#double layer 501s
501buddy · 3 months
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apureniallsource · 1 year
When you’ve been in one of the biggest boybands in the world, figuring out what life looks like afterwards is no easy feat, especially when it encompassed some of your most formative years. For Niall Horan, though, it seems all too easy. He still lives the pop star life with a sold-out set of shows coming up next year, a whole host of festival performances lined up this summer, and an album that hit number one in the UK just a few weeks ago. Yet off-stage, he’s calm, carefree and so down to Earth that you might not even realise what he does for a living.
If Niall’s work life is about the biggest stages, biggest shows and biggest songs, Niall’s life at home is all about indulging in simple pleasures. Whether it’s bingeing a Netflix true crime series, lighting candles to make hotel rooms feel a bit more like home, or hopping from the gym to the golf course, he keeps himself grounded with a balanced routine and a low-maintenance lifestyle. It’s the perfect antithesis to celebrity life, and it’s helped him maintain the chilled-out vibe that he’s been known for since he was 16.
He might have just been about to fly to LA, but when we speak to Niall he’s as relaxed as they come. He’s still got yesterday’s hair (he proudly shows us how it’s still holding its volume), and he’s lounging in his living room in his gym clothes…
Let’s start with your dressing room. At this point in your career you’re used to being dressed, but how would you describe your own style when you’re at home?
I’d say I’ve got two different styles. One is very casual — I love street and sportswear — and then the other is very influenced by the 1950s and Sinatra. There’s a lot of collars, pressed trousers, penny loafers and that kind of thing. I like putting a modern twist on those old styles, whether that’s adding a more utilitarian jacket or whatever it might be. There’s a touch of ‘90s in there as well.
What about hero pieces?
I just got this vintage army green Gucci coat that’s very militaristic. I’m saving that for something good - can’t just walk to the shop in vintage Gucci, can you? I’m wearing this other, more casual coat at the moment, it’s a big green oversized bomber from Second/Layer. That’s been my go-to. Green goes with most things, so I’ve been wearing that a lot. I try and lean away from it, being Irish, but sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.
I’m big on Reebok Classics. I buy like three or four pairs at a time and just wear them until they get destroyed. They look better the worse they get but there’s a point where it’s like, okay, you might just need to get a new pair of shoes now…
Vintage Levi’s jeans are a big one. I get them online from a place called the 13 Club. Lots of straight-leg denim going on for me at the moment, 505s or 501s. I'm also big into — whether people agree with it or not — double denim. I have this vintage Ralph Lauren denim shirt and I like that with a white T-shirt and some matching jeans. The Canadian tuxedo! I’ve been doing a lot of that.
You’re very into golf. What does your golfwear looking like?
I’ve been trying to '50s up that a little bit too, wearing a slack rather than a golf trouser and a shirt with a bit of that old-school two-tone to it. I say that…I also have a lot of the classic gear that I just throw on because no one’s going to see me on the golf course. I often think that, I overthink what I’m going to wear and then I don’t see anyone for four hours.
For general workouts, I’m obviously a brand advisor and investor for the Irish brand Gym+Coffee. I’m a big fan of all their workout tops, I’m not good on materials but they’re easy to wear and nice and light. They just go with everything. All their shorts are really comfy too, really lightweight stuff that’s easy to wear in the gym. Nothing worse than some of that heavier stuff where you’re sweating out and it’s definitely not pleasant to feel in or to look at.
Moving onto the bathroom and grooming… what’s your routine there?
Yes! My forté! Firstly, I came across these things on Amazon. My groomer showed me them. The orbs that you put in the freezer and use with serum. I just love them! Genetically, I get dark [under]eyes and it’s crazy how good they are. I’ve never had anything work but ice is the answer, it turns out.
Sarah Chapman is the brand I’ve been buzzing about for a couple of years. I do an eye cream, a spray, an intense hydrating serum, moisturiser and SPF — the old Irish skin can’t handle any kind of ray, so that’s a must. I’ve got to watch myself even in the winter. For the evening I’m doing retinol, moisturiser and then a face oil. That keeps me glowing. I do a lot of face masks, I don’t even know if any of this stuff works I just love doing it.
Shampoo is Philip Kingsley. I’ve stopped using conditioner as much but I use a Redken clay to style and a matte paste. I use the Dyson hairdryer — make sure you put that in block capitals and tell them they can send me whatever they want — I absolutely love it. And for aftershaves, it’s Le Labo.
Moving into the kitchen, do you cook much when you’re at home. Do you have a go-to gadget?
I have a Nespresso coffee machine. I kick things off in the morning with an espresso, then the late afternoon coffee is an oat latte or an Americano, it depends on what buzz I need. I don’t get too LA on it. Out there you hear all sorts of stuff…“choco-loco-choco-mocho”. Just drink it, will you?
I do cook a lot. When I’m at home I try and cook for myself but keep it relatively healthy, so I end up doing a lot of Mediterranean-style stuff — salads, chicken, couscous, all that kind of stuff — nothing too complicated until the weekend. I’m no Stanley Tucci.
On a Sunday we’re always doing a Sunday roast. Roast chicken, parsnips, cheesy leeks, cauliflower cheese, potatoes. Love a Sunday roast, it’s my favourite thing. I also make this really simple Italian dish that’s just so good. It’s fried garlic, chilli, onion, squashed tomatoes, spaghetti, smoked bacon and a whole block of parmesan cheese. I don’t even know what it’s called but it’s just magic, it’s just what you want. If I’m in on a Saturday night, that’s what I’m making.
Let’s think about unwinding before bed. What helps you out there?
Candles, always. I always have a candle with me, particularly Diptyque Fig and Oud. I usually like softer fragrances: Le Labo Santal is also a favourite. I actually travel with candles - hotel rooms, dressing rooms, just to give them a homely feel. The only problem with that being that once you blow it out you have to sit around and wait for it to dry before shoving it back in your bag.
I always listen to green noise before bed. When I concentrate on that I can just doze right off, and I do a pre-bed face mask every two or three nights. And I do watch a lot of TV in bed… which is not good. It’s always ‘oh just one more episode’ and then before you know it it’s half one in the morning. I love ‘24 Hours in Police Custody’. We watch a lot of true crime and all those American Netflix series. Name it, we’ve seen it.
Thinking about your living room, what do you do to unwind there of an evening or afternoon?
There’s a piano in the living room and I spend a lot of time with that. That’s where I do a lot of writing. I wrote probably a third of my new album on that piano, sat at home during the lockdown. There’s a guitar on a stand next to it and sometimes I’ll wander over there when I’m half watching TV. I’ve got a Fender Telecaster and a Gibson 335 that I play a lot, a big old red thing. My acoustic is from an Irish brand called Lowden, myself and Lewis [Capaldi] went to their factory on our Amazon show, and I’ve been into them for eight or nine years. Maybe I need a green one…I’ll be a walking leprechaun in no time.
I listen to a lot of music; I’ve got this big JBL boombox, it’s class. It’s got a big handle on it and I take it everywhere. I’ve also got a vinyl player, I listen to a lot of vinyl. People are always asking me what I’m listening to at the moment and it’s never anything new. It’s always the old stuff that I just love…in fact, I just rotate the same fifteen or so vinyls. Old head, young shoulders, I suppose.
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yorkshireword · 2 years
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Cal-Earth, the California Institute of Earth Art and Architecture, is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to providing solutions to the human need for shelter through research, development, and education in earth architecture. We envision a world in which every person is empowered to build a safe and sustainable home with their own hands, using the earth under their feet.
Nader Khalili (1936-2008) is the world-renowned Iranian-American architect, author, humanitarian, teacher, and innovator of the Geltaftan Earth-and-Fire system known as Ceramic Houses, and of the Superadobe construction system.
There is a Sustainable Solution to Human Shelter, based on Timeless Materials (earth, water, air and fire) and Timeless Principles (arches, vaults and domes). Every man and woman should be able to build a shelter for his or her family with these universal elements, almost anywhere on the earth and other planets. These principles, interpreted into the simplest form of building technology have created emergency shelter which can become permanent houses, and which have passed strict tests and building codes. Since 1975 we have been dedicated to researching and developing this low-cost, self-help, eco-friendly technology which can resist disasters, and to offer it to humanity. The only missing link is to educate humans how to use these timeless techniques, developed at Cal-Earth Institute, to fit their own culture and environment.
Superadobe is a form of earthbag construction that was developed by Iranian architect Nader Khalili.[1] The technique uses layered long fabric tubes or bags filled with adobe to form a compression structure.[2] The resulting beehive-shaped structures employ corbelled arches, corbelled domes, and vaults to create sturdy single and double-curved shells. It has received growing interest for the past two decades in the natural building and sustainability movements.
SuperAdobe is a form of earth bag architecture developed by architect and CalEarth founder Nader Khalili. Using long sandbags ("SuperAdobe Bags"), barbed wire, on-site earth and a few tools, Khalili devised a revolutionary building system that integrates traditional earth architecture with contemporary global safety requirements, and passes severe earthquake code tests in California.
This technology has been published by NASA, endorsed by the United Nations, featured in countless world media outlets, and awarded the prestigious Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2004. It comes from years of meditation, hands-on research and development. Inspired by traditional earth architecture in the deserts of Iran and adapted for modern usage. Simplified so that anyone can build.
“Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise” -Rumi
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muenchnerdartcenter · 6 months
The Intriguing Intersection of Darts and Mathematics
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Darts, a game often associated with leisurely pub gatherings, holds a deeper connection with mathematics than one might initially perceive. This sport, while seemingly straightforward, engages players in a subconscious exercise of mathematical strategies.
