
It isn’t till I crash into something hard that my parade is stopped. The scent is familiar but not comforting, causing my stomach to drop. 
“Ms. L/n?” Mr. Kim's voice held no concern but confusion. Why was I not at my desk doing the work that was expected of me? I continued to look down, only staring at his expensive dress shoes and the carpet. 
I took a small step back, my hands balling into fists to keep from reigning my anger onto him. He didn’t deserve that. If anyone is a victim here, it’s Namjoon. I have no right to take this out on him. I also had no right to waltz into his life as I did. He knows that, though not for the same reason as Mrs. Kim and me.
“Sir, I’ll be there in a moment, you have a guest waiting for you in your office.” I take a step to the right, hoping to bypass him, but he mimics me, blocking my way again.
“Where are you going?” He questions, this time crossing his arms over his chest. I don’t have to see his face to know he’s looking down at me with his jaw clenched. In the last 3 weeks, I’ve realized he does that when he suspects I’m up to something. Or what he thinks I’m bullshitting. 
All those suspicions only being grounded in personal feelings, seeing as my work here has been nearly perfect. I picked up on his routine quickly and moved before I had to be told. His charcoal grey three-piece suit looked like a smooth fabric. Something else with a combination of silk. A sign of wealth. 
I almost chuckle to myself at the bitter aftertaste of my choices. I couldn’t even want Namjoon back. It would only play into the gold digger impression I had him believe. I mean, no one expected a small-time publishing company to explode in success in its first two years, then dominate in its third. The 25-year-old CEO became a millionaire. 
Whether it was due to any assistance from his parents, I can’t be sure but...it makes me wonder if he would have still succeeded with me at his side. If I have to lie to myself and say he needed me gone to grow like this, I’ll do it. It makes me feel better. 
I take in a deep breath and slowly look at Namjoon, my eyes moving over his suit and the dark red tie, before meeting his cold eyes. 
I mustered up a smile, while oozed with sarcasm. So unprofessional of me. But this whole work atmosphere is unprofessional. The conflicts of interest would make any businesswoman lose her shit. 
“The bathroom.” I answer, “I am allowed to use the bathroom, aren't I, sir?”
He doesn’t acknowledge the testing edge to my words but asks another question. 
“What guest did you let in my office?” The beginning of him scolding me. I could feel it. My eyes fluttered close in frustration.
“Have you forgotten the rules I laid before? Any meetings that weren’t on my schedule should be turned away. I do not pencil people in-”
“It’s your mother, sir.” My eyes open after saying, “The guest in the office is your mother. She let herself into your office, I was not going to argue with her.” 
His face relaxes from displeasure to...discomfort? He groans and runs his hands over his face before staring at the carpeted floor for a moment. 
“What is that woman doing here?” He says under his breath. I could barely catch it, but there was disgust and unhappiness dripping off the words. My brows furrowed, not expecting that. Their relationship wasn’t repaired after I left?
I bite my lip to hide the victorious smirk that threatens to appear on my lips.
“Carry on.” Mr. Kim says without a glance back at me. He walks past me, no urgency in his movements. I continued down the hallway, past the elevator, and further down till I came to the bathroom marked for women. I was lucky enough to find it empty. I stood there staring at myself in the mirror, feeling like I was having an out of body experience. 
This is what people mean when they say your decisions always come back to haunt you. 
I clear my throat and let out a scream of frustration, knowing that anyone who gets off the elevator at this moment could probably hear it up the hallway.  
  But I don’t care. I need to let this out. I scream against, this time bringing my foot up to kick an innocent stall door.  
《 PAST 》
I don’t belong here. Anyone could tell that I don’t belong here. The eyes of every person that I met held the question of, “What are you doing at a restaurant like this?” 
I was wondering the same thing. I was wondering about all types of things. Why did Mrs. Kim call me here? Why did she tell me not to tell Namjoon? Was she ready to stop forcing her and Mr. Kim senior’s dreams onto Joon and to let him do what he wants?
I bet she is still a bit shocked at Joon taking himself out of the family. He was disowned but also removed himself. The Kims weren’t expecting such action from their son. He was only 21 years old, almost 22, and fresh out of college with the Business degree they forced on him.
The world isn’t easy, so he surely wasn’t serious about throwing his family away? But he did. 
They blame me. The whole family blames me and that’s okay. I was the one encouraging to do such a thing, so I’ll carry my weight of responsibility. I, however, can’t wait to tell her that both Joon and I are doing great without their money. It’s only been a few months since he was disowned, but I haven’t seen Joon so happy in all my years of knowing him.
“I’m here to meet Mrs. Kim?” I said to the host. She nodded, looking me up and down before motioning for me to follow her. I wore a simple tee and some jeans with sneakers. I wasn’t going to dress up for this woman. With how she moves about things, I doubt we’ll be eating anything.
The restaurant was huge, seeming to have different wings and sections for people who wanted to be away from others. I try not to gawk at the luxurious decor, noticing the judgemental looks from the host who was in front of me.
The hostess brings me to a small circular table where Mrs. Kim sat waiting. Her focus was on the table cloth. She traced the small details of the white and gold table cloth, not even looking up as I took my seat. 
“Y/n.” She says sternly, putting her dark gaze on me. 
“How would you like to make a deal?” She continues. My brows furrow and I cock my head to the side. I think for a moment before laughing. 
“Is this like those dramas where you give me a check to leave Joon? Mrs. Kim...you must be joking? You didn’t really call me here for this?” I keep laughing but her stone-cold facial expression doesn’t change. 
“I just want my son back.” She hisses.
“You can have your son back Mrs. Kim. You just need to understand his--” She cuts me off, frustration appearing on her face for a split second.
“You don’t understand, do you? Namjoon is never gonna open his arms to us as he did before! I don’t know what nonsense you put into his head, but if you get out of the picture, any last strands of this riff will be gone.’
“Excuse me?” I say.
“I don’t leave loose ends Y/n. You are a loose end of this rebellious and hard patch I’ve been having with my son. Which is why I simply cannot let you stay.” She smirks, reaching for the glass of water that was sitting in front of her this whole time.
She can’t be serious! What type of entitled selfish--
“Namjoon is going to ask you to marry him.” She states after getting a sip of water. 
My breath is knocked out of me, “H-huh?”
“You heard me right,” she gives me a pointed look. As if she couldn’t believe that I didn’t see this coming. 
“He told me himself Y/n….at least during an argument he did. Seeing as there is no ring on your finger,” Her eyes flicker to my hands that sat on the table, “He hasn’t asked you yet.”
She wasn’t giving me time to move past the initial shock of Namjoon’s proposal. He’s going to ask me to marry him?
I brought a hand to my chest, trying to catch my birth. 
“Y/n, I’m sure it’ll be a lovely ceremony,” She pauses, “too bad Luna won’t be there.” 
My happy mood is lost. The surprised smile left my lips while my face twisted up in pain. 
“E-excuse me?”
“Your sister Luna,” She gives an ungenuine pout, “Poor girl is sick right? And from what I heard getting worse.” My eyes burn and blur with tears. She’s right.
Luna is getting worse and worse. They say she’ll need surgery soon because her odds aren’t looking good. Namjoon has done his best to be the supportive rock for us both. Luna already believes her time is coming to an end and I have to smile and tell her to stay hopeful, all while having the same thoughts.
She has been on the waiting list for a heart transplant for the last 2 years and we’re still nowhere near where we need to be. As if I could even afford the surgery once she gets a transplant. 
The doctor told me it’ll be another 3 years before she could get a heart donor, and in the same breath told me she wouldn’t last a year without one. Life is cruel.
Mrs. Kim isn’t phased by my tears, and through my blurred vision, I think she smiles wider. 
“Y/n,” She leans close as if she has a secret she’s been dying to tell me. Her dark eyes were now bright with mischief. 
“Reject Namjoon’s proposal. Tell him you’re done with him and turn your back on him. That’s all I need from you and I can get your sister moved up on the transplant list. I could get her ready for surgery by tomorrow if I wanted to. I’ll pay for everything.”
I leaned back in the seat, a sob ripping through my chest at her proposition. My hands fell into my lap and I looked down at them.
