#doraemon is there because in the book it says he only remembers things he likes/believes to be most important
greatdisaster · 1 year
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i don't bleed
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x0401x · 3 years
Febri Talk Interview with Jin (Complete)
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Commissioned by the lovely @sodasexual​ again!
Part 1: overwhelmed by the power of friendship in “The☆Doraemons: Kaitou Dorapan no Chousenjou!”
Musician and creator Jin has been bringing countless topical works to the world, including “Kagerou Project”. In the first part of this serial interview, we had him talk about a work from the series “The☆Doraemons”, which he experienced in his childhood and continued to be influenced by for a long time.
A work that unexpectedly became one of the origins of “Kagerou Project”.
——Jin-san, we would like to ask you about anime shows that have had an influence on you, following in order from your infancy onwards, so would the first one be “The☆Doraemons: Kaitou Dorapan no Chousenjou!” (hereon, “The☆Doraemons”), which came out in the year 1997?
Jin: That’s right. I watched this one in the theaters when I was either 7 or 8 years old. It’s an animation short that was screened together with “Doraemon: Nobita no Neji-maki Toshi Bounen-ki”, and it had one hell of an impact on me. At the time, I was living in an isolated island in Hokkaido called Rishiri Island, so just getting to watch a movie was quite a spectacle in itself (laughs). Actually, not many animes were broadcasted in Rishiri Island to begin with. There were few channels, and other than that, they aired those black-and-white period dramas in cable TV, I guess.
——No, I think that last one is a stretch (laughs). Did you watch “Doraemon” because you liked it from the start?
Jin: I liked it a lot. But the so-called “The☆Doraemons” is a spin-off about six friends of different colors. If I were to talk about the contents of “Kaitou Dorapan” in a summarized way, it’s the story of the Doraemons receiving a letter of challenge from an mysterious enemy called Dorapan, then completely getting caught into his trap and falling into a pinch... And, surprisingly, Doraemon isn’t active at all in this movie (laughs).
——Aah, it’s a work where the Doraemon friends are the main characters, right?
Jin: That’s right. A duo that didn’t have much popularity among the friends, Dora-med III and Dora-rinho, were set as the main characters in this one (laughs). Of course, I didn’t go watch it thinking that Doraemon would participate actively, but he almost doesn’t do anything. Instead, we were shown these two, who are something like sub-characters, in a big scuffle. But when it ended, I began to really like Dora-med III and Dora-rinho.
——Ahaha. So you totally got into it.
Jin: They had something called a “Friendship Telephone Card”, which was introduced as a key item, and this “friendship” thing made the back of my nose sting – that was the kind of feeling I got from it. Dorapan, the one who plays the role of villain in this movie, attempts to take control of robots from all over the world using the power of the Doraemons’ Friendship Telephone Card. However, there’s actually a mastermind behind the scenes, and one heroine is taken hostage, so Dorapan is doing bad deeds because he has no choice. We find this out in the middle of the movie, and at that moment, Dora-rinho goes, “I see; so that’s what was going on” and voluntarily tries to sacrifice himself. By believing in self-sacrificing friendship, everyone was able to reach a happy ending. That kind of storyline was truly wonderful... To tell you the truth, the initial motif of Kagerou Project (hereon “KagePro”) was this movie.
Making KagePro out of wanting to create his own “Doraemons”.
——Eeh, is that so!?
Jin: I created KagePro because I wanted to write about friendship, or rather, I wanted to make my own “Doraemons”. I started KagePro when I was about 20 years old, as I was vaguely beginning to realize that friendship apparently doesn’t exist at that point in life (laughs). Also, same goes to music, of course, but among the books I was reading back then, quite a lot of them had cynical views. Although these stories were my own taste, I also had the impression that there was a generational trend in them, like “people shouldn’t look at this if they’re dumb” and “those who understand this thing are admirable”. Therefore, I did my best to pretend to be like that at first, but I gradually grew tired of it...
——Ahaha. You were getting out of breath.
Jin: That’s right. So, when I looked back, I thought, “I do like ‘Kaitou Dorapan’ after all”. Therefore, if I was going to make something by myself, I decided to use it as the theme. In that sense, amongst the things I watched in my childhood, this work was a turning point. After watching it in the theater for the first time, I watched it over and over again as rental video, and because of this, I even now remember the moments when the sound effects come in.
——Generation-wise, you’re precisely from the generation of “The☆Doraemons”.
Jin: Yeah, spot-on. Also, the Doraemons from “The☆Doraemons” are comical and cute, but on the other hand, they show us that they are extremely strong-willed characters. Moreover, the Doraemons are rich in individuality – as in, everyone is irregular and there are some characters that make you go, “Isn’t that a problem?” amongst them. For example, the wolf Dora-nichov can’t speak human language (laughs).
——I see! Thinking that way, I feel like I can see the points in common with KagePro.
Jin: Also, all of them are purely good guys. The fact that they’re all good people and only have one enemy is pretty awesome. I believe that this kind of thing has an influence on the KagePro series as a whole.
Part 2: paralyzed by the hardboiled worldview of “Cowboy Bebop”.
In the second part of this interview series, where we ask Jin about anime works that influenced him, we have “Cowboy Bebop”, a masterpiece still loved by many fans even now. Here, Jin, who works as both a musician and creator, discusses thoroughly about the appeal of it.
Learning the attitude and stance for creating things.
——You talked about how not many animes were aired in your homeland, but did you keep watching anime after that?
Jin: If you mean watching on TV, anime was what I enjoyed most. However, the shows on broadcast were limited, so when it comes to series that left an impression on me, it would be things like “Card Captor Sakura”, which I used to watch with my little sister. “Kinnikuman” was also re-aired and I liked it a lot. As expected, I was weak to “friendship” (laughs). When they were fighting for the throne or whatever, man, I cried, for real. This happened around the time I was in grade school, but when I got into middle school, I stopped watching anime entirely.
——And when you came back to it, it was right on time for...
Jin: For the series that I pointed out as second in line, “Cowboy Bebop”. Because my father had made up his mind to get his hands on a satellite television called SKY Perfect TV! I think he probably wanted to watch Discovery Channel, but back then, he also included Animax in the contract. And, by sheer coincidence, a re-run of “Cowboy Bebop” began right at that timing, around 2004 or 2005, I guess. I was a middle schooler then, and there were lots of CMs that went like, “Broadcast begins on X day of X month!” together with that opening theme by Kanno Youko-san.
——So that’s what caught your interest.
Jin: There was also the fact I’d been disconnected from anime for a while, so I watched the first episode not knowing anything. And the contents weren’t aimed at children at all (laughs). Dude sprayed an eye-drop drug into his eyes, went, “UWAH—!” and died, like.
——Ahaha. It was a shock.
Jin: “Cowboy Bebop” was my first time coming in contact with a hardboiled worldview. I was like, “What’s this? It’s so cool”. Until then, I had this impression that “anime was made for kids”, but for the first time, I felt like I was watching a drama. Plus, the story was interesting, so I was super hooked as I watched it, and while doing so, the episode “Jamming with Edward” (episode 9) had an impact on me.
——Satou Dai-san was the one who wrote the script for it, right? You later came to work together with Satou-san in “LISTENERS”.
Jin: That’s right. It was such an impact that it had me thinking, “You wouldn’t be able to do that in a TV drama”. And so, this ninth episode had me completely addicted to it, and in the end, I watched it up to the finale. Later on, when I began my own creations, I noticed that what I was doing overlapped with “Cowboy Bebop”, and when this happened, I realized I was doing something quite risky (laughs). To top it off, just when I thought, “There must be lots of animes like that out there”, there was surprisingly none.
The coolness of affirming that KagePro has both pop and hardcore songs and that this is what it is about!
——Ahaha. Did “Cowboy Bebop” have any influence on you? For example, on the music side...
Jin: Hmm... if you put it that way, maybe not (laughs). Only in the variety aspect of the narrative, as people call it. Each one of the 26 episodes has wholly different colors, so to say. They felt like a gashapon from which you couldn’t tell what was coming out next.
——Like, although there were episodes where they threw in comedy to their hearts contentment, there were also episodes that showed vigorous action.