Firstly, the scoring system in darts is inherently mathematical. The dartboard is designed with numbers ranging from 1 to 20. A player's ability to calculate their scores rapidly and accurately is pivotal in strategizing their next move. This aspect of the game demands not only dexterity but also quick mental arithmetic, making darts a blend of physical skill and cognitive challenge.
Moreover, the game's most popular format, 501, requires players to start with a score of 501 and race to reduce their score to exactly zero. The catch, however, is that players must finish by landing a dart in a double segment or the bullseye. This rule adds a layer of mathematical complexity, as players must constantly calculate their remaining score and strategize their throws to align with the finishing requirement. It's a delicate balance of risk and reward, where mathematical foresight plays a crucial role.
Another fascinating mathematical aspect of darts is the spatial geometry involved in aiming and throwing darts. The angle and force of the throw, the distance from the board, and the arrangement of numbers on the dartboard itself, all contribute to a geometric puzzle that players navigate subconsciously. Skilled players often develop an intuitive understanding of these geometric principles, which guides them in making precise throws.
Furthermore, probability and statistical analysis are significant in professional darts. Players often have preferred segments on the board and strategies based on statistical probabilities. For instance, aiming for the triple 20 segment is common, as it offers the highest scoring potential. However, the risk of landing in the adjacent lower scoring segments requires players to weigh their chances and make calculated decisions.
Finally, the application of mathematics in darts extends beyond gameplay. Statistical analysis of players' performance, success rates, and scoring patterns is crucial in the professional darts circuit. This data-driven approach influences training regimes, match strategies, and even the design of darts and dartboards, emphasizing the sport's deep-rooted connection with mathematics.
Darts, far from being a mere pub game, challenges players to engage in complex mathematical thinking, making it a fascinating blend of physical skill and mental acumen. It's a sport where numbers and strategy play as crucial a role as agility and precision, highlighting the multifaceted nature of this popular game.
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thisdayinfavrd · 5 years
January 14, 2009
Twitter: an online tool that enables bookish adults to simulate the popularity they did not experience in high school. See also: Internet.   @zeldman (Jeffrey Zeldman) – 75
A woman just auctioned off her virginity for $3.7 million. Wait until she finds out workers at a meatpacking plant pooled their money.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 70
If I had a nickel for every time my coworker said "If I had a nickel," I'd have enough nickels to put in a sock and kill her with one swing.   @abigvictory (Michele Catalano) – 55
Mass graves aren't funny unless you add a clown layer.   @secretsquirrel (Ryan Bateman) – 41
Traveling by RV is fun because there's enough room to bring along all of your hatred of other people.   @scottsimpson (Scott Simpson) – 40
I'd like to see more of Anne Coulter's skin. Preferably no longer encasing any of her bones and organs.   @AinsleyofAttack (Ainsley Drew) – 38
I’d pay double for my Flickr Pro account if they’d give me an option to just stay the fuck signed in until I sign the fuck out.   @gruber (John Gruber) – 36
Jehovah's Witnesses came by today. Nice people. A little... "churchy".   @HotAmishChick (HotAmishChick) – 35
I'll just make do with 0.3% of my RAM and CPU until Firefox and iTunes finish their knife-fight or whatever the hell they're doing.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 35
Why does a 4-yr-old need a dental checkup? Aren't those teeth, like, disposable? This is like putting plastic cutlery in the dishwasher.   @adamisacson (Adam Isacson) – 33
Wind chills of -30. This is what my facial hair has been training for since November.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 32
British people call elevators "lifts." And flashlights? Those are "lifts" too. Also they spell "color" differently. C-O-L-O-(lift)-R.   @tehawesome (Henry Birdseye) – 32
501 days. That's how long it takes to live in the South before you find yourself saying "bless your heart." I didn't even say it ironically.   @CcSteff (Stephanie) – 32
John is trying to convince Jonas that a piñata would be just as fun filled with Japanese pens, Field Notes, and paperclips.   @AmyJane (Amy Jane Gruber) – 32
People who make quasi-obscure references to appear smart deserve a place in Hell, one like the last panel of a Hieronymus Bosch triptych.   @rafitorres (Rafael Torres) – 31
Still waiting alone in a bar for my dad to show up. Great American novels have been built around less symbolic microcosms.   @sloganeerist (jtdobbs dur) – 30
At dinner. Client discussing _Valkyrie_. Gets a drink. Me: "You know who else would have ordered scotch?"  I blame you all.   @TBMimsTheThird (cwthethird) – 30
Group hug, you guys. Come on, bring it in. Except you, fuck you. Everybody else, let's do this.   @weselec (Shane Cyr) – 30
Looking at the number of coffee mugs on my desk I thought, "One Guy, Four Cups".  I probably need a break from the Internet.   @Moltz (Moltz) – 30
Greetings from AmeriKKKa: My stupid manicurist is refusing to paint BUNZ LUVR on my nails just because I want it in Comic Sans.   @fireland (Joshua Allen) – 28
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gracemadeley-blog · 5 years
Mood Board for Shoot 2
This is my mood board for my second photo shoot. The idea behind the shoot is men’s street style in the 90’s, in particular, British fashion. Despite not all images being from this decade, they are inspired by it. I love the clothing in these images- the high waisted trousers, baggy tops/shirts, chunky trainers, layered clothing, jewelry and double denim . The models/ people photographed all have similar hairstyles too, sort of messy and rather long, with flicks. This hairstyle was a huge trend within the Britpop era, originally made popular by Paul Weller when he was with the band Jam. I am also inspired by the locations in which these images were taken. Most of them being outside, which gives off an urban vibe but I also like the ones take inside, in simple settings so your focus is drawn to the outfit. Furthermore, I like the way these images are all mainly candid shots. I would also like to inject an element of high fashion into this shoot, I have been inspired by photographer Glen Lunchford’s work- especially his images of Kate Moss. I like how they are taken in an urban location and he mixes the grimey feel with glamour too- making it the perfect mix between street and fashion photography. I have gathered my visual inspiration for this shoot from: Pinterest, Instagram accounts (including @90scelebvibes and @90s.daily), music videos; The Verve- Bittersweet Symphony, Oasis- What’s the Story Morning Glory, Oasis- Live Forver, films; Clerks- 1994, 10 things I hate about you-1999, the Levi’s 501 campaigns/adverts and photography by Glen Luchford.
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More Professional Design Of Small Rotary Evaporator
With the continuous development of more companies, the demand for related equipment from pharmaceutical companies is also showing an upward trend. At present, ZZKD has received large orders for rotary evaporators from many industrial companies, including RE-201D rotary evaporator, RE-501 rotary evaporator, R-1050 rotary evaporator, etc. We ZZKD continue to focus on the development of small rotary evaporators and focus on the continuous distillation of volatile solvents under reduced pressure conditions, especially for the concentration of extracts and the distillation of receiving liquids during chromatographic separation, and with high safety performance, you can buy with confidence All of them can be used for pilot test in the fields of biology, medicine, chemical industry, food and so on.
The small rotary evaporator, namely the Rotary Evaporator Capacity, is relatively small and is mainly used for continuous distillation of volatile solvents under reduced pressure, especially for the concentration of the extract and the distillation of the receiving liquid during chromatographic separation, which can separate and purify the reaction product. At present, large-capacity and large-diameter rotary bottles are more popular because of their large evaporation area and high efficiency. They are placed in a water bath and heated while rotating. They are combined with diaphragm vacuum pumps, circulating coolers, and high-low temperature integrated machines to form a matching device. Efficient solvent evaporation. In terms of safety, there are multiple protections and user protection: the outer shell and inner tank of the pot are designed with a special heat insulation structure, so that the surface temperature of the outer shell of the pot is low, so as to avoid accidental burns by laboratory personnel and prevent accidents. Small rotary evaporator More professional design helps enterprises to resume production safely.
1. Protection of samples
a. The inner layer of the bath is made of Teflon coating, which is resistant to high and low temperatures, corrosion resistance, easy to clean, and avoids cross-contamination during the experiment.
b. Double-layer high-efficiency condenser to prevent backflow design of evaporative condenser.
2. Protection of equipment.
a. The safety level design of the water bath pot has the function of preventing dry burning and power failure. The pot body is made of high-temperature resistant flame retardant materials to prevent accidents.
b. There is an independent temperature limit alarm system in the pot, which automatically stops working when the temperature exceeds the limit temperature, and the test runs safely without accidents.
3. Protection of key parts
The key electrical components are equipped with safety protections such as overcurrent, overtemperature, and overload to prevent the accidental occurrence of equipment.
4. Provide fault information
When the equipment fails, the fault information will appear on the display screen, and the fault information is clear at a glance.
5. Water Bath For Rotary Evaporator Precautions
Users can choose a suitable vacuum pump according to different needs or Rotary Evaporator Capacity. The main components of the rotary evaporator are a glass condenser tube, rotary motor, water bath, distillation, collection bottle, and other glass accessories, etc. We have discussed the important role of the cold tube and how to clean the glass accessories. Today we are here for you. Talk about the precautions for the use of Water Bath For Rotary Evaporator.
a. Please raise the sample reagent of spine to a higher point before starting the experiment.
b. Please set the rotary evaporator water bath in the middle position of the sample bottle moving up and down.
c. Please slowly lower the main unit of the rotary evaporator.
d. Lower the height of the instrument so that the evaporating bottle is placed in the Water Bath For Rotary Evaporator, and add water to the Water Bath For Rotary Evaporator according to the capacity of the evaporating bottle, but be careful not to add too much water, generally add it to the position 2cm away from the edge of the pot. When adding water, be careful not to pour it directly on the bottle, but add it slowly from the side.
e. Make sure that the power switch of the water bath of the rotary evaporator and the power switch of the instrument host is turned off, and then insert the power plug into the socket.
f. Lower the evaporating flask of the rotary evaporator to the lower part.
g. Do not splash water into the electrical box to cause leakage and damage electrical components.
h. If it is found that the instruction light is not on, first turn off the power supply, unplug the plug and disassemble the plugboard on the right side, if the fuse or indicator light bulb is damaged, it can be replaced with the same specification.
i. There should be no water droplets on the inner surface of the equipment, and the outer surface of the equipment should be bright and clean without stains.
j. When the water bath is in use, it must be grounded reliably to avoid damage to the operator due to leakage of electricity, and the water cannot overflow into the control box.