“I mean, you’re not going to let your precious sister die are you?” She egged on, making my sobs grow stronger, “A big sister should do everything in their power to save their siblings right?”
Namjoon’s smiling face flashed into my mind, followed by my sister’s face. She sat there weak and scared in her hospital bed with a small smile on her lips.
“At least I'll be able to see mom soon.” She said softly. 
I bring my hand up to my chest, slouching over in my seat with my hand gripping at the fabric of my shirt. It feels like my heart is tightening up. Growing tight in the grips of the reality of what’s in front of me. 
The pain was running throughout my whole being, leaving me unable to speak words. 
“So are you going to pick Namjoon or Luna? What will the choice be Y/n?”
I don’t know how long I’m sitting there crying but Mrs. Kim doesn’t stop me, watching me with judgmental eyes. It might have been the tears in my eyes but for a small second, I thought I saw some sadness in her eyes. 
I struggled to catch my breath, sniffling, and wiping the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hands.
“So what will it be?” She asks when my breathing returns to normal.
I clench my teeth, fighting off the second wave of tears that tickled my eyes. 
“I-I’ll...I’ll leave Namjoon. I’ll do it.” 
I walk out of the bathroom, knowing I was already 5 minutes past the appropriate time someone takes to use the bathroom. I walk down the hallway, my steps quick to get back to my desk before Mr. Kim has a reason to yell at me. 
I meet an angry Mrs. Kim coming in the opposite direction. When we lay our eyes on each other, other steps slow, leaving us in a silent staring match. We stood about 4 yards from each other, the tension being so thick, I thought I could feel it around me.
“Seems like your son still hates you.” I jeer with a grin.
She snickers, taking slow strides towards me, “What? Does it make you feel like you’re a winner?” She looks me up and down with the same look of pity she gave me while I sobbed in front of her 3 years ago.
“All I know is that you weren’t able to repair that so-called relationship with your son. You should have known I had nothing to do with that.”
She stops just as she’s walking past me, her eyes forward while she stood right beside me. 
“Don’t worry Y/n...knowing that the questions of ‘What If’ that haunt you at night will always cause you to hate yourself, is all I need. In the end...only a fool would think they’ve won such a battle.”
Her words make my blood run cold, and I grow stiff as she continues to waltz away, stopping at the elevators. I stand there frozen long enough to hear the ding as the doors open, and the ding as they close.
It seems this time around, there are no winners after all. Just two losses and a casualty that is the one and only Kim Namjoon.
∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ❣
Alrightty! So the story can finally start to really get moving! I’m excited! :D
There were people who told me they wanted to be on the taglist for this but i sadly lost the list I had! 
Please let me know what you thought of this chapter! I’m excited to see what you think of it and how you think things will progress. 
183 notes · View notes
masonscig · 4 years
pairing | mason x detective sofía olmos
word count | 2.8k
warnings | smut. very nsfw. minors keep scrolling
tags | @raleiighcarrera ; @pixeljazzy ; @lyuyu ; @bellarxse ; @bceky ; @twc-thoughts-you-didnt-ask-for ; @brightpinkpeppercorn ; @pixelsandkink ; @katbee ; @admdmrtn ; @agentsunshine ; @echohauville 
author’s note | well! the prompt is pretty self explanatory. and plus it’s mason. yall know its ab to get smutty. this is my first and only submission for day 14 (throat) for @31daysofwayhaven also kudos to all the writers that’ve managed to be consistent – hats off to you seriously! um i’m terrified bc this is my first mason smut piece so please be nice [kudos appreciated on ao3]
read it on ao3
He laced his fingers through her thick hair, reveling in the way his skin looked contrasted against the midnight of her hair.
On her knees, clutching his thighs with a grip that nearly broke the skin, his cock buried in her mouth, she took him all in. Her lips pursed around his head, tongue sliding against his shaft as he eased his hips forward.
“You almost got it,” he purred, watching as her mouth opened wider, lips tightening as he pumped into her slowly. “That’s it.”
Her throat pulsed, and he felt spurts of air from her nostrils against his lower stomach, sending a chill up his spine.
He held her in place, feeling her tongue writhe against him. A groan rumbled through his chest, his grip tightening on the back of her head.
The moment she choked, coughing, he pulled himself free from her mouth, his cock twitching at her initial gasp. Her eyes fluttered, gaze fixated up at him, spit glistening on her chin, her mouth parted as she hungrily gulped the air.
“Did you like that?”
She nodded, blinking rapidly. “Yes, I did.”
She stuttered, like she couldn’t believe she was saying it herself.
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course,” she breathed.
“You’re gonna try to take it all for me, alright, sweetheart?” He smirked, one hand sliding from the back of her head to pinch her chin between his thumb and forefinger.
He leaned down, kissing her open mouth, tugging gently on her bottom lip, caught between his teeth. She groaned as he pulled himself back into standing position, belt buckle jingling at the movement.
“I know, I know, I’m hypnotizing, but I need to know you want this,” he laughed breathily, watching as she came to, nodding furiously.
“Yes, please,” she nearly whined, her hands clutching his thighs once more.
He repeated the first few steps, pumping himself in her mouth slowly, the short strokes making his eyes roll back into his head. He’d normally throw his head back and focus on the feeling, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way her lips stretched over him, her rosy lipstick rubbing off at the corners, streaking down the sides of his shaft.
God, sloppy, messy head excited him. After all these years, all the people that sucked him off, he’d never get tired of that particular disheveled look.
But if he had to pick his favorite person wearing that look, it’d be Sofía. He wasn’t even close to being finished with her and he knew she wore it best.
He pushed a little farther into her mouth, deepening his strokes, feeling her tongue flatten against him.
“Fuck…” he moaned under his breath, inciting a hum from her, and when it traveled up his body, he was the closest to heaven he’d ever get.
The typical person would think Mason preferred the act of coming, the brief euphoric peak that overtook his already heightened senses a high he chased often – but it was completely the opposite.
He loved the chase – hunting, trapping, planning on how he’d go in for the kill. That was what excited him the most.
So watching her try her hardest to hold it all in for him was nearly pushing him over the edge. He couldn’t recount a time where he was that close, that fast.
He watched her carefully, pushing himself all the way in, her lips grazing the trimmed hair above the base of his shaft. She held eyes with him, squinting as she tried to hold back a gag.
Tears formed at the corner of her eyes, and her chest flexed, like she needed air. He pulled himself out of her mouth, watching a thick string of saliva drip onto the floor.
She gasped, eyes half lidded, lipstick smeared onto her glistening chin.
“You want more, sweetheart?”
She nodded, mouth open, tongue pointed. The tip of it grazed the head of his cock, making him inhale sharply.
This time, he pushed himself in all the way, a little rougher than before, eyes still locked with hers. The broken garble that came from her as he pumped into her mouth ripped a growl from him, every sound she made triggering an animalistic response of his own.
“Fuck, Sofía –” He breathed, gripping her jaw with his left hand, his other hand tangled in her hair.
She tapped his leg lightly, a gentle warning, so he pulled out once again, revelling in the way her desperate breaths sounded, the way her chest glistened, adorned with spit, the way her lengthy locks looked against her bare skin, freckled just like his.
“I can handle more,” she breathed, leaning forward to suck gently on his head, hazel eyes transfixed on his.
He’d been looked at before by a woman on her knees, but never like that. Something about Sofia brought out his most primal instincts. He couldn’t deny that she was stunning and as adventurous as he was – and something about that made him want to stake his claim on her.
Despite her voice, which was dripping with desire, her eyes were glimmering innocently, like every word she said doubled as sexy and sincere.
“‘Do you trust me?’ ‘Of course.’” It played on loop in his brain – the way the words fell from her lips without hesitation. Like a reflex. Like it was second nature to do so.
“If you want me to stop, tap my leg just like before,” he said, barely able to choke through the words as she lazily swirled her tongue around his tip.
She nodded, squeezing his thighs in anticipation.
He cupped her face around her ears, gripping her head firmly. This time, since she was eased into the idea, he went all in.
His hips snapped into her, burying himself in her mouth, watching himself disappear behind her pretty lips. Saliva bubbled out of the corners of her lips, leaking out and down her chin. Making a mess of her was his favorite thing.
