#door entry system installers london
rom-e-o · 10 months
Not Supposed to Be Here (Ebenezer/Constance)(Modern AU)
Unwanted company follows Constance home one day.
Rated 13+. Triggers for stalking from a third party, light violence w/ mention of blood, and some language. All the romance is just fluff, maybe with some innuendo if you squint.
Also, this takes place in a modern AU universe featuring @quill-pen's Bess (and her own Ebenezer/zar), Addie, and Gal. Cameo time!
Happy reading!
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Usually, Constance felt safer upon entering their flat’s guarded lobby.
The gentle chime of the entry bell and lemony smell of freshly sprayed cleaner offered an air of professional hominess. It felt sophisticated, but also slightly cavernous, which usually aided her feelings of safety.
The building was old in design, with darkly lacquered walls and natural stone floors, but the cameras and keypads that dotted the vicinity were the best money could buy. The cost of the units within the building damn near insisted it. As a result, most of the residents did the same.
Literal resident, philanthropist (and casual billionaire) Ebenezer Samuel Scrooge, for example, had spared no expense in making her feel safe once she moved into his upscale London apartment. The man already had an impressive security system installed. A few years ago, he would have said it was to protect the funds, ledgers, and gold he prized. Now, it was to protect the woman with a heart of gold whom he had the honor of marrying in a few months’ time.
While Ebenezer treasured Constance open and ardently, her presence alone wasn’t the only factor that inspired him to pay top dollar for security.
He knew that being at his side put her in the public eye, and considering her ex-husband’s very active restraining order, he had updated the system to the latest model the day she first entered his abode.
Not only was the front door guarded by a doorman and the front desk staffed by two receptionists, but the floor Ebenezer’s flat occupied could only be accessed by a special elevator, which was manned by its own staff member at all hours, except for the occasional break. There was, of course, the fire escape out back, but that area was also guarded with cameras closely.
Yet, even as she made small talk with the attendants and checked their postbox for mail, a sense of uneasiness lingered over her like a storm cloud.
She felt unusually restless; like eyes were on her, but not just any set of eyes.
It had been just over a year since she’s felt that familiar sense of dread … the nightmare of his eyes, dark and cold as fog, watching her. Scrutinizing her. Hating her from afar.
A Harrods catalog slipped from her hands and onto the floor.
The rustle caught the attention of a nearby receptionist.
“Something wrong, Ms. DoGoode?” one asked, peering up at her from their post behind a large Mac monitor. They appeared to be checking their emails, the camera feed resigned to a smaller window in the lower corner.
Constance turned and looked behind her, her gaze moving through the lobby and out into the busy London streets. The frost-covered glass hid the details of the sidewalk and traffic outside from her view, but nothing immediately caught her attention.
Prudence, the large mastiff that loyally followed her lead even without a leash, followed her eyes. In response to her owner’s obvious discomfort, her stance immediately became more protective at the first showing of fear. She glanced around, growling in an attempt to stave off whatever was causing her new mama to tremble.
Yet, even as they both ladies stared out the front door, they saw … nothing.
Perhaps she was imagining things. Or, imagining people.
Trying to save face, Constance chuckled and tucked her mail away in her evergreen Telfar shopping bag, a recent acquisition from New York that her mother had sent.
“I’m fine,” she said, making sure to flash the receptionist a grin. “Clumsy as always, haha! Thank you for worrying.”
As if sensing her discomfort, Prudence whimpered and pawed at her lower legs. She bent and scooped up the mailer, then rubbed her large, meatball-shaped noggin. “Sorry, girl. I guess I’m just imagining things.”
Something must have triggered the feeling, she thought. Maybe another man in the lobby was wearing the same cologne as him, and she’d picked up on it subconsciously. Maybe she hadn’t seen someone coming in behind her at the entrance, and she’d let a door fall shut on someone. Yet, if that was the case, they apparently hadn’t stuck around to chastise her.
With kind words of parting, Constance made her way to the gilded elevator tucked in the back of the lobby. Prudence stayed behind just a moment longer, cocking her face at something beyond the glass.
Constance whistled as she held the door. “Come, Prudence.”
With a huff, the pup gave up her pursuit and trotted into the elevator.
“Good girl,” she praised. With those words, the elevator doors fell shut.
Moments later, the front door opened softly, and a man stepped in.
“Excuse me,” he asked as he approached the desk. We wore a dark trench with camel-colored gloves tucked into his pockets. His American accent was distinct, with a slight Dutch twang. “I looking for someone, and I think I just saw her go up.”
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“Let’s see…oh, Harrods opened their Christmas department,” Constance exclaimed as she read the mailer on the ride up. “Oh, they already have their teddy bear display up this year! The Cratchit children would adore that. We should all go on an evening after work!”
While Constance attempted to distract herself by reading the seasonal ads, Prudence kept glancing around, as if even the tiniest shadow in the elevator could pose a threat.
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“I wonder…has Bess ever been before?” Constance pondered aloud. “I’ll have to text Wolf and see. What a fun surprise that would be!”
Lacquered maroon nails tapped the glossy paper impatient. She glanced around the small space and heaved a sigh. “The, um, attendant must be on break.”
The mastiff definitely wasn’t listening. Her expressive eyes furrowed at every sound, and when the doors opened on the private floor, she even let out a bark.
Smiling softly, Constance gave Prudence a reassuring pat on the back as they exited. “You’re so brave, protecting me. Thank you, sweetheart.”
The praise temporarily distracted Prudence from her apprehension, her tongue lolling from her gummy jaw. Her tail swayed like a ship’s mast during a sea storm.
“Now, keys, keys…” Constance said, reaching her entire arm into the large bag to fish out the front door key to the apartment.
When her fingers brushed the distinct, heart-shaped keyring, a grin bloomed on her face. “There you are! Sneaky.”
Constance unlocked the front door, making sure to wipe her heels on the welcome mat before crossing the threshold.
“Ebenezer?” she called into the space, only to be greeted with silence. She heard no voices, or even music, from within. It seemed he was still out on business. He’d been called to a private meeting at a client’s estate. As the meeting was outside of their usual office location, there had been no reason for Constance to accompany him. Instead, he recommended she take the day off.
She smiled at the memory, especially how he had promised her he’d be back by dinner, then kissed her lovingly on her lips to seal the promise.
In fact, he kissed her each and every time they parted, no exceptions.
She kicked off her heels quickly, then reached up to a keypad located right next to their coatrack.
In addition to a front door key, the apartment had a security system that triggered every time the door was unlocked from the outside. Upon each entry, a special code had to be keyed in to disarm the system until the next time someone entered the space.
Some called the measure tiring or even nerve-inducing. She understood those sentiments, but to her, it was nothing but reassuring. It was a small price to pay for safety, in her mind. More than anything, she was grateful that Ebenezer took her safety so seriously.
She reached up and keyed in the code, her manicured nails tapping polished nickel buttons quickly. By now, she knew the code so well that she could enter it without even looking at the numbers.
A gentle beep sounded from the device, and Constance grinned in satisfaction. “There we go! Now then, miss ma’am Prudie, let’s—”
Without warning, the mastiff began to howl and bark. The volume of her bellows was so loud that the windows seemingly rattled in place.
His cheap cologne gave him away to Prudence before Connie had realized.
Just as the door was about the latch, a gloved hand shot through and stopped it from falling shut. The hand was large and masculine, adorned in a nondescript leather glove that would have been commonplace for anyone in London to wear, especially during the ideas of winter.
However, Constance recognized the glove instantly. She only knew one man who wore camel-colored leather gloves, complete with gold buttons at the wrists.
“Well, well,” Orin Spiegler grumbled, throwing the door open hard enough that the knob punched the drywall and left a hole. “The Sun was right.”
“Orin.” The sound came out as a choked gasp rather than a question.
“Normally I don’t read the tabloids, but when I saw that you hadn’t sent me a wedding invitation, I thought I’d check in with you personally.”
On stockinged feet, Constance stepped back from the front door. Shock stole her voice and ability to move, causing her to creep away with the speed of maple syrup through a frozen tap.
After a terrifying beat of silence, the man raised his arms like a preacher in a sermon and let out a loud laugh. “Well, don’t just stand there! Why don’t you give your ex-husband a hello, at least? After all, I flew all the way here. Don’t I at least get a kiss?”
She felt physically sick, as if she could vomit right there on the spot. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“I’m banned from London? I’m here on business, Connie. Something our little … separation almost ruined for me. Don’t worry, I have no hard feelings about it, so don’t worry yourself into an episode over it.”
“I have a restraining order,” she said, her voice steady but far from confident. The acid behind his stare made it hard for her to control the tremble in her voice.  “Y-You know that. You can be in London, of course, but…”
“I know you do, my little pumpkin-haired princess,” he said, his tone as condescending as his verbiage, “But, I was in the neighborhood. You know, the financial district, and saw you walking that fabulous little pup of yours.”