ZZKD is an enterprise integrating production and trade, providing experimental and production equipment, located in Henan Province, China. Focus on providing customers with cost-effective and personalized customized equipment. ZZKD's main products include a series of equipment for evaporation and extraction, including rotary evaporators, glass reactors, vacuum pumps, etc. So far, we have gained rich experience and ISO9001, CE and other related certifications in this field. If you need, please contact us in time~
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bigbru67-blog · 6 years
For this week’s assignment I have chosen to focus on the following 3 variables:
- Crater diameter (DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE)
- Primary description of ejecta morphology (MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1).
Here is the program I ran:
# Import panda library import pandas
# Import CSV dataset data = pandas.read_csv('marscrater_pds.csv',low_memory=False)
# Remove unused columns from dataset data = data.drop('CRATER_ID',1) data = data.drop('CRATER_NAME',1) data = data.drop('MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_3',1) data = data.drop('NUMBER_LAYERS',1)
# Select rows with diameter more than 3km and non-empty morphology description sub1 = data[(data['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE']>3) & (data['MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1']!=' ')] #print(sub1)
# Frequency distributions # Crater diameter print('Count for crater diameters (for diameter above 3km)') ct1 = sub1['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'].value_counts(sort=True) pt1 = sub1['DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE'].value_counts(sort=True,normalize=True)*100 print (ct1) print (pt1) # Crater depth print('Count for crater depth') ct2 = sub1['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'].value_counts(sort=True) pt2 = sub1['DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG'].value_counts(sort=True,normalize=True)*100 print (ct2) print (pt2) # Ejecta morphology 1 print('Count for crater ejecta morphology 1') ct3 = sub1['MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1'].value_counts(sort=True) pt3 = sub1['MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1'].value_counts(sort=True,normalize=True)*100 print (ct3) print (pt3)
First I have decided to remove the unnecessary columns from my dataset, i.e. the variables that I will not use in my research project in the future: the crater ID (CRATER_ID), the crater name (CRATER_NAME), the tertiary description of ejecta morphology (MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_3) and the number of layers in the ejecta (NUMBER_LAYERS). This was done by using the command data.drop.
Second I decided to select a subset of craters based on 2 criteria:
- Crater diameter > 3 km in order to limit the number of records, and also in order to avoid measurement uncertainties the diameter of smaller craters due to data resolution;
- Primary description of ejecta morphology had to be described in the dataset because I’ll be using this variable later on in my project. To select these records, I put a condition to reject any data with MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1 variable corresponding to a white space.
The pt values were multiplied by 100 in order to get the values directly in percents (easier to read).
The results of the program are as follows:
Count for crater diameters (for diameter above 3km) 3.21      168 3.30      158 3.09      156 3.16      150 3.04      148 3.15      147 3.38      143 3.26      143 3.05      142 3.06      141 3.29      141 3.20      141 3.02      140 3.24      139 3.35      139 3.08      138 3.48      135 3.54      134 3.03      134 3.25      133 3.71      132 3.27      131 3.12      131 3.43      131 3.37      131 3.11      130 3.36      130 3.28      129 3.46      128 3.50      127
64.08       1 44.65       1 49.51       1 47.99       1 39.94       1 41.73       1 21.67       1 28.69       1 45.85       1 77.94       1 22.95       1 102.96      1 21.99       1 51.00       1 68.94       1 27.31       1 62.38       1 72.46       1 66.09       1 52.87       1 50.35       1 33.36       1 67.29       1 59.69       1 58.31       1 81.99       1 51.28       1 22.04       1 67.21       1 24.00       1 Name: DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE, Length: 4033, dtype: int64 Percentage for crater diameters (for diameter above 3km) 3.21      0.403701 3.30      0.379671 3.09      0.374865 3.16      0.360447 3.04      0.355641 3.15      0.353238 3.38      0.343626 3.26      0.343626 3.05      0.341223 3.06      0.338820 3.29      0.338820 3.20      0.338820 3.02      0.336417 3.24      0.334014 3.35      0.334014 3.08      0.331611 3.48      0.324402 3.54      0.321999 3.03      0.321999 3.25      0.319596 3.71      0.317193 3.27      0.314790 3.12      0.314790 3.43      0.314790 3.37      0.314790 3.11      0.312387 3.36      0.312387 3.28      0.309984 3.46      0.307581 3.50      0.305178
64.08     0.002403 44.65     0.002403 49.51     0.002403 47.99     0.002403 39.94     0.002403 41.73     0.002403 21.67     0.002403 28.69     0.002403 45.85     0.002403 77.94     0.002403 22.95     0.002403 102.96    0.002403 21.99     0.002403 51.00     0.002403 68.94     0.002403 27.31     0.002403 62.38     0.002403 72.46     0.002403 66.09     0.002403 52.87     0.002403 50.35     0.002403 33.36     0.002403 67.29     0.002403 59.69     0.002403 58.31     0.002403 81.99     0.002403 51.28     0.002403 22.04     0.002403 67.21     0.002403 24.00     0.002403 Name: DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE, Length: 4033, dtype: float64 Count for crater depth 0.00    3252 0.07     598 0.05     582 0.08     574 0.06     556 0.09     541 0.11     535 0.04     532 0.10     532 0.38     510 0.12     501 0.15     492 0.37     492 0.16     490 0.45     489 0.03     483 0.43     479 0.41     474 0.13     470 0.44     469 0.40     469 0.35     462 0.34     462 0.14     461 0.47     461 0.28     456 0.17     453 0.25     450 0.50     450 0.30     449
2.87       1 2.65       1 3.13       1 2.48       1 2.79       1 2.69       1 2.76       1 2.97       1 2.90       1 3.03       1 2.52       1 2.37       1 2.35       1 2.98       1 2.83       1 2.95       1 2.51       1 3.31       1 2.72       1 2.57       1 3.08       1 2.67       1 2.58       1 3.80       1 2.77       1 3.64       1 2.84       1 2.82       1 2.78       1 4.01       1 Name: DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG, Length: 283, dtype: int64 Percentage for crater depth 0.00    7.814490 0.07    1.436982 0.05    1.398534 0.08    1.379310 0.06    1.336057 0.09    1.300012 0.11    1.285594 0.04    1.278385 0.10    1.278385 0.38    1.225520 0.12    1.203893 0.15    1.182266 0.37    1.182266 0.16    1.177460 0.45    1.175057 0.03    1.160639 0.43    1.151027 0.41    1.139012 0.13    1.129400 0.44    1.126997 0.40    1.126997 0.35    1.110177 0.34    1.110177 0.14    1.107774 0.47    1.107774 0.28    1.095759 0.17    1.088550 0.25    1.081341 0.50    1.081341 0.30    1.078938
2.87    0.002403 2.65    0.002403 3.13    0.002403 2.48    0.002403 2.79    0.002403 2.69    0.002403 2.76    0.002403 2.97    0.002403 2.90    0.002403 3.03    0.002403 2.52    0.002403 2.37    0.002403 2.35    0.002403 2.98    0.002403 2.83    0.002403 2.95    0.002403 2.51    0.002403 3.31    0.002403 2.72    0.002403 2.57    0.002403 3.08    0.002403 2.67    0.002403 2.58    0.002403 3.80    0.002403 2.77    0.002403 3.64    0.002403 2.84    0.002403 2.82    0.002403 2.78    0.002403 4.01    0.002403 Name: DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG, Length: 283, dtype: float64 Count for crater ejecta morphology 1 Rd                         22842 SLEPS                       4779 SLERS                       4610 SLEPC                       2384 DLERS                       1147 SLERC                       1078 Rd/SLERS                     554 DLEPS                        517 MLERS                        476 Rd/SLEPS                     357 Rd/DLERS                     330 SLERS/Rd                     281 Rd/SLEPC                     237 DLEPC                        215 Rd/MLERS                     199 Rd/DLEPS                     137 DLEPC/DLEPS                  134 Rd/SLERC                     126 DLERC                        109 DLERC/DLERS                  108 DLERC/DLEPS                   98 DLEPC/DLERS                   85 DLEPS/DLERS                   71 SLERC/Rd                      62 Rd/DLEPC/DLEPS                52 SLEPC/Rd                      44 SLEPS/Rd                      44 SLEPd                         40 DLERS/Rd                      39 MLEPS                         37
Rd/DLEPC/DLEPSPd               1 MLEPC/MLERC/MSLEPS             1 Rd/DLEPC/DLERSRd               1 Rd/SLERPC                      1 DLERC/Rd/SLERS                 1 Rd/DLEPCS/DLERS                1 DLERC/DLEPd                    1 Rd/DLERC/DLERSRd               1 DLERC/DLRPS                    1 DLEPC/Rd/DLERS                 1 Rd/SLEPC/Rd                    1 Rd/MLEPS/MLERS/MLERS           1 DLEPC/DLEPd                    1 DLEPd                          1 DLERCPd/DLERSPd                1 Rd/MLERC/MLEPC/MLERS           1 MLERC/MLERS/MLEPS              1 Rd/SLEPCPd                     1 DLERC/Rd/DLEPC                 1 DLEPC/DLERC/Rd                 1 Rd/SLEPSPd                     1 MLEPC/MLEPC/MLEPS              1 MLEPS/MLERS/MLERS/MLERS        1 SLERC/SLEPC                    1 DLSPC                          1 MLERS/MLERS/Rd/MLERS           1 Rd/SLEPCRd                     1 MLERSRd                        1 Rd/MLEPC/MLEPC/MLEPS           1 Rd/MLERC                       1 Name: MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1, Length: 141, dtype: int64 Percentage for crater ejecta morphology 1 Rd                         54.888862 SLEPS                      11.483840 SLERS                      11.077736 SLEPC                       5.728704 DLERS                       2.756218 SLERC                       2.590412 Rd/SLERS                    1.331251 DLEPS                       1.242341 MLERS                       1.143818 Rd/SLEPS                    0.857864 Rd/DLERS                    0.792983 SLERS/Rd                    0.675237 Rd/SLEPC                    0.569506 DLEPC                       0.516641 Rd/MLERS                    0.478193 Rd/DLEPS                    0.329208 DLEPC/DLEPS                 0.321999 Rd/SLERC                    0.302775 DLERC                       0.261925 DLERC/DLERS                 0.259522 DLERC/DLEPS                 0.235492 DLEPC/DLERS                 0.204253 DLEPS/DLERS                 0.170612 SLERC/Rd                    0.148985 Rd/DLEPC/DLEPS              0.124955 SLEPC/Rd                    0.105731 SLEPS/Rd                    0.105731 SLEPd                       0.096119 DLERS/Rd                    0.093716 MLEPS                       0.088910
