#dont suddenly message a girl that you want to provide and get married
xemyalistra · 4 months
telling a man that you're not interested in a situationship because its a waste of time and they say you're going a bit "too crazy." me "going crazy about it" was me calmly explaining that it wouldn't work and i wasn't interested. also starting the conversation with wanting to provide for me "as my husband" and how you're planning our honeymoon already before your brain is fully developed, and before you even truly know me, smells like divorce papers and resentment simmering on the back of the stove.. "im just asking because i'd clear my roster for you if you wanted to have a situationship again" you're joking..... you're joking.
me calmly explaining btw
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baekhvuns · 4 years
Bad boy | Baekhyun XII
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( series masterlist )
part twelve.
word count : above 1.5k
pairing : baekhyun x reader
theme ( s ) : ANGST.
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“What’s going in here huh?”
Yuna asked as she twirled her glass of champagne, I looked at Baekhyun in shock and he did not utter a word.
“Ah Yuna don’t worry! We were just playing a game we used to play when we all were in high school!” Eunhye came to our rescue, I but my lip and looked at Eunhye as she gave me a sly wink.
“A game? This close? Baekhyun?” She looked at Baekhyun who smiled softly, “That’s the whole point of the game, you make the other embarrassed.” He said as we all nodded, catching on to whatever he was narrating.
“Yea!” We all said simultaneously as Yuna rose her eyebrows before looking at me, eyes gazing up and down.
“Ah Yuna, don’t worry! I wasn’t planning on playing anyway!” I said, I wasn’t wrong, he came up to me
She walked away but before she did, she looked at each and everyone of us. But I know she looked at me with an unreadable expression.
“I’ll go up early.” I said before walking out this hall with my mind all over the place.
What is Byun Baekhyun doing?
Okay but do you mind it?
I quickly shut the thoughts away before walking towards the car, “Joohyun! Joohyun! Wait!”
I turned around to see Baekhyun running towards me, “What?” I snapped as he catches his breath and leaned his hand on the car.
“I’m sorry for whatever I did today and for well . . Yuna.”
“That’s fine, I understand it’s weird to see someone’s fiancé with a different women.”
“Yea but you are not a different women..” Baekhyun muttered as you catched onto this words.
“Then what am I Byun Baekhyun? The girl who you fired? Huh? Why did you invite me here! At your wedding? In the country I told you was my dream?!” I yelled, not caring the fact that tears threatened to fall out of my eyes.
He stayed quiet as I scoffed, “Baekhyun, answer me!” I yelled as he his hardened gaze looked at my face.
“Can we please forget the pas—“
“NO! Let me make it clear to you Baekhyun, you left me when I told you who I was! You didn’t even contact me, message me or even stop me from going that day! and heck you sent me your marriage invitation?!”
“Byun Baekhyun answer me!” My tears were all over my face as I held onto both of Baekhyun’s shoulders demanding for an answer
“I DID!” He looked at me, “I did try to reach you, I asked everyone where you went! Where your address was! Where you worked but nothing worked!” He ran his hand through his hair and took a few steps back.
“What are you saying?” I asked looking at him with widened eyes, he scoffed before continuing.
“I looked at everywhere you possibly could be, but I couldn’t find you! It’s like you wiped your existence out my world!”
“I begged and begged everyone where you were! But there was no avail!” He yelled, he took a deep breathe, “So I thought you had moved on, a deep mistake.”
“I moved to Greece because it would make me feel closer to you! And then I found Yuna, and I got to know her well. I thought since you had moved in, I would too.”
“So I started to go on dates with her, every date with her would remind me the things you did. Every little action or an intimate moment.”
I scoffed, “And then one day, I decided to ask her to marry me. That’s when I found out that Eunhye was in contacts with you, but it was too late. . . I was engaged.”
“—and the only thing you could do was call me here for your wedding. . . . So you could see me one last time?” I said as he nodded slowly
“You thought I moved on from you, truth is, I tried too. But I couldn’t help and remember you and what you would and wouldn’t have done!” I said before wiping the tear that rolled over my cheeks, his teary eyes now exchanging looks with me
“Tell me what to do Joohyun, tell me what to do.”
I sat inside the car and closed the door, “Nothing Baekhyun, it’s too late now.” I motioned the diver to start driving, as the car started to move.