Jin: When I think about it, there are also episodes that go through a simple approach by way of genres that even I would know. I think the creators must’ve had a lot of fun when making them. So when it comes to what influenced me, it I think it was the variation of songs. I think there probably aren’t that many composers like me, who make songs one by one and have no idea what song to write next.
——As in, you do it while intentionally deciding to change the tone and genre?
Jin: Rather than that, I guess it happens naturally. I was always the type who doesn’t listen to the same genre all the time – it’s like, “Today is rock day; tomorrow is punk day”. I believe it’s possible that “Cowboy Bebop” made me think this kind of feeling was valid. The themes also don’t have to be consistent, and even if you turn upside-down the things that you had been asserting in a previous episode, their value and meaning will still hold. Moreover, I didn’t think that the people who made “Cowboy Bebop” had to plan this stuff up in their heads and study about it so that they could put it to action. It just so happened that when they drew out the things they like and lined them up, it turned out the way it did.
——So they didn’t do it while aiming for that, but rather, it turned out to have a sense of variety to it when it was finished.
Jin: And I think it’s amazing because it validates itself with that. So I guess being able to say all we have to say is what actually matters (laughs). If I were to affirm, “This is what KagePro is about!”, then that’d be pretty much it. Even though there are both pop and hardcore songs in KagePro, nobody can say, “That doesn’t feel like KagePro”. That’s why I think that the coolness of proudly declaring, “That’s what it is!” is something I learned from Bebop. Like, “This is what’s cool”. It feels like, on my own accord, I accepted something that was like a stance to be taken when you create these kinds of things.
Part 3: obsessing over “Tokyo Godfathers”, which had developments where one couldn’t predict what lay ahead.
This is the third part of the interview series where the creator Jin talks about works that influenced him. Here, he discusses about a hidden masterpiece from the director Kon Satoshi, which also had a great influence on “Kagerou Project” and which he encountered during his vocational school years, while living a wasteful life.
——The third work is “Tokyo Godfathers” by Director Kon Satoshi, but when was it that you watched it?
Jin: It was during my vocational school years. After graduating from high school, I attended a vocational music school located in Sapporo, but my upperclassmen from that school taught me many bad ways of having fun (laughs). I used to buy lots of sick equipment. Then, obviously, I’d run out of money, so I worked to death in part-time jobs, and well, lived a wasteful life (laughs), but during that time, a friend from my class lent me a DVD of “Hidamari Sketch”. At first, I told him, “Nah, I’m not too into this kinda stuff”, but when I took it home and watched it, I wailed aloud.
Jin: That’s why I asked Asumi Kana-san (who voices Yuno) to play KagePro’s main heroine... Anyhow, “Hidamari Sketch” became the cue for me to start watching anime again. And Director Kon Satoshi was from Sapporo, so it was probably being featured in a video shop. “Tokyo Godfathers” is a 2003 movie, but I saw it in the video in 2008 or 2009.
——What piqued your interest about it?
Jin: It was tremendously well-done and fun, and on top of that, it was sharp – a work like no other up until then, I thought. A dramatic production with parallel storylines focusing on different characters is incorporated within the span of about an hour and half as if it weren’t enough. During that same time, there were also works by Mitani Kouki-san and Isaka Koutarou-san’s “Golden Slumber” was being made into live action, so I believe that the so-called multi-protagonist story kind of approach was being used in all sorts of places. But even among them, “Tokyo Godfathers” was outstandingly interesting. “Where the heck is this story heading to?” You can’t tell at all until the end. Three homeless people pick up a baby on Christmas night and try to take her to her mother, but as the story goes on, it gets to a climax like, “Does she even have a mother in the first place?”. Plus, we find out that the person who they thought to be the mother and handed the baby over to is actually someone who kidnapped her from a hospital. The story just keeps changing over and over.
As the story progresses, the characters’ pasts become visible. It was interesting that the past and present were firmly bound together.
——We can’t predict what comes next at all, huh?
Jin: So, the topic will go back to KagePro now: when I thought of writing a novel, first of all, I decided that I “wanted to do a multi-protagonist story”. To make a story like the one from “The☆Doraemons” into a multi-protagonist story. Back then, I really liked the type of novels that went on in first person – such as works by Isaka-san or Morimi Tomihiko-san, and also Yonezawa Honobu-san.
——I see, I see.
Jin: On the other hand, “Tokyo Godfathers” is structured so that the characters’ pasts can be seen more and more as the story progresses. As if the story progresses with the past mini-arcs as the main focus. Like, “Person A and Person B were actually parent and child!” – it was interesting that the past and the present were bound together so firmly. Moreover, the developments go on at an incredible speed, and there’s a proper catharsis at the end. Also, all the characters that show up in it have rich facial expressions.
——To begin with, the fact that the three main characters are homeless is a twist.
Jin: In the first place, it starts with the main heroine spitting onto people in the streets from a rooftop (laughs). I really like those sharp-edged points of it too. “Tokyo Godfathers” has a content that can be written even if the protagonists were parent and child from an ordinary household. But through making the protagonists homeless, it became extremely vivid.
——It’s as if it turns them into down-to-earth characters and gives you a sensation that they connect with the audience’s “present”.
Jin: If I were to speak of other words by Director Kon Satoshi, I also think that “Paprika” and “Sennen Joyuu” are amazing. But on the other hand, I end up thinking, “They’re so wonderful”. As in, “Awesome, aren’t they? I don’t get them very well, though” (laughs). But “Tokyo Godfathers” is a candid form of entertainment that even an idiot like me can instantly get hooked on. The fact that I indeed want to keep doing entertainment resides strongly inside me.
——Listening to you talk like this, Jin-san, it makes me think that the books you read and movies you watched because you liked them reflect straightforwardly in your own manner of expressing yourself.
Jin: I myself think that I’m usually straightforward (laughs). Rather than “I want it to be seen like this” or “I want people to think of it like that”, I prioritize “I want to do this” and “this is fun”, so to say. By multiplying “The☆Doraemons” to “Tokyo Godfathers”, it turned into “Kagerou Project” (laughs). I feel like that’s my foundation.
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robynbernard · 6 years
Almost to Home Base: 
My flight landed a few hours before Dave and Ryans as their flight was delayed a bit. I pulled the typical traveler move and took a nap on my bags in the side of the airport waiting for the guys to arrive. Once we met up, we were to navigate to our first Airbnb located in Ikebukuro.  Please Note: In June 2018 legalized home sharing and is part of an amendment to 1947’s Japanese Hotels and Inns Act. The law requires hosts to obtain a government registration number and meet various regulations.This is really important to watch out for when you look for places to stay. 
 It was supposed to take only about a hour by train, however the trains kept getting delayed. We ended up passing out on the train. Our room very large compared to most apartments I've stayed in before. I made sure to have our accommodations include at least 3 beds, shower, a good view, and laundry machine that proved to be extremely useful through out the trip. Specially in August where you will literally sweat through many clothes in the day. 
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We started the day at 5am, I wanted to go to my favorite bread shop called Boul’ange which is located right outside of Shinjuku station east exit. Sometimes the exits can be quite confusing for people navigating through the train stations. I recommend looking at platform routes and a station map prior to you getting to it. That way you don’t get lost in an underground mall. We finally found the shop and I got a mixed berry pastry and some iced coffee. David went with the hot dog, Ryan choose the manly route and got the egg and bacon quiche. “Real men eat quiche” he says. Most definitely one of my top recommendations for breakfast on the east side of Tokyo. 
      A Quick history Lesson:
Bread first arrived in Japan in 1543, when a Portuguese ship washed ashore carrying with it Christian missionaries, goods, and guns.
The Japanese word パソ (Pa-n) came from the Portuguese word for bread pão. 
パソ is written in Katakana, an alphabet used for foreign words. Thus, even centuries later they still utilize the Portuguese word for bread. 