Rd/DLEPC/DLEPSPd            0.002403 MLEPC/MLERC/MSLEPS          0.002403 Rd/DLEPC/DLERSRd            0.002403 Rd/SLERPC                   0.002403 DLERC/Rd/SLERS              0.002403 Rd/DLEPCS/DLERS             0.002403 DLERC/DLEPd                 0.002403 Rd/DLERC/DLERSRd            0.002403 DLERC/DLRPS                 0.002403 DLEPC/Rd/DLERS              0.002403 Rd/SLEPC/Rd                 0.002403 Rd/MLEPS/MLERS/MLERS        0.002403 DLEPC/DLEPd                 0.002403 DLEPd                       0.002403 DLERCPd/DLERSPd             0.002403 Rd/MLERC/MLEPC/MLERS        0.002403 MLERC/MLERS/MLEPS           0.002403 Rd/SLEPCPd                  0.002403 DLERC/Rd/DLEPC              0.002403 DLEPC/DLERC/Rd              0.002403 Rd/SLEPSPd                  0.002403 MLEPC/MLEPC/MLEPS           0.002403 MLEPS/MLERS/MLERS/MLERS     0.002403 SLERC/SLEPC                 0.002403 DLSPC                       0.002403 MLERS/MLERS/Rd/MLERS        0.002403 Rd/SLEPCRd                  0.002403 MLERSRd                     0.002403 Rd/MLEPC/MLEPC/MLEPS        0.002403 Rd/MLERC                    0.002403 Name: MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1, Length: 141, dtype: float64
The results have been truncated in order to avoid printing too many lines.
We can draw a few conclusions from these results:
- The smaller the craters, the more frequent they are. Larger craters occur less often than smaller craters;
- Same applies for crater depth. The shallower the craters, the more frequently they occur. This already seems to show some relationship between crater depth and crater diameter : smaller and shallower craters seem more frequent than bigger and deeper ones.
- When it comes to ejecta morphology, it is obvious that simple morphologies are much more frequent than more complex morphologies. Radial ejecta (Rd) are by far the most frequent (more than 54% of all craters showing ejecta), as can be expected from impact ejecta. Single layer ejecta (SLE) are next in order of frequency. Double layer and multiple layer ejecta (DLE and MLE respectively) are further behind in terms of frequency.
As a last comment, I would like to add that there are no missing data to be accounted for after running this program : any missing data (empty value for MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1 variable) were ignored straight away from the beginning.
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putthison · 7 years
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But What Clothes Do You Truly Wear?
Apparently, people in fashion are just like us. Despite having closets overflowing with options, most people in this business rely on the same pieces day-to-day. 
Part of it is about practicality. Who really has time to coordinate all the outerwear and off-color pants we once aspired to wear, but now just sit untouched in our closets? Most of us have a handful of good outfits cataloged in our head, which we cycle through every week and hope nobody notices. Vogue ran a story about this earlier this year:
Like an exploding volcano of denim and satin, a tidal wave of cashmere and cotton, our clothes threaten to overtake our tiny apartments, to bury us alive under tees and trousers. This wouldn’t be so bad, maybe, if we actually wore all this stuff, if 365 days meant 365 different outfits—730 if we changed for evening! But nooo. In fact, most of us rely on a few favorites in serious rotation, leaving the rest of the orphans in the closet begging for crumbs.
To judge just how severe this situation has become, and with spring in full flower and the temptation to buy still more!—more!—beckoning from every shop and laptop, I asked some of my Vogue colleagues to share with me what it is they actually wear from their bursting closets.
The Vogue story is about womenswear, so we decided to pose the same question to stylish figures in the menswear trade. This post isn’t about wardrobe essentials -- a tired theme that ought to be retired -- but rather the personal habits of certain people who inspire us. With all the options they have in their wardrobes, what do they truly wear?
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Mark Cho, Co-Founder of The Armoury
Given my work, I rotate through a lot of clothing depending on what we have in-store, but there are a few things that almost always make it into my weekly rotation. 
The first are chinos either in khaki or olive. I wear our Army Chino, which is cut with a full leg and medium-high rise. I tend to pair it with short, casual jackets such as our Ring Jacket A-1 bomber or house label City Hunter. They also work with button-down shirts, polos, sneakers, and loafers. 
The second is a navy suit. I have a double-breasted, wool-mohair blend suit from Ciccio, which has carried me through countless occasions where I need to look a little sharper without standing out too much. I wear this about once a week.
The third is some kind of “fancy” sport coat. I think people can get too carried away with trying to make everything as versatile as possible. Sometimes, it’s great to just have something that reflects a love for cloth and design. I like larger scale patterns for winter and smaller scale patterns for summer. Larger for winter because I find those patterns work well in tweeds and fuzzier, woolen fabrics. For the summer, I like smaller, crisper patterns in wool and wool-linen-silk blends. Life’s too short to only wear plain navy.
Finally, I like things in olive. Just as most men feel compelled to keep some navy as part of their weekly rotation, I try to have something in olive. I have a few pairs of olive trousers in different weights and cuts for this purpose. They pair well with jackets in tan, light brown, and dark blue.
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Alessandro Squarzi, Founder of Fortela
My style has always remained the same over the years. I like to call it gypsy-classic – a mix between my classic roots and love for vintage militaria, denim, and Navajo jewelry. My everyday pieces include white pants, vintage military shirts, a vintage Elephant bandanas, and Navajo charms. These are like second skin for me year-round. 
In the winter, I often wear my father’s camel coat. It’s an evergreen piece – always elegant. In the summer, my uniform includes raw Fortela jeans and a white t-shirt. I’m also a big fan of English and American shoes. Edward Green and Alden are my first choices, but if I have to wear sneakers, it’s always Vans.   
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Brian Davis, Founder of Wooden Sleepers
Summer in NYC is brutal. It’s hot, humid, and generally unbearable, so I try to balance between comfort and style. For footwear, I rotate between Sperry CPO sneakers and Clark’s desert boots. Shirts, I stick with vintage OCBDs and madras button-ups from Brooks Brothers; pants are either cut-off military chinos from the 1960s or cutoff fatigues in OG-107 cloth. For the rare, cool summer evening, I keep a vintage Vietnam-era jungle jacket or French workwear jacket on-hand for layering. Everything is loose-fit and designed for the punishing heat.
NYC winters can be equally brutal, so a good pair of boots is a must. I go between two pairs of Chippewa service boots – one in black, the other in brown. I don’t wear denim in the summer, so once the temperatures drop, I’m on a never-ending mission to find jeans with the highest rise and fullest cut possible. Right now, I rotate between RRL’s straight-leg cut, The Real McCoy’s Lot. 003, and Levi’s Vintage Clothing 1955 501s. 
Fall and winter are my favorite seasons because I get to break out my vintage grails – a Brown’s Beach jacket from the 1950s, USN deck jacket from the ‘40s, and an N-3b parka. But since we’re being totally honest, I mostly just end up throwing on an $80 Carhartt duck chore coat my mother-in-law gifted me a few years ago for Christmas. I layer it over a thermal-lined hoodie if I need a little extra warmth. I also wear a navy watch cap every day, which I bought for $15, as well as some kind of work shirt – flannel or chambray, mostly. Fall and winter style for me is about utility. 
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Kenji Cheung, Co-Founder of Bryceland’s
Vintage eyewear is important to me, and I use my frames to complement whatever I’m wearing for the day. Browline frames go well with Ivy Style tailoring (navy or tweed sport coats, which I wear with vintage Levi’s or our Bryceland’s jeans). A classic, 1950s, thick French-style frame also goes well with oxford-cloth button-down shirts, high-waist trousers, and a vintage jacket in either denim or leather. 
I’m also obsessed with vintage Rolexes and Native American ingot silver jewelry. I find they look great with classic tailoring and/ or vintage outfits (or a mix of the two). A gold bubble-back Rolex goes well with a navy two-piece suit. Likewise, a Native American pin can be a nice touch on the lapel of a three-piece, dark gray, worsted suit. I wear one with a 20th-century, sterling silver, hunting pocket-watch and a thick whirling log bracelet. 
