#doofus rick x doofus diane fanfiction
fragcc · 5 years
Are We The Fools?| Chapter One: Fall
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The Series | Prologue 
Word count: 3800
Warnigns: cursing, mentions of sex
A/N: I know I took forever to write this, life isn’t easy at all. But here it is! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I hope you guys like it! I’m so soft for doofus!Rick, it was hard treating him like this.
One thing was certain: Rick Sanchez was in love.
All he could think was Diane: Diane and her soft, blonde hair; Diane and the sweet perfume she always wore; Diane’s beautiful green eyes; The flavor of her mouth during a kiss; Her small fingers running through his hair as she hungrily kissed him.
Diane. Diane. Diane.
He couldn’t get tired of her. Rick could remember all the moments he spent with her, for it was his favorite time of the day. Gosh, he even remembered — with his face and ears burning — their first kiss! It has been six months since they first started with their deal and Rick still thought it all could be a long dream.
It was Wednesday afternoon and classes were over. Putting his books inside his locker, his glance landed on a light blue piece of paper that fell at his feet. He quickly and discreetly picked it up and read.
“Will you help me getting ready for tomorrow’s exam, rabbit? 7:00 pm, at my place. Be good and you know what happens later ♡”
Rick felt his blood rising to his face again. It didn’t even need to show the sender, for he already knew it was Diane’s doing. She always send small notes telling him what to do and where to go, promising good things later.
The blue haired man quietly folded the paper and put it inside his ripped jeans pocket. Closing his locker, he started wandering through the corridors again.
He couldn’t help but get anxious imagining what Diane’d do after their study session. Biting his lower lip, his hand lightly rested against his left shoulder, over a specific sensitive spot close to his neck. The hickey Diane got him was right there, covered by his shirt and jacket. She always leaves marks on his body so Rick can remember that all these fever dreams were actually reality. He never dared to mark her, though, he couldn’t bear knowing that he hurt her soft skin.
Rick turned the corridor with his head down, trying not to show his reddened face to everyone who passed by. Remembering all the things he got to do with Diane makes him happy and embarrassed at the same time. Sadly, he knew the love of his life was kind of using him.
But was she really only using him?
There were times, right after some studying together, that she’d ask him which lipstick to use or if he liked how she did her hair. At these times, Rick got confused, since he didn’t expect her to care for his opinion, but would gladly tell her what could make her look even more stunning. And she actually used what he suggested. Carefully painting her lips and flirtatious curling a finger around a lock of her hair, she’d look at him with a malicious smile.
“Like this, rabbit?”
Rick scratched the back of his head and entered the chemistry lab, a goofy smile forming on his mouth. There was more. Diane, after some weeks with their agreement, actually asked him trivial questions. They sometimes talked about ordinary things like stupid TV shows and the food they like. Rick learned that her favorite color is mint green and that bunnies are the animals she likes the most — don’t even have to say how his heart melts every time she calls him rabbit since he discovered it. Diane even had spent hours on the phone with him, gossiping about her popular friends and complaining about something they said.
Humming a song, Rick started cleaning the laboratory as his teacher had asked him. And his mind couldn’t stop thinking that she asked for him. She kissed him because she wanted to, and she always came back for more. He never forced her to go to bed with him, she was the one seducing him every time. And it was his name she moaned, she cried out for him. That should count as something.
Rick covered his mouth, hiding the hopeful smile he was wearing from the emptiness of the laboratory. Yeah... maybe Diane actually was somewhat interested in him? He never saw her going out with other guys since they started their thing, it’s a fact. Part of him shyly assumed it was because he was enough for her, that she wouldn’t need anyone else if she had him.
The young man put some acids back in the cabinets and locked the glass doors. Throwing away the gloves he used to do such task, he turned the lights off. It was already past 5:35 pm and he had to prepare his notes for Diane’s studies.
“You being enough for her? Don’t be stupid, Rick.” He sighed and shook his head in order to get rid of the wonderful idea.
“Don’t be stupid.” Diane replied.
Rick froze. His heart started beating so fast he thought it was going to explode. Gosh, when did she enter the room? He definitely didn’t hear the distinct echo of her high heels. With sweat forming on his forehead, he slowly turned around with his hands raised in a defensive way, completely ready to face the death glare Diane always gives him when he does something stupid.