Her eyes flitted to the keypad, the red ‘Alarm’ button in the corner practically screaming to be pressed. She wanted to lunge to it, but her ex-husband’s broad-shouldered frame blocked it readily. Perhaps she could shove him, she thought, though her gut knew that she could move him even if she tried her hardest.
She’d never been able to shove him away before, after all.
Prudence continued to growl at the strange man, her canines flashing, and her impressive berth only accentuated by her splayed pose. Lowering herself close to the floor, she looked ready to spring up and attack, like an overwound toy or Jack-in-the-box.
“Easy there, princess. I’m not going to—”
When she snapped at his leg, his brow lifted in surprise.
“Temperamental, are we?” Orin sneered, “I never did like dogs. Too needy.”
His words sounded assured, but Constance couldn’t help but observe that the man had shrank away from her the tiniest bit.
He was scared of Prudence, she realized. Good. This was very good!
“She’s weary of strangers,” she offered, tilting her head down slightly.
“Didn’t seem weary when you were in the lobby.”
Her stomach congealed. So, he hadn’t imagined the feeling after all. “T-Then you must have also seen that I was talking with building security.”
“Who are just SO great at their jobs!” Orin mockingly posed, index finger bouncing in the air as if to tap an invisible period on the end of his statement. “Truly, bravo! I mean, all I had to do was walk in and speak to that lovely receptionist. She heard my accent, and I said I was a friend of yours. I told her I’d seen you while walking by and had just missed you in the lobby. Not a lie, after all. Then it was just a matter of choosing the right floor.”
“The right floor?”
“Everyone knows where your decrepit fiancé lives,” he said. “Exterior shots are all over the gossip rags. You should read them, actually! They say some things about you. Mostly about your breasts and age. I can’t believe they think you’re a 32DD. We all know you’re a—”
“Please stop,” she pleaded, holding a hand up, “I don’t care. I really don’t.”
“You should. They’re short-changing you, babe.”
“Don’t call me that. Also, don’t insult Ebenezer.”
“Well, anyway, images of you at your last dress-fitting kept me and all the other guys very entertained in the airport,” he said with a smile. “You ladies all looked so cuuuute! I’m glad you had some friends for this fitting. It must have been so lonely last time, with just you and your parents.”
“I recognized Bess – fucking gorgeous lady, tell her I said that—”
“I won’t.”
“—and the other two … Addie and Gal, yes?”
“I’m not telling you.”
“So, I’m right. Fah-bulous. Are they taken?”
“In every way, shape and form,” she said flatly. “Are you satisfied?”
Orin chuckled a little too hard, until the sound petered out into a garish gasp. Then, his eyes drifted out the nearby apartment window, as if he was lost in thought. She almost thought she could sneak past him, until his eyes flashed back to her at the speed of an owl’s.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Connie?” he asked. “You. Here. With him.”
Constance furrowed her brow. “I don’t understand the question.”
“You’re not going to fall for the same song and dance again, are you?” he asked. “Doesn’t this feel familiar to you? The courting? The sweet nothings? You, sitting alone in an apartment, biding your time until he grows bored with you?”
It was Constance’s turn to laugh, but this time, in disbelief. “You and Ebenezer are nothing alike. Not in any way.”
“Now, that can’t be true,” he objected. “After all, you love him … and you loved me. Once upon a time, maybe, but you did. We must have a few similarities.”
“I loved the man I thought you were.”
“Perhaps we have acting in common.”
“You think this one will last?” he asked. “That a man with his wealth and status will be satisfied with just you?”
“You have no right to—”
"Want a little insider tip?” Orin asked with a smirk. “Think of men like cabs, babe. When they're available, their light goes on. Ping! They wake up one day and decide they're ready to settle down, have a couple brats, they’re like a driver on-duty. The light goes on, and then, it’s a race against all the other cabs to get their next passenger. The next woman they pick-up? BOOM! That's the one. Marriage, kids, life-rending depression.”
Constance shook her head. “You might be like that—”
“—All men are like that—”
“—But Ebenezer isn’t.”
The guffaw that left Orin’s lips was as strident as cannon fire. “You think you're living a sweet little love story? You got lucky. You were just a pretty, desperate redhead on the curb. He pulled up, and you couldn't wait to hop in, couldn't you?"
Constance couldn’t look Orin in the eyes. “I-I…accepted Ebenezer’s kindness, yes. But I assure you, he was kind to me out of the goodness of his heart. He never expected anything in return because he’s a good man. A generous man!”
“Right,” Orin said. “And yet…here you two are. Living together. Engaged.”
“A therapist would call this a troubling pattern, Con. You’re the common denominator here.”
“You were the one who asked me to marry you!” she asserted, her voice starting to hike in volume.
Then, to her horror, a grin split his face. “Oh … that’s right. I asked you. I flicked my little light on when I chatted you up, bought you a few vodka sodas on starry rooftops, compared you to a Botticelli angel, held your hand when we ice-skated in Rockefeller Center …I pulled my car up to your curb. And what did you do?”
He stepped forward again, which sent Prudence into a frenzy of howling and barking. Given the volume of her bellowing voice, it wouldn’t be long before neighbors (or security) investigated the noise.
This time, however, he didn’t shrink away. Instead, he reared his foot back and landed a solid kick right in her gut. The force sent Prudence staggering back enough for her to lose her footing.
Constance blanched at the sight. “Prudence!”
“You, a beautiful but dense girl from Manhattan,­ saw my light was on … and jumped right in.”  
She flew to her knees and went to check on Prudence’s condition. Thankfully, it wasn’t a second of checking later that the mastiff was back to her senses. It appeared his blow had merely stunned her temporarily. With one shake of the head, she was right on her feet again.
Prudence weighed more than Orin by about twenty pounds, and while she had been holding back before, his attack only shattered her self-restraint. She lunged forward, jaws snapping and gullet foaming with rage. The force of her attack sent him to his elbows with a bone-rattling thump. Prudence didn’t cite or claw at him, but she did make a lot of noise while pinning is chest.
As predicted, the commotion caused doors to open in the hall, and Constance heard the concerned questions of neighbors.
While Orin was distracted, Constance bolted up and slammed the ‘Alarm’ button on the system. Along with the loud, reverberating barks from Prudence, the rhythmic blaring of the alarm created further commotion.
Pressing the button also automatically pinged authorities of an emergency.
It would also notify Ebenezer via cell message – a notification she knew he never silenced.
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She wasn’t answering.
Ebenezer had no doubt he’d find at least twenty traffic tickets in his mailbox in the coming weeks, but the alarm had been activated at his flat and Constance wasn’t answering her phone.
If only he’d been at his usual office; he could have sprinted home, but no. Today of all days, he had been in a meeting outside of London, and had had to drive 15 minutes out to meet a particularly uppity client at their private estate.
Ebenezer had a feeling that the man would become an ex-client after how he’d dashed out after barely a word to Bob and his twin brother Ebenezar, but he couldn’t even care.
“Dammit, MOVE!” he swore, avoiding a flock of cyclists as he sped down A2198.
Once again, his call went to voicemail, and he immediately dialed again. All he could focus on was driving (AKA not crashing the car) and calling Constance’s phone over and over.
He left one pleading voicemail after another, begging her to call him back and also letting her know that he would be there soon.
When he finally had a visual of his building, he saw police parked out front, but their lights were off. Most importantly, there were no ambulances or other emergency vehicles. This slightly ebbed his panic, but not enough for him to coast into the building’s private garage and find a spot. Instead, he pulled up and parked in the street with alignment that could generously be described as cattywampus.  
Again, he couldn’t care. Let them blast his windshield with parking tickets
Pushing the doors open and sprinting into the lobby, two of the guards immediately went to his side. Their goal had likely been to inform him of the situation, but their insistence upon pleasantries was too much chatter for him to handle.
“Sir, we’re glad you’re here!” one said, a light sheen of perspiration already coating their face. “Thank goodness, we were just going to—”
“Talk while you walk with me,” Ebenezer ordered, his voice practically bladed with tension. “Now.”
Instead of taking the elevator, he keyed into a private side staircase and took the steps up two at a time. Even professional firefighters would have had a hard time keeping up with the man.
Ten floors passed in the blink of an eye. Upon arriving at his flat’s level, he threw the door open to his floor to see a gaggle of officers crowded around his open doorway at the end of the hall. For a moment, his heart stopped at the sight before him.
Then, amidst a sea of curious onlookers and uniformed constables, he saw a flash of red hair. He would have recognized that hue anywhere.
“Constance!” he yelled, running down the hall at the sight of her.
Upon hearing her name, she turned to face him, her face puffy and her eyes blazing from worry. She was sitting on the floor in the doorway of their flat, Prudence seated at her side and nuzzling her face. They were okay, he thought, barely resisting tears.