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 Shinjuku Park:
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One of my most favorite places in Tokyo for relaxation on a good weather day. Only 200 Yen (roughly $2) you gain entrance to the park. There are many main gates to choose from, But I recommend the Shinjuku main gate if you are coming from Shinjuku station. The best route I feel is walking on the right side towards past the children’s garden and the tea house,  towards the Kyugoryotei. You can almost always see artists around the park, taking photographs, painting and drawing in sketch books. I personally feel the best time to go is during cherry blossom season however, it will be busy. The summer was not as busy but still just as beautiful. I always make a stop by the English gardens as well, there is a series of trees lined up across a path on both sides of the garden, just like that of a fairy tale book. On the way out I would highly recommend a walk through the green house, there’s a waterfall and a pond with an abundant amount of species of plants. Any time of year I would believe Shinjuku garden to be absolutely beautiful and a must see if you are in the Tokyo area.
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Shinjuku is known for some amazing sushi and ramen. We met up with my two friends from high school Rino and Haruna. They suggested a sushi place near the park we were at. A unique design as you walk in you turn left up the stairs and into a second floor seating area. The boys and I ordered a small sushi plate that costs roughly $15. Rino and Haruna ordered a mixed sushi bowl that was set over rice. As much as I love sushi back home in Michigan. It simply does not compare to the fish you can get in Japan. Each bite was so distinct of the type of fish, I absolutely loved the salmon the most. Paired with a hot green tea this was an amazing choice of eats. I feel in Japan you don’t need to eat as much because most food is truly pure, so you can gain enough nutrients from a smaller portion.
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 Meiji Shrine:
The Charter Oath in Five Articles:
 Deliberate assemblies shall be widely established and all matters shall be decided by general discussion based on public spirit.
 All people, regardless of their respective status in society, shall unite their hearts and minds, and vigorously contribute to the development of the country.
 It shall be ensured that all people, officials, civilians or military as well as general public, may accomplish their personal calling and not loose their spirit for life.
 Out-dated and harmful practices shall BE BROKEN, and everything shall be based on universal principles.
 The nation’s core shall be vitalized by gathering knowledge from all over the world, while cherishing our beautiful culture and tradition centering the emperor.
 -       Proclaimed by Emperor Meiji
March 14th, 1868
I promised my self that during this trip I would find more. I’ve been to the Meiji Shrine now three times. This time there was a billboard posted at the entrance speaking of the 100th year anniversary of the shrine being built. They speak of the charter oath in five articles. In a way the world looks at Japan as extremely efficient and balanced in tradition with expanding to new technologies of the future. These articles help design the foundation that help to drive the future. My hope is that other areas of the world can catch up with the abilities of what an society can do.
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Roppongi Hills:
After the Meiji Shrine we made our way to Roppongi hills, warning there is no direct JR train to this station but it only costs about $2.40 to get there by a Tokyo metro line. Roppongi hills kind of reminded me of Salt Lake City, it being a kind of combination of an uptown feel. Haruna showed us to Doraemon statues, a ton of little Doraemon hanging out in a display outside of a few buildings, each one slightly different than the other. We were about to take a photo and a wedding party (obviously intoxicated) came up and asked us in English to take a photo of us. One of their friends came into the photo with us and landed us one of the best awkward moments I’ve seen in a while. The boys went to a smoking area after that while Rino, Haruna and I chilled by the stairs talking about boys and girl things. Reminds me of back in high school days, so nostalgic.
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We stopped by a shop that served sweets. We all ended up getting the BEST shaved ice cream I have ever had. Unfortunately I was unable to remember the name of the shop. I will most likely ask Haruna and Rino to take me back again one day. 
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Mori Tower:
We then went to the Mori Tower, because of Haruna’s work we were able to go for free! You walk in and go straight into the elevator. All of a sudden you feel your ears start to pop, and the lights of the elevator changes color. You then notice the elevators floor number is going up extremely fast and your at above 50 floors. I had a moment of panic and then realized we had made it finally to the 52nd floor. There are a few different things you can do around this floor. A couple of restaurants, an art museum, city view, and sky view. We went to three of them starting with city view. For the first night, this was one of the most breath taking moments I’ve had in a while where you have to just take in the sight. You can see ALL of Tokyo: Shinjuku garden, Tokyo tower, Skytree, Everything. I would highly recommend coming to this spot for any age and time, We arrived just before sunset so, it wasn’t too busy. You then make your way to the sky view. Never in my life I would have ever thought I would be able to see the top of a skyscraper, let alone be on the roof at 55 stories high. We were able to see Fuji from here, and watch the sun as it began to set.
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Mori Architecture Museum:
On the same floor of the city view there is a art museum as well. The Japanese are known for their beautiful architecture. The museum talks about how architecture is an art, starting with the material you use, borderless boundaries, structure, and how natural color of mI began to see traces of the design work talked about in the museum in every day architecture as we roam the city. It was most definitely an amazing exhibit to see and cost effective for a day trip.
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Robot Restaurant:
I will say this is most definitely the most tourist like activity you can do in japan. Similar to that going to a Vegas show, the robot restaurant is filled with lights and entertainment. Located in Kabukicho the “red light” district of Shinjuku, it is a place where you will find it difficult to just go to one bar. See my previous entries for a break down of kabukicho. There is one recommendation I’ll make for the robot restaurant, drinking makes everything so extra. Highly suggested and it seems like they have lowered prices of drinks as well. The entry cost however cost quite a bit, however you can find discounted rates on Voyagin, Expedia, or Trip-advisor’s websites.  
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picturestees · 6 years
Spiderman kill your heroes be gay do crime shirt
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Marvel CEO Kevin Feige calls Spider-Man the greatest superhero of all time. Spiderman kill your heroes be gay do crime shirt. Because this is the character has left many imprints in American culture for a long time. Spider-Man has been a well-known superhero since his debut in comic books, anime to appearing as a movie star for over 15 years and starring in five electric films. Big picture. This is not to mention your impressive appearance in Captain America: Civil War. And this summer, Spider-Man will become a big part of the Marvel universe with the Spider-Man: Homecoming blockbuster. Tom Holland plays Peter Parker as a kid and IronMan (Tony Stark) as an advisor. The introduction of Spider-Man to the Marvel universe is considered to be a significant success in the negotiations between Marvel and Sony. Which owns the rights to the hit brand.
Spider-Man is the strongest Superman?
Homecoming on Disney, Marvel president Kevin Feige says. He does not consider Spider-Man a mere cartoon character but a great icon. “Spider-Man is a very influential character in Marvel comics. And he is a jewel in the crown.” Spider-Man is a very different hero because he’s simple and fun. Marvel said. Considering this character’s steady interaction with the public. Kevin Feige insists it is the greatest superhero of all time. Kevin Feige also said that this character plays a very important part in Marvel’s plan to build the universe in the near future. Spider-Man: Homecoming is trying to start and adjust this character gently. Spider-Man has been somewhat misplaced in the two Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2 films starring Andrew Garfield, under the direction of director Marc Webb.
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Ladies tee
Remember that Spider-Man is the only member of the superhero squad less than 18 years old. Despair made Spider-Man pop out of the superhero, the most ordinary guy. Not that god, or billionaire, or magus, Peter Parker makes us think of ourselves, our friends, our brothers, and sisters. Somewhere, if we have a superpower, we will too. Peter Parker is not a Captain, or an Iron Man to dream, dream or worship. Peter is like my Spirit of Dan 18 or Harry Potter. Offensive but shy, mischievous but honest. The school day up to the end of the day to get dressed and do somebody else. There are friends, there are teachers. There is someone to sneak up on. Is a secret that nobody wants to know.
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Long sleeve
There cluttered thieves after school. Spiderman kill your heroes be gay do crime shirt. There is a guy “dread” whenever provocative cause trouble with him. A poor aunt cooks food and has a familiar grocery store with a fat cat. The world of superhero cosmology today is so successful. That sometimes people forget that there is a time when world peace protection is the responsibility of the em-18s. Like Harry Potter or Sailor Moon or even Doraemon. Only the youth, the belief in good and evil new, so strong assertive. New indifference before the clumsy smiles of the villain villains. Dreams of recklessness, the new belief in yourself, believe in good things unconditionally. New desire to contribute, recognized, made the world better because the world in their eyes is so beautiful. And the world really desperately needs such heroes.