But what he saw was... nothing.
He was the only person in the room. Furrowing his eyebrow, his eyes searched for the blonde woman in the dark laboratory. No, she definitely wasn’t there. A low murmur could be heard and Rick carefully followed it. Slowly, he approached the large window in the right corner of the room. He looked outside and his heart skipped a beat.
Out there, he could see Diane with her back against the wall and a tall muscular man with his right arm beside her head, cornering her. Diane had an unamused expression on her face as the guy continued saying something Rick couldn’t hear. He had that cocky grin as he shamelessly analyzed her body.
Rick thought of fighting the man, of pushing him away from her and telling him to never look at her again, for he was the one who truly loved her. But before he could gather all the courage to do so, his eyes saw the kiss that man gave Diane. He firmly held her neck from behind and hungrily kissed her mouth. Diane stood still at first, but, when that guy pressed his body against hers, her arms wrapped around his neck and the kiss somehow got even more intense.
She wanted to kiss that man.
Rick couldn’t understand. He quietly took some steps back, his chest aching. Why was she kissing him back? He took some more steps and gulped, his throat dead dry. His mind screamed that, yes, she was kissing that guy the same way she kissed him: with the same fever and need.
He is not special.
She was just using him.
It was all a big joke.
Rick turned around and quickly made his way towards the door. He abruptly stopped, feeling something wetting both of his cheeks. His right hand lightly touched his cheek and he looked down at his fingers. It was water. No, tears.
“... A-Am I crying?” He whispered to himself, his voice cracking.
He passed his hands over his cheeks to remove the tears, but it was no use: they came back no matter how hard he rubbed his eyes. A sob escaped his throat and he felt the air escaping his lungs.
“She tricked you and you fell right into her trap. It never meant anything to her.” His mind echoed.
Rick held his head between his hands, trying to shut his mind at all costs. But he couldn’t. All he could see was Diane kissing that man. All he could hear was her voice repeating over and over again:
“Don’t be stupid.”
So he decided to run away. He desperately opened the door and somehow managed to lock it. Turning around, he walked out of the college in a quick pace, crossed arms hugging each other. His desperate eyes evicted any kind of contact.
Fortunately, there were just a few people left. Rick didn’t need anyone to humiliate him and his appearance now, he already felt like the worst and most ridiculous thing in the world. With his head down, he made his long way back home, tears on the ground wherever he passed.
Geez, he felt his heart breaking in two. Why was he like that? Why so dreamy and weak? He really thought he would mean anything for Diane? Diane falling in love with him... just in his dreams. It was about time for him to grow up.
After what felt like hours of running, he finally arrived at his safe house. Twisting the doorknob with unsteady hands, he made a decision: It is time to stop. He will no longer be her toy.
“You... You have to respect yourself and, and s-stop with what hurts you.” Rick murmured to himself the lines his therapist many years ago told him.
He was standing in the middle of his living room. It was a modest house, and all he could afford was a tiny tv and cheap furnitures. There were a few frames on the walls and some plants in the corners of the rooms, for they relaxed him. The light walls contrasted with the usual dark illumination. And behind his couch was a huge mirror that came along with the house.
The mirror showed him a pathetic figure: It was a man strangely tall with ridiculous messy blue locks; He had swollen eyes, tears still making their way down his deformed red face; His longs arms wrapped his excessively skinny body; Oh, and how he looked utterly terrified. Clearly, it’s a man no one wants around.
Something that’s meant to be alone in this world.
“I... am not like that!” Rick sobbed, closing his eyes tight. Once again, he had his head between his hands in a firm grip.
It felt like dying. No, he wish it was death he was facing. The air escaped his lungs, his throat ached and his heart was beating so loud he can hear it. He wanted all of that to stop, to go back to the time he wasn’t in love with Diane, or at least to the time before all this nightmare started. But it’s impossible, he already tried making a time travel gadget.
“Get over with all of this!” His mind screamed.
Rick groaned and, still holding his hair firmly, ran to his room. For a moment, he froze still at the door. His eyes met a frame with Diane’s picture. It was from the day they went to a carnival, in which she herself took the picture and gave it to him as a gift.