His hands snaked into her hair again, this time gathering it at the nape of her neck. She groaned, evoking a soft “shit” from his lips, followed by a sharp intake of breath. He twisted the hair around his wrist like a dark rope until he could guide her bobbing head at the pace he wanted.
He felt her tighten her lips as he pumped into her, the heat of her mouth making him shudder. She dug her fingernails into his bare thighs, eyes watering, brows furrowed. Her knuckles were white with the effort, but she didn’t tap his leg.
She just kept her eyes focused on him like he was the only thing that mattered.
God how the fuck did she manage to make throat fucking into something more with a single look?
But he didn’t mind it. Or at least he didn’t think he minded it. He’d figure it out later. She didn’t say she wanted more than whatever their arrangement was. So maybe she didn’t. Maybe the look was nothing –
A tap on the leg broke his train of thought.
When he pulled out, she gasped, swiping the back of her hand across her chin, smearing the rouge color even more.
“Trying to clean up the mess I made?”
“Maybe,” she ran a tongue over her bottom lip, a soft, sultry smile blooming.
“Well, don’t. I worked hard on that,” he laughed breathily, a smirk tugging at his mouth.
“What’re you gonna do about it?” She whispered, one hand still firmly gripping his thigh, the other slung between her bent legs, grazing her inner thigh.
Mason hadn’t seen her since she left the meeting a trembling mess, her bounty weighing heavy on her conscience – as he expected.
He realized later that walking to her car, thinking about her on and off throughout the day, and the general uneasiness he felt at her absence was unmistakable – he was concerned for her.
He didn’t hate the feeling, but it tugged at him, distracting him from his normally laid back demeanor. He was on edge.
So days later, when he volunteered to visit the station to check on her and found out she was off for the first time in months, he jumped at the chance to see her. Smoothly, of course.
“Yeah, after the, uh, ‘news’ I kinda need a weekend to relax… but I don’t even know if I’m capable of that,” she chuckled, nervousness fraying the edges of her laugh. “I should be on high alert, you know? But instead I’m looking for a distraction.”
She chewed her lip and wrung her hands, staring out at the setting sun. The wind swept her bangs around, catching a loose strand in her glossy red-toned lipstick.
He liked Sofía like this. Deep in concentration, brows furrowed, gaze set. Quiet.
“I can help with that,” he said, matter-of-factly, breaking her train of thought.
“I can help with that,” he said again, unwilling to explain.
“You don’t have to distract me, Mason. I’ll be okay,” she shrugged, but it didn’t meet her eyes.
She was way too easy to read – half of the time she turned him down because she wanted to hear him ask again. 
“You and I both know you’ve been waiting to get your hands on me since our meeting,” he said under his breath, stepping towards her, where she stood next to the front door of her car.
“And you haven’t?” She asked innocently, but challenging nevertheless.
She always did that and it both infuriated him and made him hard – she acted like she didn’t know that she was driving him crazy. But she knew. She had to.
“You know I have,” he grinned, taking another predatory step towards her, trapping her against her car. “I’ve been thinking about you wrapping those pretty little lips around my cock.”
Her mouth parted, but no words came. The flush that spread across her face was swift, like a wildfire of scarlet. He never really knew what would do the trick, so he found himself trying anything to get her to trip over her words.
“Do… you wanna come back to my place?”
He knew she was gonna ask but it didn’t hurt to hear it.
He knew she was gonna click the radio on, apologizing profusely when it burst through the speakers, grating at his ears.
He knew she was gonna refuse to look at him from the walk to the car to the apartment, like she was unsure it was really happening – or she was embarrassed.
He knew she was gonna lock the door behind them and immediately stride to the kitchen to offer him a drink. And he knew she knew that he would turn it down every time.
He knew she was gonna wait for him to be the first to make a move, darting across the room to wrap her in a frenzied kiss, feeling her melt in his hands.
He knew she was gonna eventually writhe beneath him, fingers knotted into his hair while his mouth worked its magic, her gentle moans of his name falling from her mouth so adoringly despite him never saying hers that way.
He knew she was gonna eagerly reciprocate since she strived for perfectionism in every aspect of her life, especially one where she knew the other person was more experienced than her.
But what he didn’t anticipate was the way it felt that time. The way he felt – the way she was acting. Something was different. Like she had something to prove… more than usual.
Wordlessly, he pulled her up from her knees, gripping her chin in one hand. He kissed her open mouth, revelling in the familiarity of her scents that enveloped him. The faint minty gum on her breath, the lingering smell of her floral shampoo, even the remnants of the lipstick on her chin smelled sweet.
“You always have something to say,” he nearly growled, backing her towards the countertop. “But you never tell me what you want.”
Normally they could manage to stumble back to her bedroom, but neither of them could wait. She barely had time to offer refreshments before his pants were at his knees.
He lifted her onto the counter, splaying her thighs out, ignoring her yelp as the cold countertop hit her skin, raising goosebumps on her legs.
“Mason…” she breathed, half-lidded gaze trained on him.
“Tell me what you want me to do,” he smirked, nipping lightly at the skin of her inner thigh, laughing softly as he heard her pulse jump. “Can’t do anything if I don’t know what you want from me.”
She chewed her lip and he half-expected her to blush again, but what happened was the complete opposite.
Her hands slid down her stomach, towards her lacy underwear – the ones she wore when she thought she’d see him (he noticed). She pulled the crotch to the side, exposing her glistening lips to him, parted, beckoning him closer.
“Make a mess of me,” she breathed, slowly swiping a finger upwards towards her clit, before circling it languidly.
He gripped her hips and tugged her forward, face fitting snugly between her thick thighs. The second he dragged his tongue through her folds, settling on working her clit, a strained whine escaped her lips.
“Mason – oh, fuck –” her breath quickened, her hips bucking slowly like she was trying to ride his face from her position on the counter.
He flicked his tongue against her with fervor, taking note of her short breaths.
“I’m close – please –”
Before she could chase her release, he kissed her inner thigh again, suckling her skin lightly, grinning as she let out a frustrated huff.
“You’re really gonna tease me like that?” Her voice was hoarse. They’d barely begun and she was already disheveled.
“You’re asking me if I’m teasing you? Sweetheart, you must be joking if you think I’m gonna let you get what you want so easily,” he grinned, slowly sinking one finger into her, curling it towards him, hair raising on his neck when the moan rumbled through her chest.
“And you’re asking me to beg?” She laughed through a moan, thighs flexing as he pumped in and out of her.
A growl rolled through his body, mirroring the moan that traveled through her own, like she’d passed the torch to him.
Whatever she was doing, he wanted more of it.
“No, I’m telling you.” He tried adding a second finger, but her hand was quick, grabbing his wrist and tugging him out of her.
“And I’m telling you to keep going. Make me come,” she said confidently, while her hands quivered, giving her away.
That line alone made him want to throw her leg over his shoulder and fuck her until she forgot her own name.
But her hesitation afterwards made him think twice.
“Make me forget,” she said, quiet and unsure, her demeanor nearly deflating.
Before she could take another breath, he surged forward again, flattened tongue licking precise stripes where she wanted him most, a firm hand holding her left thigh down, the other curled under her thigh, hand splayed on her hip.
“Oh my god – fuck –”  She sighed as he expertly swirled against her clit, her hand shooting out to grip his hair.
He wasn’t a masochist by any means, but the way her fingers were tangled in his hair, roughly guiding his face like she wanted – he didn’t mind the pain.
Squatting so that he could get a better view, he watched her expression contort with each stroke of his tongue.
He liked her like this, too. Deep in concentration, brows furrowed, gaze set. Loud.
Her mouth was prettiest when it stretched around his name. The drawn out “m” sound when she got lost in his touch, barely able to finish her thought, drove him wild.
But none of that changed her eyes – through her climax, she looked at him like he was it for her.
The twinge in his chest told him all he needed to know.
It wasn’t just a self indulgent fuck. He was doing what he did best to help her feel better.
He still had no clue what about Sofía drew him to her. But he wasn’t gonna deny there was some pull.
As her legs shook beneath him, and he tugged her over his shoulder to lug her to the bedroom, he shoved another realization to the side.
Yeah, the chase excited him, but Sofía’d already hunted, sinking her trap into him innocently – like she didn’t even realize she was doing it, despite clearly vying for a place in his life more than he ever tried with her.
