#dont get me started on why aang didn't waterbend
rosered12 · 7 months
While there's quite a few changes in the live action atla that I have thoughts and opinions on, good and bad, one that's very simple but makes me very confused is why Katara's necklace isn't mentioned at all the whole season???
Like it's definitely a part of a bigger issue of taking away Katara's anger about her mother's death and making her more mellow, but still. It would have only taken her mentioning it like once or twice and then Paku talking about it and I would've been ok, but they don't? Even though it's a kinda of a big deal in the original season but it's, relatively speaking, a small detail, I don't understand why they would leave out.
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is a brand new smau that I'm writing. Its actually my first. It's a Zuko x F!Reader pairing.
Trigger warning! If you're sensitive to things like car accidents and hospitals I'm warning you ahead of time. Read at your own risk. . .
Zuko is getting tired of his relationship with Mai. He feels it's not exactly enough, and he wants more. Though he doesn't know what. He seems to have a certain attraction to his best friend Y/N, but is too stubborn and grumpy to tell her or really talk about it at all. She likes him, but is too afraid to say anything because of his relationship with Mai. Though could things take an unexpected turn for Zuko and Y/N when something happens to her and he's afraid of losing her. . .
Special Edition Part 11. . .
Toph's P.O.V.
We walked into the hospital room walking towards the bed.
"Hey Zuko," Aang said to Zuko softly.
"Hey," Zuko spoke back to him.
Zuko was still in the chair by the bed. I'm also guessing he's still holding onto her hand.
"You look like hell," Sokka told Zuko.
"I feel like hell," Zuko told Sokka.
His voice sounded more raspy than normal. I could tell just by his voice that he was exhausted.
"Zuko, maybe you should go home and get some rest. You could even come over to our place and sleep in Y/n's bed," Aang suggested to him.
"No, I'm fine really," Zuko said to Aang.
"You're clearly not - You're exhausted, you look sick cause you haven't eaten in days, -"
"I told you guys I'm fine!" He snapped.
"Zuko, we're just concerned for you," I said to him.
"I'm not leaving her side!! I can't!!" He snapped.
None of us said anything for a minute. I could hear soft sighs from everyone. I stepped closer to the bed. I softly put my hand on her leg.
"You said she was awake, how come she's not talking to us?" I asked in worry.
"I called the doctors in right after she opened her eyes. She didn't say much. She barely even looked at me. I'm pretty sure she's still p*ssed at me for what I did. After the doctors left, she closed her eyes again and fell right back to sleep," Zuko explained.
"Is she okay? Why would she fall back to sleep right after waking up?" Aang asked in concern.
"She's probably just exhausted, - Not knowing she was in a coma for a so long. Waking up thinking it was right after the accident and then having the thought in her head that she needs sleep because of it," he answered.
"Yeah," Aang said softly.
"Dont worry guys, Y/n will be okay," Sapphire spoke encouragingly.
Though it mostly sounded like she was trying to convince herself. I cant blame her. Y/n is her sister after all.
"Um. . ."
My heart leapt as I heard that all too familiar voice. A huge smile appeared on my face.
"Y/n, you're okay!!!!" I exclaimed as I almost jumped onto the bed to give her a hug.
"Y/n!!!! I missed you so much!!!" Aang exclaimed as he joined the hug.
I honestly wish I could see her face.
"We're so glad you're okay!!!" Sokka exclaimed also joining in on the hug.
"Well, I'm glad that all of you are happy to see me, but - I just have one question," she spoke almost in confusion.
Aang, Sokka, and I leaned back from the hug.
"Sure, Y/n, you can ask us anything!" Aang told her.
I could tell he was smiling by the tone in his voice.
"Um, - who are you guys?"
My heart stopped. I could feel again, slight anger rising. How could she not remember us? We're her family. I dont give a frick if she remembers Zuko, but the rest of us. Y/n loves us. This cant be real. It just cant be. Any moment now were going to hear Momo start to talk.
Zuko's P.O.V.