She didn’t have time to speak before Ebenezer had shoved his way through the crowd and enveloped her in his embrace. They crashed together like comets compelled together by gravity.
Once in his arms, he felt her sink into him desperately, as if she was a small animal seeking solace from a hunter. “E-Ebenezer …I’m so sorry.”
He shushed her kindly but immediately, his wide palm falling protectively across her back.  He urged her closer, and she obliged with a thankful sob, her shoulders shaking as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay, Sunshine,” he whispered, turning slightly to place a kiss upon her damp cheek. “Gods, I’m so relieved to see you. I-I…can’t even tell you what I was thinking on the drive … ”
As they embraced, Scrooge heard nearby officers chatter about what had just transpired.
“The bloke said he was here on business, but his name isn’t pulling up any employers here or Stateside.”
Business? Stateside?
With Constance still folded tightly in his arms, he looked over to see a smaller group of officers that had gathered around … someone. He squinted his eyes, as if trying to peer through the physical entities that blocked his view.
“Is he going to need a transport for any injuries?” a voice radioed in. “The dog jumped him, but all injuries look superficial.”
Dog? Were they talking about Prudence? He looked over to see that Prudence was staying close to Connie, hugging her flank closely while laying his head upon one of his bent thighs.
“Hey there, girl,” he whispered, his hand giving the base of her skull a scritch. “Are you okay?”
Prudence whispered, and Scrooge’s confusion deepened.
“No, we checked him out and he’s going straight to holding,” the officer replied, his tone clipped. “He’s breached a restraining order.”
“Acting in contempt of court, huh?” another repeated, followed by a huff of amusement. “Stupid bastard.”
Ebenezer’s blood ran cold. The realization of what had transpired hit him like a ton of bricks.
All other senses; his sight, his hearing, his sense of touch; faded away, and all he became conscious of was a building fury that threatened to turn his vision red. There, through the narrowest gap of legs, he saw the distinct pale skin and dark-hair of the man that had tormented his fiancée for decades.
“You.” Ebenezer stormed to his feet and crossed the hallway in two steps. He was driven by blinding anger, which caused his heart to buzz like a saw. With the posture of a lion spotting wounded prey, he surged forward and grabbed the front of Orin’s coat. The over-starched lapels crunched under the older man’s fingers from the strength of his grip.
At this lunge, panic ensued.
“Mr. Scrooge, sir—!”
“W-wait! Ebenezer!”
Ebenezer paid the others no mind as he hauled Orin close to his face, their brows nearly touching as he eyed the man like a Minotaur out for blood.
Orin wheezed out a laugh. Only then did he notice the light bruising and raised marks on the man’s neck, each swatch standing out brightly against his sickly skin.
Oh, he would absolutely reward Prudence for her hard work.
“I should put your hard head through this bloody wall, Spiegler.”
“Then we’d both be off the jail, wouldn’t we?” Orin taunted. When he grinned, he saw his teeth outlined in red. “See, I tried to tell Sunshine that you and I were more alike than different.”
"Did you?" he asked, practically snorting in amusement.
"Yes, but I see that time in sleepy little London has made her more of an airheaded bimbo than she already was. She just couldn't seem to grasp the concept."
He raised his other arm in preparation to dislocate Orin’s jaw first-hand, but paused just short of contact. Unfortunately, the goblin of a man had a point, and he was in no mood to be forced away from his wife. Or go to prison.
With a furious sneer, Ebenezer threw the man against the wall in release. The officers fumbled to catch him, but understandably, made no effort to chastise the philanthropist for his reaction.
“Get him out,” Ebenezer whispered, his shoulders hiked up to his ears, and his voice oozed with venom.
“W-Would you like us to—”
“I want everyone who isn’t a resident on this floor off of it,” he seethed, his tone oozing with disappointment. “Any officers that need to question us can come inside.”
When his gaze fell on Constance, still huddled next to Prudence on the ground, his icy gaze melted into something more careful and tepid. Slowly, he sank back onto his knees and pulled her into another hug.
“Come one,” he urged, his voice soft and so, so tender. “Let’s go inside. I’m with you.”
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The entire questioning process was as cut-and-dry as it could have been, considering the circumstances. With the assistance of Orin’s digital footprint in addition to the less than glowing testimonies Constance and Ebenezer offered, the authorities were able to piece together a likely series of events. It seemed Orin had lied about his employment status. He was a self-employed crypto investor after having a falling out with his New York office and had no reason to be in London for any professional reason.
“There is … much for us to look into,” a constable said as they jotted notes in a small flipbook. “Ms. DoGoode, you said he made a comment about watching you enter the lobby. Yet, you say you didn’t see him?”
“N-No,” she answered, her voice sanded with exhaustion from the day’s events. “I felt like someone was watching me, and Prudence was looking out the front window too. I … thought maybe I was imagining things? I never actually saw him, though. Not until I keyed in and he grabbed the door.”
“Ah.” The officer scrawled another note.
“H-How did he get up onto the floor?” Constance asked. Prudence sat to her right, head in her lap, and Ebenezer sat to her left. One of his hands cupped her knee, his thumb moving in gentle rotations in one of the indents there. It was a soothing reminder of his presence that she was beyond grateful for.
“We’ve already interrogated the main office and are currently looking into where the oversight occurred.”
“That should be no issue, as there are cameras all over the building,” Scrooge chimed in, peering at the officers with impatience. “That should alleviate much confusion.”
“Yes, it should sir,” one replied. “We’re working to secure that footage properly.”
Constance watched her fiancé in intrigue. In all the time they’d known each other and dated, she had never seen him stare anyone down before, and she had to confess … it was quite unnerving. Regardless of how he addressed the officers, his hand remained tender when touching her.
Meanwhile, while the couple chatted with authorities, other members of the growing Scrooge family pack (comprised of the many friends, associates, and relatives that the twins had connected with) texted in. His twin brother, Ebenezar, had known something was amiss. He’s watched him sprint from the meeting after all.
Upon receiving a brief overview of what happened, as well as a request to inform the others, the messages trickled in steadily:
>>Ebenezar: I knew something was wrong when you left … but I had no idea that it was that bad, Sammy.
>>Bess: I will KILL that man, I swear.
>>Ebenezar: If the authorities half-ass detaining him, they’re not going to like the next letter from our firm that crosses their desk.
>>Addie: Don’t worry about any errands! Tom and I can bring things your way!
>>Tom: You bet we can. Are you both set for dinner tonight? I can run something over.
>>Harry: I’m so sorry, Uncle. Can Hela and I do anything? Just say the word.
>>Bob: I just called Mr. Ebenezar as well, and we’re going to divide and conquer at work. Consider it all done.
>>Ethel: What cell is he in? I’ve been taking axe-throwing lessons, and my aim is damn good.
>>Gal: If you guys need some door security that’s worth a damn, Jake and I are free tonight.
After one last swipe of their men, the interviewer cleared their throat, the loudness of it conveying a sense of finality.
“We’ll keep you both apprised of any updates,” the officer said as they pushed themselves up from the sofa. With a nod to their partner, they reached across the table to shake Scrooge’s hand. An odd gesture, all things considered, but he did reciprocate, though his eyes remained as sharp as a steel edge.
“I certainly hope those updates include information on whether Mr. Spiegler’s detainment details change,” he said. “Clearly an order from the court is not enough to stop him.”
“Absolutely, sir. We’ll keep you both posted.”
Constance was relieved the questioning was over, and allowed her fiancé to take the reins at leading the officers out the door. After a few more pleasantries, she heard the reverberating sound of the door latch and the telltale beeping of the security system turning on for the night.
When she looked up, she saw Ebenezer tentatively approaching her. His footfalls were soft, as if he was walking on snow. His touch was even softer as he reached down to push a few strands of auburn hair back from her face.
“I’m so, so sorry,” she started. Her tone was borderline formal in manner and delivery, as if she was speaking to an associate rather than the man she wanted to marry.
Ebenezer’s gentleness turned to confusion swiftly. “Goodness, whatever for?”
She paused to blink back tears before answering. Another apology left her.
“I’m sorry for how … for how I seem to always make your life more difficult,” Constance said slowly. She directed her gaze at a notch in the hardwood flooring, unable to look her fiancé in the eyes. She knew in that moment that, if she glimpsed his face, she knew she would cry again. “I-I should have noticed him sooner. I should have trusted my gut better.”
“No, sweetheart—”
“I should have trusted Prudence,” she said, looking down at said pup, whose head still rested in Constance’s lap. Upon seeing her sweet, droopy eyes peer up at her, Constance caved as a sob rattled her body. “H-He kicked Prudence, Ebenezer! She was so brave, protecting me, a-and I let her get hurt!”
For a moment, Ebenezer couldn’t find the words to speak. Did she … really care more about Prudence than her own safety?
