#dont have a playlist for any sw shit but if i did that would be the first song on it
otasnox · 6 months
obi-wan thinking abt how he failed anakin post-rots to me. if you even care
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spacewolfqueen · 7 years
Tagged by @darthdarceyy !!! Thanks for tagging me!! 
1.Who do you think apologies first? Ben or Rey?
I see it as Rey being the first to voice it. But I think Ben’s actions will say it first. Like he’ll do something that shows Rey he regrets how things went. But Rey is more comfortable voicing her emotions so I think she’ll say it out loud first. 
2. Write a short story paragraph of what you think Ben and Rey’s first kiss will actually be like? 
Oh snap... Shit. Let’s pretend they just finished a super intense fight scene but I’m not gonna write that part. So just imagine them standing in the middle of a battlefield after the enemy is destroyed. 
Ben’s warm amber eyes stared at her, rooting her to the spot. The heat in his gaze filled her veins with fire. The last time she’d seen him with such an intense look, she’d ran, searching for a distraction. But there was nothing here to distract her, no rebels facing impeding doom to save her from that look or the man behind it. 
“Ben, I-” Rey fumbled for a coherent thought or some sort of an excuse, anything to buy her time.
It only took two long strides for him to close the distance, to stand before her like a black tower. His lips parted as his eyes searched hers. Perhaps he was looking for an excuse as well, something, anything to deny the energy sizzling between them. 
“Rey,” his voice was just a breath escaping through his full lips, drawing her attention to them and then back to his molting eyes. His breath brushed against her skin like a warm caress, teasing and tempting her. 
Reaching out, Rey placed one hand on his chest, hesitant at first. When he didn’t pull back, she spread her fingers wider, feeling the muscles that tensed at her touched. His chest rose and fell in a steady pace as if he weren’t affected by the tension between their bodies. The hammering of his heart told a different story. 
With her other hand, Rey reached out to trace his scar; the wound she’d inflicted long since healed but the memory behind it still very present, at least for her. 
Perhaps it was the adrenaline coursing through her veins or perhaps a moment of seer insanity. Rey didn’t know, didn’t care. She stretched up on her tiptoes and pulled his face down until their lips met. 
It was brief but soft. Gentle yet scorching. As she stepped back down, heat flushed her cheeks and she looked away, too unsure of her actions to meet Ben’s penetrating eyes. 
“I- I’m sorry. I don’t-”
In a flash, Ben wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against his hard form, cutting off her apology. He crushed his lips over hers, claiming her mouth with his own. 
The thought burned through Rey’s mind like a lighting bolt, powerful and blinding, blocking out all other thoughts and leaving her momentarily blinded. 
It wasn’t Ben’s voice in her head this time as Rey tangled her fingers in his thick black hair. The thought was all her own. 
Both their voices rang through each other’s minds claiming one another mentally as they claimed one another physically. 
Took more than a paragraph but I tried. Lol. That last line is a bit meh but I didn’t know how to wrap it up. 
3. What other pairings do you love?
Currently? None like Reylo. Reylo has taken control of my life. But I also love Jamie and Claire from Outlander (both the books and the TV show) and Mac and Barrons from the Fever series (I highly HIGHLY recommend these books)
4. Do you think Rey and Kylo are both virgins? (lol i do) What do you actually think the first time will be like?
I honestly do think they’re both virgins which is a bit refreshing. I think they’re first time will be... soft? I guess is the word. Soft but passionate. I don’t think it’s something either of them will rush into. While I think they’ll make out hot and heavy, I think the first time they have sex, they’ll both be like “are you sure” and “is this okay” but once they get past that first bit of awkwardness, the passion will kick in. 
5. When did you fall in love with Reylo?
Before TFA to be honest. I wasn’t much into SW before Reylo. I used to be on Tumblr for the ship Amorra (Amon x Korra from The Legend of Korra) a ship that has lots of similar traits as Amorra. So fellow Amorrians kept telling me I needed to watch TFA because I would ship Reylo. Since I wasn’t super into SW, I didn’t get around to seeing TFA for awhile but I did enjoy Reylo fanart and gifsets and such. Then once I finally saw TFA I got into reading fics and into slowly took over my life.
6. Imagine you were in Rey’s position in the Force Awakens during the interrogation scene? How do you think you would have reacted to Kylo threatening you and demanding Luke?
Pretending like I don’t have to keep it rated PG-13, I would have cussed him out and threatened him lol
7. An AU where Ben and Rey meet every time by reincarnation or whatever. Where are they?
Uhhhhhhh. Hm. I’m just gonna go with a biker bar since I’m writing an AU biker fic right now
8. What do you think it would be like in episode 9 if Luke had lived ?
Oh damn. I’ve never thought of this. I think Luke would probably have “retired” I mean he basically faced his past and learned to forgive himself for his mistake. But I think he would have told Leia the truth about what had happened that night. And then once Ben and Rey got together and Ben sees Luke again, I think Ben would forgive him because Ben’s dealt with/learned from his past too. 
9. Do you agree that Hux might be the biggest bad guy in 9?
Not biggest. But I think he’ll be one of the biggest. I think the biggest will be Kylo/Ben overcoming his fear/learning to forgive himself. I think 9 will focus more on finding balance than destroying the dark. But I think Hux is gonna get in the way of Ben/Rey finding the balance so they’ll have to face him as a “big bad”
10. What do you think Ben and Rey’s first meeting in 9 will be like after everything that’s happened?
I honestly think it’ll happen during Leia’s funeral. So instead of them yelling or arguing, I think they’ll find comfort in each other. And then later on they’ll have to deal with everything that happened between them. But I think Leia’s funeral will kind force them to put all that crap to the side for a moment. But because it brings them together, it’s also going to force them to deal with the crap (maybe not right away) instead of trying to ignore it. If that makes sense. 
11. What do you head cannon Reylo baby to look like? Boy or girl?
I honestly haven’t really thought about this. But genetically speaking, they’ll probably have twins since twins skip a generation. I think a boy and a girl. The girl would have Ben’s hair that he secretly loves braiding all the time. The boy would look like Rey but with Ben’s ears. 
OMG. I suck at tagging. 
@reylobitch @lonelyspacebabies @27vampyresinhermind @damnitskywalkers @im-reylo-trash-and-i-dont-care @violetwilson @redheadnerdrage @reylocalligraphy @monsterleadmehome @ididntwanttoshipit @black-diamond96
^I don’t talk to all of you but I see you on my dash so don’t feel pressured to do this if you don’t want to!
Your questions are (I’m mixing the Reylo with some personal)
1. What is your favorite canon Reylo moment?
2. Do you have any pets? What’s their name? Pic?
3. What are you usually doing on a Friday night?
4. What Reylo fic(s) are you currently reading? (if any)
5. Of all the Reylo content you’ve made (art, fic, meta, etc.) what’s your favorite? Link?
6. Do you have a Reylo music playlist you listen to? What’s on it?
7. “My favorite thing about the Reylo ship/fam is....”
8. What’s your drink of choice?
9. What are you doing when you’re not fangirling over Reylo?
10. Besides Star Wars, what other movies/books/shows do you obsess over?
11. How do you think ep IX will end? 
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