#dorian mention but i'm not gonna bother tagging him
astral-express-family ยท 7 months
One Year
Yasmina and Althena one-year anniversary fic! I haven't posted about them nearly enough, but here's sweet little fic I wrote. For the purposes of this fic Celine lives with her father and uncle :3
Taglist: @violetsareblue-selfships, @silver-heller (go here if you want to be added!)
A quiet alarm tone draws Celine into consciousness. It's barely loud enough to draw her attention. The barest hints of sun stream through the window, casting a faint light over the room as Celine reaches out with a clawed hand, and clumsily turns off the alarm. She doesn't want to get up, but she does anyways. It's a bit of an ordeal to extricate himself from the tangle of limbs that are Yasmina and Althena. Althena, in particular, has buried her face firmly in Celine's neck. Once free, she stretches, catlike, with a yawn. The calendar hanging on the wall has a day circled. The current day. The fifteenth of February, the day after Valentine's Day. In Celine's messy and excited handwriting it says "ONE YEAR GFS", with a ton of underlines. That fills her with excitement, and she sneaks over to her dresser.
In the top drawer is a dress, one Yasmina had picked out for him. He knew she'd picked out matching ones for herself and Althena, which are currently sitting right next to his. She throws on the dress and slips on a cloak that she'd picked out. Once again, her girlfriends have matching ones.
With that done, it's time to put her plan into action.
Pausing at the door, she looks at her girlfriends. Althena has slid against the bed, curling into Yasmina. Their face is buried into Yasmina's neck already, and Celine giggles fondly. He swings the door open, and slips into the hallway.
The apartment should be mostly empty at this time of the morning, especially with Dorian gone on a case. Mortimer might have returned, but Celine's not sure.
It flicks on the overhead light in the kitchen, before stretching and cracking its knuckles. Today's a special day, and Celine has plans. A letter sits on the kitchen island. It's from his uncle Mortimer, saying that he'd returned from his trip to Restville, but he'd stay out of Celine and its girlfriends' hair.
It throws on an apron and then picks its music player up from the counter, plugging in a pair of headphones and popping them in its ears. It selects its first song and slips the music player into a pocket of the dress.
With the music playing, the first order of business is to dance around the kitchen, getting eggs, flour, milk, butter, baking soda, and a few other things. She twirls around laughing quietly as she measures out the ingredients. A whisk is retrieved, and used as a microphone as she mixes the ingredients. As the songs play, Celine dances around and makes pancakes. The stack grows, pancake by pancake, until the batter is all gone.
Next on the list is eggs. He retrieves the eggs from the fridge again, and uses them to whip up omlettes for each young adult, plus an extra one for his uncle.
He's noticing the shift in energy, a magical pressure to change to his human form. He doesn't, expending the energy to remain in this more comfortable form. The claws get in the way a bit, but he doesn't mind. It's in the middle of belting out a lyric to a sappy love song when a voice cuts through it- "So... one year, huh?"
Celine jumps, whirling around. His uncle is standing in the hallway, wearing a hoodie with no mask or gloves. Uncle Mortimer nods, probably smiling, and Celine smiles back. Wistfully she replies, "Yeah, I still can't believe it. It's only been one year, it feels like so much longer."
Uncle Mortimer pauses for a moment, turning to look behind him. Celine uses this moment to finish up the food, and take off her apron.
"Sounds like the girls are getting up. I'll get out of your hair. Happy anniversary to my favorite niece," he says playfully. He ruffles her hair, and she squawks quietly and swats at the invisible hand, missing completely.
"Kitty-cat? What's going on out here?"
"Sweetheart, what smells so good?"
Althena and Yasmina stumble into the hallway, both looking tired. Both are wearing their dresses, cloaks being held in Yasmina's hands. Althena stretches, and approaches Celine. Yasmina is close behind them, and leans around her partner to kiss Celine on the cheek.
"Good morning, my loves! I made breakfast!"
Celine settles them around the kitchen island, then pours drinks to each of his partners. He then sits between them, and receives a kiss from each one. He blushes fiercely, but smiles. He looks from Yasmina, to Althena, and back again. Then it murmurs, still blushing, "Happy anniversary, loves."
Yasmina and Althena echo the sentiment as they dig into the means provided by their girlfriend.
The three of them have a beautiful morning, eating pancakes and eggs, and talking about anything yet nothing. They discuss what Althena has planned for the day, as well as what Yasmina has planned for dinner. The morning was Celine's part, and now it's time for her girlfriends to take charge of the day.
It's a beautiful one year anniversary, and Celine can't wait to see how the rest of it goes.
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