#dorian and enjolras have similar looks and that's it
just-an-enby-lemon · 5 months
Saw one of thoses post of Grantaire and Enjolras through the ages as different classical couples that I usually love and someone goes Basil and Dorian and: absolutly not.
Now don't get me wrong Grantaire and Basil 100%. Basil has less vices but they are both rambly soft artists pinning over their muse even as their muse destroys them.
But Enjolras and Dorian? Is not even about Dorian being a bad person because I could see Enjolras beliving in the wrong things somehow and becaming awfull, he is capable of being terrible. Is that Enjolras is defined by his stuborness, his undying faith in what he belives. Dorian talks to Lord Dickface for one day and is already starting to feel that maybe empathy and just not being a dick to people is overated and that his only value is being pretty. He is the most easily swayed person ever. If Dorian was in the Barricade he would talk to Javert for five minutes and send all his friends to die as he joined the nacional guard.
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reanimationstation · 4 years
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[ID: two digital drawings
1. a group drawing of six men from various books. from left to right: Dorian Gray, Lestat de Lioncourt, Jay Gatsby, Enjolras, Herbert West, and Raoul de Chagny. they all have blonde hair and blue eyes, with the exception of Raoul, who has his hair partially dyed brown.
2. a group drawing of seven people from various books. from left to right: Alan Campbell, Christine Daae, Louis de Pointe du Lac, Nick Carraway, Grantaire, Basil Hallward, and Donovan. all of them have brown or black hair, with green or brown eyes. Grantaire and Basil are flipping through a sketchbook together, both covered in paint./End ID]
ok so ive had these partner pieces in my head for a while now and here they are. The Blondes and The Brunettes. its mostly as a way to make sure that none of the blondes look too similar to each other, and then it evolved to me wanting to make a partner piece with all their (current or ex) partners, who are all coincidentally brown/black haired lmao. there sure is a trend here
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goindanswingin · 6 years
Les Amis Webshows - Reviews!
So! There’s been a whole two new Amis webshows premiering this January! However, I’ve noticed not that many people are actually talking about them! New content, and we’re not yelling??
So, I’ve decided to give short reviews on their debut pilot episodes, as well as the first episodes of some other Les Amis webshows (I probably missed so many, feel free to add more if you know of them!) in order to maybe spread the word about some cool creators online as well as give y’all a lil more content to consume that isn’t just grim BBC Les Mis discourse atm
(I’ve reviewed them in the order they premiered)
1. Stories From Les Amies
This is a vlog story of the les amis with all the genders purposefully changed! Now this one has an awful lot of content to make up its plot, having premiered in 2013 and wrapped up with an HOUR LENGTH FILM at the end of 2014, so there’s a hell of a lot to digest here! The Enjolras behind this is actually also the author of TextingEnjolras/EnjolrasRising so the plot does bear some resemblance to that also! (Another piece of content I’d highly recommend if you’ve not read yet).
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But, to keep it fair, I’m going to stick with just the pilot episode! It’s set up like a big group skype call with our amis introducing themselves, where we are first introduced to their personalities, mostly led by Enjolras although Combeferre acts a beautifully sarcastic arbiter. The video quality isn’t excellent, but surprisingly, the audio quality is pretty great (for every character except Marius), with almost no background noise or fuzz.
Enjolras: All of us make up a society that we call the Friends of the ABC
Enjolras: *awkwardly nods and grins*
Enjolras: Which is actually a pun, because... ABC pronounced together sounds like the word abaissés, which means “lowly” or “abased...
Enjolras: So... it’s... it’s a pun.
I know I’m only reviewing pilot episodes to keep it fair, but I will say yes, the quality of the series absolutely does improve over time, and I would highly recommend giving it a go if you’ve never seen it before! You can find the whole series here.
2. Official Les Amis Vlog
Premiering at almost exactly the same time as number 2 on this list, the Les Amis Vlog is similar in terms of quality but different in style. This is as it says - a vlog channel, with divided playlists for each character in the Amis. Every character uploaded vlogs between 2013 and 2015 introducing themselves, answering questions, and making content on certain themes. 
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This one took me by surprise - I was very much underwhelmed by the camera quality and lack of plot, but once I started watching, I realised why the Les Amis vlog doesn’t have plot - it’s because instead of making up political issues and action, they actually discuss real politics - in the pilot episode, Enjolras actually talks about a real news article from Reuters and then goes on into an impassioned rant on public surveillance  - it’s kind of amazing.
Enjolras: I mean, you wanna hide your face for whatever reason? Well, congratulations! You’re now a potential t*rror*st for having stood in the way of the observational machine!
Obviously this one is much more about the characters than it is any sort of plot like we’ll see in some of our later series, but... these characters are by far some of the most convincing Les Amis I’ve seen! Particularly Enjolars - wow. So if that sounds like your kinda thing, check it out here!
