#dorky gyu is just my type
kpoppwriter · 4 years
Dating CheolGyu~
A/N: no one asked for this but these are my biases so of course I had to write this I’m also working on a scenario for someone beside Mingyu for once lmao unrelated but I’m rewatching one of my fave dramas and I wanna write a series that’s based on the plot of it lmao I have no chill
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☆ did someone say boyfriends af
☆ because that’s exactly what these two are
☆ cutie patooties
☆ want to give you all the affection and love in the world
☆ both dote on you a lot
☆ make sure you’re ok and you’ve eaten
☆ all that jazz
☆ wow I don’t think there’s a cuddlier duo
☆ I emphasize duo cuz BooSeokSoon is so cuddly 
☆ both love kissing you all the time
☆ someone is always touching you
☆ whether it be in a hug or even just touching the small of your back
☆ so cute
☆ protective boys
☆ they just care about your well being a lot
☆ you’ll never be sad with these two goofballs
☆ they’ll always be down to comfort you when needed
☆ either with laughter and jokes or with comforting words
☆ they’re very emotional types so seeing you sad gets them sad
☆ tours are very hard on them
☆ they end up relying on each other a lot for comfort
☆ so many calls and texts
☆ constantly check on you
☆ worried you aren’t taking care of yourself
☆ Gyu sends all the selfies 
☆ including dorky pictures of Cheol
☆ Cheol will watch you and Gyu play around like children 
☆ with just so much admiration in his eyes
☆ before joining in because he’s also 5
☆ y’all def have couple’s items
☆ maybe even couple’s rings
☆ wowie what a concept
☆ they spoil you too much
☆ like it sometimes feels like you’re a sugar baby
☆ you gotta be like stop sometimes
☆ unless you’re someone that likes all that
☆ these boys are softies and I love them
☆ thank you for coming to my ted talk
☆ alright hoes time for some dirty things~
☆ I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call you a hoe
☆ I’m just excited
☆ ok so 
☆ 2 doms
☆ well, Mingyu’s a switch in this dynamic
☆ a switch leaning towards dom
☆ even though they’re both doms
☆ they work really well together
☆ teamwork at its best
☆ kinky but nothing too over the top
☆ bondage, light bdsm, spanking (giving), degrading, praise, toys
☆ Mingyu wanna sub but very rarely
☆ he’ll sub for Cheol
☆ they really like to take their time with you
☆ they may partake in a quickie from time to time
☆ but they much rather wait until they can really have some fun
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kaptain-k-pop · 3 years
The K-List: Day #35
Kaptain K's K-List Pride Event: #9
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I think I maybe got a minor case of hives just typing out the name of this song, but oh well, here we are 🤷
Hey! Look at me! Actually talking about a b-side for once! :)
So this song....... Is the Chilli of this album
The song that logically my brain wants to be like 'oof, cringey and dorky 🤦' but unfortunately... also happens to be really catchy :/
Just like with Chilli this song got stuck in my head and now against my better judgment I kind of Really Like It 😔
It is a bit Wonwoo heavy (literally like. half the lines...) since he gets like, 100% of every chorus, and I dooooo wish for a little more Cheol and Gyu, but it is what it is I suppose🤷
(and the chorus is definitely stuck in my head and doesn't seem to be going away any time soon, so thanks 4 that Wonwoo :/)
Hmmm what else? 🤔
There are 13 'game's in the game game game game game game game game game game game game game boi part, but tbh that's probably just because 12+1 is a number beats that is good for fitting into a rhythm
I am honestly kinda a little bit in love with how much it sounds like a video game, like all the little chirpy electronic bits and like glitching effects of their voices?? Whoever did the sound mixing *mwah* bless u, A+ work 👌
Overall here we have another reluctant fave
Honestly who keeps letting hip hop unit get away with this? They need to be stopped
You should listen to this song, and also to the rest of Your Choice
Ily all, goodnight 😘
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felixthekoala · 6 years
Mutuals Game ~ Stray Kids React to Kait Being An Idiot
(ily tho my idiot lol <333) 
for 1/2 of 2ait, @kpop-stole-my-lyfe <333
Holy fluffernutter this was so late, school just kicked my ass.  Sorry it’s so late, but I hope it’s worth it! <3
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Okay this boy would find it so adorable when your brain just stopped, he’d have to take a minute to compose himself because he was laughing so much.
