#doomfox drabble
doomfox · 2 years
"Help! HELP!!!"
Private Gadget shoved the heels of his boots into the dirt, desperately trying to escape the murderous Metal Unit presently finishing off one of his squadmates. the bearlike Badnik threw the gory remains to the ground with a wet slap, glowing red eyes turning to fix on the cowering Private. The Bear-robot released a horrifying roar of static and noise, and began to approach with the simple intent of tearing the red wolf apart.
"No! NO!" Gadget threw his arms over his head, hoping, wishing, praying, that he would be spared. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!"
Gadget quivered in place, fur raised, the red wolf-mobian terrified beyond belief. He should have been dead right now. But he wasn't. One eye creaked open, looking beyond dirty glasses to the shattered and wasted street before him... and the gleaming blue figure presently stood between him and the enraged Metal Unit.
The blue, hedgehog-shaped machine turned to the wolf. "Hey kid! You okay?"
Gadget could only gape in awe as Sonic the Hedgehog spoke to him, the Hero of Mobius right here protecting him from death even now. "Y... yes sir!"
Sonic nodded. "Awesome-sauceome! Now, let's deal with this asshole and get back home." The cyborg's head swivelled back around to face the Metal Unit, the giant Bear-Badnik confused as its simple processor attempted to figure out what was happening.
"Okay Yogi," Sonic said, his arm cannon charging and his chainsaw-arm revving, "I got a picnic for ya! Let's EAT!!!!"
Sonic spun as the bear-Badnik charged, a static-laced roar screaming from its mouth. The cyborg swung his chainsaw-arm at the thing, sparks flying as the plasma-laced blades kissed the badnik's carapace.
The Badnik slid to a halt, turning and roaring back at the cyborg who had dared damage it.
Sonic nodded. "Come get some."
The Badnik screeched, claws raised and pistons firing as it charged at its tormentor. Sonic raised his arm cannon and fired, a fusillade of hyper-heated energy bolts slamming into the charging Badnik. The robot squealed and slowed as pieces of it were blasted and melted away, lowly coming to a halt on its knees before the cyborg that had fought it.
"Nice try, buddy!" Sonic said, rounding the kneeling Badnik as he inspected his own charging arm cannon, "but y'know, there's one thing you gotta remember when you come over here and start blowing up my friends." The fully-charged arm cannon set its barrel at the Badnik's neck. "Ain't no bears shit in these woods."
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