He’d let her catch him. Just this once.
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shuahoonie · 4 years
you [tom holland] - seven.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! alcohol consumption! a whole lotta fluff on this one yall. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish! also, their relationship is improving yall 🤧
SONG INSPO: harry styles - to be so lonely 
A/N: hiya babes, again, its day n of quarantine. i feel awful that i’ve gone this long without an update. would totally understand that you had to reread this whole series to find out what the hell is going on lmao. also, quarantine life really ruined my general schedule like now, i start my days at 3 pm and it ends at 7 am. obviously, i’m not doing well. 
also, everytime i try to write it’s always like 4 am so there’s prob a lot of errors on this. i also had the initial plan to cut this chapter in two parts but figured you guys deserve this bc i’ve been gone for way too long.  [it was way past 6 am when i finished this]
hope you guys are safe. spam my inbox, tell me what you’ve been up to this quarantine! stay at home and wash those hands!!!!! sending all my love ♡
gif credits: @tomhollandcouk
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | three | four | five | six | eight | eight.5 [interview excerpt] 
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You took a look at the girls and sure enough, they were watching the two of you and were whispering amongst themselves. You didn’t know who they were so you were assuming they were on Josh’s guests.
You weren’t one to start fights however, you were extremely petty though. It’s a habit you’re trying to get rid of. “Hey, Tom?”
He hummed in response. “Do you want to finally get them off your back?” You asked him. He stared at you for a moment before nodding.
“I’m going to do something but promise me you’ll forget it as soon as it’s done.” You disclosed, not even knowing why you’re actually going to do it.
“Okay...” You knew he was getting curious. “What-”
You grabbed the side of his face and kissed the corner of his lips. To say that both of you were surprised was an understatement.
Your lips lingered on the corner of his. As soon as you saw the girls with their backs turned against you two, you pulled away.
You could easily see Tom’s ears turn red. You weren’t sure why, but you were too distracted by the fact that you actually did that.
You also felt yourself getting hot. You were sure that your face is burning, however, you were unsure of the fact that maybe it’s burning because of the stunt you just pulled or because of the alcohol in your system.
“It’s definitely the alcohol,” you murmured.
“Sorry, you were saying something?”
Seemingly lost for words and embarrassed, you told Tom “I need another drink.”
If anyone asked you what just happened, you probably won’t have an answer as you were confused as well. That’s why you were practically running to the open bar, leaving Tom on the dance floor, with the look of bewilderment painted on his face.
He turned his head around, looking for who could have possibly called his name. Upon seeing who it was, he greeted her with a huge smile on his face. “Liv, congratulations! It was a wonderful ceremony.” He said genuinely.
“Aw,” Olivia cooed in delight. “Thanks, Tom! We’re happy you could make it.” She beamed.
“Would’ve never missed it,” Tom smiled.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you seen Y/N?” Olivia asked, looking around.
He felt himself turn red, which Olivia noticed but chose not to point it out. “She told me she was getting herself a drink...”
“That bitch never learns,” Olivia murmured to herself. “Tom, can you do me a favour? Can you please keep an eye out for her? She tends to drink a lot at weddings and-”
All of Veronica’s words came flooding back to Tom, knowing that he was supposed to stop Y/N from grabbing another glass. “Right, of course.”
“She doesn’t have a problem!” Olivia quickly disclosed. “It’s just- She tends to do a lot of weird shit while drunk.” She chuckled. “I mean look at where you two are now. None of this would’ a happened if- Oh, I’m sorry.”
“S’okay, Liv. I know.” Tom shook his head, politely dismissing Olivia. “Uh, Liv, if you don’t mind, I’m going to look for-”
“Oh, no, you’re all good.” Olivia smiled. “I have to meet with Josh in just a few minutes anyway.”
Tom congratulated Olivia again for the beautiful ceremony before he left. As Tom was looking for Y/N, he found you leaned against the bar with a drink in one hand and a phone on her other.
“Y/N.” Tom called, putting his hand on your shoulder.
“Holy fuck-” You almost spat your drink. “Jesus Christ, Tom, you fucking scared me.”
Tom chuckled. “’m sorry, darling.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to pick you up,” Tom said as he saw the drink on your hand and grabbed it “and to stop you from drinking.”
You furrowed your brows at him, “Why?”
For a moment, you could’ve sworn you saw Tom shift his eyes over at your lips. That’s when you realized that you were pouting and quickly pressed your lips together.
“’cause you’ve had enough drinks for tonight,” Tom simply stated. “Why don’t I take you back to your hotel?” He offered.
“I’m good, Tom.” You said “People aren’t looking, you can quit acting like you care now.”
Tom chose to ignore the last part and pulled out his phone. “I’m texting Veronica that we’re leaving.”
“Seriously, Tom, just let me be.”
“Y/N, I’m just looking out for you. You’ve had a couple of drinks already and apparently, Zoë needs you to be up and well tomorrow morning.” Tom said, the frustration was getting through him.
“I’m serious, Y/N. I will carry you to my car if I have to.”
All you could do was glare at him.
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“You’ve been frowning for 10 minutes now, your face is going to get tired, darling.” Tom commented as he stole a quick look at you, only to find you with the look of annoyance plastered all over your face and your arms crossed.
“I can’t believe you actually carried me! It was so embarrassing, you dickhead.” You grumbled, feeling shy since quite a few people did see his stunt and found it absolutely adorable.
“I did say that I was serious,” He pointed out as he did a shoulder-check before making a turn.
“Don’t even know why you’re driving me back to the hotel. I could’ve called someone, ‘ya know?” You were coming up with ways as to how you can avoid spending time with Tom, which was undeniably impossible since he is your boyfriend after all.
“Nonsense,” Tom pulled over at the front of the hotel, stepped out of the vehicle to give his keys to the valet and opened your door. “I would rather drive you back and know that you’re safe.” He said as he offered his hand for you to take.
You were reluctant at first, however, you still took his hand. He was being nice and you had to respect that.
Actually, you did notice that Tom was being nice within the past few weeks that you’ve started to date. Him becoming genuinely nice was starting to become a problem, especially when you’re involved with a lot of fake dating stunts.
It pulled your heartstrings in all kinds of different directions and you know it’s wrong, which is why you’re trying your best to put those feelings aside.
“Thanks Tom, I think I can handle myself from here.” You said as you carefully pulled your hand from Tom’s.
He frowned, “I have to take you up to your room, darling. Don’t you know that there are endless possibilities of what can happen to you just from the walk from the lobby to your room? Especially the lifts.”
You stared at him for a moment. “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m that paranoid but knowing you would never budge, then I guess you can walk me up to my room.” You said, not really going to fight him off. You already fought that battle earlier and you were left embarrassingly defeated.
The walk to the room was quiet, which was exactly what you needed. You were exhausted from today’s events, not to mention that you also had to wake up extremely early to get ready for your hair and makeup.
God, I can’t wait to take all of these off, You thought to yourself.
After what seemed like forever of looking for your keycard, you finally got to open your door. You turned to Tom who was leaning against the doorframe. He had the sleeves of his white button-ups rolled up to his elbows and he had a small smile plastered on his face, even though his eyes were nearly hooded from what seemed to be an exhausting day as well for him.
“Thanks again, Tommy,” you said softly. “Today must’ve been extremely exhausting for you.” You were starting to feel guilty as you felt like you made him jump through hoops just to take care of you when he had no obligation to do so.
“S’alright, darling.” He said before letting out a yawn. “Well, I best be off then. Good night, my darling.”
Tom had a couple of steps in before you shouted for his name, causing him to halt in the middle of the hallway. He turned to look at you, wondering why you called him.
“Do you wanna stay for a while? You must be exhausted and I don’t think I can live with myself if I let you drive whilst so.” You asked shyly. You weren’t heartless. You knew how to appreciate people’s efforts and right now, you had to swallow that pride of yours to show that you were thankful for Tom and his efforts.
Tom had to make sure that he heard you correctly. After all, you were the same girl who was reluctant to spend time with him for most of the time.
He had a loopy grin painted on his face. You weren’t sure whether it was meant to tease you or it’s because he’s getting sleepy, either way, it was enough to make you roll your eyes at him.