Seeing Constance cry spurred London's finest lady (and treat aficionado) to lift her head and lick the woman’s face, lapping away her tears. She was also incredibly ticklish there, and Prudence’s kisses dissolved her tears instantly. With peals of laughter leaving her, Ebenezer leaned in and gave Prudence an affectionate kiss on the forehead.
“She’s a strong girl,” he assured, grinning broadly. “Aren’t you, Prudence?”
She barked in agreement, her warm and deep ‘ruff’ filling the space.
Constance huffed out another laugh, always amazed at how the pup seemed to understand conversations better than some humans. Although Prudence had done a sterling job at ridding Constance’s face of her tears, Ebenezer still fished a clean handkerchief from his trouser pocket. He dabbed her face gently, careful not to pull or tug her skin.
“Tomorrow, just to be safe, we’ll take her to the vet,” he promised. “We’ll get her looked over and make sure she’s in tip-top shape. Trust me, Prudence has had many children accidentally tumble over her before. She helps the Cratchit children decorate at Christmas, after all!”
Constance giggled again, covering her mouth sheepishly as she did so.
Just the sight of her smile was enough to lift a huge weight from his shoulders. While the entire afternoon had been an exercise in panic, all that mattered to him was that she was safe.
“Now,” he said, placing the handkerchief in her hand, then caging her smaller hands in his, “What we’re also going to do is take a holiday. We’re going to spend some time away from the flat and let things calm down.”
The suggestion brightened Constance’s eyes, but that excitement was almost immediately tempered. “What about work?”
“I’ll call in some favors. My brother is a damn fine businessman – definitely better at handling clients than I am. Don't tell him I said so, though. Bob will handle the books. And if all else fails? Well, being a private practice has many benefits.” He then paused to rub his chin in thought. “Actually, it might be good to close our doors for a few weeks to give everyone a break.”
“Y-You think?” she asked. “Wait, but what about…?”
“Profits?” he asked, unable to hold back a smirk. “You’ve seen our accounts. We could shut down for the next thousand years and be right as rain. And that’s a moderate estimate.”
Again, that beautiful smile came back. Mere hours before he’s suddenly been faced with the possibility of never seeing that smile again, and the thought of that physically sickened him.
“Sunshine, what you said earlier…” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper, “I…never want you to think that I see your ex-husband’s actions as a reflection of you. When you say you don’t want to make life more difficult for me, I realize that I cannot even begin to describe all the ways your have made my life immeasurably better since we first met.
“Since you came into my life, I’ve been changed in ways that, frankly, I thought I were beyond me. I thought I was too old to experience many of these lovely, sentimental emotions that poets love to wax on about.” He laughed, tossing his head back and staring at the ceiling. “Gods, I’ve never met someone who makes me feel so excited every time I’m proven wrong. It’s a feeling I’d wish every human could feel.”
Transfixed, she could only watch as he slowly turned to face her again. “You have made me excited to face each day. You’ve inspired me to notice small things – before meeting you, I don’t think I ever paid attention to those fuzzy caterpillars that come onto the sidewalks after it rains, or the way Prudence’s nose always wiggles slightly when she’s about to sneeze.”
“Really?” she asked. Her tone sounded so hopeful that it practically broke his heart.
“Yes!” he confessed. The answer couldn’t rush from his lips fast enough. “When I was calling your phone earlier, I…started thinking the worst. I suddenly couldn’t bear the idea of walking into that flat again if you weren’t there, or going back to work and seeing your desk empty. Seeing your coats line dup so neatly in our hall closet. Seeing your make-up on our bathroom sink. Not smelling your perfume on the pillow beside mine. Not hearing you have a sneeze attack every time you smell pepper, or not being able to race you down to the front lobby when we order take-away.”
Constance’s breath caught in her throat as she noticed tears prickling the corner’s of her love’s steely eyes as he rambled.
“When I tell you that there is no possible way you could make my life worse by being a part of it, I’m deathly serious,” he confessed. A tear darted down his cheek, and as he attempted to stifle a sob of his own, she dabbed it away with the handkerchief.
As if this gesture proved his point, a puff of laughter escaped him.
“The only possible way you could make my life harder or worse … is if you were no longer in it.”
It was his turn to cry as the tension of the day caught up to him, and he felt the floodgates break. Blast, he hated how easily he could be brought to tears sometimes.
What made it easier, however, was feeling Constance’s embrace circle him. Her hands latched at the base of his neck as she leaned in and covered his broader body with hers. His arms circled her waist, securing her in place, keeping her safe and present with him.
For many hours, they stayed like that, silently sobbing and embracing each other as the anxiety of the day left their bodies in literal waves. By the time they’d both exhausted their eyes to achy redness, sleep lingered over them with overwhelming insistence.
With mutual understanding, both parted ways to make some small changes before laying down. Ebenezer loosened his tie and Constance removed her constricting pantyhose, leaving her only in her blouse and pencil skirt. He gave her an impish whistle, and she threw that garment at him playfully.
Using her fiancé’s head as a pillow, she curled up atop his body and nuzzled her face against his shirt. Her ear laid squarely over his heart, where she could hear its steady and strong beat just inches away. Ebenezer moved a hand to the small of her back to not only make sure she stayed in place atop him and didn’t roll off, but to remind her of his presence.
“I’ll watch the door,” he promised, kissing the top of her head. “You sleep. I insist.”
His broad hand gave her waist a reassuring squeeze, hugging her close.
“And I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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>>Hello! You’re reached the voicemail for Constance DoGoode. I’m away from the phone right now, but leave your name and number, and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you!
… <BEEP>
<<Sunshine, it’s me. Please, please tell me you’re okay. I need to know you’re safe. I-I’m sorry for calling you over and over, and … fuck, I promise I’ll be there soon, angel. I promise. I love you, okay. I love you so much. I-I’m going to call again. Okay, love you. Please call me.”
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Klara Lidén, "Untitled (Trashcans)" Mixed media.
Klara Lidén (b. 1979) is an artist who has truly broken through, and is now regularly exhibited internationally. Galleries in Berlin, London and New York represent her and she has already had several important museum exhibitions, including a solo show at the New Museum in New York, curated by Massimiliano Gioni of the Venice Biennale. Furthermore her work has been shown at the Serpentine Gallery in London, at MoMa in New York, at Jeu de Paume and Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, and at the Venice Biennale.
The art world's heavyweight curator, Hans Ulrich Obrist, has spoken of her as "one of the great artists of the 21st century".
In November 2013 Klara Lidén was awarded the prestigious Friends of Moderna Museet Sculpture Prize. The jury's statement read as follows:
"Klara Lidén is an artist who explores with precision the poetic and political possibilities of a space. Her sculptural works involve the body, architecture and the city in their examinations of the limits of the public and the private. In a number of exhibitions shown across the world she has succeeded in extracting surprising artistic energies from everyday materials and spaces."
Both in her films and her installations we encounter an artist who refuses to exist in a mundane system and who refuses to be engulfed by societal and cultural structures. She de-constructs and re-constructs, she removes something from its context and gives it a new dwelling in another place.
Klara Lidén's work was shown at Moderna Museet for the first time in 2007. She called her exhibition "Unheimlich Manöver". What she did was to empty her flat of its entire contents. Every single thing was packed and pressed together into a gigantic mass, which was then displayed at the museum.
After her big international breakthrough, including a special mention at the 2011 Venice Biennale, where she exhibited the auction's "(Untitled) Trashcan", Lidén had her second exhibition at Moderna Museet in Stockholm. This time she blocked the entrance to the exhibition space, forcing the visitors to go back through the main entry and instead, in order to access the rooms where a comprehensive retrospective exhibition was laid out, enter by a side door. Through seemingly simple methods she guides the viewer down new tracks, often making us realise, with both humour and a certain sense of blushing shame, what creatures of habit we are and how easy it is to upset what we expect of the world around us.
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otiskeene · 19 days
Top 5 Vulnerability Management Tools Of 2024
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Imagine you're part of a security team tasked with securing a warehouse. Even if you're unfamiliar with the process, you would likely start by identifying all possible entry points, such as windows or doors that might be weak spots. From there, you'd evaluate these areas to determine which are the most vulnerable, like a backdoor with a broken lock that poses a higher risk than a window with a sturdy frame. After ranking these vulnerabilities, you’d focus on finding solutions—perhaps by installing better locks, adding security cameras, or reinforcing the windows. Lastly, you'd establish a routine to ensure everything remains secure over time.
Sounds straightforward, right? Now think of a Vulnerability Management Tool that simplifies this process even further for your digital security needs. Keep reading to discover the top 5 Vulnerability Management Tools of 2024!
In today's world, businesses must prioritize security both offline and online. While many invest in proactive solutions, they often overlook tools that act like silent guardians—watching for potential risks before they become major threats.