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63824peace · 5 years
Monday, 31st of october 2005
I left midway through today's morning meeting to deliver our "sons" to Aoyama. This time I'm delivering them with my brothers Matsuhanan and Okamura.
"Shall we take a cab to Aoyama?"
"Or perhaps the subway?"
I was indecisive because I didn't know the morning's traffic conditions.
"Why don't we walk?" suggested Matsuhanan.
"Can we make it there on foot?" I asked.
"Yes," he replied. "I have walked there several times already."
"How long is the trip?"
"Oh, about twenty to thirty minutes."
I then remembered an acquaintance of mine who said that he sometimes walks to Roppongi Hills. He works for the company where we're going in Aoyama.
"All right then. Let's walk."
We three agreed and commenced escorting our children to Aoyama.
Matsuhanan guided us through Roppongi at a brisk pace. No solicitors distributed flyers on the street corners. Roppongi looks asleep when it is deserted and empty.
Matsuhanan walked with a quick gait. Lately he has walked to Roppongi Hills from Tokyo's Shibaya district. Okamura and I had no choice but to trust him as our point-man since neither one of us knew the way.
"This way," Matsuhanan said. "It's a shortcut."
We followed Matsuhanan's lead and took a right at the future site of Tokyo Midtown. Then we ran into a road construction sign--accompanied by a detour notification.
"Construction . . . this is troublesome."
We had no choice. We couldn’t just trespass through a construction site, so we had to take the roundabout detour.
We finally arrived in Aoyama after about thirty minutes. We got lost a few times and wound up walking longer than we had planned.
"We really took the scenic route this time," Matsuhanan said.
We still enjoyed the walk. It was pleasant to walk through the scenery that we usually miss when we take the subway or a taxi. We experienced Roppongi, Akasaka, and Aoyama as a linear sequence of places rather than train stops and exchange points.
We had to take a few turns into alleys on blind faith, yet we discovered a few of the older narrow paths. Those really surprised us.
"Hey! Tokyo still has little nooks like these around?"
Matsuhanan, Okamura, and I each exclaimed joyously every time we saw a narrow path, an obscure alley, or even a sloping road. We were all born in the 1960's, so these sights had a powerfully nostalgic effect, even if we weren't born in this exact area. We could feel some rustling memory of places like this even though we had never lived in the neighborhoods. We must have stumbled across authentic Tokyo.
The newer face of Tokyo (like the Hills) is cosmopolitan, urbane, and metropolitan. We'll even have the new Tokyo Midtown soon. Old-fashioned, traditional Tokyo still nestles among the shinier buildings though. I enjoyed a real promenade today.
We left our beloved children's seeds at Aoyama.
Afterwards we took our ritual prayer breakfast at the cafe in the underground level of the Aoyama Twin Towers. Matsuhanan and I eat breakfast here every time we drop off our children. However, our prior agreement on breakfast also constitutes an important part of the ritual. We hadn't spoken about it beforehand, so Matsuhanan didn't eat anything. I only had a banana and some yogurt.
Our breakfast is a ritual way of praying to God. "We eat this breakfast here, in hopes that good things will happen after we have handed over our children."
The cafe isn't particularly glamorous and the meal isn't high class. Quite to the contrary, the food is plain as is the location. We aren't acting on a superstition that we heard about through some rumor either. We simply believe that this works. We've enacted our ritual prayer breakfast for seven years now.
We just handed in the discs for the game that we developed. We're not going to pretend that we can keep our cool on the very day that we send our children into the world. We feel anxious, so we feel like praying to God. There's no scientific rationale behind it.
As a matter of fact, Matsuhanan and I have kept the ritual a secret since MGS1. Okamura came with us today, so we reluctantly confessed to him. He smiled without a hint of mockery and said, "I'm the same way. I have my own superstitious routines that I use to call on good fortune whenever I prepare documents. I can't imagine there's anyone who doesn't do something similar."
We took the subway back to the Hills after we ate. I saw something strange when I stopped by the subway station restroom.
I imagined Doraemon pronouncing its name: "The Restroom That Anyone Can Enter."
As the name implies, it's an all-access public restroom. Anyone can use it without finding that his or her specific needs are unmet--male, female, physically handicapped, or wet nursing.
It's not a multi-tasking restroom... it's a multi-user restroom!
I had never imagined the idea of an all-access public restroom before. I wonder if creatures other than people could use it too.
It's a magnificent idea. Dwelling on it gives me a new sense of freedom.
The formal declaration that anyone could enter made me feel uneasy though. I settled for the traditional men's room instead.
I ate linguine with smoked salmon and cream for lunch at the Italian restaurant Piatto Piatto. Senju joined me because KojiPro had been in a meeting all morning. He briefed me on the preparations for G-STAR, which will be held next week in Korea. Senju went to Korea last week to assist with the preparations, and he also visited the expo site to check up on its progress.
Senju says that Korea's G-STAR is really hot.
Matsuhanan and Kore-P leave for Korea tomorrow to help install the Online Versus Mode demo booth.
I found the new Repairman Jack book by F. Paul Wilson at the bookstore. I snatched the two volume set of The Haunted Air. I can't wait to read them!
I had bought the original English version of The Haunted Air last year since the publishers took a while with the translated version. I expected that I would be able to read it, but I was wrong. Now I'll have my chance!
I also bought the sixth volume of Shohei Harumoto's manga series CB kan/REBORN from the bookstore's manga section.
The Promotions Department sent word that we can now watch the MGS4 trailer on the Quicktime Corner page of Apple's official site. I visited the site and checked it out.
Quicktime movies use a special compression rate, so the image quality is really good.
I actually visit Apple's U.S. Quicktime site pretty regularly. I greatly appreciate the movie trailers on the site. I've made a private routine of watching the site's movie trailers every morning. I watch them in the early morning so I can turn the volume loud in my empty work booth. This way I can see the movie trailers before most others in Japan.
Incidentally, they support a Japanese site too. The U.S. site hosts trailers for movies that we haven't even heard about in Japan though. It even has teaser images.
I try to watch as many movies as I can when I am in the U.S. on a business trip. There's some merit in seeing them before they hit Japan, even though they're in English.
There's another benefit to seeing movies in the United States. I can watch the trailers that run before the feature movie begins. I also use this as a means to see the latest trailers and film images before anyone else in Japan.
What's more, U.S. theaters run so many trailers. The audience will typically react with applause or jeers despite the fact that the trailer isn't the main feature.
The U.S. sure is a movie-loving country. I have enjoyed feeling as though I were in a U.S. theater every morning, even though I'm in Japan, since I learned about the U.S. Quicktime site.
I drafted a new project for the PSP. I just mailed Okamura a rough draft since I didn't have time to write down the details. I'll explain all that in the meeting. I don't like the way that I've approached my work as a planner lately, but I don't have much choice right now.
I've carried this project around in my head for a while now. The idea is really innovative. The whole project will fall flat if the technological presentation and the audience's reaction aren't just right. It's kind of risky and uncertain, but I think it's time to proceed with it.
It employs a completely new concept. Our main challenge will be whether or not we can cultivate popular acceptance of the idea. I'll ask around for opinions from the sales department.
Tomiko bought something called a Ghost Radar (USB Memory) package in the evening. It's supposed to detect the presence of ghosts by sensing disturbances in the nearby magnetic fields.
It was built on the idea that we can "see the unseen!"
"Today is the day for hauntings, after all," I said to myself. "We should have plenty of ghosts around."
I walked around the KojiPro office but I didn't encounter any ghosts. It seems that there aren't any here.
I looked at the package more closely. The instructions read, "Please operate this product by turning it on at midnight." Tomiken had turned it on around noon.
Today is Halloween.
October 31 is New Year's Eve according to the ancient Celtic calendar. The ancient Celts dressed up to exorcise evil spirits while they celebrated the advent of the new year. They used pumpkins to thwart evil spirits too.
Pumpkins traditionally have faces carved into them on Halloween. The practice comes from a legend about a man named Jack who couldn't go to Heaven when he died because of his bad behavior. He wandered as a ghost and carried a lantern made out of a hollowed turnip. Pumpkins that wear faces are called Jack o'Lanterns, even though they were originally turnips.