Come back tomorrow for part two of this series, where we cover four more of our favorite people in the menswear trade.
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Fall forward and Waste Not!
    “And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” Oscar Wilde
In the fall of my freshman year at UCLA, I began working at one of the very first health food stores ever created in California. It was called Nature’s Health Cove and all the offerings were organic: pesticide, insecticide, and colorant-free. The fruits and vegetables were pathetic looking. Worms bored into apples, the Swiss chard had holes from munching snails, greens boasted fringed tips, a gift from hungry marauding rabbits, tomatoes were cracked, zucchini was malformed. Yet the produce tasted delicious and even though the prices were at least double of anything one could purchase at a grocery store, the crops sold rapidly. One of my tasks was to cull through any severely damaged items, putting them in a bucket for a compost pick up by an urban farmer.
Having worked in the fruit drying yards and big barn dehydrators growing up on our farm, it dawned on me that usually, half or more of any fruit or vegetable is salvageable. I suggested to the owner that perhaps we could cut out the decaying parts and create healthy drinks and dried snacks with the ripe remainders. The initiative became an instant success with both students and the general public clamoring for a revolving menu of inexpensive tasty treats.
As summer collapses into fall, my trees and vines are heavy with fruit. As much as I eat and give away, there is still more for the picking. I detest waste and besides canning and freezing the extras, I wanted to create some of the dried fruits of my youth.
While cleaning out one of our barns this summer, I came upon a vintage portable dehydrator that my Grandfather used eons ago to dry his autumn bounty of pears, apples, figs, and grapes. I cleaned the appliance and set to work slicing and dicing. The results are phenomenal.
If you’ve bought any dried fruit lately, you know how expensive it is. But if you are like me and enjoy DIY projects, I have a simple recipe for you to create your own personal organic fruit leathers. You can use trays and dry your produce in the sun the way it has been done for centuries, but it takes longer and critters may creep in to steal your sweets. My suggestion is to purchase a small dehydrator with four or five drawers. My dehydrator has four drawers and only a single heat setting. My thermometer says it’s dehydrating at 125 degrees, which is perfect. Every three hours I move the drawers from the bottom to the top. From start to finish, it takes 24 hours. If you buy a dehydrator with adjustable temperature settings, you’ll be able to dehydrate more rapidly. Here’s what to do: 1. Wash and pat dry your desired fruit and vegetables. 2. You can peel if you wish, but I don’t. Cutaway any bruised or damaged parts. Cut into slices about ¼ to ½ inch thick. 3. Some vegetables including eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, and radishes need to be blanched for a few minutes. 4. Cut the slices in a bowl and toss with lemon juice or apple vinegar to reduce browning. Although this step is optional, it helps in preservation. 5. Spray the trays with a light spritz of canola or olive oil to prevent sticking. 6. Place slices of the same fruit or vegetable on dehydrator racks in a single layer without overlapping. Use different trays for different varieties. 7. Check on the process until when done. Let the racks cool before removing the fruit. 8. You can enjoy your items immediately but if you want to store your stash, pack the dried fruit in glass jars or sealable plastic bags. Shake jars or bags once day to make sure there is no condensation. If there is any moisture, return the product to the dehydrator for a bit more drying. 9. Store in a pantry or room temperature darkened area. 10. Voila! Your very own dried fruit and leathers.
You can also put the dried fruit in bags and freezer. I’ve experimented with over-ripe bananas, apples, pears, Asian pears, and I even made raisins with chardonnay grapes, seeds, and all. Crunchy! Everything turns out delicious and I know these dried trials are nutritious because except for the bananas, they originate in my organic orchard. My next testing will be to make sweet potato chips from the sweet potatoes I’m growing. I plan to go exotic by drying mangoes, strawberries, pineapple, and papayas.
Recently we witnessed a rise of what I call the “ugly fruit”. Stores, farmer’s markets, and on-line sites are popularizing the value of imperfect produce. This is a giant step forward in eliminating waste and re-educating our families to value all products provided by nature. Farmers using organic methods know that crops are not always pretty, but the nutritional value and health benefits outweigh perfection of form.
As summer slowly fades into fall, I wish you abundance and a garden of eating.
Cynthia Brian’s Mid Month Gardening Guide
PRUNE “widow makers”, dead branches on trees. You can identify the dead branches before the leaves fall from the rest of the tree. CHECK the crape myrtles in bloom. If you are considering planting a tree or two later in autumn, this is the perfect time to decide what color will be an advantage to your landscape. Crape myrtles are excellent specimens for year-round attractiveness. The leaves will turn red and golden in late autumn, the bark is bare and beautiful in winter, the leaves are shiny green in spring, and the tree blooms midsummer to late fall. REFRIGERATE crocus, tulips, and hyacinths for six weeks before planting. ADD aged chicken manure to your soil if you are noticing that it is less fertile. MARK your calendar for a visit to the Be the Star You Are!® non-profit booth at the Moraga Pear and Wine Festival on Saturday, September 28th. Thanks to our sponsor, The Lamorinda Weekly. Details at https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org/events.
DEADHEAD tuberous begonias to keep them blooming until frost. The flowers are edible with a tangy, citrusy flavor. ENJOY the final days of freshly picked tomatoes tossed with basil or cilantro. HARVEST tangerines, Asian pears, and grapes as they ripen. PHOTOGRAPH your deciduous trees as the changing colors emerge. The contrast of colors will amaze you as you reflect on the time-line. DEHYDRATE extra fruit and vegetables for tasty snacks. Kids especially love these dried sweets. CUT and compost the damaged parts from “ugly” produce and cook with the rest. WASTE NOT! Be a steward of our planet with simple up-cycling. WELCOME the cool and crisp days of autumn. Fall forward!
Happy Gardening. Happy Growing.
See photos and read more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1315/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Fall-forward-and-waste-not.html
  Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, raised in the vineyards of Napa County, is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show and order her books at www.StarStyleRadio.com.
Buy a copy of her new books, Growing with the Goddess Gardener and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store.
Hire Cynthia for projects, consults, and lectures. [email protected]
  keywords: #dehydrator,#driedfruits, #barns,#uglyproduce,#wastenot,#autumn,#fall, #fruits, ,#gardening, #cynthiabrian, #starstyle, #goddessGardener, #growingwiththegoddessgardener, #lamorindaweekly
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goddessgardener · 5 years
Fall forward and Waste Not!
    “And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” Oscar Wilde
In the fall of my freshman year at UCLA, I began working at one of the very first health food stores ever created in California. It was called Nature’s Health Cove and all the offerings were organic: pesticide, insecticide, and colorant-free. The fruits and vegetables were pathetic looking. Worms bored into apples, the Swiss chard had holes from munching snails, greens boasted fringed tips, a gift from hungry marauding rabbits, tomatoes were cracked, zucchini was malformed. Yet the produce tasted delicious and even though the prices were at least double of anything one could purchase at a grocery store, the crops sold rapidly. One of my tasks was to cull through any severely damaged items, putting them in a bucket for a compost pick up by an urban farmer.
Having worked in the fruit drying yards and big barn dehydrators growing up on our farm, it dawned on me that usually, half or more of any fruit or vegetable is salvageable. I suggested to the owner that perhaps we could cut out the decaying parts and create healthy drinks and dried snacks with the ripe remainders. The initiative became an instant success with both students and the general public clamoring for a revolving menu of inexpensive tasty treats.
As summer collapses into fall, my trees and vines are heavy with fruit. As much as I eat and give away, there is still more for the picking. I detest waste and besides canning and freezing the extras, I wanted to create some of the dried fruits of my youth.
While cleaning out one of our barns this summer, I came upon a vintage portable dehydrator that my Grandfather used eons ago to dry his autumn bounty of pears, apples, figs, and grapes. I cleaned the appliance and set to work slicing and dicing. The results are phenomenal.
If you’ve bought any dried fruit lately, you know how expensive it is. But if you are like me and enjoy DIY projects, I have a simple recipe for you to create your own personal organic fruit leathers. You can use trays and dry your produce in the sun the way it has been done for centuries, but it takes longer and critters may creep in to steal your sweets. My suggestion is to purchase a small dehydrator with four or five drawers. My dehydrator has four drawers and only a single heat setting. My thermometer says it’s dehydrating at 125 degrees, which is perfect. Every three hours I move the drawers from the bottom to the top. From start to finish, it takes 24 hours. If you buy a dehydrator with adjustable temperature settings, you’ll be able to dehydrate more rapidly. Here’s what to do: 1. Wash and pat dry your desired fruit and vegetables. 2. You can peel if you wish, but I don’t. Cutaway any bruised or damaged parts. Cut into slices about ¼ to ½ inch thick. 3. Some vegetables including eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, and radishes need to be blanched for a few minutes. 4. Cut the slices in a bowl and toss with lemon juice or apple vinegar to reduce browning. Although this step is optional, it helps in preservation. 5. Spray the trays with a light spritz of canola or olive oil to prevent sticking. 6. Place slices of the same fruit or vegetable on dehydrator racks in a single layer without overlapping. Use different trays for different varieties. 7. Check on the process until when done. Let the racks cool before removing the fruit. 8. You can enjoy your items immediately but if you want to store your stash, pack the dried fruit in glass jars or sealable plastic bags. Shake jars or bags once day to make sure there is no condensation. If there is any moisture, return the product to the dehydrator for a bit more drying. 9. Store in a pantry or room temperature darkened area. 10. Voila! Your very own dried fruit and leathers.