Rick took some steps towards the frame and grabbed it. Diane looked so gorgeous. Her devilish green eyes looked at him as if daring him to look away. Her lips were painted in pink and showed a sided smile. He remembered the perfume she was wearing that day, a sweet one, which made him feel somewhat relaxed by her side.
His trembled hands held that frame as if it could break at any second. Hesitantly, he brought it over his trash can. Rick’s dark eyes locked with Diane’s big ones and she dared him to throw her away.
“Don’t be stupid.” She warned him.
His eyes shut tightly and he breathed heavily. Rick looked one more time to the painful feeling he was holding and sighed sadly. He couldn’t do it. Even so badly hurt and used, Rick couldn’t throw Diane away. His heart shamefully belonged to her and it couldn’t bear treating her as nothing less than the most important thing in this world.
It’s really stupid and naive, he knew. But something needed to be done.
That’s why Rick took everything he had that came from her or that reminded him of her and packed it all together in a huge box. That beautiful frame, some tiny bunny shaped plushies and every single note she once wrote him that he kept, everything now locked away from his heart.
After putting the box deep inside his closet, under some other things, Rick allowed himself to take a deep breath. His body felt tired and all he wanted was to sleep, maybe for a thousand years and never have to look at her again. However, it’s exams week and he can’t just stay home whenever he wants.
This thought reminded him of the exam Diane will take the next day and he felt guilty for not helping her. He quietly took the light blue paper he left inside his pocket and unfold it. His tired eyes read the same words he remembered, but now they sounded so melancholic.
One more tear hit the floor as Rick weakly ripped it in two.
Diane put her hands over his chest and firmly pushed him away. While he was still trying to keep his balance, she grabbed her pocket mirror and fixed her lipstick and hair.
“Wow... that was hot.” The brunette smirked down to her, removing her lipstick from his mouth with his thumb.
Diane rolled her eyes.
“No, David. That was boring.” She closed the tiny mirror and put it back in her purse. Her sharp stare back at him. “Is that all you’ve got?”
The man named David laughed under his breath, not believing what he just heard. His left hand found its way to her hair and put a lock behind her ear, grabbing her chin right after. His right arm once again was lifted besides her head, as if to trap her. The harsh look the woman gave him made a sided smile appears on his face.
“You’re a though lady.” He commented.
Diane faked a laugh and slapped his hand away from her face. She removed the hair from behind her ear and slowly approached her body to his, a sweet smile over her lips.
“You’re right, I’m too much for you, little boy.” She seductively trailed her finger over his chest, her mouth almost touching his ear as she whispered. “And I’m not losing my time with you again.”
She patted his right cheek two times as he slowly leaned in for a kiss and calmly made her away back to the insides of the building, her cat walking keeping his confused eyes on her hips. Diane smirked as she went inside, knowing very well that he just couldn’t understand why he wasn’t enough and yet he still longed for her. Tricking and dumping horny guys is such a pleasure to her, she would never stop loving how their confident smile tragically fades as she walks away.
The blonde woman grabbed a new pack of bubble gum and shoved some inside her mouth to get rid of what was left from David’s saliva. Sometimes the privileged view she had from dumping them doesn’t really makes up for the nasty mouth she has to kiss or the abusive hands she has to tolerate over her body. Today was just like that. Yet she couldn’t let David know that he did affect her, even if it wasn’t the way he wanted.
Diane stopped in front of her locker and opened it. Pretending to search for something inside, she took the moment to take a deep breath and relief her anger. David was not planned. That disgusting kiss definitely wasn’t something she wished to happen today. And how she hated when things ran out her control.
It had been some weeks since the first time David flirted with her. Although she never really flirted back, he didn’t stop. Everyday he’d come up with something new to show her how he was “a good catch”. But no matter how long Diane stared at him, she couldn’t even call him cute. He was just a shithead with some muscles, just like most of the guys she knew. Nothing special, nothing new, just the same old crap. That’s why she decided to put an end in all of this and give him that goddamn kiss. A kiss he would probably remember for the rest of his life as the one followed by her eternal indifference.
The beautiful lady rolled her green eyes in disgust at the recent memory. Her glance finally fell over her math book, reminding her of someone else. For the first time in her life, Diane grabbed her exercises book somewhat excited. She threw it and some papers inside her purse and closed her locker with a confident smile. She had some preparations to do.
