#donovan cain
pinetreevillain · 3 months
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Your Forest Service Team!
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lornemalvo · 4 months
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family tree – ethel cain
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Seduction - Nightmare/Blue
Genres: High School AU, Human AU, Teenage AU, DND, Characters play DND, Pining, Mutual Pining, Almost Kiss, Story Within a Story, Family Dynamics
Characters: King Nightmare, Blue, Dream, Ink, Cross, & Error
Character Human Names (in the same order as above): Nikora 'Niko' Nomura, Briar Cárdenas, Donovan Daniels, Isidoro Bonheur, Cain Ximenez, & Emmanuel Balcom
Pairings: Nightmare/Blue, Implied Error/Cross
CW/TW - Implied Neglect
Word Count - 3684
Read it on ao3 instead!
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Our heroes were expecting an army. Hordes upon hordes of undead knights and creatures known only to the darkest depths of the Shadowfell should've been lined upon the walls and borders of the village. An army should've been defending the castle. The king.
And yet, nothing.
The entire kingdom was quiet. The only sound was the sound of the party's feet against the cobblestone ground. Villagers glanced out their windows and doors, watching them with bated breath.
There were a few open shops that the party could stop in if need be, but most places were closed indefinitely.
The heroes didn't need to stop. Not this time. They were ready. Their entire adventure they had been preparing for this battle since the start.
As they made their way through the village, the centerpiece of the kingdom slowly showed itself.
The Mareridt Castle.
A large, skyscraper-esque castle sat in the center of the village. It had towers that could touch the clouds, and dark gothic architecture with details that could only be made by hand.
The Mareridt castle was always visible on their adventure, able to be seen from miles away. It was like it was watching them, waiting for their arrival.
It loomed over them, a sense of doom and dread filling the party's senses. When they reached the front gates, they opened all on their own. They would be going to their deaths of their own accord. They would die knowing they could've turned back at any point.
There was a duty to be done, though, and the party entered the castle.
Blue, the half-orc Druid went in first, his staff, the Deathshaper, in his hands. He could feel the amount of death and decay here, there would be no shortage of bones for him to use. Although, the world was stifling, the darkness and shadows clawed at his heart. Connecting to the earth to use his Druid abilities would be difficult.
Error, a human sorcerer, stayed on Blue's left. Her hand gripped on her dagger, Lolth's Kiss; she hoped she wouldn't be in close enough combat to use it. Her crossbow felt heavy on her back, and yet, her magic felt stronger than ever. Her shadow magic felt all consuming, threatening to snuff her out if she allowed it.
The party's barbarian, Cross, flanked Blue and Error. His tiefling tail flicked back and forth, his eyes scanning the area. His glowing greatsword was strapped to his back, it had a name, once, but it had been forgotten to time. His body tensed, everything about the castle was making him uneasy. Being back was terrifying.
At the back was Dream and Ink, the party's rogue and bard.
Dream unsheathed her twin scimitars, which she had oh-so lovingly named Pleasure and Pain, her fingers tensing and relaxing as he walked. She hadn't seen much in her time, being a Kalashtar, but the Mareridt castle was something else. The spirits here were tormented and in constant agony. Whatever was causing their pain had to be destroyed.
Ink's rapier was tucked neatly into the sheath on their hip, their hands flitting up and down their flute. This was probably the worst idea the party had ever come up with. Being a changeling, Ink would've preferred a stealthy approach, but noooo, instead they had to waltz right on in.
And that was the party. The five of them walked through Mareridt castle, seeing...nothing. No guards, no servants. Not a single person was there. The castle was entirely empty. Eerie.
The group soon made it to the throne room, and there he was. The king. The one who was to blame for all of the troubles across the land. The one who had sent his closest guards to stop them on their journey. The one at the head of it all.
King Nightmare. Ruler of the Mareridt castle.
Nightmare was lounging against his throne, made of a dark marble. His legs spread wide and the side of his face resting against his knuckles.
Power radiated from him, his teal eyes looking down at the group. He's a drow with hard skin and long, jet black hair. And, by the gods, was he gorgeous.
He pushed himself up from the throne, hips swaying as he took a few steps forward. His cape billowed behind him, his heels clicking against the stairs as he approached. His lips twisted into a cruel, saccharine smile; eyes looking down at the party like a wolf looks at a deer.
Then, he-
"I flirt with him."
Wait, what?
Nikora looked over the DM screen at the group of his boys at his table in utter shock. He had been in the zone, setting up his friends for the final battle against the BBEG of the campaign.
"Come again?"
"I flirt. With him." Briar, sitting on Nikora's left, leaned in closer and tapped his pointer finger on the table as he spoke.
Laughter erupted from across the table as Nikora continued to stare in disbelief.
"You know, I had expected this behavior from our resident bard," Nikora said, gesturing at Isodoro who only grinned at him. "Or, fuck, even Don would pull this shit!"
A glance was enough to send him into a fit of laughter. Emmanuel face palmed, being squished in between the cackling Donovan and Isodoro. Cain put a hand to his mouth, trying to suppress his laughter.
"But you, Briar?" Nikora said, "You? It's an unwanted surprise."
"Can I flirt with him?"