You can also put the dried fruit in bags and freezer. I’ve experimented with over-ripe bananas, apples, pears, Asian pears, and I even made raisins with chardonnay grapes, seeds, and all. Crunchy! Everything turns out delicious and I know these dried trials are nutritious because except for the bananas, they originate in my organic orchard. My next testing will be to make sweet potato chips from the sweet potatoes I’m growing. I plan to go exotic by drying mangoes, strawberries, pineapple, and papayas.
Recently we witnessed a rise of what I call the “ugly fruit”. Stores, farmer’s markets, and on-line sites are popularizing the value of imperfect produce. This is a giant step forward in eliminating waste and re-educating our families to value all products provided by nature. Farmers using organic methods know that crops are not always pretty, but the nutritional value and health benefits outweigh perfection of form.
As summer slowly fades into fall, I wish you abundance and a garden of eating.
Cynthia Brian’s Mid Month Gardening Guide
PRUNE “widow makers”, dead branches on trees. You can identify the dead branches before the leaves fall from the rest of the tree. CHECK the crape myrtles in bloom. If you are considering planting a tree or two later in autumn, this is the perfect time to decide what color will be an advantage to your landscape. Crape myrtles are excellent specimens for year-round attractiveness. The leaves will turn red and golden in late autumn, the bark is bare and beautiful in winter, the leaves are shiny green in spring, and the tree blooms midsummer to late fall. REFRIGERATE crocus, tulips, and hyacinths for six weeks before planting. ADD aged chicken manure to your soil if you are noticing that it is less fertile. MARK your calendar for a visit to the Be the Star You Are!® non-profit booth at the Moraga Pear and Wine Festival on Saturday, September 28th. Thanks to our sponsor, The Lamorinda Weekly. Details at https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org/events.
DEADHEAD tuberous begonias to keep them blooming until frost. The flowers are edible with a tangy, citrusy flavor. ENJOY the final days of freshly picked tomatoes tossed with basil or cilantro. HARVEST tangerines, Asian pears, and grapes as they ripen. PHOTOGRAPH your deciduous trees as the changing colors emerge. The contrast of colors will amaze you as you reflect on the time-line. DEHYDRATE extra fruit and vegetables for tasty snacks. Kids especially love these dried sweets. CUT and compost the damaged parts from “ugly” produce and cook with the rest. WASTE NOT! Be a steward of our planet with simple up-cycling. WELCOME the cool and crisp days of autumn. Fall forward!
Happy Gardening. Happy Growing.
See photos and read more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1315/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Fall-forward-and-waste-not.html
  Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, raised in the vineyards of Napa County, is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s Radio show and order her books at www.StarStyleRadio.com.
Buy a copy of her new books, Growing with the Goddess Gardener and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store.
Hire Cynthia for projects, consults, and lectures. [email protected]
  keywords: #dehydrator,#driedfruits, #barns,#uglyproduce,#wastenot,#autumn,#fall, #fruits, ,#gardening, #cynthiabrian, #starstyle, #goddessGardener, #growingwiththegoddessgardener, #lamorindaweekly
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shatteredskies042 · 7 years
Witch Hunt V
The two set off into the streets of Rome, and again, out of the city and onto the E35 north and out of the city.
“What did you see, Allyson?” He asked her, watching her as she drove.
“Visions, of people close to me dying all from the past,” she said quietly, “people who were just like you.” This cut her deep, but she knew what he would say, “Portia has... she killed a few of them to get to me. She can’t kill me herself, but what she can do is hurt me.”
“And that fed your anger, and what you did to Julius,” he stated carefully.
“Yes,” she admitted a bit shamefully.
“You need to get a handle on it, Ally,” Michael told her quietly. “Because it can eat you up, and I don’t want that to happen to you,” he looked out the window at the quickly passing countryside out the Porsche’s window. “It happened to me, and it’s gotten people killed,” he said sadly.
“I remember the story,” Ally replied. “I’m just worried that this... vendetta, will get you killed, too.”
“I should be dead right now, Ally,” he smirked, glancing over at her. “Should have died in the jungle, should’ve died in that Siberian gulag, should have stayed dead after Novaya Zhelmya. I’m hard to kill.”  
“I know that,” she smiled thinly as she made minute adjustments to the wheel as they drove. “I’m just worried that your confidence, and my confidence in you, will get you killed.”
Michael was touched, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. “It hasn’t yet,” he told her with a smirk. “We’ll take these guys,” he promised the blonde. “And that’ll be the end of it, nobody else dies.”
“I sure hope so,” Ally lamented, before her phone buzzed. She fished it out of her pocket and tossed it to Michael, “what’s coming in?”
Michael picked the phone up, and read the messages coming in. “Rani came through on the translation, old dialect, and what she can make out, it’s tales of a lich,” he explained.
“Wait, what do they want with liches?” Ally asked suddenly.
“Part of the texts is how the subject of the book became a lich, and the creation of their phylactery,” he added, reading through the translation. “What is a lich, exactly?” he asked Ally.
“A magic user that goes through a complex spell to basically become immortal, they bind their soul to an object they call a phylactery,” she explained. “If they die, they’ll basically reincarnate at their phylactery, and they are more powerful magic users. What else does the translation say?”
“Describes a ritual, sounds bloody and dark,” he commented, not bothering to read out the details. “What would they want with this book?”
“It’s kind of obvious,” Ally stated, “Madame von Portia wants to become a lich. She’s nearing the end of her natural lifespan, and this is one of the ways she can become one of the most powerful magic users on the planet and effectively live forever.”
“But we’re not going to let that happen,” he finished.
The rest of the ride past in silence, the two of them traveling through Italy and past the Swiss border. The practical removal of borders throughout the western European continent made travel trivial, where a checkpoint would have stood, a “Welcome to Switzerland” sign welcomed them to the neutral nation. It was too easy, and a border would have destroyed their operation. After all, a couple pounds of high explosive and several weapons would be frowned upon on the continent.
The road was scenic, into the white capped mountains and pristine forests. Until the ancient city of Zurich appeared on the horizon, and the yellow Porsche glided into it at high speed. “Where’s the bank?” Michael asked, looking around at the sights.
“Defender’s dream, attacker’s nightmare,” Ally mused. “It’s on a spit of land between the Limmat River and an ancient irrigation canal,” she told him, pointing out the windshield at the sparkling lake, “and backed up to the lake.” She took an exit off the highway and into the city itself, narrating. “Only one street in, and it’s heavily guarded.”
“Speaking from experience,” he noted.
“During the last World War, I thought about breaking in to get at the vault and acquire some things for myself. I’m good, but I’m not that good,” she stated. “The Schnee Bank has been in business for almost three centuries, they know how to protect things. And not just from humans, because a fair number of special individuals have accounts and deposit boxes there. It’s been tried, but nobody has beat the vault, and it only got harder to crack with time.
“They built the vault to expand, in their basement, with plenty of space to grow. The inner layer is all the old style, stone on stone, then it expands outward into rebarred concrete, steel plates, lead,” she shook her head. “The lock is again, old and new. No doubt updated from when I cased the place,” she stated. “Our options for getting in are slim to none, there’s a reason they call it a fortress,” Allyson told him. She guided them to a hotel nearby, “pop the glove box,” she told him, “pull the roll of gold coins, please,” she asked kindly.
Michael opened the box up, and searched through it until he withdrew a roll of shoddily wrapped gold coins, printed with strange engravings. “Secret society stuff?” he asked.
“Welcome to the most exclusive hotel in Switzerland,” she smirked. Allyson drove into a covered parking garage, then once they parked alighted the car. Michael joined her as they strode to a set of double doors, pulled open by a doorman with a smile. Ally confidently led the way up to the front desk, the pair drawing the eye of nearly everyone in the room. The interior was impeccably maintained, despite looking hundreds of years old. The blonde walked to the counter, and set one of the gold coins on the counter top. “I’d like to get a room,” she told the concierge as the woman behind the counter inspected the coin.
“Of course, ma’am,” the concierge finally responded, “will you require any services during your stay?” she asked.
“A change of clothes would be nice, we forgot to pack,” the blonde smiled sheepishly.
“That can be arranged. You know where everything is, Miss Allyson,” she smiled pleasantly, passing over a hefty and ancient looking key with 501 engraved on the sides.
Ally picked up the key with nimble fingers, and looked up at her human companion, “come on, let’s relax a little,” she told him, before walking to a bank of elevators. “If we didn’t have our weapons, we could get them here, too,” she explained as she called the elevator, and leaned on the wall next to the door. “They even offer tailoring, if you wanted a new suit,” she told him.
“Telling me I need a new suit?” he teased her.
“You could use one or two new ones,” she agreed, pushing off the wall when the elevator dinged and arrived. The two entered the brass interior, and Ally looked to the operator and told him to bring them to the fifth floor. The ride was smooth, and the doors opened into an ornate hallway. Ally led the way out, and to their rented room. Sliding the key into the lock, she pushed the heavy door open into their room, a sizable space fit for a millionare. Two doors branched off along the left wall leading to bedrooms, and a kitchen and bathroom hid behind doors on the right. The outer wall was a row of windows, looking out over the city.
“You know how to pick a room,” Michael commented, before lowering his voice, “are we secure in here?” he asked.
Allyson knew he checked for hidden microphones, and wanted to know just how safe they were. “We are. I’ve had much more firepower than we have in here before without a problem, you can relax.”  
Michael sighed, then sat down on an ornate couch and relaxed. “So, what’s our plan to deal with the bank?”
“We’ll need to case the place, and do as much research as possible,” she told him, sitting on the arm of the couch and looking down at him. “I can outsource some of the research, but we need to get on the ground and eye the place up. Fortunately,” she walked across the room to a small desk, and tosses a brochure from it to Michael.
“Tours of Zurich?” he asked, opening it and reading glancing at the advertisement.