Diane took a taxi back home and lost count of times the driver made her roll her pretty eyes in boredom. He kept talking about how he was looking for a girl who would understand him while giving her suggestive looks. As if he had any chance with her. The blonde asked him to stop one street before her true destiny to make sure he wouldn’t know where she lived and almost threw the money at his face while leaving the car.
Picking up the pace, Diane cursed under her breath for having to walk on high heels back home. God, she needed someone who owned a car and wasn’t a complete asshole to drive her home once in a while. Maybe everyday. Her mind searched for anyone she knew that would volunteer to drive her around the town, but only came up with stupid guys with whom she had already slept.
“Those are useless, I can’t rely on them even for good sex.” She murmured to herself as she stopped in front of her house, searching for her keys.
Once inside, Diane quickly got out of her high heels and breathed deeply. Damn, her feet hurt really bad that day. Massaging her tired toes, she looked up at the clock, it was already 6:10 pm. She called that driver’s mom a bitch a few more times as she passed a hand through her perfect, golden locks and looked around the room. Now she had to run her preparations for the study session.
Diane took all her clothes off and shoved them somewhere in her wardrobe. Her eyes scanned the furniture for something appropriate for the occasion, something he would like seeing her wearing, but that wouldn’t distract him too much. Just a little. With a malicious smirk, she decided for something simple. He was a simple man, after all.
It was already past seven when Diane really finished everything she wanted. She was wearing white shorts with a thin, glued to her body, blue t-shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra, just so the true curves of her average sized breasts could be seen. Her hair was in a messy bun and her lips were painted in a light pink. She looked casual, but still desirable. Or at least she hoped.
On the table, she spread books and notes along with colorful pencils and bowls of snacks. She also put two glasses of wine and its bottle on the right corner of the table, she needed them to survive this task. Diane looked at her doing with a proud smile. It seemed like a local of study, but also with some intimacy. She almost couldn’t hide her excitment for what was to come - after all the calculations and studying, of course. Now all she had to do was wait for her colleague.
In an instant, Diane threw her tired self on her couch and closed her eyes, feeling all her tense muscles finally relaxing. It had been a though day. She had to keep up with Sharon talking about her dreamy guy, her teacher complaining about her grades, her mom calling her house to remind the lady to pay the bills and then with David being the complete idiot he is. All she wanted was peace. Complete silence. Maybe someone to tell her how amazing she is for dealing with all of this.
And, out of nowhere, his face popped into her mind. His stupid, gentle smile and messy blue hair were a unique combination in her memories. The way he shyly laughed at her comments and scratched the back of his back somewhat made her want to kiss him hard. As if she wanted to remove all his innocence and kindness from him, as if she wanted him to look and act just like all the other guys she knew: like she was a prize they earned after long minutes of chatting and flirting, not wanting to waste a single second of touching her body. But he never changed, he never treated her like that. To Rick she was like a divine visitor and he gladly satisfied all her wishes. Almost like he saw it as a mission.
He was so pure and naive...
Diane turned to her side and looked at the door. It was weird that Rick didn’t arrive on time, he usually is really punctual. She frowned her thin eyebrows and closed her eyes again. He soon will knock at her door, just like always. Although this time she’d mock him about showing up late.
Without her noticing, a small smile soon appeared over her lips. She was thinking about him again. But this time it wasn’t about his cute compliments or nice behaviour. No, the young woman was remembering all the long nights she had kept him awake, all the marks she had left over his body to satisfy his lusty dream and all the pleasure he made her feel.
Yeah, that’s right, the nerd guy was really good at bed, she couldn’t deny it. And it was also true that she didn’t go out with other guys ever since their thing started. Rick sure as hell made her feel good, but it was also because no other guy seemed to be worthy her time and body. It’s just a coincidence.
Even so, Diane still questioned herself why she had to spend so much time getting dressed and doing makeup for him. Why so much work for Rick Sanchez? He would die to breath the same air as her anyway. So why?
“You’re getting crazy from lack of sleep, Diane.” She murmured to herself, her right hand massaging her temple.
Diane opted to leave all those questions to another time and breathed deeply once again. Now she wanted to focus on happy thoughts only. Since she was getting close to sleep, all her mind could remember were short memories: the mint green bracelet her father gave her, cute bunnies she once petted and the beach.