I could see his lifeless face looking at me through the mirror, wiping all the tears that had rolled down. I leaned backwards and closed my eyes.
I can’t do this anymore.
Next day.
I hadn’t left my room since I came back. I decided that I would leave for Korea on the 27, on the day of his wedding. So that I wouldn’t be there after, to see his face again.
“Joohyun? Can I come in?”
“Hi, yea come in.” I looked towards the door as Sehun walked through them and jumped on the bed.
“You.” He pointed his finger to me, “And Baekhyun.” Oh no, did he hear us yesterday?
“What’s wrong with you guys?! You haven’t come downstairs and he hasn’t stepped inside the house!” He sat on the bed huffing as I chuckled at his complaint.
“There’s nothing wrong, I was too tired to get out of bed.” He looked at me and gave me the stare, we called it the “I-dont-believe-you” face
“I don’t know about him, he probably has work.”
“Joohyun, you can’t lie to me you know?” He looked at me as I smiled at him, he sighed in defeat and kicked the floor.
“All I’ll say is, don’t leave what was meant for you.”
In the span of two days, I avoided Baekhyun. Sometimes when I was thirsty at night, I’d make my way towards the kitchen to grab a drink but instead bumped into him.
He tried to talk to me, but I would move past him. Other times, everyone would play random games which would sometimes put us in the same team.
“Ah Joohyun! That’s not how you do it! Follow what Baekhyun is doing!”
I looked up to see his face, expressionless, before he started to do the steps and I copied.
Moments like these only hurt me, and hurtled him too. Yuna would give me her constant glares and cling on to his arm whenever I was in the room.
And now, today was the day. It was Baekhyun’s wedding day.
Eunhye had came to my room and got ready here, “YAH Joohyun! Are you okay? I’ve called you like five times?” She looked at me as I smiled,
“Of course, I’m good!” She looked at me, before hugging me
“I know, I know. You and him aren’t on the best terms, heck everyone noticed. But Joohyun, remember that now it’s not too late to change your mind.” You looked at her in shock,
“What? They Haven’t gotten married yet?” She smiled sheepishly as I slapped her arm playing before continuing to apply my eyeliner.
Biting my lip, “I don’t think we both want that Eunhye.” I muttered before walking out of the washroom.
Now we all waited downstairs, for the groom to come downstairs so we could congratulate him.
“Yah what is this? The groom seems like he’s turning into a bride!”
“He’s making us wait too long”
“Baekhyun! hurry up!”
“We know you’re handsome! hurry up already you bride!” Chanyeol shouted as everyone laughed, Jongdae gave me a glance and went upstairs to his room.
“Oh Joohyun, are you okay?”
“Hm? What why?” I frowned, as junmyeon continued, “Ah never mind, you know—“
Chanyeol jabbed his stomach before laughing out loudly, as everyone made random jokes I couldn’t help but notice where Jongdae was, and why wasn’t Baekhyun coming downstairs?
“Joohyun.” Suddenly I heard Jongdae call me from up the stairs, motioning me to come upstairs.
I but my lip, as he pleaded. Nodding I made my way upstairs, “I’ll be back, I left my gift box in my room!”
As I reached upstairs, jongdae pulled me into the hallway, “Yah kim Jongdae what is this?” I asked slightly irritated.
“Talk to him.” He said as my eyes widened, my mouth opened to answer—
“Please. I think it’s only right for you guys to talk.” He forced me inside his room, as the door flung open.
I saw Baekhyun standing at the balcony, Jongdae whispered to go near him and closed the door.
“Joohyun! I can’t do this.” He looked at him as I looked at him up and down, admiring the way he liked. My heart fluttering at the way he looked, his jet black tux and black tie, his hair slicked back.
“What do you mea—“ he suddenly engulfed me into a hug, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. Bringing my hands to his shoulders I pushed him back.
“Joohyun, I love you. I fucking love you! And I can’t let go of you.” His eyes teared as my heart broke
“Baekhyun what are you saying. . .” I whispered out, he suddenly cupped my cheeks and looked at me right in the eye.
“I love you Joohyun.” He said before kissing me as my tears rolled down my cheeks, I sobbed between the kiss as we both pulled back.
“Baekhyun, I’m sorry I can’t do this, you’re getting married. Yuna’s waiting for you.”