This story was originally going to play into Raiden's backstory in MGS2. His name is Jack, and he was nicknamed Jack the Ripper because he was greatly feared when trained as a child soldier. The Patriots used this very same Jack as their "lantern" to move through the Big Shell. Given the circumstances, he was supposed to remind the audience of a Jack o'Lantern.
I excluded this from the final scenario though. Not even the team members knew about it. The idea has stayed in my own private junk drawer.
My generation stopped celebrating Western holidays with Valentine's Day, but I wonder if Halloween will continue as a widely celebrated family event through our children's generation. I've seen more and more pumpkins in town, and I heard that costume parties are pretty common events. I've never seen children roaming door-to-door saying "Trick or treat!" in my neighborhood though. I suppose it will happen one day.
I don't associate pumpkins with Halloween. Instead I think of Michael Myers (the Boogie Man) from the Halloween movies.
"The Boogie Man is coming!"
I should head home early today.
Okamura called me with some news in the evening. It seems that our ritual prayer didn't work. Perhaps the problem resulted from having more than the usual members present this time. Apparently a small clerical error showed up, so I'll have to deliver our children again tomorrow.
Don't turn into a wandering spirit like Jack in the legend, Okamura! We'll protect ourselves with the Ghost Radar.
Tonight is definitely Halloween.
At night I headed to the HMV in Shinjuku district. I bought HIM's album Love Metal. I liked their Greatest Hits album a lot, so I wanted to buy the album that preceded Dark Light. I couldn't find Love Metal in Roppongi, so I went all the way to the Shinjuku district.
They set up a special HIM section at HMV in honor of the band's Japanese debut. Copies of Dark Light and And Love Said No: Greatest Hits 1997-2004 were piled up. I even saw some Apocalyptica next to HIM, though I'm unsure why. Perhaps they were associated because they're both Finnish Metal bands.
Luckily I found the last imported copy of Love Metal on the display, so I bought it.
I'm somewhat amazed at myself. "How can I listen to Metal music at my age!?" My heart is drawn to the music right now, so I can't resist it. HIM really isn't Metal at its roots though--it's Love Metal.
Kenichiro and I had dinner at the Tokyo Shanghai Club Bi Li Chin on the eighth floor of MYCITY.
Mr. Kato (the restaurant's manager) earned a lot of my appreciation when he worked at Roppongi's Chinese restaurant Fuuton San Raakyo. I don't choose a restaurant based on food alone. The service provided by the staff is also crucial. Mr. Kato gave me top-notch hospitality every time I went to Fuuton San Raakyo. I had learned that he had been promoted to one of the affiliated restaurants in Shinjuku.
I've missed him every time I've eaten in the MYCITY building because I've gone to all the wrong restaurants. I went to Fuuton San Raakyo to confirm the name of the restaurant this time, so I didn't make the same mistake.
I haven't seen Mr. Kato in six months. I'm glad that he looks well. The food was exquisite too. I was able to have my favorite Chinese alcohol Shokoshu out of a jar. I've been keeping myself from drinking that lately.
Three cheers for Mr. Kato!
Tonight is October 31. I don't feel like it's Halloween though. I won't turn into a wanderer with a Jack o'Lantern. I'll even be fine without a Ghost Radar.
I will live among everyone. I have loved ones who will call me back when I am lost.
I will live among everyone because I am bound to this world because this world has meaning.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(sorry for disappearing, I had to go to bed ^^;;)
It says the video’s unavailable in my country ;-; gah. I’ll go search it up on youtube later and see if there’s a different video
You might not believe this, but I don’t cry while watching anything. I FEEL the pain on the inside and it hurts a lot but I just can’t cry XD like, the closest I got was when I watched the last movie of the Hobbit trilogy and that was only because the Hobbit/LOTR series has been a part of my life since I was tiny and my mom got me to read the books. And even then I didn’t actually cry; my eyes started stinging a bit but no real tears. I also got close while watching Inside Out, which was a little annoying because I didn’t even like the movie that much- I just related to the ending scenes (the family feels) and suddenly got all emotional because of that.
This is gonna make me sound like a heartless monster but I didn’t even cry during the last episodes of Your Lie in April…
(I’m a crybaby in real life, though LOL seriously anything can make the tears start falling to the point where it’s actually kinda frustrating)
Hisoka’s the trash LORD. Almost equal with Furuta, really.
It’s weird, though: a lot of people call him a pedo for his reactions to Gon but I don’t think that’s what it is…it’s not an attraction to Gon himself as much as it is an attraction Gon’s abilities and what he’s capable of? (which is still pretty creepy tho lol)
Yes, you should be done with him. Throw him back in the trashcan where he belongs. (he does have a really good voice though)
TYSM ;-; I’ll send you some soon, then! <3
Oh, my sister’s too little to watch most anime, but I’ve let her and my cousin (who’s just…seven? Eight? I think?) watch a little bit of Attack on Junior High. They ship Annie/Bertolt and both of them are huge fans of Annie and Mikasa. Also Levi, sorta.
I also let my sister watch the first episode of YoI (I forgot about the naked Viktor scene until it was actually happening but decided that it’s probably ok since it’s nobody makes sexual comments on it and besides, stuff like Doraemon shows 100% nude characters anyway). She didn’t get everything that was going on other than the fact that Yuuri lost and had to go home but Viktor was going to teach him how to skate again, but she liked it a lot and she kept singing ‘History Maker’ non-stop for a LONG time. She’s learning cello right now and she also kept making me show her cello covers of History Maker on youtube.
I’ll (probably) try to take it slow :) and I’ll definitely let you know when I start playing/finish a route!
(seriously though wth that middle picture is adorable)
Idk how it ended up that savage. I swear I wasn’t trying to be mean *innocent smile*
TYSM, Luna. What would I do without you?
But wait, you had a hard time writing Evans/Kimblee headcanons? Here- 
Kimblee: Kimblee Yes ;)’
that is literally the only headcanon you need for this relationship.
I just think Nishiki/Luna would make such a cool, sassy couple. Like, all other people and ghouls are just peasants next to the two of you, step aside Touken- bow down to the real king and queen
Still gonna try tho because tbh Greed/Luna keeps turning into a bigger OTP :) (I’m seriously really happy you’ve enjoyed all my headcanons up ‘til now though <3)
I used to 'like’ (‘like’ as in 'you’re a fun character to analyze and make headcanons about but you’re also sorta terrible’) and still find him an interesting character, but not as much as I used to…probably becase I’ve been losing interest in Kuro itself lately? Like, I still like it and I’m not going to drop it, but this arc dragged so much that even the plot twist couldn’t completely save it for me ;-; and nobody can deny that Seb IS trash. So on second thought, I ship Seb/Luna as more of a frenemy/enemies thing LOL please destroy the trashcan demon Queen Luna
I actually really liked Pietro and I’m still not over the fact that he had to go and DIE
Hange-Luna friendship would honestly be amazing. You’d always be joined by Evans-Moblit though lol
(Ok ok ok but after realizing that some of Tatsuo’s earlier designs look a LOT like an even leaner, meaner version of Kimblee…what if Kimblee was Tatsuo and Naomi’s oldest sibling. Imagine that messed up family. Oldest child is a mad bomber who’s been in jail for years. Second child is an bloodthirsty sloth who just DOESN’T CARE, ok. Third child is screaming on the inside 24/7 because her brothers suck.
Tatsuo likes his big bro’s style but thinks the explosions are a bit extreme. Naomi hates both of them. Just, I’m having so much fun imagining the family reunion when Kimblee gets out of jail.
Also if Kimblee actually DID care about his younger siblings to some extent, let’s go back to that Hamilton AU. Shuu, if you thought Tatsuo’s reaction to the Kaneki Pamphlet was scary…)
Tysm for answering my random, sorta creepy question ;-; that’s a good way to deal with things :) I just asked hoping to maybe get some advice because I’ve been having trouble expressing/dealing with anger lately and it’s just kinda painful XD
OMG. I’ve always wanted to do aesthetic edits but I still don’t quite get how to do them (I don’t have photoshop and it seems you have to pay to download it so I have to figure out how to do it on Gimp (which I do have) or somewhere else…). These are AMAZING! The masquerade is lovely, really reminds me of some sort of fairytale, the Ballerina one is beautiful and has a 'classic’ feel to it, if that makes sense? (Also loving that Hamilton reference, it fits perfectly.)