I stood there immobile just staring at Y/n. I was hoping I heard that question wrong. She doesn't remember us. The woman I love doesn't remember me.
"What?" Sokka asked wanting her to repeat the question.
I couldn't talk. And I also know soon Toph is going to shout at me, blaming me for this.
"What did you say?" Toph asked her.
"Who are you guys?" Y/n asked again.
My stomach flipped upside down. My heart stopped. It almost felt like I couldn't breathe. I guarantee you if I tried to fire bend right now nothing would happen.
"DOCTOR??!!!" Sapphire shouted trying to get a doctor's attention.
Y/n was a little frightened at how she shouted like that. A couple doctors ran into the room.
"What's going on?" The doctor asked concerned.
"Y/n doesn't remember anything? Why doesn't she remember anything?" Toph asked almost in tears.
The doctor sighed, "Y/n has amnesia, the accident caused minor damage to a part of her brain -"
"Minor damage!!!! She doesn't remember us!!!! Her own friends!!!! Her own family!!!! How can you say that's minor???!!!!" Toph shouted.
Sokka walked over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Toph, it's okay, calm down," Sokka said to her calmly.
"Dont tell me to calm down!" Toph shouted to him.
"How long will this last?" Sapphire asked with worry filling her voice.
"It's hard to say right now, this could only be temporary, but there are those cases where it could end up being permanent, -"
"PERMANENT!!??" Sokka shouted.
"We're not sure how it's going to turn out yet. The only thing we can do is wait and see. It's a good thing Y/n has you guys by her side. Dont try to pressure her, just be there to remind her on a daily basis who she was, and how much you guys love her,"
"Thank you doctor," Katara said to him.
The doctor looked at Y/n.
"Can I get you anything Y/l/n?" He asked her.
"Uh, maybe a glass of water, would be okay," she responded.
"Of course,"
The doctor walked out of the room.
"So, you really dont remember who we are?" Aang asked Y/n sadly.
"Like at all?" Katara added.
"No, I'm sorry," she spoke softly.
"I'm your sister Y/n, - you're saying you dont remember me?" Sapphire asked her sadly.
"I have a sister?"
"What about me?! You've gotta remember me?! I'm Toph, we're best friends! - We used to duel by Earthbending and Waterbending! -"
"I'm an Earthbender?" Y/n asked with a confused smile.
"No! You're a waterbender!!! How can you not remember me?!" Toph asked angrily.
"I'm sorry Toph, - I know your name because you told me what it was, - but I dont remember anything else. I wish I did," Y/n stated in a sad tone.
More anger crossed Toph. She turned to me in her anger.
"I'M GONNA KICK YOUR A*S ZUKO!!!" Toph shouted to me.
She ran out of the room in her anger.
"I'll go after her," Katara volunteered.
I sighed as she left.
"So, who's that attractive young man over there who's not saying anything? Who was holding my hand yesterday?" Y/n asked with a soft smile as she looked at me.
I couldn't help but to look at her.
"Attractive?" I asked softly as I walked closer to her.
All she did was smile.
"That's your boyfriend," Suki told her.
I quickly snapped my head to look at her. Y/n looked at me smiling.
"Really?" She asked in a hopeful tone.
"No, I'm not your boyfriend-"
She sounded like she was disappointed. I sheepishly rubbed my neck.
"We actually weren't on good terms before the accident," I told her.
"Why not?"
She looked confused.
"I'd rather not say," I said to her.
"Y/n, please say you remember me, -"
"Aang if she doesn't remember her own sister there's no way, she's going to remember you," Sapphire said to her.
I could hear the hurt hidden in her voice. I somehow feel like they all blame me for this.
"I'm Aang, - I'm the Avatar - You were my best friend," Aang said to her trying to help her jog her memory.
She looked fascinated.
"You're the Avatar? - Well, that would explain the airbending tattoos," Y/n stated.
A sadness crossed over Aang.
"You really dont remember anything?" Sapphire asked.
"No, I'm sorry - but maybe if you guys take a seat and tell me about yourselves, it might help to job my memory," she spoke in a hopeful voice.