“Why are you smiling like that? Just-” You pinched the bridge of your nose, not knowing that it was possible to feel both annoyed and embarrassed at the same time. “Just stay with me for a bit so you can rest.” You mumbled the last part.
“Are you sure?” He asked for clarification. “Think I can drive for at least 30 minutes more-”
“Tom, just get in here with me.” You said as you took a hold of his hand and pulled him inside your hotel room. “If you think I’ll let you drive for half an hour when you’re nearly about to pass out then you’re dead wrong.” You pointed out as you closed the door.
“Are you getting soft on me now, Y/N?” He teased with a playful smirk on his face.
“No,” You denied, drawling out the ‘o’ as you kicked off your heels and pushed them to a side. “It’s called showing gratitude for being there for me.” You said, trying to sound casual as possible.
“Well,” Tom propped off his shoes and made his way to the bed “I like this side of you, darling.” He grinned.
You gave him a sarcastic smile before you turned your back and grabbed some change of clothes from your suitcase.
As you were in the bathroom to get yourself changed and try to get out of the bridesmaid dress, you’ve come across a tiny problem.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You hissed at yourself as you tried to unzip the back of your dress, failing miserably. “I have already prepped myself for the idea that I would be in the comfort of my sweatshirt.” You said to the mirror, not knowing where to pour the frustration running through you.
You opened the door slightly and found Tom who was sitting on the bed comfortably, his feet propped over the tower of pillows and his back rested on the bed frame.
“Tom?” He looked up from his phone to find where you called him from and when he saw you peering from the bathroom, he had his eyebrow raised. “Can you help me unzip my dress please?” You asked in a quiet voice.
“Sorry, what was that darling?” He asked and when you tried to repeat it again, not changing the volume of your voice. “Y/N, you have to speak up. Can’t hear you from here, darling.”
You sighed and opened the door wider, “Tom, can you unzip my dress?” You practically yelled. “-please.” you added awkwardly.
Tom blinked a couple of times before scrambling his way to the bathroom, muttering soft “yeah”s along the way.
As soon as he reached the bathroom frame, you quickly turned around so you could get this thing over with. Tom moved your hair to the side before finding the zipper of your dress. As he carefully unzipped your dress, you could feel the slightest touch of his fingertips grazing on your skin.
The trails of his touch sent you into shivers. God, am I that touch-starved? You thought. For you, the process was excruciatingly long. In reality? It probably only took like 30 seconds or less.
Shaking it all off, you quickly said your thanks and practically slammed the door on his face.
God, if you’re listening, I know I’m a handful but dying from embarrassment isn’t how I saw myself passing, You practically yelled to your thoughts.
After giving yourself a couple of minutes to change into your oversized sweatshirt and some sleeping shorts and also giving yourself to calm down, you grabbed your makeup wipes and made your way to the bed.
You tried your best to keep your cool and act as if nothing had happened. Act like you didn’t want the ground to swallow you whole.
You and Tom were sitting in silence: him scrolling on his phone and you trying to remove your makeup. The keyword was trying as you barely had any energy left to do anything and removing your makeup and fixing your hair felt like absolute chores.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” You asked, turning to Tom as you continued wiping your makeup off.
“Sure, whatcha got in mind?” He asked, putting his phone down and passing you the remote.
You hummed, waiting for the TV to finish loading the selections that they have on demand. “Ooh, they have Hereditary. I’ve been wanting to see the film for a while and I heard good things about the film.”
“Isn’t that a horror film?” He asked and you nodded. You could see that he was trying his hardest to assess whether he agrees with the film or not.
Of course, being the annoying person that you are, you teased Tom. “Aw, are you scared Tommy?” You cooed.
He rolled his eyes and denied your accusation. “’m not scared.”
“It’s settled then,” You grinned. “We’re watching Hereditary.”
As you were at least twenty minutes into the film, you took a quick look at Tom who was evidently engrossed with the film. You scooted a bit closer to him which he failed to notice, bringing a devilish smirk on your face. You slowly leaned in, just enough for your breath to hit his skin, and whispered “Tom” in an attempt to scare the poor guy.
Your tiny prank worked considering he practically jumped, almost making him fall off the bed. You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop laughing. “That was not funny, Y/N.” He said as he returned back to his spot, only this time, he had his head resting on the bed frame while his back was supported with the pillows.
“I beg to differ,” You said teasingly “Do you want to get room service? I’m kind of hungry.”
He just shrugged, saying that it doesn’t matter whether you want to or not. However, you were hungry and you’re not about to carry on watching the film with an empty stomach.
You quietly ordered room service as Tom was busy watching the film. He looked adorable, if you were being honest. He was hugging one of the pillows and used the same pillow to rest his chin on.
You were debating whether to wait for the food to arrive or fix your hair. Your hair was styled in a half-up braid, tiny flowers delicately placed within the braid, while the ends of your hair were curled. The hairstylist took a significantly huge amount of time to style everyone’s hair which is why you had to wake up at the crack of dawn. No wonder you were exhausted.
You chose to wait for the food instead and settled next to Tom. You two were clearly immersed with the film and you both flinched at the sound of the knock on the door as the scene of Charlie’s head rolls and turns into a ball pops up on the screen.
“Jesus christ,” You swore under your breath as you left the bed to go answer the door.
“Aw, are you scared, Y/N?” He mocked, which you rolled your eyes in response.
“Shut up, Holland. I’m not the only one who’s scared here.” You retorted.
You opened the door and thanked the staff that brought your room service, not forgetting to hand them a tip.
“I ordered strawberry and banana pancakes,” You told Tom with a childish smile.
“It’s midnight and you ordered pancakes?” He asked with an amused smile.
“I was craving pancakes,” You pouted. “We can share, you know? You didn’t tell me what you wanted so I just ordered food for myself.”
“S’alright, darling.” He answered “Don’t worry about it.”
“We can totally share, Tommy. I didn’t expect they’d give me this much so I won’t be able to finish this by myself.” You said as you showed him the huge stack of pancakes.
He just laughed and nodded, giving in because you weren’t going to let him just watch while you ate.
“Oooh, I also ordered tea because I remember that you like tea.”
He hummed as he approached you by the table. You were setting up the pancakes and tea that you ordered. “You remember, huh,” Tom mumbled softly as he watched you carefully set the teapot down.
“’course, I do.” You answered without hesitation. “You practically shunned me for drinking coffee that one time when you visited me on set.”
“Darling, you were on your third cup.”
“So? I needed caffeine.”
“If you needed caffeine, you could’ve easily had tea instead of your third cup.” Tom pointed out as he poured tea on his cup.
“Tea is for the weak,” You mumbled which earned a dramatic gasp from Tom.
“Take it back,” He said in disbelief.
“Tea is for the weak,” You repeated firmly just so you could annoy him even more, a smirk plastered on your face.
Tom pulled you in closer to him and started to tickle your waist, “I won’t stop till you take back what you said, Y/N”
You were squirming away from him, “Tom, stop,” you yelled in between giggles. “I might drop my pancakes, please.” You were trying your best not to tilt the plate and drop your food.
“Not hearing the magic words, Y/N” Tom teased in a sing-song voice.
“Okay, fine!” You gave in, laughing. “I take it back. Tea is great.”
“It is, innit?” He sighed in agreement, making you shake your head in amusement. “Don’t worry, darling, I’ll make you a great cup of tea.”
You started taking a few bites of your pancake before you sat on the edge of the bed, bringing your plate with you and had your complete focus on the screen. You and Tom were still watching Hereditary and you intend to finish the  film, even if the film is starting to creep up on you.
Tom sat beside you, “How can you eat and watch this?” He asked.
You just shrugged. “I’m hungry, nothing can stop that.” You took another bite before you offered Tom the pancakes. “Do you want some?”
“Give me a bite,” He opened his mouth in response, leaning closer to you.
“Do it yourself, you big baby.” You laughed, almost handing him the plate before you realized, “Oh, I don’t think they gave us spare utensils though.”
“I can use yours, I don’t mind.”
You offered him your plate but Tom, instead of grabbing the plate, insisted on opening his mouth, insistently asking you to feed him. “Tommy, why are you acting like an actual child?!” You were joking of course, however, you can’t deny that this whole new dynamic that you two were having was refreshing to the eyes.