Luna’s mood board is so pretty though. Love all those pastel colors and that 'seductively takes off glasses’ XD Also just from the pictures I guess you like sweet food?
And wow. If the Blue one was really inspired by me, it’s creepily accurate (though those sneakers are too nice for me, I’d probably ruin them lol). Especially that 'overthinking always’ pic. It's amazing, I could stare at it for ages, tysm <3
Um, for ideas/suggestions…aesthetic edit for Saiko/Urie, our shared OTP? Or one for Shuu/Kaneki? Maybe? If it’s not too much to ask? ^^
btw, do you have playlists you listen to nowadays? Like, I’ve gotten obsessed with a ton of songs lately so
No worries, I went to bed shortly after that as well ^^ I completely understand that there’s a big time difference between here and Korea ;)
Ah, that’s a shame :/ Hopefully you’ll find a version that plays, because it’s a really tranquil song ^^ 
We’re opposites XD I can’t remember the last time I cried because of something that happened irl, but anime gets to me very easily (however, none of my friends know that and I always feel a bit smug when we’re watching sad movies and they’re bawling their eyes out while I’m unfazed). Aw, that’s actually adorable! I’ve never read or watched LOTR, but I’ve both read and watched The Hobbit ^^  At this point I can’t even say I’m surprised at that… What’d I expect anyway XD (about Your Lie in April)
Speaking of trash, I recently read a book that landed on the top spot of ‘Trashiest books I’ve read in my life’ and I’ve read a lot of books, so that’s not an easy feat. The whole time I was reading it, I was more or less like ‘Is this girl (protagonist) for real?’ Basically, she’s the typical ‘perfect, beautiful’ girl and her character flaw is supposed to be that she’s cold, but since she’s so intelligent and pretty, everyone worships her like a fucking goddess. Of course, she’s also skilled in combat and intrigues everyone, including the hot love interest, his hot friend, their hot enemy and probably all of the other males in the world. Most irritating thing about it? The book ends with the sentence ‘Let’s go home’. Obviously, that sentence has a lot of emotional value to me (Hideeeeee), so seeing it used in a supposedly bitter-sweet scene in such a bad book really makes me irritated. Do not underestimate the number of people you’ll reduce to tears with that sentence!
It’s… it’s still creepy as fuck, even though it’s not directly pedo… Yep, I’ll just return him to the trash can. He belongs there. ((I haven’t even watched the anime XD))
Ah, by the way, completely random, but do I curse too much? I’ve noticed I started cursing a bit more lately ^^;; So if it makes you uncomfortable, just say so!
Aw, that’s so cute! Junior High is actually a pretty good anime, though a lot of people I know would disagree with me. My favorite part was probably the one where they summon Levi by throwing a plastic bottle into the paper bin. The only thing I wonder about: Just what were the writers smoking when writing the script? It’s nowhere near as random as Hetalia, but it’s still very random. Worryingly random. I can’t believe I actually spelled that word correctly on my first try. Wow. 
I ship Berthold with happiness. Actually, I ship that whole universe, especially some individuals (ARMIN) with happiness. I ship Annie with Armin more, though. The blond OTP is cute~
That’s adorable! You probably know all the lyrics by now :P Did she ever learn the cover or nah?
Well, no one’s gonna blame you if you do route after route ^^ That’s what I did anyway *looks away with guilt* How’s Rod so far?
This is the moment where I put even more Urie/Saiko pics but the internet here is so shitty that I’m pretty sure it’ll die before I manage to load a single one. Yay.
I know, I almost melted while searching for those pics T^T Urie/Saiko gives me life. Ishidaaaaa come ooooh
Yeah, suuure, I totally believe that. Evans never meant to roast the flame alchemist. Nooo
Ahahahah, yeah, probably XD Who knows, maybe you could stop him from blowing up a building or two. Maybe. 
I cry. What did I ever do to deserve a friend this sweet? The last time I saw something that almost gave me diabetes was when I was watching Sweetness and Lighting, and it still wasn’t as cute as you! 
Honestly, I’m not exactly in the Kuro fandom, but the manga is intriguing enough for me to keep reading. Also, the art style is really pretty! And some of the arcs are my all time favorites. Not to mention, the little shit that is Ciel has somehow become my adopted son XD The thing Bassy would hate the most about me: I’m allergic to cats. I get a rash and start sneezing when near them. It’s gotten better in the last few years, but I’m still weary near them. Not to mention, getting red and itchy all over as a kid hasn’t really made me develop much liking towards the furballs. 
Well, what about the X-Men timeline? He appears there as well, right? I mean, I haven’t watched those movies, but I hope he’s alive there. I hope. 
We’d be the duo everyone is scared of, because we probably blow the lab up on a daily basis. You and Moblit have to take away the explosives XD Levi would (seemingly) hate me even more than Hange, cause I’m full 5cm taller than her, which makes me 15cm taller than him. Wow. He’s tiny XD And that just made me realize Armin and I would have that cute couple height difference, only I’d be the taller one :P I’m one of those people who are convinced puberty does wonders to him, though. Seriously, just google ‘Older Armin’
That’s... a very messed up family to say the least. Just. Wow. How can so much tragedy be crammed into genes?  Shuu better watch out when Kimblee hears what happened with his sis XD Somehow, I think that Kimblee’s version of Congratulations would involve shit blowing up.
It’s no problem ^^ If you want to ask any similar questions, feel free to! They’re not creepy at all. You should hear some of the shit I ask at times...  I hope you find a good way to deal with anger soon ^^ The only thing with my answer is that I rarely get angry, I mostly get frustrated. I’d recommend drawing as a way to express feelings. Bring out the red colors and murder that paper XD
Aah, I’m so glad you like them! I was really satisfied (ha) with them, since they were done in a rush ^^ Most of them were born from me finding one pic and thinking ‘I want an AU based on this pic’. For the masquerade, it was fans and ballroom, ballerina History has its eyes on you and the shoes. 
If you offer enough chocolate and/or cookies, I’m willing to sell my soul. I wish I was joking. I’m not.  I’m glad you like yours ^^ I was thinking about showing you the ones I made and was like ‘Why not make one for you?’ I remembered you saying you like blue, found some pics and ta-dah! It’s really fun to do, and it’s nice artistic expression for someone who can’t draw for shit XD
I’ve only managed to do Shuu ;-;
Tumblr media
((It actually looks more like it was meant for Kanae XD))
Tbh, I’ve tried to do the other ones as well, but it’s pretty hard to find pics that fit =3= I’ll keep trying tho ^^
Also, I made one for Rod, since he’s your first route, but it’s actually spoilerish, so tell me when you’re done and I can show it to you ^^
I mostly make my own playlists, and the ones I have right now have a lot of Ed Sheeran, a shitton of soundtracks, a few idol songs and probably more remixes than it would be considered healthy.  Also, while looking at my playlist to answer this, I realized what I liked in a song: The beat.  Which actually explains why I always seem to prefer remixes more than the original song and why I’m a sucker for Woodkid songs, especially Run Boy Run and Iron.  Also, I adore soundtracks. I’m content listening to just those, especially if they’re fantasy or medieval XD
I get my pictures from Pinterest! A lot of artsy pics are uploaded there, so it’s easy to find what I’m looking for ^^  I hope you’ll start making your own edits soon! I’d definitely love to see how that’d turn out ^^
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lolipopncookies · 8 years
Here a story 6 years ago. I don’t know should I call love or true friends, a man or and angel. Should I begin with introduce myself first or introduce him. Hmm.. Ok let begin with me, biar u all questioning.. hahaha..
Hi my name is Christie Christ Chin. I’m Living in kota kinabalu, a state that full of culture and race. I’m 17 years old now. Living with my mom. I don’t have any brother and sister. I love candy especially lollipop. Here is my first feeling stories about a guy i named him cookies.
(Hmmmm??????? Bluring.. where to start ah???… But I clearly remember all start in a morning..