“And you’ve been waiting for me since years.” He caught me off guard as I looked up at him
“Baekhyun listen to me, today is the day your life I’ll change! You’ll be married to the love of your life, so please forget about me.” I sobbed as I leaned into this chest, one last time.
“Baekhyun! hurry!
“Now let’s go, they’re all waiting for you.” I said as I avoided eye contact with him and took his hand in mine before walking downstairs.
“The groom Byun Baekhyun has arrived!” I said as I smiled and looked over at Baekhyun and walked him down
“woah, as expected from our man!”
“That’s my boy! Lemme take his photo! Sehun move away!”
I let Baekhyun join the boys before telling him to “be happy”
“Sir the car is ready.” The chauffeur suddenly came in as we all nodded and made our way towards the party bus.
During the bus ride, everyone was dancing and enjoying as songs were being blasted. As for me, I sat and drank the champagne that was provided to us. Glancing at Baekhyun who I didn’t realize was looking at me with a sad expression.
I made a smiling gesture towards him and nodded, “Enjoy!” I mouthed as I drank the liquid not realizing that a tear had dropped down my cheek, and I quickly wiped it away before Eunhye pulled me to dance.
Suddenly the bus came on a halt, telling us that we had reached the hall. Everyone got out quickly but Baekhyun stopped me, “Let’s go.” I squeezed his hand and got out, and made my way towards the the wedding hall.
Gulping I made way inside, I could see Yuna’s friends look at me as I greeted Baekhyun’s parents and took a seat in the front row with all of us sitting together.
My heart hammered against my ribcage, my hand flew to my chest, “It’s going to be okay, please calm down.” I whispered to myself before biting the inside of my cheek to prevent any water pouring out of my eyes.
“Ah! Now can we please welcome the groom!”
Everyone stood up, as we all looked back towards Baekhyun walking in. His eyes never leaving mine, my lip quivering as I bit the insides of my lip.
I hope she treats you right, hope she buys you your favourite flower, stay up and watch your nerdy movies with you, feeds and gives you all the love in the world.
The piano had started playing, not helping in the environment I was in. I smiled at Baekhyun, a big bright smile as I could see his jaw clenched.
I’m sorry Baekhyun, I ruined our chances.
Soon after, Yuna had walked in looking like and absolute goddess in the white gown. Realizing she was the one for him, I was just someone hard to forget. As I was looking at her, I could feel Baekhyun’s gaze one me.
“Congrats!” I whispered to Yuna as she walked down that aisle beside me, raising her hands she met Baekhyun’s before muttering something that made her smile and for Baekhyun to crack a smile.
There, that looked like the perfect couple.
We all sat down as the priest had entered, I could hear him congratulate the couple. Smiling I bit back my tears, before my phone buzzed.
“Eunhye, I gotta go.” I said as Eunhye looked at me in confusion before nodding.
I walked away, from all this mess. As I stood in the back of the hallway, standing in the middle of the entrance. I saw him take the ring from the flower girl and he looked at me, I smiled.
His eyes widened at my sight, he opened his mouth as I motioned him to look at Yuna who had the expression of a five year old getting candy.
Tears burst out as I cupped my mouth. Turning backwards, I started to walked out. I gave a glance back to see him looking at me with his tears rolling down his face and Yuna wiping them. Giving him a sad smile, I walked out.
Tag list: @strawbaeri-s @forbyun
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thefatdrunkdragon · 6 years
The Worst RPer I have ever met (Nemo Saga Chapter 6)
 Okay, so here we go with another standalone Nemo chapter that discusses the one thing about Nemo. His fucking temper.
 As demonstrated in the Spooky RP, Nemo has a short temper when it comes to people actually messing with him or belittleling him. Now, it’s understandable that in RP’s you can sorta make a character based on people you don’t like and have em be killed off or defeated. I havent had much RPs about those but Nemo’s case is that he resolves everything with vauge threats and murder.
 For example, before the Spooky RP, Nemo first met the Dragon Cafe Crew.
 The Dragon Cafe Crew is composed of the following:
Rubelle “Ruby” Black - The Chubby Dragoness
Calvin “Cook” O’Hara - The Alcoholic native of Philly
Jill Xhiao - The Shy Panda woman.