In all four years of playing dnd and being dungeon master, Nikora should've expected this. Flirting with the BBEG or powerful creatures wasn't unheard of, but from Briar? Sweet, kind, not-openly-horny, Briar?
Even now, his blue eyes were full of adoration and excitement. This wasn't out of malice, just a genuine want to flirt with Nightmare.
"...Fffffffine." Nikora hissed out, gritting his teeth together. He couldn't say no to Briar's cute face.
"Roll," Nikora glanced at his screen, "Charisma."
For a moment, he was going to make it at disadvantage, but decided against it. Briar's half-orc would need all the help he could get, considering Blue got a minus one on every charisma check. Besides, Nightmare didn't hate the party, at least not Blue.
Briar took in a deep breath, grabbing his d20, slowly rolling it in his palm. The table held its breath, if this was successful, it'd be one of the funniest things to happen during the campaign, plus they'd get a powerful warlock as an ally.
"Wait, B, don't roll yet." Isodoro held up his hand and glanced at Nikora. "I want to cast bardic inspiration first."
"Go ahead."
"Oh! Can I cast guidance on myself?"
"Aw man."
"But first, Iso, how does Ink cast bardic inspiration in this moment?"
There's a pause as Isodoro thinks for a moment, snapping his fingers and leaning against the table.
"Well, Ink's probably been playing tunes this whole time, it's who they are. They...probably paused for a second when the party saw Nightmare. But when Blue goes to approach Nightmare, they'll play a short measure or two of Blue's favorite song."
"Perfect. Briar, add a d6 to your roll."
With a nod, Briar scanned the dice by his character sheet before grabbing his d6. Once more, he inhaled deeply, and begun to shake the two dice in his hand. After a moment, he tossed the dice down on the small dice mat in front of him.
The dice clicked together as they landed before separating. All five boys were on the edge of their seats: Cain leaned into Briar's side, the other three leaning across the table to see what the dice said.
Nikora could only hope it wasn't a natural 20.
"That's a..." Brair paused, scanning the dice, "17 on the d20, aaaand a 5 on the d6!"
"So a twenty two." Nikora hummed. He glanced down at his board with Nightmare's information on it. "Go ahead."
"What? Did I pass the DC?"
"I haven't decided yet. I want you to tell me how Blue flirts with him. Words and everything."
The look on Briar's face told Nikora that he wasn't expecting to have to actually flirt.
"I make Don actually flirt with every NPC he wants to flirt with too. It's only fair."
"No no, I know! I'm thinking, give me a second."
And a second was all he really needed. Briar took a deep breath and sat his hands on the table.
"Nightmare's throne has steps up to it right? Is he a few steps up still?"
"Uhh," Nikora paused, looking up at his board to check the interior map of the throne room, "yeah."
"Okay so, Blue is going to sheath the Deathshaper onto his back, and he's going to approach Nightmare." Briar said as he pushed the half-orc figurine closer to the drow figure.
"Blue doesn't move his eyes from Nightmare, completely and utterly enamored by him. He's wide-eyed, in awe. He's never seen someone radiating with such...power and control.
"He fidgets with his breastplate before taking another step forward, until they're about...a foot apart."
Nikora made a mental note of that, they were a third of a meter way from each other.
"Quickly, Blue grasps Nightmare's hands with his own, holding them to his chest. He inhales sharply, before speaking. He looks up into Nightmare's eyes with the most earnest, genuine expression he could possibly have."
It took Briar a moment to get into his 'Blue voice,' but he got there eventually.
"You're beautiful."
So Nikora would have to roll first, an insight check, and then an intelligence saving throw. He preferred to use the dice when it came to this sort of thing. Sure, he knew how his characters and creations would respond in theory, but he liked to keep himself on his toes.
In a different campaign hosted by Emmanuel, Nightmare played a drow woman (what? He loved drow!) who ended up falling head over heels for a Lich Queen by using that strategy.
But that was another story for another time.
The insight check would be used to see how exactly Nightmare would view this flirting. Rolling low would be best here, as rolling high would show Nightmare that Blue was, in fact, being genuine.
Behind the board, Nikora's dice clattered, and Briar held his breath. When the DM rolls without a saying a word, it causes panic throughout the table.
And that's an eighteen.
Plus two for Nightmare's wisdom stat and...
Nikora didn't really have a DC set in his mind, but an eighteen was high enough to let Nightmare know that Blue wasn't lying. Twenty was more than enough.
Now, for the intelligence throw...
Before the campaign even started, Nightmare's stats had been predetermined. Since he was the big bad end character, Nikora could really do whatever he wanted with his stats and be okay.
Every stat was at a sixteen, meaning Nightmare would get a plus three on each dice roll. With the exception of wisdom and constitution, which were both at fourteen, which gave a plus two instead.
Once more Nikora wasn't sure how high he needed to roll here, but he was willing to roll and see what would happen.
The d20 clattered against the table and Nikora slammed his head in his hands.
That was a three.
Plus the three for intelligence made the saving throw a six.
Lady Luck was not on his side today.
A six wasn't high enough to do much of anything. Like, ever.
What was he supposed to do now?
The big bad he's spent so much time setting up just fell for a half-orc!
"Nightmare..." Nikora took in a deep breath. He'll roll with it. It's what he always did. There was that backup plan just in case something happened...