That’s where Vulnerability Management Tools come in. Unlike reactive measures such as firewalls or antivirus software, these tools identify and address potential weaknesses before cybercriminals can exploit them. Last year, we introduced the top Vulnerability Management Tools of 2023, and now it’s time to unveil the best of 2024!
Top 5 Vulnerability Management Tools of 2024
Vulnerability Management Tools scan your digital infrastructure—networks, software, applications, and other assets—for potential security gaps. Once detected, they help businesses prioritize and resolve these issues to prevent cyberattacks.
Here’s our rundown of the top 5 tools for 2024:
Tool 1: ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus
ManageEngine, a part of ZOHO Corp., has earned recognition for its robust vulnerability management features. This tool offers automated scans, real-time security insights, and patch management, making it easier for businesses to protect their IT infrastructure. With seamless integration into existing systems and real-time visibility of vulnerabilities, ManageEngine helps companies stay ahead of potential threats.
Tool 2: PingSafe
PingSafe, established in 2021, is a cloud-native vulnerability management platform that identifies and remediates security issues within your cloud infrastructure. Using AI to scan for potential weaknesses, PingSafe allows businesses to address threats before they are exploited. Its customizable dashboards and real-time alerts make it easy for IT teams to track their security posture.
Tool 3: Intruder
Intruder is a London-based cybersecurity tool that integrates with cloud services like AWS and Azure. This platform helps businesses discover vulnerabilities in their IT systems and prioritize them based on risk level. It combines automated scanning with human expertise, ensuring that businesses can effectively address potential threats.
Tool 4: Tenable One
Tenable One provides comprehensive coverage for IT, IoT, and cloud assets. By offering advanced analytics, exposure tracking, and vulnerability assessment, Tenable helps businesses identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Its AI-driven features offer actionable insights, making it a leading solution for enterprise security.
Tool 5: Frontline Vulnerability Manager
Frontline Vulnerability Manager from Fortra offers an advanced scanning solution that prioritizes critical vulnerabilities. With automated reporting and compliance auditing features, this tool simplifies the process of identifying and addressing weaknesses in your IT infrastructure, allowing businesses to remain secure and compliant.
Final Thoughts:
Vulnerability Management Tools provide businesses with an essential layer of protection by identifying and resolving weaknesses in their digital assets. By choosing one of the top tools of 2024, you can ensure your business is protected from potential cyber threats before they become serious problems.
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alphabses-blog · 25 days
Domestic Plumbing Course London: Your Gateway to a Rewarding Career
Are you considering a career in plumbing or looking to upgrade your skills? A domestic plumbing course in London might be exactly what you need. Plumbing is a profession that has been around for centuries, yet it remains as essential as ever. In London, a city brimming with opportunities and challenges, becoming a skilled plumber can open the door to a stable and rewarding career.
In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about domestic plumbing courses in London—from the basics to advanced training, the benefits of pursuing this career, and how you can get started. Let's dive in!
What is a Domestic Plumbing Course?
A domestic plumbing course is a training program designed to teach you the fundamentals of plumbing within residential settings. It covers everything from installing pipes and fittings to maintaining and repairing domestic water systems. Whether you're a complete beginner or someone with some basic knowledge, these courses are tailored to equip you with the skills needed to work in the plumbing industry.
Why Choose a Domestic Plumbing Course in London?
London is a city that never sleeps. With its constant development, there is always a demand for skilled plumbers. By choosing a domestic plumbing course in London, you're positioning yourself in a market where your skills will always be in demand. Plus, London offers a wide range of courses with different specializations, giving you the flexibility to tailor your education to your career goals.
Course Overview: What to Expect
So, what can you expect when you sign up for a domestic plumbing course in London? Typically, these courses offer a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical training. You'll learn about:
Basic Plumbing Principles: Understanding water systems, pressure, and flow.
Installation Techniques: How to install and fit pipes, taps, and other plumbing components.
Maintenance and Repair: Diagnosing and fixing common plumbing issues.
Health and Safety: Ensuring safe working practices in domestic environments.
Courses are often structured into modules, with each module covering a specific aspect of plumbing. This modular approach makes it easy to progress through the course at your own pace.
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Types of Domestic Plumbing Courses
There are several types of plumbing courses available in London, catering to different levels of experience:
Beginner Courses: Perfect for those with no prior experience. These courses cover the basics and provide a solid foundation.
Intermediate Courses: Ideal for those with some basic knowledge who want to expand their skills.
Advanced Courses: For experienced plumbers looking to specialize in areas like heating systems or renewable energy plumbing.
Short Courses: Intensive programs that focus on specific skills or certifications.
Entry Requirements: Who Can Enroll?
One of the great things about domestic plumbing courses is that they are accessible to almost everyone. While some advanced courses may require prior experience or qualifications, most beginner and intermediate courses have minimal entry requirements. Typically, you’ll need:
Basic Math Skills: To calculate measurements and understand water pressure.
Good Hand-Eye Coordination: Plumbing involves precise work, so steady hands are a must.
Willingness to Learn: A positive attitude and eagerness to develop new skills.
Some courses may also require a basic understanding of English, especially if the course includes written assessments.
Key Skills You’ll Learn
A domestic plumbing course will equip you with a wide range of skills that are essential for a successful career in plumbing. These include:
Pipework Installation: Learning how to correctly measure, cut, and install pipes.
Problem-Solving: Diagnosing issues in plumbing systems and finding effective solutions.
Customer Service: Interacting with clients and providing top-notch service.
Technical Knowledge: Understanding the workings of different water systems and plumbing fixtures.
Health and Safety Compliance: Ensuring all work is carried out safely and according to regulations.
Hands-On Training: The Practical Advantage
One of the biggest advantages of taking a domestic plumbing course in London is the emphasis on hands-on training. You won’t just learn theory—you’ll get to apply it in real-world scenarios. Many courses include workshops, practical assessments, and even work placements, giving you valuable experience before you even start your first job.
Imagine learning to fix a leaky tap or install a bathroom suite, not just in a classroom, but in a simulated home environment. This practical experience is invaluable and can make a huge difference when you start working professionally.
Career Opportunities After Completing the Course
What can you do after completing a domestic plumbing course in London? The opportunities are plentiful. Some of the career paths you might consider include:
Self-Employed Plumber: Start your own business and work independently.
Contractor: Work for larger construction or maintenance companies.
Specialized Plumber: Focus on areas like heating systems, gas fitting, or renewable energy.
Maintenance Engineer: Work in residential buildings, hotels, or other facilities where regular plumbing maintenance is required.
With the right experience and qualifications, you can even move into teaching or consultancy roles, helping others to start their careers in plumbing.
How to Choose the Right Plumbing Course in London
With so many options available, how do you choose the right plumbing course? Here are some tips:
Accreditation: Ensure the course is accredited by a recognized industry body.
Course Content: Look at the syllabus to make sure it covers the skills you want to learn.
Instructor Experience: Choose courses led by experienced professionals.
Facilities: Opt for courses that offer good facilities, including modern tools and equipment.
Flexibility: Consider whether the course offers part-time, evening, or weekend options.
Costs and Funding Options
The cost of a domestic plumbing course in London can vary depending on the provider, the level of the course, and the length of the program. However, don’t let cost deter you—there are several funding options available:
Government Grants: Some courses are eligible for government funding.
Apprenticeships: Earn while you learn with an apprenticeship program.
Employer Sponsorship: Some employers may cover the cost of training for their employees.
Payment Plans: Many providers offer flexible payment options to spread the cost.
Investing in your education is investing in your future, and with the potential earnings as a qualified plumber, the cost of training can quickly pay for itself.
The Future of Plumbing: Is It a Sustainable Career?
With growing concerns about sustainability and the environment, the plumbing industry is also evolving. Many domestic plumbing courses in London now include training on eco-friendly technologies, such as solar heating systems and water-saving fixtures. By learning these skills, you’ll be prepared to meet the demands of a greener future.
The shift towards sustainable plumbing means that plumbers who are knowledgeable about these technologies will be in high demand, making it a smart career choice for the future.
How to Enroll: Taking the First Step
Ready to start your journey? Enrolling in a domestic plumbing course in London is simple. Most providers offer online applications, or you can contact them directly for more information. Before you enroll, make sure you’ve chosen the right course for your needs and check if there are any prerequisites you need to meet.
Once you’ve enrolled, all that’s left is to commit to your studies and take full advantage of the training opportunities available. Your new career is just around the corner!
Testimonials: Success Stories from Graduates
Don’t just take our word for it—here are some success stories from people who have completed domestic plumbing courses in London:
John, 34: “After years of working in an office job, I decided to retrain as a plumber. The course was challenging, but the hands-on training really prepared me for the job. Now, I’m running my own plumbing business and couldn’t be happier.”
Emma, 28: “I was nervous about being the only woman in my class, but the instructors were so supportive. I’ve since specialized in eco-friendly plumbing solutions and love making a difference in people’s homes.”
