#dont make me draw them muther
sakiblack · 1 year
Choose me
part 1
Neteyam x human reader
Aonung x human reader
This story will have more endings.Some of them being;choosing Neteyam;choosingAonung......
It will probably have 4 endings.
skxawng (Idiot) Kxetse (sun) tsaheylu (the bond with an ikran or other animals) Mawey (calm,calm down)
Words that look like this are spoken in the na'vi language.
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Jakes pov.
The forests of Pandora…Hold many dangers.But the most dangerous thing about Pandora….is that you may grow to love her too much.We sing the song cord to remember.Each beat,a story in our life.A beat for the birth of our son.Neteyam. A beat when we adopted our daughter Kiri.Born of Graces avatar.A daughter whose conception was a totas mystery.A beat for the first communipn with Eywa.The people say we live in Eywa and Eywa lives in us.The great muther holds all her children in her heart.Happiness is simple.But who would have thought a jarhead like me could crak the code?Before i knew it we had 4.When we sent the sky people back to Earth A few of them stayed.Sience guys loyal to the na'vi.
And then there was Spider and y/n.They were just stuck here.Too young for a cryo-capsule.Orphaned by the war they were rased by the lad guys.They werent a part of out family.They were like 2 stray cats.Just always around insaperable from our kids. To Neytiri Spider would always be alien. One of them
(Kiri,Loak,Neteyam,y/n and Spider playing as Neytiri and Jake watch them)
Neytiri:He belongs to his own kind.
This is where the the two of them are different.Neytiri sees y/n as her own.Probably cus when she was young she almost died.And just like Grace she had to pass the test of Eywa.But unlike Grace she did pass…..that is why Neytiri sees her as a part of her own.Being connected to Eywa in a way.
(Loak and Kiri fighting with y/n siting next to Jake as he watches the 2 fight)
Loak:Its mine!I had it first!
Kiri:Why should i let you have it?
It took some years to get used to the language through my thick skull.
Loak:Its mine!
Kiri:Loak you liar.Let me have it!
But now when i hear it might as well be English.
Loak:I hate you!
Kiri:Well i hate you times infinity Loak!Penis face!
Jake:Hey!Hey!That is enough.Dont make me come over there.
(Jake teaching Neteyam how to catch a fish)
Jake:He is ganna come out of there from behind the big rocks.There he is.There you go.Go get it!Yeah!Hey Neteyam the mighty fisherman.Thats a good boy.Wow.Wow that is a big one.
Neteyam:By the rocks , just like you said.
(Jake measuring Neteyam as Kiri,Loak,Spider and y/n watch)
y/n:How tall is he?
Jake:He is …that tall.
Loak:Wow he is tall!
Goes by too fast.Like a dream.
(Jake,Neytiri,Kiri,Loak,Neteyam ,Tuk and y/n taking a photo)
Jake:Come on
Neteyam:Smile skxawng.
Happiness is simple.Like date night.Time away from the kids.
But a thing about happiness…..it can vanish in a hearbeat.A new star in the night sky.It can only mean one thing.Ships.Decelerating.And the sky people returning.
Your pov.
y/n:Tuk! Tuk! Get back here im still not done with it!
I yelled as i was running after Tuk.She wanted me to make her a toy ikran so she could play with it.But before i could finish it Tuk took it and started to run away.
Tuk:I like it just like this!
She yelled looking back at me.
y/n:But Tuk its not finished!
Just as i yelled that Tuk took a sharp turn.Im never going to get her like this.I might be taller then her but she is faster.I stoped running and looked around as i heard someone .
Spider:Hey sis come hire!
It was Spider.As i looked at him i could see him sitting in a tent with Kiri drawing blue stripes on him.I smiled as i started to walk to both of them.
Kiri:Hey y/n.Do you want blue stripes on you as well?
y/n:No thank you.You know i dont like them on me.
Spider:But you would be faster.Like im definetly faster when im blue.
Kiri:You skxawng.
Spider:Seriosly and the animals respect me more.They dont think of me as  human.
y/n:Wait your human?
Spider:Ha ha.
Said Spider as he splashed some blue liquid on my face.
Kiri:Hahahah you two are skxawng.
Just then i could hear ikrans and someone blow in the horn.
Tuk:Kiri,Spider,y/n They are comming.The war party is back!Come on!
Yelled Tuk as she came to us and then started to run to the war party after we all got up.