"Nightmare's eyes widen slightly, his gaze quickly scanning up and down Blue's body, borderline undressing him with his gaze. His lips pulling back into a smirk, his fangs peeking through.
"After freeing his hands from Blue's grasp, he holds Blue's chin gently, making him look downward. His thumb runs over Blue's lip, a satisfactory hum coming from him.
"'You're awfully handsome, you know.' Nightmare says, 'Stay right here for me, hm? Give me a moment to wipe your friends off of the face of Toril, and then I'll see what I'll do with you.'"
"Jesus," Briar nearly choked on the air he was breathing, his cheeks completely flushed.
"Can I have Dream throw a knife at Nightmare while he's distracted?"
"WHAT?! Donovan if you kill my drow husband I swear to god-!"
Nikora put a finger against Briar's lips before nodding.
"Roll a stealth check first."
Donovan's d20 rolled against the table and, upon seeing the number given, the table burst into a collection of laughter.
"That's," Donovan held his head in his hands, "That's a natural one..."
"Haha!" Nikora clasped his hands together, cackling evilly behind the board. "So, Dream attempts to throw a dagger at Nightmare, but she ends up stumbling, an action that echoes throughout the throne room. The knife only grazes Nightmare's coat, slamming into the bottom of the stone throne."
"Oh thank god."
"Shi- Wait, wh- Briar! Whose side are you on?!"
Briar playfully stuck his tongue out at Donovan, who flipped him off with similar lightheartedness.
"Nightmare turns around," Nikora said, clearing his throat to get the table's attention. "A flash of anger goes through his teal eyes, a cruel smirk growing upon his face as he takes a step forward toward the rest of the party."
"Damnit Don!" Cain slammed his hands into his face, "If we have to fight this guy, we're fucking dead."
"Ohh, fuck you asshole, I didn't see Cross try anything!"
"That's because Cross knows how powerful Nightmare is! We're in deep shit!"
"He hasn't attacked yet though guys." Isodoro cut in, stopping the two before it turned into a full-fledged argument, "I roll advantage on persuasion checks thanks to my flute. If it comes down to it, I could try to talk him out of it?"
Cain sat back in his seat, nodding, dropping it. Donovan did the same, brown eyes glancing back at Nikora.
"...Can I continue dungeon master-ing please?"
"Yeah, sorry."
"It's chill." Nikora shifted in his seat, closing his eyes for a moment, getting into character.
"'Well well well,' Nightmare says, eyeing up each party member before landing into Cross. 'Looks like my little hellion has come home. We both knew you'd be crawling back before long. The world doesn't tolerate monsters like you, Cross.'"
Nikora takes a breath. The party is engaged, he has his notes and character motivations all planned out. He's ready. They're all ready.
Cross stiffened at the words, his body tending. The horrors he committed under Nightmare's rule...unforgivable.
But someone did forgive him. Error, despite her distaste for touch, took a step towards Cross, squeezing his hand.
"You're a fool if you think your little friends will end me. They'll die, and it will be your fault, Cross." Nightmare's piercing eyes bore through the party. "Like lambs to the slaughter."
Panic surged through Blue as he watched Nightmare slowly approach his friends like a panther, stalking, ready to pounce. He stepped forward, attempting to stop the warlock.
With a flick of Nightmare's wrist, a blast of eldritch magic shooting out at Blue. It knocked him back into the throne, taking the wind out of him. It was, in Nightmare's own way, keeping him away from the danger, even if it hurt.
"Wait, wait." Ink stepped forward, hands sweating and eyes flitting around. Gods, they hated this. They had so many plan ideas, so many unused schemes because the group had decided to rush in! They could make this work though. They had no choice. "I think you're confused. Uh. Sire."
"Am I?" A scoff left Nightmare as he shook his head. "Bold words from a changeling."
"Rest assured, your highness, I know who I am." Ink flipped their platinum blonde hair to the side, pure white eyes boring into Nightmare's face. "And I know what I'm here to do, and that is, in fact, not to kill you."
Nightmare raised an eyebrow, stopping on the steps to his throne.
"The...The magic cursing my village," Error stepped forward, dropping Cross' hand, much to his dismay. She glanced towards Ink, who only nodded in encouragement. "It's yours. Or, more accurately, your patron's. If you could just undo the shit that you did, we'll get out of your hair, and we'll stop beating your men half to death."
"A magic user like yourself should know a warlock's curse is not so easily broken. For it's not a curse of my making."
"Then," Blue sputtered as he stood up, holding onto his side from the eldritch blast strike. "Then take us to your patron! To the Underdark, the Shadowfell, wherever it resides. Don't...Don't make us fight you. Please."
To Blue, he was too beautiful to die.
"Awh." Nightmare cooed, running the back of his fingers across Blue's jaw. "You're adorable. But, I don't think that's your decision."
Cross and Nightmare locked eyes, "It should be his. Make your choice, my hellion. Fight me, or die by my patron."
Silence echoed in the room, Cross' heart slamming in his chest.
"...I don't want to fight you, either." He mumbled, "I want to, um, work with you. Again."
There was a pause. The gears in Nightmare's mind turned, debating if he should even humor the party. Was it even worth it letting them take the issue to his patron? Ohhh, she wouldn't be happy with that.
