#dont feed your dogs human peanut butter
finniestoncrane Β· 2 years
Would you be willing to do something kinda sweet and fluffy to balance out the CNC Dano!Riddler fics? I like em, I just wanna snuggle him and his stupid round head.
for you, my love, anything u-u πŸ’œπŸ’š i was like "what's cute??? PUPPIES!" and that's where this went so...i hope you like fics about eddie being a little dummy ;-;
more puppy content here
also pls i'm so grateful to the requests so far and i'm so happy to get more
Eddie grabbed at the collar of his suit jacket. It hadn't been raining that morning, but it had been a stupid decision not to wear an overcoat in Gotham of all places. And now, he was tired, weary after a day of pretending to be a mild-mannered forensic accountant, desperate to get to the secure solitude of his apartment, and he was soaked through to the bone.
Trying to shelter his face from the wind that rushed down the narrow passage of the alley he decided to take as a shortcut, Edward urged his legs to walk faster, luring himself with the promise of an all night session with his pressure note books, maybe even jump onto the stream and let loose.
With his eyes squinting through the rain that dappled and fogged his glasses, he trudged on, unaware of where he was stepping until his foot hit something soft and a sharp noise echoed against the apartment buildings on either side of him. He was just in time to see something small and brown scutter into some trash cans to his right.
Just a rat, probably.
But he was already following the whimpering, trying to find the source. Reaching a hand in behind some soggy carboard boxes, he felt around, tentatively, and snatched his arm back, shaking it in the wind and looking down at the tiny little marks on his finger. Three little puncture wounds that were already started to bleed.
He pushed the box to the side and behind it there was a small shape, shivering, on it's tiptoes in an attempt to look bigger, scarier, to ward off Edward. He grabbed it, roughly, but the scruff of it's next and it squirmed as he held it, dangling, over the puddles forming on the street. It obviously sensed the futility of it's tiny barks, as it went very quiet, resigned to whatever cruel fate it had imagined was about to befall it.
As he held it there, fate hanging in the balance, it's life, literally, in his hands, Eddie listened for any noises. Footsteps, further whines. But the rain, letting up finally, was the only thing he could hear apart from some distant sirens and the shouting from the bars down the road.
You're all alone then, huh? Me too.
Eddie placed the puppy inside of his jacket, trying to keep it sheltered from the last few drops of rain that were falling from the gloomy skies. Once home, he realised there was very little in the way of food for him, let alone his new friend. So they sat on the floor by his desk and shared half a jar of peanut butter.
He took a towel from the floor of the bathroom and dried him off as best as he could, and at contentedly rolling a crumpled ball of note paper along the floor, giggling at how the puppy would stomp after it before bringing it back to Edward, tail in the air, waiting for him to roll it again.
"It's nice to bond with someone, especially a fellow orphan. We've got a lot in common. I hope...I hope you like it here."
Edward was careful to be very calm when showing the puppy around the apartment, getting him used to the sights and sounds, the bed, the rats in their cages (who he introduced the puppy to formally), and to the mask. He was sure he'd read somewhere in a book that masks or disguises could confuse animals, but the puppy seemed to be ok, nibbling on the tip of the nose and trying to pull it off.
"Later, later! We have stuff to do."
With a pillow on his lap, and the puppy on the pillow, Eddie started up his laptop and began one of his streams. In a quieter than usual voice he started up, his same introduction of thanks and gratitude for all of their help that week.
"And this is our newest comrade!"
He held up the puppy, notifications going wild in the chat as he looked on with parental pride.
"I'm naming him Doku, like sudoku! And if anyone has anything to say about that, I'll add you to my ever-growing list of problems to eradicate. Say hi to Doku everyone!"
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kiibblle Β· 7 years
wht about you an your bf tell me abt him!! i love hearin people talk abt there s/o
ahhhh i love him so much hes so cute tonight he and his friends are getting dressed up fancy to go toΒ β€œthe mcdonalds in the nice part of town” theyre so weird i dont understand. he yells at people who are mean to me and he loves his dog and he feeds her way too much human food smh. he loves vegemite for some reason but HATES PEANUT BUTTER?? who hates peanut butter?? one time he said he had a crush on me so i made him message me off anon and now we’re dating. i like making fun of him for the way he saysΒ β€˜bed’ bc he says it like beaaad. he claps every time i burp. he really hates crunchy sounds so i make sure when im eating on skype i do it as loudly as possible because i love him. hes lactose intolerant and i also like to make fun of him for that. every time he mutes his microphone bc someone came into his room i like to say obnoxious funny things to make him laugh while hes having a Serious Conversation. He wears a spinner ring all the time n its really cute. he has a dog plush that i call cailean in my head. every time i tell him to come cuddle he saysΒ β€˜m on my way’. basically i love him with everything in me n hes the best boyfriend i could ever ever ask forΒ πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›
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