Michael, 22: “Straight out of school, I knew university wasn’t for me. The domestic plumbing course gave me the skills I needed to start my career. I’m now working as an apprentice with a big plumbing firm in London.”
These stories show that with dedication and the right training, a successful career in plumbing is within reach.
A domestic plumbing course in London is more than just a qualification—it’s a pathway to a fulfilling and financially rewarding career. Whether you’re a school leaver, someone looking for a career change, or an experienced plumber wanting to upskill, there’s a course out there for you.
With practical training, industry-recognized qualifications, and a strong job market, now is the perfect time to start your journey. The future is bright for plumbers, especially those who are trained to meet the evolving demands of modern society. From installing the latest eco-friendly systems to ensuring homes are safe and functional, your skills as a plumber will always be in demand.
1. What qualifications do I need to enroll in a domestic plumbing course in London?
Most beginner courses have minimal entry requirements, usually basic math skills and a willingness to learn. However, advanced courses may require prior experience or qualifications.
2. How long does it take to complete a domestic plumbing course in London?
The duration varies depending on the course level and type. Short courses may last a few weeks, while more comprehensive programs can take several months to a year.
3. Can I take a domestic plumbing course part-time?
Yes, many providers offer part-time, evening, and weekend courses to accommodate students who are working or have other commitments.
4. What is the job outlook for plumbers in London?
The job outlook is very positive. With ongoing construction and the need for maintenance in older buildings, skilled plumbers are always in demand in London.
5. Are there opportunities for specialization within plumbing?
Absolutely. You can specialize in areas such as gas fitting, heating systems, renewable energy solutions, or even luxury bathroom installations. Specializing can open up new career opportunities and increase your earning potential
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project-125 · 3 months
The Complete Guide to Door Frames: Enhancing Your Front Door in London, Ontario
A door frame is a crucial component of any door system, providing structural support, security, and aesthetic appeal. Understanding the different aspects of door frames, especially for front doors, can help homeowners make informed decisions about their home's entryway. This blog will explore the importance of door frames, the door parts, materials, considerations for choosing them in London, Ontario, maintenance tips, where to find them, and professional installation services.
Importance of Understanding Door Frames
Front doors are the primary entry point to your home, serving as a first impression and a key element of security. A well-constructed door frame ensures that your front door operates smoothly, remains secure, and withstands the elements. Proper knowledge of door frames can help you choose the best option for durability, security, and curb appeal.
Different Parts of a Door Frame
Head: The top horizontal part of the door frame.
Jambs: The vertical sides of the door frame.
Sill: The bottom part of the door frame, often referred to as the threshold.
Stop: A strip of wood or metal on the inside of the frame that the door closes against.
Casing: The decorative trim around the frame.
Transom: An optional horizontal cross piece above the door, often with a window.
Common Materials Used 
Wood: Traditional and versatile, wood frames offer a classic look and can be painted or stained.
Steel: Strong and secure, steel frames are durable and provide excellent protection.
Aluminum: Lightweight and resistant to corrosion, aluminum frames are ideal for modern designs.
Fiberglass: Durable and low-maintenance, fiberglass frames are energy-efficient and weather-resistant.
Vinyl: Affordable and low-maintenance, vinyl frames are also energy-efficient and durable.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Door Frame for Front Doors in London, Ontario
Climate: London, Ontario experiences a range of weather conditions, so choose a frame material that can withstand humidity, rain, and temperature fluctuations.
Security: Consider the security features of the door frame, such as reinforced jambs and robust locks.
Aesthetics: Select a frame that complements your home’s architectural style.
Energy Efficiency: Look for frames with good insulation properties to keep your home energy-efficient.
Maintenance: Consider how much upkeep the frame will require over time.
Tips for Maintaining and Repairing 
Regular Inspection: Check for signs of wear, such as cracks, rot, or warping.
Cleaning: Clean the frame periodically to prevent dirt buildup and maintain its appearance.
Sealing and Painting: Repaint or reseal wooden frames to protect them from moisture.
Lubrication: Ensure hinges and locks are well-lubricated to prevent squeaking and sticking.
Repairs: Address any damage promptly to prevent further deterioration.
Frequently Asked Questions About Door Frames
Q: How do I know if my door frame needs replacing? 
A: Look for signs of damage like warping, rotting, or cracks. Difficulty in opening or closing the door can also indicate frame issues.
Q: Can I install a door frame myself? 
A: While possible, professional installation is recommended to ensure proper alignment and security.
Q: What is the best material for a door frame? 
A: It depends on your needs; wood offers a classic look, steel provides security, and fiberglass and vinyl are low-maintenance options.
Q: How often should I maintain my door frame? 
A: Perform regular inspections every few months and address any issues promptly to extend the frame’s lifespan.
Understanding the importance of door frames and the various factors involved in choosing, maintaining, and repairing them can enhance the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your front door. Whether you are upgrading your current door frame or installing a new one, there are numerous options and professional services to meet your needs. By selecting the right door frame, you can ensure your home remains secure, energy-efficient, and visually appealing.
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chalfontgaragedoors03 · 6 months
Unlocking Value: Garage Doors in London
Garage doors serve as more than just entry points to your vehicle storage space; they are an essential component of your property's aesthetics, security, and functionality. In London, where space is often at a premium and architectural styles vary widely, selecting the right garage door can significantly enhance the value and appeal of your property. Let's delve into the nuances of Garage doors London and how they unlock value for homeowners.
First and foremost, the aesthetic aspect cannot be overlooked. London's diverse neighborhoods boast an array of architectural styles, from classic Victorian terraces to modernist developments. Consequently, garage doors must complement the overall design language of the property. Whether you opt for a traditional wooden door to blend with historic surroundings or a sleek, contemporary design for a modern home, the right garage door enhances curb appeal and contributes to the overall attractiveness of your property.
Beyond aesthetics, garage doors play a crucial role in security. In a bustling metropolis like London, ensuring the safety of your vehicle and belongings is paramount. Modern garage doors come equipped with advanced locking mechanisms and durable materials, providing peace of mind against intruders and safeguarding your valuable assets.
Moreover, garage doors contribute to the functionality and convenience of your daily life. Automatic garage door systems, equipped with remote control or smartphone integration, offer effortless operation at the touch of a button. This convenience is particularly valuable in London's busy urban environment, where time is of the essence and convenience is highly prized.
When considering garage doors in London, price inevitably becomes a significant factor for homeowners. The cost can vary depending on factors such as materials, size, design, and additional features. However, it's essential to view garage doors as an investment rather than a mere expense. A well-chosen garage door not only enhances the value of your property but also offers long-term durability and reliability, ultimately saving you money on maintenance and replacement costs in the future.
Furthermore, selecting a reputable garage door supplier is paramount to unlocking the full value of your investment. In London's competitive market, choosing a supplier with a proven track record of quality products and exceptional service ensures a seamless experience from selection to installation.
In conclusion, garage doors in London represent more than just functional necessities; they are integral elements of property value, security, and convenience. By carefully considering factors such as aesthetics, security features, functionality, price, and supplier reputation, homeowners can unlock the full value of their investment in garage doors, enhancing both the appeal and functionality of their properties in the vibrant cityscape of London.
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crownshopfront · 9 months
Efficient Automatic Doors Services in London: Keeping Access Smooth and Secure
Crown Shopfront Automatic Doors Services in London offers expert installation, repair, and maintenance of cutting-edge automated door systems for commercial and residential properties. Our skilled technicians ensure seamless functionality, enhanced security, and a modern aesthetic, providing a convenient and safe entry solution tailored to the diverse needs of clients across the vibrant city of London. 
Read more:  https://medium.com/@Crownshopfront/efficient-automatic-doors-services-in-london-keeping-access-smooth-and-20c60ab1f5b6
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atw-external-doors · 11 months
Enhance Home Security and Style with Our Range of Front Doors
Your home's front door is more than just an entry point. It serves as a statement piece, blending functionality, style, and security. At authentictimberwindows.com, we take pride in offering a diverse range of front doors, from classic oak options to exterior doors designed for both aesthetics and safety.
Safety First: Top-Notch Locking Systems
Ensuring your family's safety is our utmost priority. That's why we've integrated top-notch locking systems into our doors. Our high-security locking mechanisms, including a 3-star high-security cylinder and multipoint locking system, are engineered to keep your home secure, providing peace of mind for you and your family.
Expert Installation: Ensuring Functionality and Aesthetics
Choosing the right door is crucial, but proper installation is equally essential. Our team of expert installers is dedicated to not only ensuring the door's functionality but also enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home. With their expertise, your door will not only look amazing but also add significant value to your property.
Long-Term Assurance: 10-Year Guarantee
We stand by the quality of our products and installation services. That's why we offer a 10-year guarantee, providing you with the confidence and assurance that your investment is protected. Your satisfaction and peace of mind matter to us, and our guarantee reflects our commitment to quality.