Kiri:Come on.
Said Kiri as we all made our way to the ikrans that just came back.
Yelled Tuk as Neytiri got off of her ikran.
Neytiri:Tuk Tuk Tuk.
She said hugging Tuk.
Jake:Fall in!
Yelled Jake as Loak got off of his own ikran.Neteyam did as well but he go off of Jakes ikran.
Jake:You are supposed to be spotters.You spot bogeys and call them in.From a distance!
Yelled Jake.I could hear anger in his voice as i got to them and was now standing next to him.
Jake:Does any of that sound familier?Jesus i let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobay direst orders.
Said Jake as i looked at Neteyam.He was hurt.I took a step towards him and started to look at his injuries.Kiri did the same.
Jake:Kiri , y/n can you go help grandmother with the wounded.
Kiri:My brother is wounded.
Neteyam:Kiri its fine.
Jake:Tuk go with them go.
Said Jake as Kiri sighed and started to walk to grandmothers tent with Tuks hand in hers.I gived one last look at Neteyam as he noded at me to which i turned and started to walk after Tuk and Kiri.
Neteyam:Sir i take full responsibility.
Jake:Yeah you do becauseyour the oldest you gatta act like it.
That was the last thing i heard.Neteyam really needs to stop taking the blame for Loak.I love him but he is stupid a lot of times and Neteyam just needs to take the blame for the stupid things he does.
It did not take long to get to grandmas tent.There were not a lot of warriors in it just 2 well only 1 since one of them was already pached up.Kiri helped Grandma with the last warrior and after a little the man left and Spider and Neteyam came in.
Spider:Yuhu guess who is back.
I said as i got up and made my way to him.
Spider:I was looking for«Spider oh dear Eywa i missed you« but okay go to him first.
Said Spider as Kiri started to laugh and pulled Spider to  sit next to her.
y/n:You are more hurt then i thought.
Neteyam:I am fine Kxetse.
y/n:How stupid are you.You cant just go to the battlefield.You could have died.
I said as i pulled to the ground and start to look for something to put on his wounds.
Neteyam:Im sorry.I just did not want Loak to get hurt.
He said looking at the ground.
y/n:….Do not be sorry.Im just worried about you.Just try not to be so stupid next time.
Neteyam:So your not mad at me?
He asked as he looked back at me with a big smile.I hit his head and took a seat next to him as i started to pach him up.Grandma started to put somethings on his back as well and not long after Loak came.
Neteyam:Aw.Aw .Aw!
Loak:Owwww want y/n to give you a kiss on the boo boo.
Said Loak as Neteyam hissed at him.
Kiri:I would use Yalnabark.
Grandma:Oh you would?And who is Tsahik?
Kiri:You are Grandma.Move.
Said Kiri as she pushed Loak.
Kiri:You are grandma but yalnabark is better.It stings less.
Said Kiri as grandma started to put more things on Neteyam.
Neteyam:Aw Aww!
y/n:Oh shush Net.
Loak:Mighty worrior.
Said Loak as i looked at him.
y/n:Oh shut it Loak or do you want me to put some on you?
I asked as i raised the small pot in my hand with the medicine I made inside.I am not a healer and the madicine i mahe is pretty bad but Neteyam still lets me put it on him.Even if it makes him feel even worse somethimes.
Loak:No thank you!
Spider:Bro your really scared of the madicine she made hm?
Loak:Spider did you ever try it?It is the worse!
Said Loak as i looked to the ground.I knew he did not want to make me sad but i still felt a little hurt.Spider peted my head as Neteyam looked at me.
Neteyam:Well i think its great.Aw!
Loak:Yeah your a bad lier.
Said Loak as i got up and started to walk to him.
Loak:Oh no dont come to me with that in your hand!
Yelled Loak as he started to run away.
y/n:Oh come back hire you baby!
I yelled as i started to run after him.
Kiri:Stop running!
Loak:But she wants to put that on me!
Kiri:I dont care dont be a baby and let her i can see your a little hurt on your right arm!
y/n:Yeah Loak its going to help.
Loak:Agh fine.
Loak:Aw. Awwwwwwwwww!!
Neteyam:Oww poor you want a kiss on the boo boo?
Asked Neteyam as he was now all pached up and Loak was the one getting pached up.
Loak:Shut it.Y/N im fine stop!
y/n:Hehehe okay okay.
