#dont get me wrong i enjoy both games and love fashion dreamer even as just dress up but it makes me a lil sad
hologramken · 11 months
aaaaa i keep thinking about fashion dreamer and the free updates. i could be okay with having less features than style savvy since they are different games and blah blah blah. i hate that games will add entire game modes like maybe a month or two after release. like if it was a year or more i could see if as treating players and renew interest, but right after release makes it feel unfinished. if it was just new clothes i wouldn't feel unfinished/as bad, but with fashion shows/contests maybe being added i wish it was day one that would unlock with progress. i mean if they were worried about people spoiling the game people have already beat the game like day one so i dunno. i am excited for more content since i do feel its a lil empty and want side content, but i hate this trend of shipping more stripped down games to later add shit. esp since like styling star is unable to play legally due to servers going down. like how much of this game will be unplayable due to servers going down. obvs i still love playing and like the game but some thoughts
I do wonder if fashion dreamer started as that fashion mobile game since the gameplay loop and ui give off mobile game vibes. i am so glad that they decided on a console game if that's the case
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