Aesthetic Appeal: Diverse Range of External Doors
Every home has its unique style. We understand this diversity and offer a wide array of external doors to match various architectural designs. From classic oak doors to modern, elegant designs, our collection ensures that your home's entrance reflects your personal style.
Transforming Your Home's Entrance
Investing in a new front door is not just about enhancing the appearance of your home. It's about reinforcing security and creating a welcoming entryway. At [Your Company Name], we strive to offer not only a beautiful selection of front doors but also the assurance of safety and quality, ensuring that your home's entrance makes a lasting impression while keeping your family secure.
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aesthetispace321 · 1 year
Design and Build for Accessibility: Making London Homes Inclusive
When it comes to creating a home, there's so much more to consider than just aesthetics. Imagine a London where every home is not just beautiful but also accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical abilities. That's the vision we need to embrace as we discuss how design and build companies in London can contribute to making our homes truly inclusive.
The Power of Design and Build Companies
Design and build companies in London play a crucial role in shaping the city's architectural landscape. They are responsible for turning blueprints into concrete realities, quite literally. And it's high time we recognize their potential to make our homes more accessible to everyone.
But what does "accessibility" really mean in the context of home design and construction? It's not just about ramps and wider doorways. It's about creating spaces that accommodate all, regardless of their physical capabilities, making life easier and more enjoyable for everyone.
So, let's dive into how design and build companies in London can lead the way in making our homes more inclusive.
1. Adapting Designs for All Abilities
The foundation of an inclusive home begins with the design. Design and build companies should focus on creating blueprints that cater to individuals with varying needs. Here are some key considerations:
Wider Doorways: Ensure that doorways are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers comfortably.
Stepless Entry: Replace steps with ramps or gentle slopes for easy access.
Open Floor Plans: Promote open floor plans that provide more maneuverability for wheelchairs and less clutter for everyone.
Accessible Bathrooms: Design bathrooms with roll-in showers, grab bars, and lower countertops.
Lever Door Handles: Replace traditional doorknobs with lever handles for ease of use.
By incorporating these elements into initial designs, London's homes can become more welcoming to all residents, regardless of their mobility.
2. The Right Materials and Finishes
The choice of materials and finishes used in construction can greatly affect a home's accessibility. Here's how design and build companies can make a difference:
Non-slip Flooring: Opt for slip-resistant flooring materials to reduce the risk of accidents.
Texture Contrast: Use contrasting colors and textures on floors and walls to aid those with visual impairments.
Tactile Signage: Install tactile signs with Braille in common areas for the visually impaired.
Easy-Grip Handles: Choose cabinet and drawer handles that are easy to grasp for those with limited dexterity.
These seemingly small choices can have a big impact on how easy and safe it is to navigate a home.
3. Technology Integration
In our modern world, technology can be a game-changer when it comes to accessibility. Design and build companies should consider the following tech solutions:
Smart Home Integration: Implement smart home technology to allow for voice-activated controls, making it easier for those with limited mobility to manage their homes.
Lighting Systems: Install adjustable lighting systems that can be tailored to individual needs and preferences.
Security Features: Incorporate advanced security systems that include visual and auditory alerts for heightened safety.
By embracing technology, London homes can become not only more accessible but also more convenient and efficient for all residents.
4. Sustainable and Accessible Landscaping
Don't forget the outdoors! An inclusive home should extend to the surrounding landscape. Here are some ideas for accessible landscaping:
Flat Pathways: Ensure that pathways in the garden or front yard are flat and smooth to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers.
Raised Garden Beds: Create raised garden beds for easy access to gardening for everyone.
Seating Areas: Design outdoor seating areas with benches that have armrests for those who need support when sitting or standing.
A well-thought-out landscape can provide a welcoming environment for all residents to enjoy the outdoors.
5. Certification and Compliance
To ensure that the principles of accessibility are followed rigorously, design and build companies in London should seek relevant certifications and comply with accessibility standards. These standards are designed to guarantee that homes are accessible and safe for everyone.
Some key accessibility standards in the UK include:
Part M of the Building Regulations: This part deals with access and use of buildings and sets out requirements for making buildings accessible.
Lifetime Homes Standard: A set of design principles that encourage the construction of adaptable and accessible homes.
By adhering to these standards, design and build companies can ensure that they are delivering homes that are truly inclusive.
In a city as diverse as London, it's imperative that our homes reflect the inclusivity we value. Design and build companies in London have the power to shape our living spaces, making them accessible to all, regardless of their physical abilities.
As homeowners, we should also be proactive in advocating for inclusive design when working with these companies. After all, an inclusive home isn't just a boon for those with disabilities; it benefits us all by creating spaces that are easier to navigate, more comfortable to live in, and ultimately, more enjoyable.
So, let's embrace the idea that every London home should be a haven for everyone, where accessibility isn't an afterthought but a fundamental part of the design and build process. By working together, we can create a more inclusive and welcoming city for all its residents.
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advshutter · 1 year
Enhance Security and Style with Shutter Fitting in London
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Shutters are more than just window coverings; they are a statement of style and a crucial element of home security. In a bustling metropolis like London, where both aesthetics and safety are paramount, choosing the right shutter fitting is essential. Whether you're a homeowner or a business owner, this article will guide you through the world of shutter fitting in London, helping you make informed decisions to protect your property while enhancing its appearance.
Shutter Fitting in London: The Basics
Shutter fitting is the process of installing external or internal shutters to windows and doors. In London, it serves multiple purposes, ranging from enhancing the curb appeal of homes to safeguarding commercial establishments from potential break-ins. There are various types of shutters available, including:
1.1. Roller Shutters: These are commonly seen in commercial properties and provide robust security. Roller shutters roll up and down vertically, offering excellent protection against forced entry and vandalism.
1.2. Plantation Shutters: Popular in residential settings, plantation shutters are elegant and versatile. They come in various materials, such as wood and PVC, and can be customized to match your interior décor.
1.3. Exterior Window Shutters: These enhance the aesthetics of homes and provide protection against harsh weather conditions. They come in various styles and materials, including wood, vinyl, and aluminum.
1.4. Security Shutters: Designed with security in mind, these shutters are a common choice for businesses in London. They offer robust protection against theft and vandalism.
Enhancing Security
In a bustling city like London, security is a top priority for homeowners and business owners alike. Shutter fitting plays a vital role in bolstering security. Here's how:
2.1. Deterrence: The mere presence of shutters can deter potential burglars. Criminals are less likely to target properties with visible security measures in place.
2.2. Physical Barrier: Shutters create a physical barrier that is difficult to breach. This is especially important for businesses storing valuable equipment or merchandise.
2.3. Remote Control and Automation: Modern shutter systems often come with remote control and automation features. This allows you to control your shutters from anywhere, providing added convenience and security.
2.4. Alarm Integration: Many shutter systems can be integrated with security alarms. If an intrusion attempt is detected, the shutters can automatically close, preventing unauthorized access.
Aesthetic Appeal
Shutters are not just about security; they also enhance the aesthetics of your property. In London, where architectural diversity is celebrated, choosing the right shutter style can greatly improve the visual appeal of your home or business.
3.1. Customization: Shutter fitting in London allows for a high degree of customization. You can choose the color, style, and material that complements your property's design.
3.2. Curb Appeal: Exterior window shutters, such as plantation shutters, can significantly boost your property's curb appeal. They add a touch of elegance and charm to both traditional and modern architecture.
3.3. Interior Design: Internal shutters like plantation shutters can be tailored to match your interior design. They provide excellent control over light and privacy while serving as a decorative element.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is a growing concern in London, given the high cost of energy and the city's commitment to sustainability. Shutters can contribute to energy savings in several ways:
4.1. Insulation: Shutters provide an additional layer of insulation, helping to keep your property warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This can lead to reduced heating and cooling costs.
4.2. Light Control: Internal shutters allow precise control over natural light, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day.
4.3. Privacy: With shutters, you can maintain privacy without resorting to heavy curtains or blinds. This not only enhances comfort but also reduces the need for artificial lighting.
Maintenance and Longevity
In a city like London, where maintenance can be costly and time-consuming, it's essential to invest in durable solutions. High-quality shutter fitting ensures longevity and minimal maintenance requirements.
5.1. Weather Resistance: London's unpredictable weather demands shutters that can withstand rain, wind, and other elements. Many shutter materials are designed for durability and are resistant to weather-related damage.
5.2. Ease of Cleaning: Shutters are relatively easy to clean, making them a practical choice for busy homeowners and business owners.
5.3. Professional Installation: Proper installation by experienced professionals ensures that your shutters function smoothly and have a longer lifespan.
Shutter fitting in London is more than just a security measure; it's an investment in aesthetics, energy efficiency, and peace of mind. Whether you're looking to enhance the curb appeal of your home or safeguard your business, shutters offer a versatile solution that aligns with the diverse architectural landscape of this bustling metropolis.