They all agreed to her suggestion.
"Hey handsome guy, what do you say?" Y/n asked me with a flirtatious smile.
A nervous look crossed me.
"Uh, sure," was the only thing I could say.
I sat down in the chair next to her bed. I cleared my throat anxiously. I was just hoping that nothing came up about what I did to her before the accident. I dont want her to have a bad image of me before she actually remembers how much of an a*s I am.
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If you want to be apart of the taglist message me or reply. I'd be happy to add you
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is the sequel to my first Zuko X F! Reader pairing smau.
Trigger Warning: Mentions of car accident. Revenge. Also mature. If you are sensitive to that kind of thing, you're warned ahead of time. Read at your own risk. . .
After the car accident and problems she had with her friends, Y/n, gets to experience what it's like to be a mother and have a family of her own. And finally live of life she's always wanted, but is it really all fun and games?
End Special Edition Part 9. . .
Part 10 coming soon. . .
Chloe's P.O.V.
I stood by the desert table with my friends and my new husband Zuko.
"Hey, Y/n/n, now that you're married, are you gonna use that as another excuse to ignore me? I mean you already moved away from home?"
My twelve year old little sister asked me as she walked over to me. I smiled softly.
"I'm sorry Fay, I'm not intentionally ignoring you, I'm just busy hon," I told her.
"I know, -"
She hugged me.
"I'm just teasing, -"
She leaned back from me.
"What are you guys talking about?" Fay asked curiously.
"Zuko, was just questioning our wedding cake," I answered.
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Fay laughed.
"Why? It looks great," Fay stated.
"Thank you Fay, - At least someone appreciates it," Suki said annoyed.
"I like it Suki," I told her.
"Thank you," she said to me.
"Okay, I'm sorry Suki, I like the fact that you made the four layers the four different nations in honor of our friends. Fire: obviously me; Earth: Toph; Water: Y/n, Sapphire and Katara; and Air: Aang. You even added a small boomerang for Sokka, and a fan to represent you, - But what I dont get is, why you added a homemade candy that looks like Aang," Zuko told Suki.
"Aang, asked me to," Suki said to Zuko.
"But why?"
"Because we're best friends and I though you'd like to have a small symbol that shows how much I love you guys," Aang told Zuko.
"Thanks Aang,"
Zuko had a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I elbowed him slightly. I smiled as I looked at Aang.
"Its great Aang, thank you," I said to Aang.
"Well, instead of just standing here talking about, let's dig into this cake!" Sokka exclaimed excitedly.
"Wait, first I have to shove some into Zuko's face," I spoke with a smile.
All of us jumped slightly as a blue blast of fire was shot right at the desert table destroying everything, and blowing up the cake, making it go all over us.
"The icecream!!!" Shouted Aang horrified.
"The cake!!!!" Sokka shouted mortified.
"I guess Zuzu, forgot to invite me,"
I was horrified to hear that voice. We all turned to see Azula and Mai. Oh great! Zuko was enraged. He formed his hands into fists, creating fire getting ready to shoot her with fire.
"Fay, go find Dad, I dont want you to be a part of this!" I demanded.
"But Y/n I want to help," Fay complained.
"No! Go find dad!"
She grunted in frustration running to find dad. I know Azula's not after her. I just dont want her caught in the crossfire. Fay is a non-bender. And even though she works with Suki, Ty-Lee and Sokka on a daily basis, training to become a warrior shes not ready to fight in a battle yet. Especially against Azula.
"I didn't forget, you weren't invited! - And neither were you Mai!" Zuko told them in a soft stern voice.
"Ah come on Zuko, you know you still have feelings for me, - just admit it - you don't need her," Mai told Zuko.
"You're wrong - I love Y/n more than I ever did you, - That'll never change, - "
Mai looked beyond enraged. Azula just had a knowing smile sit on her face. Every single one of us got into a fighting stance.
"And you both might as well just walk away now, seeing as you're clearly outnumbered," Zuko told them.