...That's exactly what Nightmare's been wanting, though. To finally get back at that she-devil was something that kept him up at night. Fantasizing about finally taking over and having power to himself.
A sigh of relief went through the party, Dream sheathing her weapons, but still eyeing Nightmare with suspicion. She didn't trust him, even if Blue did.
"Yes!" Blue cheered softly, grasping Nightmare's hand and bringing it up to his chest. "We have experience dealing with nasty patrons; wherever she is, we'll find here."
"There won't be any searching necessary, my dear. For she is right here in this castle." A slow cackle left Nightmare. "My patron...is my little sister."
Oh for the love of-!
"Whaaaaaaat?!" Nikora pushed his chair away from the table as he glanced up at the basement staircase. Standing at the top was his older sister, Mona, arms cross and hip popped to the side. That wench.
"Parents are here to pick your friends nerd. Times up."
Nikora glanced at the clock on the wall before realizing the three hours had already passed.
"Jeez. Okay, uh, same time next week?"
"Sounds good." Donovan nodded as the other started packing up their stuff, chatting about various events in the campaign. Mona disappeared from the staircase, avoiding the traffic that was teenage boys.
"Huh-? Oh, hey." Nikora turned to the side. Briar had stayed behind. He hasn't even noticed. "What's up?"
Briar fidgeted with his messenger bag, not meeting Nikora's gaze. "I was just wondering if you needed help, um, cleaning up?"
"Nah, I've got it. Thanks though." He closed the dm screen, placing it face-down on the table. "C'mon."
The two walked up the stairs, following closely behind the others. Nikora leaned against the column on the porch, waving goodbye to each of his friends as their parents cars' pulled into the street.
Per usual, Donovan's stepmom was first to come, the black sports car not even bothering to pull into the driveway.
Isodoro went home with Cain and his dad, and Emmanuel's sister was soon to follow.
"And then there was one."
The playfulness of the comment was soon lost, the silence filling the air as Briar and Nikora waited. After who knows how long, the two sat on the stairs of the front porch, Briair's bag leaning against the wall.
"...You don't think your brother forgot again, do you?"
"I don't know." Briar mumbled, putting his face into his knees. "I told him. I even put it on the calendar and the fridge! He shouldn't've forgotten..."
"Well...if he doesn't show, you could always stay overnight if you want."
Briar's eyes lit up, "Really??"
"Well, sure, yeah. It's not a school day tomorrow and if we're quiet, Mona won't care."
"I would love that, i-if you'd let me."
"You're my friend, of course I would." Nikora gently smacked Briar on his shoulder.
At that moment, the rickety orange truck pulled up to Nikora's house. Briar's brother was smoking a cigarette as he parked along the road. He waved, smiling slightly.
"Aw. I kinda wish he forgot about me now."
"Don't say that, oh my god. We can hang out another time."
"Yeah..." Briar stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. He turned towards Nikora, smiling. "Thanks for indulging me today. You didn't have to but...you did. And I appreciate that."
Nikora shrugged, "It's no big deal. You have good taste, drow are always hot, so-"
And he's cut off. Briar's lips, surprisingly soft, connect with his cheek. For a split second, he thought it was some sort of Spaniard custom he was unfamiliar with, before realizing that it was something else completely.
Flushed cheeks. Aloof expression. Averted eyes.
Before Nikora could say anything, Briar rushed off, getting into his brother's truck before they drive away. He doesn't move, watching as the truck drives off. He slowly put his hand against his cheek, his own cheeks beginning to blush.
Briar kissed him.
On the cheek, sure, but it was still a kiss!
Did Briar like him? Like, like-like him?
Nikora put a hand to his chest, his heart thumping vigorously in his chest.
Did he like-like Briar???
Had he fallen for his seduction as Nightmare had?
With a sigh, he leaned against the column on the porch. That wouldn't be too bad.
"Get back in her before you catch a cold, gay boy."
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boookends · 7 months
my friend is working on recording an album, and he wants some good samples of people talking. i’m gonna start interviewing random people in my town and recording their answers to questions, but the thing is i need questions to ask. SO if you have an interesting or funny question you’d ask in an interview to get an interesting answer, LET ME KNOW!!! reply to this post or message me it doesn’t matter! i’m just trying to come up with good/interesting/funny questions to ask random people. thank youuuuuuuu <3
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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31 notes · View notes
camyfilms · 1 year
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TENET 2020
I'll see you in the beginning, friend.