Oswald “Ozzie” Hempshey - A fat East End Drake
And Dexter “Dex” O’finnigan - The Irish Yang to Ozzie’s Cockney Yin.
 Out of all of those, It was Ozzie and Dex who didn’t come to immidietly like Nemo. And in character, they like to mess around with other people. So let’s say that Ozzie and Dex make some dumb jokes about the Vampires or admit that “We ain’t really friends.” What does Nemo do? He brutally murders Ozzie and Dex. But has them revived. If this were a moment in an RP with a good friend of mine, this scene would not be as brutal and would be played off for poorly done dark comedy. But Nemo was very serious about it. He really REALLY hated Ozzie and Dex simply because they didn’t wanted to be his friends right away. It get’s better.
 Another example comes when a Zombie Virus is loose in Puerto Rico. Aiden thankfully survived in a farmland, enjoy the spoils of the apocalypse and the catharsis it brings. God-Nemo, offended that Aiden can rebel in a bit of normal power fantasy in a role play, calls him an evil man who doesn’t want anything to change so he decides to leave Aiden to his lonesome... with a fucking bomb that is suppose to kill him. I playfully have Aiden Brush off his death as cartoonish as possible, but Neem’s says “no no, let him die.” And I’m like “Excuse me bitch? I couldn’t kill YOUR characters but now you want me to let you kill mine because he thinks differently than you? FUCK YOU!”
 It was after those two events that Nemo realized he shouldnt be having his marty stu kill me for not agreeing with him, he decides that he needed to add excuses for why he was killing me. And I mean excuse that would justify why he would kill my characters. And those excuses came in the form of either Demons or Rabies, and no matter what happens, there is no signs of that behavior until AFTER killing my characters.
 While it wasn’t murder, there was an obvious threat of murder for this next example. Nemo kept bringing up a Mercy Brown Video Game (Which Only Exist to him) and he made moments where he tried to act like he was some Big shot letsplayer and blahblahblah. I have never heard of this game but Only had small understanding of what it was about, so I decided that, since I was into Zero Punctuation at the time, to make a sort of faux Ben Yatzee Review of a game. I didn’t do the whole thing because Its a fake game within an RP but the first few minutes was just me channeling my inner yatzee.
The small thing I wrote as Ben Yatzee:
Ben Yatzee: i hardly do reviews about indie horror, my last one being too scary to even continue. But when you have a cult of people simply worshipping an unknown horror game for being a bloody masterpiece, you end up witth your entire fanbase asking you to review. While i really dont take request, the number of people desperate for my thoughts on the game is just staggering so here we go...
Ben: Mercy's Autumn Nights is an indie horror game created by who else? Mercy brown. The title should be so completly obvious that she made the game as its not enough for her to simply put her name in the credits, you need to make it pretty bloody clear she made it.You play as, big surprise, Mercy blooming Brown as she tries to escape an angry mob thats chasing her down. Why? I dont fucking know?! Maybe mercy brown, being the obvious killer vampire, killed some people and she just not doing a good job at hiding it. Or maybe she hasnt showered in a while and the villagers are just getting sick and tired of smelling her greasy hair...
*ben continues to critize the games story and the use of mortal things when the character plays as mercy, complements the graphics and the controls.*
Ben: in conclusion, the next time someone sends me a request, my answer will simply just be "Mercy Bloody Brown!" Why? I dont care, its there. Have a nice day, internet.
 Nemo took the Review as an offense and tried to get in contact with ben yatzee because they talked to each other once for a while like a year. Neem’s words, not mine. And this is ignoring the fact Yatzee has Social Anxiety. Ben tried to explain to Nemo that his video is only there as a means to both critique the game and be a comedy but Neemo kept trying to convince Yatzee it was a good game and that he was a good youtuber, ignoring the fact Ben reviewed the game not the Youtuber. But it was after being presented with Mercy Brown and the grave and how annoying he was, Ben basically shut him off, the video still remained though so no one won.
Mercy’s response:
Mercy: That takes care of it. See ya.
 I told nemo that it didn’t really change anything and that the thing was just a video talking about the game, not him.
Neem’s Response
Nemo: I see. But if we see another negative video about us, you know what we'll do to him. He'll never know.