By choosing the right type of shutters and opting for professional installation, you can strike the perfect balance between security, style, and functionality. In London, where both heritage and innovation thrive, shutter fitting allows you to protect your property while making a statement that reflects your unique taste and values.
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andrewsbrights · 1 year
Maximizing the Security of Your Business with Professional Door Entry System Installation
“Keeping your business secure is a top priority in today’s world, and one of the most important lines of defence is the entry points to your establishment. Professional door entry system installers London can provide an added layer of protection against unauthorized access, theft, and vandalism. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of investing in a high-quality door entry system and how it can help you maximize the security of your business.” Read More on https://vmsltd.co.uk/maximizing-the-security-of-your-business-with-professional-door-entry-system-installation/
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jaxtians04 · 2 years
Electrical repairs by the approved electricians.
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We have many electrical repairs for the light fitting and as per the niceic approved electrician for finding repairs. The electricians carry the electrical system like electrical fire to need. Book a qualified electrician for the domestic and commercial needs by the Emergency Electrician East Sussex.  We have the storage heater repair in london north and do the fire extinguisher work to the entry systems. To get the response of the questions answered for domestic installer scheme and doing all the solid work at the domestic electrical work. We have this installer scheme for the heater repairs issues to deal with the pest control system. To get the hot water in west london west isn’t that a deal. Work must be based on reliability as per the policy cookie policy for hours emergency by electrician in london. We repair the smoke alarms by the approved contractor scheme and power outages in north east. This hard pressed issues by the charging point can be resolved by the guarantee accreditations and that must be fully insured for the door entry.
We have various range of electrical services like for electric vehicle resolved at the conditions privacy and gaining the safety certificate for the electrical inspection by the privacy policy and other commercial led. The conditions privacy policy for the home services and dealing for the new electrical needs and getting the electricians emergency services for all kind of electrical faults. Electricians are fully equipped, respond at the reasonable time and best for the domestic installer. Thus, we have the electrician you can trust. Maintain the issues for calling an Emergency Electrician Haywards Heath. We provide online booking opportunity for the qualified emergency in east midlands. Electricians in london deal with issues at any hours a day. Maintain the email address for dealing with the condition report. Therefore, trust our emergency electrician for the pressed to find at the hour minimum. The electric cooker have the same power supply that the electricians provide for the peace of mind. We have got the electrical safety certificates for the domestic electrical installation and the contractor scheme in london south west at the full range for the london south east london is here for you.
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satfocussecurity · 2 years
Website : https://www.satfocussecurity.co.uk/
Address : SatFocus Ltd Balmoral Road, Harrow London, Middlesex, HA2 8TF
Phone : +44 2084227918
SatFocus Security, we are specialist in supply and installing following CCTV Installation CCTV Repair CCTV Maintenance Burglar Alarm Burglar Alarm System Burglar Alarm Service Burglar Alarm Repair Burglar Alarms Intruder Alarm Intruder Alarms Intruder Alarm Repair Intruder Alarm Service Intruder Alarm Maintenance Door Intercom System Door Entry System Access Control Video Doorbell Intercom Repair Alarm and Security Alarm and CCTV Network Installation WiFi Access points Data Cabling Cat5, Cat6, Ca7, RJ45, Data Rack, Network Switch Network Installation Satellite Dish TV Aerials Smart Doorbell Telephone Sockets TV Wall Mounting You can send us a quotation request and we will get back to you ASAP. Thank you for taking the time to consider us.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/satfocus/
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chrisliss0878 · 2 years
Multi-tenant Residential Intercom Systems
We are familiar with intercom systems fitted within a single home for security purposes. A multi-tenant residential takes the requirements to a whole new level. The first obvious difference is the enormous size of the property (a larger number of units) that needs to be supervised. Thus, you need an intercom system that is built to function in this setup. Multi-tenant residential intercom systems allow people in different areas of the building to communicate with each other via a centralized setup. It consists of the intercoms installed at different entry and exit points that relay texts and calls back, security is the same way that a single-dwelling intercom system does. Depending on the model you choose, you can enjoy audio or video or audio and video surveillance. The intercom that has only featured audio allows you to communicate only through voice. On the other hand, one with video features, allows you to hear as well as see the person who comes knocking at your door. Monitors are installed in every apartment. Screen sizes range from 4.5 inches to 10 inches. Features like night vision ensure that your watchdog is on guard 24/7. You can choose from open voice tenant stations or handset types. Some have a memory to store images, with the time and date tagged for later viewing. This can be of great help should there be a need for evidence in the event of a crime or mishap. High-end systems also have a provision to alert tenants in case of an emergency and allow for safe exits. Access control is among the important features of a multi-tenant residential intercom system. It is the initial way to keep unauthorized visitors out of the way. Card access is quite common in this regard. The key fob is another option. A few intercom systems come with a card system where people are required to punch in or enter the passcode to gain access. If a person loses the access card, there is a provision to deter misuse. Modern multi-family residential intercom systems wireless are also equipped to handle emergencies. It consists of SOS calls directly to security guards, and there are features such as buttons to unlock a door or elevator control once the visitors are identified. Installing a multi-tenant residential intercom system shouldn’t be a hassle if you have the right heads and hands to guide you. Most of the time, even for older buildings, it is possible to install it along the existing phone lines, making it very cost-effective. There is quite an extensive range of intercom systems on the market equipped to control between 500 and 1000 tenants and man around 20 entrances. Looking for ways to security should be a priority for every building owner. It not only raises your property value but also shows your tenants that you truly care. Thinking of installing a multi-tenant residential intercom system to add security and functionality to your building? Intercom Repair London is a licensed and insured service provider that offers intercom installation in London at a compatible price. We can help you install the best residential intercom system in London.
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aluprof · 2 years
Top Building Awards
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Rapidly growing into a global player in the architectural aluminium systems market, Aluprof recently held its fourth International Building of the Year awards in Warsaw. Of the fifteen projects put forward by Aluprof UK, Erskine House in Belfast won one of the top three International Awards from a total of sixty two shortlisted projects.
Tomasz Grela, CEO and President of the Management Board at ALUPROF SA said during his introduction at the awards ceremony: “All of the developments evaluated in the competition are top of the tree in terms of innovation and bespoke design solutions. The entries combine functionality, interesting aesthetics and, thanks to the use of green and low-emission products, support the idea of sustainable construction. That statement is confirmed by the fact that almost fifty of the buildings which got through to stage two of this year’s competition are BREEAM and LEED certified.”
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Award winner Erskine House is a £17m development which sits prominently on Chichester Street, one of Belfast’s oldest and busiest thoroughfares. Offering 10,000 sqm of office accommodation above a ground floor retail space, the eight storey scheme comprises of limestone framed glazed screens over the lower levels, topped by a set-back two storey glazed penthouse which provides panoramic views over the city. Aluprof systems used in the construction were fabricated and installed by Walsin Limited and consisted of Aluprof's MB-SR50N capped system and MB-SR50N EFEKT capless structural glazing systems with Aluprof’s MB-86 doors. Initially designed speculatively, the building was selected by HMRC to become their new Regional Hub in Northern Ireland.
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Prior to the awards ceremony, ALUPROF hosted the international Future Builders conference, where prominent architects from Poland and around the world discussed current trends with particular emphasis on the future of architecture, design, sustainable construction and modern city culture. Neil Pennel, Head of Design Innovation and Property Solutions at Landsec in the UK was among the panellists invited to contribute their insights as a guest of Aluprof UK. During the panel discussion entitled ‘Transforming Cities and Towns for the Twenty-first Century’, where the speaker list of eminent architects included João Rodrigues, Agnieszka Kalinowska-Sołtys, Neil Pennell, Robert Schmitz, Alicja Kuczera, Mirosław Czarnik, Jacek Ewý, Ewa Kuryłowicz, Tomasz Konior and Bogdan Zaha from Zaha Hadid Architects, delegates were treated to a  vision of what our cities of the future could be like.
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Aluprof UK attended the conference and awards ceremony with a small team led by Managing Director Wojciech Brozyna, National Specification Manager, Jordan Kingman, London Projects Consultant, Jon Manning and Marketing Manager Omer Kanipak. Accompanying the Aluprof UK team were Michael Burns and Ronan Watts from Todd Architects, who collected their award on the evening, along with guests from Bryden Wood, AWW Architects and Landsec.
With Head Offices in Altrincham in the North West and with architectural specification support office in the Business Design Centre in London, the company has rapidly grown their specification influence in the UK with their high-performance architectural aluminium systems. Further expansion of the company’s headquarters in Altrincham now provides specifiers with meeting facilities and an extensive showroom of commercial systems to view. Further information is available on the company’s website at aluprof.co.uk or direct from their UK head office in Altrincham on 0161 941 4005.
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electricworkslondon · 4 years
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