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abaddon. abel. acher. adam. aether. allocen. amducias. amon. amy. andras. angel. angelina. angelo. apollyon. ariel. armaros. ash. asmoday. asmodeus. astaroth. astrid. axel. azael. azazel. azrael. azza. baal. balam. balberith. barbatos. bathin. beatrix. beelzebub. behemoth. beleth. belial. berith. bernael. bifrons. blaise. botis. buer. cael. caim. cain. cannibelle. carrion. cary. castiel. celeste. celestia. cerberus. chemosh. corpse. crow. dagon. damien. damon. dantanian. dara. david. dina. donovan. dumah. eden. elena. eligor. ember. enepsigos. erebus. evangeline. eve. ezekiel. flauros. focalor. forcas. forneus. furcas. gabriel. gadreel. ghoul. gomory. guts. hagenti. halpas. haunt. hel. ian. iblis. icha. jeremiah. kage. kasdeya. keres. kimaris. kokabiel. kunopegos. laila. lamia. leila. levi. leviathan. leviathon. lilin. lilith. lucifer. malaika. malpas. marbas. mare. mastema. michael. mikhail. moloch. morax. moros. nathaniel. nicholas. nightshade. nyx. odin. onyx. orias. ornias. orobas. orpheus. paimon. phoenix. procel. purah. purson. qemuel. rahab. raphael. raum. ravana. raven. raziel. remiel. rogue. ronobe. rosier. ruax. rune. sabel. sabnack. saleos. salome. samael. samuel. sanguine. satan. seere. semyaza. sephtis. seraph. serenity. seth. shax. solas. sorath. statuette. tamiel. theo. uriel. uzza. val. valac. valefor. vapula. vepar. vesper. vine. virtue. vual. willow. wolf. wormwood. wound. wraith. xaphan. yael. zagan. zepar.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ae/aem. aeth/aether. an/angel. angel/angel. ar/arch. be/tray. bea/beast. being/being. bite/bite. blood/blood. broke/broken. broken/broken. cae/caem. cani/cani. che/cher. cher/cher. creep/creep. cross/crosse. curse/curse. da/dark. dae/daem. dark/dark. de/filed. dei/deim. disgrace/disgrace. dove/dove. e/eden. ely/elym. empty/empty. en/envy. fall/fall. fall/fallen. fallen/fallen. fang/fang. feather/feather. fie/fiend. flight/flight. grace/grace. grim/grim. grudge/grudge. gut/gut. ha/lo. halo/halo. hell/hell. holy/holy. hy/hym. hy/hymn. it/it. ix/ix. kill/kill. la/lamb. lo/lost. mon/mon. no/non. om/omen. omen/omen. rip/rip. ruin/ruin. sai/saint. ser/seraph. sera/sera. sera/seraph. sin/sin. smite/smite. smy/smite. teeth/teeth. tether/tether. thorn/thorn. throne/throne. un/holy. unholy/unholy. unknown/unknown. wi/wing. wing/wing. wraith/wraith. wrath/wrath. wre/wretched. ☦️ . ⛓️ . ❤️‍🔥 . 🔥 . 🕊️ .
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ptolomia · 3 months
I just had a fanfic idea and i need to know if there’s an audience for it. Pls lmk if you think i should write it! 😭
Spencer still writes Maeve Letters, he adresses them to her parents house. Unbeknownst to him, her parents end up moving out because they can’t handle the thought of knowing Maeve is gone but they never tell Spencer this. So for months and months he sends his letters. Watching them get sent back because he thinks that Maeve’s parents can’t bear it. Until OC/Reader moves into the Donovan’s old place and she ends up sending him a letter back just because.
Link to teaser: https://www.tumblr.com/ptolomia/754727631109439488/a-million-words-for-lovers-in-different-worlds
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thirtyskeletons · 2 months
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my artfight 2024 attacks from this year!
pumila for @kuroeko
quill for @flycatchxr
donovan for @/sleepy_pocky on AF
severus for @/peach_rain on AF
edward for @happenedinthebox
áine for @managodessart
bindle for @sqwick
sloth for @killercleric
cain for @/hanphilia on AF
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pinetreevillain · 3 months
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Session 0!
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g3minimars · 1 year
This is a blog on South Park, The Amazing Digital Circus, and talented actors that is only for people who are 18+. If you are below the age of 18 or an ageless blog you will be blocked. Copying, Taking Credit, or Translating any of my stories is an act of copyright and you will be reported. None of the fictional characters on this blog are mine and all belong to Comedy Central, Gooseworx, and GLITCH. I do not take credit for any of the characters on this blog unless they are ones I have created.
On This Blog - I do characters x reader (fem/gn) in standard relationships or poly relationships. I will also take anons as long as I know your age or that you are at least above the age of 18. All characters on this blog are aged up appropriately.
South Park🚸 -
Kyle Broflovski [most popular request!]
Stan Marsh
Shelly Marsh
Ike Broflovski
Goth Stan
Kenny McCormick
Princess Kenny
Eric Cartman
Craig Tucker
Tweek Tweak
Clyde Donovan
Tolkien Black
Butters Stotch
Wendy Testaburger
The Amazing Digital Circus🎪 -
Human Caine
Extras🎭 -
Joe Keery ex: Steve Harrington
Timothée Chalamet ex: Elio, Paul, Kyle
Harold Ramis ex: Egon Spengler
Rick Moranis ex: Seymour, Louis
Matthew Broderick ex: Ferris Bueller
Michael Biehn ex: Kyle, Johnny
I will write for any of the characters these actors have played in movies as well as themselves.
Genres -
Fluff 🌸
Smut 🍂
Angst 🥀
Song based fics🌻
Anons -
Mutuals -
@kirishima339 @liz-stxrn @bannnasworld @turnertable @thiscrying @c-themoon @saternlove @dontdeafopeninside @ringa-starr @minimuffin69
Links -
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Requests Open <3
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swiftcola · 10 months
john donovan except he looks and sounds like michael caine
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angelic-writer · 3 months
Here's the sexualities for my OCs.