Christie.. Christieee wake up.. time go to school.. Hmm.. Good Morning mommy..(In yawing) Huhhhh.. Another boring days I need go through.. Ahhh…boring.. then i hold my two hand and i pray.. “Good morning Jesus, today Christie pray again… As Jesus know, Christie feel empty.. Please granted Christie a friend a true friend k.. where Christie can share,can count on just like u Jesus. I love u Jesus..ops..oh-ya.. A friend that not like i meet at school k.. I love u Jesus and mmm Amen”.
Hmm…ok..be strong go through another day..
 I prepared my self like usually and my mom sent me to school.
(Like usually in school,, Boring.. Yaww..fast…fast..fast.. I look at my watch.. Ringgg… yes time to go home.. i quickly close my book stuff in my bag and go home.. The end of crazy Friday.. yay..
Moment i walk to the school gate.. like usually their always somebody greeting.. Bye Christie.. by liang moi.. No please.. and i also heard someone said… so egoist.. scum..
I dint reply any of them i just want to quickly go home.. after the school gate.. i saw mom car.. i ran to it and enter the car.. “just like a little girl ran to grab a lollipop”.
 Christie : Hi mommy.. can mommy let me play lappy today.. only a while.. plss…
Mom : Hmm.. yes..but after u have your lunch and bath.. don forget doing your homework first… only a while..
Yesss. Thanks. I love you mommy..
Arrived home.. i quickly finished my lunch and take a bath.. done all my homework.. really cant wait to play lappy.. I really seldom play my lappy.. mommy only let me play it sometime.. i thinks mommy in good mood today.. hmm but why? Whatever..as long as i can play lappy. Quickly i enter mommy room and grabs my pinky sony lappy.. I place it on my table.. switch it on.. and i open my Facebook.
Hmm.. only a few notifications i saw.. I click on it and open one by one.. Happy birthday god bless u Christie.. The rest also same.. till I saw a unique greeting from a person..
“From a billion star in the sky.. from a million user in the Facebook.. knowing u at here i called it friendship.. Happy birthday Christie.. Cheers Up Always”.
I got a weird feeling reading this message.. feeling like he knowing me.. cheering me up..
I click on the profile.. huh.. Name cookies monster.. profile picture is a cookies monster.. what? Who this nerd? A blue monster..
I saw cookies monster online.. i click on it and start a conversations.. i feel weird.. i wanna know him.. wanna talk with him.. more..
Me : Hi. R u like cookies so much? CM : hahaha…Yup.. Cookies are nice.. Don you? ME : Ya.. but Christie more love lollipop then cookies.. why u dint put your own picture and name? CM : It is matter.. Should we judge a friend by their picture and name.. If yes..it mean friendship got term and conditions rite..
Such a weird person.. hmm.. i feel warm from every word i read from this person..
Me : What r u doing right now? CM : Nothing.Playing mafia-war.. Doing a trade. and u? Me : Nothing.. Just chat with u.
There is in silent.. i waiting a reply from him..
Me : Cookies Monster… I’m so boring.. CM : Today your birthday.. Din u go out with friend to celebrate.. ME : No.. celebrate with mommy only. Christie don’t have any friend.. CM : Hm.. ok.. No worry.. im your friend at here now.. If u don’t mind friend with cookies monster? U know, I will steal all your cookies.. better u hide it… ME : Hahaha.. Christie don’t mind.. And u can have all the cookies in my home if u know where Christie live. CM :  I can smell cookies.. Why u always mention your name in chat instead of using i or me.. ME : It like icon.. So everyone will remember me.. It is rhythm… same like u using the cookies monster name and picture… CM : Great.. I see few pictures of you.. U really enjoying your life.
CM : But…
(CM typing….)
ME : But what?
CM : Hmmm….. All picture got a very nice warm smile..
But.. I see something not rite.. R u really happy?
ME : Huh.. If smiley said Happy.. Do u believe it?
CM : No.. I don’t..
ME : How u know im not in happy lea?
CM : Hmm.. Secret.. Maybe..
ME : Ehh.. Secret and maybe? Mean not a secret la.. Tell smiley how u know?
CM : Hmm.. One day will let u know.. haha
ME : ish.. haha but u don’t know what the thing that smiley sad lea kan?
CM : If I figure it out.. Got reward?
ME : yup.. lollipop..
CM : Ok.. Keep it for me…
ME : Y keep it.. U dint tell me the answer yet…
CM : Oneday..
ME : Hmm..When?
CM : Coming soon…
ME : ok.. smiley will wait..
Who this person.. Seem knowing me a lot.. I slowly open my room door a bit.. Sneak peak my mom.. Nope not mommy.. I thought i was my mom pretending as a cookies monster. OVER THINKING.
CM : U like smiley icon so much ya…
ME : hahaha…. rite.. I like the smiley icon too.. ME : Can SMILEY be Cookies Monster friends? CM : That no need to ask.. We are friends.. There is no term or condition in.   Me : Really…? CM : Cross My Heart.. ME : t.. ok already mark a cross. One day i will make a cookies for you.. CM : I will appreciate every single cookies u make for me..
Hmm.. This r monster.. Not like others.. How to say.. Other guy like to say something sweet2. Such like “u so pretty” u so nice” I wanna be ur BF” wanna be my GF” can have ur no’’.. HMMM>..  maybe this blue monster also same,,, maybe this blue monster waiting for a right moment.. err.. scary blue monster.. why u not a doraemon.. also blue but nice…
ME : Can i ask u something? CM : Yes.. Sure u can? ME : How old r u? Where u school? How many brother and sister u have? CM : Wow.. suddenly so many questions.. Im 25years.. I m working at Chemical Laboratory.. I dint have any brother and sister.(Bit complicated to tell u). Anywhere i’m living with my father now and my mom pass-away when im 6 years old.
So pity guy..
ME : :( Sorry.. Feeling sorry for your mommy.. What your activity in kid? Smiley also dont have any brother and sister.. We are same.. CM : Haha.. when i small ah.. I normally destroy a thing.. All electronic stuff i dissemble it and do research.. I destroy, create even play with fire.. shocked by electric.. But most of the time i read comic..Doraemon.. My favorite comics.
ME : Doraemon? I heard it before but never read it.. I thought u like sesame street.. hahaha.. but anyway.. doraemon and cookies monster also in blue.. CM : hm.. yes.. but im not in blue.. hahaha…
I open another browser and click in to youtube and search doraemon.. I saw a title.. Doraemon nobita’s a night before wedding. I click on it.. It a short story.. Around 15 to 20minute story.. I cried watching the stories.. It regarding nobita and doraemon so curious on the nobita wedding days.. Their travel back to future on the of nobita wedding.. But Doraemon and nobita make a mistake and entered a days before his wedding.. Anyhow, their go to see nobita how prepared his wedding.. On the night, shizuka wanna make a decision to cancel the wedding due she feel that her parent will lonely after she married.. But her parents told shizuka.. You already left we a very  splendid gift. Priceless. The first gift is your birth. It was early in the morning. When i first time saw you, you was weeping like and angel. I’ve never hear such a wonderful  music. When i go out the hospital, sky on the east just begins to  became whiter but above the head sky was full of stars. under this wonderful amount of universe dust. I’ve been able to inherit my life in treasure that just are born. It was such wonderful that i couldn’t keep my tears and everyday afterward it was wonderful that you have give me. Some people have ability make you happy with some others u can feel uncomfortable. It is the most important thing in people relationship. I believe nobita certainly can make you happy. Here my eye start tearing.. Suddenly my room door been knocked.. Knock…knock.. Christie…
Huh.. papa voice.. it is pappa.. I ran to the door, open it.. I saw papa in front the door.. Papa..
Papa: Why u crying.. Such silly.. And papa weep my tears by her finger.. Papa : Prepare your self, we going having a dinner together to celebrate your birthday.. Thank papa.. Ops.. Cookies monster are still online.. i click on my facebook and saw the blue dot.. Yeas he are online now.. ME :  Can smiley have ur no? i need off now. My pappa bring us to dinner.. CM : 013 8878xxx don’t hesitate to call me when u got  a trouble. Enjoy your meal.. Gr8 day to you. ME : Thank you..