I said as Loak got up.
Spider:Her guys wanna go to the lab?
Kiri:I would love too.
Loak:Yeah i guess just get me out of hire.I dont wanna see that thing ever again.
Said Loak looking at my madicine.
Spider:Sis wanna come with us?
Asked Spider as Kiri and Loak already started to walk out of the tent.
y/n:Oh i would love to but i need to..
I started as i looked at Neteyam.
y/n:I need to finish Tuks toy.
Spider:Oh okay then see you later then.
Said Spider as he walked out.
Neteyam:Finish Tuks toy?
Asked Neteyam with a smile on his face.
y/n:Well i had to say something.
Neteyam:And telling him the truth would not work?
y/n:You know how he gets.If i told him your taking me on a ride he would kill me.
I said as Neteyam started to laugh.
Neteyam:Well your right.So can we go?
y/n:Yes yes lets go.
I said as we both started to walk out of the tent.Grandma went out with Tuk some time ago so noone was in the tent when we left.We were walking for a little bit before we got to the rocks the ikrans were on.Neteyam called his ikran and he was next to us in no time.
y/n:Hey boy.
I said as i peted the ikrans head.
Neteyam:He likes you a lot you know.
I said as i was still peting his head.Neteyam got up on his ikran and looked down at me.
He said as he offered me his hand to help me get up.I took his hand and i was on the ikran in to time.
y/n:Why do i have to sit in front of you?
Neteyam:Well if you were taller you would be sitting behind me.But cus your just a little taller then Tuk you have to sit in front of me.
y/n:Ha ha ha.Real funny.
Neteyam:Heh sorry but your more safe this way Kxetse.
y/n:I know i know.Can we go now?
Neteyam:Heh yes yes.Hold here.Dont move around until we are in the air.If you feel strange scared hurt or anything tell me.Dont let go of the saddle and…
I said as he looked down at me.
y/n:I get it.Dont worry.
Neteyam:Yeah sorry.
He said as he sighed.He yipped as the ikran started to fly.It was not long before we were up in the air.It was perfect.It was close to eclips and i could already see the stars in the sky.
y/n:Wow.Its beautiful.
Neteyam:Mhm.It really is.
He said as i could feel his gaze on me.
y/n:You are so lucky.You can do this all day.I wish i could.
Neteyam:Mhm i really am lucky.
He said his gaze still on me.
y/n:You think i could get an ikran?
I asked as i looked back at him.It seemed as if he had came out of his day dream world.
Neteyam:Well you cant make tsaheylu.So i dont think it would work. Tsaheylu is very important.
y/n:I know…….i just wish i could.
I said as his arms tightened around me.
Neteyam:Hey i can take you for a ride any time you would like.I do not mind.
y/n:Thank you Net your the best.
Neteyam:You think so?
y/n:Mhm…..the best.
I said as i leaned against him.It was silent for some time.Not him nor me said anything for some time.It was just the sound of the wind and some animals under us.
Neteyam:We should go back.Its getting late……y/n?You good?
y/n:Shut it im trying to sleep.
Neteyam: You are trying to sleep while you are leaning against me?
I said as i heard a chuckle.
Neteyam:Then rest my Kxetse.
He said.That was the last thing i heard before i went to my dream world.I was woken up by someone talking.
Spider:You took her to fly?With an ikran!?
Neteyam:Spider calm down we dont wanna wake her up do we?
Spider:What ever.Just dont do it again.What if she got hurt.Or worse what if she fell of?
Neteyam:Do not make me think those things.
Spider:Well you need to consider them.
Kiri:Mawey.Let the girl sleep.
I could hear Kiri say as i could hear someone walk out of the tent which  i guessed i was in.
Kiri:Neteyam….Be more careful.If you wanna take her out on a date dont let Spider know.
Neteyam:Its not a date!
Kiri:Shhhh.You dont wanna wake your girlfriend up do you?
Kiri:Okay okay i will stop.But you should go rest as well.Mom and dad wanna take you out training tomorrow right.
Neteyam:Yes.Im going.
Kiri:Bye bye lover boy.
Said Kiri as i could hear someone hiss.Im sure it was Neteyam.I felt a small smile on my face.I am not sure if it is cus of their funny talk or maybe cus Kiri teasing Neteyam about us being something and him being so shy about it.
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I'm plotting
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