Mimicry Project
Mavis Mallard - Straight
Carter Rodriguez - Straight
Tyler Lecher - Bisexual
Gavin Ozpin - Gay
Charlotte Mallard - Lesbian
Lucille Bertram - Pansexual
Julia Markwood - Straight
Nikki Donovan - Bisexual
Julius Rodriguez - Gay
Micah Davies - Gay
Cyrus Anderson - Transgender (FtM), Asexual
Sean Merkle - AroAce
Tim Matthews - Bisexual
Keith Boseman - Straight
Aaron Collins - Straight
Elijah Reed - Gay
Arthur Halewood - Gay
Cain Adams - Asexual
Abel Adams - Demisexual
Nicholas Donovan - Gay
Isaac Wilson - Pansexual
Noah Wilkins - Pansexual
Jeremy Reeves - Bisexual
Moses Clarkson - Bisexual
Matthew Lewis - Gay
Luke Lewis (Luke Morrison before marriage) - Gay
Crystal Valley High
Sonia Walker - Questioning
Carly Jackson - Bisexual
Sophie Patterson - Lesbian
Katherine Howard - Lesbian
Victoria Anderson - Pansexual
Oliver Garfield - Straight
Zoey - Lesbian
Sherry - Lesbian
Amy - Lesbian
Erika - Lesbian
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Hello and welcome to the second Found Family Face-off! This time it's siblings! As mentioned in the intro post, this is for siblings of different genders, as there will future tournaments for brothers and sisters respectively to give as many found siblings as possible to be included! Anyway, please meet your contestants and round 1 match ups below:
*Please don't clown on this post and argue against why certain characters can't be found siblings (aside from if they're in an explicitly canon romantic relationship that I missed while trying to vet them). Please respect that these are people's headcanons and they might not align with yours (heck, some of these even I don't agree with but again, that's just my opinion) and that this is just for fun etc.
Group A
Ahsoka Tano & Rex VS Ahsoka Tano & Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Garrazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger VS Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso & Bodhi Rook (Star Wars)
Kilindi Matako & Maul VS Cal Kestis & Merrin (Star Wars)
Michael Burnham & Saru (Star Trek: Discovery) VS Mako Mori & Raleigh Beckett (Pacific Rim)
Tegan Jovanka & Vislor Turlough VS 10th Doctor & Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Luke Smith & Sky Smith VS Luke Smith & Maria Jackson (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Aidan Waite, Josh Levison & Sally Malik (Being Human U.S.) VS Steve Jinks & Claudia Donovan (Warehouse 13)
Amanda Brotzman & Vogel (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) VS Wednesday Addams & Eugene Ottinger (Wednesday)
Group B
Parker & Eliot Spencer (Leverage) VS Inej Ghafa & Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone)
Duke Thomas & Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) VS Will Byers & Jane "El" Hopper (Stranger Things)
Angus MacGyver, Wilt Bozer, Riley Davis & Sam Cage (MacGyver 2016) VS Josh Lyman, Toby Ziegler, CJ Cregg, Sam Seaborn & Charlie Young (The West Wing)
Malcolm Bright, J.T. Tarmell & Dani Powell (Prodigal Son) VS Kate Beckett, Javier Esposito & Kevin Ryan (Castle)
Jake Peralta + Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) VS Meredith Grey + Alex Karev (Grey's Anatomy)
Fig Faeth, Adaine Abernant, Fabian Aramais Seacaster, Gorgug Thistlespring, Riz Gukgak & Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) VS Travis Killian & The Doctor (The Game of Rassilon)
Meriadoc Brandybuck & Eowyn (The Lord of the Rings) VS Lester Papadopoulos & Meg McCaffrey (Trials of Apollo)
Alanna of Trebond, Gareth of Naxen & Raoul of Goldenlake (Song of the Lioness) VS Keladry of Mindelan, Neal of Queenscove (Protector of the Small) VS Sandry fa Toren, Tris Chandler, Daja Kisubo & Briar Moss (Circle of Magic)
Group C
Katara & Zuko VS Toph & Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sokka & Toph VS Aang & Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Korra & the Air kids (The Legend of Korra) VS April O'Neil + the Ninja Turtles (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Sprig Plantar & Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia) VS Hiccup Haddock & Heather (How to Train Your Dragon: Race to the Edge)
Luz Noceda & Hunter VS Luz Noceda & Gus Porter & Willow Park (The Owl House)
Luz Noceda & King Clawthorne (The Owl House) VS Rayla & Ezran (The Dragon Prince)
Lilo Pelekai & Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) VS Luca Paguro, Giulia Marcovaldo & Alberto Scorfano (Luca)
Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Claire Nuñez VS Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Nari (Tales of Arcadia)
Group D
Roronoa Zoro & Nami VS Roronoa Zoro & Perona (One Piece)
Kyōka Izumi & Atsushi Nakajima (Bungo Stray Dogs) VS Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Miles Edgeworth & Franziska Von Karma VS Miles Edgeworth & Kay Faraday (Ace Attorney)
Sento Kiryu & Misora Isurugi (Kamen Rider Build) VS Mikasa Ackermann and Armin Arlett (Attack on Titan)
Shadow the Hedgehog & Maria Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Lucas, Kumatora & Duster (MOTHER 3)
Junpei Iori & Female protagonist/Kotone Shiomi (Persona 3) VS Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu & Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Sombra & Cassidy VS Baptist & Sombra (Overwatch)
Beauregard Lionett & Fjord VS Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)
Also! To help me out and get the brackets done and published sooner, here's a list of contestants that I haven't found picture for and would super appreciate help in tracking them down. Massive shout out to those who sent in pics with their submissions, yall are MVPs.