“C’mon, darling. Just give it” He replied and had his mouth open once again. “I’ll take the flowers and pins off your hair while you eat-”
“Alright, fair enough.” You agreed since you were getting the higher end of the deal. With the amount of hair pins on your hair? You were hitting the jackpot.
“I’ll do it if you also feed me.” Tom added.
“Eh, whatever,” You shrugged and took another bite of your pancake.
Tom stood on top of the bed so he could sit behind you, definitely on board with helping you with your hair. He sat behind you with his legs crossed, setting a comfortable position for him.
You felt the slight touch of his fingers graze on your neck, as he brought all of the hair to your back. As he ran his fingers softly through the ends of your hair, it was enough to make you yawn. You love it when someone plays with your hair, which perfectly explains why you like going to the hairdressers.
Trying to fight off the drowsiness that was slowly taking over you, you figured you’d cut a piece off of your pancake and feed it to Tom. You sliced a piece off with your fork and hovered it over your shoulder.
Soon enough, Tom generously took the bite and carried on with removing the pins and flowers that were carefully placed on your hair.
The process was going on for a couple of minutes now: you watching and feeding Tom with your shared pancakes, and Tom willingly taking out the pins out of your hair.
It also wasn’t long when another jumpscare appeared on screen, making you jump subtly. Maybe it wasn’t subtle as you thought, since Tom was snickering behind you.
“What are you laughing at? Maybe you insisted on helping me with my hair so you can hide behind me because you’re scared too.” You pointed out, being petty and all.
“Am not,” He grumbled, slightly offended. “Maybe I do wanna help.” He then outstretched his legs, saying that he can feel his leg getting numb.
You started to feel bad, since he didn’t have any obligation to do any of it. “Tommy, it’s okay. You can stop now.” You said, twisting your body so you can take a look at him.
“What? No, you’re fine, my darling.” He said turning your body upright, making you face the television again. “S’alright, you’re alright.” He muttered softly and went back to your hair.
You mumbled a soft ‘okay,’ too shy to say something else. You kept taking turns with feeding Tom the pancakes and taking a few bites yourself. You weren’t gonna lie and tell people that this, this, time with Tom was suffocating because it’s not.
This was the first time you ever felt truly comfortable with him. It truly felt like you were spending time with someone you loved. However, that idea itself terrifies you. The idea made you feel like you were walking on thin ice and you know you’re bound to sink anytime soon.
“Tom, here, take the last bite.”
Tom gratefully took the last bite and said, “Thanks, darling. Now put that plate on the table so we can prop ourselves properly on the bed.”
You obliged and as you did, you heard Tom dusting off the bed. Walking back, you saw him look so restricted with his slacks and button ups made you feel bad. He also looked so exhausted which, obviously, made you feel even more bad.  “Tom, why don’t you just spend the night here?”
“I beg your pardon,” Tom cleared his throat. “Did you just suggest that I should spend the night here?”
“Y-yeah, I mean...” You trailed off. “You look exhausted and it would probably make me worry less if you did stay.”
“If it’s alright with you, then I wouldn’t mind.” He said softly, smiling.
You felt your cheeks burning and you really had to act fast. You remembered you wore your sweatpants earlier, as you were getting your hair and makeup done, and figured maybe Tom could fit in it.
“I’ve already worn this earlier but only while I was getting my makeup and hair done.” You pulled your black sweats out of your suitcase and offered it to Tom. “I’m not sure if it fits but it’s better than sleeping with slacks on right?”
“Are you trying to see me naked?” Tom smirked.
“W-what? No, you shithead.” You stammered. “I’m trying to make you feel comfortable. Also, if you are wearing nothing underneath then maybe keep the pants on and reevaluate why you went to a wedding without underwear?!” You popped off.
“Relax, Y/N, I was kidding.” He laughed, visibly amused at the look of distress on your face. “I’ll try it on. Thank you.”
Tom stood up and began unbuckling his belt. He was about to take his pants off when he gave you a teasing smile, in which you realized that you were staring. You turned around, absolutely embarrassed, and head soft chuckles from Tom.
“Okay, I’m decent.” Tom yelled, which you took as a proper signal and turned around, only to find your sweatpants fit snugly on Tom. “It’s a bit snug, but I think I’ll manage.” He commented as he also began unbuttoning his shirt.
You weren’t going to lie and tell people that you think that Tom isn’t fit. Because he is. He is very fit. His fans know that, you know that, everyone knows that. So, would they blame you if you stared at his fit body, absolutely flustered? Of course not, because they know.
However, what they don’t know is how hard you’re trying your hardest not to stare because, you of all people, know how you don’t like when people stare at your body.
“So, whaddaya think?” He turned around and lifted his bum, asking jokingly: “Too much?”
“Eh, it could be better.” You said, playing along.
“Oh c’mon,” He groaned in exaggeration, “People think I have a great arse.” Tom pouted while he returned to his position. This time he climbed up the bed, resting his back against the headboard, and had his legs spread.
“You know what? They’re right,” You said as you climbed up the bed as well and sat between his legs again. “You do have a fabulous ass.”
“Now, you’re just saying that to flatter me so I can continue removing pins from your hair.” He mumbled softly, feeling the return of his fingers back on your hair.
“Yeah,” you sighed in content. “I’m not letting you go until every hairpin is gone, babe.” You replied, not even thinking about what you were saying. Your eyes widened. Babe? You called him babe? Bitch, you’re losing it.
You heard Tom chuckle, “Oh, so I’m “babe” now, huh?” He teased.
“That wasn’t me, that was the exhaustion talking.” You mumbled shyly, a poor attempt to mask up an excuse.
“Right,” He drawled, obviously aware that you were just making up an excuse for this dubious slip up. “S’okay though, I liked it.” He whispered on your right ear, making you squirm as you found it ticklish.
“Why-” You whipped your head back to face him, “Why would you do that, I’m ticklish, Tom”
“’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Tom laughed, “Can you please call me “babe” again?”
“No.” You replied and just heard him let out an exaggerated sigh.
You two were busy bickering and being distracted by each other, that you didn’t know that the scene you two were watching was the last scene of the film.
“Huh,” You huffed. “Wasn’t expecting that ending.”
“What’s with all the butts?” He pondered out loud.
“I don’t know but I want that image out of my head. Do you have any movie suggestions because I know you don’t like horror.” You asked Tom as you scrolled through the movie selections once again.
Tom peered from behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder, “Oh, have you seen Coco?” He asked in suggestion, seeing the movie from the list.
“The Pixar movie?” You asked and he nodded. “Nope, I haven’t yet.”
“We should watch it then,” Tom said “It’s a great movie. I was in bits when I saw it and I was on the plane then.”
“Is it that sad?” You gasped as you clicked on the movie, waiting for the screen to finish loading.
“Oh, I was full on sobbing, darling.” He confessed, his chin still resting on your shoulder.
As soon as the screen finished loading, you hit ‘play’ and said, “Well, I’m about to let a movie ruin me then.”
You were right. The movie already ruined you and you two were only half-way through. Tom had finished removing all the pins and flowers from your hair five minutes after the movie started, so he had the chance to watch the film properly.
Tom is now lying down comfortably, though he was elevated enough to watch the movie properly. You, on the other hand, are cuddling Tom. You had your head rested on his chest while he had his arm around you, his chin merely touching the top of your head.
How he managed to trick you into this you ask?
“Darling, I think you should cuddle me.” Tom requested as he ran his fingers through your hair one last time. He just finished removing all of the hairpins that managed to cause you pain and suffering all day.
“Why?” You asked appalled, not meaning to ask it with such tone.
“Because I’m shirtless and I’m cold.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have removed your shirt?”
“But it’s uncomfortable.”
“I don’t care”
“Okay, then I’ll just drive back to my hotel then, even though I’m pretty exhausted. I’m sure nothing bad will happen.” Tom sighed dramatically.
“God, you really are an actor, huh.” You snorted. “Fine, I’ll do it. I used to cuddle my friends anyway.”
“Are you friend zoning me?” He gasped, as he laid down.
“You are despicable, Holland.”
As you were half-way through the film, you can’t even remember how much you’ve cried already. You could hear the soft sniffles from the two of you as the movie progressed.