What im doing.. I ask a no.. what??? After write down the no.. smiley off the lappy.. Preparing my self to go out.. Oh.. pappa coming back today that why mom so happy.. Im happy too.. Smiley only can with papa few time a years.. Tonight go out to eat.. Normally we eat at home.. Maybe because christie allergic with some of the food..
There around 7pm, Christie, papa and mommy going to the restaurant at sutera Habour. We having a western food.. Im enjoying the meal.. I saw mommy happy face and smile.. Just like smiley smile.. Today is my most happiest day.. Mommy,papa and me.. and my only monster blue friends… Christie hope one days we all four can having a dinner together.. Thanks jesus.. I love u jesus…
I heard papa said to mommy. That after i get my SPM result.. Papa will migrate us to taiwan.. I’m happy, My wish come true. I hate people at here. I hate the way their think, The way their judge, The way their act, The way their….. But…. Suddenly my heart feel weak.. feel sad… feel a piece of my heart left over here..  ( There a pianist at the stage played a song Love not easy from huang xiao hu ).
My blue monster.. if i go.. i won’t able to find him.. I not even know his name.. his person.. suddenly i wanna call him.. to tell him that i not longer at here.. 
After finish our dinner we get a desert.. But my heart still feel sad.. I mean in moody..
At the night, Laying in my bed.. Hugging my smiley doll.. My heart still feel moody.. feel weak.. My mind lingered all cookies word.. lingered cookies blue monster face with a greedy cookies in a mouth.. Till i fallen in sleep.. On that night smiley have a dream, smiley dream making a cookies for the blue monster..
Hm.. a sunrise shine over my room windows.. Haizz.. i forget to close the curtain.. The sky look so blue today.. Blue monster.. smiley wondering cookie monster already wake up or still in sleep.. Hmm… haizz.. lazy saturday.. I look at the clock and showed 9.30am.. I wake up and wear my bunny slippers.. having a bath.. i saw mommy and papa at kitchen preparing something.. So sweet.. just like lollipop…yum yum….
Smiley switched on lappy.. but smiley dint saw the blue monster online..
 Haizzz.. ni zai na ni ah wo de blue monster.. I switched off and having a breakfast with papa and mommy.. My papa play role in praying.. But my heart prayed.. ‘’Good Morning cookies monster.. Hope u enjoyed ur breakfast today and have a nice day”.
Papa.. can i join our school intellect camping on next weeken? Pls daddy.. i really wanna join them.. After a few dicussion with mommy.. My parent let me join the camping.. Yes… i can stay a night out site.. i never been alone outsite.. wanna feel what it could be… After breakfast… we go out having a trip to few places.. But my heart still wondering what the blue monster doing now.. maybe he eating cookies right now.. huh..
10 days passed.. It a day me at school interact camping.. Here is the night, a nite I saw a real monster…
A night where a heavy raining and thunder storm. I starving, cold and scare. Mommy I regard. Im so regard came to this camping. I should listen to you mommy. Should I call mommy. No mommy will nag me. Huh what kind of camping is this. All canned food. Im allergic with it. SOMEONE help me.. No I don’t any friend. Im so alone, I hatted in my class.. nope in school.. I only got mommy at here.. Then I realize that 1 weeks ago, I knew someone.. someone quit different or can called it weird maybe. He not like other person I speak with. Should I call him. I looked at my watch, yay it already eleven eleven. I looked at my contact list in my phone. Well, so poor. Mommy, daddy and Cookies monster. Only three contact list showed. Yes. My heart signal my brain “go..go..go.. call him’’.
Sitting alone in the camp and I decided to call..
 CM       :           Tuttt…Tutt… Hello… (In sleepy sound)
ME       :           Heloo.. are u cookies monster? (Sound so low and shy)
CM       :           Yea..Who are u calling me in the midnight here? (With curious tone and a
                       heavy raining background sound)
ME       :           Hi.. I’m Christie.. I know you from FB and we chat few week ago. Do u
remember me?
CM       :           Huh.. Yea.. christie.. Why are u calling me in the middle of night? Are u
ME       :           Nope.Im hungry.. can u buy me some food?
CM       :           Yea..sure.. But where r u now? R u alone? ( with yawning )        
 ME       :           I at Sabah XXX and XXXXXX side. We having school camping at here and I
Didn’t take any meal just some junk food. Im hungry and having a gastric now.
CM       :           Wait me at there. Coming right now.
 He mean it or just fallen back in to a sleep. Huh.. well, who got to believe. He may think this is a prank call. He not even know me and we just chat a few time in FB. OH.. my stomach so hurt. Please.. God please save me.. The gastric getting worst.. (With a some drop tear in my eye company with a sound of rain and thunder. My heart feel so alone.. Why God? Why God? Why? Why so many people hate me? Why I don’t have a friends? What purpose u doing me like this? The thunder sound heaver and heaver. Sound like God speak to me. Sound like God answered me in angry mode.. Suddenly… My phone ringtone kill my complaint..
CM       :           Im nearby.. Ni zhai lai ik bian?
(im stunned, it’s true or im dreaming.)
ME       :           Christie don’t know where.. Can’t remember how to here..
CM       :           Wait me… Call u back k..
Few minute after my phone ring again..
CM       :           I saw a lot of camp just not far from my car.. But I cant drive to there.. Do  saw          my car lamp?
Me       :           Wait.. Hm.. ya.. wo kan tau lek…
I hang up the phone.. Then I ran to there.. Oh gosh.. On that time, what im thinking.. I not even think about danger.. I may rape or killed that night.
The rain get heavy and heavy.. Followed with a thunder and strong wind.. I really din feel cold.. I just want to fast go away.. Near the car, The car was red and I cant clearly see inside the car… I ran to the passenger side open the door and jump inside.. I weep my hair and face.. covered with rain.. Im not even looked at CM,, then I hear a voice..
CM       :           Wo weiyi ni you yi san. (I thought u gat umbrella)
                       Wei se me nibu jiang? (Why u dint tell me?)
Im stunned a while.. I slowly get up my head and turn to him.. and I saw.. a towel. He put at my head a wipe a bit.. and I wipe my hair.. I still donno how he look like… My heart pounding.. pounding and pounding… and now I slowly have a sneak peak.. Huh.. Not in blue color.. He sure not an alien… He just an ordinary person…. I stunned look at her.. Not a blink of eye..
CM : Sory.. did I bit look like monster?
Then he hand me a tapau.. I open the tapau,hm.. smell good.. Fried rice.. But I dint saw a spoon..
ME : You mei you chi keeng? ( Do u have a spoon?)
CM : Ops.. Wang zin na.. (Forget to request/take)
Then he took the tapau, tear a side of the tapau and hand it to me…
ME : haha.. ziang tu kei yi (Like this also can a)
He just give me a little smile. He take another tapau.. it’s a drinks.. I open it a pt the straw and gave it to me.. He tapau me a milo PING.. PING in the cold night.. hmm.. But I drink it also..
ME : Hau reng oh… Ni yau chek ma.. (Im so cold, do u wanna to eat to)
CM : Ni chek la.. (U eat la)
Then he grab something behind the sit.. Take my tapau put at the dashboard.. And cover me with his sweater.. So sweet.. This monster are sweet.. So I just wear it and continue to eat.. It so silent between us two.. and a song played in his car player.. (mei na me zian dan)After I finish eating.. I request he to sent me back home.. But he denied.. and give me a motivation word.. Ohya and a motivational story I think.. I remember the story in doraemon regarding nobita and dinosaur, Nobita dint give up to pet the dinosaur..
I looked at the monster without a blink, listen all the story.. Sound he like a uncle rite.. sepanjang dia ceritiakan, he dint look at me… He look at the front.. Hmm.. I look at his left face… a face look like a angry face.. like cookies monster.. Ok keep it short.. After ll. He grab a umbrella from behind and hand it to me.. He said take care always.. Our friendship more than tonight.. Im bit blur all the word he said.. I went back to the camp, all nite I sleep covered with cookies monster sweater.. Warm nite.. 2moro morning I get fever, when to the klinik and I stopped the interact camping.. Having a rest at home.. Im dreaming the night in the car.. Such a nice person..
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