(Need the ones that aren't highlighted)
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Feel free to submit them via ask, submission or by reblogging and adding them to this post. Thanks in advance!
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abel. acher. achille. adam. adrien. adélie. aelin. alaida. alexis. alice. alya. ambroise. amelia. amour. ana. anahera. andras. angaile. ange. angel. angela. angelesse. angelette. angelica. angelina. angeline. angelique. angelissa. angelita. angeliza. angella. angelo. angelus. angelyna. angie. angé. angélique. anna. antoine. apolline. ariel. astrid. aurora. aurore. azazel. baal. behemoth. berrie. bethany. blaise. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. blushe. bowette. cain. caleb. camille. capucine. carmen. cary. casimir. cassandra. cassiel. castiel. cathy. celeste. celestine. celine. cerberus. cerise. charmeine. cher. cherie. cherub. choirette. christian. christine. chérie. cielo. claire. claude. cloud. cloudisse. cynthia. cyril. daisy. damien. damon. danni. dina. divina. divinesse. divinette. divinne. donovan. dova. dulcengel. eden. elena. elouan. elysia. emmy. engel. enzo. erebus. eryn. estelle. esther. evangelina. evangeline. evangelista. eve. faith. felix. fiacre. fleur. fortune. francette. francis. gabriel. gabriella. gaby. gemini. genesis. ghoul. giselle. godefrey. grace. gwenaël. halo. heartette. heather. heaven. heavenelle. heavenesse. hel. helena. henri. hera. honoré. hyacinthe. icha. isaac. isabelle. isidore. jacques. jade. jennifer. jin. jocelyn. jordan. joseph. josephina. julia. kage. karine. kasdeya. katie. kenzo. keres. kilian. lacey. lambise. lamia. laura. leila. leilani. levi. leviathan. liam. lightion. lilia. lilin. lilith. lola. louis. lucia. lucien. lucifer. léo. madeleine. madeline. malachi. malvina. mal’akhi. marc. mare. marie. marin. marine. mary. mateo. maxime. melantha. michael. michelangelo. michelle. minerva. mirabelle. morgan. moros. nadia. narcisse. nazaire. nicholas. noah. noelle. octave. océane. odin. olivia. onyx. ophelia. orpheus. pheobe. pinkette. pinkion. piérre. priscilla. prosper. rainier. ramiel. raphael. ravana. raymond. robin. rogue. rosaire. roxxane. ruby. rue. ruelle. rémi. sabel. salome. salomon. samael. samuel. sara. sephora. sephtis. sera. seraph. seraphim. seraphina. seraphine. serenity. seth. skye. soan. softetta. sol. sonata. sophia. soraya. strawbette. sugarette. sylvain. sylvianne. séraphin. tatiana. theodore. timothee. tristan. uriel. ursula. valentine. valerie. venetia. vera. victor. victoria. victorien. vionetta. virtue. vivian. vivien. willow. wingette. wolf. xavier. xela. yann. yasmine. yvette. zacharie. zoe. ángel. ánxela. éloi. étienne.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ abo/above. adore/adore. ae/ae. ae/aer. an/angel. angel/angel. angelic/angelic. arch/angel. archangel/archangel. arrow/arrow. aura/aura. ay/aym. ballet/ballet. beau/beau. beauty/beauty. being/being. beloved/beloved. black/black. bless/bless. bless/blessing. blessing/blessing. bloom/bloom. blue/blue. bow/bow. broke/broken. bun/bun. celeste/celestial. celestial/celestial. cher/cher. cherub/cherub. cherub/cherubim. chirp/chirp. choir/choir. clou/cloud. cloud/cloud. cold/cold. cross/cross. crown/crown. cu/cupid. cupid/cupid. curse/curse. dark/dark. deity/deity. delicate/delicate. div/divine. div/divinity. divine/divine. dove/dove. drift/drift. empty/empty. er/ero. ero/ero. ethe/ethereal. ethereal/ethereal. ey/eyr. fai/faith. faith/faith. fall/fall. fall/fallen. fate/fate. faun/fauna. feather/feather. flight/flight. float/float. flower/flower. fluff/fluff. fly/flight. fly/fly. glow/glow. gold/gold. grace/grace. gra/grace. grudge/grudge. hae/haer. ha/halo. halo/halo. harp/harp. he/hym. hea/heaven. heal/heal. heart/heart. heaven/heaven. heaven/heavenly. hell/hell. hol/holy. holy/holy. hush/hush. hx/hxm. hy/hym. hymn/hymn. id/idol. ix/ix. kind/kind. kyr/kyr. lace/lace. lamb/lamb. life/life. light/light. lo/love. lyr/lyr. lyre/lyre. melancholy/melancholy. metallic/metallic. mirror/mirror. mist/mist. misty/misty. mon/mon. moral/moral. omen/omen. peace/peace. perfect/perfection. pink/pink. pure/pure. pure/purr. radiant/radiant. ribbon/ribbon. rose/rose. sacred/sacred. saint/saint. scept/scepter. self/self. ser/seraph. seraph/seraph. seraph/seraphim. shimmer/shimmer. shine/shining. shx/hxr. silk/silk. sin/sin. sing/song. sky/sky. smite/smite. snake/snake. snow/snow. soar/soaring. soft/soft. somber/somber. sorrow/sorrow. spark/sparkle. spirit/spirit. sugar/sugar. swan/swan. sweet/sweet. taint/taint. tether/tether. thorn/thorn. thxy/thxm. thy/thyn. tru/trumpet. unholy/unholy. unknown/unknown. vae/vaer. val/valentine. vio/vior. water/water. white/white. wi/wing. wing/wing. wraith/wraith. wrath/wrath. yellow/yellow. ðe/ðim. þe/þim. ȝe/ȝim. ☀️ . ☁️ . ⛪ . ✨ . ⭐ . 🐑 . 👁️ . 👼 . 🕊️ . 🕯️ . 😇 . 🤍 . 🦢.
