#dottore being a fucking creep but it's okay because we love him and he's hot
pineappleandcake · 2 years
The Past and The Present
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Sypnosis : You reject Dottore and he comes back for you years later...
TW : Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, Dottore is just a trigger warning by itself, not being able to handle rejection, harassment, needles/syringes, and swearing.
(Brief moment of Lisa)
Pairings : Yandere Dottore x Reader
A/N : Yes there will be a Part 2 but not yet because im too lazy. Also let me know if anyone wants to be tagged LMAO
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It was just another day in Sumeru Akademiya. You were sitting at your desk listening to your professor’s lesson. You were actively taking notes when you felt eyes were staring into you from behind.
You turned around when you saw one of your fellow classmates named Dottore looking right at you. He sent a wink your way and you turned around feeling creeped out.
Dottore was well, one of the more strange kids.
He had strange ideas and he would often talk about them. Things such as human torture. Well, obviously nobody liked him. Even the professors were weary of him and he was an outcast.
He didn’t have any friends, he would sit by himself as nobody wanted to share a desk with him.
Not to mention that he wasn’t really...good looking.
It was the end of class when Dottore approached you.
“Hey Y/N do you want to be my s/o? He asked with a creepy smile.
“Um no. I’m sorry.” You said as you picked up your books and immediately left the classroom.
After you had rejected him, you started finding mean notes being written on your desk. Dottore would purposely trip you in the halls and everybody would laugh at you. All because you just rejected him. Sometimes he would mess with your notes and rip them.
You tried talking to your professor about it but all you got was “just ignore him” or “it’s not that bad just deal with it” so you stopped trying. You just tolerated the way Dottore would harass you during school and you felt scared to show up to class because he would find a way to fuck up your day.
Finally it was the end of the school day and you walked out of the school. Somebody tapped you on the shoulder and it was Dottore.
“Y/N do you want to go out with me” He said with his creepy ass smile as he held out the rose in his hand to you.
You froze and your expression was shocked. You didn’t know what to do.
“No” You responded as his expression was pissed.
Suddenly you felt his hand collide with your cheek. That bastard had just slapped you.
“You will fucking regret ever rejecting me.” He said angrily as he walked away leaving you standing there. 
You didn’t know how to feel. Angry? Confused? Sadness?
From that day on, you never saw Dottore ever again. You were relieved because you didn’t feel scared to show up to class anymore, plus now he didn’t mess with your notes anymore. 
The rest of your days at Sumeru Akadamiya were rather peaceful and now y-
You snapped out of your trance and you looked at Lisa who was standing right beside you.
“Huh? Oh I’m sorry I was busy daydreaming..” You nervously chuckled as you began shelving books at the Mondstadt library.
“It’s fine” She giggled “you weren’t responding and you looked frozen as a statue”
You sighed as the both of you kept reminiscing about the past.
Everything that happened was around 5 years ago. Thankfully, you’ve never seen Dottore or his creepy smile ever again. But you sometimes wonder if he would ever keep his promise. 
That thought alone made you shiver in fear.
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The next day you were off from work. It was around night time and you decided to read a book before heading to bed. You were reading your book when you suddenly noticed somebody was staring at you from your window.
You looked again but you didn’t see anyone. That was weird you thought as you went back to your book. 
Suddenly you saw someone at your window again. You were freaking out and you recognized it to be a fatui agent. You looked at your window again and you didn’t see anyone. 
You panicked and you immediately went upstairs. You hid under your bed when suddenly you heard the front door being kicked open. You heard footsteps approaching your bedroom. You held your breathe and your heart was pounding.
Your door was suddenly kicked open and you could see shoes from under the bed. You were scared.
The shoes suddenly stopped in front of your bed. You closed your eyes in anticipation but nothing happened. You slowly opened your eyes and the shoes weren’t in front of your view anymore. You were confused.
All of a sudden Dottore’s head was upside down as he suddenly peaked down at you from on top of the bed.
“Peak a boo.” He said with his crazy smile.
“AHHHH” You yelled as he scared you.
You have never screamed so loud in your life. You panicked and you try to crawl out from the other side of the bed when your arm was grabbed by him.
He pulled you up from the bed and in one swoop he was on top of you. You were panicking and your heart was pounding.
You looked up and you studied his features. His mask was covering the upper part of his face and his two strands of blue hair tickled your throat. His earring was on the left of his face and was dangling as he smiled down at you. Realization hit you when you realized that you recognized the creepy man on top of you.
“D-Dottore? Is that you?” You stuttered as you were scared out of your mind.
“Hmmm yes that’s me dear” He said with a creepy grin as he caressed your cheek. “I’ve come back to fulfill my promise darling”
“W-What?!?! No please let me go!” You begged.
“I’m afraid that’s a no my love.” He said as his gritted his teeth “That’s what happens when you reject me.”
Dottore pulled out a needle and pricked your neck as the liquid entered you. Your face grunted in pain but suddenly you passed out as the contents of the syringe made you feel sleepy.
He smiled at you as you were sleepy and you looked so adorable. He kissed your lips and he groaned as he finally tasted you.
Dottore always kept his promises. That included him making you regret ever rejecting him.
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