Your sniffles turned into full-on sobs when Héctor’s scene came on screen. He was singing to Chicharrón as a final ode before he passed on with no one from his family that were able to remember him.
“What the fuck is this film,” You commented in between sobs. “Why are they trying to ruin me like this?”
Tom rubbed your arm back and forth on, trying to comfort you. You were going through your packets of kleenex at rapid speed, as did Tom. You weren’t expecting to cry this much but here you are.
Tom wasn’t kidding when he said he was in bits when he saw this film.
“Tom, do you think they’ll room service us some Kleenex if we asked?” You asked him honestly, tears still spilling from your eyes. You knew your nose was red too because it started to hurt as you were continuously wiping it.
Tom laughed softly, crying too “’m not sure, darling.”
You lifted your head to take a good look at Tom, finding his eyes bloodshot red from crying and tear marks still visible from his face.
You used your thumb to wipe the tears from his face, making him laugh. “Why are you crying this much? I thought you’ve already seen the film?”
He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug, “’m not too sure. I didn’t expect I’d cry this much too.” He managed to chuckle.
“We really need to call room service for some Kleenex, Tommy.” You sniffled.
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quick side note: i actually saw coco for the first time [as i wanted to stay true to what i was writing] and i was a mess. i wasn’t lying when i wrote whatever the reader went thru bc same. 
@thomasthetankson @autty0314 @marvelous-tswiftfan @averyfosterthoughts @theolwebshooter​ @jackiehollanderr​ @sltwins​ @herondalescecilys​ @notjustpenandpaper​ @ihopethatwemeetinanotherlife​ @gothicwidowsworld​ @heartofholland​ @stxfxniexreads @peruvian-bae​ @hollands-osterfield​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ @galacticstxrdust​ @sweartomendes​ @itsjstz​ @muade-mua-de​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @snowxbarryxendgame​ @cxlpxrnia​ @notasofti​
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untilweyeetagain · 4 years
and i’ll be okay admiring from afar (max mayfield x fem! reader)
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Pairing: Max Mayfield/Fem! Harrington! Reader
Word Count: 3337
Warnings: One swear at the end, period-typical homophobia
Notes: This is so self-indulgent lmao,, I hope some of yall like it but even if you don't it doesn't matter bc I really just wrote this for me haha. title is from she by dodie
“Hey, Max, pass me the popcorn,” you whispered, aware that other people in the cinema were still trying to watch whatever movie was playing. You didn’t particularly care what the film was - you had let Max choose it because you knew that you’d spend your time staring at something other than the big screen.
The redhead grabbed the popcorn from where it rested on her lap and wordlessly passed it to you, smiling at you when you whispered your thanks before returning her attention to the movie. 
You had spent the last hour of the movie stealing surreptitious glances at the girl next to you, hoping that she was absorbed enough in the action that she didn’t notice. She was beautiful, but you already knew that. The dim lighting in the movie theatre seemed to reveal another type of beauty in her though - the way the lights from the screen danced across her features was mesmerising, and the way her eyes lit up in wonder at the screen in front of you caused your heart to skip a beat more than once.
Having lost yourself in your thoughts once more, you didn’t realise that the film had ended until you heard Max shifting next to you, grabbing her bag from where it lay at her feet. You quickly jumped into doing the same, not wanting her to know that your mind was elsewhere.
“So, how’d you like the film?” She asked as you made your way out of the cinema. You scolded yourself in your head - you should have at least paid attention to some part of the movie because she always asked the same question whenever you two went to the cinema together. 
“Um, it was great! You know I prefer comedies to action films, but it was still entertaining. What was your favourite part?” You deflected, knowing that asking that question would send her into a (very cute) ramble about all the best parts of the movie.
As predicted, she immediately launched into a speech about her favourite moments and characters in the film, gesturing wildly in her hands to explain her thoughts about a particular scene. You could honestly listen to her for hours, just to hear her sound so enthusiastic about a topic. 
You both made your way through the newly-constructed mall and out towards where your brother was going to pick you up, Max still talking about the movie and you still listening intently, hanging on to every word she said. 
Sometimes it worried you, how deeply your feelings towards Max ran, but at other times, such as now, you were just content to be in her presence, ignoring the way your heart stuttered whenever she glanced up at your face. 
When you reached the doors of the mall, you and Max made your way towards Steve’s car, finding both he and his friend/coworker Robin occupying the front seats. You pulled open the trunk of the car, grabbing Max’s skateboard and passing it to her before throwing your bag in and slamming it shut. 
Turning around, you opened your mouth to say goodbye before pale arms wrapped themselves around your torso and a mess of curly red hair was pushed into your face. You blushed heavily as you returned the tight hug, willing the redness in your cheeks to retreat before Max pulled away. 
Eventually, Max broke the hug, but before you could see her face, she spun around and skated off, shouting a goodbye into the air as she gained speed. You called out a quick goodbye too, but it was likely she didn’t hear it, as she was already quite far away.
Deciding to not question why she just ran off like that right now, you clambered into the backseat of your brother’s crappy car and he started the engine, and as he pulled out of the parking lot, Robin turned to you and asked how the movie was. You mumbled something about how it was very intense, repeating some of the things Max had said earlier, hoping that Robin would be satisfied with that answer.
After a few minutes with no reply from Robin (or any input from Steve), you sighed and rested your head on the window, wistfully watching the houses as you passed them as your thoughts turned towards Max again. You knew how you felt about her - you’d known for quite a while, and though it was hard, at first, to feel okay with having a crush on your very female best friend, you were now comfortable enough in your sexuality to admit it to yourself, even if not to others. 
The only people who knew you liked girls were, coincidentally, the other two occupants of the car, and while they both knew you liked someone, neither of them knew who (but you had a sneaking suspicion that Robin was beginning to work it out, being the observant person she was). 
It had been a great relief to be able to come out to someone you knew would be okay with it, and Robin had been the first of the pair to know, for obvious reasons. She was like the older sister you had never had, and she had comforted you when you had cried to her, still trying to figure out your sexuality - she had reassured you that she didn’t hate you and that Steve wouldn’t either. She had been there when you told Steve too, and, true to her word, Steve took it very well, and had even joked about you two being able to talk about girls together now.
“It’s Max, isn’t it?” Robin whispered, pulling you out of your reverie. Her statement shocked your thoughts into disarray, but at the same time, it wasn’t surprising that your latest parting with Max had solved the puzzle for her. 
You nodded, unable to find your voice as tears began to gather in your eyes. Your throat felt full, clogged with words you couldn't say, and your eyes started to burn with unshed tears that you refused to let go. You’d known for so long about your feelings for Max, but hearing them spoken aloud was difficult. 
Robin reached around behind her to pat your knee in a comforting gesture, and Steve met your eyes in the mirror, a soft look on his face. Just having the pair of them be so nice about it is enough for the tears to start rolling down your face, all the pent-up worry you had about telling anyone that you were crushing on your best friend evaporating as your brother and the girl who is basically your sister are both so understanding and kind about it.
After sharing a glance with Robin, Steve turns his gaze back to the road as he breaks the silencing, stating: “You should tell her - even if she doesn’t feel the same way, it’s pretty damn clear that she cares about you enough to not ostracize you because of it.”
You snort despite yourself at the words he uses - he’s clearly been hanging out with Dustin and Robin way too much if he knows what ‘to ostracize’ means. You can tell that it was intentional, that he knew the response it would garner, and you are thankful to him for easing the tension you felt. 
“It’s not that easy though, Steve. I know that she’s my best friend, but what if she decides that she doesn’t want to be my friend anymore when she finds out I like girls, let alone if she found out I liked her. I couldn’t risk our friendship by telling her. She means too much to me.”
Sighing, you turned to face the window again, trying to signal to the other two that the conversation was over. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing Max’s friendship, especially over something you could quite easily keep from her, although hiding it was becoming increasingly harder as the days passed and your feelings became stronger.
Luckily for you, neither Robin nor Steve pushed you any further, and the three of you spent the remainder of the drive to Robin’s house in silence. Once Robin was safely inside, Steve drove back to your home, which you already knew would be empty. Your parents were never home, always out on business trips or vacations, leaving the house to just you and Steve. This had made it ideal for sleepovers with the Party when you were younger, but now that you were in high school, it was more lonely than anything else.