 Like I said, It may not be a violent moment, but he generally demonstrates the same kind of mentality the secret police has. Censoring any form of criticism and killing off those who don’t like him
I already presented one example in the spooky rp but there is also another major example with this small rp moment. It was during the mercy saga, and it was a moment where "our dear friend and vintage American sweetheart Mercy Brown” contracted a disease just to get us to feel bad for her and give her some attention. Aiden and Ruby, not wishing to risk getting the mary sue sickness, decide to come in Hazmat suits. It’s as exaggerating as it sounds and for the time, it was just played for giggles. But later that day, she got better and Aiden und ruby had nothing to do, so they decided to call a helicopter to pick em up. This big fucking osprey shows up, lands on the garden but no one takes off because it turns out, one of the guys in the osprey, Dave, was getting married and everyone took the opportunity to celebrate it... while still in the osprey and still on Nemo’s Lawn.
Nemo, understandibly tried to get everyone out of the lawn but they ofcourse couldnt listen due to the fucking loud music inside it. He later got a megaphone, letting the message get through to them and forcing em to take off. It was there were a drunken Dave decided to just walk out on the osprey doors and flip nemo the bird, sealing everyone’s fate with that gesture.
Nemo’s Words after the vtol flew off:
Nemo: Yeah. That'll teach you how to disturb some neighbors, you mind-fucked bitch.
 Nemo went flying in the air (Somehow) and gun down the entire vtol. Killing or injuring everyone, and leaving Ruby and Adrian in a catatonic state. He later flew back and acted as if nothing happened. Before that, he made a comment that was suppose to sound like the kind of snide remark of “Oh, I wonder how that horrible accident happened” kinda  That is until Kate shows what happened , and this was the one time posession was actually close to making sense but since the RP always had Nemo act like a normal person and showed very little signs of posession, making this the only time he actually had it plan off.
Nemo’s word’s after being shown what happened?
Nemo: *whispers and closes the door* Oh my God. What did I do? What did I do? *drinks a can of A&W Root Beer* I'm getting crazy. I need blood. *licks his own lips and chewed his own lips. He grabs a meat and eats it and there was blood spilling on the floor* Master Velora. You promised me eternal life! And you did.
 Funfact: Before Velora became a Valentine Girl and was part of a trio of marceline clones, she was supposed to be evil.
 Pretty soon, Nemo suddenly had demonic powers and ordered his vampire clan to make the world a supernatural place for vampires and werewolves, and he will assend to become a Vampire God. Starting a fucking apocalypse and building a castle for him in Rhode Island.
 When Kate, freaking out over what the fuck was going on, Nemo tried to be as hidden and “evil” as possible while signs were made quite fucking obvious he was starting a vampire apocalypse. But then when asked why the fuck he started fucking armageddon, here’s his response:
Nemo: No. Not ending the world. It's my parents. My parents should pay for what kind of stuff they did to me. Sending me to dangerous places and tormenting me. They have gone too far.
... At no point has Nemo’s folks EVER appeared in the RP. And Let’s not forget, He was fucking 19 at the time, so...
 The apocalypse breaks out and the world seems like it was going to be in for one dicking of a terrible time. But we got to remember an important Detail: This is Nemo’s world. 
How it really happened:
*Then Nemo was almost killed. But then he was fighting against a Wendigo. A Native American cannibal creature. People were watching Nemo and the Wendigo have a brutal fight in Providence, Rhode Island. He grabbed his medieval sword and stabbed at the creature and killed him. The Wendigo was killed and everybody was saved. Nemo thought it was himself, but it was a Wendigo. So Mercy had to send him to a church in Exeter, Mercy and the priest got rid of the spell that cursed him for so long. Nemo was finally saved and happy. He can now live however he wants. Even Kate was happy that he is now saved. His friends and family was happy that he's not possessed anymore. So in December, in Mercy's house, the presents are under the Christmas tree and everybody was having a good time. Nemo was waiting for all his friends to come.*
After the battle:
Nemo: I hope nothing possesses me again.
Mercy: God will always be there for you.
Nemo: I know.
This was the stupidest thing to have ever happened in RP history and I just needed to share it with you all because this was fucking insanity
The point is: Nemo is a violent dick. Anything that doesn’t apppease his ego simply results in a death setence and later revival so that you can apologize to him and kiss his ass. And to be fair... it’s fucking scary. And it’s only made worse with the following subject: The Line between reality and fantasy.
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