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pennypenmen · 5 months
An introduction!
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"It's 1987. The colleges were just on the brink of summer break. Strange annuel disappearances have burdened the people of Bellsville, Ohio, for the past few decades now. It's not until August's older brother goes missing do the unholy horrors of the quiet church town start to reveal themselves. He won't be alone in uncovering the truth, though. Maybe he's closer than August thought."
Hello and welcome all newcomers and horror fanatics!
I have decided to finally give a small introduction to a horror book/graphic novel I'm in the hopes of developing called Dog Days.
This project is something I first began developing in my senior year of high school. I took time from it originally, due to the fact I didnt have a clue what I was doing in terms of story development; but have recently picked up the project again and have become very passionate about it once I began to flush out my characters once again and started to grasp concepts here and there.
I would absolutely adore some tips and pointers from more seasoned writers/graphic novel artists on how you develop your stories! I am mainly looking for tips atm on how to organize and develop plot points for the story!
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Here, I have a lineup of my characters. Below, I will provide a short description of each character!
August Briggs// Grew up in a very strict Catholic upbringing. He was born and raised on their family's sheep farm. His father, being the head pastor of their small town that enforced the law of God unto his 3 children. Their oldest son, Cain, August himself, and their youngest son, Reggie. August grew up with a deep passion for understanding the religious world and music, often attending and helping out at his towns local church events, even singing in the choir. He was the closest to his father. That was until his oldest brother went missing a short bit before his sophomore year of college. His parents became quiet, distant, and cold towards the other boys. August himself developing an underlying obsession about what happened to his brother. Though, he's often dismissed by his parents when he ask questions. August wants to help people around him and wants to see the best in everyone, even if that means attempting to manipulate them for what August believes, is for their own good. He's incredibly smart and attends college for a degree in religious studies to one day become a pastor like his father.
Donovan Meers// Honestly grew up with not much going for him. His parents were rather successful in finances, yet they never really made time for Don. Don being an only child, his parents often got him Comics and video games to keep him busy. This caused him to grow up reckless and unable to control his mouth, being raised more by books then parents. He constantly looks for escape through stories and more minor substances. Not having a guiding hand other than his childhood best friend, August. Don was put in the college through the grace of his parents, thinking he would make something of himself. He's rather good in the new computer sciences class, Science, and surprisingly, English. Yet, Don flunks at all others. Don is VERY co-dependent on August. August in turn thinks he can help Don change, even bringing Don with him to his father's church every Sunday, despite Dons protest on religion, Don seems to have a soft spot for August that causes little protest against him.
Annie Sholten// Is going to school in order to become a mortician. Having moved to Bellsville when she was in the 3rd grade, she and her family do not yet fully understand the customes of the town. Being fascinated with the concept of bodily autonomy, as well as death in general. Her father was a very big local game hunter who taught her about the mechanics of the body in animals that he'd kill. He also taught Amara a great respect for nature and the concept of life and death from a very early age. She's considered to be very spiritual and is often seen as a freak or the local hippie in the town, yet her parents couldn't be more proud of her.
Claire Boyce// Is the only one in the group who isn't in the local college the rest of the group attends. Instead, she works at her fathers mechanic shop, making a steady living helping her father repair old cars, her mom dislike its, thinking Claire should be more like girls her age and not elbow greased and smelling like motor oil. Claire couldn't care less and absolutely loves her job. She's very blunt about things but is handy when repairing cars and other motorized vehicles, even building her own bike in her father's shop.
Mikey Duffer// Is a top of the line athlete, he's the star quarterback of the local colleges football team, he's very sweet yet hard headed, he's Auggies first cousin and is Best friends with August's oldest brother. After August's brothers disappearance, he became distraught. This distraction in turn would cause him to becomes distracted during games, and his grades would slip. Eventually leading him to gain a knee injury that put him out for the semester. He vowed to help August and his "friends" find out what happened to his best friend, even if he does think they're a bunch of freaks. 
I still have more characters in development for this story! Although I have a good idea of where it's heading. I thought I should give a little Introduction first to see what you guys think.
If you have questions regarding the story, feel free to let me know or DM me! I'm happy for feedback and suggestions! I hope you all enjoyed the little I've showed!
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