3. Vines de l'ABC
A multimedia webseries that ran from 2016-2018, but mostly confined to Vines, this one in essence is similar to the Les Amis Vlog in that it is more character driven than plot driven - the different characters were all cast and then separately uploaded Vines (and occasionally YouTube videos) as well as answering questions to the main blog.
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The first “episode” is, as common for these webseries, a video of our Enjolras introducing Les Amis and his character, then being interrupted by a phone call. The quality is webcam quality, the sound pretty fuzzy, but I do think Dorian here makes a great Enjolras... more on that shortly! Overall, the quality of this first episode isn’t super relevant to the rest of the series though, because as is obvious by the name, it’s mostly comprised of amusing little vines.
*Tik Tok by Ke$ha plays*
Enjolras: Hello? Did you change my ring tone again? ...Again? Well, I mean, I'm trying to do the video... No, I mean, I'm actually in the middle of doing the video right now, you're on camera... No, no I don't know how to edit it out... I mean, does he have a concussion, or..? *sighs* ...How did I know he had a concussion.
Obviously vine is dead, but everything is available here - if this sounds like your kind of thing, definitely go check it out! There is TONS of content for your consumption here.
4. Barricade Boys
Next up is a comedy/parody show from NyxRising, an already established group of YouTube cosplayers who’ve made lots of similar shows previously. This means, for a start, that the production quality here is some of the best you’ll see - great audio and video quality, basic but good set design, great costumes.
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Now, let’s make it clear: if you’re looking for a brick accurate show, this is not the one for you. It’s a pretty ludicrous parody, with an unbelievably arsehole Enjolras with no notion of personal space, a Grantaire with weird sideburns and a crush so obvious it’s hilarious, a Marius so dumb he thinks he’s joining a “lonely hearts club” and a Courfeyrac so OOC that I don’t even know where to begin. 
But god damn, did this make me laugh out loud a good few times.
Enjolras: You do you, Grantaire. Nobody else will.
This one has a couple episodes out already, and I’d highly recommend if you want some laughs! You can find it here.
5. The Downtrodden
Aaaand... onto our January debuts! I’m super excited to give a review of the pilot episode of Shadow of the Tor’s “The Downtrodden”! 
One thing that stuck out to me immediately is that this might be the most diverse cast yet - we have multiple POC, and also a trans Enjolras - in both cases, there’s no self-congratulatory back-patting, but it’s made very clear and very casual, and it’s wonderful. Another point worth mentioning is that our Enjolras is the same Enjolras seen in Vines de l’ABC - and as I mentioned, I think Dorian is great at the role.
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The Downtrodden seems to be going for an enjoyable line between plotty and humorous, and so far I’m super excited to see where they take it. The audio and video quality is outstanding, though the cafe background noises could do with being toned down just a tiny bit (as there are occasionally character lines in the background that are a little drowned out), but overall it’s by far the most professional looking alongside Barricade Boys (which had to contend with far less characters!). One comment I will make, though nitpicky, is that unlike Barricade Boys, which moves extremely swiftly through its jokes, The Downtrodden is edited just a pace too slow in one or two scenes, meaning the comic timing falls a little off and the jokes don’t quite get the reaction they really deserve.
Grantaire: You get free coffee refills here if you’re part of a student group. I gotta make that loan last.
Cosette: Do you consider yourself a politically motivated person?
R: I barely even consider myself a person.
C: Oh. Are you alright?
R: Is anyone?
Surprisingly, one of my favourite characters in the pilot episode was Marius! I often find he’s overplayed to death, but in this he appears a little dim but genuinely charming, and he got some of the best laughs out of me. I’d be interested to know how well all the jokes landed with someone who isn’t a Brit, however, since I’m super sold on all these characters being British uni students (student poverty aesthetic and Oxfam shopping bags, goddamn!), and also love Courfeyrac for the same reason - he seems like your typical friendly but laddish uni type, which works perfectly for his character. Also, I own that mug he has.
One of the strongest points, and a very common issue I have with Les Amis webshows (and the 2012 movie NOT GONNA LIE), is losing track of who is supposed to be who - I had no such problem with The Downtrodden - everyone is introduced naturally, gets at LEAST a line or two, and is beautifully acted - go check out the pilot here!
6. The Les Amis Webshow
The last one on our list - the Les Amis Webshow premiered on the last day of January!
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First impressions of this webshow are: the most enticing hook yet straight from the beginning, and some of the worst sound quality.
After the introduction - structured as Marius speaking to us from the future - the pilot episode actually centers around a random film student coming up to Marius and asking if they can film him. Is this Cosette? Will we ever find out? Who knows, but for some reason Marius just takes it in his stride and lets this person follow him around, in what I can’t decide is a very weird move, or a very Marius move.
Jehan: Are you wearing your lanyard?
Marius: Yeah. Why? That’s what it’s for.
Jehan: (laughing) You simple little freshman!
Marius: *long pause*
Also Marius: We’re gonna get along great!
The editing is actually fun and a few shots seem to be going for something quite adventurous - I just wish the audio quality were better.
