vicc000 · 13 days
Glad to see another Alessio x Isabella fan 😁😁
I love Nino a lot and I'm eagerly waiting for Alessio's book since it is the same trope as Nino and Kiara- The marriage of convenience, strangers to lovers, family, book reader girls x mafia husbands. Man, when is Cora gonna release the book when my grandkids get married???
When I tell you I’m obsessed, I really mean it. You’re not alone, my friends are in love with this couple as well which is crazy because we barely know anything of them. I understand Cora has a lot of couples that need their book but she needs to step it up. I can’t wait to see Nino in father in law mode and I think Kiara will loveee Isa. I’m intrigued in how she’s going to write their story, technically now the Falcones & Vitiellos are at peace after Amo & Greta’s marriage so logically speaking it wouldn’t be forbidden for Isa and Alessio to date but most people aren’t going to like it. I can already see Nevio not like Alessio being a with Vitiello and Matteo - Gianna as well.
And yes probably by the time your grandkids get married 🤣
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vicc000 · 13 days
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Completely utterly obsessed with a couple with no book of their own 😭😭😭 come on Cora, love you but write a bit faster!!!
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vicc000 · 1 month
One of Cardan letters to Jude after her exile 🩶
You are in no mood for games. Very well. I am in no mood for them either.
Let me write it outright: you are pardoned. I revoke your banishment. I rescind my words.
Come home.
Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart if you must.
Just come home.
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vicc000 · 1 month
Cardan ❤️
He sucks in a breath and gets down so we're both on the floor and he's on his hands and knees, making a cage of his body. He presses his mouth to the pulse point of my wrist, racing in time with my heart. "Mock me all you like. Whatever I imagined then, now it is I who would beg and grovel for a kind word from your lips." His eyes are black with desire. "By you, I am forever undone."
"My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned."
"It's you I love," he says. "I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn't have one at all.
Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours."
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vicc000 · 1 month
Our eyes meet, and something dangerous sparks.
He hates you, I remind myself.
"Kiss me again," he says, drunk and foolish. "Kiss me until I am sick of it." 💌
I feel those words, feel them like a kick to the stomach. He sees my expression and laughs, a sound full of mockery. I can't tell which of us he's laughing at.
He hates you. Even if he wants you, he hates you.
Maybe he hates you the more for it.
After a moment, his eyes flutter closed. His voice falls to a whisper, as though he's talking to himself. "If you're the sickness, I suppose you can't also be the cure." He drifts off to sleep, but I am wide awake.
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vicc000 · 1 month
Jude x Cardan First Kiss 💌
"That's really why you hate me?" I demand. "Only that? There's no better reason?"
For a moment, I think he's ignoring me, but then I realize he's not answering because he can't lie and he doesn't want to tell me the truth.
"Well?" I say, lifting the crossbow again, glad to have a reason to reassert my position as the person in charge. "Tell me!"
He leans in and closes his eyes. "Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop.
I am shocked into silence.
"Maybe you should shoot me after all," he says, covering his face with one long-fingered hand.
"You're playing me," I say. I don't believe him. I won't fall for some silly trick, because he thinks I am some fool to lose my head over beauty; if I was, I couldn't last a single day in Faerie. I stand, ready to call his bluff.
Crossbows aren't great at close range, so I trade mine for a dagger.
He doesn't look up as I walk around the desk to him. I place the tip of the blade against the bottom of his chin, as I did the day before in the hall, and I tilt his face toward mine. He shifts his gaze with obvious reluctance.
The horror and shame on his face look entirely too real. Suddenly, I am not so sure what to believe.
I lean toward him, close enough for a kiss. His eyes widen. The look in his face is some commingling of panic and desire. It is a heady feeling, having power over someone. Over Cardan, who I never thought had any
"You really do want me," I say, close enough to feel the warmth of his breath as it hitches. "And you hate it." I change the angle of the knife, turning it so it's against his neck. He doesn't look nearly as alarmed by that as I might expect.
Not nearly as alarmed as when I bring my mouth to his.
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vicc000 · 2 months
It was right, though. Gansey felt the feeling of time slipping - one last time. The sense of having done this before. He gently laid the backs of his hands on her cheeks. He whispered, "It'll be OK. I'm ready. Blue, kiss me."
The rain spattered about them, kicking up splashes of red-black, making the petals around them twitch. Dream things from Ronan's newly healed imagination piled around their feet. In the rain, everything smelled of these mountains in fall: oak leaves and hay fields, ozone and dirt turned over. It was beautiful here, and Gansey loved it. It had taken a long time, but he'd ended up where he wanted after all.
Blue kissed him.