“Third panel,” she directed.
Michael did as she suggested, finding a list of sites on the page, reading through it until he reached about halfway. “The bank. You aren’t going to tell me we’re going on a tour,” he looked up at her.
“The tour doesn’t go into the vault, but it gives us a look into the lobby and the front line we’ll have to get past,” she said. “We’ll have to think this one through pretty hard,” Ally stated needlessly.
“Well, the first thing we’ll have to do is scout the place out,” Michael said, looking at the brochure, before looking to the blonde. “Anything else we can do to prepare?” he asked her.
“You need a suit,” she smiled, looking over at him.
“A new one?”
“You could use a few new suits,” Ally teased, writing on a notepad. “They’ve got tailoring here, and it doesn’t disappoint,” she promised.
“And what are you going to do?” he asked.
“Take a peek around the neighborhood,” she said, stretching and setting a few coins on the counter by the notepad. “Use this to pay for the tailoring,” the blonde said, before turning and going for the door.
“Ally,” Michael called out, standing and looking to her.
The blond turned, eyeing him, “yes?”
“Be careful,” he told her, knowing she wouldn’t, but he had to hope.
“Always,” she smiled thinly at him, before she opened the door and slid out.
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
12 Modern Trouser Styles All Men Should Own
Statement jackets and the latest sneakers are always going to be top of men’s lust lists, but don’t let high-wattage clobber blind you to the essentials. The right pair of trousers can be the most quietly powerful item you wear, but get it wrong and you’ll instantly dull the shine of the trending pieces you spent so long chasing.Yes, it’s easy to simply plump for your tried-and-tested slim-fit black jeans for the umpteenth time, but there’s a whole wardrobe full of top-notch trews that’ll look just as slick given half the chance. Here are some of the unsung trouser styles that you might not have considered, but definitely should.Corduroy TrousersOnce strictly the preserve of fictional (and real) inhabitants of academia, corduroy is one of the most underutilised materials in men’s style and, if worn correctly, can make for an indispensable pair of trousers. There’s a 1970s revival going on in menswear, too, so there’s never been a better time to cover your legs in cord.Cord is a textile composed of woven, twisted cotton or wool, resulting in parallel lines (called ‘wales’). Wool corduroy is the most durable type and wears particularly well. So, as well as bestowing a bit of superficial intelligence, cord trousers will withstand a fair bit of rough and tumble. The Indiana Jones of legwear, if you will. They can get a bit warm, though, so it’s best to save them for when the cold really starts to bite.Contrary to its sometimes stuffy connotations, corduroy is brilliant when dressed down and worn casually. Try teaming a pair of dark corduroy trousers with a sweatshirt and practical leather sneakers to signpost that you’re not actually a fellow at Oxbridge.This stripey fabric also does an excellent job of adding a touch of personality to more formal attire. A slim-cut corduroy suit will make an excellent companion for a light-gauge roll neck and monk-strap shoes come party season. Swerve the shirt and tie, though – Doctor Who has rendered that combo unwearable everywhere outside of Comic Con.Key PiecesWool TrousersA firm favourite of fashion bloggers (the kind who don’t dress like anime astronauts, that is) and art directors the world over, wool trousers offer a throwback to the days when jeans weren’t the de facto king of legwear.Perfect both for styling with other tailored separates or smartening a casual getup, wool trousers have been a mainstay amongst industry insiders for years – and their popularity isn’t showing any signs of waning.While you’ll often see them dressed down with a pair of sneakers by arbiters of cool hanging outside loft offices leisurely puffing on roll-ups, they work just as well styled in a more traditional way. For inspiration, cast your eye to Pitti Uomo where they’re often grounded with a pair of brogues, Derbies or double monks.Key PiecesTwill ChinosA good piece of workwear puts in a shift if you want to assert your old-school masculine credentials. In twill chinos, quality craftsmanship meets reliability and style in a perfect ménage à trews of cool that’s still exceptionally wearable.Cut from heavyweight cotton, woven to create a surface comprising diagonal parallel ridges, twill is a traditional material that, if invested in, will give excellent cost-per-wear calculations thanks to its hardy nature.Plus, every scuff on a pair of twill chinos tells a story – even if the only ‘work’ you end up doing in them is loafing about on Twitter. In twill the beleaguered chino also breaks out of the realm of ‘Ibiza lads on tour’ into an altogether more grown-up sense of place and tradition.The style is still, strictly speaking, a casual trouser so wear them with an easy-going pair of shoes (such as anything with a contrast Vibram sole), a T-shirt or piece of knitwear and top with an overshirt or denim jacket for an effortlessly cool off-duty look.Key PiecesRelaxed-Legged TrousersThe skinny jeans backlash is officially on. Tired of indecently outlined genitalia and trying (and failing) to remove our skinnies with dignity after a night out, relaxed-legged jeans and trousers are looking more and more appealing by the day.Harking back to 1950s-inspired garments, the Levi’s 501 cut is firmly back on the radar of menswear’s most stylish and the model has brought its mates along for the ride, too.While they are perfect for providing a platform for a standout piece of footwear, looser-cut chinos and trousers need to break perfectly. Too long and they’ll look like the floor-dragging bootcuts, too high and you’ll look like you’re wearing three-quarter lengths. The main objective is to avoid a pooling situation, so we’d suggest aiming for the hem to fall somewhere between the top of your shoe and its first set of eyelets.When it comes to styling, contrast the extra fabric below by keeping your top half fitted to avoid any accusations that you’ve been playing dress up in your dad’s wardrobe.Key PiecesLinen TrousersNot so long ago, linen trousers were sweaty, misshapen bloomers that had no place in a modern man’s wardrobe. Thankfully designers have done a lot of work to rehabilitate them in recent years. Gone are the shapeless cuts, replaced by tapered, modern leg-lines that flatter every body shape. And linen blends make them a lot more practical, less prone to impossible creases – while still being as breezy as ever.Try them as part of a linen suit for a dapper old-timer vibe, but the more modern way to wear them is cropped, with sneakers and a plain T-shirt.Key PiecesDrawstring TrousersWithout wishing to be overdramatic, smart drawstring trousers are the best thing to happen to menswear in a decade. Until recently, drawstrings and elasticated waistbands were confined to sportswear and generally considered to be a sign that you didn’t care. That’s stupid, of course. What a revelation it’s been to sit down for a large plate of pasta and not feel like your trousers might slice you in half by the meal’s end.These days, drawstring trousers come tailored and in a lot more materials than jersey. Wool and linen offer the best options at the smarter end of the spectrum. Once you’ve felt how comfortable your dressed-up wardrobe can be, you’ll never go back.Key PiecesSlimline JoggersThere have been some excellent hybrids over the years: the shacket, the snood, er, Kimye, but none boast as much staying power as athleisure, which is a rare example of fashion and function joining forces for the greater good.The sports-luxe movement is still a draw Stateside, and while UK labels took slightly longer to catch up, young Brits have taken the look to their hearts. Combining the “it feels like I’m wearing nothing at all” comfort of joggers with the slim-fit of a more contemporary work trouser, they’re equally at home in the pub or the gym.While there could be an argument made for the right jogger matched with the right overshirt, we’d suggest keeping the streetwear vibe going with a logo T-shirt from the likes of Palace, Stussy or Undefeated, a low-profile lifestyle runner on the foot and a slightly smarter bomber jacket.If you’re not on a streetwear flex, step into some box-fresh white lace-up trainers and stick on an (impeccably ironed) Oxford shirt to inject some sharpness into the look.Key PiecesCropped TrousersAnkle swingers, as some want to call them, are here to stay – and with good reason. Allowing your ankles to breathe in summer while still giving airtime to your footwear in cooler months, cropped trousers are a great way to spice up what can be a tired formal outfit. Disclaimer: by cropped trousers, we mean shorter than your average, displaying a sliver of ankle or sock, not to be mistaken with pantaloons.In addition to giving your footwear a platform to shine, a precise crop accentuates the line of your trews – because there’s nothing worse than puddling material at the bottom of your ankle. Getting the length right is crucial, though. Unless they fit perfectly off-the-peg, go to a tailor and take their advice, but if you’re feeling braver, anything up to three or four inches above the ankle is a safe bet.Cropped trousers lend themselves well to both formal and off-duty settings, though you’re undoubtedly in safer territory with the former. Cropped chinos in a sand colour will work well with a simple white shirt, premium suede bomber and white sports-luxe trainers on the weekend. Meanwhile, for more formal occasions, black cropped trousers worn with a grey blazer, charcoal roll neck and oxblood dress shoes is ideal for a relaxed business-casual office.Key PiecesCargo PantsCargo trousers have enjoyed something of a potted history, going from army essential to early noughties oversized monstrosity. Now, enough time has passed that things have calmed down a bit and they’re back in a big (and much more stylish) way.The key to getting cargo trousers right is ensuring that they hit the middle ground between slim and spacious, so think tailored. Sure, you can technically fill their big ol’ pockets to the brim, but in this case clean lines trump practicality, so leave them empty.Standard-issue khaki green pairs well with just about anything in navy so consider an overshirt (another workwear workhorse) for a weekend look that grafts. Meanwhile, if light layers aren’t an option, a pair of contemporary black cargo trousers can be recruited alongside a white Oxford shirt, grey sweatshirt, navy overcoat for a look that passes inspection.High-Waisted TrousersUsing your nipples as a marker to align the waistband of your trousers to used to be a dead giveaway that you were either A: 90+ years of age, or B: Simon Cowell. Today, however, it’s much more likely to signify that you’re the type of gent who frequents Pitti Uomo and owns more than one set of cufflinks. High-waisted trousers are quite literally on the rise. And while a well-styled pair can be a one way ticket to sartorial nirvana, get