#doomcoming is the one time her hair is back after the attack
teabookgremlin · 1 year
thinking about how someone pointed out that van usually wore her hair tied back before the wolf attack but always wears it down after it
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nightendale · 1 year
Living dead girl | yellow jackets Van Palmer x reader
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For this request.
Fem!reader x van Palmer (96’)
Notes: I wasn’t really sure how to make a point that this reader was femme cause I personally think van and Taissa are quite feminine already but I hope you like it :)))
You sit on the thin bed left in the cabin by its previous owner staring into your half broken half still usable applying the last finishing touches to your make up. you’re getting ready for doom coming, a event hosted by your fellow teammates to make light of your situation.
You were all supposed to be at nationals right now, winning, having fun and partying but instead fate had other plans for the Yellowjackets girls soccer team and while on the way the plane crashed, stranding your team, coach and two boys out in the woods.
You finish the last of the make up and look at yourself, wishing you were anywhere but here, you sigh and get up to head to the party.
While walking through the cabin to the front door you notice a blob of a person out of the corner of your eye, van, you take proper notice turning your head to look at the other girl.
Van, she was lovely, a fiery red haired girl with a personality you couldn’t help but fall in love with, van was everything to you, she’d had your back through out every game with the soccer team and now everything in the wilderness.
Van eventually looks up at you, most likely feeling your gaze. You smile softly at her and walk over plopping yourself down next to her.
“Hey van ban” you smile grabbing her hand playing with it.
The redhead doesn’t say anything back to you, opting to give you a small nod in response.
You let out a small sigh under your breathe knowing what was going on, van had recently been attacked by a pack of wolves, the redhead nearly lost her life but instead was just left with a few big cuts through her face.
Ever since this attack though you had notice vans sudden seclusion, she would look away from anyone that even slightly looked near her. The girl would never fully admit it to you but you knew she was feeling insecure.
You stand up now extending a hand out to the other girl who’s still sitting, “come on let’s get you ready for doom coming.” You smile.
“I’m not going.” Van mumbles looking away from you and at the ground instead.
“Why not? It’ll be fun?” You try to persuade still extending your hand.
Van pushes your hand away and looks up at you “I’m not going when I look like this.” She says with a hint of finality and anguish in her tone.
You pull your hand back, the push feeling like a sting of a burn. You stand up straighter and look head on at van, “fine,” you say shaking your head slightly “if you won’t believe your beautiful van, then I’m going to have to just make you feel beautiful.”
You turn around before you get a response and walk back to the cabins one bedroom area, entering the room you grab your makeup bag, the tiny mirror that had a million cracks through it but was still holding up and a brush one of the girls had packed and make your way back over to van.
When you get back to van you sit yourself down in front of her, her eyes slightly widening when she sees the items you’ve brought.
Careful and calm, you slightly hold the underneath of vans chin and grab your blush brush and start applying, van sitting slightly letting you do as you please.
After a matter of minutes you’re done doing the make up, you lean in and kiss her lipstick stained lips and when you pull back grab ahold of the miniature mirror.
You hold up the mirror up to the other girl so she can see what she looks like, she stares for awhile and then grabs the mirror of you staring at herself closer. You stay quite letting her have this moment with herself.
She finally puts the mirror down, “thank you (y/n)” she whispers, leaning in to kiss you.
You kiss back smiling against each others lips, when you both pull back you rest your forehead on hers “come on we have a doomcoming to attend.”
And for the first time since the crash you can see her spark come back.
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