He had dreamt of it often enough, and here it was, willed into life. In another world, it would just be this: a girl softly pressing her lips to a boy's. But in this one, Gansey felt the effects of it at once. Blue, a mirror, an amplifier, a strange half-tree soul with ley line magic running through her. And Gansey, restored once by the ley line's power, given a ley line heart, another kind of mirror. And when they were pointed at each other, the weaker one gave.
Gansey's ley line heart had been gifted, not grown.
He pulled back from her.
Out loud, with intention, with the voice that left no room for doubt, he said, "Let it be to kill the demon."
Right after he spoke, Blue threw her arms tightly around his neck. Right after he spoke, she pressed her face into the side of his. Right after he spoke, she held him like a shouted word. Love, love, love.
He fell quietly from her arms.
He was a king.
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vicc000 · 3 months
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vicc000 · 3 months
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vicc000 · 4 months
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vicc000 · 4 months
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vicc000 · 4 months
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vicc000 · 4 months
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vicc000 · 4 months
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vicc000 · 5 months
Will being Will:
I’m gonna kill her. She had Emmy for the last thirty-six hours. No warning. No discussion. No explanation, other than some excuse about needing one last girls’ night as a single woman. I hadn’t talked to Em, because Rika took all of their cell phones, hiding with Alex, Banks, Winter, Emory, and Ryen at Delcour since yesterday morning. I mean, what the fuck? I just got her back, and fear was nipping at the corner of my brain, worried that she changed her mind about marrying me. If I couldn’t periodically remind her of how hot I was. 
Misha plopped down next to me, and I took a swig of my water bottle. “You’ll see her in an hour,” he assured me.
I took another drink. “Rika could’ve warned us she was taking all the women overnight.” “It gives you a chance to miss her.”
“I’ve missed her long enough,” I retorted, watching Michael tie his shoes and then tip back the bottle of Kirin. “I’m done missing her.”
“You think if you don’t see her enough, she’ll have time to change her mind? “No.” Yes. My cousin was smart. I smirked at him, and he smiled.
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vicc000 · 5 months
Emory & Will’s proposal:
He started to walk away, my heart ripping in two, and I shook my head. No. he couldn’t let me go. He couldn’t move on without me. Everything we’ve been through, everything meant something. It all meant something. Didn’t it? This wasn’t where we ended. Nothing was over.
“Will you marry me?” I asked, breathing hard, and my heart hammering. Slowly, I climb to my feet and turn to face him, seeing him stopped.
He stood there, frozen, not turning around, but that was okay. I wasn’t sure I could do this if he looked at me. God, my mouth was so dry. I couldn’t swallow.
“I love you,” I said, and I could see people filming us with their phones out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t care. “I am crazy for you, and I’m sure I’ll kill you at some point, but …. God, I love you so much, and I want you to marry me.” More tears streamed on my face as I choked out the words. “Marry me, Will Grayson.”
I rushed up and hugged his back, wrapping my arms around him. “Can you marry me? Can I marry you?” 
He spun around, picked me off my feet, and kissed me, pressing his lips to mine and backing me up into a parked car. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, reveling in his strong mouth and the warmth of his body. I moaned, kissing him again and again. “Is that a yes?”
He chuckled and dropped me to my feet. I blinked against the rain, watching him, dig into his pocket for something. He pulled it out, pinching a vintage Victorian ring.
“It’s very old,” Will said, slipping it into my finger, his hand shaking.
“It’s your family’s?”
“It’s yours now.” He met my eyes. “It’s been yours for nearly ten years.”
“I’m marrying you,” I whispered. He nodded. “Bout time you caught up.”
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vicc000 · 5 months
Emory & Will after escaping from the jail cell
“You don’t have any idea how to plan your moves and keep your shit quiet until it’s time to strike. You’re like a bowl in a China shop. When are you going to grow up? Demonstrate some patience?” One fucking night back, and he was already in jail again. I lost it. “This is why I don’t love you!” I screamed. 
And he turned on me, a scowl and piercing, lighting him on fire. He jumped into the backseat, pushing me down and coming down on top of me. “Hell yeah, you love me,” he said, sucking my lips into his mouth. “You are crazy about me, and you may not be blonde or 18 or named Heidi, but you are fucking mine, little trouble.” He pushed up my shirt, yanked down my bra, and cover my nipple with his mouth, sucking hard.
“And you can still walk my dogs someday if you want, but I’ll for damn sure be peeling down your panties on my desk and letting you pretend like you don’t love every second of it right before I write you that little check.” 
He gripped my neck, his other hand, trying to ripped down my pants as he kissed me. “You are never getting free of me.”
“Never .”
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