them wrong and you’ll look like a kid playing dress up in his dad’s suit.The key to hitting the sweet spot lies in nailing the length and the cut. If you’re going for a wide-leg style a cropped fit ensures you’re not drowning in fabric. Conversely, if mankles aren’t your thing, a tapered cut will allow the leg openings of the trousers to sit nicely with your chosen footwear.High-waisted trousers may be tailoring technically speaking, but they’re still super relaxed and the rest of your outfit should follow ‘suit’. Up top, opt for either a fitted polo or a loose T-shirt, tucked into the waistband. You can layer this with a matching unstructured jacket and even a wool overcoat when the mercury plummets. Footwear wise, try mixing things up a bit with a canvas high-top or a suede desert boot.Pleated TrousersAs trousers make their way way back up to men’s natural waistlines once again, a long-forgotten tailoring detail is being thrust back into the fashion spotlight. The pleat was not long ago a style detail reserved for your grandad. A quirk chosen for its comfort rather than its aesthetics and frowned upon by those in the know. However, here in this age of smart joggers and oversized tailoring, comfort is no longer a dirty word. Pleated pants are back in style and now is the time to introduce them to your wardrobe.When you’ve spent the last 10 years forcing your legs into jeans akin to sausage casing, the idea of playing with less fitted silhouettes can seem a bit daunting. The trick here is to strike that balance between fitted and airy. Your trousers should be breezy and comfortable, but you shouldn’t have clown-style pools of fabric obscuring your shoes. Opt for a tapered cut for best results and selecting a cropped style is never a bad idea either.In terms of styling, stick to relaxed tailoring in the jacket department, layered over a white tee. A tucked-in Cuban collar shirt can work nicely too. For the footwear stick to Derby boots, brogues or, if you’re feeling adventurous, white canvas trainers.Tracksuit BottomsWhen sporty slacks first began making their way off the running track and onto the runway, the long-time suited and booted menswear crowd shared a quiet sigh of relief. Finally there was a way to look put together in something that offered a level of comfort comparable to pyjamas. It was the break everyone had been looking for and couldn’t have been more welcome.There’s a wealth of variety when it comes to tracksuit bottoms. You can opt for a side-stripe trouser style and pair them with tailoring. Or alternatively, you can go full nylon and go for that 90s, head-to-toe vibe. Whichever you pick, go for a slim cut and if the cuffs aren’t elasticated then opt for a slightly cropped leg.Traditionally, tracksuit bottoms have always been best off paired with sportswear. To wear a pair with brogues would’ve been a style crime of unspeakable proportions. Today, however, things are different. A cropped side-stripe trouser can be paired with a smarter shoe just as effectively as it can with a luxe trainer. Throw on a plain tee and a bomber and you’re good to go.If you want to keep things more street then go for the full nylon tracksuit and wear it with chunky trainers and a dad cap. Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/12-modern-trouser-styles-all-men-should-own/
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delanico · 4 years
Double Wall Leak Proof Patented Hydro-Support 501 9" Hard-side Waterbed Mattress 1 Layer Waveless Strobel Mattress Size: Super Single
New mattress has been added on https://delanico.com/mattresses/double-wall-leak-proof-patented-hydrosupport-501-9-hardside-waterbed-mattress-1-layer-waveless-strobel-mattress-size-super-single-tx10011_35519549/
Double Wall Leak Proof Patented Hydro-Support 501 9" Hard-side Waterbed Mattress 1 Layer Waveless Strobel Mattress Size: Super Single
#mattresses #bedmattresses
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skyeegifts-blog · 5 years
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csrgood · 5 years
Fairtrade America Partners With Five Certified Brands to Encourage Consumers to Shop and Entertain Ethically This Holiday Season
 Fairtrade America is the U.S. member organization of Fairtrade International, an independent, third party certification that betters the lives of farmers and workers in developing countries. Today, the U.S. organization announced it has partnered with five licensees to encourage ethical gift giving and entertaining this holiday season. According to the National Retail Federation, 70% of consumers plan on partaking in conscientious and charitable activities during the holidays, including buying from brands that give back.[1] This November, Fairtrade America and Endangered Species Chocolate, Navitas Organic, Conscious Step, Fran’s Chocolates, and Kicking Horse Coffee, all Fairtrade certified brands, will celebrate the benefits of choosing Fairtrade certified products by providing three lucky winners with the gift of Fairtrade certified products.
Fairtrade America upholds the most rigorous standards for ethical certification to ensure a tangible, positive impact on the livelihood of small-scale farmers and their communities in developing countries. Specifically, Fairtrade certification means farmers and workers are paid at least the Fairtrade Minimum Price – a safety net that ensures farmers are paid a higher price when the global market prices drop – and received Fairtrade Premium, which spreads the benefits of Fairtrade into the community. Today, Fairtrade positively impacts more than 1.7 million farmers and workers in 75 countries.
Fairtrade America also serves U.S. consumers, creating access to ethically and sustainably sourced products. U.S. consumers are increasingly purchasing products based on values and sustainable lifestyles. The U.S. now ranks as the third largest market for Fairtrade goods behind the United Kingdom and Germany. In 2017, Fairtrade retail sales in the U.S. topped $1 billion. Fairtrade sales in the U.S. grew by 33% over the last year, and the number of Fairtrade products available nearly doubled. According to a 2019 GloebeScan study, 76% of U.S. shoppers would have a more favorable perception of a brand they already purchased if it carried the Fairtrade America logo, and 64% would recommend Fairtrade products to a friend or colleague.
“Our mission is to secure decent working conditions, fair prices, and better terms of trade to empower producers and ultimately improve their social, environmental and economic stability,” said Bryan Lew, Fairtrade America’s chief operation officer. “We achieve this mission, in part, by encouraging shoppers interested in ethically and sustainably sourced products to vote with their dollars for Fairtrade certified products.”
Fairtrade America works with nearly 100 U.S. and internationally based brands, and the Fairtrade mark appears on more than 30,000 products globally. This holiday season, Fairtrade America is teaming up with five of its partners to host a giveaway on Instagram that will celebrate the benefits of Fairtrade certified products, and provide three winners the opportunity to win a Fairtrade for the Holidays prize package filled with items perfect for entertaining and gift giving, including:
Endangered Species Chocolate - Proving chocolate can be more than a treat for your taste buds, Endangered Species Chocolate has provided four of its Fairtrade certified products for this initiative, including:
Penguin Bar: Rich, 72% cocoa dark chocolate provides the canvas for a winter wonderland of taste and texture in our original holiday flavor. Peppermint-infused chocolate meets crunchy cocoa nibs for a combination as unforgettable as it is delicious;
Polar Bear Bar: Warm spiced apple mingles with luscious, gooey caramel for a comforting taste, all wrapped in 60% cocoa dark chocolate;
Ram Bar: Citrus-forward seasonal bar complete with the tart, flavorful pops of cranberries and orange combined with the warm of cinnamon and mellow richness of 60% cocoa dark chocolate
Holiday Truffle: Satin smooth chocolate truffles burst with decadent caramel for a seasonal delight.
Navitas Organics - Navitas Organics’ best-selling Cacao Powder is made by cold-pressing cacao nibs into a paste and then drying that into a powder. Pressing the nibs further concentrates the minerals and antioxidants found naturally in cacao and deepens the dark cocoa taste and color. Navitas Organics Cacao Powder is easy to use: simply substitute this healthy, natural cocoa 1:1 into any recipe that calls for baking cocoa. Great in baked treats, smoothies, homemade chocolates and hot chocolate, the holiday options are endless.
Conscious Step:  It’s time to stand up and stop violence against women. In partnership with the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women, each pair of Conscious Step’s ‘Socks that Stop Violence Against Women’ show support for gender equality and provide access to justice for two survivors of violence. Lined with an extra layer of terry in the sole, these Fairtrade certified cotton socks are so comfortable you won’t want to take them off!
Fran’s Chocolates - When Fran Bigelow introduced her Chocolate Salted Caramels in 1998, little did she know they would become her signature confection and inspire a popular culinary trend. Fran’s Gray and Smoked Salt Caramels feature soft, butter caramel enrobed in chocolate and finished with a sprinkling of artisan sea salt. An uncompromising passion for quality and presentation have made these caramels one of Seattle’s quintessential gifts, delighting chocolate lovers the world over.
Kicking Horse Coffee - If there’s something worth doing, Kicking Horse Coffee believes it’s worth doing great. Perfect to wake up and kick ass with, the Kick Ass Ground is a dark roast that’s sweet, smoky, and audacious. This remarkable blend of beans is the spirit of Kicking Horse Coffee and delivers a smoky, sweet vanilla and dark chocolate aroma, and a taste that’s complete with chocolate malt, molasses, and licorice notes and an earthly lingering finish.
The Instagram giveaway will kick-off on Tuesday, Nov. 12, and entries will be accepted for one week. Stay tuned for more details on the Fairtrade America Instagram feed.
About Fairtrade America Fairtrade America betters the lives of farmers and workers in developing countries by inspiring businesses to implement ethical production practices and assisting shoppers in making informed purchasing decisions.  Fairtrade America is the U.S. chapter of Fairtrade International, the original and global leader in fair trade certification with more than 30 years of experience working for fair trading practices in more than 30 countries across the globe.  A non-profit 501(c)3 organization, we are the world's largest and most recognized fair trade system—part of a global movement for change.
[1] National Retail Federation - https://nrf.com/blog/tis-giving-season
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/43030-Fairtrade-America-Partners-With-Five-Certified-Brands-to-Encourage-Consumers-to-Shop-and-Entertain-Ethically-This-Holiday-Season?tracking_source=rss
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