“Kait did you seriously just say you want to be a hooker?”
“Ohhhhh hiker!  You dork”
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Similar to Chan, this guy would find it hilarious.  He’d try to keep his composure but after a few seconds he’d burst into laughed, hugging you as he realized he was in love with such an adorable dork.
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This boy would just start seriously judging you, laughing so hard when he figured out what you were trying to say.  (But secretly he’d find your stupidity really endearing)
“Are you kidding me?  How did I manage to fall for the queen of dorks?”
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He wouldn’t have the heart to correct you when you misheard him, he’d just go with it and let you live a sheltered (pffft) life 
“y/n, did you know I really love Gyu?”
“Awe, Binnie, I love you too.”
“No, uh, I mean, uh huh.  Yup.  You.  I just love you so darn much.”  *boops your nose*  “Never change, Kait.  Never change.”
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Okay why do I feel like half the time, Hyunjin wouldn’t even catch your stupidity??  Like you could mess up and confuse two completely different things and he wouldn’t even notice, he’d just respond normally.  ig it’s bc he’s fluent in idiot jk ily Hyunjin you’re beautiful and smart and talented dont kill me but on the rare occasion he would catch your idiocy, he’ d just ruffle your hair and chuckle as he corrected you.
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Lol this guy would think there was something wrong with you when you legitimately thought he meant he was buying you a desert when he meant to type dessert.
<do you want me to buy you some desert?>
<uhm, that’s a weird request, but i’d prefer the Sahara, it’s much more popular.>
*Jisung runs into your room*
“Kait, you might want to sit down.  God you need sleep, cutie, you’re totally out of it.  A DESERT???”
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He’d laugh so hard at you.  He’d find it hilarious when insults just flew over your head.  When you and your friends were called a vacuum (because you sucked), you didn’t even realize it was an insult, and asked to be the hose.
“That literally flew so high over your head it exited Earth’s orbit, you are such a dork.  Stay innocent, Kait, you’ll be much happier.”
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This savage would never let you hear the end of your stupidity.  He’d tease you incessantly to the point where the other members would “lecture” him about letting you live.
“Hey Kait, your shirt is right-side-out!  I’m proud of you!”
“Oh my god, Seungmin, that was one time!!”
*the rest of the members chime in*
“Oh my god, Seungmin, that was one time!  Let her live!”
Minho mutters with a smirk: “Well done, my young apprentice”
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Bro he’d be hardcore judging you just like Minho.  And when you had a particularly idiotic moment, like accidentally saying/making an innuendo or something, he’d be hardcore cringing.  Outwardly.  Very obviously cringing at you.  He’d cringe at all your idiotic moments but secretly hope you continue to be the adorably dorky and stupid Kait that he knows and loves
“Oh god, remind me why I’m dating you again?”
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amemericans · 8 years
hi there ~~. may I say this? I think Jun-Shua's relationship is more like Gyu-Hao's n apparently it hilarious to see :)
hi anon! tbh it’s just hard to tell since off-screen interactions are a better source to analyze their relationships. alas, the only time we see them is on a screen, so i guess we’ll have to do with what we have.
in my opinion, both relationships have their share of similarities but with some differences. gyuhao seems to be very close off-screen while showing a playful, tough-love type of relationship on-screen. very comfortable and know how to entertain. you dont see much of junshua on-screen sadly (really- im disappointed too), but when you see the two of them together, they kind of just play off each other’s cues and be silly together. joshua seems to have that personality where he gets really dorky and “weird” when he’s with people he feels comfortable with (i.e, jeonghan), and jun pushes his “weirdness” little by little (sorry jun stans) to see what reactions he gets lol. honestly, there’s gonna be endless entertainment when it’s those two alone, i promise. they probably just get awkward with a camera, but off-screen? i bet they go all-out meme.
in terms of closeness, i feel that gyuhao is closer than junshua, but that’s not to say junshua isn’t close. i just think that gyuhao is on a different level since they’re the around the same age?
in the end, i’m just making assumptions based on what i see, which could very well be “scripted” in terms of their individual concepts and how the company markets them. lol, who knows. honestly, i dont even know if you asked for this analysis, but i tend to ramble with these type of things……
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