"Oh that's where your wrong Zuko, - "
Suddenly we were surrounded by Dia Lee Agents. Ah sh*t!
"You remember my dear friends - The Dia Lee? - They've agreed to help me again, - So here's the way I see it Zuzu, you take Mai back as yours or we kill everyone here - including your new "wife" -"
Zuko shot a huge flame at Azula blasting her back. I guess that was the trigger for the Dia Lee to attack. Everyone around us started to fight even the non-benders. I'm just hoping my dad took Fay away from all this. I moved away from Zuko, to fight one of the Dia Lee agents. Luckily we're surrounded by water, so us waterbenders had plenty of amo. After blasting back one of the Dia Lee agents and freezing him to the ground, I turned around to see Mai behind me. She held her weapons.
"Mai, you're better than this - Why are you doing this?" I asked her.
"You know why - Zuko was mine long before he was yours and you took him away from me. It was your fault why he betrayed me," Mai said to me.
"The fault lies with you Mai - Zuko told me about wha my you did. - Trying to keep my accident away from him - Why is that I wonder? - You thought that if I'd died, it would get me out of the way - So you wouldn't have to worry about Zuko talking to me anymore?"
"It seemed like a good idea at the time,'
"Be careful Mai, I might think you had something to do with it,"
"Oh please, like could do something so stupid,"
"Right - Right -"
I smirked deviously.
"That was my bad entirely -"
I was holding my arms in a waterbending fighting stance.
"You're not gonna give this up are you?"
"I'm sorry - I can't - Zuko belongs to me,"
Mai glanced at someone behind me, motioning to them with her eyes. Confusion crossed me as I stood there. Just before I could do anything, my arms were quickly grabbed and my hands were cuffed my rock. I struggled against the Dia Lee's grip. I was hoping someone would come help me, but everyone around me was a little busy. Azula was distracting Zuko, and everyone else was dealing with the Dia Lee.
"Mai, please - Cant we find another way to settle this?"
"No, - I'm sorry Y/n, but Zuko's always belonged to me, - and I can't have anyone else in the way,"
Mai was suddenly blasted back by a huge flame of fire.
"Well, you're sh*t outta luck honey, because now we're in the way,"
I smiled as I saw her. I looked behind me as the Dia Lee agent was also blasted back. The other girl used Firebending to break the rock cuffs. I stood to my feet with a soft smile. They both hugged me.
"Sorry I took us this long to see you again, - You know how busy we can be,"
I smiled as I looked at Jami. Jami and Montana. Two of my best friends since we were kids. Though we got separated as we got older and lost contact.
"That was a close one Y/n/n," Montana said to me with a smile.
"Yes it was, - now before we get into any small talk, let's go help the rest of my friends - You guys go help Aang and them,"
"What are you gonna do?" Jami asked me.
"Me? I'm gonna go help Zuko kick Azula's a*s," I stated seeming like I was really going to enjoy this.
🔥 🔥 🔥
We managed to fight them all. Azula and Mai retreated with the Dia Lee. They didn't surrender, they just turned back for now. Azula wont give up that easily. We watched as they all disappeared into the distance. Zuko had his arm around me protectively. Jami and Montana stood with us. Zuko turned to them.
"I want to thank you guys for helping Y/n, back there with Mai," Zuko said to them.
They both smiled.
"Oh, no problem - Y/n's like our family, there's nothing we wouldn't do for her," Jami said to him.
"Me too," Zuko stated.
I looked at Zuko.
"Well, now we are family," I said to him softly as I wrapped my arms around him.
Zuko placed a soft kiss to my head. Iroh walked over to us.
"I am afraid the Fire Nation is no longer safe for Y/n and your baby, Zuko," Iroh said to him.
"But Iroh, this is our home we have no where else to go," I told him as I looked at him.
"That is where you're wrong, there is my apartment in Ba Sing Se. It is the safest place for you right now, - for both you," Iroh told us.
I sighed disappointed.
"I guess we dont have a choice," I stated.
If you want to be apart of the taglist message me or reply. I'd be happy to add you
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