I like Enjolras so far - he seems very confident in himself and a little bit of a rich boy, and I’m really interested to see what they do with Marius, since this is the only webshow so far where Marius has been front and center instead of Enjolras - in that snippet at the start, he seems very anxious and weary - it’s very Empty Chairs at Empty Tables! Overall, this has the most “plot-y” vibe to its initial episode so far, and reminds me a lot of Stories from Les Amies, honestly. I’m very excited to see what they do with it, and am also euphoric at a REGULAR UPLOAD SCHEDULE unlike the other two which are currently running - Barricade Boys and The Downtrodden. Keep up with it every Thursday here!
Thank you so much to @starberry-cupcake for helping me compile this list!
highlight reel: @/SFLA who the fuck makes a feature length movie oh my god, the sheer levels of gay in BB, Marius’ super poshboy accent in TD (sorry if thats just how u speak Ethan), and best of all the German flag taking centre stage in tLAW - the european cynic in me is desperate to know why its there and hopes that you didn’t just mix up French and German flags lmao
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hippothebrave · 7 years
Concept: A crossover between Les Mis and A Picture of Dorian Gray...
...in which Enjolras is Dorian, and things go a bit differently.
From a conversation with @robininthelabyrinth in which we noted the remarkable similarities between fandom!Grantaire and Basil Hallward, and then things spiraled out from there.
More under the cut:
Enjolras is painted by Grantaire, and is like, “Wow--if only I could be as young as that painting forever, so I can continue doing REVOLUTION”--only when his wish comes true, he does indeed just continue doing REVOLUTION. I mean, he IS Enjolras, after all.
It becomes a series of portraits, all with the same youth-extending properties, but Enjolras keeps on getting each painting killed as he risks his life in the name of revolution almost as soon as R can draw them. Grantaire is in only one painting, the first, but as such does not grow old or die from alcohol poisoning.
In the Brick, Enjolras is often described as looking as if he belonged to a past age, as one of the great men of ‘89. This is because he does, and was.
That’s right. In this AU, he was literally Saint-Just.
This also explains all the weirdness about what Enjolras’ age is--every age he gives is a lie anyway, so sometimes he slips up and doesn’t get his story straight. 20? 22? 26? What’s the difference?
Over the years, Grantaire becomes ever more cynical, as every step forward is met by a step back. Enjolras sees humanity inch forward despite that, and wholly trusts that he will live to see the ideal in reality.
Their extended lifespans allow R to know every single restaurant in the entirety of Paris and to have such in-depth knowledge of history and classics as to reference huge amounts of extremely obscure pieces of information while drunk, and for Enjolras to ignore the spring which he has seen so many times before and all other aspects of normal life; he never put much stock in it anyway, and trusts he’ll go back to it eventually, after the Cause™  has been achieved.
The paintings remain young even as the years pass because (a) they made better bargains, @Dorian and (b) their consciences/souls don’t degrade--in The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorian’s painting only has blood on his hands after Dorian feels the guilt of personally murdering his friend Basil, despite being the direct cause of many other deaths, such as Sybil Vane, James Vane, Adam Campbell, the countless other young men he threw over, etc., because he didn’t see those deaths as being his own fault (even though they were).
Enjolras scorns Grantaire because he has the same lengthy life, yet acts as a spectator, not an actor. However, he still considers him a friend, or a companion at any rate, and that’s why R can stay at the ABC despite being so unhelpful he isn’t even considered for the Barriere du Maine.
By the time of Les Mis, Grantaire’s depression has led him to stop painting for the most part, and they have run down to only one painting, and therefore only one life: the first. Thus, their arcs and sacrifice is still the same--faith learning to love and love learning to believe, the ideal meeting the real, the revolution and Paris, Orestes Fasting and Pylades Drunk.
However, an unfinished group painting R happened to do of the entire ABC--and of some random gamin and his sister who happened to be in the window at the time--turned out to have the same properties of R’s other paintings. On June 4th, 1832, Grantaire sadly added his signature as a ‘final touch,’ knowing there was only one painting left for the both of them after Enjolras’ latest death in 1830, skeptical that the barricade would work, hoping that they could “all stay this way forever.”
June 6th, 1832, the first painting of Enjolras, the one which had never changed at all, suddenly has a smile.
Grantaire goes back to painting post-Barricade Day, with new motivation from his friends’ miraculous survival and his improved relationship with Enjolras, and ends up teaching a couple of almost certainly innocuous tricks to a student--only one, some sad, blond-pedestalizing, dark-haired English painter fellow named Basil, who Grantaire likes for no apparent reason, shut up Joly and Bossuet no one asked you.
Basil promises to come back to Paris at some point. He even buys a ticket, readies for the journey, and goes to tie up some loose ends regarding his friends back home before he leaves.
He does not come back to Paris.
At some point, Dorian Gray gets punched in the face repeatedly. It must happen. 
As shown below:
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