And before she knew it, Diane fell asleep as her mind drifted off. The last happy thought she had was with Rick, at a carnival.
Tag list: @evaroze​  @coltaire @treynasharolack​​ @inkrunner450 @babe-dont​  @weirdo-in-a-cat-sweater
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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fragcc · 6 years
Are We The Fools? | Prologue
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The Series
Synopsis: Maybe it wasn’t as special as he thought. Maybe she couldn’t really control all the aspects of her life. The realization of being wrong can be terrifying, but it can also reveal what conce was unbelievable.
Word count: 1458
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex
A/N: UPDATED! Sorry for all the trouble during editing, I think I managed to fix everything. This is an Alternative Universe created by the awesome @evaroze​ and I super recommend you to go see her work. I wrote this fic ‘cause I just fell in love with these character, I couldn’t help it.  Once again, I hope you like it!
Diane is smart.
And that, combined with her stunning looks and stubborn personality, is enough to grant her all she wishes. She can get anything and anyone she wants, but she loses interest really fast.
Dumping popular guys after one month of fun is one of her favorite things, not that she’d go after it, though. It’s just that their complaints are absolutely hilarious. And since she knows that falling in love with someone is the same as being fooled, she’ll never commit such a mistake.
Walking through the corridors, she seek a victim. Her white crop top caught as much attention as her mini skirt, her high heels echoing with each step. All the heads turned towards her gorgeous figure, boys and girls looking at her with dreamy eyes. Diane loved the attention.
Soon her sharp stare landed over a tall young man by the lockers. He had light blue hair and was wearing a black jacket and a jeans ripped on his knees, black all stars on his feet. A smirk appeared over her thin lips. “Not bad for a nerd.” She murmured to herself.
He is Rick Sanchez, the secret genius in the college. He never admitted aloud to know most of the things the others were still learning, but Diane already caught him in a heated discussion with the professor he usually talks in the corridors. They were super excited talking about some theories she didn’t care.
For what she heard, he was perfect to do her physics homework.
Standing beside him, she leaned her right shoulder against the locker and tightly crossed her arms under her breasts. She faked a warm smile when Rick finally took notice of her, his cheeks growing red as he tried not to look at her cleavage.
Her actress mode was on. Diane faked her weakness and her sweet voice asked for his help, implying he was the only one who could solve her problems. Her pleading eyes watched as Rick rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed smile and agreed to do her homework.
Of course he agreed. He, just like most of the guys, dreamed with the privilege to be noticed and desired by her. But she wasn’t stupid. Whenever Rick finished doing her homework and essays, she’d read them and learn at least the basic. Diane definitely wouldn’t give him the pleasure of being needful to her.
As payment, she’d give him a kiss. She had to guarantee he’d keep doing all she wanted, after all. And as she knew he liked her, he wouldn’t deny such reward. And it was settled: Rick foolishly did all her scientific work and she had fun when it came to his payment, for she didn’t think his kiss was bad, not at all.
Whenever Diane kissed his lips, even if it was a quick peck, he‘d look back at the her in contemplation, a goofy smile adorning his face. Part of her enjoyed seeing him so head over heels for her, for his kisses were always so sweet and slow, the opposite of the intense and lustful ones she’d hungrily give him. But she quickly came to her senses and banned the feeling.
Sometimes, they’d make out as his prize for making her pass the exam with an “A” or for not letting anyone know about their deal. At these moments, Diane wouldn’t hold back. Straddling him, she completely abused of his upper body, leaving hickeys all over his chest and neck. Rick, on the other hand, tried his best not to touch her skin too much, focusing on caressing her waist and sometimes her tights.
And it oddly made her want more. The shy behavior that prevents him from doing more than kissing also makes her desire his touch. How come she was over his lap, ready to make his dirtiest dreams come true, and he did nothing to her? It was unacceptable that she, Diane, couldn’t get a nerd like Rick Sanchez. It was absurd, and she was determined to change that.
On a Sunday morning, Diane went over his place with the excuse that she needed to study. While Rick went after the brownies she asked, she quickly removed her clothes and put his lab coat on. She didn’t even bother to button it up, for she wanted her new white lingerie to show. Sitting on the table he usually works at, the blonde girl casually crossed her legs and focused her attention on painting her lips with her favorite red lipstick.