When you got home, you went upstairs and lay on your bed, grabbing your Rubik’s cube from your bedside table and fiddling with it as your mind drifted elsewhere. It was silent except for the clicking of the cube as you played with it until a tapping on your window interrupted the peace. 
Feeling slightly confused, you got up and walked towards the window, opening the blinds to see what was making that noise. Below stood Max, a couple of pebbles in hand, just getting ready to throw another one when she noticed that you had seen her. You raced down the stairs to let her into the house, wondering what she was doing here.
“You could’ve just rung the doorbell like everyone else does. My parents are never home and Steve doesn’t care about who comes over.” She stepped around you to come in as you spoke, and once she’d propped her skateboard against the wall, she turned around to face you.
This close, you could see the tiny freckles that covered the bridge of her nose and her cheeks, and you also thought you could see a pinkness beginning to tinge her cheeks, but that must’ve been your imagination. Before you could ask her why she was here, she began to speak.
“I- when I got home earlier, my dad, he asked where I’d been, and I said out with you, and then he said that while I was out, he’d been through my things in my room and found my old diary, and- and- and he saw what I’d written in there, and then he- he said some really, really mean stuff, Y/N, and t-then he… he kicked me out because of what I’d written in there,” she was sobbing as she spoke, choking on her words as she tried to get them out, and you immediately wrapped her in her arms, trying to tell her that it was going to be okay, even though you had no way of guaranteeing that. 
She took a moment to try and catch her breath as she continued to cry, and then she began to speak again. “I had nowhere else to go, Y/N, I- I’ve got no money or clothes or anything, I just grabbed my skateboard to get out of there before he physically threw- threw me out. Please, can I stay here for tonight? I just need to let him calm down, and-” You cut her off before she could finish her sentence, pulling back from the tight hug you had wrapped her in so that you could look her in the eye as you spoke.
“Max, you can stay here for as long as you need, okay? Don’t worry, it’ll all be okay. You can borrow some of my clothes, we’re basically the same size, and you can take one of the guest rooms,” you said, trying to reassure her that it was going to be fine. 
As you were talking, you heard your brother come down the stairs to see what had happened, evidently having heard the door open and then the sounds of conversation. You briefly explained what had happened as you held Max close to you again, the redhead in question trying to calm her breathing. At your request, Steve disappeared upstairs once more, off to make sure the room Max would stay in was ready. 
“Hey, Maxie, let’s go upstairs, shall we? We can go to my room while Steve sorts out yours, and if you’re okay with it, we can talk some about what you wrote that made your dad do what he did, alright?” You coaxed her up and into your bedroom, sitting down on your bed with her. Her arms were still wrapped around you tightly as if you were her lifeline, and she hadn’t said a word since you’d started talking.
You heard her sigh as she loosened her grip on your torso, flopping bonelessly back against your pillows and reaching for your hand, wanting to maintain some sort of physical connection while she tried to explain what had caused this situation.
“First, before I tell you anything, I need you to swear to me, truthfully, that you won’t stop being my friend when I tell you this. I need you to promise me that things will stay the same between us, no matter how you feel about what I’m about to say.”
“I.. I promise, Max, but I don’t understand why this is really necessary - nothing could make me hate you or stop being your friend! You’re my best friend, Max, and nothing will change that.” It worried you slightly, how serious Max had become about this, but then again, you reasoned, she did get kicked out for this. 
“Okay. So, uh, I don’t really know how to say this… um, okay. I’ll just spit it out. Here we go. Y/N, I like girls. Not.. not boys.” Never in a million years could you have guessed that she would say that. But she had said it, and it was causing your brain to short-circuit. Max took your silence as you hated her for it though and immediately began rambling, tears forming in her eyes and falling down her cheeks.
“I- I’m sorry, I know it’s not okay or anything but I can’t help it, and-” you cut her off, tightening the grip you had on her hand as she tried to pull away. 
“Hey, hey, stop crying, alright? I was just… shocked, which is why I didn’t say anything. But I don’t hate you and I’m not gonna stop being your friend, okay? So please, please don’t worry about that. It would be quite hypocritical of me to not support you liking girls, after all.” 
You maintained eye contact with her until your own confession, when you tore your gaze down to your lap, blushing heavily. She picked up on what you had meant quite quickly, and when you glanced up at you, she was grinning widely.
“You- you mean…?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I, um, I like girls too.” 
It was a relief and a half to finally get that off your chest to someone whom you didn’t view as a sibling. There was silence between the two of you for a while, both of you trying to process what the other had just revealed. 
All you could think about was that Max likes girls, Max likes girls, she actually likes girls! and although you knew better than to get your hopes up, you did secretly wish that because she liked girls, she’d like you, but you knew it didn’t work like that.
Still, a whisper of hope remained in your heart as you spent the rest of the evening trying to distract Max from her worries with more light-hearted conversation. Steve ordered pizza when it was time for dinner, and the three of you watched some dumb game shows while eating it, laughing over the ridiculous answers some of the contestants gave.
By the time you felt tired enough to sleep, Max was already half-way dead to the world, so you supported her weight back up the stairs and then grabbed her some pyjamas to sleep in. After you were both changed, Max dragged you into her room for cuddles, still needing comfort and reassurance from you.
It didn’t take long for Max to fall asleep, but sleep seemed to be evading you - your heart was hammering too hard from your proximity to your crush for you to feel even a semblance of tiredness. 
Eventually, you began extricating yourself from Max’s grip (the girl was surprisingly strong, even in her sleep) so you could get back to your own room. When you were free of the sleeping redhead’s hold, you looked back down at her, taking in the peaceful look on her face.
She was beautiful all the time, but now, she was… breathtaking. The thin light of the moon, unobscured by unclosed curtains, danced across her features, making her seem to glow. She was an angel, then, with an aura of serenity and a halo of hair surrounding her head.
Seeing her like that, all of your control flew out of the window and you acted on impulse, leaning down from your perch beside her to lay a small, feather-light kiss upon her forehead. It lasted only a second, but that second was enough for you to feel how soft her skin was under your lips, and you wished you could kiss her all the time just to feel it again.
Your heart was racing as you forced yourself to move away from her, making your way towards the door, but you stopped dead in your tracks when you heard Max’s soft, sleepy voice from across the room.
“Did you just… kiss me?” She asked. Fuck. Clearly, she hadn’t been as asleep as you had thought. You had no idea how to respond, your mind drawing up blank as you tried to think of something, anything to say.
“... Yes,” you whispered hesitantly, still not turning to look at her even as you heard her shuffling around to be able to see you better. You knew what was about to happen - she would tell you that she didn’t like that, and would either stop being your friend, or your friendship would just be really weird from here on out.
“Come here,” she said, holding out her hand to you, and you never could say no to her, could you? You slowly made your way back to her bed, taking the extended hand and going to sit down on the bed before you found yourself being tugged to lay back down next to Max, who nuzzled her head into the crook of your neck as soon as you were close enough. 
“Why?” she asked, the word coming out slightly slurred due to her sleepy state. It was the question you had known was coming but had hoped wouldn’t be voiced.
“Because I,” you started, getting choked up on the words you had suppressed for so long. “I like you, Max. As more than a friend.” There. You said it. There was no taking it back now, but you had some reassurance in the fact that she may not remember it come morning.
You had expected Max to say something after that, so you were fairly surprised when she lifted her head and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. It wasn’t like how first kisses were always described in fiction - there were no fireworks or anything extreme like that, just a warm feeling of affection flowing between the two of you.
“I like you too,” Max murmured, pulling away from your lips and snuggling back into you. She fell asleep quickly, leaving you with your thoughts, the memory of her kiss playing on repeat in your head. Feeling tired yourself, though, you pushed your analysis of today’s events from your head to be dealt with tomorrow and cuddled into Max, finally falling asleep in the warmth and safety of her arms.
Much later in the evening, a tired Steve Harrington is making his way towards his bedroom when he sees the guest room door ajar and, feeling curious, peeks inside to see his sister and her friend tangled together in their sleep. He smiles softly, closing the door behind him as he moves away, thinking about where he’ll get the twenty bucks he now owes Robin.
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