On the back of her mind, a low voice was questioning why do all of this — this whole plan of seduction — for someone like him? Gosh, she even bought a new lingerie just to “match” his lab coat, hoping it’d somehow turn him on. It’s not like he was some super athletic popular guy or something, for God’s sake! But it was no use: her huge pride shut all the other thoughts that weren’t about making him pay for leaving her untouched some nights before.
Rick soon returned, plate in hand, apologizing for making her wait. His jaw dropped at the sight of Diane half-naked over his table. She greeted him with a malicious smile, stretching her hand to grab the brownies. With the corner of her eyes, while she elegantly bit the sweet, she saw Rick’s eyes scanning her body from the bottom to the top. His dumbfounded face made good to her ego.
Rick poorly tried to start a conversation. Stuttering in almost every word, scratching the back of his head, his hands lightly shaking… Diane stuffed her chest as she noticed all the effects she had over him. The one effect that she hated the most was his gaze going anywhere but her body. When will he learn that his attention should be on her and nothing — no one — else?
The words “I-I will - I will need my lab coat back, D-Diane” fell from his lips and she seductively uncrossed her legs the instant by he finished the sentence. Rick gulped as she rested her right foot over his left shoulder, her long white leg inviting him to come closer. Diane’s red mouth seductively danced as it told him to take the lab coat from her body.
Rick slowly approached her, his eyes fixed on the stolen clothes. Diane quietly spread her legs and the scientist stood between them, his heavy breath caressing her chest with each air puff. Her intense stare didn’t leave his face as his shaky hands lightly removed the fabric from her shoulders. He held his breath at the sight of her small body only on her undergarments, the lab coat stopped on her elbows.
The realization of he being the one removing the only proper clothing she was wearing finally hit him and he looked up at her. Their eyes met and she raised one eyebrow. His eyes somehow asked for permission to take off his clothes from her. Diane didn’t say a word, she simply leaned few inches forwards, her green eyes waiting for his next move. Rick was the one who took action. Leaning forward, he passed one hand behind her neck, the other around her waist and pressed his lips against hers in a passionate kiss.
And just then Diane got what she wanted. All her work was rewarded as they had sex right in his “office”. She was more than satisfied with Rick’s performance during the act. Right, she could tell it was probably his first time, but he had potential.
Diane couldn’t ignore how Rick treated her during sex. While all the guys she sleeps with are too worried about touching and memorizing her body, Rick wanted to touch the right places to make her feel good. He wanted to give her as much pleasure as she gave him and he kept saying she looked perfect and how her skin was soft.
An idiot, really. But maybe she needed this.
She couldn’t deny that the way he treated and looked at her, like she was some divine figure or something, made her feel good. His eyes showed admiration and love for her, his mouth always opened to praise her doings and he never dared to leave marks on her. Diane’d never admit aloud that he was making good to her ego, to her self esteem.
Rick was a nerd and that wouldn’t change. She couldn’t let anyone know she has slept with a loser like him, so she made sure he’d keep his mouth shut in order of it happening again. Maybe. Probably. It felt good anyway. Anything for him to continue doing her homework.
Rick Sanchez is the name of her brand new toy, after all.
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fragcc · 6 years
Are We The Fools? | Series
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Pairing: Doofus!Rick x Doofus!Diane
Synopsis: Maybe it wasn’t as special as he thought. Maybe she wasn’t really in control of every aspect of her life. The realization of being wrong can be terrifying, but it can also reveal what once was unbelievable.
A/N: So since I first saw @evaroze´s drawings about this amazing couple, I had this need to write about them. This is something big that I want to turn into a series, so it´s easier to write and to read. It’s going to have around five chapters. Also, life is hard, therefore I’m not sure when I´ll be able to update this thing :c BUT I already wrote the base, so don´t worry, I will not forget the plot. I absolutely love to write, so I´m always writing when I can. Just have some patience and feedback me if you may ♡
Tag list: @weirdo-in-a-cat-sweater @coltaire @treynasharolack​ @inkrunner450
* Prologue
*Chapter One: Fall
*Chapter Two in Production...
Tag list: @weirdo-in-a-cat-sweater @coltaire @treynasharolack​ @inkrunner450 @babe-dont​
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